The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 01, 1913, Image 1

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    THE CITIZEN Offers Prices in GOLD !
Read About It in Our Next I"e!
Hnvo You Noticed Tlint This Pa
per Has Taken n Decided Stop For
ward? Onward, Our Motto.
Tliero Aro Several 7 , Advertise
ments in Tills Issue' .v1 liy? Bb-
causo It rays.
71st YEAR. --NO. 27
GROW CORN, Wayne County Boys 1
it :
TOWN IN 1011.
Attempted to Kill Ijconard Mclis on
Main Street Near Midnight Satur
day Hearing Tomorrow.
lieonard Mobs, a glasscutter of
this place, was stabbed in the face
by Peter Polt, on lower Main street,
Saturday night about midnight. The
attack on Mebs was preceded by
some words and Polt struck him
with what he supposed to be a knife
although he was not positive. The
Injured man was treated by Dr. Grif
fin, who was immediately called and
who stated that Mebs' Injuries wore
not serious. Ho had received a cut
on the right lobe of the nose and
over the left eye.
County Detective N. B. Spencer
was notified and arrived down town
about one o'clock Mit before he had
arrived Polt had left for parts un
known. Sheriff Kimble, assired by N. B.
Spencer and Officer Canlvan made a
thorough search for Polt and It was
not until late Sunday evening that
a clue to his whereabouts was dis
covered. Spencer learned that Polt
and a friend was headed toward
Narrowsburg in a rig hired from M.
Leo Braman's stable. The young
men must have gone to Narrowsburg
and later for some reason came back
into Wayne county, and when some
distance from Beachlako their buggy
broke down. They were both under
the Influence of liquor, probably se
cured in Narrowsburg. They tele
phoned to Honesdale and tried to
get Braman's livery barn on the line,
as they wanted Braman to send a
team out to bring them back to
Honesdale. N. B. Spencer was on
the lino and ovorheard their con
versation with the operator so he
decided he could go out there as
well as Braman. He got Sheriff F.
C. Kimble and together they went
to the place whore tho trouble oc
curred and found tho two huddled
in a summer house. They offered
no resistance and came along peace
ably. They arrived hero about 3
o'clock this morning and Polt was
placed in the county Jail. A hearing
in his case will bo held before 'Squire
Smith tomorrow morning at 10
There was no warrant out for the
arrest of Polt until Sunday morning
but the sheriff had In his possession
an old capias. He Is charged on the
warrant with attempted murder.
Polt bears a bad reputation and
has been up several times before.
Once for attempting to kill his moth
er and once for resisting an officer,
besides many other times. On July
Gth, 1911, he was arrested for chas
ing his mother with a butcher knife
and plead guilty. Instead of pro
nouncing sentence, Judge Searlo told
the man to leave town and stay
away. This agreement was broken
when he came back hero not long
When Polt was found a search was
made and the only thing that could
have been used to cut with, was a ra
zor. Ho had no knife.
It is said that Polt has made
threats to the effect that he "would
get the whole Mebs family.
Hnrry Louns, of Dunmoro, Weds
Miss Almcda Kizer of llollistcr
vlllc. Among tho recent weddings in
Wayne county was that of Miss
Almeda Kizer, of Hollisterville, who
became the bride of Harry Louns of
Dunmoro, on March 25th. The cere
mony was performed by Rev; Mr.
Cooms, of Maplowood, at the home
of tho hiMrifi's rnirnnts. Mr. find Mr
Joseph Kizer. The bridesmaid was
Miss Lois Mehno, of Hollisterville,
and the best .man, (outside tho
bridegroom of course), was Walter
Olmstead, of Carbondale. Miss Mil
dred Elliott played tho wedding
march. Only tho immediate mem
bers of tho families of tho contract
ing couple wero present at the cere
mony. Mr. and Mrs. Louns will re
side in Dunmoro. maklncr their resi
dence on Shoemaker street.
