PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH ax, igi3- THE) CITIZBN Soml-Woekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. Entered as second-class matter attho postofllce, Honesdale, Pa. E. B. IIARDENBERGH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTVNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. DIRECTORS : C. n DOBFLIKQKR. M. B. ALLEN, E. B. HAKDENBKRfln . W. W. WOOD Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re nucd, should in evert case enclose stamps for that purpose. , FRIDAY, MAKCH 31, 1013. THOUGHT FOR TO-DAY. EASTElt. Most glorious IatA of Lyfel that, on this day; Didst make Thy triumph over death nnd sin, And, havlni; harrowed hell, didst brine away Captivity thence captive, us to win: This Joyous day, dearo Lord, with ioy begin: And grant that we, lor whom thou dlddest Belmpwlth thy dearo blood clcne washed from sin, May live lor ever in felicity! And that Thy love we weighing worthily. May likewise love Thee for the same ngnine: And for Thy sake, that nil lyke deare didst WIUiUfove may one another entertayncl So let us love, deare Love, lyke as wo ought. Love Is tho lesson which the Lord us taught.-Kdniund Spenser. HOW ABOUT YOUR BOY? What is your boy doing? Where does he spend his evenings. Is he kept safe within the limits of his home, or do you allow him to run the streets, mingling with whom ho will? Are you acquainted with his habits? What does ho read?' EASTER MESSAGE. "And the third day Ho rose again, according to the Scriptures." Tho Easter message is one of new life, beauty and glory. The day the Nation celebrates the risen 'Lord is one of great rejoicing. "Exalted high at God's right hand, Tho Lord of all below, Through Him is pardoning love dis pensed, And boundless blessings flow." The Citizen hopes its readers and subscribers will enjoy Easter in the fullest sense of the word. It extends to all the Season's greetings. Tho management of The Citizen takes pleasure in presenting to its patrons this Easter edition of the paper. Tho "Easter Messago" is present ed to our readers in a most enter taining manner. Tho stories are all well written, beautifully illustrated, and appropriate for the season. Aside from a literary standpoint our advertisers have an "Easter Mes sage" which appeals to you. Their advertisements are written in a catchy manner, concise and to tho point. They tell you what .tliey have to offer and in a way that can not help but convince you that they have some .Easter articles for sale which you want to purchase. IN THE SENATE. Senator Penrose, like about 20 other Republican Senators of long service, was given a chairmanship that of the Committee on Additional Accommodations for the Congres sional Library. Senator Penrose also remains on Finance, Immigration, .post unices ana Naval Affairs. Senator Oliver was not one of the Republicans given a minority chair manship, owing to his comparatively brief service in tho Senate. But he retains membership on several 1m portant committees, including Appro priations, Canadian Relations, Indus trial, Expositions, Interstate Com merce and Privileges and Elections. PROF. SURFACE HERE FRIDAY. Everything is in readiness for tho reception of Professor H. A. Sur face, State Zoologist, of Harrisburg, ,n,i w T t.owIh. nf Plttaton. Both of those gentlemen come to Hones dale, to-day, (Friday), March 21, to assist In organizing tho Wayno County Agricultural Society. They will also give instructive talks dur ing the day, which consists of two sessions, morning and afternoon. Tho program outlined in our last Issue will be observed as close as possible. It is subject to changes, however. Professor Surface is con sidered tho best authority in tho state of Pennsylvania upon horticul tural and agricultural matters and the coming of a man of hlB standing into Honesdale is a drawing card that ought to fill every seat in the court house. Mr. Lewis, who is con sidered one of the best orchardists In the East will present to the farm ers of Wayne county something that will be worth coming miles to hear. The apples from his farm near California. Louisiana, northwest and in fact all over the United States. All interested in fruit growing or soil culture are requested to attend the sessions to De nem