' "a . . jif A Hint to Advcrf'Af. If Your Cus Advertising Establishes the- Confi dence of tho Community, Makes Now IFrlcnds, nnd Keeps Old Customers. tomers Are WortA ,ivlng, They Arc Worm Hausrymjgvt 71th YEAR.--NO. 25 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 1913. THE CITIZEN, PRIp 2 CENTS WAYNE COUNTY FRUIT Society Proposes to Make Known to the World That Wayne County is the Home of the Bald win Apple. PROFESSOR II. A. SURFACE, STATE ZOOLOGIST, AND W. J. LEWIS, OF riTTSTON, DISTINGUISHED VISITORS WAYNE COUNTY TO COME TO THE FRONT AS AN APPLE CENTRE. B 1" f un uruivers jiasuuiu l I tion of Wayne county was Tin n.. u - , t organized on Friday. Professor H. A. Surface, State Zoologist of Penn sylvania who is considered as authority upon tho growing of fruit, and W. J. Lewis, of Pittston, known all over the United States for the fine quality of apples that he raises and sells, were the distinguished out-of-town guests present. The associa tion starts out with a membership of 100 active, earnest and enthusiastic farmers and others who. are interest ed in the development of Wayne county. It Is their purpose to make Wayne county known to the world as the home of the Baldwin, one of tho best flavored apples grown in Wayne county, Pennsylvania, at the present time. Wayne county is considered the best place for raising apples. After the arrival of the 10 o'clock Delaware and Hudson train the visit ing gentlemen proceeded to the court house where morning and afternoon sessions were held. The meeting was called to order by District State Hor ticulturist W. H. Bullock. Daniel W. Hull was chosen temporary chairman and Professor A. W. How Jell, both of Waymart, temporary sec retary. Mr. Hull thanked the assem blage for bestowing this honor upon him, stating that he would do his best in filling the office elected to. Ho then called upon Burgess C. A. McCarty to make the address of wel come. Burgess McCarty said: Burgess McCnrty's Address of Welcome. Ladies and Gentlemen: An address of welcome on occasions of this kind is often looked upon as a formality, something to fill up the order of busi ness, something to occupy time in the carrying out of the program, but In this particular Instance, I wish to as sure you that it means all that the words Imply in their broadest signi ficance, not only the persons present here to-day, but the occasion which brings, them together adds such im portance to the gathering that Hones dale and the entire community will profit by the discussions and ex change of ideas which will take, place nere. "Great achievements are being ac complished in modern times, in every avenue of human endeavor by concentrated effort, ,by concentrated or united effort of a large number or people, working along the same lines, will accomplish vastly more than the same number of people working independently, no matter how strenuously the efforts they put forth, it is for this reason that every Interest finds it to its advantage to concentrate its efforts towards the accomplishment of a single end. The state representing all tho people has unusual opportunities of carrying out tue mea or united action. A few weeks ago, I had the pleasure of ex tending welcome to the Farmers' Institute. This body of intelligent men, met for the purpose of advanc ing the agricultural Interests of a community, of making two blades of grass grow where only one had grown before, 'and thus become pub lic benefactors. Two Apples Grow AVhoro There is One. And now we have a number of men with similar aimes to advance the interest of HORTICULTURE to make two apples grow where only one had grown before, and not only make two apples grow, but better ap ples than had grown before. "It Is not often the Executive Of ficer of any town Is called upon to welcome within tho boundaries of its territory, a number of men actuated "by such high motives and for the ac complishment of so much good as those assembled hero to-day. You are here for the purpose of enlisting In the cause of 'HORTICULTURE, and I am pleased to know, that back of your efforts in this line of endeav or is the great State of Pennsylvania. Tho state has so interested Itself In your behalf that you have hero as Its representative, one of the most skill ed and scientific men within the bord ers of our State, Professor Surface of the Department of Zoology, and in extending a welcome to those who are about to become members of this association, wo must include this representative of the soverign power of the Commonwealth. It is particu larly for this reason that I feel so much pleasure in extending to you in behalf of the Borough of Hones dale, a welcome and a greeting to our town, in tho name and In behalf of tho municipality, I extend to you such a welcome and such a greeting, In the name of every man and