The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 14, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7
THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913. 1 PAGE SEVEN Woman's World Mrs. Ladd, 8oulptor, Novelist and Dramatist. SELECT GULLINGS. A Big Railroad Job. With $10,000,000 nt his command, Al fred W. McCune, an American, Is at work on one of the biggest railroad jobs on record. The line will extend from the top of the Andes to the west ern limit of navigation on the Am'azun ind Its tributary, the Ucayall, a dis tance of 270 miles, and It Is stipulated that It must bo completed by the open ing of the Panama canal. Connecting with the railroad which Henry Melggs built forty years ago from the Pacific at Callao, 100 miles west to a pass ovor tho Andes, the new lino will fur nish the last link in the first rail and water route across equatorial South America and will Join the two sections of Peru now separated by the high mountain range. With the complete system in operation, products now in transit for months can be transported In four days. A large part of tho rub ber from tho Putumayo district now freighted down streams to Iqultos, 2,300 miles from tho month of the Amazon, and loaded on steamers for North America and Europe will be tak en by rail to Callao. on the Paclflc, and thence by steamer through tho Panama canal. Argonaut. MI1S. ANNA COLEMAN LADD. The versatile woman is not the rata avis she was a decade or so ago. In deed, nowadays she seems to bo tho rule rather than the exception. A name that Is prominent in tho list of women who "do" la that of Mrs. Anna Coleman Ladd. She is a sculptor of International fame, a novelist of some prominence, a dramatist nnd the wife not incidentally, as one might imagine, but in the very best meaning of the word, of Dr. Maynard Ladd of Boston, tho well known specialist on children's diseases, and, best of all, the mother of two little Ladds (one of whom is a little lass), Vernon and Gabrllla. These babies Mrs. Lndd- uses frequently as models in her sculpturing, at no tlino more effective than in a fountain group called "Triton Babies." This work attracted much favorablo attention in New York city recently when Mrs. Ladd's art work was exhibited. Perhaps the finest thing one can say about this accomplished woman, who is, besides all these worth while things, a great social favorite In Boston's ex- cluslvo circles, is that her genius docs not overshadow her normal woman hood and her flne, free femininity. A Philadelphlan by birth, Mrs. Ladd has lived for many years in the court circles of Vienna, Rome and Paris as the debutante daughter of tho minister to Austria. It was then that she be gan her art work' under Jerome and other masters. Collectors have been quick to becomo owners of Mrs. Ladd's work, and no piece has caused more comment and discussion than a small bronze entl tied "Modern Music." Its subject is a beautiful nude woman tranquilly posed with a sword across her breast "Ono evening," said the fair sculp tress, "I, was fascinated by tho bow ing of a woman cellist, and as tho thin. wraithlike notes floated out the thought came to mo that modern mu cin ifamanila tna'a amil Ana'a 1 ( r.1.1 nnl hence tho sword instead of the baton." Cultivate Cheerfulness. There is no greater everyday virtue than cheerfulness. This quality in wo man is like sunshlno to tho day or gen tle renewing moisture to parched herbs. The light of a cheerful face diffuses Itself and communicates the happy spirit that inspires it Tho sourest temper must sweeten in tho atmosphero of continuous good hu mor. As well might fog and cloud ml vnnor horn fn rllnp in mm lllnmln, d landscape as "the blues" and mo- oseness to combat jovial speech and xhilaratlng laughter. There Is no path but will be easier raveled, no load but will bo lighter, no hadow on heart or brain but will lift ooner in tho presence of a determined heerfulness. It may at times seem lmcult for tho hannlest tomDered to ecp tho countenance of peaco and ontent but difficulty will vanish nnm nnn nnisinnnrp nonnair no nom lg but multiply thorns ana tnicuen A Pretty Buffet Scarf. Tumbler dollies of cluny laco can be aao into a very preuy Duuet ucun using the dollies for border. Baste o dollies through tho center to the f i nr Tni uumii. ul il lu lmh iiulihl id then buttonhole the semicircle of e doily that extends up into the lln After tho dolly border has been itnniinlpd rut thn material out from derneath the lace and you will have buffet cover with a beautiful lace iced side by side and look like a con - -. . i n 1 1 i . uuus eugiUK ul muu. ouiui i-iuuuui- dollies may be used Instead of thoso cluny laco. A monogram worked In center front about one inch from laco border will add to the at ctlveness of the scarf. 