The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, March 04, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Russian Orthodox Congregation Will
Have Notable Structure.
Ground will be broken In Phllndel
phla enrly In March for the erection of
a new church to bo built by St. Ml
chad's Husslnn Orthodox church ns n
memorial to the victims of the Titanic
The ground on which the structure Is
fo stand has been purchased, and If the
present plans of tho congregation are
realized the cornerstone will be laid on
April 14, tho first anniversary of the
sinking of tho vessel.
The plans as submitted by tho archi
tects called for a $4!"i,000 structure.
Tho congregation of tho church nnd
tho rector, itev. J. T. Krohmalncy,
hope, however, to secure sufllclent
funds to warrant the use of finer mate
rials In tho building. Following the
Idea of the Titanic memorial, tho rec
tor will shortly moke an appeal to
wealthy survivors of tho wreck In sev
eral eastern cities. He has already
stated that he Intends to call upon Mrs.
Russell Thayer, Mrs. George D. Wlde
ner and Vincent Astor.
A concert will bo given In the Acad
emy of Music by the cathedral kopolla
of the Russian Orthodox church of
New York during the latter part of
this month for tho benefit of St. Mi
chael's church. During the three yearn
of the existence of the church services
have been held In tho Protestant Epis
copal Church of the Advent.
Lumberjacks to Be Known by Gilt
Crowned Ivories.
Lumbermen of the southern Appa
lachian mountains, known locally as
"hicks" and elsewhoro as lumberjacks,
have adopted the suggestion that they
have their eye teeth capped with gold
as a mark to distinguish them from
other men nnd identify themselves to
one another.
The Idea spread from Ashcvlllo, N.
C, along the mountain chain through
West Virginia and south to Georgia,
nnd dentists have been busy provid
ing gold crowns.
An Ashevllle dentist returned recent
ly from a Smoky mountain lumber
camp, where ho had 100 customers.
Ho did not cut off the teeth, but
crowned them with gold. In no case
was 5 crown needed.
Washington to Pay $15 a Month For
First Child and $5 Each For Others.
Washington will bo the first state to
pay pensions to mothers. The judlcinry
committee of tho lower house has act
ed favorably on the hill, and a majority
of house and senate favor Its adoption.
The bill provides payment of $15 a
month for the support of tho first child
nnd ?5 monthly additional for each ad
ditional child of destitute mothers.
The house judiciary committee has
reported favorably a bill providing for
tho payment by the state or county of
$1,50 n day to destitute wives of In
mates of penal Institutions for the work
of prisoners In prison or In road gangs.
This law will cause a larger use of
prisoners on state road work.
Members Intermarry Before Twenty
and Divide With One Another.
A strange Jewish colony, practicing
queer customs and peculiar rites and
bearing many resemblances to a "lost
tribe," has been found In Los Angeles
by Dr. It. Fnrber, rabbi of Slnal temple.
The colony, which Is composed of
members of nbout thirty families, lives
almost on a communistic scheme, nnd
the members divide their wealth among
themselves. They do not marry outside
of their own number nnd adhere to tho
belief that It is Immoral for a man to
pass tho ago of twenty nnd be un
married. They came from Russia years ago
nnd have been living hero for some
time unnoticed as n colony.
Philadelphia Smokers Use Asbestos
Lining While on Street Cars.
Philadelphia tailors aro receiving or
ders from their customers that at least
ono asbestos pocket bo placed In every
suit and every overcoat they innko as
a result of tho now "no smoking" rule
of tho Philadelphia Rapid Transit com
pany. A widely known Wnlnut street tailor
placed a largo order for asbestos re
cently, and when asked If he had been
(-ni ployed to make an asbestos suit he
"Why, some of my customers nre
bringing back their overcoats to have
tho asbestos pockot fixed. They want
the pocket as a saving in cigar bills."
Ingenious Contrivances Are Found
Near Edge of 8wamp.
What Is bellved' to have been a safe
blowers' cache, discovered at tho edge
f a swamp near Long Beach, Cal.,
fielded several Ingenious contrivances
apparently Intended to divort pursuit
after the commission of a crime.