Fonda, N. r., March 31. Tho Buffalo
express ou tho Mohawk division of tho
New York Central railroad was derail
ed threo miles west of here. Eight
cars wero partly submerged in tho Mo
hawk river. Tho engine nnd three cars
remained on the rails.
Although the cars wero well filled
only seven passengers wero Injured,
nnd these only slightly. John E. J.
Claire of 2707 Preston avenue, New
York city, who was cut by flying glnss,
was moro seriously hurt than any of
the others. After being attended by
physicians from tills place the other
passengers were transferred to anoth
er train and proceeded to Now York.
Mr. Claire was tho only passenger
who did not proceed to Now York on
tho special train which was mndo up
to take tho place of tho derailed train.
Ho was taken to n hospital In Fonda
and probably will be brought to Now
York today.
Tho passengers who caino on to New
York all said that little if any excite
ment followed tho derailment anil that
only a short time elapsed before every
body was taken from the wrecked
cars and removed to solid ground.
Soon nfter tho special train arrived
the New York Central gave out a state
ment announcing that "tho cause of
tho derailment was undoubtedly duo
to the water of tho Mohawk river cut
ting under the embankment, causing
It to settle."
House Committee From llarrlsburg
Inspect Farvlcw Criminal Insane
Hospital Saturday.
Tho commission representing tho
Farvlew Criminal Insane hospital,
consisting of C. H. Dorflinger, of
White Mills; Senator William C.
Sproul, of Chester; H. T. Walton, of
Philadelphia; John B. Fassett, of
Tunkhannock; J. P. Denny, of Mont
rose; James Marsteller, of Allen
town; Senator Walter MeNlchols
and E. A. Jones, of Scranton, met
with the State legislator's appropri
ation committee on Saturday. All
members of tho hospital committee
were present excepting Senator
Sproul, who Is ill with rheumatism,
and Edgar A. Jones, of Scranton.
Twenty-one members of the
House committee visited Farvlow on
Saturday and thoroughly inspected
tho buildings and premises. They
expressed themselves as being very
much elated with the surroundings.
On Saturday of this week a commit
tee from tho Senate will visit tho
State's institution.
Tho members of he Criminal In
sane commission feel confident that
the appropriation of $425,000 asked
will be- granted.
Secretary of War Garrison Has Taken
Charge at Dayton.
Columbus, O., March 31. With Day
ton, Hamilton and Columbus burying
their dead, caring for tho homeless
and fighting against pestilence while
they begin tho work of reconstruction
and the recuperation of their vast loss
es, tho danger point In this state Is
now in tho lower Ohio vnlley. Mari
etta, Cinclnnntl. Portsmouth and Iron-
ton aro in the most serious condition,
with the danger from flood and lire
Increasing rather than diminishing.
Secretary of War Garrison has us
BUhicd complete control of the Bitua
Jon at Dayton by arrangement with
Sovcrnor Cox, though tho federal au
thorities are not formally In control.
Portsmouth, O., is completely inun
dated, and fires are reported to be
raging In various sections of the city,
with no possibility of the firemen do
ing anything to extinguish them.
Wire connections with tho town are
impossible, and there is no word as to
loss of life.
In Marietta the situation is critical.
Tho city is still submerged for almost
Its entire area, and communication is
constantly interrupted. There has
been no estimate of loss of life or
property hero, but tho fact that the
town has been under water for moro
than threo days will undoubtedly re
sult In tho collapse or at ,east the con
demnation of many buildings, and the
loss will run into the millions.
Bodies of Horses Burned.
Under Secretary Garrison the work
af recovery in Dayton is being pushed
rapidly. It is hoped that water will
be turned on hi all city mains, avert
ing some of the danger of pestilence.
Tho martial law prohibiting tho sale
of liquor Is being rigidly enforced.
There will be no gas or electric light
for a week.
Tho bodies of 200 horses were burn
ed In Dayton, and tho funerals of the
flood victims are being held as rapidly
as the bodies can bo recovered and
Identified. Moro than fifty have al
ready been burled. There is still need
of food and money, although tho con
tributions from all soctlons of tho
country iinvo been generous. Rail
road traffic is still seriously impaired,
nnd there is considerable difficulty In
teaching the dovastated city.