8even Day Dimples 8upplled. lmpies are now an tuo rage in rans ety, and a number or specialists are naturally too rounded. Two kinds supplied to order weekly dimples will last only some seven days permanent dimples. The former preferred, as there Is no knowing long the fashion will last. A New Postage Stamp. Carmen Sylva. the poetess queen of Roumanla. is issuing a new series of postage stumps to aid tho charities in which she Is interested. Unlike most stamps of this kind, the Roumanian queen's issue is good for all mailing purposes. The four designs of the new sorles will represent (1) the queen of Roumanla spinning, the motto on the Btamp being "God guide our hand;" (2) the queen weaving, motto "Woman weaves the future of the country;" (3) the queen nursing a wounded soldier, motto "Tho wounds dressed and the tears wiped away." and (4) an allegor ical picture, motto "But glory, honor and peace to all that do good." An other set of stamps of similar charac ter, issued in 1007, bore a picture rep resenting the Princess Maria and her children receiving a poor family at the gates of their palace. Biblical Measures, The discovery near the site of the house of Cnlaphas. In Jerusalem, of various ancient Hebrew weights and measures seems to end the uncertainty that has long existed regarding many of tho weights and measures mention ed In the Bible. According to the Scien tific American, the vessels unearthed Include a cab. a hln, a seah, a bath or cphah, a homer, as well as a complete set of the fractions and multiples of tho homer. Most of the measures were found in a small chamber next to a mill, and a careful examination of them shows that the Jews had differ ent sets of measures before and after the captivity (B. C. U00). Biblical scholars will undoubtedly be able now to determine the equivalent, in modern weights and measures, of a talent of gold or silver or of a homer or an ephah of wheat. Aviation Record. Since 1003 tho speed of tho aeroplane has advanced from 25 miles an hour to over 103 miles an hour In the latter part of 1912 and has more than quad rupled. From tho modest height of 200 feet previous to 1010 a maximum alti tude of 10,000 feet, ninety-flvo times the earlier record, now stands. Tho year 1012 also saw a distance of 027 miles accomplished, amounting to sixty times the record distance of fifty miles scored in 1000. The most practi cal advance in the science of air navi gation is shown in tho jump of the du ration record. It was less than an hour until late In 1003. At the beginning of 1009 it was nearly two nnd a half hours. The early part of 1912 saw it stand at closo to twelve hours. Tho present record for sustained flight is 13 hours 17 minutes. New York Sun. Modern Rifle Wounds. Wounding an enemy In war is better than killing him, for unless he is cap tured it Imposes on his side the burden of taking caro of him. Tho Balkan war has again proved that the bullet of the modern high power rlflo with its ter rific speed will go straight through a man, penetrating the most vital organs without killing him, and it has even been found to go through from four to six men, ono behind tho other. This puts them out of tho fight, but at the same time it Is a good thing for tho fighter, for it gives him a far better chanco for his Hf o. Popular Mechanics. JVWady's JVKrror Her Awful Crime. A curious old law, which dates from 1770, has been used to sentence the owner of a vineyard at Capestang, near Bezlers, France, to a fine and costs for picking her own grapes. She was pick ing tho grapes which had been left on the vino in her vineyard after the au tumn gathering, when the local police man told her that she was committing an offense against the law, as all grapes left on the vines after tho har vest were tho property of tho poor. Tho court at Bezlers confirmed the po liceman's opinion, and the woman was convicted. Montenegro's Exports. Taunted with tho fact that Monte negro bad no valuable exports, King Nicholas replied, "You forgot my daughters!" Certainly bis daughters have made wonderful marriages. One married u prince of Battenberg, two married Rus sian grand dukes, another, now dead, was tho first wife of King Peter of Sw VITALITY OF FISH. How to Retain a Correct Figure. 