The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 11, 1913, Image 1

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When Baying Advertised Good
Plcaso Tell the Merchants You
Saw Their Adv. In The Citizen.
-AVoodwnrd honrs Bl'
nnd tells nil about it In 1
lzcn. Don't miss it.
: 8
y's Olt-
71th YEAR. --NO. 21
COMPLETELY destroys three
decupled By Minor Brown ns Store
nnd Residence Fmnilv Ilniwlv
Escape Explosions Endanger
JLlves of Firemen Who Do Good
A disastrous lire occurred in White
Mills early Sunday morning which
totally destroyed the three-story
building on the main street of the
town occupied by Minor Brown and
family and owned by W. H. Ham.
Tho loss will reach about J12.000.
The first floor of the building Is used
by Mr. Brown as a store and the two
floors above are occupied by his fam
ily as living quarters.
About two o'clock Sunday morn
ing Mr. Brown was awakened by
smelling smoke In the room and af
ter an investigation ho found the
store room full of smoke and fire.
Going up stairs he awakened the
family and afterwards sent in the
alarm, but the fire naa gained such
headway that the family barely es'
caped suffocation and escaped only
in their night clothes.
The fire company responded
quickly but by that time they saw
the building was doomed and turn
ed their energies to saving the build
ings on either side, which were very
close. If there had been a strong
wind the whole row of residences
would have burned. The White
Mills fire department deserve great
praise for their heroic work at the
lire. Some of them really endan
gered their lives. Several chemical
appliances were used besides one
stream by the firemen.
Mr. Brown handled oil and pow
der and a little shed at the rear of
the main building was used for the
purpose of storing these combust!
ties. When the flames reached this
shed the explosions were frequent
although no one was hurt. One ex
plosion which occurred, tore the
whole front of tho store out, scat
tering the large crowd of spectators
which had gathered. Several bar
rels of kerosene oil and linseed oil
were dumped into the canal.
Mr. Ham's garage nearly caught
lire and it was with great difficulty
that his car was saved. The front
wheels were off and the car had to
be lifted out. Just as this was ac
complished the roof fell in.
The buildings on either side were
saved with difficulty, by the use of
wet blankets and water. All the fur
niture had to be taken out of these
The building collapsed about 4
o'clock but the firemen with streams
of water worked on until about 8
o'clock Sunday morning.
The Honesdale lire companies
kindly offered their services but the
fire was then considered under con
trol. The White Mills fire company
and the whole town were grateful
for this offer of assistance.
Everything in the building was de
stroyed and as the fire had gained
such headway, nothing could be sav
ed. The 'fire started up again in the
ruins about seven o'clock Sunday
night and it was necessary for the
firemen to again come to the rescue.
The flames this time did not last
The loss to the building Is covered
by insurance but Mr. Brown is a
heavy loser and his loss outside of
his insurance amounts to about $8,
000. He carried a stock of about
$10,v00. He also lost a valuable
hunting dog in the flames.
Kimble Lumber Co. Acquire Several
Acres of Land in Northern AVaync.
The Kimble Lumber Company of
Kimbles, Pike county, purchased
through the Buy-U-A-Home Realty
company of Honesdale, on Monday,
a valuable tract of timber in Buck
ingham township, located near Lake
wood. Tho property consists of G40
acres or about 3,000,000 feet of saw
timber. It was owned by Daniel
(LaBarr and is one of the finest lum
ber woods in Wayne county. Some
of the timber is 70 feet high and
straight as an arrow. There are
no rocks on the tract, and the land is
practically level. It is near the Erie
railroad, which makes it easy to
In addition to the timberland
there is an eight-room farm house
and good barn. A small lake is sit
uated in the center of the tract.
The sale was consummated in tho
presence of Daniel LaBarr, owner,
Miles Rowland of the Kimbles Lum
ber Co., and J. B. Robinson of the
Buyi-U-A-Homo Co,
Consideration I
ine auverusemem 01 tne tract
was printed in Tho Citizen and after and Delbert Smith, children of Lovell stroudsburg and Mt Pocono have
its first appearance parties became L. Smith, deceased. Byron Smith been visited and boom matter will
interested at once. It is only anoth- appointed guardian. Guardian's follow in the Eagle. Advertisements
er instance that advertisements in bonds approved. Guardian's peti- boosting some of these places were
The Citizen aro read and bring re-1 tion to sell real estato granted. shown upon the canvas by Mr. Mor-
sults Report of commission composed gan.
