The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 01, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Advertisements nnd reading notices of nil
Kinds placed In this column will be charged
for nt the rate of one cent per word for each
separate Insertion. When sending us adver
tisements to be printed In this column, cash
or stamps must accompany tho order.
$10.00. Only two left. Closing
them out. 121 G Main street. Mc
Intyre. 27t3.
for sale at once. Apply to Moun
tain Ice Company, Gouldsboro, Pa.
In dancing will meet In Lyric Hall
at 3 o'clock. For information ad
dress Ida Heft Rclchenbaker. 27t2
al housework. Apply at 1114
Court street, Honesdale. 24tG
ants, two now 5-room apartments,
modern, sanitary plumbing, gas and
electric lights, hot water, largo por-
cnes. .trice siu.uo ana S18.00. Tho
Schoonover Apartment, Corner Court
and Eleventh streets.
and Optician, will be a profession'
al caller at tho Allen House. Hones.
dale, on Monday and Tuesday, April
m ana sin, ana at View Hotel,
iwawiey, on weanesaay, April 9th
He will bring along his full equip
ment and be prepared to properly
care tor an cases of defective vision
salesmen to sell the Handsomest,
Easiest Running and Best Construct
ed Vacuum Sweeper on the market
to-day. Standard Novelty Works,
Duncannon, Pa. 24 eitf
balls, parties, bazaars, fairs, etc.
See N. B. Spencer, Manager, for
terms. leoitf.
famous for making good clothing.
See their elegant assortment of
cloths and styles for Spring and
Summer. Just send card to A. M.
Henshaw, Honesdale R. D. 4. 20coi5
tine carnival in Lyric hall, Friday
evening, April 4th. Admission 25c.
You will soon need old newspapers
to place under your carpets. We
have them. Only 5c per bundle,
enough for a room. 18ei tf
Mrs. J. F. Fryer entertained the
Knockers' club at Five Hundred on
Friday evening.
The Erie railroad will convey
all supplies out to the Western flood
sufferers free of charge.
Reno, the great magician, at the
Lyric tonight. This will be a high
class attraction in every respect.
William H. Lilholt purchased
the Roegner Bottling Works on West
street on Monday. Fred Coyne, who
nas been in tne ice business with Mr.
Lilholt will continue that business.
The common school examination
throughout the county will be held
on April 19th. This examination
qualifies the non-resident tuition pu
pils for High school entrance in the
different High schools In tho county.
C. H. Brown, of Moscow, and
Mrs. Helen Haser, of Gouldsboro,
were united In marriage at tho lat
ter's homo in Gouldsboro by Rev. J.
F. Stalter on Wednesday, March 2G.
They will make their future home
in Moscow.
Miss Amy Cory entertained the
clerks of Katz Bros, store on Friday
night in honor of Gladys Weaver.
An enjoyable evening was passed,
Miss Weaver being tho recipient of a'
beautiful piece of Bohemian
(Prosch) ware.
A fine hot supper will bo serv
ed in the basement of St. Mary Mag
dalen's church, Thursday, April 3rd,
by the members of the Sodality.
First table 5:30; price of supper 50
cents. Aprons, home-made candy,
and other things will be on sale.
Saturday night while roller
skating at the Rink Walter Brown
fell and received a compound frac-
tlim rtf ll 1 O 1 n f f fnrnnmri n-ll I nil ..nn
this making no less than tho fourth
person to break an arm since it
-Thomas Gallagher, who for
some time has been the efficient dis;
trict manager for the Consolidated
Telephone company, has been grant
ed a leave of absence for an Indefinite
period. Mr. Gallagher's health has
been affected since the time he fell
from a pole a few years ago. We
Don't run down your own town.
Be loval to its institutions ns vnn
ire to your nersonai interests, nnn't
fame time witnnoiu vour snnnnrt
md natronace. which would niri in
nirinrr tiia nnrftrnr rao n nyml Holiln
A .1 .1.1.. .,,-...11 ...Ill
lULLCsa. jiuu Linn hkii liiimi II I. Will
ilso apply to the treatment of your
lome paper as well as to other busl-less.
Three members of the Chimelo-
vskl gang who pleaded guilty to tho
harge of robbing Reitter's store In
HIUUU 111 juuuaiy 1U&L U11U U SD TO n.
lold-up in the storo of Joseph Rosen-
i n l .. i x,
iuub, wuiu luuttu iu iuu penitentiary
'rlday by Sheriff P. F. Connor, of
o terms of from Ave to ten years,
'he trio associated with Chimelewskl
iiu mm l uiui Kiiit;u iv. n.