They were a pair of Imitation horse
hoofs carved out of plno and fittod
with straps so that they could bo ad
justed to a pair of shoes. An Imita
tion cow's hoof fastened to a cano
evidently was Intended to be used In
conjunction with the others to help
give the impression of a man on horse
back driving a cow.
Infection Fought on All Fron
tiers Now Found In
FOLLOWING Is the startling re
port made by the Survey, a
publication of Now York:
"An enemy which tho United
States has fought nt ports of entry
and on its fnr frontiers has suddenly
nppenrcd in Mir very midst. The dread
Invader is trachoma. Its victims wq
have long seen among Alaskan nntlves,
our own reservation Indians nnd the
Immigrants at our gates. But now we
find that the disease has stolon n
march on us nnd made our own Amer
ican stock Its prey. Tho foothold it
has gained puts It In a position to
menace the nation.
"Down In tho beautiful mountains of
Kentucky live a people of the purest
American nncestry. Stalwart, brave,
enduring, unmixed with other blood,
they show the sturdlness of the pio
neers who followed Boone to tho vir
gin wilds beyond the rnnges. The
mighty train of American development
has swept by, leaving them sidetrnck
od, forgotten, neglected, in the hills of
their adoption, nn unknown people in
the midst of a busy, careless nation.
"Tho poorer among them live for the
most part in small and sparsely scat
tered log cabins. Families number
usually ten to fifteen members, all of
whom eat, sleep mid live together In
the one room of the cabin. The com
mon wash basin outside the door Is
often a lnrge stono with n hollow in
its surface, difficult to empty or to
clean. To this each user contributes
his share of germs, nnnglng next to
It Is tho large family towel, which Is
on duty for days In succession.
live In Windowless Cabins.
"Cabins have no windows nt all or
small ones nt best, and all openings
are scrupulously closed nt night In the
winter time. A'entllatlon is of tho
poorest at any time. Close lntermar
rlage, lack of oven rudimentary sani
tation and monotonous, 111 suited diet
predispose children to many ills, In
cluding tuberculosis nnd other infec
tious diseases. IUngworm of the scalp,
uncorrected defects of vision, adenoids
and enlarged tonsils and hookworm in
fection are common. Tho unkempt
nnd neglected condition of these chil
dren is pitiable. Many nre mentally
backward and defective. The typical
mountaineer, however, Is usually Intel
ligent nnd wide awake oven though Il
literate. "The social and economic needs of
these mountaineers of Kentucky, Ten
nessee. Carolina nnd Virginia nre be
ginning to be recognized. But it has
remained for Dr. John McMullen of
the federal public health service to call
attention to n most serious danger now
menncing thorn. In a recent investiga
tion ho found trachoma present to nn
alarming nnd unsuspected degree nnd
the blindness nnd defective vision re
sulting from It responsible for an In
calculable Impairment of social, eco
nomic nnd intellectual efficiency.
Trachoma a Communicable HI.
"Trachoma Is a communicable dis
ease of tho eyelids which, if untreated,
usually progresses to blindness and
practically always causes Interference
I with vision. Among 4,000 persons ex
amined Dr. McMullen found that 500,
or 12V4 per cent, had trachoma. From
3 to IS per cent of tho school children
were affected. One of the important
factors In the spread of the disease Is
tho common family towel. Most of
Suffragists' Meeting Thrown Into
Chaos by Man's Bold Act.
A meeting of suffragettes at the Dan
lelson theater, Danlelson, Conn., re
cently was thrown Into confusion when
a farmer from Mechafilcsvllle, who
i said ho was John Frlsble, Interrupted
j Dr. Anna noward Shaw of tho Nation-
nl Suffragette association In the mid
; die of her address and coolly proposed
j marriage to her.
I "Just a minute," cried Frisble, inter
I ruptlng the suffragette leader; "I have
I been n widower for eighteen years.
I Will you marry me and make me hap-
! iy?"
Dr. Shaw was qulto evidently un
nerved and stood speechless for a mo
ment or two. Then she recovered her
"I don't want a wedding ring. All
I want Is the vote," sho Cried dramat
Hew London Man Wears Footgear For
Years and Years.