' f ..MiiJV,HaJi,an Dr' L- B Nlelsen. The stereoptlcon entertainment
MISS BAYLY SURPRISED HER a.nd F; c- "ichenbaker, presented, closed by remarks made by some of
FRIENDS. , ?P,V' . RPPJoved t and David N. the gentlemen present. The Eagle's
,,,, . . 1 We,sn- f.ound mentally deranged by representatives remained Tn Hones-
Miss Minnie Bayly, of East Hones- commission, and ordered sent to dale for a few days working on tho
dale, had the drop on several of her Rittersvillo for proper treatment project of boosting Honesdale. It
younger friends. She recently be- - ' is hoped that their efforts will bo
came the wife of Edward Manly, of VANDAL INJURE? MDMIIMFMTQ crowned with success.
Germantown. near Philadelphia, a VAWUAL IWJIWtb WUfMUIVIbNrS Tho Btereoptlcon ,antorn and can.
well-to-do gentlemen. Mrs. Manly. r...- c u a41 . s used were kindly loaned for the
as she announced herself to her " "yBb"r8 Fle,d Attacked occasion by Rev. G. S. AVendell, pas
friends when she returned from a With a Hammer. tor of the First Baptist church. The
few days absence, took the neigh-1 Eight monumente on tho Gettysburg Greater Honesdale Board of Trade,
bors by surprise. Several of her battlefield were badly damaged recent- In whose Interest the entertainment
lady acquaintances passed the oven- ly by a randal who used a heavy ham. Wfls given, Is indebted to Mr.. Wen-,
lng with her last Friday at which Ser for his Jtn.Z S The den toT tho uso r hls equipment,
time an official announcement was . oenirucaye worK. ine . whole the lpcturo -mkn hiehiv
made of the marriage. An appro- m1n,unlcnU red were the tliWns and wis enjoyed by a file
prlate gift was presented tho Quarter Fortyninth nV9tHU?Ilianmmm.
"young" bride and a merry evening and Nlnety-elxth Pennsylvania, Forti-
was spent. Mrs. Manly expects to cth New York. Grant's Vermont bri-1 rtCnd lust what th nniv Snnrtnv
iaToMbfcmontt hme tatt6r AV WISCnS,n n.e"TnVnreRke as SrteSoy
part or this month. ond Thlrtyeventh UuMKhiwntta AVoodwnrd In Friday's Citizen.
Mysterious Disappearance of Woman
AVith Another Man Causes Mucli
Local Excitement.
Last summer a good looking,
smooth talking young fellow landed
in town and took ud tho work of sn.
! !i'tinf subscriptions for various
." y""ueu m uus lino
until fnii wimn lm ,s.n. 4i. ...1.1.
one of our largest manufacturing
concerns, wiien ne took up this
work he boarded with one of his fel
low workmen until last Thursday
when he suddenly left town, after
bidding his fellow workmen, friends
and landlord goodbye. He said he
had secured a better position in
Massachusetts. This young man, it
is alleged, had been very friendly
with the wife of his landlord but
nothing was thought of this at the
time. The peculiar part is that on
the day he left Honesdale tho wife
of the landlord also suddenly left
town, hut, it is said, on different
trains. The husband and sons
of this unhappy family have
our sincere sympathy as they are in
dustrious people and had made a
good home for tho mother. This
young man is many years the wom
an's junior. It is a fact that the
family do not know where the wom
an went as she left no word. It is
reported that the young man has
been married and has a wife living.
Seven Cases Reported to County
Health Officers Quarantine Es
tablished Cases AVell in
Seven cases of smallpox have
been reported in Beachlake, about
nine miles from Honesdale. Five
cases are reported iii the family of
uev. w. J. Seymour, whose home
has been placed under quarantine.
