The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 14, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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: Down Hawley Way:
A Very Quiet Week In the Town
ents Kojoico over tno Kirtn or a iwo l'ounu uauy ueaiu
of Thomas Howell Rumors of a New Shoo Factory
The Kntz Ilrothers Not Coining.
Know all men, and likewise all women and young folks In
general, that J. A. Collum, of Hawley, an old veteran of
the Civil War, has started out with his satchel of sample
copies of The Citizen, The Wayne Countean, the Tribune
Farmer, the Ladles' World and the big and elegant book of
"Home Songs" that ho Is offering iri combination the
wholo shooting match for only $3.00.
he tells you. Examine his samples
big combination.
Hawley has been very quiet this
Week. From a news standpoint there
has been " nothing doing." In fact,
on Wednesday It was so balmy, so
warm and so Springlike that every
body just felt like doing nothing and
letting it go at that.
One of the marks of distinguish
ment of the town is the big stone
smoke-stack on Keystone street
right in the rear of " Dick " Mur
phy's glass-cutting shop. It seems
but yesterday since that stack was
built, but if one began measuring it
by years he would find that it was
built either forty or forty-one years
ago. John Amos, father of 'Erasmus
and Homer and the late Wm. Ames,
laid the stones of that chimney, and
looked as ho worked away up in the
" What are you building, John?"
was a common inquiry shouted from
the ground to the workman aloft.
The answer varied according to the
Ihumor of the builder. Mr. Ames was
apt to come back at tho questioner,
Yankee fashion, by asking them if
it didn't look like the Washington
monument. Nobody was told exact
ly what was contemplated until the
chimney was completed. Then the
Ames Brothers quickly built a grist
mill and began grinding grain.
The Ameses were always doing
funny little stunts like that.
As previously stated the tall stone
stack is a mark of dlstlnguishmcnt
for Hawley, and will continue to be
until the march of progress and im
provement shall hide it from sight, or
shall necessitate its removal.
Tho Kntz Ilrothers Aro
Not Coining to Hawley.
Just where tho story started that
the Katz Brothers, of Honesdale, had
bought two lots on Spring street, and
expect to build a branch of their un
derwear factory in Hawley is a mys
tery. The writer took the pains to
investigate the story, and the Katz's
Bay there is absolutely nothing in
story. They have not bought lots,
and have no intention of doing so.
They say they have all they can well
look after and care for in Hones
dale. Thomas Howell Bled on
Monday, of Tills Week.
Thomas Howell, who lived on
Chestnut street, and who has resid
ed In Hawley for tho past twenty
years, died on Monday of this week,
nd tho funeral was held on Wed-
Newfoundland, March 13
Mrs. Job 'Moore, of Gouldsboro, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Heffley.
A very enjoyable party was given
at the residence of Alfred Walter on
Wednesday evening, March 5th.
Those present wore: 'Misses Ruth Gil
pin, Winifred Lancaster, Lila Carl
ton, Eva DunnIng, Bessie Dunning,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Walter, Ivison Gil
pin, Charles Ehrhardt, Lawrenco
Barnes, A. H. Baughan, Ray Osborn,
and Ward Frey. Games and other
party diversions were Indulged In
until a seasonable hour after which
dainty refreshments were served.
N. A. Frantz, of Stroudsburg, was
a business caller here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Walter aro
visiting relatives and friends in New
William Voeste and Elgin Kerr
have returned from Gouldsboro,
where they wore working on tho
E. E. Bird is sick with tho grip.
There are only three weeks left
for school at Maple Glen.
We are glad to learn that Sam
Green is Improving.
Geo. Eck left on Wednesday for
Pen Yan, (N. Y., where ho expects to
secure employment.
Mrs. W. F. Decker, who has been
visiting in Philadelphia, returned
home on Saturday.
Tho Ladles' Aid met Wednesday
with Mrs. Tom Brown:
Friday last being Miss Bates
birthday, she treated her pupils to
candy. '
Mrs. 'Herbert AKors nau a quitting
on Wednesday.
Will Eck has returned from a
visit in Wllkes-Barre and Scranton.
The funeral of Jacob Shiftier was
hold Sunday afternoon at Green
town. Phillip Eck, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
Pelham and children Beulah and
Virgil took dinner Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde TCurrus.
Thomas Erghood lost a pile
props by Are recently.
Tho following motions were pre
sented to court tho first of tho week:
Estate of William S. Compton, do
ceased. Sale of real estate ordered.
Kreltner Bros. vs. W. G. Blaknoy,
Ordered that balance of judgment of
$1500 paid In case of Kreltner Bros,
vs. Courtrlght & Son.