'The surprising fact has been pro claimed to tho modern woman that her figure more closely resembles tho clas sical ideal than has been the caso for many generations past and that she has tho corset maker to thank for tho fact, says the Cincinnati Tribune. And sho Is amazed at the audacity of tho corset maker, for she knows he only does as ho Is bidden, and he is now bid den to retain her perfect figure and not mako it Where is tho perfoct figure to be found, after all? Is it tho ideal of tho sculptor as shown by tho Venus of Mllo? Is it the plump ladles found in Rubens' paint ings? Did Gainsborough or Reynolds discover it, or is it possessed by tho modern women pictured by Shannon and Sargent! Or Is it, again, the ideal Azure from the doctor's point of view, perfectly healthy, well sot up, tho shoulders held well back, the back fiat, the body carried well? Perhaps this last is the perfect flguro of today. Tho ideal of the sculptor is a well devel oped unmarried woman in her early twonties. After thirty tho single wo man shows signs of becoming either angular or overdeveloped; she has ei ther been too ardent a sportswoman and has become muscular or sho is frankly too fat As far as can bo, tho healthy young woman of the upper and middle class es of today has a perfect figure, grant ed that sho Is not long bodied In com parlson with the length of her legs She has been trained to hold herself well, to walk easily and with natural grace. She has been encouraged to tako her part in all athletic pastimes within reason. She swims and rows and plays golf. Her exercises have taught her to breathe deeply, nnd, In spite of certain uncouth dances which are passing crazes in the ballroom, she is a good dancer. All her life her body has been free from the restraint of stays, tho modern mother wisely hold ing that a girl does n"t want them, therefore when tho debutante days come has no consideration for the fan cy of a corsetiere who would pinch here or squeeze or pad there. Corsets sho must have to aid the hang of her clothos and to keep her tidy, but they must bo perfectly comfortable in every respect Treatment of Sensitive Lips. When the lips are prone to constant roughness they should be anointed night and morning with n good salve or cream either made at home or com pounded by a reliable druggist. Pure glycerin beaten with castor oil or lard makes an cxcollent ointment, but the glycerin must be chemically pure, and If lard Is used it should be strictly fresh. The proportions are half of each. Camphor Ice is also a good remedy, as Is also the old fashioned mutton taltaw and benzoated ointment of oxide of zinc, which may bo obtain ed in small quantities at any drug shop is a never falling remedy for soothing roughened Hps. When broken places on chapped Hps refuse to heal tho cause may bo a species of canker. Bathe the Hps first with a solution of borax or salt and water about a dessertspoonful of ei ther to a half point of wateiwind then make an application of Hp salve made as follows: Ono-elghth of an ounce each of white wax, sweet oil and spermacotl; break the wax and spermaceti into small pieces and put them into the oil; set the whole over a slow water bath. Do not allow to becomo hot Use only sufficient heat to melt slowly. When dissolved nnd mingled remove from water and beat till It creams. It may bo perfumed if desired with a few drops of your favorite scent A prepared application which is ready for use and which may bo procured at the druggist's is citron ointment. This should be lightly applied with the tip of tho finger. Thin Arms Made Plump. To improve thin arms massage with tho following cream. This cream may also be used for tho neck and shoulders if desired: Lanolin, 30 grams; oil of sweet alm onds, 20 grams; tannin, half a gram. Melt the lanolin, heat the oil and add to it, stirring until thoroughly