The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 21, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8
PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH ai, 1913. : Down Hawley Way v S01110 Memories or St. Patrick's Day in Hawley Correcting a Bit of Local History Camp Flro Girls of America Have Pino Time t A Budget of Personals, Etc. 4- 4- 'I- -I 4 4 4" Oh, merrily rang the music, As folks marched up and down, In the good old way Oii Patrick's day, In joyous llawlcy town. kONDAY was St. Patrick's day in "sweet Hawley under the hills" just the same as it was In Honesdale and everywhere else in the wide, wide world. Nearly everybody you met wore a sprig o green, and those who were not "a-wearln' of the grqpn" wore a lonesome look Just as If they had missed or forgotten some thing. The main event in town was the evening entertainment held in Odd Fellows' hall by members of St. Phil omona's choir and the Cadets of tem perance. The entertainment was of a social, musical and oratorical char acter. All of the selections were along lines pertinent to the day and decidedly appropriate. The poetical, romantic, historical, legendary and musical sides of the land where grows the shamrock all had their proper place on the programme, and the audience was well pleased with what they saw and heard. Time was when March 17 was tho annual occasion for a street parade. We never saw but one or two, yet we heard about them in our boyhood davs. We don't like to refer to such things, but in those days there was not. the understanding between na tionalities and religious denomina tions that hannlly exists to-day. That was in the days when there were two prominent classes in both Honesdale and Hawley, one known as "railroaders" and tho other as "canalers." There never was any love between these classes, and it didn't take much of a remark, or a verv larno "chin on tho shouldor" to nrovoke a fight. Indeed, an inno cent little remark like this: "St, Patrick is just as good a man as Fourth of July ever was," has been known to "start things." Everybody knows that It Is easier to "start thincs" than it is to stop them after they are started. Happy are we that "Now wo know each other better Since tho mists have rolled away.' Tho last St. Patrick's day parade that 'Hawley had was held several years ago, and it is of such a memor able character that a word or two about it will not bo out of place here and now. Hawley arranged for a grand parade, and societies from Honesdale and Port Jervls wore to take Dart In the demonstration. Then the unusual occurred In tho nature of a whopping big snow storm. B. V. Murray, who died three or four years ago, was then In his prime, and hitch ing four strong horses to a snow plow he proceeded to break roads through tho streets. Frank Curran says he rode on the plow and that the snow was nearly two feet deep. Furthermore tho ride was a cold one. The parade took place all right, and the people had a good time; but the custom of parading Is giving way to celebrations along literary and musical lines, and it is much pleas anter to sing and orate about the "dear little shamrock" in a well heated and well lighted hall, than it is to hunt after the beautiful little bit of natural green beneath the snow drifts. The Firemen Getting Heady. The annual ball of tho Hawley Fire Department that will bo held on Easter Monday night promises to bo well attended. Tho boys are doing everything in their power to make It pleasant for those who at tend. Cards and card tables will be provided for those who dp. not "trip the light fantastic toe." Little Hawley Items. Patrick Leonard, of Scranton, on Monday began his duties as book keeper for the Wangum Cut Glass Company. Miss Sallie Gllligan. of Dunmore, is visiting at the parochial residence of Father Burke. Mrs. Frank Riley, of Marble Hill, returned on Monday from visiting lifr nnn Edward, of Wllkes-Barro. Ex-Sheriff It. W. Murphy has broken ground for a new tenement residence on his lot on River street. James Curran, one of tho night onnrators in tho Hawley tower, is on the sick list, being laid up wun a se vere attack of rheumatism. Special meetings are being held every night this week In tho Hawley Presbyterian church. Mrs. Wm. Watts, Mrs. A. J. Lobb and Miss Mary Bishop directed a card party In Watt's nail on juonaay night. About fifty were present. Re freshments were sorvea, anu me oc casion was an njoyable one. Hawley's First Post Ofllcc. The writer was told while making his Tuesday trip about town that tho first post-office that Hawley had was located at the corner or wnat is now- known as River street and Wangum avenue. That must havo been when the first trains on tho gravity rail road camo clattering into town and when the canal was a now proposi tion. If anybody has an older post office than