M6fc itotte THE CITIZEN, B&tMY, MARCH 14, igxfr. THE CITIZEN NEW REVOLUTION Soml-Wookly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 1844. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by tho ClUzen Publishing Company.' ' Entered as second-class matter attho postofflce, .Honesdale, Pa. B. B. HARDENBERQH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. O. II. DORfLINOER. M. B. ALLEN, K. B. IMKDENIiERClH w. w. Wood WMOur friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re tiued, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR ?1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, D raft, Postofflco Order or Registered tetter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other ento rtalnments held for tho purpose of making money or any Items that cont aln advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of- regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the benefit of c hurches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will bo publls hed at half rates. Cards of thanks, SO cents, memorial poetry and resolu tlons of respect will bo charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Adver Using rates on application. FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1013. Honesdale Is now passing through a sociological moment In Its history. Not a moment measured by tho sun dial or by a horologlcal Instrument but a moment filled with life and activity. A moment that will mean something for the future welfare of tho "town. Honesdale, with all of its resources, Its industries, picturesque spots, Irving Cliff and beautiful resi dential districts is now before the public at large. PREMATURE PRAISE. No newly elected President of the United States has been more loudly acclaimed or more warmly praised than Woodrow Wilson. Every timo to opens his mouth to speak, a Tiost of admirers eulogize his EnglisTi .and marvel at his statesmanship and philanthropy. It would be wiser to sing these songs of praise when there is something worth singing about. President Wilson has hardly got his chair warmed in tho Whito House. He has done nothing as yet except tell us what he will and will not do. His achievements to date as tho chief magistrate of this nation are exactly nil. Tho task confronting him is a stupendous one. If ho handles it .successfully and satisfactorily, he will Indeed be worthy of praise, but if he falls, ho will simply have proved that his abilities are not equal to his egotism. Premature praise too often be comes tho severest, kind of con demnation. LET US BOOST HONESDALE. The town has just been inspired by out-of-town parties along civic progressiveness and it now lies with the townspeople to grasp tho oppor tunities suggested. What Hones dale needs Is a number of energetic and intelligent citizens whose hobby Is the transformation of this town into a busy, .buzzing town. Hones dale is a beautiful residential town. It cannot bo Improved upon for scenery. The surroundings are ideal. Many building lots and houses are still available for tho retired who may bo attracted to Honesdale by an outside agency or advertising medium. On all sides of Honesdale there are ideal spots for the construc tion of picturesque homes. Greater Honesdale is bound to come. Any where tho different highways lead ing to tho town proper are numerous building sites that could be trans formed into beauty spots. There will bo considerable build ing activity in Honesdale this sea son. With the prospects of tho ad dition of a fow industries to awaken new hope of Honesdale, the build ing activity here would soon reach the dimensions of a boom. All wo need is a score of real ac tive, onergotlc men, whose hobby is the growth of Honesdale, to devote their talents and energies to secur ing industrial establishments and providing homes for working men. Every member of tho Greater Honosdalo Board of Trade who wants to be termed a real booster and livo wire and who is Interested in the growth and prosperity of Honesdale should be present at Friday night's meeting in the city hall. CHURCH CAINS AND LOSSES. Thoro are 30,075,537 members of Christian churches in tho United States, an increaso of 579,852 for 1UI2, according to Ufrures nubllshml in the New York Christian Advocate and made up by Dr. H. K. Carroll, who was the government statlstlcan for 1890, and has slnco collected and published church statistics each year. Tho men and religion movement, wmch was to add 300,000 men to Protestant membership, concluded Its campaign in April nearly a year ago. The increase for 1912 is less by 15,000 than the incroaso in 1911. before the movement started. The 1911 growth was 594,360, Accord ing to Dr. Carroll. Christians in tho United States are divided in this way; Roman Catholics. 