The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 14, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Lako Como, March 12.
The infant son of Corliss G. and
Mabel P. Holcomb died very sudden
ly of pneumonia at the home of C.
E. Campbell, Shehawken, Pa., and
was burled rom the Shehawken M.
E. church, appropriate services be
ing held by Hev. "Wm. S. Gorman.
Corliss Edgar Cardey Holcomb was
born Jan. 18, 1913, and died March
6, 1913. He was a very bright lit
tle fellow and will be greatly missed
by the parents.
The Buckingham High school held
the senior class entertainment at the
school house in Lake Como on last
Friday evening. A very large crowd
was present, and the performers did
great credit to the reputation of this
school. One of the features of the
evening was a mock trial consisting
of a breach of promise case. The or
chestra played several good selec
tions. The best performance was a
drill by the classes under the direc
tion of Mrs. Carey, who deserves
great praise and crdelt. Hefresh
ments were served by the Seniors,
the proceeds amounting to about
Tho Epworth League will give a
Saint Patrick's social in the hall on
the 17th of this month.
Richard Randall is still very sick
at this writing, with no hopes held
out for improvement.
Equtnunk, March 13.
The ladles of the M. E. church are
preparing for a supper to be hold In
the basement of tho church Wed
nesday evening, March 19th.
Harry Knapp, of Chicago, spent
the past week at the home of his
grandparents, A. Knapp and wife.
'Oakley Tynor and Elmer Chapman
were visitors in Allentown last
Joshua Pino is confined to his
home with lagrlppe.
Margaret Dillon spent Saturday
and Sunday at the home of Delos
Lester an dwlfe at Hancock.
Horton Lord is a guest of Blng
hamton relatives.
Mrs. Thomas Slater is ill with
Mrs. Stafford returned to her
home here Friday after a several
weeks' visit with Callicoon relatives.
Philip Plnnegan and family will
move to Binghamton the first of
April. Sylvester Knapp -and family
will occupy their home here.
Marcel Branning, of Inglehart, is
visiting his brother Paul.
John Tompkins and John Barrett
are In Honesdale attending to court
duty this week.
Edw. Osterhout, of Hancock, is
spending a few days with his
cousin, Lee Knapp.
Little Frank Thurston met with
an accident Saturday which depriv
ed him of the ends of three fingers
on his right hand.
The following pupils of the pri
mary school were present every day
of the fifth month: Kenneth War
field, Prank Thurston, Leon Lord,
Granville Prisbie, Arnold Emrich,
Willie Bleck, Leonard Joy, Myrtle
Ewain, Roberta Lord, Edna Wood
row, Florence and Dorothy Chap
man, Wanda Lord, Thelma Hada
way and Sybil Tyner.
Wm. Hornbeck and Halsey Youngs
of Hancock, spent Sunday at the
home of J. K. Hornbeck.
Blanche Prisbie, who is attending
school at Hancock, spent the week
end with her parents, Dr. Prisbie and
Indian Orchard, Mar. 13.
Several persons have been added
to the sick list during the past week.
Among them are Joseph Henshaw,
Mrs. O. D. Henshaw and Mrs. W. E.
The Ladles' Guild held at Mrs.
Samuel Gregory's on Thursday last
was well attended. Twenty dollars
were received at tho meeting, fifteen
dollars of which was donated to ap
ply on the shed fund.
Samuel Gregory and brother of
East Honesdale, were the guests of
W. H. Marshall, of Altoona farm on
Mrs. Richard Ham will entertain
the Ladies' Guild on Thursday tho
27th Inst, when a good social time
is expected.
W. D. Buckingham, iW. E. Avery,
E. C. Ham, J. Wogge and W. H.
Marshall called on friends at Adams
Lake, East Berlin, Welcome Lake
and Swamp Brook on Friday last.
E. C. Ham will resume work this
week at hauling lumber for F. Hol
lenbeck. Mrs. Russell of Claredon, Warren
county, was tho guest of her niece,
Mrs. E. C. Ham, on Saturday last.
Inspector Olver, of East Honesdale
was calling on and scoring tho Ber
lin dairymen last week. As usual he
favored them with considerable val
uable information.
J. W. Reining and wife, of Vino
Hill, were calling on the sick at this
place on Sunday.
O. D. Henshaw, who is teaching
school at Galilee, came home on
Wednesday last on account of illness
of his children and wife.
Joseph Saunders of East Hones
dale, was a recent visitor at the home
of W. D. Buckingham of Chestnut
Grovo farm.
Joseph Jay from near Bay City,
Michigan, is expected to arrive hero
about the middle of the week to visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr, and Mrs. E. C. Ham attended
their uncle, James Mullen's funeral
at Honesdale on Thursday last.