that, just speak right out about It, and we'll see that the state ment has proper placo in these col umns. Camp-Firo Girls Havo Fine Time. Hawlov has two camps of the Camp-Fire Girls of America, an or ganization lor giris in uieir tueuts that is conducted along practical lines that are parallel with the Boy Scout movement. One camp is called Wangum and tho other Paupack. Mrs TInlpn AI. UOOKG. WHO OI U1U well-known dentist, is Guardian of all Hawley Camp Fires. She has pre pared an articlo for the April number of The Wayne Countean that will tell all about the movement, and it will bo worth reading. On Monday night the Wangum Camp Fire Girls had a regular coun cil fire. Tho Doctor's garage was transformed into a miniature camp for tho evening. They entertained tho Paupack Camp Fire Girls, and had their first Initiation, Miss Irene Nell being the candidate. Honor beads were granted for school work for the first time, and the girls wore their ceremonial dresses for the first time. Wangum camp numbers nine and Paupack camp numbers eight. Mrs Pnnko arranced ten games, and every girl had a prize. Tho prizes were along tho lines of Indian lore and St. Patrick's memory. Beads, miniature canoes, shamrocks, etc., were tho souvenir prizes. Tim carace was trimmed with trees, and under tho trees were mini ature camp-fires. Thero was a largo council fire in tho grate at the end of tiio hniiiHnir. Tho floor was covered with rugs, and thero were no chairs in the room. Tho girls sat on the rugs. Tho movement is now and novel, and is calculated to do much good. The young girls of Hawley are for tunate In having this delightful op portunity of developing along useful and highly moral lines. The Citizen is delighted to do everything in us power to aid Hawley girls, and all other girls, in this new and eminent ly practical line of education. Pneumonia Claims Miss McConncll. An exceptionally sad deatn waB tii at. of Miss Jcanetto McConneii, who died the first of tho week with pneumonia. Miss McConnell was at tending school nero, boarding ui iuu homo of her uncle, David Huff. She had a host of young friends who doonlv mourn her loss. Miss Mc Connell was 16 years of ago and was a favorite of tho school children. The funeral was held Tuesday morning from St. Philomena's church and in terment was made at Lord's Valley, Pike county. Now, Hero's Something New At Snyder's & Frcethy's. On Saturday of this week and Mon day of next week Snyder & Freothy will conduct tho most uniqvo sale over held anywhere. Here Is the plan: Certain standard articles regu larly sold at 5 cents, 10 cents, 15 cents, 25 cents, 35 cents, 50 cents, 7K nonta and $1.00 are sold at the regular prlco, but If you pay one cent more you get TWO df the articles. For Instance, take a 50 cent bottle of Rexall Wild Cherry Cough Syrup, and for .51 cents you get two uoiuua. Thero will bo a wiioie ioi. or. arti cles of various kinds, and If people don't " come a runnin' " after them The Citizen man is mightily mis taken. BETHANY. Bethany, March 20, Hazel Avery entertained a number of her little friends at a birthday party recently. Those present were: Charlotte Blake, Hilda and Dorothea Smith, Helen Bodie, Dorothy Sands, Lillian Henshaw, Ruth Yerkes, Ta mar and Elizabeth Prltchard, Lillian and Violet Smith, Mildred and Hazel Avery. Tho Union H. M. R. Circle met with Mrs. E. W. Gammell on Tuesday and was very much enjoyed. The next meeting will bo held at tho homo of Mrs. Isaac Hawker on Tues day, March 25, at 2:30 p. m. Miss Gilchrist will be tho leader. Rev. and Mrs. Prltchard and baby, Margaret, attended the dinner at Mrs. Moore's In Prompton on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Starnes and two little daughters, Helen and Claire, of Carbondale, spent Sunday at the Starnes' house here. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Clemo on Saturday, a daughter. John Smith is having a siege of tho grippe. Ella Blako has recovered from tonsilitls and was ablo to attend school this week. ' Rev. Prltchard spoke to a fair sized congregation on Monday even ing on "Christ and Philip." Mrs Prltchard sang a solo. Tuesday evening Rev. Prltchard spoke on "Christ and Calaphas." Wednesday evening on "Christ and the Cyreni an." On Thursday evening ho will sneak on the "Last Supper" and Frl day evening on tho "Crucifixion." Serv'ces at 8 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Easter Day. Special music at every service. Tho narsonage was Invaded by the M. 'E.'s from Pleasant Valley on Wed nesday and a good chicken dinner was served. The Presbyterians have begun their nlans for the "Fourth." All those interested in tho fancy work will meet at Mrs. Harry C. Many's on Thursday afternoon, March 20. Simeon Roicutmeyer spent one uay last week in Honesdale and took din ner with Mrs. L. B. Reichtmeyer. Mrs. Wellington Moase of Pleasant Mount, spent Sunday with ner daugn ter, Mrs. A. O. Blake. Mrs. Edgar W. Ross returned on Wednesday from a three week's stay- in WIlkcs-Barre witn ner great aunt Mrs. Matthew Watt and cousin, Mrs TTnrnM Crocker. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Sel farth. formerly Grace E. Miller, o Rnranton. a son. Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom. of Honesdale snent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Faatz. are visiting their grandmother, Mrs. Etna Staples, on 'Maple Hill. The Ladles' Aid society gave a Dime Dinner Wednesday. They clear ed twenty dollars. There will be special services In tho M. E. church thlB Friday evening. W. G. Hlger, who recently under too. looses its beauty, so perhaps, as has been suggested, the modest violet win win out. WAYMART. Waymart, March 20. Mrs. Hiram Inch and Mrs. Lucy went an operation at the State hospl- Hlloman entertained the Ladies' Aid tnl. In hnmn and much Imriroved In society of tho M. E. church last health. Tho following officers have been elected for the Bible class of the M. E. Sunday school: Mrs. A. L. Rhodes, nresldent: Miss Sallie Marshall, sec retary; Miss Harriet weweu treasur er. Rev. G. F. Robinson Is the teach er. Tho Bible class holds a social once a month. A Membership contest has been started in tho M. E. Sunday school that promises to be very spirited. A. H. Flower Is captain of the Blues; Mrs. George Newell Is captain of tho Reds. Both have a number or assist ants who are very enthusiastic work ers. The contest runs until June. Tho losers furnish a banquet to tho winning side. Miss Marcla Major, of Scranton, and Miss Helen Smith spent Sunday with Mrs. S. A. Adams at Hlllcrest. Wednesday afternoon. A largo num ber was present. On .Thursday last Mrs. Sidney Dunn and Mrs. Ed. Minor very pleas antly entertained at a Thlmblo Tea at tho homo of tho former. Last Tuesday evening the homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Varcoo was tho scene of a jolly gathering. The Merry Dozen Book club entertained their gentlemen friends. The Ladles' Aid society or tno M. E. church are preparing a drama to bo given in tho near future entitled "The Old Maid's Convention." Wo aro sorry to hear our popular dentist, Dr. E. A. Walker, has decid ed to locate In Hawley and will soon remove his family to that place. 'Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hull, on Saturday, a son. s Mrs. Buel 'Dodge, who has beehi seriously ill for several weeks, 1b slowly recovering. M. Wilson, who has been confined to his home for tho past two wcoks with a broken arm, Is ablo to bo about again. D. W. Hull's Sunday school class was entertained on Friday evening at the home of William Seeley. Mrs. B. F. Seeley Is confined to her home with a sprained ankle. SUPPLIES FOR The Writer Admits Error. Now we know! Now wo realize how that cherry tree story; how that "I cannot tell a lie, father," state ment; how that "In the name of the great Jehovah and the Continental Congress" saying, may not have been accurately reported and transcribed. The writer thought ho know all about that stone chimney of the Ames Brothers In Hawley. He remembers when it was built, although ho did not witness tho building of It to' any great extent. 'He does remember, however, of riding on tho gravity coal cars from Hoadloys to Hawley, of seeing John Ames at work away up in the air along side another man; and, knowing tho reputation of tho Ameses for doing things, he be lieved that Mr. Ames was about all thero was to It. Now, it transpires that tho "other man" was tho real thing, nfter all. M. J. Hanlan, Honesdale's attorney, says that the chimney was built from foundation stones to tho very cap-stones by his step-father, Francis II. Dil lon, and that tho fine chlmnoy of grey Wayno county stone has been known ever since as "Dillon's Monu ment." And now, In fairness, wo must admit that wo could and did make a mistake: and once more we are reminded of the saying of a wise and witty old aunt of ours, who put it In this way: "Never boast that you have found a duck's nest Just bo cause vou seo a few 'feathers on a rock," Tho First Xntlonal is A "Worth "While" Bank. Tho First National Bank of Haw ley Is an Institution that Hawley people aro justly proud of. It is now In Its eleventh year, and Its growth has been constant and along sound financial lines. It is capitalized at $50,000, and it has a surplus of $50, 000. Its undivided profits at tho last statement wore $1G8G.9G, whllo Ma Individual dODOSltS arO D11,- 594.89. As the writer understands It, tho fact of the first National Bank's having a surplus equal to Its capital places It In lino to be known in banking circles as an Honor Bank. 