12.907.000: Methodists, 6,905,000; Baptists, 6, 894,000; Lutherans, 2,353,000; Pres- Dytenans, 1,981,000; Episcopalians, 980,000; and Reformed, 459,000. Smaller bodies make up the balance. Dr. Carroll explains that he follows the government census rule In de ducting 15 per cent, from Roman Catholic statistics, which are popula tion, for children not yet confirmed, and according to the rule are not communicants. It is notable, as shown by the fig ures, that the churches that are most orthodox are the only ones that are growing. For example, the Unitar ians are said to have stood still In membership and to have lost last year six ministers and sixteen churches, while Universallsts fell off 2,500 In members. Dr. Carroll makes Christian Scientist churches to havo 85,000 members, and found them to havo gained none at all last year. ' MEXICO 18 STILL TURBULANT, ALTHOUGH HUERTA PROMISES PEACE BY THE FIRST OF MAY. 8,000 REBELS ON BORDER Defeated Garrisons Join Federals for Concerted Attack on State Capital Huerta Expects Pacification by May 1 Offer of $80,000,000 Loan. HARRISBURG LETTER 'Harrlsburg, March 12. When tho proposition came up in the House to adjourn that body during all of last week, as the Senate had already agreed to do because of the inaugura tion, so many members opposed it on the ground that it would bo unwise to quit work for an entire week that it was decided to stick to tho original scheme to reconvene Wednesday evening and sit for the balance of the week. The devotion to duty of the assemblymen who insisted upon keeping everlastingly at it, even if the Democrats were making a holi day at Washington does them much credit of course, but after looking back over what thoy accomplished during the sessions they held it must bo confessed that their theory did not work out very well. To be sure, a mass of now bills were introduced, but new bills, such as mpst of them are, are beginning to be a positive nuisance at this session. Already tho total number far exceeds that of any previous Legislature and it will be another week before the flood stops in pursuance to a resolution adopted sometimo ago. Tho trouble last week was that many assemblymen did not return for tho proceedings of AVednesday, Thursday and Friday and many of those who did como did not stay. As a result the sponsers of bills to which opposition was expected and who feared to put them to a test in a small House adopted a variety of ex pedients to have them go over when they wero reached on the calendar. Several measures, the authors of which had promised to call them up, are now scheduled for action during this week, also because of this dis inclination to risk them at such a time. Among this latter class are tho mercantile tax repealer and the resolution for a state-wide prohibi tion amendment to tho constitution. Tho failure to call up the latter led to open charges of attempts to evade tho issue. As is not unusual In the case of liquor legislation the nerves of many assemblymen aro on edge about this particular resolution and they are anxious to get it out of the way. After much delay tho Democratic bill which seeks to revise tho method of making appropriations to hospi tals, homes and other charitable in stitutions went in Friday morning. It embodies a radical departure from existing methods and would put all appropriations on a flat basis of $1.05 per freo patient per day. In actual practise it probably would act as a bar upon appropriations for special conditions and special pur poses and on that ground it is likely to. meet with a grent deal of opposi tion. Many hospital plants through out the commonwealth, for Instance, aro In a state of partial completion and aro depending upon state funds to round out their equipment and facilities. There is a prospect that all this would stop should tho Dem ocratic bill pass. The natural effect would bo either to throw an unfair burden upon some communities or compel them to got along with in stitutions not in position to give tho service they should. TO BREAK UP DISEASED CATTLE TRAFFIC. H. W. 'Derstino, a cattle dealer, of Telford, Montgomery county, has bee been convicted and fined one hundred and seventy-fivb dollars (?17'5.00) by the United States Court at Baltimore, for violating the Federal and Pennsylvania interstate cattle laws. Derstino shipped a cow that reacted to tho tuberculin test from Hagorstown, Maryland, Into Pennsylvania. Tho cow when killed showed extensive lesions of tubercu losis. This case is tho outcome of tho arrangement for co-operation be tween the United States and tho Pennsylvania State Livestock Sani tary Board officials to break up tho traffic in diseased cattle, Douglas, Ariz., March 11. En camped within, striking distance of several important Mexican border towns, the 8,500 constitutionalist troops rested on their arms while In surrections among Federal garrisons strengthened materially tho rebel forces.' Nacozarl and El Tlgre, Sonora, both mining towns, are in the hands of the so-called constitutionalists of Sonora. Both towns were evacuated by tho Federal troops on Sunday night after fighting. News of their fall reached the border Tuesday. Superiority of numbers on the part of the Sonora State troops resulted In the victory. These aro the first towns taken by the rebels in .the present revolution. At Nacozarl the rebels captured very little ammunition and very few rifles. The Federals escaped with their machine guns. Colonel Lopez, who commanded the Federals, was shot through the neck and died next morning shortly after reaching Agua Prieta on the border wtlh bis defeated command. He brought twenty wound ed with him and left about fifteen dead at Nacozarl. He brought 175 men to the border out of a garrison of 200. At El Tigre the Federal garrison fled before many of Its men had been either killed or wounded, and the vic torious rebel State troops pursued and succeeded in capturing a part of tho ammunition and many of tho arms of the Federals. Mexico City, March 11. Provisional President Huerta announced that he expects the complete pacification of tho republic by May 1. His ambition Is to have the country completely pacified by the time his successor is ready to assume the Presidency, re establishing industries, etc. Upon abandoning office ho hopes to leave not less than 50,000,000 pesos In the treasury. French capitalists, ho said, offer to let Mexico have a loan of 400,000,000 francs of $80,000,000. Huerta declared he will leave a com pletely re-organlzed army of not less than 8,000 men. Open revolt and scenes of disorder have prevailed among the 250 Federal defenders of Agua Prieta, and the military officials there gave warning to all Americans to leave town. The best citizens of Agua Prieta generally fled to Douglas, while tho drunken and rebellious soldiers pa raded the streets crying "Viva Ma dero! Viva Maytenora! Viva Diaz!" Tho rebels burned bridges on the Southern Pacific to within thirty-five miles of Nogales on the Arizona lino and three bridges on the branch run ning to the American mining centre. D0CKERY GETS POST BERTH President Wilson Appoints Ex-Governor of Missouri as Third Assistant to Postmaster Burleson. Washington, March 11. President Wilson made it plain that he Intends to show Speaker Champ Clark every possible consideration. The President puts a high value upon the good-will of the Speaker, and Is determined to recognize Mr. Clark's right to speak in patronage matters. The Speaker and Senator Stone had an engagement with Mr. Wilson for 11.30 o'clock. The President told Mr. Clark ho would he glad to listen to his recommendations. Mr. Clark remained at the executive offices less than half an hour, but within two hours of his departure tho nominations of tho Mls Bourian whom ho had recommended was on the way to the Senate in the hands of an executive messenger. This was Alex. M. Dockery, ex-Governor of Missouri, to be third assistant postmaster-general. Other appointments by the Presi dent were: Peter J. Hamilton of Mobile, Ala., to be United States District Judge for Porto Rico. Daniel C. Roper of South Carolina, to bo First Assistant Postmaster-General. James 1. Blaikslee of Pennsylvania, to be Fourth Assistant Postmaster-Geneinl. POST IS OFFERED TO 0LNEY Cleveland's Premier Will Not Say Whether or Not He Will Go to the Court of St. James. Washington, March 11. President Wilson has invited Richard Olney of Massachusetts, who was Secretary of State In President Cleveland's Cabinet, to become Ambassador to the Court of St; James. It now remains with Mr. OJney to say whether or not he will accept the honor. Boston, March 11. Richard Olney gave out this brief statement: "Mr. Olney admits having received the offer pf the American Ambassadorship In London." REASONS WHY HONESDALE IS THE BEST PLACE TO LIVE. A certain element in this vicinity which is satisfied to remain asleep and rest in a- quiet manner has been aroused and greatly disturbed by the visit to Honesdale of two wideawake and progressive nowspaper men, J. Maynard Morgan, advertising speci alist, and M. H. Weyrauch, of tho edi torial staff of tho Brooklyn Dally Eagle. These gentlemen camo to Honesdale upon Invitation of the secretary of the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade who saw what they wero accomplishing in other towns. He felt confident what would help Sullivan county towns would help Honesdale, consequently It was upon his request that these gentlemen came here to boom tnd boost Honesdale. They wero with ub four days and during their short stay mado a number of warm friends. The purpose and plan of their visit to Honesdale has already Deen