mixed; than, as tho mixture cools, beat in tho tannin. Place in small glass or china Jars. Remember that in massaging the arms tho movements should bo upward from wrist to elbow, and on tho upper arm they should be from elbow to shoulder. It Is well to chango from ono arm to tho other 69 as to avoid getting too tired. The Transportation of Live Fish In a Frozen Condition. Fishes belong to tho class of nnlmnls that have variable body temperature, depending on the temperature of their environment, says Scientific American. In extreme cold they assume n rigid condition, in which all of the vital functions are suspended, while life still remains present During several months of each year some of tho great rivers of Siberia are frozen solid to the bottom, but mnny of the fishes impris oned In the ico retain their vitality and resume their active life when the ice molts in tho spring. This fact has suggested experiments in tho freezing of live fish for transpor tation, which are discussed In the Flscherel Zeitung. Mnny years ago the celebrated physicist Plctet of Geneva put fresh water fishes Into a tub of water, which he kept liquid at the freezing point for twenty-four hours and then allowed to freeze slowly into a dolld block of ice, which afterward was cooled gradually to 20 degrees O. ( 4 degrees F). When the Ice was melted, a month or even two months afterward, tho fishes began to swim as briskly as they did before freezing and showed no symptoms of ill health. Similar experiments have recently been made in France. Tho fishes are placed In water which is kept near the freezing point for a few hours, then at the freezing point for fifteen to eight een hours, nnd finally frozen by im mersing the vessel into a freezing mix ture, producing a cake of ice a few inches thick, In which the frozen fishes are embedded. This cake is wrapped in cloth and surrounded with a heat In sulating packing to prevent melting during transportation. It is necessary to thaw the ice very slowly and to keep tho water near the freezing point for several hours, In order to preserve itho life of the fishes. Even thoso which do not survive are in a perfect state of preservation. HERE IS A BARGAIN Located in Berlin township about 3 mllos from Honesdale Is ono of tho best farms in that locality. It consists of 108 acres, which is all Improved. Tho soil is eand loam and red shale. It is well watered by springs; orchard. Twelve-room house, barn 37x47 feet with shed 22x90 feet. Fart cash, balance on easy terms. Seo Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Co. Jndwin Building, Box 52, Honesdale. E ii Estate of EDWARD STAPLES, Late of Township of Lehigh. All persons Indebted to said es tate are notified to make Immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against tho eaid estate aro notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. ETNA B. STAPLES. Executrix. Sterling, Par, Fob. 3, 1913. HOLDER FOR SAWBUCK. Simple Device For Holding Logs Firm ly While Sawing Wood. ' Sawing wood on a buck Is a very fa tiguing job, because the leg, In holding the log in the crotch of the buck, is In a very unnatural position. With an Improvement on the ordinary sawbuck, ns shown in the Illustration, the foot is placed almost on a level with the ground in a position as if standing in front of the buck, not only making n natural and comfortnble position, but also causing the log to be held mpch more firmly nnd without effort. A piece of hard wood is nailed firm ly on tho two back legs of the buck near the bottom, and a heavy eyebolt WOOD HOLDER FOR SAWBUCK. is screwed Into It in the center and a chain attached. Tho chain should be long enough to reach over the largest log and down to the ground in front of the buck. A lever Is hinged to the hardwood crossplece near the center and extends to tho front side of the buck. A hook is fastened In the front end of the lever In which to hook tho links of the chain. A log is placed in the crotch of the buck in the usual manner, and the chain Is brought over the log and a link placed In the hook of the lever, while tho latter is raised several inches from tho ground. The lever Is then pressed down by the foot and the saw ing started. 