PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, APRIL i, 1913. CLASSIFICATION and a p PRAISEMENT. Tlio under sJgneil duly appointed appraiser of Mercantile Taxes of 1913, makes the following classification and appraise ment of venders of merchandise, etc. K13TAIL. Berlin. Dunn, Wm. H. Gen. Mdso. Smith, Jacob F. Gen. Mdse. Spry, Chas. E. Gen. Mdse. Bethany. Faatz, B. J. Gen. Mdso. Buckingham. Brain. George G. Notions & Candy Eberhardt. A. E. Cigars & Tob. Epter, Frank Ladies' Furnishings Carey, A. J. Coddington, B. O. Farley, W. J. Knapp, Henry McGary, Matthew Lord, Cain Starlight Dairy Co. SDencer. W. H. "Woodmanseo, C. E. Canaan. Gildea, James Lake Lodore Imp. Co. Cherry nidge Cobb, W. J. Brown, F. C. Bonear, R. B. Stahl, Mrs. Louisa Clinton. Freedman, E. & Son Fitze, M. D. Wm. F. Gummoo Mills, Mrs. Julia O'Nell, H. T. Opeka, Jno. Dyberry, Bunnell, E. D. Bates, J. I. Houser, J. J. Hoyle, H. H. Kimble, A. K. Relfler & Son Damascus. Abrams, A. J. Baehrie, Henry Clark, C. E. Caufleld, J. A. Fromer, T. J. Gregg, A. G. Guinipp, W. B. Hill, Joel G. Keyes & Page Lovelass, Isaac Pethlck, C. M. Itutledge, Frank Skinner, Cora E. Smith, T. H. Sheard, J. L. Tyler, F. B. Valentine, C. H. Dreher. Beisecker, Andrew Ehrhardt, F. A. Jr. Ehrhardt, F. A. Sr. Ehrhardt, George Frey, Ward W. Gilpin & Barnes Lang, C. & Sons Miller, It. H. Simons, O. TS. Sommers, F. E. Smith, David B. Smith, H. B. Simons, Frank Waltz, F. D. Waltz, Lavino Hawley. Altemus, Ambrose Gen. Mdse. Farm Imp. Gen. Mdso. Furniture Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Flour & Feed Gen. Mdse. Cigars Cigars Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed Gen. Mdse. Cigars Cigars Cigars Flour & Feed Meats Cigars Cigars Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse Harness Gen. Mdse. Photographs Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed Flour & Feed Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Tob. & Cigars Jewelry Furniture Confectioner Harness Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed Confectioner Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars Gen. Mdse. Cigars Cigars Meats Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars Economo, Peter Fives, Paul Freund, Henry Fisher, David Freeman Storo Co Forber Bros. Gammell, E. W, Cigars Cigars Groceries Junk Clothing Cigars & Tob. Gasoline Engines Galvln & Theobald Hardware Gray, Chas. H. Cigars & Candy Grand Union Tea Co. Teas & Coffee Green, Theresa Galvln, Michael ailbo t, Fred Gougaulls, Chris. Gibbs, Chas. Ham, S. T. Hessler, W. G. Heumann, John Hiller, J. A. Holbert, Milo Holl Bros. Stationery Cigars Cigars Confectioner Gasoline & Oil Harness Confectioner Cigars Groceries Groceries Groceries Hawker & Bartholemus Meats Honesdale Con. Light, iHeat & Power Co. Lamps and Fixtures Igo, Mamo Notions Jadwln, C. C. Drugs Jenkins, F. A. Music Katz Bros. Gen. Mdse. Kraft & Conger Coal Kimble, Geo. B. Gen. Mdse. Kroll, Mrs. F. Gen. Mdse. Kreitnor Bros. Booting Leine, A. M. (upper store) Drugs Lelne, A. M. (lower store) Drugs Lighthlser, T. A. Footwear Lorcher, Jno. Furniture Lowe. Chris. Cigars Lord, F. W. Loris, Benj. T.onnnn Rr flnvno Maple City Green House Notions MivrcnnTia Sons Cooperage ATnKnnna. Miss Katherlno Milliner Atkinson Box & Lumber Co. Lumber Adams, Jacob G Atkinson & Quinney Baschon, Jos. A. Babcock, O. E. Baisen & Ludwig Bower, P. J. Baschom, C. F. Bea, H. F. Curran, Jno. Corcoran, M. Carney, Michael Deltzer, Gus. Drake, F. J. Doetsch, Jacob Everding, H. R. Foster, Frank Franks, H. A. Gulnne