Edna Toms, who is teaching school
at East Beachlake, is at the home
of her grandparents for several days
owing to the smallpox scare at
li, R. Garratt and wife entertained
guests from Torrey on Sunday last.
The Sunday school at Christ
church has donated ten dollars to be
nnnlied on tho shed fund.
w. H. Colwell and son of Torrey
were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. L.
R. Garratt recently.
Mrs. Joseph Swnrtz and son Eddie,
were recent visitors at the home of
Mrs. Levi Ostrander of Atco.
W. E. Avery of Brook road, waB
the guest of his parents, E. E, Avery
and wife of the Bethel Fruit farm.
A Million and a Third Acres
I of Rich Homesteads
I For Settlers.
tT. iK A A tti ii A A A tt A ti ti iti iti Atfi
IIEN spring suns melt tho
snows now covering Montana
thnt state will be the theater
of a typical American sceno
itaged for the last time. Thousands of
tromcn and men from all parts of the
country will assemble in Poplar to ben
fcilt by Uncle Sam's last great distribu
tion of farm land. It will be a home
stead crush rather than a rush. The
picturesque race of n former day that
marked the throwing open cf govern
ment land to settlers has given Tray
to the more prosaic method of draw
ing lots. He who draws No. 1 is en
titled to the first (election of a 320 acr
allotment, tine winner of tho second
ballot gets the next choice, nnd so it
goes until all tho land has been award
ed to the lucky ones among the contest
ants, for there will bo several times
more applicants than farms.
There will be excitement a-plenty In
spite of the new manner of distribu
tion. Success will depend not on fleet
ness, but on luck. Under tho former
system th prospective homesteaders
were lined up. jnd nt a signal they be
gan a rush that was one of the most
thrilling sights in the modern west
Oklahoma was settled In that way. It
was a race assuredly to the swift
Men on horseback yes, men and wom
enspurred their mounts to distance
others who sat In buckboards or farm
wagons behind fleet trotters or gallop
ing bronchos. Ho who reached the
goal first staked out the best claim.
Those who followed took tho leavings.
For the majority, Including practical
ly all those who traveled afoot, noth
ing was left.
Million and a Third Acres.
It is no small section Uncle Sam will
give awny in Montana this spring
nothing less than a million and a third
acres. Tho tract is the major part of
tho big Port Peck Indian reservation
at Poplar. Wise men In Washington
have decided that Poor Lo has had
the place to himself long enough. Thoy
think he will bo better oft with a few
thousand white neighbors, and they
nlso deem it time to lower tho cost of
living for the hundred million or so of
palefaces sprinkled over tho United
States. It is figured the necessaries of
life will bo made n little cheaper by
opening the reservation to homestead
ers,, since tho quick agricultural devel
opment that is sure to follow Is ex
pected to add 20,000,000 bushels of
grain to the nation's nnnual production.
There are 2,008,093 acres in the Port
Peck tract, but tho interior department
has allotted 723.093 to tho Mandans
and Sioux now settled there, leaving
1,345,000 acres to be taken up by the
descendants of the pilgrim fathers and
other immigrants. It is nbout tho rich
est land In the dry farming region, as
Is proved by tho results obtained in the
3,800 acres now under cultivation.
Two years ago tho whole tract was
bare pralrlo, and even last yenr the
cultivated area was only 1,500 acres.
In twenty-four months tho land has
been Improved, without irrigation and
with little rain, to the point where flax
has run eighteen to twenty-six bush
els to the ncro, wheat twenty to twen
ty-five and oats sixty to eighty-five.
Tract C6uld Supply Nation.
Professor Thomas Shaw, agricultural
expert, Is authority for the belief that
the million and n third acres to bo
given to white men will grow enough
grain to feed a nation. Tho big yield
thus far is a result of cultivation by
Indians alone. What the harvest will
be when palefaces get busy with the
soil makes Interesting reckoning. That
it will be far greater than tho redskins
best achievement Is certain, although
It must bo admitted that Lo has made
fine progress as a farmer In recent
"On tho supposition that tne unoccu
pied land were devoted to tho growing
of wheat on the summer fallow plan,"
said Professor Shaw a short time ago
after a visit of Inspection to tho reser
vation, "whlsh would mean that ono
balf tho area would bo in crop at one
time, and on the further supposition
that the wheat would yield twenty-five
bushels per acre, which Is n moderate
estimate for yields on land thus pre
pared, tho aggregate production would
be 10,312,500 bushels.
"If this land wero entirely devoted
to tho growing of barley on tho sum
mer fallow plan the yield would be
30,000,000 bushels, as barley grown on
such land should average forty bush
els per aero. If tho entlro area wero
devoted to tho growing of oats on tho
same lines the total production would
be 38,025,000 bushels, ns fifty bushels
per acre would not bo an extravagant
estimate for land thus farmed.