H. D. Wood is reported as having the
disease and also one of his children.
Mrs. Wood is in a convalescent state,
having passed through the various
forms of the disease without know
ing its nature.
The families of Rev. Seymour and
Mr. Wood are both under quarantine
guard. It is reported that the
schools and churches have been clos
ed until such a time when there will
be no danger of an epidemic.
The county health officers have all
the cases well in hand and although
there were many contracts, county
medical inspector, Louis B. Neilsen,
says he does not think there is any
danger of an epidemic. About one
hundred persons including school
children have been vaccinated.
Health officers N. B. Spencer of
Honesdale, and Dr. Mullen, of Salem,
have been busy several days getting
the situation well in hand.
Tho March term of court opened
Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Judge
A. T. Searle presiding.
All liquor licenses except ten
Were granted. Remonstrances were
filed against H. H. Hoyle, Bethany,
Otto Dolmetsch, of Salem. Hearing
against these two cases on Thursday
The transfer of license of Christo
pher Lowe to Mrs. C. Lowe was
There is only two cases left for
trial this week, namely, that of H.
C. Noble against William Glanville.
and Thomas F. Reddington vs. Lake
Lodore Improvement Co.
U. S. Houck, cashier of the Haw-
ley bank, was admitted to the Wayne
par on motion of b , P. Kimble.
E. C. Mumford and Homer Greene
were added to the Wayne county
examining board in place of Judge
A. T. Searle and the late Henry
Wilson. W. H. Lee is also a member
of this board.
The case of Commonwealth vs.
Archie Blane, charged with fornica
tion, came up for trial Monday af
ternoon. George Van Ausdale, pros
ecutor was the first witness to testi
fy. The jury is composed of the
following gentlemen: C. M. Hine,
Preston; John Jaggers, South Can
aan; ueorge Hose, Cherry Ridge;
William Reafler, Hawley; August
M'i"c, uiegun; a. a. uurtis, unn
ton; Joseph Quinton, Lake; Claude
Bortree, Sterling; Charles E. Boyd,
Damascus; M. L. Bolkcom, Dy
berry; Clarence Wright, Honesdale;
John Barrett, Buckingham.
Argument court was held Fri
day afternoon with President Judge
A. T. Searle on the bench. Under
the new order of court before a
iransrer of liquor license can be
granted, two witnesses must be
sworn as to whether tho transfer is
proper. The hotel license of Frank
u. ucuiiiouii wus iransiorrea 10 Am
brose Altemus of Hawley.
An alias order for publication or
dered in the divorce libel of Lena TT.
Mlngst, llbellant, against William H.
.umtDt, irapuuueni.
i-oiition lor guardian for Gorman
Enthusiastic Meeting Held Lnst Frl
day EvoniiiR in City Hall by
Brooklyn Eagle Representatives.
me ooostors or Honesdale were
j ut 'ft" r.ce ft? toe
ialk on the subjecrs of" IK ffiS n whYchXo Tilted
of a Great Metropolitan Newspaper " MA Auba MnndOTlSS Z i s '
and " How to Boost Honesdale and years and Mrs S A ShattuH? a Jd
Vicinity." Tho meeting was attend- rlvea? " had both tassea awav dnr
ed by about 40 men all of whom had (ntha nht 1 y
the interest of Honesdale at heart. 1 , f" ,
At the close of the boost session ar- T1.lese elderly sisters had pneu
rangements were made to promote I monla and r the past few weeks
the business interests of the , ;?UBh,t. haId ?, thrw off the malady,
town. The first part of tho en- i M!; Mandeville. who was the widow
tertainment was in charge of M. H. 1 ?' Benjamin F. Mandeville, had been
Weyrauch, of the editorial staff of i"" weeks with the disease. Her
the Brooklyn Eagle. The talk was jaithful sister, Mrs. Shattuck, cared
informal, instructive and very in -
terestlng. He told of the different
nhases connected with tho mndfirn
daily newspaper. How the news is
collected, what agencies are used
and how in many Instances with dif
ficulty. Anecdotes illustrating tho
different experiences of reporters
were told in an interesting manner.