wom an, in the name of every boy and girl within tho limits of our town, I ex tend to you this welcome and greet you upon your mooting here. There are many things of interest In our town to which we would gladly call your attention, but wo have bo often spoken of thoso things, that we sometimes feel we may be accused of vanity In parading before Btrangers what wo consider our most important and Interesting history, and still I can hardly afford to lose tho oppor tunity now presented without refer ring to at least some of the historical and literary facts connected with our town. "Your association meets for organi zation under happy omens, it speaks well for a continuous and prosperous GROWERS ASSOCIATION career, which will do much for the advancement and prosperity for the community and wo feel doubly grate ful to you and trust the efforts being put lorth may bear fruit in abund ance along tho lines of your united effort. Wo trust that you will enjoy your visit here, and when you leave our town, carry with you pleasant memories of your visit here, and a desire to return at some future time when the opportunity might present itself to you." Prof. II. A. Surface Responds. Prof. H. A. Surrace, of Harris burg, gave the response, saying in part: " It indeed affords me a great pleasure to respond to this welcome address delivered by your chief bur gess. I am well informed through my efficient representative, W. H. Bullock, and H. C. Jackson, of your county, who Is now down at Harris burg and who is also on the Agricul ture committee, which division of the State is doing good work to mankind. I have been about ten years in this kind of work and must say that it is to one of your townsmen, Hon. 'E. B. Hardenburg, that I am greatly obli gated to. He did more for me while down at Harrisburg than any man I know of. I am very sorry that I left it so late before coming to this place, but as my time is almost entirely taken up, except Sunday, I found it impossible to come. I have received many letters from individuals but I could not come only upon invitation from an organization; that's why I am here. Hull Bros, of Waymart, who have become famous as growers and are known all over, know what you are doing. I was especially Impress ed with that part of Horticulture In the address of your burgess when he said it was the purpose to make two roses grow where one had form erly grown. My running mate, Mr. Lewis, is the greatest fruit grower In the world. He sold last year at the greatest profit of any grower in the world. We hear about the Western fruit as may be crowded out. West ern fruit Is no comparison whatever with Eastern grown fruit. Eastern fruit will bring $8 per bushel in the West. Compare that with even ?3 per bushel. The Western fruit is magnificent in size and color, but when eaten they have no flavor. We have the flavor in Wayne county apples, also color, size and beauty. The Western man can never compare his product with the East ern grown fruit. Out there they spray seven times a year for the codling moth. Many Eastern or chardlsts spray once or twice and others don't spray at all. Get to gether, organize, co-operate. I will bo pleased to give what Information I can to assist you. I take special pleasure in answering this address of welcome." Lewis Big Apple Raiser. Temporary Chairman Daniel Hull, in a few appropriate words then In troduced his friend and co-worker in the fruit growing business, W. J. Lewis, of Pittston. .Mr. Lewis gave an interesting talk upon the "Value of Organization." He said he was not a speaker, but .an ordinary fruit grower. He welcomed the ladles, stating we would have never suc ceeded like wo have but for tho women. He said he wished to speak of two things connected with tho business and they are, buying and selling. Wo know in order to pro duce good fruit that we must get down and dig and study and secure our information from every source possible. All information differs, it depends largely upon tho soil, cli matic conditions and altitude. An association of this kind can bo great ly benefitted. Two farmers sitting I down and discussing subjects can't! help but receive some benefit from their conversation. You can learn better business methods in a society like this. Have an annual show. Choose a place where you can bring in your best grown fruit and com pare it with the other fellow's. If the other fellow wins out ahead of you, you will necessarily brush up in another year. It will be good for both of you. Buyers of apples aro just as anxious to buy fruit raised in Wayne county as you aro to sell It. In starting an association someone has inquired as to who shall become members. If you have such men as your burgess, the judge that presides oyer this court, and others equally as good, tako them In by all means. You can