IcAndrew of Carbondale. On his
eturn home from Philadelphia,
herlff Connor will bring three peni-
il for the Criminal Insane at Far
lew. They aro Charles Riley, Frank
redeskl and Stanley Popposh. i
Fred T. Pohlo and Miss Cora L
Budd, both of Honesdale, were mar
ried in Damascus on Wednesday,
March 2G, by Rev. A. C. Olvor.
You can now send parcel post
packages by special delivery. Beside
the regular parcel post stamps spec
ial delivery or a ten cent stamp must
ue attached.
The Titus Mission band of the
Presbyterian church will meet at tho
homo of Miss Cora Keen on Dyberry
Place Teusday evening, April 1, at
7:30 o clock.
A petition has been filed In the
Prothonotary's office for tho trans
fer of tho hotel license from John
Riley to Francis J. O'Neill of Mt.
Pleasant township.
James O. Mumford, Dr. E. W.
uurns anu w. J. auverstone were
appointed by the Court a commls
sion- to inquire into tho sanity of
George Doney of Berlin township.
H. A. Oday, fire chief, received
a letter from tho White Mills Fire
company Thursday of last week
thanking the Honesdale companies
for their offer of assistance at their
recent lire.
Captain James Ham Post, No.
198, G. A. R., will hold a regular
meeting in tho Post rooms on Friday
evening at 7:30 o clock, April 4,
1913. All members aro requested to
Miss Emeline Wells, a private
pupil In the Sherman School of Elo
cution, Scranton, tookvpart In a pub
lic recital which was held Friday
evening, March 2 8, in Guernsey s
Music Hall. She was accompanied
by her sister, Miss MabelWells.
Charles Irwin purchased of
Josephine and Agnes Olszaeiski their
property located on the corner of
West and 15th streets on Saturday.
Consideration, $2,500. Mr. Irwin
takes possession May 1st. The
house was built by Charles F. Bul
lock. Murray Co. have just unloaded
three car loads of wagons, so as to be
fully supplied for their wagon sale
which commences April 1st. One
car each of Lansing lumber wagons,
MIffllnburg spring wagons and a car
of their special buggies advertised
in this issue.
John Bryant has been awarded
the contract to erect a three story
brick addition to the American Knit
ting mill. Size, 29x7G feet. It will
be an "L" to tho main factory and
extend toward Kimble place, the
street running between Eleventh and
Twelfth streets. Tho new building
will be nearly as largo as the original
-Mrs. Marguerite Dean Berg-
meycr has issued Invitations an
nouncing tho marriage of her daugh
ter, Henrietta do Cleroq, to Walter'
Cosad Burrows, on Saturday, April
19, at 8:30 o'clock, In St. James
church, Brooklyn. Reception at the
house at 9 o clock. The bridegroom-
elect is a grandson of the late John
Dennis of this place.
Sunday was a red letter day in
Methodism In the Central Methodist
Episcopal church, Rev. W. H. Hlller,
pastor. Pastor Hlller, who is clos
ing his ninth year in Honesdale, re
ceived a class of 2G persons into full
membership into the church. Of this
number 12 received the ordinance of
baptism. Two children were also
baptised at the close of the morning
-The House of Representatives
at Harrisburg has passed tho Shern
workmen's compensation bill, one of
tho most important measures under
consideration at this session. This
Is In line with Gov. Tener's recom.
mendation and carries out tho sug
gestions of a special commission ap
pointed under a resolution of two
years ago to inquire into the desir
ability and scope of an act which will
protect workingmen and their fami
lies from financial distress growing
out of occupational accidents.
Martin Caufleld of this place,
has been granted the contract for
building a large monument as a me
morial to the late M. J. McAndrew,
a Carbondale officer, who was killed
recently while attempting to perform
his duties. A fund of about $G00
has been raised by the people of Car
bondalo for the purpose of erecting
a suitable monument to tho memory
of this man. The committee visited
Mr. Caufleld last week and awarded
him tho job. No definite plans as
to the kind or character of monu
ment to be built were settled upon.
A man who gave his name as
Smith, and who said he was from
Carbondale, was found partly frozen
In a barn near the Elevator works
about four o'clock Friday morning
by Officer Canivan and taken to tho
lockup. Smith seems to have en
blbed too freely and probably wan
dered out of his way and dropped
down in the barn where he went to
sleep. About four o'clocR tho resi
dents in that vicinity were awakened
by a loud scream and one of them
called Officer Canivan who found
Smith in a bad condition from sleep
ing in such an exposed place, tie
was released Saturday morning.