in tue court house on Friday of this week. There will be something new presented and it will be given in a bright and in telligent manner. Tho meeting is free and it should be largely attend ed. It is expected that tho society will lm nrpnnhpfl tvlHi nvp.r 100 mem-. hers. Considerable credit is due W. H. Bullock and his corps or excellent helpers for tho preliminary work in making possible the organization of the Wayne County Agricultural Society. WAYMART. Way mart, March 20. Everything in this vicinity looks springlike, as sap making seems to bo tho feature of the day. Our roads are being repaired un der the direct supervision of Richard F. Walsh. J. T. Burnett, who has been seri ously ill with pneumonia, is able to be around again. Mrs. Wm. Arnold, who has been slightly indisposed, at this writing Is much Improved. C. Frank Burnett and wife, of Carbondale, called on friends in this locality recently. Wm. Sheehey is on tho sick list. Mrs. C. E. Moylan has a slight at tack of lumbago. WE kelcome YOU as wo welcome tho glorious spring time. Make your hanking account grow larger as the days grow longer for your happiness depends much on prosperity: prosperity hinges greatly on Progress; and Pro gress is largely a matter of Saving. Thouchtfulness In making expen ditures; Carefulness in keeping a rec ord of them by means of a Checking account, and Diligence in putting your surplus earnings in an Interest bearing Savings account bring Pros perity and its attendant Happiness much nearer to you. We welcome your accounts. -Our every Department is open to you to serve you Promptly, Carefully and Courteously. Absolute Security at all times and a continual growth our watchword. FARMERS & MECHANICS BANK, Corner Main and Tenth Streets. S. T. Hani Gunrnntecs His Harness. 'Easter Is a time for rejoicing, therefore your team of horses would rejoice If you presented them with a now set of harness or a pair of our excellent quality blankets. I have been In the harness busi ness forty years and when I recom mend a set of harness to a customer I know tho quality of the leather used in its manufacture. True, you can buy cheap harness, but in tho long run a bettor grade harness is cheaper in the end. You save money by buying quality harnesses. Every set of harness gold, by me Is guaran teed.' ' S.rT.' Ham, near State bridge. CHURCH NOTES. Grace Episcopal church, Thurs day, March 20, 7:30 p. m., Holy Communion service commemorative of the Last Supper in tho Upper Room. Good Friday, March 21, morning prayer, 10:30; three-hour service of the seven words, 12 M.; Evening prayer and Sermon at 7:30. Easter Even, Saturday, March 22, Holy Baptism at 4:15 p. m. Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold a Communion Service at White Mills on 'Easter morning at 8:30. There will be special music. Christ Church, (Indian Orchard, Easter Day, 2:30 p. m., Rev. A. L. Whittaker will hold service. There will bo a special program of Easter music. Sunday school as usual, at 1:30 p. m. DREHER. Edward Bird, aged about G years, a son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bird, Is seriously ill with scarlet fever. His father is indisposed with lagrlppe. Erdmaq Fetherman is spending a few drfys at tho Pennsylvania State College and Is especially Interested in creamery work. Leo Graser returned to his home on Saturday from Gouldsboro where he has been In the employ of the North Jersey. Ice plant and helped take care of the horses. (Newfoundland creamery, Frank Fetherman proprietor, paid $1.80 per hundred pounds for milk deliver ed to the creamery in the month of February. George Bartleson is arranging to start his saw mill this week on the J. P. Eck lumber tract, where he has put in quite a stock of hard wood logs. Public roads in this locality are in a deplorable condition and in some places they are almost impassable on account of frequent rains and warm weather. Plenty of mud and water. Those interested in making maple syrup have had several days of good sap runs and were obliged to bo on the job, early and late. Invitations are out announcing the woddlng of Miss Maurice C. Hause to Maurice W. Gilpin, to take place at 11 a. m, March 26, at the residence of the bride s parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Hause. Mrs. J. W. Kerr