Following this brief outline of the
work, Mr. Weyrauch completed the
newspaper talk by showing a num
ber of pictures illustrating a trip
through the Brooklyn Eagle's nine
story newspaper building. The slides
were exceptionally clear. They rep
resented the different departments,
first showing the main office, the
news room, art department and
press room. The Brooklyn Eagle is I at LeonardBville. she then moved
recognized as tho best advertising to Honesdale, where she has since re
summer resort medium in America. sided. She leaves no children. The
It has men of different ages in Its 1 following nieces, however, survive:
employ, one of whom is a veteran , Mrs. Edward Bader, Honesdale;
newspaper man in his 82nd year. Mrs. Delia Whalev and Miss pinm
The Eagle has a battery of 45 lino-
type machines, two of which were
recently installed at a sum of $15,-
000 each. Upon the latter mention-
ed machines eight different styles of
type can be set. The saving of time
is one of the most important items
in a newspaper office. To overcome
this so as to make every second
count, devices of a modern nature
have been installed, one of which is
a triple thimble upon which is con-
tained three rolls of paper. Each
web weighs about eleven hundred
pounds. Instead of stopping the
five largo Hoe perfecting presses
when a new roll of paper is to be in
serted, the presses are slowed down,
but not stopped, and when the web
is near the end a new roll is
pasted upon the exhausted web.
Mr. Weyrauch then told of Hones
dale's advantages. How the place
unequalled any other territory from
a picturesque, industrial, commercial
and residential standppint. -He paid
a very flattorin'g but not exaggerated
tribute to Honesdale. He referred
to Irving Cliff as being an ideal spot
for a summer resort. Mr. AVeyrauch
next introduced J. Maynard Morgan,
advertising expert of the Brooklyn
Eagle. Mr. Morgan opened his Inter-
esting boost address by asking his
audience the question "What do
vn thlnlr of TTnnnsrlnlfi?" TTfi RI,lrt
he was very much pleased with the
answers of several of Honesdale's cit
izens as regarding matters expressed
along this line during the day. His
talk was sound, convincing, to the
point and straight forward. Mr.
Morgan demonstrated to tho audi
ence what real advertising is and,
what it has done for several noted
articles which has come into pub
licity through persistent advertising.
His address was replete with a num
ber of good advertising tips. He
told of Honesdale's resources, of its
industries, what the Board of Trade
had done for the town, at the same
tlmo ho advised tho Board not to
lay back on their oars and drift, hut
pull with a long, full stroke with a
determination to accomplish bigger
things the coming year. In hia
analysis of Honesdale, Mr. Morgan
stated that he knew of no town in
the United States that had more var
ied industries or where better oppor
tunities were offered to obtain others
than right here in Honesdale. "You
have the climate, altitude, pure
spring water, scenery and numerous
other advantages that other towns
have not, said Mr. Morgan. "To at
tract people here you want to adver
tise, he equoted. "Tell the public
of the beautiful rock you have on
tho east of the town and other at
tractions. That's how you can
boost Honesdale." Mr. Morgan then
told of Liberty, N. Y how tho citi
zens of that town had written to the
Eagle office, Brooklyn, asking for
suggestibns to regain, if possible, :
Liberty's popularity as a summer re-
sort. AVhat was accomplished and
how the summer resort people got
together and how they intend to
conduct a three months' advertising
campaign boosting their town. Jot
fersonv lie. Denos t. AVhite Lake.
nfti,.oii r.niro wi,ntintnn
Funeral AV111 Bo Held on Tuesday
From Christ Church, Indian Or
chard Pneumonia
Causo of
1 An exceptionally sad and sorrow-
li"1""1 "uu1, uv ",1 "uiiua unm sne,
1 became ill with it, Mrs. Shattuck
taking to ner bed on Tuesday last.
! ble dLe.d at 10:30 Sunday night,
while Mrs. Mandeville passed to her
reward at 12 o'clock midnight.
Both sisters had lived together for
aboilt four years. They had made a
number of friends during their stay
of two years in the George B. Kim
ble house on Dyberry Place and will
bo greatly missed.
Both Mrs. Mandeville and Mrs.