clven in this paper, therefore it suf fices us to say more concerning their work, other than to give an outline of what a three months advertising camnaign would do for Honesdale. First, It would present tho ad vantages of Honesdale before mil lions of readers in Brooklyn and New York In a light that would at tract. Second, the town as a commercial place would be shown in a manner that it has never seen presented De- fore. The opportunities in Hones dale would bo forcibly brougnt out. Third, as a place to establish fac tories. The manufacturer in the city will be told that Honesdale has advantages that New York and Brooklyn havo not. How it would be more profitable to locate here than elsewhere. Fourth, Honesdalo aB being an Ideal summer resort. Irving Cliff will be presented in a most charm ins light before iBrooklynito eyes. This ledge of rocks, which stancis like a sentinel guarding the town, rivals any site In the United States, on which to build a summer boarding hotel. Fifth, Honesdale as a quite resi dential town for retired gentlemen and their families to live will also bo emphasized. In order that these points may be presented intelligently and forcibly before the people of Brooklyn and New York, the Brooklyn Eagle repre sentatives visited several of the bus iness houses of Honesdalo during their stay here for the purpose of so curing tho promise of a sufficient sum of money to insure same. They circulated a subscription list, the preamble reading as follows: " Believing that it is to tho best Interests of Honesdale and vicinity to concentrate our efforts to pro mote the Industrial, commercial and civic progress and to develop the lat- ent resources by a co-operative com munity advertising campaign this summer in tho Brooklyn Daily Eagle. " We hereby subscribe the amount set opposite our names towards a fund for this purpose, said campaign to be conducted under the auspices and direction of tho Honesdale Board of Trade, and the subscrip tions to bo payable on or boforo Aug. 1,, 1913. If the full amount of ?500 "Is not raised tho subscriptions are null and void." Before leaving Honesdale for Brooklyn Wednesday morning Messrs. Morgan and Weyraucn se cured $216 out of a possible $500. Tho paper was given to Secretary E. B. Callaway of tho Board of Trade to securo if possible the balance due. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. Easter vacation will begin Wed nesday afternoon, 'March 19, at tho close of school, and continue until Monday, March 31. Emily Brown, a member of tho commercial class, has secured a position in tho office of the Gurney Electric Elevator Company. Photographer Russell Romalne re cently took a series of pictures of interior views of the High school. The library association has pur chased a set of L. H. Bailey's Cyclo pedia of American Agriculture. This is a valuable asset to the library, as Bailey Is considered authority on agriculture. Itching, Fiery, Raw Eczema Relieved In a Fow Seconds. YeB, an Itching, burning, raw, Irri tated akin relieved the moment Zomc touches It. Zemo is a clean, sooth ing, healing wash, composed of Thy mol, Glycerine, Witch Hazel, Bor aclc Acid and other medicinal heal ing properties. Zemo relieves and cures every form of skin and scalp eruption, and If you are not entirely satisfied with results from tho very first 25-cont bottle, druggists will re fund your money. Large size bottle $1. Endorsed and sold in Honesdale by A. M. Leine. Zemo Is prepared by E. W. Roso Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and their guarantee Is as good as gold. Miss Harriet Arnold, teacher of music, Is preparing the grade chil dren for an operetta entitled "Mid Summer Eve." The entertainment will be given on April 11. It is tho school's annual affair of a light mu sical drama. The Agriculture class of the High school has been presented with a "Rag Doll." (Now don't laugh, for this is the namo of tho scientific corn tester. It was given the class by tho Citizen Publishing company of this place. Just tell your friends that The Citizen is going to tell them a whole lot about corn testing soon. Watch our columns. "Dick nnd Up-to-Date." (Original Fable.) One day as old Dick was taking a load of beets to the factory, ho passed his rival Up-to-Date (for whom he had little liking) going at the rate of thirty miles an hour while poor Dick moved on very slow ly. His friend cried, "Come along Dick, why don't you go as fast as I?" The old horse said nothing while tho automobile laughed and mader fun of Dick because he dragged along so slowly. Tho horse kept on going at the same rate and whenever the automo bile met Dick, he would always say something smart to him. Old Dick said nothing but thought much. He wanted to find some way of getting oven with his opponent. One afternoon when