"There Is another way of showing
fie Immensity of the" possible produc
tion of this fertile tract of land," the
professor continued. "On the suppo
sition that one-fourth of the entire
acreage were devoted to tho growing
of fodder corn tho yield'' at tho mod
erate estimate of two and a half tons
yer acre of cured fodder would nmount
A) 840,625 tons. If wlntor wheat were
drilled In the fodder at tho proper sea-
MK t -l"V !"
Great Tract Could Produce
Sufficient Grain to Feed
the Nation.
on, which Is August, and If tho ylold
were the same as on the summer fal
low. tcVilrh wnnM h reasonable to look
for, tho production In wheat would
amount to 8,400,250 bushels.
Great Flax Crop.
It one-tenth of the land were de
voted to the growing of flax and the
yield were ten bushels per acre th flax
crop would amount to 1,345,000 bush
els. If one-tenth of the land wmo also
devoted to the growing of barley, put
ting tho yield at thirty buBhels per
acre, which would be high enough for
land not summer fallowed, the produc
tion would be 4,035,000 bushels. If
one-tenth of tho land were devoted to
the growing of oaU at forty bushels
per acre the yield would be B.380,000
"This," Professor Shaw added;
"would still leavo one-flfth of the land
for other kinds of production, such as
alfalfa, vegetables and panturnge. The
estimated possible production, then
would stand ns follows for each year
after the first year:
Fodder corn 840,825 tons
Wheat 8,40,2M bushels
Flax l.Sto.OOO bushels
BarUy 4,035.000 bushels
Oats E,S0,009 bushels
"This," ho said in concltiKlon, "would
still leave ample room for other lines
of production."
Poor Lo's progress an n farmer has
been forwarded by a man who not only
Is n great believer In the future of the
northwest, but who also thinks the one
time sarage can be made a really use
ful member of civilization instead of
being herded In reservations on a foot
ing of mere tolerance. This promoter
of Indian advancement is Louis W.
Hill, son of Jnme J. Hill, founder of
the Great Northern railway. Ho him
self is chairman of that road's board of
directors. Young Hill, with Ure. Hill
and their four children, passes much
of his time in tho big outdoors. He has
made many visits to the Fort Peck
reservation and has studied closely the
possibilities, of the Sioux and Mandans.
To Instruct Indians.
The result of his observation was a
conviction that it would pay In a so
ciological sense to have the Indians In
structed in the agricultural methods
of the whites. He obtained permis
sion from tho department of the In
terior to send n delegation of redskins
to the land show in New York a year
ago. The Indians were bo much Im
pressed by the evidences of advanced
agriculture they saw in New York that
on their return to the high plains of
Montana they voluntarily becamo in
structors of their brethren in scientific
farming, with the logical outcome that
the reservation yielded a bumper crop
last autumn.
"The figures nro rather surprising,"
said Hill to tho writer in St Paul re
cently, "for they show that since these
Indians returned from New York twice
as much acreage has been cultivated on
tho Fort Peck reservation as was plant
ed last year. It simply goes to show
that almost anybody will Improve his
condition If ho gets a helping hand in
the right direction."
That comment was made when Louis
Hill and his Interviewer had returned
from the first county fair ever held by
Indians, at Poplar, which Is about as
prosperous a little town as can be
found In the country. A big agricul
tural exhibit had demonstrated what
Lo could do as a farmer, and at the
same time a great gathering of chiefs
and braves nnd squaws and pappooseR
had shown what n tribal reunion meant,
More than 2000 Sioux, Mandans nnd
Blackfeet wero camped in a circlo a
mile In diameter. For five dayB they
entertained visitors with pony races.
war dances, medicine making and oth
er features of life in tho open and
then switched to a football game be
tween the Mandans and a team of
Blackfeet from Glacier National park,
The palefaces came away with Increas
ed esteem for a race that could grow
In n generation from tho savagery of
tho tepee to the civilization of tho fron
tier farmhouse.
New Method Shows Up Faintest Signs
of Erasures.
Changes in documents or checks
made after tho use of a chemical ink
eraser may be detected by photogra
phy with tho aid of ultra violet rays,
according to Dr. Robert W. Wood of
Johns nopklns university, who an
nounced his discovery recently.
Dr. Wood exhibited a check raised
to $2,400. Tho words originally were
"twenty-four dollare." Tho change
Was made by an expert In a manner
that made It impossible to discover the
change even with a high power mag
nifying glass.
The slip of paper was placed under
tho ultra violet rays for a ten minute
exposure. The result was that a
heavy smudge appeared after tho
words "twenty-four," clearly showing
that there had been an erasure and
Rimethlng 'else written In.