In re petition of Augusta Meyer,
administratrix of George Meyer, de
ceased, to sell real estate. Ordered
In re petition to vacate and change
nubile road in Canaan township: ap
pointment of viewers continued until
June term.
All tax collectors bonds wore ap
Commonwealth vs. Charles C.
oc. 30, mi. the de
of the Thrco Hirers Fond Par
Treat him well. Listen to-what
for yourself, then go along with tho
nesday. Mr. Howell was about 7G
years of age. Ho Is survived by his
widow. For years he has not been
able to perform hard labor. By occu
pation he was a carpenter, and at
one time conducted a grist mill in
Pike county.
And Now They Say a Shoo
Manufactory is Coming.
It is reported on Hawley streets
this week that parties from White
Mills are contemplating starting a
shoe manufactory in this place. No
names and no particulars at this
Hawley Once More Has
Two Lawyers
cided to go West and seek his fortune
that left Hawley with but one lawyer
to care ror its legal rights, Mr. v. A.
Decker being the solitary barrister.
Now C. S. Houck has passed tho re
quired examination, and once more
everybody is happy and feels safe.
As Mr. Decker is connected with the
'First National Bank, and Mr. Houck
with the Hawley Bank, honors all
around are quite even.
A Two-Pound Baby
Delights All Who See It.
Herbert Polley is the happy grand
parent of a two-pound baby that was
born about two weeks ago. The
tiny infant is in every way perfect,
and the Polley homo has many cal
lers who are delighted to see such
a wonderful little baby.
Alvy M. De Groat, of Kimbles,
well known in 'Hawley, died of epil
epsy on Monday of this week. The
funeral was held on Wednesday.
Deceased was about 60 years of age,
and Is survived by his widow and two
Ethyl Ely, of Pink, is a visitor
at the home of Herbert Polley.
F. A. Jenkins, of Honesdale, was
in town on business on Wednesday.
The song sparrow was heard for
the first time this Spring on Thurs
day morning.
The Wangum Cut Glass Company
has a new bookkeeper In the per
son of Patrick Leonard, of Scranton.
On Saturday evening last a barn
belonging to the Forest Lake Clnb
house was- totally destroyed by Are.
There was a small Insurance on the
Samuel Geary has returned from
Allentown where he was visiting liis
fendant was summarily convicted be
fore Squire Smith of having stopped
and otherwise injured drains on Cllif
street, Texas township. Record of
justice reversed.
Tho case of the Commonwealth
against Archie Blain, charged in tho
indictment with fornication, was
heard in court Monday afternoon.
The prosecutor, George "Van Ausdale,
was the principal witness for the
commonwealth. Several witnesses
were called by the defense who de
nied tho charge and stated that "Van
Ausdale was a meddler and did not
have a good reputation for truth) and
veracity. The case went to the jury
early In the afternoon. It was
thought that a verdict would bo
reached that evening but tho jury
was out all night and could not agree
They were called in Tuesday morn
ing and tho Court gave them further
instructions. They remained out
about an hour longer and returned a
verdict of not guilty and divided the
costs between the prosecutor and de
fendant. Tho case against 'Bessie
Hafner was disposed of 'Monday af
ternoon. A jury was called and a
verdict of not guilty was taken.
In the case of the Commonwealth
against Morton Hinds, who was sen
tenced at last term of court to un
dergo a three months' sentence In
the county jail and to pay a fine of
$500, for selling liquor without a
license, was remitted Monday when
the petition of Charles P. Searlo, at
torney for Hines, asking for his re
lease, was granted. The petition
stated that Hlnes was unable to pay
the fine of $500 imposed.
Tho case of the Commonwealth
against A. F. Severson, which was
continued ovor from tho last term of
court, was again continued by appli
cation of the council for the defense
Monday who presented to court a
doctor's certificate stating that Sever
son was unable to be in court. Sev
erson was Indicted on the charge of
larcqny. The motion for continu
ance was approved by the Court who
stated that the case would be dis
posed of at the next term of court
whether tho defendant was sick or
The following deeds have been re
corded: JHelrs of Elizabeth G. Barnes, to
First Free MethodlBt church of
Beachlake, land in Berlin township;
Robert O. Woodmanseo et ux. of
Lake Como, to Ophelia Geer, of,
same, land in Preston township;
John 'W, Welsch et al. of Rock
Island, 111., to Edwin H. Blake, of
Dyberry, land In Dyberry; $500.
Don't fall to see tho now Spring
suits at Menner & Co.'s stores. They
are the artist accepted styles,. 22eoi4
All Pennsylvania Gleaned for
Items of Interest
Farmers Busy In Every Locality
Churches Raising Funds for Many
Worthy Objeeto Itema of Busi
ness and Pleasure that Interest.