Bros. Goldbach & Pennell Geisler, Louis Hensell, L. Hughes, Angle Kerber, A. J. Kearney, P. H. Krawltz, Louis Kohlman, George Lehman, Mrs. Christ. Langan, C. E. Mayne, O. G. Matter, G. & Son Miller, S. Mangan, Mrs. Thos. McDonald, F. H. Nell, C. P. Nallin, M. J. Phillips, Louis Peoppel, Fred Rose, C. W. Relfler, Martin Rocker, Carl Spall, E. A, Cigars Gen. Mdse. Cigars Harness Jewelry Groceries Cigars & Conf. Market Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Groceries Cigars Groceries Cigars Groceries Cigars Cigars Hardware Footwear pigars Art Store Cigars Clothing Cigars Clothing Cigars Cigars Milliner Groceries Feed & Flour Clothing Gen. Mdse. Cigars Meats Confectioner Jewelry Meats Gen. Mdse. Cigars Confectioner Clothing McGranagan, Paul E Mclntyre, J. W. McArdle, Chas. Myers, Frank Morrison, Samuel Marsh & Fish Moore, Wm. F. Meyers, Herman Markey, Chas. Martone, L. Menner & Co. Michaels & McDonald Murray Co. Nlolson, J. B. O'Connell, T. D. Olson, Wm. Partridge, L. S. Petersen, Chas. Peters Ten Cent Store Pell, Wm. G. Roadknight, Wm. B. Rickert, John Relf, Wm. J. Roeschlau, C. Rettew, Harry Richmond, Jno. E. Roegner, Jno. Rowland, .Harold G. Romaine, Russell Smith, Jacob H. Schuller, Frank Silsby, Chas. Spruks, Mrs. S. E. Spencer, C. F. & Co. Spettigue, O. M. Schoell, Fred C. Sharnsteen Bros. Susnltsky, M. & Co. Stegner, J. H. Smith, C. W. & Co. Smith, E. T. Sommers, G. P. Schuerholz, F. W. Schwenkor, Geo. G Schwenker, Mrs. G Smith, Maggie Sonner & Son Taeubner, A. R. Theobald & Scheissler Terwilllger, F. G. Wenlger, F. G. Wclnger, L. C. Watts, Graham Weaver Bros. Weaver, John H. Lehigh. Carr, W. L. & Co. Crook. J. B. Flower. W. E. Garagan, C. W, Harvey, W. L. Kroll, W. H Howell, Harry & Co. Healey, YV. J. Kellogg, O. E. Lewis, J. W. McLean, E. F. Smith, D. M. Tiffany, F. A. Todd, S. D. Woodmansee, R. O. Walling, J. WInwood Milling Co. Wilber, Guy Yeager, Anthony rrompton. Dymond, J. B. Snedeker, A. E. Salem. Androw, Geo. C. Alt, Wm. H. Chumard, W. E. Dolmetsch, Otto A. Elliott, J. E. Edwards, D. W. Foote, Ralph Goodrich. Florence Holllstervllle Creamery Co. Gen. Mds. Gen. Mdse Cigars Farm Imp, Feed Coal Groceries Gen. Mdse. Feed Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdso. Feed Gen. Mdse. Cigars Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Hardware Farm Implements Cigars Gen. Mdse. Jewelry Cigars Farm Imp Cigars Pianos Cigars Footwear Hardware Groceries Furniture Cigars Hardware Confectioner Gen. Mdse. Cigars Hardware Notions Cigars 11 Farm. Imp. Jewelry Notions Drugs Cigars Clothing Footwear Hardware Pianos Cigars Jewelry Art Storo Footwear Confectioner Cigars Milliner Jewelry Hardware Cigars Cigars & Tob. Dry Goods Groceries Notions Wagons Jewelry Cigars & Tob. Confectioner Groceries Candy & Notions Footwear Cigars Notions Groceries Cigars Hardware Cigars Snydor & Freethy (upper store) Drugs Snyder & Freethy (lower store) Drugs Schlager, E. L. Skier, M. D. Skier, Joseph Simons, George Swingle, F. F. Tepperwlne, G. Teeter, R. Est. Thompson, Geo. S. Tuttlo, M. T. Unger, J. P. Von Frank, Henry Vogler, Ernest Watts, G. & Son Wolf, Wm. Welsh & Ames Watterson, Mary A. Warg, R. F. Wentzel, August Wick, Gustavo Honesdale. Ammer, J. G. Abrams, A. W. Brooks, C. A. Burkott, Henry Gen. Mdse Clothing 11 Harness Gen. Mdse. Confectioner Furniture Groceries Gen. Mdse. Confectioner Gen. Mdse. Flour & Feed Hardware Clothing Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Footwear Meats Gen. Mdse. Clothing Groceries Cigars Burkett, Leonard Lamps & Fixtures Brown, Irving Clothing Barberi, A. Confections Bodlo, J. A. Art Storo Baumann, Jacob Cigars Bregsteln Bros. Clothing Betz, C. M. Harness Brady, J. T. Drugs Brown, J. Est Furniture Chambers, O. T. Drugs Clark & Bullock Gen. Mdso. Charlesworth & Cross Gasoline and Oil Groceries Cigars Confectioner Meats Gen. Mdse. Meats' it Footwear Hardware it Art Store Crosby, John Chakins, Gust Dlttrlch, Benj. Dunkleburg, H. A. Dunning, C. L, Deln, Chas. Dunn, J. P. Deltzer, Edw. Deck, Harry Erk Bros. Eldred, Mrs, A. M. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Meats Cigars & Coal Building Material Cigars Matthews, C. P. & Son Flour & Feed Miller, R. H. n Clothing Rhodes, A. L. Gen. Mdso. Smith, M. E. Gen. Mdse. Lake. Black, E. J. Gen. Mdse. & Coal Brown, Johnathon Footwear Bortree, S. C. & Son Flour & Feed Collins, G. G. Tinware Glllett, Thos. B. Fertilizer Howe, P. T. Cigars Jones, T. N. Groceries Klzer, G. W. Gen. Mdse. Keyes, A. S. & Son Wagons & Cigars Loustein, Samuel Gen. Mdse. Lake Ariel Lumber Co. Lumber Mandevllle, Geo. A. Groceries Marsh, Glem. Cigars Masters, C. A. Gen. Mdso. Odell, Lottie I. Cigars Shaffer, O. W. Gen. Mdse. Simons, E. W. Gen. Mdse. Sampson & Cook Gen. Mdso. Smith, Edw. F. Coal Treslar, Charles Coal Lebanon. Rutledgo, Benj. Gen. Mdse. Manchester Barnes, L. B. Gen. Mdse. Bleck, Wm. A. Cigars nnilnck. Grace Gen. Mdse. Emerlch, W. G. T. Cigars Erwln, O. L. Mrs. Gen. Mdso. Erwln, Frank J. Mdse. De Brunn, F. & M. Cigars Hartford, J. W. Mdso. Jorn, Karl Gen. Mdse. Stalker, D. M. Gen. Mdse, Teeple, L. L. Gen. Mdse. Mount Pleasant. Byron. M. J. Gen. Mdse Hamlin, B. F. Gen. Mdse. Kellam & Reidy Gen. Mdse. Loring, Mrs. Chas. M. Millinery Potter, Mrs. E. H. Gen. Mdse. Surrldce. W. H. Flour & Feed Sossenhamer, John Hardware Simons, C. L. Gen. Mdse. Savltz, Wm. Gen. Mdse. Thek, Frank Gen. Mdse Williams, I. G. Farm Imp Starrucca. Barnes, S. D. Callender, S. S. Erk, Mrs. Fred Koehler, O. E. & Son Sampson, E. J. Sampson, Earl Woodmansee, John Sterling. Cross, A. J. Cross, J. E. Cross, S. N. Scott. Carey, Mrs. S. A. Fisher, Mrs. Paul Scott Chemical Co. Tarbox. Mrs. L. J. South Canaan. Bentham, John Bone, W. J. Bang, E. O. & S. A. Cook. A. M. Docker, J. W. Hinds, M. M. Klzer, W. W. Lockwood, H. S. Shaffer, C. C. Shaffer, F. J. Shaffer, W. R. Spangenburg, E. D. Texas. Bishop, Frank Beck, Jacob Bishop, H. T. Brown, Minor Bunnell, F. W. Bellman Bros. Christ; William Dunkelburg, E. DeReamer, Harry F. Decker, M. J. Gill, Thomas Texas. Gavitt, E. B. Hook, C. J. Hurley, Emmitt Herman & Son Krantz, Fred Mundy, James Murphy, C. H. Meyers, George Nomeyor, Wm. Penwarden Mfg. Co. Smith, John C. Skelley, E. T. Schmidt, P. J. Smith, G. & Son Seelig, B. & C. Tuman, Joseph Wayne Milling Co. Waymart, Batten. Robert Farm Imp. Denk, J. C. Candles & Cigars Dymond, J. B. fjanmes Ac uigars Hines, F. S. Candies and Cigars WILL TATTOOED ON HIS BACK. California Miner Has Testament Placed on Shoulder Blade. Probably tho oddest will ever drawn by man is that of Harry Kohlman, a miner from San Bernnrdino county, Cal., who has had his last testament tattooed In purple Ink on his left shoul der blade. Kohlman said ho was about to take a trip through tho troubled regions in Mexico, and he wanted a will that was Indestructible and one that would sur vive robbers or Are. His property Is valued at $50,000. Still inflamed with tho tattooer's needle, Kohlman recently exhibited his will to n few friends. There are but fourteen words In tho "document," but lawyers say It Is perfectly legal. It reads, "All my