8now Baths the Latest. Tho latest fadamong women in Rus sian society is snow swimming. The "snow bath" Is said to ha marvelous as a beautifying aid and as a cure for rheumatism and other troubles. Wrap pod in rich furs, the beauties of St Petersburg step from the screened ex its of the bath and, doffing their warm covering, plunge like Eves into tho cold white snow. Tho proprietors of tho baths are winning high revenues. Aftor tho plunge, pink and warm, the women Join their friends' in tho gen eral reception room, to which men are admitted on proof of social standing and a substantial fee. New Sanitary Drinking Fountain. A now type of sanitary drinking fountain has been erected in Lafayette square, Washington. The fountain has a large baBln into which the over flow from the "nozzle cups" discharges. The nozzle cups are at the outer ends ot flexible tubes whose inner ends con nect with the water supply, and the water flows up freely through an open ing in tho center of a domelike plate rising almost to the top of the cup, so the usor can drink without touching the metallic parts of the cup, out of which the water constantly flows in a cleansing stream. The cups are shackled by Individual chains to an upper portion of the foundation, so they cannot fall outsldo tho basin when released by tho drinker. Thus the cups when not In uso discharge into the basin instead of on the ground sur rounding the fountain. A Furniture Polish, A good pastcllko furniture polish which is very cheap and keeps lndefl nltely can be made as follows: Mix three ounces of whlto wax, two ounces of pearlash, commonly known as potas slum carbonate, and six ounces of wa ter. neat the mixture until it becomes dissolved, then add four ounces of boil ed linseed oil and five ounces of tur pentine. Stir well and pour into cans to cool. Apply with a cloth and rub to a polish. The paste is nonpolsonous A Life Saver For Airships. Francois IMlleau of Los Antjeles, Cat.. has patented a safety device for air ships in which a collapsible parachute pover is opened by a spring, and frames fastened to the airship fold over the parachute cover and are held by a latch to secure the parachute out of opera tion until necessity for its use ariM. NOTICE OF SPECIAL BILL. Notice is hereby given that dur ing the regular session of the Gen eral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to be hold in tho year one thousand nine hundred and thirteen, there will bo Introduced a bill entitled "An act to amend an act approved tho eighth day of May one thousand nine hundred and one, entitled 'An act to incorporate tho Mllanvllle Brldgo Company, In Wayne County, Pennsylvania.' " The object of said amendment is to change the annual date of moot ing from the firs,t Monday of Janu ary to the second Monday of Janu ary In each year. MILTON L. SKINNER, President Chas. E. Beach, Sec'y. Feb. 7, 1913. 13eol4 CHICHESTER S PILLS W .rr- TIIE DIAMOND BRAND, f -X Ak xr Drar;!l for t I'UUla B4-Mt U.ld MculllcVV bora, mled with Blua Ribbon. VX Tk alter. V .t. AlkfflIII.lirTTR.TlfK- Unni DIAMOND IIKAND PILLS, far i TMnkiownMlItt,Srt.AlwjrtRelUU SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE r lien j Help Your Hens to make a big egg record. Heavy; laying puts a steady strain on the digestive and .egg-producing organs. These are gently stimulated and strengthened by the tonic action of pr Poultry Regulator It improves health and brings the eggs 25c, 50c, $1 25-lb. Pail, $2.50 "Your money back If It fails" Pratts Powdered Lice Killer helps toot 25c and 50c 100-pago poultry book FREE Get Fiatts Profit-sharine Booklet ERK BROS. Honesdale, Pa, The Pauiir Hen Sod Exceptional Hops io Wayne County Farms RecentBy Listed with BUY-U-A-HOME REALTY COMPANY HONESDALE, PA. A fine dairy farm ot 11C acres, 21 1-2,1111168 from Honesdale, convenient to Borden's milk station; also cream ery; 8-room house,, good buildings, orchard, plenty of water. Will sell with or without stock of 15 cows, horses and farm Implements. A 1 farm consisting of 155 acres, 25 tlmberland, 40 cleared, located in Berlin township near Mast Hope road. Place has been recently im proved, the owner having spent sev eral hundred dollars upon It. All machinery, Including gosdlene en gine and farming utensils are new and of the very latest. Modern im provements are In the house, includ ing hot and cold water. The build ing has ten rooms. There