has a hen that laid threo eggs in three successive days that weighed ten ounces. Hero Aro Reasons Why Tho Honesdnlo National Bank Succeeds. Readers of The Citizen have not ed, doubtless, the unique advertise ment tho Honesdale National Bank has recently been running in its col umns. If they have missed it, turn to it right away and look it over. The object of tho advertisement Is to give a llttlo object lesson that is calculated to show what has led to that famous old banking institution's remarkable success. Here aro the several lines: Years of Experience. That bank was started In 1S3G, when Hones dale was only nine years old. In all of these 77 years the bank has al ways been growing, and has never had a "sick" day. There is experi ence, for you. Security of Funds. The Hones dalo National has tho whole United States back of it. Could more se curity possibly bo offered? Soundness of Principle. Tho very foundation of tho Honesdale Na tional Bank is tho bed-rock of Integ rity and a practical application of the " golden rule." This foundation is sometimes called " a square deal for everybody." Safety of Investment. Conserva tism has been in the past a marked characteristic of the Honesdale Na tional Bank. A past record of 77 years surely points to a continuance along that lino. Liberality or Treatment, People who begin to do business with the Honesdale National Bank always go right along with that Institution. They never have anything to com plain about. That is the reason. Economy of Management. This is a lino that means that tho Bank has a truo sense of the moral re sponsibility that rests upon it as tho custodian of tho monoy of so vast a number of Wayne County people. On such lines as these is it any wonder that the 'Honesdale National Bank is so popular and so successful? Easter Attractions Ladles' nock wear, corsets, corset covers, auto veils and a beautiful line of trimmed hats for spring and summer at Kate McKonna's. Bregstein Bros. Givo Full Vnluo for your money when you trade at their store. When they sell you a suit of clothes, gents' furnishing goods or an overcoat, they do so with the expectation that you will re turn when in need again. They be lieve In quick sales and small profits and If you need anything in Men's and Children's Suits, Gents' furnish ings, fancy hats, etc., you will find it to your advantage to deal with them. (Make it a point to shop around a bit before coming to them to buy clothing. In that way the comparisons you mako will show you why so many people prefer this store. The more closely their stock of clothing and gents' furnishings is examined tho moro surely its high quality and fair price will appeal to you. A high price doesn't always mean a corresponding high quality and many so called bargains aro bar gains in name only. This is a point to remember. Their Easter lino Is complete. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT. Whereas, on tho evening of Mon day, March third, tho messenger of death passed our sentinel and invad ed our Post, and summoned from his post of duty our Commander, Henry Wilson; and whoreas, as we shall never again enjoy his genial comradeship and wise counsel. Al ways a leader and willing worker in the Grand Army, we mourn his departuro, and his memory will ever bo fresh In our hearts. Theroforo bo It Resolved, that It is with sorrow wo thus part with our Commander, but bow in humble submission to the "Grand Commander," who "dooth all things well." Resolved, That tho sympathy of this Post be extended to the sorrow ing relatives, and in token of our sincere friendship for ono who was ono of Nature's noblemen. "His life was gentle, and tho elements so mix ed in him, that nature might stand up and say to all tho world this was a man." Furthermore Resolvod, That these' resolutions be placed upon tho minutes, and the colors bo draped for thirty days. Captain James Ifam post, Q, A. It. Pell, the Druggist, Sells Quality Easter Goods. Every article in the Quality Store bears the high mark of quality Since being in business the proprie tor has endeavored to impress upon the public the absolute necessity and value of purchasing quality goods, As a consequence the patrons of the Quality Store have been educated