Increase the product of acreage from $30 to '$40 per acre to $4,000. Man Is consuming fruit more exten sively now than ever before. Tho man who eats apples is never a hard drinker. Consumers are just begin ning to realize that fruit is a good food. It is healthful. The more ap ples that are eaten the healthier the community. Wo have a successful fruit growers' association in Luzerno county and hope you will have one in Wayne county. They have organiza tions of this kind in Columbia, Lu zerne, Susquehanna, Wyoming and Lackawanna counties, and now Wayne county is Interested. I hope that these countries will get togeth er and organize the Northeastern Pennsylvania Fruit Growers' Asso ciation. Surface Urges Co-Operatlon. The chairman then Introduced' Professor Surface, who gave an on (Ceatlnued on Page Eieht.) SAD EASTER AT TYLER HILL. Mrs. Helen Fortnnm's Lifeless Body is Found by Her Son, Clarence Tho Unfortunate AVoninn Took Her Own Life in n Period of Despondency. Shadows of sorrow and sadness In- stead of brightness and glory hover- ' nrl nrnp Tvlm" Trill In Wowno nriiriT on Easter morn when the startling news spread through the community that Mrs. Thomas Fortnam had tak en her own life while in a temporary condition of despondency.. Her death occurred some time between 8 o'clock Saturday night and 7 o'clock Sunday morning, when her son, Clarence D. Fortnam, discover ed her lifeless body. The news reached Honesdale on Sunday morning, and Dr. P. B. Pet erson, the County Coroner, hastened to the scene. A jury composed of tho following persons: W. L. Jackson, E. T. Olver, Joseph Abraham, Thos. Grifllth, Selah Olver and F. S. Prlnes, investigated the case and returned a verdict of suicide in accordance with the evidence as outlined above. Mrs. Fortnam is survived by ono son, Clarence D previously men tioned. Mrs. Fortnam, whose maid en name was Helen Bushnell, was a daughter of the late Sydney Bush nell, of Bethany, who was a former commissioner of Wayne county. Her grandfather was Pope Bushnell, who was a noted politician and a well edu cated man. Ho was also a veteran of the war qf 1812. Mrs. Fortnam was G2 years old. Besides her son, one brother, Attorney C. M. 'Bushnell, of Buffalo, N. Y., also survives. She had many friends, and was quite well known In Honesdale. She had just completed arrangements to spend some little time at the county seat, having spoken for rooms and ac commodations at one of our town's boarding houses. Probably never in its history has Tyler Hill received so great a shock as came on Easter morning, and ex pressions of regret nnd sorrow are heard on every hand from sympathet ic acquaintances of the deceased. The funeral will be held on Tues day morning, at 11 o'clock, from her late home, Rev. R. D, Minch officiat ing. EASTER MUSIC. Beautiful choruses, anthems, solos and duets marked a feature in Eas ter services which always thrills the soul and brings "good tidings of great joy" to the listener. The dif ferent programs reproduced in Fri day's Citizen were observed in a most pleasing manner. Their ren dition gratified large congregations in all of the churches, reflecting an unusual amount of credit upon the reinforced choirs and their respective leaders. BRYAN HAS NAUGHT BUT PRAISE FOR BOY SCOUTS. " Teaches tho Boys an Ideal," Ho De clared. William Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State, who has been watching tho activities of the Boy Scouts of Amer ica in Miami, Florida, is a hearty en dorser of the scout movement. " I believe in tho scout movement," he says, " because It teaches tho boys an ideal and an ideal is everything. It gives him the highest" ideal possi ble and you have no ideal higher than Christ Himself. Service is tho meaning of greatness. It is true that he who is the greatest is he who is of tho most service. The Boy Scouts in service measure the days by their contribution to others. If we do everything for self we don't count for much, and we should measure life, not by what we get out of it, but by what wo put in It. So this scout movement teaches tho boy of tho importance of doing something for others. " No, you cannot avoid a deep in terest in the boy. I am Interested in the scout movement because it gives the boy something to do. Tho best thing that you can do for the boy Is to give him something to do. I be lieve that we must recognize the de sire of the boy to do something, therefore tho movement deserves our support. " I believe in tho movement be cause it teaches the boys co-operation. Some say that co-operation measures a man's sanity. Co-operation multiplies the efficiency of tho individual. So these boys are brought together and taught the im portant lesson of working together." A refining company in Pennsylva nia announces that it will shortly put upon the market an automobile