claims south of Red Hill, San Bernardino county, to J. H. Cart. II. Kohlman." Gen. Mdse. Farm Imp. Gen. Mdse. Hardware Gen. Mdse Cigars Cigars Dry Goods Groceries Hardware Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars Meats Drugs Drugs Groceries Gen. Mdse. Flour and Feed Gen. Mdse. Lumber Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Farm Imp. Cigars 11 Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdso. Gen. Mdse. Meats Gro. & Pro Cigars Drugs Cigars Cigars Wagons Cigars Lumber Cigars Gen. Mdse. Meats Gen. Mdse Gen. Mdse. Confections Flour & Feed RICH ISLANDS IN CANAL ZONE. Tortola and Tortolita, Possessing Pearl Fisheries, Belong to United States. An official survey Is reported to have established the fact that tho Pacific islands of Tortola and Tortolltn aro a part of tho Panama canal zone, being within tho three mile coast limit Tho finding Is regarded hero as important, as both of the Islands have rich pearl fisheries. Tho United States government has just begun tho erection of a large wireless plant at the Pacific entrance of tho canal. All records were broken during the month of Februnry, when 103 ships brought 0,237 visitors to tho canal. They have taken away so many of the little sliver coins of Panama for sou venirs that thero is at present an un usual shortage of small change. Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Girl ADVERTISE. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of FANNIE BROWN, Late of Brooklyn, Deceased. The undersigned, auditor, ap pointed to report distribution of Bald estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment on THURSDAY, APR. 17, at 10 a. m. at the office of Searle & Salmon In tho borough of Honesdale, at which time and place all claims against said estate must be presented, or re- courso to the fund for distribution will bo lost. C. P. SEARLE, Auditor. Honesdale, March 24, 1913. HERE IS A BARGAIN Located In Berlin township about 3 miles from Honesdale is one of tho best farms in that locality. It consists of 108 acres, which Is all Improved. The soil Is sand loam and red shale. It is well watered by springs; orchard. Twolvo-room house, barn 37x47 feet with shed 22x90 feet. Part cash, balance on easy terms. Seo Buy-TJ-A-Homo Realty Co. Jndwln Building, Box 52, Honesdnlo. ATTRACTIVE COTTAGES appointments. newly papered and painted lo cated on Seventhg Sixth and Court Streets. Property on Till St. Property on 7th St, lot 30x82 feet, $2,400 lot 30x82 feet, Brain Bros. Branning, J. D. Bonham, C. V. Davis Hotel , Fowler, Robert Giles, R. W. Miller, O, C. Monahan, S. W. O'Hara, M. L. Perham, J. J. Sterling, A. B. Tiffany, J. E. Oregon. Knorr, Fred Penwarden, E. D. Paupack. Goble, Aaron Preston. Bennett, W. E. Coddington, Fred Colo, Fred Chine, Thos. & Son Carey, Edw. J. Doylo, Wm. H. Decker, H. W. Gilchrist, G. B. Hino, A. F. Hine, Stanley H. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Cigars Feed Gen. Mdso Gen. MdBO Cigars Furniture Farm Imp. Mdse. Gen. Mdse. Meals Gen. Mdso Gen. Mdse, Gen. Mdso Groceries Cigars Groceries Cigars Farm Imp. Fertilizer Geju Mdfae,; Gon. Mdse. Farm Imp. Huttichew, Benj. Hull Brothers Keen, J. B. Mitchell, W. J. Norton, L. W. Pierson, W. W. Stephenson, F. S. Saunders, Perry SInquet, L. Stewart, J. E. Varcoe, R. F. Harness Farm Imp Flour & Feed Cigars Farm Imp. Gen. Mdse. Coal Wagons Lumber Farm Imp. Gen. Mdse. WHOLESALE. Honesdale. Atlantic Refining Co. Durland-Weston & Co. Freund, Henry Holmes, W. B. Honesdale Milling Co, Kraft & Conger Murray Co. Wayne Milling Co. Oils Footwear Groceries Flour & Feed Flour & Feed Coal Hardware Flour & Feed 'Damascus. Atlantic Refining Co. Oils & Gasoline Texas. G. Smith & Son Dairy Pro. BILLIARDS & POOL. Berlin. Wood, Wm. F. Four Alleys Miller, E. Four Alleys Hawley. Doetsch, Jacob One Table McDonald, F. H. Two Tables Honesdale. Economos, Peter Three Tables Relf, J. A. Two Tables Sharpsteen Bros. One Table Manchester. Barrager, Jas. H. Ono Table Starrucca. Sampson, Earl One Table BROKERS. Honesdale. Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co. Real Estate. An appeal will bo held at tho County Treasurer's office on Tuesday, April 29, 1913, between the hours of 10 a, m, and 2 p. m. J. C. NOBLE, Mercantile Appraiser. WE WILL MAIL YOU SI lor oica full let ol FiIm Tetth or 50c lor tel. TartUl icu la proportion. HUbctt cub prlcei pild lor Old Cold, Slim, rUtlnnm, Dlunoodi ind Jevelrr, Sm4 wtt rem hire todtr, FHILA. SMELTING ft REFINING CO MP AN I Established 20 Years. B23 CHtBTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA, Mm ran rvruns Mri..NOf. Suffering Men & Women. Hull n w..ith. u Mk.,OERMAN TREATMENT!. U...l,C.r. BeliBtlllt UnbUtUM lib JJItpUle.ll jMtklt Calsf tl A lUUaU 8 fit mi ! HidUUe. ALONE Caret ltr OUin rII, Nervous. lU.rt, SUmach, Lltf r, BMa, Uladdar M all Ckraalt A Llafftrla AUmmU. D-tllll. wk . Catarrh, Taraat, Hf Opta Caatr. BalMt Ca lk firahva Paws, ttettar Tlr, Tin, Health. Battattfal FraaUM. fiend for llootu a KTcUUoat U BUbu Kxpoaea Advertising ClaMk JU Medicine fihark GOMBr PrOpGrty, Seventh and Court streets, 26x56 feet $2gS00 SiXth StrBBt, Six-Room House, $2g200 Inquire of Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co. Honesdale, Pa. JadwinlBldg. Both Phones GET THESE Money-making ecrets WITH THE JL VLJL JLJLJL J J U.1 JL JL tJLlL $L fi" jji.ig , 3?ZtC!!rZT."i!'rZ'3 y i mw t.yso emu :m ) m i FARM JOURNAL ("cream, not skim milk") is the great little paper published for 36 years in Philadelphia by Wilmer Atkinson. It is taken and read by more lamilies than any other ntC r"LJ-' " v-'J.-x-,. ito -"-.v- TO "Our Folks") are the most intelligent and prosperous country is this cock properly licit? BU i .1 1 i. t?x r 1 1 1 ,t "Poultry Secrets" tehs hu-a Yl pcupie mux. gruw, aim uiey uiwuys suy inc rami juurnui iiuiijcu fg carrf ar, Dlher to make them so. Their potatoes arc larger, their milk tests higher, their hogs ICCrets far mors important. weigh more, their fruit brings higher prices, because they read the Farm Journal. Do you know Peter Tumbledown, the old fellow who won't take the Farm Journal ? By showing how NOT to run a farm,Pctcr makes many prosperous. Nobody can go 011 reading tho Farm Journal and being a Tumbledown too. Many have tried, but all have to quit one or the other. The Farm Journal is bright, brief, " boiled down," practical, full of gumption, cheer and sunshine. It is strong on housekeeping and home-making, a favorite with busy women, full of life and fun for boys and girls. It sparkles with wit, and a happy, sunny spirit. Practical as a plow, readable as a novel. Clean and pure, not a line of fraudulent or nasty advertising. All its advertisers are guaranteed trustworthy. The Farm Journal gives more for the money and puts it in fewer words than any other farm paper. 