Twenty years ago Alderman Charles
iS. Perkins of New London, Conn., had
n pair of square toed shoes made. Ho
treated tho soles to n special prepara
tion of tar. Then ho wore tho shoes
steadily for six years.
After a few years vacation they
were brought out and saw dally uso
for threo years. Then Perkins bad
them topped and put them awny. Now
ho's wearing them again.
Kentucky Mountaineers Who
Live In Bad Surroundings
Suffer Most. j:
't' ""
the eases receive no trontment, and
each case becomes a local focus of con
tagion. It appears that the disease
must be of loug standing in these
mountnlns nnd thnt it Is getting pro
gressively worse.
"Trachoma Is chronic and persistent.
Treatment for It must bo long continu
ed and carried1 on with unremitting
care. To prevent its spread among the
southern mountaineers Dr. McMullen
omphnslzes the need of a campaign to
show the Importance of sanitation,
frsh air, clean homes and personal hy
giene. StereoptI"on lectures In public
buildings and schools will help. Visit
ing nurses nnd social workers are need
ed to preach the gospel of sanitation in
the individual home. Other social
agencies must be organized to Include
the entire affected territory. Especial
ly nmoug school children cases of tra
choma should bo Isolated. Schools
must be properly lighted and ventilated.
Need of Public Clinics.
"Actual care and euro of existing
cases offer tho greatest problem. Pub
He clinics ought to be established sim
ilar to the ono now conducted by Dr.
J. A. Stucky under tho nusplces of tho
W. C. T. U. settlement school at Hlud
man, Ky. Movable Held hospitals In
connection with these clinics could af
ford surgical treatment to enses requir
ing it. The same cases nnd territory
should bo covered periodically by dis
trict visiting nurses. Grent patience
nnd long continued effort, as well ns
much money, will be needed to eradi
cate trachoma from these mountnlns.
But with perseverance and enthusiasm
tho task can be accomplished.
"Trachoma has been found most de
structive among the American Indians,
particularly among those leading n res
ervation life. In some of the reserva
tions in tho southwest trachoma Is
found in 05 per cent of the Indians.
Over 0,000 Indians were treated iu
1011 for trachoma, nnd at tho tra
choma hospital of tho Indian service
at Phoenix, Ariz., over 800 were oper
ated upon and treated.
Diseases of Alaskan Indians.
"Dr. M. H. Foster iu n report to the
secretary of the treasury on Jan. 2Ii
stated that of 1,304 Alaskan natives
examined by him 15.0 per cent had
some cyo trouble, and 7.2 per ecnY
from all parts of Alaska suffered from
trachoma. In some sections of tho
southwestern portion of Alaska the
disease was present in 25 per cent of
the native population, Dr. Foster
urged the great need of a government
home for blind natives In Alaska and
the provision of some trade or occupa
tion to relievo their present pitiful con
dition. "Among Immigrants 2,50-1 cases of
trachoma were certified In the fiscal
year 1911. At Ellis Island alone 718
enses were certified. Considering tho
pitiful conditions into which the dis
ease throws Its victims, the serious ex
tent to which it is already prevalent
In tho country nnd its economic and
social menace, effort to prevent tho
entrance of now cases and the estab
lishment of new foci of contagion be
comes Imperative.
"Trachoma has been shown to be n
public health problem of national con
cern. Prompt, persistent and energetic
measures must be undertaken by local,
state and national health officers to
check Its further spread and to eradi
cate It whero It Is already present."
Giant Bunnies Are Seen at Internation
al Farmyard Show at Paris.
Tfie grand annual International farm
yard show was held recently In the
Grand palaco of tho Champs Elysees.
It was tho most Important and Inter
esting held for many years, containing
5,000 lots, exhibited by 000 producers.
A great feature of the show was the
object lesson presented by a new race
of gigantic rabbits of silver gray color,
many of which weigh twenty-eight
pounds nnd for breeding purposes fetch
$20 to $30 apiece. These huge bunnies
nro revolutionizing the Paris fur trade
for fashionable winter garments, muffs,
trimmings, etc.