fuel called "gasene" which will tako tho place of gasoline and cost less than four cents a gallon. Its only fault Is said to be that It makes a great deal of smoke when the engine first starts up. Iff it's anything in Jewelry or Optics we have it canget it or it isn't made- ROWLAND Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale. CHICKEN THIEVES HELD OVER TO JUNE COURT WILLIS DILMARTH AND FRED SHERWOOD OF BEACH GROVE IN TOILS FOR TAKING FOWLS. Charles Webb, Prosecutor, Had War rant Sworn Out Monday nnd Thursday Officers Canlvnn and Spencer Brought Them Hero. Willis Dllmarth and Fred Sher wood, aged twenty and seventeen, respectively, pled guilty Friday after noon before 'Squire Smith to the chargo of stealing chickens and were held under $300 ball for the Juno term of court. Charles Webb of Beach Grovo Is tho prosecutor and ho has been miss ing numbers of his feathered tribe for some time. Tho last time there was a raid on his hen house was Mon day when twenty-four Wyandotts wore taken. He did not know who the thieves were but decided to play detective and investigate. He knew that Charles W. Dein, the meat man, occasionally bought chickens, so ho started his investigations there. Mr. Dein told him, when asked, that ho had bought a number of chickens that morning and had paid out $9.90 for them. The chickens were still alive so they went to see them. They were the kind Mr. Webb had lost so he decided to put It to a test. Five of the birds were taken to his place and set down in the yard. They went at once into the hen house and flow up on the perch, and acted as if they were very glad to get back home. Mr. Webb had witnesses present to see how the test turned out. Dllmarth and Sherwood had sold the chickens to Mr. Dein the week before but only delivered them last week. When Mr. Webb proved to his own satisfaction who had been molesting his hen house he came to Honesdale and had two warrants drawn. Offi cers Canivan and N. B. Spencer start ed out Thursday for Beach Grove and they located the young men on the road near Bethany. They ex perienced no trouble In bringing them back with them that afternoon. It is rumored that the young men told the authorities of two more young men who were in the gang, but no action has been taken against them yet, but Saturday morning, It is said, ono of the neighbors saw one of the suspects start for Prompton where he probably boarded the early D. & H. train for Carbondale. AWFUL AVORK OF TORNADO. Tho Death List Will Reach Into tho 'V. Hundreds. Omaha, March 24. Tho full hor ror of last night's storm broke upon grief-stricken Omaha at noon today, when It was authoritatively stated that the death list would reach two hundred in Omaha alone, exclusive of Ralston and Council Bluffs. Late reports from Council Bluffs stated that four more bodies have been taken from the ruins of homes in tho path of the storm. It is now believed that tho twister went on further east and more fatalities are expected. Tho property loss is estimated now at $10,000,000. One hundred thous and grief-stricken, sobbing people, assailed every source of Information for some assurance that relatives or friends had not perished in the storm. State and federal troops have ar rived in Omaha and have checked the looting that began immediately after tho storm. FIRM BELIEVER IN ADVERTISING. Professor H. A. Surface, of Har risburg, who was in Honesdale last Friday and gave addresses during the day in the Interest of tho Wayne County Fruit Growers' Association, thoroughly believes in advertising. In his spirited and helpful talks tho professor on several occasions re marked that in order to bring Wayne county fruit to the front tho associa tion must advertise. "You can make known to the whole world that Wayne county is the home of the Baldwin apple," quoted Professor Surface. Mall Bag Chopped in Pieces. A mail bag thrown from the fast south-bound train at Worcester on Saturday night recently bounded un der the car wheels and was chopped in pieces. Letters in tattered condi tion and well soaked by water and snow, were scattered along the track for several rods. They wero gather ed up, however, and carried to tho postofllce, where the addresses were found legible enough to make pos sible the delivery of each letter. HOSE CO.MTANY EXPECT LARGE ATTENDANCE. Post-Lenten Concert nnd Ball To Bo Ono of tho Biggest Social Events of tho Season. To-night at the Park street arm ory, Hose Company No. 1 will be the host at their annual concert and j ball. Tho special program which I has been arranged for this occasion i will commence at 8:15 promptly. The following program will entertain me large assemblage expected: Opening Overture Jenkins' Boy Band Address, Dr. J. W. Balta, Chaplain of Hose Co. No. 1. Sailors' Chorus Central Gleo Club Buck & Wing