32 to 80 pages monthly, illustrated. FIVE years (60 issues) for i.o only. Less than 2 cents a month. No one-year, two-year or thrcc-ycar subscriptions taken at any price. It you advertise steadily results will pe Bure to follow. The Farm Journal Booklets have sold by hundred 3 of thousands, and have made a sensation by revealing: the SECTiETS OF MONEY MAKING in home industry. People all over the country are making money by their methods. POULTRY SECRETS is a collection of discoveries and methods of successful ponltrymen. It gives Fetch's famous mating chart, the Curllss method of getting one-half more pullets than cockerels, Boyer's method of insuring fertility, and priceless secrets of breeding, feeding, how to produce winter eggs, etc. HORSE SECRETS exposes all the methods of "bish cpinffi" "plugging," cocaine and gasoline doping, and other tricks of "gyps" and swindlers, and enables any one to tell an unsound horse. Gives many valuable training secrets. CORN SECRETS, the p;rent NEW hand-book of Prof. Ilolden, the "Corn King," shows how to get ten to twenty bushels more per acre of corn, rich in protein and the best ctock-teediug elements. Pictures make every process plain. EGO SECRETS tells how a family of six can make hens turn Its table scraps Into a dally supply of fresh eggs. If you have a back-yard, get tins booklet, learn how to use up every scrap of the kitchen waste, and live better at less cost. THE "BUTTER BOOK" tells how seven cows were made to produce half a ton of butter each yer year. (HO pounds is the average). An eye-opener. Get it, weed out your poor cows, and turn the good ones into record-breakers. STRAWBERRY SECRETS is a revelation of the dis coveries and methods of I.. J. Farmer, the famous expert, in growing luscious fall etrau berries almost until snow flies. How and when to plant, how to fertilize, how to remove the blossoms, how to get three crops in two ears, etc. GARDEN GOLD shows how to make your backyard supply fresh vegetables and fruit, how to cut down your grocery bills, keen a better table, and get cash for your surplus. How to plant, cultivate, harvest and market. DUCK DOLLARS tells how the great Weber duck farm near Boston makes every year 60 cents each on 40,000 duck, lings. Tells whv ducks pay them better than chickens, and just IICAV they do everything. TURKEY SECRETS discloses fully the methods of Horace Vow, the famous Klioue island "turKey-man, wnosup- ' lurKeys. u tens now 10 care for the young, to pre- plies the While House Thanksgiving turkeys. It tells how to mate, to set eggs, to hatch, to lecu ana care ior ine young, 10 pre vent sickuess, to fatten, and how to make a turkey-ranch PAY. The MILLION EGG-FARM gives the methods by which J. M. Foster made over $18,000 a year, mainly from eggs. All chicken-raisers should learn ahout the "Kancocas Unit," and how Foster FEEDS liens to produce such quantities of eggs, especially in winter. DRESSMAKING SELF-TAUGHT shows how any Intelligent woman can design and make her own clothes, In th height of fashion. The author has done it since 6he was a girl. She now has a successful dressmaking establishment and a school of dressmaking Illustrated with diagrams. SHALL I FARM? is a clear, impartial statement of both advantages and drawbacks of farming, to help those wlio have to decide this Important question. It warns you of dangers, swindles, and mistakes, tells how to start, equipment needed, its cost, clianccsof success, how to get government aid, etc. These booklets art 6x9 inches, and prcusely illustrated. Farm Journal FOUR full years, l-fL (nv. 1 (t with any one of these booklets . DOIII IOr .JU.UU Tie Booklets aro NOT toll Mparsteljoalr wi F lnuJ Be sure to say U'lllCJI booklet you want. What Our Folks Say About F. J. fj "I have had more help, encouragement