are two portable wardrobes In the house for clothing and a large meat closet in the cellar. New chicken house 14x 110 feet, concrete floor; 300 chick ens and Incubator of 300 capacity; main barn 36x54 feet; horse barn, 18x24; cow foam 3G feet long; barn with basement. Good apple orchard; good spring water. Ideal place for dairy farm. An exceptional bargain. Situated in Berlin township there Is a farm consisting of 108 acres, 18 of which is cleared land and 25 acres first growth timber. There la an excellent orchard, good spring water and buildings. Upon prem ises is a seven-room house, barn 30x40 with concrete basement and numerous outbuildings. Stock included. Good dairy farm 218 acres water ed by brook and never-railing springs, located In Stalker, Wayne county, one and a half miles from creamery and on Erie railroad. Young orchard, pear, plum and cherry trees, sugar bush; 30 acres timber, some of which are pine and hemlock. Over 2,000 feet of cement floor on premises. Barn 40x44 feet. patent steel stanchion; hog and hen house, granary. House 24x28 feet Is In good condition. Easy payment with part payment down. Five houses, two barns, excelsior mill, granary, cattle, farming Imple ments, gasolene engine located at Equlnunk overlooking the Delaware river. Buildings In good shape. Home of owner Is 20x24 feet with a two-story addition 12x18 feet and summer kitchen 12x30 feet. Water In house, equipped with all modern appointments, acetylene gas and elec tricity, steam heat, etc. One of best country homes In Wayne county. Will sell stock If purchaser desires. There is also a developed water pow er on the premises. An exceptional bargain. Seven acres of land are in cluded. Fine summer home located on the Honesdale, Dyberry, Damascus and Rlleyvllle roads, B. D. route, near school and church. House contains several rooms and has a porch eight feet wide and C5 feet long. The building Is heated by steam, ceilings 9 feet high, with running water In the house. Seventy-five acres of good tillable soli, practically level and all cleared. Three apple or chards. $3,000 spent on house last year. Good bargain for quick buyer. Fine farm located at Glrdland con taining 134 acres, good tract of tim ber valued at ?1,000, 90 acres Im proved. Twelve-room house, the eel-' lar being flagged. Barn 36x50 with 9 foot basement and an annex 18x26 feet, three stories high.. Upper Btory Is sealed, granary and wood house. 'Place well watered. Star route nearby. 100,000 feet of hem lock' lumber Joins above property. Tract consists of 96 acres. Trout brook mile In length flows through this tract. Bargain for somebody. Any of the above properties can be purchased at reasonable prices. Terms made easy to all purchasers. For prices and further description apply to ofllco of A-Home Realty HonesdaSe, Pa. Jadwin Building Both Phones Buy-U Co. D. & H. CO. TlflE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH In Effect Sept. 29, 1912. A.M, SUN 8 SO 10 00 10 30 ft 16 105 P.M. 5 40 6 CO D M 6 05 6 11 6 17 6 23 6 6 32 633 839 643 6 86 P.M. SUN 2 15 7 10 8 00 A.M. 8 45 8 55 869 8 12 9 18 9 24 9 29 9 32 9 37 939 9 43 9 47 9 SO 9 85 P.Jf.lA.W.1 A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 45 5 35 P.M. 6 25 6 35 6 BU 6 61 6 67 7 03 7 09 7 12 7 18 7 21 7 35 7 7 7 381 A.M. 12 30 1 19 P.M. 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 31 2 37 2 43 2 49 2 62 2 57 269 3 03 I OT 3 10 3 19 P.M, 4 30 6 15 A.M. 7. DO 7 60 A.M. 8 60 9 00 9 01 9 17 9 2.1 9 29 H St 9 37 9 42 9 44 9 48 9 62 9 A6 wool .... Albany .... . BIncuamton . . Philadelphia, .Wilkes-Barre., . ...Hcranton.... LV Arj Carbondale.... ...Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Quleley l'arvlew Canaan .... take Lodoro ... Waymart...., Keene....... ...Steene. Prompton Fortenla , Beelyvllle Honeadale P.M, 2 00 12 40 4 00 A.M 9 X 8 45 A.M. 8 05 7 64 7 60 7 7 S3 7 25 7 19 7 17 7 12 700 7 7 01 6 6 l'.M.I A.M. 11 00 8 45 7 45 2 65 2 13, P.M. 135 1 25 1 21 1 09 1 03 12 66 12 61 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 M 12 32 LYlA.M.lP.M.IP.if. R 12 P.M. 7 20 6 30 P.M. 5 60 5 40 6 31 6 24 6 18 5 11 6 06! 5 04 4 58 4 66 4 fil 4 47 4 44 P. M.I SUN 11 00 8 00 A.M, SUN 7 45 12 65 12 05 P.M, 1125 11 14 11 10 10 69 10 A! 10 45 10 39 10 37 10 32 10 1SS u iq 8 12 P.M. 10 00 9 12 P.M. A.M.IP.M