Dancing, M. J. Aron- dale, Some Stopper. Vocal Solo, Silver Voiced Tener . . Mr. Robert Lees Popular Airs ...Central Glee Club Baritone Solo, The Mulateer of Tar- agona, "Henriore" Mr. R. Rubin. Address H. A. Oday, Chief of Great er Honesdale Fire Department. Selection Boy Band Tho committee in charge of this affair have done all In their power to make the evening a grand success and It is expected that everyone will turn out and give the boys a good showing at the first ball to be held after Lent. LAD RESCUED FROM PARK LAKE Douglas Thompson, who with his parents live in the Dr. R. W. Brady house, Church street, had a narrow escape from drowning Monday noon in Park Lako. The little fellow was on the river with a raft and in some manner the paddle accidentally slip ped from his hand and he commencT ed to drift. Ho evidently became frightened and plunged into the riv er. He endeavored' to swim, but could not and consequently went down a couple of times before being rescued by Mr. Roberts of East Honesdale, who was standing near by. The boy went home apparently none the worse for his impromptu bath. Marriage of Former Wayno Countenn Miss Louise Lebzelter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lebzelter, of Brown town, Pa., was united in marriage to Floyd M. Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Decker, of Seelyvllle at the German Lutheran parsonage at But ler recently. A farewell reception was tendered Miss Lebzelter at her home where relatives and friends as sembled. Among the party was the Rev. Carl Stolz, pastor of the St. Paul's German Lutheran church, who congratulated the brido and gave his blessing. Miss Lebzelter was ono of the most popular mem bers of the Young People's society and took an active partJn social af fairs, being' an elocutionist of some ability. At the reception she recit ed, "The Last Night in My Parents' Home." Mr. Hiller is well known in Butler, where he holds a responsi ble position with the Dairy Co. at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Hiller are housekeeping in Butler, Pa. OBITUARY. Death of Hnwlcy Young Man. Word was received in Hawley on Sunday announcing the sudden death of John Thielke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thielke of that place. Death is supposed to have been caus ed by typhoid fever, particulars were not received as we went to press. The deceased was taken to the New Brunswick, N. J., hospital in that city on Saturday. He has been em ployed by the Simplex Automobile company of that city, but formerly had been working In Poughkeepsie, N. Y. The remains arrived at his home Monday evening. Besides his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Thielke, two brothers and four sisters sur vive, namely: Frank, of Denver, Col., Mrs. Lafayette Kellam, of Brooklyn, Mrs. George Miller, Reinhard, Eliza beth and Mary, all of Hawley. Benjamin AVoodnoy Passes Away. Benjamin Woodney, lato of North Scranton, but formerly of Wayne county, died at his home in that city on Friday last, aged C9 years. Mr. Woodney was a veteran of the Civil War, being a member of Company D, 199 th Pennsylvania Volunteers. The deceased is survived by a widow, a half sister, Mrs. Harriet Titus, of Elmira, N. Y., and also a half broth er, Frank Sterling, of Carbondale. Tho funeral was hold last Saturday evening from tho Providence Presby terian church, Rev. Mr. Fox officiat ing. The deceased was a member of Ezra Griffin Post, No. 139, G. A. R., of Scranton. A firing squad and flfo and drum corps accompanied tho re mains to Honesdale and gave a p'art lng salute to their lato comrade at tho grave, which was in Riverdale cemetery. Death of Mrs. Poter Colo. The remains of Mrs. Rebecca J. Colo, widow of the late Peter J. Cole, formerly of Honesdale, will arrive here this Tuesday morning on tho 10 o'clock Delaware and Hudson train from Carbondale and short ser vices will bo held from the Baptist church. Mrs. Colo had been n resident of tho Pioneer City .since leaving Honesdale about 20 years ago. She died at the home of her daughter In Carbondale on Friday last. She Is survived by one son, Prank E. Cole, of Dunmore; three daughters, Mrs. R. W. Pethlck and Mrs. Cyrus Pier son of Carbondale; and Mrs. Warren Kimble, of Scranton; also ono step daughter, Mrs. D. J. Gager, of Honesdale. Twelve grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren also survive. Interment will be made In Rlver dalo cemetery, Rev. G. S. Wendell of ficiating. The late Peter Colo was a deacon In this church. nm w GOVERpFSIGNS FALSE "AD" "j&g bill MEASURE BACKED BY MER CHANTS OF STATE IS APPROV ED BY CHIEF EXECUTIVE. The Jones Township Road Bill Was j Reported to tho House by tho Pub ' lie Roads Committee. Governor Tener has approved tho Bigger bill, prohibiting the making of false statements or advertisements