'Mn tnwn can nosslbly havo a Dirnnmr nHRfit. than a first-class, do- hin hnnir. Back of any bank Is not onlv the canltal of Its stock holders, but the character of ltsdl rectors. Whore could bo found a vmttor nrrav of names than those who conduct tho destiny of Hawley's First National Bank? "Hero Is a list nf tho nfflrnrH and directors: Prosl- dont. Dr. L. P. Cooke: Vice-Presi dents, R. W. Murphy and F. C. Whltn; Cashier. V. A. 'Decker. In addition to these officers, are the f oV lnwinc additional directors: H. J Atkinson, E. L. Schlager, John S. WolBh, P. H. Kearney and u. Warg. i , i .The new Spring dress goods and trimmings can bo bought at Menner & Co.'s store In the most desirable late goods, -220014. NEWFOUNDLAND. 'Newfoundland. March 20 Snrinc is coming. Robins and blue birds are here. Peepers have boon hparrt. George Bartleson has repaired his saw mill and commenced sawing tho lntrs. Herbert Akors made a business txln to Scranton on Thursday. Mrs. Henry Manhart Is seriously ni with nnoumonln. A tralHed nurse is caring for her. Her friends hone she will soon recover. Mrs. Morrel Searlo called on Mrs, C. 'L. Burrus Tuesday afternoon. We are sorry to learn that John Kerr is still on the sick list. George Eck, of this place, has se r.iirnd emnlovment in Gage, N. Y. Mrs. Jacob Bird and Eliza Akors called on Mrs. R. C. Polham on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burrus spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Osborne, of South Sterling. A box social will bo held at the Union church on Friday evening, March 21st. All are invited. La dles aro requested to bring well .fill ed boxes. Tho young ladies should remember "the way to reach a man's heart, is by way of tho stomacn. A flock of wild geese was seen flying over this vicinity one day last week. Several from this vicinity attend ed the Genza sale at Salem on TlinrRflnv. March 13. Reuben Lancaster and daughter, Winifred, spent Thursday with Mr, nrwl Mrs. John Simons. TCrtwarrt Onnlet. of Pike county, writs trlmmlnir crane vines in this iHMnitv last week. Edward Bird, tho young son of E. E. Bird, Is sick. Dr. Simons is at- toniUntr him. Miss Mamie Hauso has returned from Scranton. GALILEE. Galilee, March 20 Orvis Rutledge, of Bloomsburg State Normal, is spending the Easter vacation at the home or nis motner, Mrs. Bertha Rutledge. Tho Earnest Workers will noia their next meeting with Will and Marv. Lov. Dr. G. L. Cado, James KIovo and Flovd Rutledge have returned homo from Now York witn several norsos which thev nurchased while thero. Mrs. Biddleman, or scranton, nas been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georce Hitchcock. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rutledge anu little daughter, or uutiedgeaaie snent Sunday In town. Agnes smitn is visiting ner sisier Mrs. Giles at Pleasant juount. LAKE COMO. Lake Como, March 20. Mr. Lewis was out of town a few days last week on business. H. A. Williams and wife of Han cock, is spending a few days In town. Miss Mamio IHgglns of New York City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Kate Jones. Chas. Knapp made a business trip to Hancock Monday. Miss Lewis anc a Triend spent Sat urday at Lakowood. 'Mrs. W. J. Gilchrist, who had a very serious operation at Dr. Burns' hospital last week, is improving. Richard Randall, of Buckingham township, died on Friday, March 14, 1913, just two years to within eight hours of his son, Peter's death, whom he grieved after so much. Richard Randall was born June 9, 1841, therefore being 71 years, 9 months and 5 days of age. On February 22, 18G8, ho was united in marriage to Miss Louisa A. Bates of Dyberry township. From this union tho fol lowing children wore born: Warren E. of "New York city; Freddie H., deceased, Aug. 24, 1S72; Elmer S., of Binghamton, N. Y.; Peter A., de ceased, March 15, 1911; Leo C, de ceased, Aug. G, 1883. Tho 'following brothers and one sister survive: Peter Randall, of Hancock, N. Y.; John Randall, of Lake Como. Rich ard Randall enlisted in the army and was a member of Company F, No, 144, 'N. Y. Volunteer Inf. He served for one year, and received an honor able discharge. The interment was made at Stockport, in tho family plot. Rev. Wm. S. Gorman conduct ed tho funeral services at the homo in tho presonco of a largo number of friends and rolatives. Home Shoemakers Sole Leather Strips Small Taps Medium Taps Large Taps Rubber Soles Rubber Strips Rubber Cement Nails of all kinds 25c tol 10c per pr. 16c per pr. 20c, 25c, 30c per pr. 25c per pr. 60c per pr. 10c. 6c per box See our special high stand with four lasts. Price 75c set. MURRAY CD. Everything for the Farm Honesdale, Pa. FOR SALE Contains S rooms with all modern appointments. Equipped with steam heating plant. House Is in exceptionally good condition. Lot 5Uxl5 feet with barn that can bo used for a garage. Located on East street and is the property of A. B. Transue. The owner desires to dispose of his property this spring and places his valuable brick house and lot at only .