The page of religious advertis
ing now printed on Saturday, each
week, In tho Philadelphia North
American Is finding great favor
among the clergy and people of that
city. The upper part of tho page
contains a display advertisement,
printed In large type, urging men
and women to attend divine services
on Sunday, or making an undenomi
national religious appeal of some
sort. Below is given a list of the
churches, their location and pastors.
These advertisements are eagerly
read and are doing a lot of good.
The clerygmen aro much pleased
with tho results already obtained.
Attention Is called to the inside
pages of to-day's Citizen. On page 2
a number of interesting items will bo
found, while on page 3 considerable
space Is given to an article written by
A. E. Swoyer of this place which ap
pears In tho current number of the
Woman's Homo Companion. You
should read It if you are contemplat
ing building a home. On page six
is printed the appraisement of the
venders of merchandise, etc., In
Wayne county. On page 7 there is
something of importance on the
house fly. An unusual amount of In
teresting reading matter la found In
today's Citizen. If you aro not a
subscriber better send us your name.
The family of Charles Parsons
has moved into the Cory house on
Court street.
The Gllinsky brothers, manu
facturers of New York city, were
business callers in Honesdale on
Friday last.
Dr. W. II. Swift delivered an ex
cellent address from his pulpit in tho
Presbyterian church last evening on
"Billy Sunday."
Mrs. Frank S. Merrltt pleasant
ly entertained twenty-seven ladles,
Friday afternoon, at a card party.
Dainty refreshments were also serv
ed. There will be a great game of
basket ball at the rink tomorrow
evening when the Rink Five will
meet the German Catholic club team.
Skating will follow the game. Dur
ing April tho rink will bo open on
Tuesday and Saturday evenings only
and will close for the season on
May 1st.
The family of Francis Weeks, a
resident of Leonardsville, and em
ployed at Pronipton, says an ex
change, has been annoyed for some
weeks past by a skulking intruder
who was peeping In tho windows and
trying the doors. A neighbor vol
unteered to keep watch of strang
er in the absence of Mr. Weeks. The
other evening a noise was heard out
side and the watchful guard hur
ried out to grapple with the suppos
ed burglar, seizing a coal hod as
he ran. Overtaking tho fellow In
the dark he gave him a severe blow
over the head with the coal hod and
went back to tho house. Nothing
nas since Been heard or seen of the
iH. G. Carr, of Scranton, was in
Honesdale on Monday.
Miss Anna Brown spent a portion
of Saturday In Scranton.
Mrs. Willard Penwarden, late of
Carbondale, Is in Honesdale.
Charles Schuller and brido recent
ly spent a few days in Honesdale.
Mrs. N. B. Spencer is visiting rela
tives In Scranton for a few days.
Mrs. Charles Hudson, of Carbon
dale, was In Honesdale on Friday
Miss Sadie White, of Wilkes-Barre
Is spending several days In Hones
Miss Mame Igo returned Saturday
from a business trip to the central
part or the state.
Miss Jeanette Freeman spent Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Louis
Landau in Scranton.
George Schweighofer, of Damas
cus, entered the Honesdale high
school Monday as a student.
Friend L. Tuttle, Hawley's well-
known merchant, was a business
caller in Honesdale on Monday.
Mrs. R. Walter Garrett is spend
ing a few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. James Vann, of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton I. Dow, of
Manchester, u. H are guests at the
home of her father, H. Z. Russell.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Bonear of
Terrace street, spent Sunday with
Mr. Bonear's parents at Hoadleys.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Middaugh of
Terrace street, spent last Sunday
at the homo of Mr. Middaugh's
mother near Hoadleys.
Misses Emma and Louise Smith of
Seelyvlllo, returned Saturday from
Atlantic City, where they have been
spending the past week.
Nelson Alberty, a long-time resi
dent of Honesdale, has removed his
household effects to Carbondale, in
tending to make that placo his fu
ture home.
Conductor Charles Lord removed
his household effects from the Cort
right house on Main street to No. 1
in the Durland brick block on East
street, Monday.
A. L. Schuller, of Upper llont
clair, N. J., spent Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Carl Schuller, on Dy
berry Place. The latter who has
been ill, is improving.