Concerning merchandise, securities or services. The act affects all pub lications within the state. The provisions of the new law, the seventh bill to be signed this year, are that "whoever In a newspaper, periodical circular form, letter or other publication published, distribu ted or circulated in this common wealth in any advertisement In this commonwealth, knowingly makes or disseminates or causes to be made or disseminated any statement or as sertion concerning the quantity, qual ity, the merit, the use, the present or former price, the cost, tho reason for the price or the motive or pur pose of a sale of any merchandise se curities or services, or concerning tho method or cost of production or manufacture of such merchandise or tho possession of rewards, prizes or distinctions conferred on account of such securities which is untrue or calculated to mislead shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 or by imprison ment In the county jail not exceeding sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment." The Jones township road bill was reported to the house by the public roads committee last week. This Is the bill which creates the state bur eau of township highways and pro vides for the election of county road superintendents for supervisors' con ventions. State aid to the extent of fifty per cent, of cost of work on roads not to exceed $20 per mile Is provided. The state water supply commis sion last week granted permission to tho commissioner of Luzerne coun ty to construct a bridge across the Susquehanna at Pittston and the commissioners of Westmoreland county to build a bridge over Loyal hanna creek at Latrobe. The char ter application of the Boiling Spring Water company of Boiling Springs, Cumberland county, was approved. Approval was given by the gover nor to tho resolution requesting the Gettysburg semi-centennial commis sion to, broaden the scope of the pro visions made for the attendance of guests of the state so as to Include all Union soldiers, sailors and ma rines of the Civil war who enlisted as from Pennsylvania , or who are now living in this state and those who served in emergency regiments of the Union army and all soldiers who served in the Confederate army and now living in Pennsylvania. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. A Tragedy of Bird Life. (Original Narrative). A few summers ago I was spend ing some time in the country. One beautiful day when all nature was at Its best, and birds and bees were flitting about in the sunshine, I pass ed through an orchard or young ap ple trees, on my way to a nearby spring. As I had passed that way many times I had noticed a robin and. her mate. The robins wore singing and seemed to be so happy this morning, that I decided they must have a nest somewhere In the boughs of tho tree. Putting down my pail I neared the tree. The robins flew away, and alighted on another tree nearby, keeping watch of all my movements. After looking for a long time, and about ready to give up the search, I discovered right near my hand a nest with three small blue eggs In it. Although It was covered over with leaves and small branches, it was so near Ihe ground I feared for Its safety. Morning after morning as I passed and took a peep into tho nest, the mother robin would fly away in fright, as I came near. Finally ono morning the mother bird did not fly out at my approach, and I feared the nest had been discovered by a cat, but upon looking closely I saw three little birds with their mouth wide open waiting for the mother to re turn with food. The next day as I approached tho nest I saw a big black cat watching the mother bird, as she flew back and forth with food. I drove the cat away, and continued my walk to the spring, but upon my return I saw the cat spring at tho mother bird and would have caught her had I not frightened the cat by throwing a stone. In a week the young birds had out grown tho nest. One sturdy fellow moro ambitious than tho rest, decid ed to see what the world looked like outside of the applo tree and half flying, half dropping, fell to tho ground. My attention was called to the orchard by the robin fluttering about and making a peculiar calling noise. Going to the tree I saw the bird on the ground. Knowing the cat would surely catch It, I put it back In the nest, as It was late in the day. The next day I went to look for the little robin, but before I reached the tree, I saw two red squirrels playing around the tree, and heard the cries of the mother bird. When I had reached tho tree the nest was partly destroyed and the birds gone. The squirrels had had a feast. LEWIS SPRUKS. II English. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Nelson Skinner Torrey Josephine Gregory Beachlake Charles H, Brown Moscow Helen Haser , . . . Gouldsboro