Dick was tak ing his master and mistress for a ride he was overtaken by Lis friend, going at tho same rate as usual, and the automobile cried, "Oh here is Mr. Slow," and went on laughing. This made Dick very angry. His master made him go along a little faster but they did not travel for more than a half hour when they passed Up-to-date In tho ditch. "What aro you doing here, Mr. Fast?" cried Dick and now, he be gan to laugh. So hard did friend Up-tcf-dato beg that Dick helped him out of his trouble and pulled him homo, laughing most of the time and tho rest of the time saying, "He who laughs last laughs best.'' HELEN KNAZ. English II, Honesdale High School. BERRY MAY BE TREASURER OF U. S. (Washington, D. C., March 13. . William H. Berry, ex-State Treasurer of Pennsylvania, and tho man who made the unsuccessful fight' as tho Keystone candidate for the govern orship against John K. Tener, is be ing groomed as tho next Treasurer of the United States. Ho is being strongly urged for tho place by Na tional Committeeman A. Mitchell Palmer and the Pennsylvania Dem ocratic organization. His name 'has been presented to President Wilson, and Secretary of the Treasury Wil liam G. McAdoo. Presidential postmasters in Penn sylvania to the number of 125, and residing in districts now represented by Republican Congressmen, will bo filled with Democrats within the next three weeks. The commissioners of the Republican incumbents havo ex pired and the President, It is under stood, will rely upon the judgment of the Pennsylvania Democratic or ganization to recommend capable men for the positions. Representative Palmer, who will have a large part In the selection of Keystone State Democrats for Fed eral positions, is authority for tho statement that no Republican now holding office will be disturbed until his commission has expired, unless It is for malfeasance in office. NEW STOMACH After trying to enjoy life for years with a no good stomach he gets wise. "I was bothered for years with stomach trouble and gastritis. Food laid like lead in my stomach and fermented, forming gas. This caus ed a pressure on my heart, so that I choked and gasped for breath. I thought my time had come. MI-O-NA cured me after I had doctored without success." Wm. V. Math ews, Bloomington, Ind. Call It Gastritis, Catarrh of the Stomach, Indigestion or Dyspepsia; it matters not. MI-O-NA Stomach Tablets will drive out all the misery and glvo you practically a new, clean, willing-to-work stomach or G. W. Pell, tho druggist, will rofund the price. That's honorable, isn't it? So if you want to get rid of your sour, gassy, heavy, stupid, irresponsible stomach get a 50-cent box today. 1 Every department has put forth special efforts to make Monday one of the busi est days we ever had, it is the ambition of every one in the store to roll up a. new Monday Sales record. Quite an undertaking when you consider the extraordinary re cords we've been making all along. It mentis that we have to offer bigger and bet ter bargains than ever before and that's just what we're doing! EVlonlay5 March 17 Grocery Department. U bbl. Columbian or Snow Whito Flour, .$1.45 Imported Sardines, packed In oil, 23c value, 20c Largo Fnckngo Banner Oats, 25c vnl., 20c pkg. "Blue Label" Ketchup, 25c vnluc, 20c bottle Crcso Crackers, fresh nnd crisp, 2 pkgs. 15c Fancy California Prunes, 10c value, 8c lb. Davis Baking Powder, 20c value, 10c lb. Fancy California Oranges, 10c value, 32c doz. "Waverly Brand" tomatoes, 13c value, 11c can. Hooton's Breakfast Cocoa, 10c vnlue, 8c pkg. OTHER DEPARTMENTS-MAIN FLOOR Good Quality Apron Gingham, (1c yd. New Assortment Galatea Cloth, 10c val., 14c yd. AVhlte Outing, best, 10c value, 8Jc yd. Ktrn heavy Feather Ticking, 22c val., 17c yd. Blenched nnd Unbleached Towelling, 8c val., lc yard. 30 in. all wool sorgo, new shades, 00c val., 48c yd. "Clean-up Lot" 30 in. colored Taffeta silks 75c yd Ladles' Llslo Gauzo Vests, with straps, 25c vnl., 18c each. Ladies' Llslo Hoso, nil colors, 25c val., 22c pr. Men's New Negligco Shirts, 50c value, 43c ca. Men's Silk nnd Lislo Socks, 25c vnl., 21c pr. Ladies Whito H. S. Handkerchiefs 5c val. 7 for 25 Ladies' Long Silk Gloves, blnck or white, 05c pr. SECOND FLOOR SPECIALS. Ready-to-Wear Dept. Children's School Dresses, 80c en. Ladles' Col'd Messnllno Petticoats, 82.40 ea. Ladles' Fancy Waists, $1.25 value, 80c ea. Ladles' House Dresses, $1.50 value, $1.10 ea. Carpet and Wallpaper Dept. Now Spring Wall Papers, 15 nnd 48o value, 12c Double Roll. "Park Mills," nil wool Ingrain Carpets, 70 and 80o c value, OOc yd. Extra Heavy Best Inlaid Linoleum, $1.25 valuo, $1.10 yard. La co Curtains, new goods, $1.50 val., $1.15 pr. O x 12 ft. Seamless Tapestry Itugs, $10.00 val., $12.08 each. KATZ BROS. Inc. NOTICE.--Monday Specials are sold for cash only.