George Sandercock has resigned!
his position as a receiving clerk for
tho Gurney Elevator Co. on account
of a pressing need of more help on
his father's farm in Cherry Ridge.
Miss Frederika Turner, who has
been making an extended visit with
her aunt, Miss Bennett, will return
to her duties as a trained nurso in
New York city on Tuesday morning.
Mrs. II. F. Weaver and daughter
Gladys will leave on Tuesday for
Stroudsburg, where Mr. Weaver has
tho contract to build several build
ings and where they expect to reside.
Charles Lozier, of Aldonvllle. was
in Honesdale on Monday looking af
ter the interests of the glass-cutting
shop that he recently purchased in
Hawley, and which he begins to op
erate today.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawyer is now nice
ly domiciled In rooms recently va
cated in the Bishop house on Dyberry
Placo. Mr. and Mrs. Olaf M. Spetti
gue, Jr., have moved Into tho rooms
made vacant by Mrs. Lawyer.
Miss Nora Murphy, of East
Honesdale, has received word from
her uncle's family in Omaha, Neb.,
stating that they were injured in no
way and the only damage done to
their property was the breaking of
window lights in tho house.
Theodore Brooks, of Glrdland,
was In Honesdale on a business trip
on Saturday. Ho reported that tho
roads were rapidly settling and get
ting in as fine condition as could bo
expected considering tho heavy
storms that have swept over the
country. The most damage to the
highways has been occasioned by the
A. J. Rehbeln, who for the past
few weeks has been a guest of rela
tives in Honesdale, returned to his
homo in Brooklyn Friday morning,
accompanied by his wife and sister-in-law,
Mrs. Henry Rehbein. Mr.
Rehbein's health has been Impaired
for the past few months and it was
thought that a trip to the highlands
of Wayne couny might prove bene
ficial. We hope that he may regain
his former good health.
J. N. Sharpstcen, postofflce In
spector, spent Sunday with his fam
ily here.
. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Swoyer moved
into their now home on East street
extonslon on Saturday last.
Miss Louise Leo returned on Sun
day to her duties in the Jersey City
schools, following her Easter vaca
tion. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Bryant, of
Scranton, who have been guests of
relatives in town, returned home on
Dr. C. H. Small, of Jamestown, N.
Y., Is visiting his father, Reuben
Small, at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Brown.
Miss Phoebe Robbins spent Sun
day with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Arnold
at Waymart.
Leslie Brader is moving into tho
Murray house down town. Mr. Wil
liams, a glasscutter, will occupy the
rooms vacated by Mr. Brader.
It is a pleasure to greet our town
man, John E. Richmond, on Hones
dale streets once more. Mr. Rich
mond was more seriously Injured
when he fell on the steps of that
Scranton hospital last winter than
the public has generally understood,
and, although well along on the road
to recovery, it will be months yet
before he will be able to use his left
wrist and hand with any consider
able degree of freedom. 'However,
when it is considered that had Mr.
Richmond's fall not been broken by
his arm, which fortunately was not
at his side in a recumbent position,
his head would have struck the stono
stops, resulting undoubtedly in his
instant death. One week later a
resident of Scranton fell on tho same
steps, almost in tho identical spot,
and was killed. Mr. Richmond is
very thankful that he escaped with
a broken wrist and broken and dis
located Angers.
Death of Mrs. Hnminh Palmer.
Mrs. Hannah Palmer died at her
lato home on Park street at 3
o'clock Friday afternoon. Death
was due to meningitis and she had
been ill about a week. Deceased
was born in West Damascus, Feb. 8,
18G3. She is survived by two sons,
William and Leo of Honesdale. The
funeral services were held Monday
aiternoon at nan-past two o clock
from the house, Rev. A. L. Whit-
taker officiating. Interment was
made in Glen Dyberry cemetery.
well Known AVoninn of Pink Dies
After nn Illness of Five Years.
After an illness that had extended
over tho past five years, Laura Kim
ble, wite of Wm. D. Curtis, of Pink,
died last Friday morning. Tho
funeral was held at the house on
Monday morning at 10 o'clock, inter
ment being made in the cemetery at
Hamlin. Mrs. Curtis had been a
member of the M. E. church for '25
years, and tho funeral services were
conducted by the minister of that
denomination on that charge.
The survivors of Mrs. Curtis' im
mediate family are her husband, Wm.
D. Curtis, to whom she was married
in 1882, and two children, Mrs. Floyd
Enslin, of Gravity, and Florence,
aged seven years, at home.