to this fact and now when Quality Store is mentioned the name of its progres sive ana enterprising proprietor, Fell, the druggist, is linked with it. The Quality Store has a fine and varied line of appropriate Easter packages. Some are in the form of Fobs' delicious quality chocolates, in different size boxes, and by tho way are especially attractive Just now. An appropriate Easter gift would be a bottle of perfume. The Quality Store has a fine line of delicate odors, all pleasing to the olfactory nerves, and also to the pockethook They consist of the best on the mar ket. , Easter would not bo complete without a few Easter post cards Tho Quality Store's selection is beau tiful. STALKER AND BRAMAN. Stalker and Braman, Mar. 19. Next Sunday is the last nreachlng we have until after conferepce. March lli th tho Sunday school met at the homo of Mrs. Mary White. Frank Raunor of Susquehanna. visited his parents one day last week. The Ladies' Aid society at Mrs. Charles Cargin's was well attended and the proceeds about four dollars. Many thanks to George Inken, of Brooklyn, owner of tho creamery. who presented them with $5.00, mak ing the amount about $9.00. Mrs. Lydia Colo and Frank Cole, who have been under tho doctor's care for the last few days, are a lit tle better at this writing. Edna Rauner is expected homo this week, having spent aotno time with her sister at Port Jorvis. 'Lizzie Mincklor, who has been sick for tho past four weeks, Is not gain ing as fast as her friends wish, being unable to sit up only a 'few minutes at a time. Mrs. Barbara Adams, Mrs. Henry Adams and Mrs. Grant Caffery at tended tho Aid society last Thursday. Coo Young contemplates placing a milking machine in his barn. Ho ex pects soon to visit a farm with the agent where one is now being used. There will be a variety supper held in tho little hall at Stalker this Friday night. A cordial invitation to all. choir, assisted by Miss Murphy of Jormyn, which was enjoyed. William Fltzo and daughter, Anna, visited tho former's sister, iMrs. Eliza beth Horton, who is seriously 111 at Jermyn, last week. Nelson Crossman, who rccontly spent a few days hero with his par ents, left Friday for Scranton, accom panied by his mothor, Mrs. S. P. Crossman and Fay Crossman, who was taken Monday to tho 'Hahne mann hospital suffering with appen dicitis. Mrs. Charles Bonham and son spent tho week-end with friends at Pleasant Mount. Miss Ina Crossman is visiting her, sister, Mrs. Truman Bryant, at Al-denville. Yo Hungry Pcoplo Attention. Como and eat a fine Supper at tho Baptist Chapel, Thursday, March 27. All good things of the season will bo served. First table at 5:30. Price 40 c. Home-mado candy and aprons will be on sale. MAKE PIMPLES GO Remarkable How Zcmo Clears tho Faco of Pimples and All Other Blemishes. With tho finger tips apply a llttlo Zemo to tho skin, then 6eo tho pim ples and blackheads vanish. Zemo is1 a liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace, just simply sinks In and does the work. You will bo astonished to find how quickly eczema, rash, dan druff, itch, liver spots, salt rheum, and all other skin diseases aro cured. Zemo Is put up by tho E, W. Roso Midiclne Co., 'St. Louis, Mo and la regularly sold by all druggists at $1' for the large bottles, but you can. get a liberal size trial bottlo for only 25 cents. And this trial bottle Is guaranteed. You surely will find Zemo a wonder. Get a bottlo now from A. M. Lelne, Honesdale, Pa. It will bo a pleasure to you to examine Menner & Co.'s Spring line of separate coats. 22eol4 WHITES VALLEY. Whites Valley, March 20. Wm. Bryant, who has completed a course at State College, Is spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Bryant. Mrs. Harriet Martin and son aro visiting relatives in Forest City. D. E. Hacker, who has had a re lapse of the grip, Is again convalesc ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings have returned homo after an extended visit with Carbondale and Dunmoro relatives. Monday evening an appreciative "audience listened to an able dis course by the Rev. 