Shattuck were born in Indian Or
chard where they lived for a number
of years. Their maiden name was
Mrs. Mandeville until the death of
I her husband, B. F. Mandeville. lived
Jayne, both of Binghamton, and one
nephew, George Shattuck, of this
Mrs. S. A. Shattuck, mother of
George Shattuck, of this place, lived
at Leonardsvillo for several years,
Besides her son a husband survives,
The fllneral services will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in
chrIst church, Indlan orchard, Rev.
G s, Wendell. their late pastor, offl-
ciatIn interment will be made
at Indian Orchard.
Almost rivaling tho news of the
discovery of the South Pole has been
the report that in Germany a cure
for tuberculosis has been discovered.
The author of this cure, Dr. Fried
man of Berlin, has published no au
thoritative statement as to its na
ture. It is generally believed to be
a serum resulting from experimenta
tion upon turtles. With this meagre
Information it is impossible for any
one to form a definite opinion about
this remedy. It may be the long
sought cure or It may be a tremend
"UB " 1 , ?
?.t0 P"rve an open mind upon
thla Subject. Hope that the Cure
I (- .nn Mil
is real. On the other hand remem
bor that every year since 1882 when
Dr. Koch discovered the tubercle
bacilli, the cure for consumption
has been announced. Even Dr, Koch
himself thought that he had discov
ered it, only to bo disappointed.
The more than five hundred per
sons advertising patent medicine
cures for consumption in this coun
try are taking advantage of Dr.
Friedman's announcement to boom
their own remedies. Have nothing
to do with them. The man who sells
you a sugar and water medicine, or
some other mixture as a cure for
tuberculosis is taking advantage of
your credulity in the same way that
a faker fools a crowd at a country
fair. Karl de Schweinitz, Executive
Secretary, Pennsylvania Society for
the Prevention of Tuberculosis.
Deatli of Mrs. Mary Barnes.
Mrs. Mary Barnes, half-sister of
Mrs. R. J. Penwarden, died at her
home near Milford a few days ago.
She was 74 years of age and is sur
vived by one son, Fred, of Hones
dale, and a daughter, Mrs. Ida Spark,
of Milford.
Death of Miss Pemvnrden.
Miss Florence Penwarden, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George AV. Pen
warden, of New York, died of pneu
monia on Friday last, aged 33 years.
Miss Penwarden died at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson
after a brief illness.
Besides her parents, one brother,
Charles, of Brooklyn, survives. R,
J. Penwarden is a,n uncle of tho de
ceased. The funeral was held on
Sunday afternoon from the home of
her brother, Charles Penwarden.
Deatli of Mrs. George AV. Phillips.
Mrs. G. AV. Phillips, wife of the
former Superintendent of Schools at
Scranton, died at her home, New
York city, Friday, Mar. 7. Tho body
was brought to Scranton on Mon
day and funeral services held in the
Green Ridge Presbyterian church.
Burial was made in the AVashburn
street cemetery. The deceased was
formerly Miss Atwater, and tho fam
ily was very prominent in Pleasant
Mount, AVayne county. Besides her
husband, two sisters survive her.
Tho remains of Mrs. tWilliam
Racht, a former resident of Hones
dale, wero brought here for burial
Saturday morning on tho 10 o'clock
D. & H. train. The funeral services
were held from St. Mary Magdalen's
church, Dr. J. AV. Balta, officiating,
Interment was made in the German
Catholic cemetery. Mrs. Racht died
at her home in Carbondale last Wed
nesday oventnf.
Local Merchants Much Plenscd Over
Business Done Saturday More
Bargain Days to bo Held.
Saturday was observed in Hones
dalo by the merchants as Trade
Day and marked a brisk trading in
nearly all the local stores. It is es-
1 timated that the business done that '
uaj iui uauuuuh an expectations as
many hundreds of people came here
from all parts of the county to pur
chase goods.
Tho merchants through the col
umns of The Citizen offered a ten
per cent, reduction on certain lines
of merchandise and thereby reaped
the harvest, by malting it advantage
ous to purchase goods at home.