and enjoy- J ment out of It in one year than I did out of my other papers in ten years," says "J. M, J'ersons. " It is a queer little paper. I have sometimes read it through ancf thought I was done with it, then pick it up again "Farm Journal is like a bit of sunshine 111 our home. It Is making a better class of people out of farmers. It was first sent me as a Christmas present, and I think It the choicest present I ever received," sas I'. K. Le Valley. "We have read your dear little paper for nearly 40 years. Now we don't live on the farm any more, yet I still have a hankering for the old paper. I feel that I belongto the family, and every page is as clear and familiar as the faces of old friends, says Mrs. 13. W. Edwards. "I fear I neglect my business to read it. I wish it could be in the hands of every .inner in Virginia," says V. S. Cline. "I live in a town where the yard is only 15x 18 feet, but I could not do without the Farm Journal," sajs Miss Sara Carpenter. "I get lots of books and papers, and put them aside or future reading. The only paper I seem to have in my hands all the time is Farm Journal. I can't finish reading It. Can't you make it less Interesting, so I can have a chance at my other papers? " writes John Swail. "If I am lonesome, down-hearted, or tired, I go to Farm Journal for comfort, next to the Bible," says Mabel Dewltt. "Farm Journal has' a cheerful vein running through it that makes it a splendid cure for the "blues.". When coming home tired in mind and bodv, 1 sit clou n and re-no It, ani it seems to give me new inspiration for life," writes G. E. Haldcrman. "We have a brother-in-law who loves a joke. We live In Greater New York, and consider ourselves quite citified, so wlrai he sent us the Farm Journal ns a New Year's gift ve nearly died laughing. 'How to raise hogs' wc who only use bacon in glass Jarsl 'How to keep cows clean' when we use condensed milk even for tice pudding I 'How to plant onions' when we never plant amtldng more fragrant than lilies of the valley. I accepted the gilt with thanks, lor we arc too well-bred to look a gilt horse in the mouth. Soon my eye was caught by a beautiful poem. I began to lead it, then licn I wanted the Farm Journal I found my husband deeply interested in an article. Then my oldest son began to ask, 'Has the Farm Journal come vet ?' He is ajeweler.and hasn't much time for literature; but we find so much Interest and uplift In this fine paper that we appreciate our Ivew Year's gift more and more," writes Ella II. Durkman. "I received 'Corn Secrets' and 'Poultry Secrets,' and consider them worth their weight In gold," says w. G. Newall. "What your Egg Book tells would take a beginner years to learn," says Roy Chaney. "Duck Dollars is the best book I ever had on duck raising," says F. M. Warnock. "If vour other booklets contain as mucin valuable Information as the Egg-Book, I would consider them cheap at double the price," says F. W. Mansfield. "I think your Egg-Book is a wonder," say3 C. T. Shlrey. ' "The Farm Journal beats them all, Evry issue has reminders and ideas worth a year's subscription," writes T. H. I'otter. "One year aso I took another agriculiural paper, and it took a whole column to tell what Farm Journal tells in one paragraph," says N. M. Gladwin. "It ought to be in every home where there is a chick, a child, a cow, a cherry, or a cucumber," says I. D. Bordus. WILMER ATKINSON COMPANV. PUBLISHERS FARM JOURNAL. WASHINGTON SQUAHE. PHILADELPHIA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers