The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 25, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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ScmMVcekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays
Entered as second-class matter
a. j. vaxn Auxi xNia ana tsi. a. uaLjIjAWAY MANAGING EDITORS
c. 11. DonrLiKonit.
M. B. AI.I.EN,
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
nucu, enouta in every case enclose stamps tor that purpose.
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofflce Order or Registered
fetter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only be
admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices
of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes
where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
0 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for
at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
Religion is my invisible shield
against moral evil, against the cor
ruption of the mind, against the de
filement of the soul. As there are
specifics for tho preserving of the
cleanliness of the body, so Is religion
for tho preservation of the mind; and
it protects the intelligence from be
ing lncrusted with layer upon layer
of sin. Religion is an invaluable
curb on that Inner nature of man
which longest remains barbarious
and uncivilized. Henry Morton
I am going to tako the Postoffice
Department out of politics if I can
find a way to do It. Postmaster Gen
eral Burleson. Can he take the poll-
tics out of the Postofflce Depart
ment? What else than politics is that
Department for? The postal service
has long been incidental.
Any other result than the convic
, tion of the defendants Freeman,
Morton and Hawthorne In the notori
ous Canadian mining case would
havo been a perversion of justice.
There can be no doubt that the son
of America's beloved author and the
son of the discoverer of the anaesthe
tic properties of other passed through
a painful ordeal in the long drawn
out trial, but sUspehsioh of sentence
in their cases would havo been an
affront to the law. Public opinion
would have been outraged.
The penal part of a statute is for
wrongdoing men who bear honored
and 'historic names as well as for the
obscure man who transgresses.
If Julian Hawthorne and Dr. Wil
11am J, Morton have suffered ignom
iny, the Investors In their disreput
able enterprise were swindled and
despoiled, and they too have suffer
ed. No sentiment and very little
pity would go out to the defendants
if tho hereditary appeal could not be
made for them. It does not mitigate,
it aggravates their offence. There
is a difference between sentiment and
" The court knows tho facts in the
case," said District Attorney Wise
when he declined to join in the ap
plication of tho defendants' lawyers
for suspension of sentence. The evi
dence in the case was presented with
such fulness and so fairly that the
public also knows the facts. It be
lieves that tho verdict rendered re
luctantly by the jury was just.' New
York Sun.
How John Ruskin would rejoice at
the news from Chicago that tho
United States Steel Corporation was
going to try to turn its plants into
Spotless Towns! His was a voice
crying In the wilderness over tho way
modern Industry had befouled the
streams of England, obscured tho sky
and converted green fields into moun
tains of rubbish.
(Now comes the steel company
proposing to abolish tho grimy work
shop, even for one of tho most grimy
of industries; to clear up all the dirt
and refuse about tho plants, to re
duce tho smoke as far as may be,
and defy dirt, not by concealment,
but by white paint, which puts neat
ness on its mettle. And It does this,
not in tho name of art and beauty,
but in practical efficiency and safety.
Therein Is the hopo of making the
manufacturing town less often than
It is a defilement of the earth. The
ash-strewn mill yard, tho dirt-stained
factory yjalls, the sewage-laden
stream, tho refuse-piled vacant lots
among tumbledown laborers' cot
tages aro an economic crime. They
mean waste, unintolligenco, slovenly
work, depression and consequent bad
habits among tho workmen, which
in tho ond the industry pays for,
Quick dividends may come out of
dirt and disorder, but at tho cost of
human character, and no Industry is
on a sound moral or even business
basis which does not make for tho
happiness and advancing civilization
of thoso whoso lives It puts Into its
iTho grime of industry is nlne
tenths merely a tradition of slovenli
ness, tolerated through ignorance.
Those who dream of tho possibility
by tho Citizen Publishing Company.
attho postofflce, Honesdalo, Pa.
MARCH 23, 1013.
of doing the bulk of tho world's work
without defiling the earth or blind
ing the workers with tho " hell color
ed smoke of the factories" are really
the prophets of efficiency.
ir steel corporations can keep
tneir premises clean why cannot
some of the glass cutting establish
It appears to be considerably tho
duty of newspapers to boost and
keep on boosting for tho town and
its business men, its institutions,
schools, churches, theatres and so
But how often do the residents of
a town or community let themselves
be heard boosting for tho local pa
per? A local paper should boost for
its town and its business men. It is
its editor's duty, becauso tho paper
derives at least seventy-five per cent,
of Its support from home people of
which it Is a part. It is tho duty of
every man, woman and child within
the city limits to stand stalwart, for
their town and say a good word and
do a good act whenever an oppor
tunity presents itself and in this a
newspaper should ever bo found in
the front ranks with such a band of
town boosters. As has been said a
newspaper gets much of its support
from the town and tho community
and thus in return owes Its support
to the town, but what can be said of
tho printer may be said of tho grocer,
uiu uuiciier, mo ciotmor, tho res
taurateur, tho dry goods man, the
tailor, the miller and any other who
may como to mind. You owe a debt
of gratitude to your fellow merchant
for being here, for what would the
place amount to with only ono busi
ness house? What would there bo
hero to attract people and Induce
them to build comfortable homes, to
pay taxes for town improvements,
etc.? On the other hand, people from
tho country realize that tho town is
a great boon to them and adds
greatly to the price of their products
and to the land on which the product
has grown, whether their stock is
consumed hero or shipped to other
The merchant has much of his
stock shipped in, yet a largo portion
of his trade is in that which ho has
purchased at home from tho farmer
or the villager, thus deriving tho pa
tronage of everyone. The farmer
gives his patronage to tho merchant
and the merchant to the farmer.
Each is enabled to make a profit and
all is serene.
Yet there are merchants who will
not patronize each other, who will
send away for their printing, hard
ware, groceries, furniture, harness,
drugs, etc. Some oven uso safety
razors rather than patronizo tho bar
ber, will walk or go by train rather
than give the local Everyman his fee
and will ship in potatoes, cabbages,
onions, apples, etc., rather than buy
from tho local gardens and farmers.
This is not all, though, for tho mer
chant complains that tho farmer
buys goods in some largo city and
will not spend the cash he has earn
ed here with local people. It's a
sad condition of affairs with a cure
hard to find. One merchant states
that tho trouble is an easy ono to
overcome if all will unite in a deter
mined effort to make the country
ideal; co-operate in good roads and
ever boost and work for one another.
Let us ono and all make it a resolve
to help our neighbor, advertise our
country, boost our town, build new
roads, and In fact co-operato in overy
manner possible. Wellsboro Advo
Wo wish to express our deepest
gratitude and thanks to the members
of tho Dorflinger families for their
kind sympathy and beautiful floral
offerings; and to all our kind neigh
bors and friends for their beautiful
floral tributes, and many acts of
kindness shown us during tho recent
sad bereavement of my beloved wife
and our dear mother.
Jacob Haar and Children.
Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom left Saturday
for Scrantou where she expects to
spend the week.
The new Ehrhardt county asses
sors bill, badly mangled and hardly
recognizeu, as compared with tho
original, passed second reading in
the house. It was amended so that
in its present form, if enacted, it
wouiu apply oniy to Lackawanna
county, It was also amended so that
tho commissioners can appoint only
seven assessors, except in triennial
years, when five others are to bo ap
pointed. Originally, the bill called
for tho appointment of twelve. It
also mado it apply to Schuylkill and
Westmoreland counties, for it pro
vided that it should affect counties
having a population of not less than
200,000 nor more than 325.000.
Schuylkill has 207,000 and West
moreland, 231,000.
Lackawanna has 259,000, so the
bill was amended to read "not less
than 250,000 nor more than 325,
000." Opposition from Schuylkill
and Westmoroland counties was re
sponsible for tho change.
AVhito Slavery to Meet.
Tho Illinois senate committeo
probing white slavery and low wages
paid women will be hero and confer
with Governor Tener, Speaker Alter
and others in a few days, assisting in
outlining a bin to provide for a Ponn
sylvania investigating commission
From here the committee will go to
Washington to confer with President
The Illinois commission will prob
ably noici Hearings m Pittsburg and
M. Blair Coan, investigator for tho
probe committee, is here now and
has made arrangements for the con-
ference. Ho reports that the com-
mission has received letters from
hundreds of Pennsylvania working
gins asKing tnem to como here and
hear their stories of wages, working
conditions, and the temptations of
steel mill and other Industrial work
ers in this state.
Harrlsburg, March 20. Suffrage
matters again held the center of the
stage in the Legislature this week,
dividing attention only with the sev
eral bills before the 'Legislature pro
posing to create a public utilities
'Senator Francis S. Mcllhenny,
chairman of the Senate committeo on
Judiciary General, said in an inter
view at Harrlsburg last week that
he believes the Rockwell resolution
will be passed by the Senate. Such
an attitude on the part of Senator
Mcllhenny is a complete change
from his attitude of as recently as
one month ago when ho was suspect
ed by suffragists, apparently with
justification, of being so opposed to
equal suffrage that he was danger
ously near tho line of unfairness in
treating tho Rockwell resolution.
Senator Mcllhenny says that tho
demonstration at Washington, D. C,
on March 3rd has had a great in
fluence. Tho rowdy tactics of
spectators during tho suffrage par
ade In Washington," said Senator
Mcllhenny, " directed the attention
of many people to the equal suffrage
movement who had not regarded it
seriously before. Tho demonstra
tion seems to havo had the effect of
convincing many opponents of suf
frage for women of the justice of the
demand." Senator Mcllhenny was
asked if the Senate Judiciary Gen
eral Committee would report the
Rockwell resolution favorably. "I
cannot answer that question," ho re
plied. " Tho Senators voto for them
selves." The Pennsylvania Suffrage News,
the monthly official organ of tho
Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage As
sociation, completed its first volume
of twelve numbers with the March
issue, which has been mailed to sub
scribers. At the same time it has
been discontinued. Owing to tho
altered condition of the Suffrago
movement, the State Executive Com
mittee at its monthly meeting in
Harrlsburg on March 0th decided
that the expenditure of time and
money upon the Pennsylvania Suf
rage News could bo used to better ad
vantage In other directions in its
campaign, and It has, therefore, dis
continued publication with thanks to
all the friends who have helped It.
Tho National House of Represen
tatives has recently appointed Rich
ard Plerson Habson, Samuel J. Trlb
blo and Stephen J. Porter members
of a committee to investigate and re
port on the question of tho advisa
bility of action by Congress to ex
tend tho suffrage to women. This is
the first time such a committee has
been appointed by Congress.
The Congressional Committee of
the National Woman Suffrago Asso
ciation, has announced that it con
siders the Washington suffrage par
ado as merely tho beginning of its
campaign for an amondment to the
Constitution of the United States en
franchising the women of all states.
The Committeo will maintain per
manent headquarters in Washington.
It is already lining up members of
both Houses in favor of the amend
ment. That tho lack of police pro
tection afforded during tno suffrage
parade has greatly helped the cause
of votes for woman is generally ad
Keep good company.
Keep good hours.
Keep yourself busy.
Eat moderately.
Keep your tongue from evil.
Take plenty of exercise.
Breathe pure air.
Sleep regularly.
Think pure thoughts.
Hold lofty ideals.
'Be in earnest.
Be prudont.
Be prompt.
Be just.
Be patient.
Bo cheerful.
Be forgiving.
Be noble.
Avoid debt.
Avoid vulgarity.
Avoid scandal.
Bo ready to help.
Be a ray of sunshine.
Trust in tho Lord Buffalo
Havo -me Citizen eent to you.
To-day, Tuesday, March 25th.
the birthday of Rev. John B. Sumner,
who for five years while presiding eld
er of tho Honesdalo district of the
Wyoming conference, was a resident
of Honesdale. He still has a number
of lovable friends who with the Citl
zen extend heartiest congratulations
to tne reverend gentlemen.
"Stroller," In Monday's Scranton
irioune-uepubllcan, paid Rev. J. B.
Sumner the following complimen
tary notice:
"Thousands of readers of tho
Methodist faith in Scranton and vi
clnlty, I am sure, will be interested
in tne birthday celebration of Rev.
J. B. Sumner of BInghamton, who
will be seventy-five years old on
March 25. While an earnest and elo
quent pulpit orator, Rev. John B.
Sumner has probably been best
known in the Wyoming conference
through his efforts as a writer of re
iiyiuua songs ana nis talents as a
vocalist. Mr. Sumner's musical ca
reer began during his bovhood duvs
And it has been kept up through his
years of service as a minister of the
gospel. Probably the most popular
of his many contributions to sacred
song is tho hymn: "I'm tho Child of
a King." This song was written in
the days of tho early triumphs of tho
celebrated Wyoming Conference trio.
The trio composed of Mr. Sumner,
me late uev. w. is. westlake, and
Rev. J. C. Leacock. now of Scran
ton, led the music at every confor-
ence for many years. Their services
were often In demand elsewhere.
and they were frequently heard In
church concerts whenever these en
tertainments could be arranced In si
way tnat would not Interfere with
tnelr regular work. Tho death of
Rev. W. B. Westlake, tho tenor of the
trio, appears to havo broken ud tho
organization that In the nast furnish
ed so much inspiration for lovers of
song at tho conference meetings and
other gatherings of importance to
the Methodists. No one seems to
have been able to take the place of
tho member whoso sweet voice
blended so harmoniously with thoso
of his brothors In tho days when tho
Wyoming conference trio was one of
tne most celebrated organizations of
this region. It Is likely that thous
ands In Northern Pennsylvania and
Southern New York will loin in the
wish that this devout man, who has
spent nearly a half century in the
work of disseminating the gospel,
may celebrate many more birthdays
and that the sunset of his life may bo
fraught with peace and happiness."
Denth of Mrs. Yournl.
Mrs. Valentino Youral died Friday
at her home on Goer's Hill, Arch
bald, after a few weeks' illness. Sho
Is survived by her husband, four
daughters, Lizzie, Anna, Mamie and
Augusta; four sons, Edward, Am
brose, Joseph and Peter, of Philadel
phia; also two sisters, Mrs. John
Spoor, of Corning, N. Y., and Miss
Augusta 'Brebor, of Honesdale. The
funeral took place Monday at 10
Death of C. J. Uban.
Charles J. Uban of Sterling, died
at his homo at that place on Friday
afternoon last. Ho is survived by his
widow, live sons, Earl, Moses, John,
Lawrence, and Ellis, also one daugh
ter, Mrs. Mabel Tarbox. Mr. Uban
was an honest, Industrious and very
well Informed man and quite a gen
ius, having made violins by the doz
en and was an excellent violinist. Ho
was a member of the Sterling school
board. The deceased was 58 years
of age.
Death of Mrs. Horton.
Mrs. Elizabeth Horton, of Jermyn,
died Thursday morning at the resi
dence of her son, Edward Horton, of
Madison avenue, Scranton, after an
illness of four weeks, aged seventy
four years. Sho is survived by ono
sister, Mrs. D. C. Lake, of Chicago,
111.; two brothors, John Fritz, of
Westboro, Wis.; and William Fritz,
of Whites Valley, and tliree sons,
Ernest, of Prompton, Pa.; George F.,
of Forest City, and Edward 'E., of
Jermyn; two daughters, Mrs. W. D.
Owens and Mrs. E. J. Wells, both of
Forest City. Tho funeral was hold at
the son's homo in Jormyn Saturday
morning at 9 o'clock. Burial was
mado at Pleasant Mount, Wayne
Death of George D. Bush.
Georgo D. Bush died at his homo
in Rock Valley, N. Y March 11,
1?13, vory suddenly, of heart fail
ure. Mr. Bush was born August 13,
1830, at Damascus, Wayno county,
Pa., whero ho lived tho greater part
of his life. Ho had been a resident
of. Rock Valley for nearly twenty
four years. He was a member of tho
Methodist church for over fifty years.
Deceased Is survived by ono Bon,
Clark Bush, and two daughters, Mrs.
William Wagner, and Miss Cora
Bush all of Rock Valley,
Tho funeral was held at the Meth
odist church at Rock Valley on Fri
day, March 14th. Burial In ceme
tery at Damascus, Pa,
Eleven States Suffer from Bliz
zard and High Winds
Millions In Property Destroyed In
Middle West Crops Ruined by
Cyclonic Wind, Snow, Sleet and
Hall from Texas Northward.
Washington. A storm of cyclonic
fury, which started In Northern Texas
Just as Spring was being ushered In,
swopt east and northward, causing tho
deaths of fully a hundred persons, in
juring hundreds of others, and damag
ing property to tho extent of millions
of dollars.
Extending through parts of Texas,
Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Ar
kansas, Missouri, Kentucky and Ten
nessee, the storm crossed the Ohio
River and passed through Indiana,
Ohio, Pennsylvania and western New
Definite advices have been received
accounting for at least sixty-nine per
sons dead.
Reports from Alabama show the loss
of life was heaviest In thnf. atnto. Tha
number of dead there is definitely
placed at forty-five. The town of
Lower Peach Tree was wined ouL
Two are dead In Indiana, three in Ten
nessee, two in Ohio, two in New York,
one in Michigan, one in Louisiana, and
one In Texas.
Accompanying the death lists urn
ostlmates of injured totaling more
than 200.
ThO property loss was henvv nil
along tho storm's track. Besides de
molishing or unroofing buildings and
felling trees, the high winds, rain,
hail and sleet did serious damace to
early crops. Estimates of loss hv
damage to property of all sorts from
Indiana and Michigan alone total S2.
Not in many years has there been
such prostration of telecraDh and
tolephone service. Chlcacn wns nut
off for hours from communication with
points east. Only by devious routes
was connection finally estnhllshfid.
Railroad traffic was seriously delayed
in many districts where wire com.
munlcatlon was crippled and washouts
Tho wind attained rennrd vnlnnlMon
at some points. Detroit reported 88
miles an hour, the Weather Bureau's
high record in that city.
In Tennessee nrobablv twnlvn worn
killed, two in Indiana, three In Ohio,
two in New York, ono in MlRsnnrl. nnn
in Michigan, two in Louisiana, whilo
at least three were lost when their
fishing smacks were overturned in
Lake Erie.
A telegraph wire blockade, the like
of which the country has not known
in years, also resulted. All telegraphic
communication between New York
city and Chicago was absolutely nil.
Every one of the 200 trunk wires be
tween the two cities were "lost."
The storm visited Chicago In bliz
zard form and the streets are covered
with ice, half a dozen persons being
seriously hurt. Street traffic was
practically suspended.
Western Pennsylvania suffered heav
ily from the windstorm. At East Pitts
burgh a house was wrecked and three
persons were seriously hurt. In
Mount Pleasant, Pa., windows wore
blown in and the steeple of a church
toppled over. At Latrobe a horse and
wagon wore picked up by the gale and
blown across the street. Eastern and
Central West Virginia were storm
swept with heavy property loss.
The Middle West felt tho grip of a
blizzard, ono of the severest of tho
entire winter. The cold wave en
veloped nearly all tho States between
the Rocky and Alleghany Mountains
and the great lakes and the Gulf of
Mexico. The freezing woather extends
as far south as the Gulf of Mexico.
Many persons were Injured in north
ern Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee
and southeastern Missouri, In Missis
sippi tho storm was severe from Gre
nada to Water Valley.
Two persons were killed and sov
eral injured in Centraliana, Ind.
The wind reached a velocity of 75
miles an hour.
At Salem, La., where five persons
were killed and thirty Injured, sixty
buildings were demolished.
At Hoxle, Ark., tho Frisco railroad
station was wrecked, tho Van Noyz
eating house destroyed and a refriger
ator car was blown on to the station
Louis Erb, owner of a 1,000 acre
apple and peach ranch at Cedar Gap,
Mo., said that fruit was not hurt in
the great Ozark Mountain apple re
gion. The storm in eastern Tennessee
and southwest Virginia unroofed
building and killed live stock.
A tornado swept Indiana doing
damage estimated at a million dollars.
Omar A. Vice, cab driver at Frank
fort, was crushed by falling roof, and
Henry Walters Lafayette was killed
by a falling sign. Walters was on an
errand for his sick wife when killed.
The Methodist Church at Harmony
was wrecked and three churches at
Franklin were damaged. i
Lightning struck the county Jail, at
Covington, Ky., hurling the fifteen
foot chimney to the ground and throw
ing the sixty prisoners, all negroes,
from their Iron cots. The prisoner
were thrown Into a panic
Has Cured Worst Cases and Ypu Con
rrovo It for Only 35 Cents.
Yes, try Zomo. That's all you
need do to get rid of the worst
case of eczema. You tako no chance,
it Is no experiment. Zemo is posi
tively guaranteed to stop itching
rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a
Pimpled face smooth and clean.
n?B,la- ai?r and the minuto
applied it sinks in. vnnioim. i--
no evidence, doesn't stick, no grease,
Just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid
and It cures. This is guaranteed
Zemo Is nut nn hv fVio ir nr t
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and
cum uy mi druggists at ?1 for the
large bottle and at 25 cents for tho
liberal size trial hnftlo or
cent bottle and be convinced. Sold
in wonesaaie by A. M. Lelno.
Owincr to thn riim
reliable farm help, many dairymen
in this vicinity are buying milking
machines. Wn lmvn )nii.n,i ,wi, ..
, ...... v. ,,ku OUV
eral who have purchased mechanicaK
milkers and t.hnv nil cootn t i, .u
kJ U3
satisfied with the operation of the
machines, one or two man lining r,i,i
to attend to the milking of n largo
uours time. Deposit
Held For Death of Friend.
Euceno Snnrlra wna almi v. txtu
liam Vinniger, January 26tk, while
the two were hunting near tho head
of Fuller Brnnlr. nogr nnin..,ni.
and as a result of gunshot wounds
opui-KB aiterwaru died at Thrall Hos
pital. Saturday vniino- Vlnnliro
rested and arraigned before Justice
Odwell at Downsvllle, on a charge of
manslaughter in the second degree.
He asked for a hearing and tho mat
ter Was adlnnrnprl in ATm-M, iiu
Vinniger was held in 500 bail, but
as he could not furnish it, ho was
tuiten to ueini jail by Officer Jones.
Death of David R. Killani.
David R. IClllnm fninil,.
Paunack. Pike coiintv. Pn fiio,i q,i
day, March 16, at his homo in San
uiugo, uai. jtie was a brother of I.
R. Klllam, of Ledgedale, Pa., who
died some years atrn. hy la mirvitmri
by two nephews, Charles F. Klllam,
of Ledgedale, and Fred D. Klllam,
of Dunmore, and a sister-in-law, Mrs.
Marian E. E. Killam.
Tho price of Mr. Munsey's Boston
Journal has been increased from ono
cent to three. Mr. Munsey frankly
admits that ho has been losing mon
ey at the lower rate. Tho Now York
Evening Post regards this decision
as but one of the signs in tho jour
nalistic heavens that tho one-cent
newspaper has been overdone. All
the Bridgeport papers recently in
creased their price from one to two
cents. An influential western paper,
the Kansas City Star, increased its
price 50 per cent on January 1st.
Not long ago the confident talk was
that all newspapers would find them
selves forced to go at ono cent. But
It is the one-cent newspapors that aro
bing forced to go back to two or
three. The hard business facts, tho
rising cost of production, and the
need of living on something besides
sensation, havo been too much for
rash journalistic theorists. It Is
probable that newspapers abandon
ing the one-cent price will hereafter
be more numerous than those adopt
ing It.
A good many newspapers which
fixed their subscription prico original
ly at S6.00 si vpnr h.tvn nAvpr toiIiip.
ed it and probably are now con
gratulating tnemseives on tnelr
nerve and wisdom.
Stop Hawking in
the Morning
Simple Way to End Catarrh Without
Upsetting tho Stomach with Medi
cines. Do you, Dear Reader, really want
to forever rid yourself of Catarrh?
Do you like to hawk and strain and
choke and upset your stomach trying
to get that accumulation of mucus
from your throat every morning?
It's easy to end Catarrh if you will
only try. Go to Peil, the truggist, to
day; say "I want a Booth's HYOMEI
outfit." Tako it home; breathe ac
cording to directions tho pleasant
germ-killing balsams from tho Eu
calyptus forests of Australia, and if
it doesn't stop hawking, snuffling,
clear up your stuffed-up head and
drive out all Catarrhal misery, mon
ey back.
$1.00 secures a complete outfit in
cluding inhaler. Extra bottles if
needed, 50c. Just breatho It no
stomach dosing.
TiHE Commissioners of Wayno
County will receive bids up to
two o'clock P. M., Tuesday, April 1,
1913, for building of abutments for
foot bridge across the Lackawaxen
River In tho Borough of Honesdale,
Pa. Plans and specifications can bo
seen at tho Commissioners' office.
They will also receive plans and bids
for building said bridge at samo
time. Dimensions of bridge may bo
had at tho Commissioners' office.
Tho commissioners reservo tho
right to reject any or all bids.
Attest: Commissioners.
T. Y. Boyd, Clerk.
Lena H. Mingst v. William Mlngst.
To WM. MINGST: You urn
hereby ronulred to annonr In th
said Court on tho second Monday In
April next, to answer, tho com
plaint exhibited to tho judgo of said
court by Lena H. MIncrst. vnnr -rolfo
In tho cause above stated, or in
default thereof a decree of divorce
as nraved for in eald nnmnlnlnf mn-u-
bo made against yon in your ab
sence. F. C. KIMBLE, Sheriff.
M. E, Simons, Attorney.
Honesdale, Pa.f, March 20, 1913.