Lakeville, March 13.
Mrs. Matilda Bishop returned
home Monday after spending a fort
night with her daughter, Mrs. A. K.
Mrs. Mary Utt, of this place, went
to Scranton Tuesday last to visit her
sons, Spencer and Floyd Kimble.
Miss Hazel James, of 'Lakeville,
spent last week at Elmhurst visiting
her friend. Miss Lena Osborne.
Whilo away she will visit friends in
Miss Julia Welsh entertained
friends from Hawley Friday and Sat
urday last. Wm. Welsh is at the
county seat this week serving ns a
traverse juror.
The Ladies' Aid of Ledgedale was
entertained at the pleasant home of
Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Harloe on Wed
nesday last. Quite a number from
Lakevlllo met with them. A good
time was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Smith, of Ledge-
dale, spent Sunday last with the lat
ter' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. James
of this place.
Hardly a family In this vicinity
has been slighted with tho grip and
somo have been gripped pretty hard.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Miller entertained
the following on Sunday last: Miss
Hannah Levy, of Scranton; Mr. and
Mrs. D. Flnklesteln and daughter, of
Hawley; and Lewis Miller of New
Ladies' Aid of this place will hold
a variety supper In the P. O. S. of
A. hall 'Wednesday evening, March
19th. Everybody welcome. Proceeds
to apply on minister's salary.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Alpha is enter
taining as guest this week Oscar
Martin of New York. Mr. Martin has
sold his home near Bronx Park. On
his return to the city he and Mrs.
Martin will go to Germany.
Mrs. Berton Daniels, of Wilson-
vllle, spent Sunday last with her
father, Mark Killam, of this place.
F. Bergman left Wednesday last
for his new home In New York.
Mr. iPago and family have moved
on Mr. Bergman's farm. "Wo wel
come our new neighbors.
Mrs. Spencer Daniels spent Sunday
last with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. H. Alpha.
Chas. Frisbic has been confined to
the house the past week with tho
grip. He Is improving.
Hildegard Rebekah Lodge request
all members to be present at the nxt
meeting, March 19, as there Is im
portant business to be transacted.
Mrs. Chester James, of Lake James
Hotel, was called to Brooklyn on
Monday last to attend the funeral of
her grandfather, Mr. Plath.-
Bethany, March 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith and
son, Grnydon, of Honesdale, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Kimble of
'Pleasant Valley spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hauser.
The Methodist Junior choir met
Sunday afternoon to practice for
Easter under the direction of Mrs.
E. S. Bierly and Miss Alice Ward.
Rev. Pritchard announced Sunday
evening that he would hold services
every evening except Saturday of
Holy Week and would preach eacn
evening appropriate to the time of
the journey to the Cross, celebrating
the "Last Supper" Thursday evening.
A cordial invitation is extended to
Mrs. J. J. Hauser Is giving a din
ner to-day in honor of Mrs. Rush
Kimble's birthday. Those present
were: Mesdames Bryant, Webb, Amy,
E. W. Gammell, Hawker and Rush
Those who had the pleasure of
meeting Mrs. N. W. Bass when sho
spoke at the M. E. church here re
cently will be pleased to hear or ner
marriage to Rev. J. B. Santee.
Estate of
W. Francis Decker, D. D., or William
Francis Decker, Jr., Deceased.
All persons indebted to said estate
are notified to make Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned: and thoso.
having claims against said estate aro
notified to present them, duly attest-;
ed, for settlement.
Newfoundland, Wayne county, Pa.
Or to her attorney, Purman Sheppard
Fnniips, 707 Betz BIdg., Phlladel
In "Baby Mine" at tho Lyric Monday
Afternoon and Evening, March '21
Tho Honesdalo Citizen has just mado an arrangement whereby It
offers the biggest and best combination for tho least money that
was ever handed out to Wayne County people. Here it is:
Tho Wnyno Citizen, a eoml-weokly local newspaper, regular price.. 51.50
Tho AVnyae Oountcan, Frank P, Woodward's Popular Local Monthly .50
Tho Trlbuno Farmer, a splendid 24 page practical newspapsr lor
farmers, weekly ., 1.00
The Ladles' World, the Best Woman's Magazine for 'double tho price
ever published, monthly 50
Home Songs, 576 pages of tho very best old-time songs, words and
music, bound In cloth, and printed on fine paper 1.00
Regular Price $4. 50
For a limited time we offer the entire lot for
Only $13.00
Cut out and return tho following coupon, properly signed.
Editor of Citizen:
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Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly
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Ten Days9
Saturday, August 2, 1913
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.
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of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It has the very best facilities
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510 Spruce Street.