Mrs. Curtis was born in Cherry
Ridge township, at Hoadleys, on No
vember 29, 18G4. She lived at home
until 1882, tho time of her marriage.
Her father was Stephen G. Kimblo,
who was born on July G, 1822, and
who died at the Curtis homo on Jan
uary 23, 1912. Her .mother, Rebecca
Osborne, was born in 1839, and died
at Hoadleys April 5, 190G. Mrs.
Curtis' illness dates from about the
time of her mother's death.
It will be noted that her father
was 90 years old at the time of his
death. iHer grandfather, James
Kimble, lived In Paupack township
and was 107 years of ago at tho time
of his death.
Mrs. Curtis was the fifth In a
family of nine children, as follows:
Edward Kimble, resides at Ariel;
Peter, died in Infancy as the result
of an accident whereby a log rolled
over him; James Kimble was killed
by tho gravity cars at Hoadleys on
the day he was 21 years old; Miles
H. Kimble, resides at Hoadleys on
tho John R. Hoadley farm; Laura
Kimble, the subject of this sketch,
Alfred Kimble, lives in Scranton;
Willis Kimble, was last heard from
in Idaho; Lura Kimble, wife of Si
mon Spangenberg, lives In Hones
dale, and Royal Kimble, who lives in
South Canaan.
One Ford Automobile
sold every 45 seconds.
Are you one of the
If you are thinking of
buyinga FORD CAR place
your order with a Ford
agent at once.
F. C. Bortree
Distributor for Wayne Go.
Made with different Baking Powders
From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests:
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made
with each of three different kinds of baking powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each
for the same length of time.
The relative percentage of the food digested is
shown as follows :
Bread made with
Royal Cream of Tartar Powder:
fTob Per Cent Digested j
Bread made with
phosphate powder:
fG8lh Per Cent. Digested"!
Bread made with
alum powder:
67Per Cent. Digested
These tests, which are absolutely reliable and
unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it
is the source of veiy many bodily ailments.
Tho marriage of Miss Ruth,
daughter of Judge and Mrs. Henry
Fuller, of Wilkes-Barre, to John H.
Doran of Philadelphia, took place
Wednesday, March 2Cth, at St. Steph
en's church, that city, at high noon.
An informal reception followed the
ceremony at the home of the bride's
parents on South River street. The
bride was charmingly attired in a
gown of satin brocade that had been
her mother's wedding gown. It was
trimmed with seed pearls and with
train. Her veil was of point lace
surmounted with a wreath of orange
blossoms. She carried a bridal bou
quet of lilies of the valley and or
chids. Tho bridesmaid, a younger
sister of tho bride, Miss Emily Ful
ler wore a gown of white .mousse
lalne de sole, trimmed with Irish
lace, a picture hat with red roses,
and carried a high, huge cluster of
roses of rich crimson. The best
man was Warren Doran of Philadel
phia, a brother of the groom.
Tho couple will make their
homo in Canada where Mr.
Doran is engaged as mining engineer
in the mines at Copper Cliff. The
bride is well known at Honesdale,
having frequently visited at the homo
of Andrew Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Fuller and
Andrew Fuller of this place were
among those present at the wedding.
Reno, to-night.
Every bbl. Guaranteed to Please or
This price is for 3 DAYS ONLY, Monday,
April 7, Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th.
S, C, BORTREE & SON, Ariel, Pa,
You will pay $6, per bbl. for this same flour
Absolutely Free
20 Cent Can ChiNameI Varnish
If you present this Coupon
at our store on
7, 8
What Is Chl-Namel?
An everlasting varnish, rich in Chinese Oil; contains no rosin or
benzine; flows 5ut perfectly; shows no brush marks or laps;
requires llttlo brushing.
What Is Chl-Namel For?
To make old woodwork look liko now. To keep new wood from
looking old. To preserve Its natural beauty. To make wood
water-proof, wear-proof, time-proof. To brighten up old fur
niture and give now color and lustre.
We do not ask you to take our word for the qualities of Chl
Namel Varnish. We will give outright to anyone who will buy a
a now 10c varnish brush with which to apply it and thus insure
it a fair trial, a 20c size can from our shelf stock free.
It -will cost you iiotliing to test tho nboro claims.
The holder of this coupon upon purchasing at our storo a 10c
varnish brush (1 in. size) Is entitled to one 20c can of Chl
Namel Varnish FREE; or the value of coupon may apply on tho
purchase of any Chl-Namel product.
P. O. Address.