$5,000,000 NEW YORK LOSS.
Worst Flood Since 1865 -Troy Under
Martial Law.
Albany. N. Y.. March 31. With tho
recession of tho flood waters of tbo
Hudson, Mohawk. Genesee and smaller
rivers the stricken cities In northern
and western Now York are emerging
. n what has been the worst flood
since 18(5, and the work of relief and
reconstructlou is well under way.
Closer investigation made possible In
tho capital district raises the estimate
of loss ia that vicinity to $5,000,000,
Troy being tho worst sufferer from
Hood and with an estimated lois of
$3,000,000, nnd Albany being next with
about $1,500,000 damage.
Only one death duo directly to tho
flood Is reported hers.
Lcona Lord to bo Sold Out by tho
Tho aftermath or tho sequonco of
the case of the Commonwealth
against Leona Lord, tried for the
murder of her brother-in-law, SIke
Lord, in Equlnunk, has developed in
tho execution Issued against Leona
Lord for tho collection of $1,097.52,
being a fine of $500 and tho costs
amounting to $597. Tho execution
calls for the sale of tho real estate
of Mrs. Lord for the payment of
this debt. It will bo remembered
that Mrs. Lord Is now serving sen
tence imposed upon her by the court
for her part of the killing of Slke
Lord. The fine and costs not having
been paid the execution was Issued.
New Treaty With Paraguay.
Washington, March 3L Minister Nl
colay A. Grevstad at Montevideo has
Informed tho state department that an
extradition treaty between tho United
Btates and Paraguay was signed at
A largo corps of surveyors ar
rived in Honesdale Monday. They
are here in the interest of th State
1 IN
Had Been Critically ill Only About One Week-Was
Stricken While on the Nile River in February
Contrary to Expectations the Stock Market
Was Not Affected by His Death.
NEW YORK, March 31. Shortly after '7 o'clock this morning news
was cabled from Rome, Italy, that J. Plorpont Morgan, the great financier,
had Just died. His death occurred at the Grand Hotel. Tho announce
ment was made to the public shortly after his death.
Mr. Morgan had been critically 111 for less than a week. He was first
taken sick last month while on the Nile river, and from that point went
to Rome. Last Wednesday his condition became serious, and skilled
physicians and specialists wore hastily assembled at tho bedside of tho
stricken man.
Tho great money king was In a semi-conscious condition for many
hours preceding death.
Details of the great magnate's final struggle with the last great
enemy of mankind are given in the dispatches below.
Contrary to general conjecture the news of J. Pierpont Morgan's death
has not affected the New York Stock market.
ROME, March 30. J. Pierpont
Morgan is in a most critical condi
tion. This is the official announce
ment made to-day by the attending
physicians. For several days he has
been unable to take any nourish
ment and his weakness has given
rise to the gravest apprehension.
Up to Saturday night Mr. Morgan's
Eon-ln-law, Herbert L. Satterlee, and
his physicians made every effort to
conceal Mr. Morgan's true condition.
Tho bulletin issued tonight, however,
indicates that the worst Is to be fear
ed if a reaction does not speedily set
Dr. M. Allen Starr, of New York,
the noted norve specialist, was sum-
1913, by American Press Association.
moned from Naples. Dr. Starr had
already made an examination of Mr.
Morgan on the lattor's return to
Naples from Cairo. He reached hero
last night and visited Mr. Morgan
The last words uttered by Mr.
Morgan was a request to have his
limbs massaged, a treatment which
had often been given to him on
former occasions when suffering
from nervous disorders.
i i iiTiTriiiirii miii iimiii iam ,m l.-rri ."' ' -. -
Do you know what wo need in booming tills town?
We should organize all the men into
and then get enough steam in our boilers
Tho locomotive has transformed
built great cities, carried civilization
boom all around the planet.
It has done these things becauso It
is an Iron nnd steel harness placed on
go in definite directions and perform
rections and tasks to perform.