Skating in March was a novelty for
Allegheny county's lawyers are out
for elective board of education.
Frank Selwell was found dead along
side the Reading tracks in Mahanoy
City, killed by a train.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Is pre
paring to build a $10,000 passenger
station at Brookville.
Seven police inspectors and six de
tectives in Pittsburgh will resist re
moval for lack of city revenues.
At Lancaster, William C. Brobst, a
prominent contractor who shot him
self a week ago, 13 dead.
Whllo on duty at the Morrisville
station of the Pennsylvania Railroad,
George C. Bunting fell dead. Her was
freight agent for many years.
United Mine Workers have recruit
ed up to 20,236 In the Hasleton dis
trict, 64,278 In No. 1, and 40,060 in
No. 9.
Michael Burke, of Tatesville, a mi
ner at the Knickerbocker Colliory, was
shot in the face and head by a pro
mature blast
Payment of relief was started by
the Garment Workers' Union to Idle
employes of the Gardhardt shirt fac
tory, Hazleton.
Telegraphers at the Hazleton &
Mahanoy division offices of the Lehigh
Valley Railroad have been granted
Increases of from $5 to $10 a month.
Jacob K. Miller succeeds James A.
McClnro as carrier of malls between
Maytown and Marietta. The latter
held down the job about 38 yeara.
John Markle, the Jeddo coal oper
ator, will sail for Europe. He expects
to spend the greater part of tho sea
son abroad.
Ex-Mayor Confer and D. E. Byleaof
Oil City, have departed from as ex
tended trip through the West Indies.
They will spend some time at Pana
ma looking over the big ditch.
Moadville merchants will hereafter
not permit the placing of advertising
cards in their show windows. The
merchants, as a rule, advertise in tho
newspapers, and probably believe that
other people should do the samo.
At Girardvllte, John Huffey, his
wife son and daughter, ate heartily of
preserved fish for supper and all four
were taken violently 111. Tho physi
cian diagnosed the case aa ptomaine
poison, and they all aro out of danger.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of tho
Woman's Missionary Guild was ob
served at tho regular, meeting of the
Guild in tho Fine Street Presbyterian
ChUTch, Wllllarasport. One of the
charter members gave a brief history
of the Guild and an account of tho
work done by the society.
An oil portrait of the late Judge
Adam Hoy, recently completed by
Philadelphia painters, has been pre
sented to Centre county by Mrs. W.
Fred Reynolds and Albert Hoy, and
has been hung in the gallery of judges'
portraits In Memorial Hall In tho
courthouse at Bollefonte.
The names of 83 men, Intemperate
and otherwise, have been posted In the
several Waynesboro barrooms as "per
sons of known Intemperate habits,"
and to these the barkeepers are in
structed not to sell alcoholic drinks.
Some persons named on this list are
Indignant over what they call the li
belous suggestion, and have raised
nearly $200 to carry the matter Into
the courts.
The Bellefonte fish hatchery is stilt
sending out yearling trout, but the
stock Is pretty well reduced and will
be oleared up entirely before long.
All told, about 200,000 yearlings will
bo put out of tho Bellefonte hatchery
this year, while few of them are of a
size large enough to catch, the most
of them will be next year, and tho re
suit should be apparent during the
trout-flshlng season.
Dr. Charles Melne, postmaster of
Germania, for more than halt a cen
tury a practlolng physician In Ger
mania, and for 65 years a school di
rector of Abbott, is 81 yeara young.
Jay Tussey displays at Altoona
trophies of his recent Florida hunting
expedition, including three aklns ot
deer, one of a fawn, one of a South
ern squirrel and three of snakes. Tho
principal exhibit is the tawny skra of
a diamond snake, e feet In length, 10
Inches wide, with 10 rattles at the
Washington Has Had Rumors of Revo
lutionary Plot Involving Many Re
publicsTheme Before Cabinet, but
Document Prepared by President.
Washington, March 12. There la
.every' reason to think that a statement I
on the relations of the United States '
to Latin-America, written by President 1
Wilson and Issued by him after a
meeting of the Cabinet, has deep and
significant bearing on a concerted
movement In Central America, fost
ered by ex-President Castro of Vene
zuela, ex-Presldcnt Zelaya of Nicara
gua, and other malcontents who were
about to start a revolution intended to
Involve all, or nearly all, tho Central
American republics.
It is understood that this Govern
ment had trustworthy advices that rev
olutionary plans had been practically
formed, and it was felt by the Presi
dent and his advisers that unless ac
tion was taken by the Washington Ad
ministration, Central America would
soon be in a turmoil that might in
volve the United States In serious dif
ficulties with foreign nations.