Every train coming into tho town
was filled with shoppers and long be
fore noon hundreds of persons
crowded the stores. Many bargains,
were offered and these were very
quickly taken advantage of by buy
ers not only from town but from
various parts of the county. The af
ternoon trains out of Honesdale
carried many shoppers loaded down
with packages and bundles, which
gave evidence of the success of the
first local Trade Day this season.
Many more of these , bargain days
will be held from time to time by
the local merchants.
Passage Effected Thursday Night Af
ter Considering It Over Three
Months Thought Company Will
At the regular meeting of the bor
ough council Thursday evening a
franchise was granted to the Wayne
County Railway Company, giving
them the privilege of using certain
streets of the borough for tho
laying of rails for the proposed line.
The franchise as passed by the coun
cil must now go to the burgess for
his approval or disapproval and after
that it will be submitted to the com
pany for their approval.
The prospects for a trolley line
from Honesdale to Hawley are now
bright indeed. It Is not known what
action the company will take in re
gard to the franchise as passed but
it is very probable that it will be ac
cepted without alteration. All that
will remain in that event for the
company to do is to get the charter
and begin operations.
Under the ordinance as passed by
the council the street railway com
pany is given the use of certain
streets of the borough for tho laying
of rails and operating cars. The
company will be obliged to pave in
side the rails and two feet on each
side of their track. The life of the
franchise is placed at seventy-five
It provides that work on the street
railway must bo started within three
months and that it must be in com
plete operation within one year.
The last will and testament of the
late Judge Henry AVilson was ad
mitted to probate in the office of the
Register of Wills of AVayne county
Friday afternoon. Tho following is
a copy of the will:
Henry AVilson, attorney-at-law, of
the borough of Honesdale, county of
AVayne, State of Pennsylvania, do
hereby make and publish this day my
last will and testament, and revoke
all wills heretofore made by me.
1 My gold watch, presented tp
me by Honesdale friends, January 1,
1871, with the guard chain attached,
I give to Dr. John AVilson, of Mont
rose, Susquehanna county, Pennsyl
vania, grandson of my uncle, Dr.
John AVilson, lato of Factoryville,
AVyoming county, Pennsylvania.
Should he be deceased at the time of
my death, I give them to my daugh
ter, Eva L. Wilson, to be used or dis
posed of at her discretion.
2 My series of the proceedings of
the Pennsylvania State Bar Associa
tion I give to Chester A. Garratt,
Esq., who has been for several years
associated with me professionally.
3 The residue of my estate, in
cluding a paid up policy of Insurance
on my lifo issued by the Penn Mutual
Life Insurance Company of Philadel
phia, I give to my daughter, Eva
Lena AA'ilson, adopted by me by vir
tue of a decree made by the Court of
Common Pleas of said county of
AVayne, July 24, 1911, and entered
of record in said court to No. 85 Juno
Term 1911.
4 1 appoint my said adopted
daughter, Eva 'L. Wilson, sole exe
cutrix of this my last will and testa
ment, with power to executo all con
veyances or transfers of property,
real and personal, required for the
duo settlement of my estato, should
any such be found necessary.
'Signed and published as my last
win and testament at Honesdale
aforesaid, this 2Gth day of October,
The will was witnessed by AV. H.
Dimmick and C. A. Garratt.
Douglas, Ariz., March 10. En
camped within striking distanco of
several Important border towns, tho
8,500 Constitutionalist troops rested
on arms to-day whllo insurrections
among federal garrisons strengthen
ed materially the rebel forces. No
word has come from Nacozarl, south
of here, whore a florce battle waged
all day yesterday, and It Is not known
what tho result of the encounter has
been. The last word received from
the besieged city was from the tele
graph operator, who flashed "Too
hot for mo hero," and left his key
Just before all wires between Doug
las and Nacczarl were cut.
at This Mectlmr.
Tuii'.ia m Jillls Or
dered Paid Other Business.