'Father McCarty of Pleasant Mount on his trip to the Holy Land and travels abroad. Music was furnished by the Pleasant Mount MAN GETS A NEW STOMACH After trying to enjoy life for years with a no good stomach he gets wise. "I was bothered for years with stomach trouble and gastritis. Food laid like lead in my stomach and fermented, forming gas. This caus ed a pressuro on my heart, so that I choked and gasped for breath. I thought my time had come. MI-O-NA cured me after I had doctored without success." Wm. V. Math ews, Bloomington, Ind. Call it Gastritis, Catarrh of tho Stomach, Indigestion or Dyspepsia; it matters not. MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets will drive out all the misery and give you practically a now, clean, willing-to-work stomach or G. W. IRell, the druggist, will refund the price; ' That's honorable, isn't 'it? So if you want to get rid of your sour, gassy, heavy, stupid, irresponsible stomach get a 50-cent box today. Rickerts9 Easter Offering; for Men and Boys I In the selection of our Easter apparel we took special effort to bring together a line that would please our customers. Upon inspection you will agree that our complete display of will sustain our slogan of Rickerts9 EQUINUNK. Mrs. Riefler is spending several weeks in Hancock. Millard Lord was a business caller In Honesdale recently. C. E. Woodmansee lost a very valuable cow Wednesday. The 'Equlnunk base ball club met Wednesday evening to organize for the coming season. Dr. F. C. Fris blo was elected president; J, W. Far ley treasurer; C. E. Woodmansee manager; and Thomas Cuddihe captain. Easter at Mnrvin's, tho Florist. What is Easter without flowers? Not very bright it is certain. Your homo can be made much moro cheer ful by having some of the season's offering. A few suggestions: Easter lilies, tulips, jonquils, hyacinths, carnations, hydrangeas, clnerarles, roso bushes and cut flowers, all kinds of greens. THE Commissioners of Wayne County will recolvo bids up to two o'clock P. M Tuesday, April 1, 1913, for building of abutments for foot bridge across tho Lackawaxen River in the Borough of Honesdale, Pa. Plans and specifications can bo seen at the Commissioners' ofllce. They will also receive plans, and bids tor Duuaing said bridge at same time. Dimensions of bridge may be had at tho Commissioners' ofllce. Tho commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN MALE; EARL ROCKWELL, NEVILLE HOLOATE, Attest: Commissioners. T, Y. Boyd, CJerk, Hose Co. No. 1 Concert and Ball Starts 8:15 Monday Evening at the Armory. Our sale will start early in the morning at 7:30 and finish in the evening at 7 o'clock. our stop wii i 01 o5i? sharp 7 O'clock I to give all hands opportunity to attend the Firemen's Ball, Monday, March 24. IVIonclay3 March 24 Grocery Department. Best Granulated Sugar, 25 lb. bag, $1.20. Karo Corn Syrup, 10 lb. pail, 50c val 42c. Karo Corn Syrup, 5 lb. pail, 25c val 21c. Karo Corn Syrup, 2 lb. pail, 10c val., 8c. Famous White Rose Coffee, 35c val., 32c lb. Royal Baking Powder, Pound Cans, special, 41c D. A. R. Brand Salmon, tall cans, 18c val., 15c can. Old Dutch Cleanser, 10c val,, 8c can. Snow Boy Wash Powder, 5c val., 4c package. Fresh Pretzels, 15c val., 12c lb. Full Cream Cheese, 23c val., 21c lb. OTHER DEPARTMENTS-MAIN FLOOR Celebrated Kekko Silk, all colors, 35c val., 25c yd Irlh Poplin, Sun and Soap Proof, 25c val., 22c yd Now Spring Velmaro Dress Ginghams, 10c val., 7 c yd. Yard Wide English Percales, all colors, 11c yd. Fine Unbleached muslin, 10c val., 8c yd. Threo 'Leading Styles Corsets, $1 and $1.25 val., 89c ea. Men's Cotton Socks, all colors, 10c val., 7c pr. Men's Best Negligee Shirts, great $1.00 value, 85c ea. President Suspenders, fine 50c value, 39c pr. Hair Bow Ribbon, great 35c value, 22c yd. Damask and Linen husk towels, 50c value, 42c pair. SECOND FLOOR SPECIALS. Ready-to-Wear Dept. Ladles' White Skirts, embroidered flounce, 75c value, '59 c ea. Children's Wash Dresses, sizes '2 to C, special, 49o ea. Ladles Black Mercerized Pottlcoats, 09c val., 59c ea. Colored Curtain Scrim, best 10c value, 8c yd. House Furnishing Dept. 9x12 Axmlnster Rugs, big value, $19.50. Wood Grain Rug Filler, " 50c val., 43c yd. Union Ingrain Stair Carpet, 35c val., 29c yd. Opaque Window Shades, 22c ea. Special Lot New Wall Paper, 15c doublo roll. KATZ BROS. Inc. NOTICE. Monday Specials are sold for cash only.
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