$1,500.. Terms made easy. Consult tho KUY-U-A-Homo Realty Co., Jadwin Building, Honesdale, Pa. MILANVILLE. Milanvllle. March 20 Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Carthuser wore in Paterson and New York city last, week; at tho former place they were entertained by, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Fulboam. Mrs. Adelia Nichols is contemplat ing spending Easter with Honesdale friends. William Skinner, who has been employed in Jersey City, arrived homo Saturday evening to spend the summer looking after his farm. While hotel keeper John Skinner was away ono day recently some pat ron made way with his barber tools. Those who were fortunate enough to attend the Dutch supper at tho Baptist parsonage, Tyler Hill, spent an enjoyable evening. Theodore Drescher of New York City, was burled In the Baptist come tory, Damascus, on Wednesday last, Mr. Drescher made his home for sev eral years at Cochecton and his many acquaintances regret that death came to him so early In life. Dr. Appley was called Monday morning to relieve the Intense suf fering of George Bruchor, who met with a serious accident wnile In the woods. A tree, in falling, splintered and ono of tho splinters struck Mr, Brucher just below the eye, pene trating for soveral Incnes. It was with difficulty tho splinter was ro- moved. Richard Calkins had the misfor tune to havo ono of his eyes hit with a wedge whllo working in tho woods. C. W. Fulkorson, of Carbondale, was In town on Monday. We are sorry to learn of tlie burn ing of Clarence Fortnam's barn. Dr. Appley s assistant, Dr. Mc- Cray, has arrived. Dr. McCray has a brother who is a specialist in Port Jervls. That tho daisy Is not tho flower to represent tho great Keystone state is tho opinion or your scribe, wnno a daisy field Is a thing of beauty to the eye, wo know it's ono of the farmer's trials and a bad weed to get rid or, Tho rhododendron is ono of our most conspIciouB and beautiful flowers. but do not know that It grows in all parts of tho state and to those who In boyhood days pulled roots this Room Known as the Col. Edward Glllon property and situated upon West Side avenue at 1414 is for sale. It Is modern throughout, has 10 rooms, only built a few years, sult- nhln for two families. Eouinned with steam heat and electricity. Ideal location. Largo lot. MusTbo s61d immediately for 3,200 CASH. For further Information consult tho GOULDSBORO. Gouldsboro, March 20 Dr. L. C. Murdock, district superln tendent, filled the M. E. pulpit on Sunday and administered tho holy sacrament. He was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sebring at West End. Tho Catechatical class of tho Lu theran church was entertained at dinner on Palm Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. William Kessler at Sunnyslde Those of tho class were: Misses Emllv Garagan. Laura Kesslar, Gus- sie Fritz, Mary Glockler, and Harry Flower. Other guests were: uav. tr, Stoltle. Georce Kessler, Lulu Heater, Dorothy and Mabel Kessler, Katie and Virginia Kessler, and Misses Rose and Lena Klumpp and Peter Aulbach of Scranton. W. E. Foster, who has .been spend ing a coudIo of weeks with his moth er at Honesdale, has returned home, Miss Sadlo Van Buskirk or ciam Summit, and Grace Bouie, of Easton luy-U-A-Home Realty Jadwin Building, Honesdale. ompany BARGAIN MATINEE MARCH 24th MONDAY NIGHT filliam A. Brady ltd Presents The Funniest Play Ever Written UEAFXKSS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caus ed by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you havo a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when It Is en tirely closed, Deafness Is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dol lars for any caso of Deafness (caus ed by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. 3. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76 c. Take Hall's Family Pills' for con- I By MARGARET MAYO With the Complete New York Daily Theatre Cast and Production One year In New York, three months In Boston, four months In Philadelphia, six months in Chicago, two years in London, pro longed runs in Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Austria, St. Petersburg, Japan, South America and South Africa. THE PLAY OF A MILLION LAUGHS. VERTIBLE VOLCANO OF GLEE. MATCHLESS MINE OF MIRTH. TWO HOURS OF HILARITY FOR FAMILY. THE WHOLE "Tho longer I listened, tho harder I laughed. Alan Dale In New York American. "I laughed till I cried, dress loosely so you can laugh comfort ably." Amy Leslie In Chicago Dally News. PRICES, NIGHT 25 5075 $1.00 1.50. MATINEE PRIOES: 25 35 50 75c. Reserve Salo starts Saturday 9:00, a. m. Night Curtain Promptly at 8S00. Matineo Curtain at 2:30. stlpatlonj