The regular monthly meeting of
tho borough council was held in tho
town hall Thursday evening with
tho following members present:
President Caufiold, W. H. Kreitner,
S. T. Ham, G. W. Penwarden, Harry
Rettew and John Erk. The routine
business was transacted and tho
treasurer's report read. The report
Is as follows:
Balance on hand at last
meeting $1529.GG
Received from Miss Anna
Keen 20.00
Received from E. E. 'Fergu
son 2000.00
Received from II. Schuer-
holz, 1912 700.00
Total ?4249.GG
Paid out 53334.50
Balance on hand $ 915. 1G
The following business was taken
up and disposed of:
A committee composed of G. W.
Penwarden and John Erk was an-
pointed to wait upon W. H. Varcoe
and report at the next meeting of tho
council. At the time of the Erk fire
Mr. Varcoe's printing plant on the
opposite side of the street was con
siderably damaged by water.
The electric light fixtures former
ly used in the town hall where the
postoffice is now located, were given
to Texas No. 4 Fire Company. A
motion was made to have Mrs. W. J.
Van Keuren write the ordinances in
the ordinance book.
The ordinance granting the Wayno
County Railroad company the privi
lege of using certain streets of tho
borough to conduct a trolley road,
was passed by the council after a
new clause, providing that the rail
road company pay for tho advertis
ing of the ordinance, was entered.
The following bills were ordered
Citizen Pub. Co., advertising ? 19.80
B. 'F. Haines, advertising 19.80
Herald, advertising 19.80
Electric Light Co. 2GG.98
Kraft & Conger, coal 40.70
Bell Telephone Co. 3.40
John Decker, moving safe G.50
F. G. Terwilllger, sundries ,60
J. R. A'ail, repairing lock on safe 3.00
Geo. Foster, P. O. fixtures 3.38
J. L. Burkett, wiring 7.90
Fabrick Hose Co., spanners 4.15
C. C. Jadwln, mdse 4. GO
J. J. Canivan, salary GO. 00
Levi Degroat, salary '50.00
Fred Rlckert, team 2.25
Frank Varcoe,- team 2.25
F. Mauer, labor 5.o5
L. Weidner, labor 18.22
H. Knorr, labor 7.34
'F. Castle, labor G.0O
J. Summons, labor 3.00
L. AVeidner, team 11.20
Consolidated Tel. Co. 30.00
C. H. Rettew, expense to Scranton
Frank McMullen, Jr., taking care of
hose 7.50
Total bills ordered paid
Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoolo
gist of Harrisburg, will arrive in
Honesdale on Friday, March 21, and
organize the Wayno County Horti
cultural Society. J. AV. Lewis, of
PIttston, will also bo present and
assist in the proceedings of tho day's
The morning session will be called
to order at 10 o'clock. Officers for
the proposed society will be elected
following the opening of the meet
ing. In the afternoon an old-fashioned
round-up meeting on horticultural
topics will take place. Prof. Surface,
who is in great demand all over tho
United States, and is the best au
thority upon horticultural and ag
ricultural work. Prof. Surface will
address the gathering upon the sub
ject of "How to Produce Better
Fruits at Less Cost." Farmers from
all parts of AVayne county should
plan their work so as to attend this
While In Honesdale a public dem
onstration will be made upon an ap
ple orchard-by tho experts.
Tho sessions will be free. Como
and bring your neighbor with you.
Before a fair sized attendance tho
husky Hawley basket ball team met
defeat at the hands of the locals in
a game featured by tho fast work of
the Honesdalers, whose passing and
general team work was very good.
The first half ended 24 to 4; the final
score was 4G to 12. Tho locals
changed their lineup, Brader trying
his old position at guard and Man
ga 11 playing center. The change
seems to be a good one. Tho line
up: Hawley. Honesdale.
McNamara McDermott
Plum Tarkett
Carrol Mangan
Wilds Bader
Rowland Brader
Baskets: McNamara 1, Plum 4,
Wilds 1. McDermott 7, Tarkett 5,
Mangan 2, Brader 7, Bader 2.
Probably the most Interesting
game of the season will be played at
the Rink on Thursday when the G,
C. club meets the Maple City Flvo
for the first time this season. There
is a great deal of rivalry here and a
hot game Is assured. Tho G. O. club
has been gathering a reputation In
chunks lately and fully expect to de
feat the Regulars,