The matter was discussed at a- meet
ing of the Cabinet, and It was decided
by tho President and his official ad
visers that a statement should be is
sued defining tho attitude of the' Wil
son Administration toward Central)
America. After tho meeting Proal
dent Wilson wrote out the statement
and directed that it be given to the'
The President undoubtedly Issued'
his declaration chiefly for the purpoeo
of disabusing agitators of any notion
that the Tuft policies for the upholding
ot good government in those countries
would be repudiated.
But the statement has another im
portant significance. It is construed
as notice to the Huerta Government in
Mexico City that tho Unitod States
will not recognize it until has Itself
received the indorsement of the ma
jority, ot the people in Mexico in a
regular election.
Business Interests that have parti
cipated, la relations with Latin-American
countries are assured that they
will not be disregarded by the present
Mr. Wilson asserts that ono of the
aims of his Administration will be to
promote trade relations between the
United States and Central and South
America. While promising that such
Interest in trade relationships shall
not Interfere, with the righta and lib
erties of the Latin-American coun
tries, the'bellef here is that the prac
tical application of tho Wilson policy
will result' lni the samo support to
legitimate commercial enterprise as
they have enjoyed under Republican
administrations in the last sixteen
United States-Supreme Court Urged to
Bar Publicity Law Enforcement,
Rending Settlement.
Washington. March 12. Announce
ment by Postmaater-Qoneral Burleson
that he intends to enforce the new
newspaper; publicity law resulted in aa
attempt la the Suprome Court of the
United States to restrain enforcement
ot the lawiuatll after tho court passes
on Us validity.
Attorney Robert C. Morris, for tho
New York Journal of Commerce and
Commercial Bulletin, representing the
American Newspaper Publishers' As
sociation,, applied for an injunction
against Postmaster-General Burleson
and Attorney-General McReynolds.
The request for an injunction was
made in the case now held under ad
visement by tho court to test the con
stitutionality of the law.
Attorney Morris told the court that
former Postmaster-General Hltchcook
and' former Attorney-General Wicker-
sham had agreed not to enforce the
publicity law until the Supremo
Court'B decision was rendered. Bur
leson, he announced, will send regis
tered notices to thousands ot news
papers, who have failed to submit
sworn statements regarding their cir
culation, officers, Indebtedness, eta,
and subject them to denial of use of
the mails if such statements are not
filed within ten days.
Thrust Hook Into Dynamite, Says,
Stevedore, Who Wat Injured In
Baltimore Explosion.
Baltimore, March 12. Sensational
testimony was given by Norrla Price,
a stevedore, to the coroner's Jury
which is Investigating the blowing up
of the dynamite ship Alum Chine with
heavy loss of life and Injury to scores.
Price, who was made deaf In one
ear and received minor Injuries,
sworo that William Bomhardt, as
sistant foreman, was under the in
fluence ot liquor on the morning of
.the explosion. Becoming angered.
.Bomhardt, bum the. yjrtnesw. grabbed
a cotton hook froin' 'a stevedore and
BWttng It into a box of dynasalte.
"There was a small explosion.'
added Price. "It Bounded 19 a pistol
shot, and thea I saw amok issuing
from hatchway."
Now is the time for first
spray. What yois need :
One of our Pomona sprayers mount
ed on barrel with 25 ft. hose, nozzles,
'extension pipe; all ready for business.
Price, $19. Or one of our Frultall
sprayers with same outfit at $15. 5c
worth of our lime sulphur solution will
spray an ordinary tree. 10c worth of
labor will do the spraying. Why not
spray and double your apple crop?
Come in and talk it over.
Everything for the Farm
The L. A. S. met with Mrs.
Mains on March 4th.
C. -E.
Miss Grace E. BIdwell of Hawley
and Homer -BIdwell of Scranton,
spent Sunday with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. D. W. BIdwell.
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Peet, of Ham
Hn spent Sunday with the 'latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walker.
Mrs. Karl Knapp made a business
trip to New York last week.
Mrs. Chas. Utt, of Lakevllle, is
visiting in Scranton.
Arthur Dietrich was in Honesdale
last week as a grand juror.
Both Mrs. L. M. and Joseph Bltt
ner, of Lakevllle, are Improving slow
ly Wm. D. Sheeley, of Lakevllle, is
no better.
The Sunday school reorganized
on Sunday last and elected officers
for the coming year.
The stockholders of the Arlington
Creamery Company met some time
ago and elected the following board
of directors: President, A. L. Finley;
vice-president, George Swingle; sec
retary, F. C, Carlton; treasurer, U.