To build a human engine that will
wo must nil work together. We must
hla allotted part of tho load; then wo
open tho throttle and move things.
Toot-toot! All aboard the boosting train!
Now, nil togetherl Pull for new people, new business!
Pull For a Bigger
All attempts to make tho patient
swallow anything, oven water, have
been In vain. The physicians found
that this is duo to the lack of func
tional vitality in the nerve centers,
which under such conditions arrest
the functioning of tho organs. They
are opposed to the desire of Mr. and
Mrs. Satterlee to remove Mr. Morgan
to London, considering that any ex
posure at present would be extreme
ly dangerous.
Only tonight did the gravity of
Mr. Morgan's condition become gen
erally known In Rome and anxious
inquiries concerning him are pour
ing in. Even King Victor Emanuel,
who has always remembered Mr.
Morgan's generosity In returning to
Italy the famous Ascoli Cope, when
he learned that it had been stolen,
has privately Inquired concerning
the financier's progress, although his
majesty Is at present absent from
Brief Sketch of Morgan's Life.
John Pierpont Morgan, the great
financier who has Just died, was born
in .Hartford, Connecticut, April 17,
1837, and was consequently nearly
7C years of age. He was mainly edu
cated at the University of Gottingen,
Germany. After returning to the
United States in 1857 he became
connected with the banking firm of
Duncan, Sherman & Co. In 1871
he became a partner in the great
banking Arm of Drexel, Morgan &
'Po.; but the nntno of tho Institution
wqs changed to J. Pierpont Morgan
& Co. He became a great organizer
along railroad and industrial lines.
Twelve years ago, in 1901, ho affect
ed the organization of the greatest
and largest, financial concern in the
world, the United States Steel Cor
poration. This corporation was
composed of all the Carnegie steel
Interests as well as others of any
considerable magnitude. Tho capl
tal is incomprehensible to the hu
man mind, being one billion one lmn
di-cd millions, and it has a working
capital of two hundred millions.
Although a very wealthy man,
and subject to much adverse critic
Ism, tho fact remains that Mr. Mor
gan has been a large donor to charit
able and educational institutions.
DALE. It is rumored that a broker's of
fice is soon to be opened in Hones
to make the thing go.
tho world, has peopled the wilderness,
to the ends of tho earth, made trade
has POWER, because It MOVES. It
tho force of steam. It is organized to
definite tasks.
STEAM, to give it tho samo deflnlto di
pull this town up tho road of progress
organlzo so that each man will have
must get up tho steam of energy, pull
and Better Town
Succeeds Frank Stephenson ns D. &
II. Agent nt That Place Ray
Dibble to Take Mr. Tran
sit's Honcsdnlo Position
Alvln B. Transue, who since May
27, 1907, has been tho obliging and
courteous tickot agent at tho 'Union '
hn ?2?S Wrf Mr !
has been transfered to Waymart. Mr.
iiuiibuu win oiui i ma uuLiea ui iuul
place this Tuesday morning. Ray
Dibble will succeed Mr. Transue at
the Honesdale station.
Coming from Tanners Falls, where
he kept a store, Mr. Transuo took up
the work of ticket agent nearly six
years ago, succeeding Charles E.
Chapman, who is now in the Wllkes
Barro union station. In making the
change Mr. Transue greatly betters
his condition. He will not only bo a
representative of tho Delaware and
Hudson company at that place, but
will receive a certain commission on
all express handled, also on all coal
sold at Waymart. It is this that Mr.
Transue considered worth while
making a change for.
Owing to the resignation of Frank
Stephenson, who for several years
has been agent at Waymart, it left
a vacancy at that place. The posi
tion was advertised and on Monday
morning Mr. Transuo received a
message from Superintendent C. E.
Burr of tho D. & H., of Carbondale,
that he had secured tho position. He
is also allowed a helper in the of
For ten years Mr. Transue was
employed by the Erie company as
agent at Georgetown, now Gravity,
from 1892 until 1902. He then
went to Tanners Falls, where he re
sided until 1907, when he came to
Honesdale. Mr. Transue will live
in Honesdale, commuting between
this place and Waymart for an In
definite period.
His many friends congratulate
him upon his new position and wish
him unbounded success.
Held in St. Mary Magdalen's Church
Last Evening Ono Hundred
nnd Twenty Eagles Attend
in a Body.
The first memorial services for
the Honesdale Aerie, No. 1858, Fra
ternal Order of Eagles, was held in
St. Mary Magdalen's church Sunday
evening. The-Honesdale order num
bering about one hundred and twen
ty attended in a body. Many attend
ed from Hawley, White Mills and
Waymart. The services began at
7:30 and tho following program was
Prelude Eagles Orchestra
Holy God ..St. M. Magdalen's Choir
Opening Ceremony
. . . .Officers Aerlo 1858, F. O. E.
Solo Fred Truman
Solo, selected . .Mrs. C. H. Rockwell
Venl Creator Choir
Memorial Sermon . .Dr. J. W. Balta
O Cor Amorls Choir
Obllgato Mrs. C. H. Rockwell
Closing Exercises . .Officers F. O. E.
Solo Mrs. C. H. Rockwell
O Salutarls Trio and Chorus
Tantum Ergo
. . . .iDoublo Quartette and Chorus
Sacramental Benediction
Closing Hymn, "Nearer, My God to
Postludo Eagles Orchestra
Dr. J. W. Balta addressed one of
tho largest congregations St. Mary
Magdalen's church has ever held.
His sermon was based on Lib
erty, Truth, Justice and Equality,
The officers of the Honesdale Or
der of Eagles aro the following:
Thomas Solomon .Worthy President
Jos. Schiessler Vice-President
Philip Slater Financial Sec'y
W. H. Burkhart ...Recording Sec'y
Fred Corey Treasurer
Henry Rhodlno ..worthy Chaplain
Dr. P. J. Griffin. .Worthy Physician
Robert Stuart . .Worthy Conductor
Louis Wagner Inside Guard
Edw. Warwick Outside Guard
Worthy Trustees L. C. Wenlger,
BenJ. Loris, John Theobald.
Memorial Committee Philip Wil
liam Slater, Chairman; Wm. F.
Balles, W. H. Burkhart.
Thousands of Dollars Dnmago Caus
ed by AVater Which Overflowed
tho Town Lackawanna
Tracks Undermined.
Ono of tho most damaging floods
that has been experienced in New
Milford In many years occurred on
Thursday when tho dam at Moon's
pond, which is situated about two
and .one-half miles east of Milford,
gavo way. The creek was bank full
from the recent heavy rains and
when tho water from the dam was
added to it flowed over its banks and
flooded the town. Several times in
tho past the creek has overflowed Its
banks, but never has it caused as
much damoBo as this time. The dam
was owned by tho New Milford Light
& Power company and was consider
ed perfectly safe. Tho damjvas an
old one and had been re-enforced by
a heavy concrete wall, but tho roche
of the water caused about one-half
of It to give way. Tho main street of
tho town was a raging torrent and
many side walks and fences were
washed away, and streets badly dam
aged. The loss will amount to sev
eral thousand dollars.
Dynamite Used to Check Flames Part
of Business Section Destroyed.
Columbus, O., March 31. Tho train
dispatcher of tho Norfolk and Western
railroad received a telegram that fire
hod broken out in I ronton and a block
and a half in the business center of the
city had been destroyed.
Several buildings wero dynamited to
check the flames. No loss of life has
been reported.
Commencement Exercises Will Bo
"Cid Oil JullC 10 ClaSS Night Ex-
, on , i7other School
Prof. H. A. Oday, of tho Honesdalo
High school, has Just announced tho
dates for the annual school com
mencement and Class Day exercises
and also the day on which the school
will close for tho annual threo
months' vacation.
The Honesdale school will close on
Friday, June 20, at which time the
work of the present school year will
have been completed.