Uhick; manager, J. L. Noble. The
board will meet for their regular
meeting Saturday, March 15 at J. L.
Noble's. A. D-, Dietrlck and S. M.
BIttner were appointed auditors and
will go over the books in tho near
The Lakevllle L. A- S. will hold a
supper in the P. O. S. of A. hall on
March 19 th.
Take the progressive newspaper
The Citizen.
At at fete- given In honor of
President Elect Poincare at the
Louis le' Grand lycee In Paris re
cently Reno- Quiiiton, president
of the French National Aero
league, announced that a secret
automatic device for the stability
of aeroplanes- had: been discov
ered. This, saidH. Qulnton, wns
great news.
Tho inventor, named Morean,
made experiments on nn aero
plane in the- presence of war of
fice officials and1 flew with a pas
senger for forty-five minutes
without' touching the controlling
levers of the-aeroplane except for
tho purpose of rising nnd de
scending. On this occasion the
wind sometimes blew twenty-five
feet a seeond.
Also Device, to, Tip Them Over.
General Hirschaucr of the fly
ing corps has received a commu
nication i from the- Inventor, Dr.
Cousin, n scientist, who has re
cently been experimenting on a
device with Jules Vodrines, tho
aviator.- He Informs General
Hlrschauer that tho apparatus,
whlchi Is. small and simple and
can bo- carried In a soldier's
knapsack, by provoking disturb
ances of the air will cause nny
typo ot aeroplane to capslzo, even
if It has. ascended to a height of
moro than. 0,000 feet.
Eight Boom
Located at No.
Condition. Lot 50 x 125 feet. House has all Modern Appolntm
Inquire of
n ii ft Yi
P. O, Box fi9, HommKlAft, Ta., Jiujwiu Building.
Hamlin, March 13.
Miss Alice Hamlin has roturned
from Scranton where she has been
for the past two weeks caring for her
mother. 'Mrs. Hamlin went to Scran
ton some time ago, to visit her son,
Dr. B. G. Hamlin, and while there
was taken quite seriously 111. She is
now mnch Improved and expects soon
to be ablo to return home".
The L. A. S. met on Friday, Mar.
7th, at the home of Mrs. C. M.
:H. C. Pelton has been somewhat
indisposed for the past few days, but
has now resumed teaching.
Mr. anu Mrs. H. F. Nicholson, Mrs.
Marion Franc and F. A. Peet drove
to Scranton on Thursday last.
The Booklovers' Club met on Wed
nesday, March 12, at the home of
Miss Cora Alt, where they wore roy
ally entertained. The meeting was-in .
every way a success. '
On Friday, March 7, the remains
of Frank Spangenberg, a former res
ident of Hollisterville, were burled
in the Hamlin cemetery.
Miss Martha Goodrich, Hawley, is
is at Ira Ressiguer8- helping to care
for Mrs. Ressigue.
Salem Grange met on Friday night.
A good many were present in spite of
the cold.
On Tuesday, March 11, a few
fttanrfci nt TT vct if T Onnn rrnnnro'
a. j v. i-i u u ua, mi a, vs iw upuut,uuuuit)
gathered at her home to help her cel
ebrate her seventy-second birthday.
The affair was an entire surprise to
Mrs. Spangenberg, the ladies bring
ing their refreshments with them. A
bountiful dinner was served. Those
present were: Mrs.. C M. Loring,
Mrs. Amos Olver, Mrs. Inez Curtis,
Mrs. J. P. Stocker and' Mrs. Marion
Dr. O. J. Mullen has Just return
ed from 'Beachlake where he has
been looking after smallpox matters.
Sugar making Is in progress In
this neighborhood.
Rev. O. G. Russell and a number
of our townspeople are Honesdale
visitors this week.
It will be a pleasure- to you to
examine Menner & Co.'s- Spring line
of separate coats. 22eoi4
deafness, and that is by constitu
tlonal remedies. Deafness is caus
pn nv nn iiiiim m on nnniTiTtnn 1 1 u
you have a rumbling sound or
iinr i Mi'i ii ii r ii i iiiiii us i.i -4 1 1 is. in n
and unless the Inflammation can!
taken out and this tube restored t
Itn nnrmnl r.r.nrlltirm. hearlne wl
if, npsinivK i 1 1 1 1 i v i . i: iiihh chkkm ij
of ten are caused by Catarrh, v
of the mucous surfaces.
lars for any case ol Deafness (
by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send f
circulars, free.
Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
1223 East Street.
only $4,000
n n- e
neany bompan
For Sa
t j