The annual commencement exer
cises of the graduating class for 1913
will be held on Thursday evening,
June 19. Tho place where the exer
cises will bo held has not yet been
decided upon. There are twenty
three members of the graduating
class this year.
The Class Night exercises will bo
held on Tuesday evening, June 17.
The place has not yet been named.
The commencement secmon will
be delivered by Dr. W. H. Swift in
the Presbyterian church on Sunday
evening, June 15.
High School Notes.
W. H. Bullock, assisted by Prof.
Davles, will give demonstrations to
the members of the Agriculture class
of the Honesdale high school on
Thursday, April 3. The demonstra
tions will be made In Prof. H. A.
Oday's orchard and will include
pruning and grafting.
Miss Arnold and the grade teach
ers are working very hard to get
the children ready for an entertain
ment to be held on Friday evening.
April 11. The proceeds will be used
to buy moro apparatus for the gym
nasium. An apparatus for measur
ing the capacity of the lungs, a grip
test and a forearm tester, have Just
been added to the equipment.
The three gymnasium classes of
the school are preparing for an
athletic contest to be held in the near
future. The contest will be between
the Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
night classes. The events will be as
follows: A 35-yard dash; 1 lap racer
4-lap relay race; throwing basket
ball for distance; throwing basket
ball for goals; tug of war; forearm
test; basket ball race.
Fiona Mnclcod by Mrs. William
Sharp AVas Subject of Reading
Tho Dual Personality of
AA'llliam Sharp.
Mrs. Salo Friedowald entertained
qulto a number of her regular audi
ence In the high school auditorium
Saturday afternoon by her reading of
"Fiona Macleod," by Mrs. William
Sharp. Mrs. Friedowald more than
delighted her audience as this was
ono of tho most interesting interpre
tations of her series. She brings out
that Fiona Macleod and AVilliam
Sharp are one and the same. Wil
liam Sharp has a dual personality
and Mrs. Sharp discovers this trait
in her husband's character after her
marriage to him. At times he is
completely under the spell of Fiona
Macleod and most of his writings
were done under that name and even
the handwriting did not belie the
name, for it was a feminine hand
as well.
Mrs. Frledewald gave a sketch of
the life and personalities of AVilliam
Sharp as seen and told by Mrs.
Sharp. He would go away and bo
gone months at a time and on his
return would talk of Fiona Aiacieoa
to his wife as a person existing. He
made many brilliant friendships and
even received proposals of imarriage
from men who had fallen in love
with his writings and believed him
to bo a woman. When tho mood
wore off he was tho normal AVilliam
Sharp. Mrs. Frledewald read from
a book of poems written by William
Sharp. Tho next reading will bo on
Saturday, April 12. It will bo a
dramatic story by Fiona Macleod,
tho dual character of William
Sharp, "Tho House of Usna."
Many men who aro credited with
knowing something about the great
national game expect to seo the peer
less Mathewson at his best this sea
son. It will bo remembered that at
tho opening of last season tho report
was circulated that "Big Six" was all
In ns a hurler for the big show.
Mathewson's record of won and lost
during tho season of 1912 speaks for
Itself. Tho Factoryvlllo wonder
would havo gotten away with one of
the greatest victories of his eventful
career on the diamond had one Fred
Snodgrass squeezed the flying ball a
llttlo bit tighter and had not execut
ed his famous "muff" much to tho
delight of Boston fans who had bet
heavily on their homo team.
The G. C. club defeated tho Maple
City Five on Thursday at tho Rink
in the second gamo of tho series by
tho score of 22 to 13. Tho Maplo
City Five played with only four
men during tho last 15 minutes,
Mangan boinriBftiable to finish tho
game oh acclflpt of a cold, beside
being hurt.
Owing to tho late storm, which
crippled the telegraph system, wires
sent threo days ago were received
on Monday. One instanco occurred
In Honesdale to-day when a telegram
delivered asked that a party moot
another person on a certain day.
The train nrrlved two days ahead
with the visitor, but tho telegram
was not received until two days afterward,