Tho best specimens of these wonder
ful evolutions of Br'er Rabbit nre ralB
ed In Normandy and In Burgundy, nnd
only n skilled expert can detect the
difference between their skins and
those of costly animals from Siberia
and Alaska.
Never before either has such a rich
variety of pigeons been seen In Paris.
The section of golden pheasants Is
I ne of particularly dazzling brilliancy.
Boy Traps a Wildcat.
Walter Scott, a fourteen-year-old
schoolboy of Chapman, Kan., caught a
wildcat In a trap which he had sot on
tho banks of the Smoky river. The cat
is thirty-nine inches long and stands
fifteen Inches at the shoulder. It Is a
beautiful brown, with black spots scat
tered about over Its body. It was put
on exhibition in one of tho local cafes.
They Add Respectability and Cheerful
ness to Any Town.
A well kept, well planned lawn, with
a few shrubs nnd flowers, repays In n
lnrge measure for tho work expended
In Its care. A trim, orderly lawn and
yard glvo one n feeling of self respect
end satisfaction that helps to keep tho
dally work from becoming tho dally
grind. Then, too, whero ono resident
of a block beautifies his surroundings
others follow tho good example, and In
this way the movement spreads, and
the entile town is made attractive.
And attractlvo towns are what homo
seekers nnd manufacturers aro looking
for these days.
A scythe and mower, n hoo and rake,
can transform nn unkempt yard into
a smooth green lawn. A bed of red
geraniums adds beauty and Is easily
cared for. Bright spots of solid color
add more to tho appearance of n lawn
than haphazard mixtures of flowers.
Golden glow is a good lawn shrub. It
Is hardy and oasily grown. It blooms
late in the fall, whon most flowers nre
gone. It grows very tall and Is bright
yellow. Salvia, a shrub bearing brll-
Hnnt red flowers, is showy nnd very
Dahlias aro acceptable for lawn use
nnd can be had in a largo variety of
colors. For the small beds nastur
tiums and sweet peas are excellent.
The latter are better used as a screen
or boundary and can be planted
against the fence which marks the rear
of the lawn. The lawn should be well
fenced to keep chickens away from the
grass. If not they ruin it in a short
time. They have no business neur tho
In nrranglng for the summer flow
ers It Is better not to cut up the ex
panse of grass into too many small
beds, but have Just a few spots of
bright color. The flowers that aro
planted will need care. A few beds
well tended are preferable to many
half cared for. When making your
plans don't map out more than you can
For Loss of Hair
We will pay for what you uso It
Rexnll "93" Hair Tonic does not
promote the growth of your lialr.
In nil our experience with boh)
tonics tho ono that has done most to
gain our confidence is Rexall "03"
Hair Tonic. We havo such well
founded faith in it that wo want
you to try it at our risk. If it does
not satisfy you in every particular,
we irill pay for what you use to the
extent of a 30 day treatment.
If Rexall "03" Hair Tonic doeo
not remove dandruff, relievo scalp
irritation, etop tho hair from falling
nnd promoto a new growth of htir.
como back to us and ask us to return
tho money you paid for it, and wo will
promptly hand it back to you. You
aon t sign anything, promise aiy
thinc. brine nnvthine bock, or in any
way obligate yourself. Isn't that fair?
Doesn't it stand to eason that wo
would not mako such a liberal offer
if wo did not truly believe that
Rexall "03" Hoir Tonio will do all
we claim for it that it will do all
and more than any other rcracdyf
We have everything there is a de
mand for, nnd nre able to judgo tho
merit of tho things wo sell. Cus
tomers tell us of their success. Them
nre more satisfied users of Rexall
"03" Hair Tonio than any similar
preparation wo sell.
Start a treatment of Rexall "03";
Hair Tonic today. If you do, wo
believe you will thank us for this
advice. Two size bottles, 60c and SI.
You can buy Rexall "03" Hair Tonia
In this community only at on store:
Honesdale n,t !ifcagg Stan
There Is a Hex&H Store In nearly every town
and city in the United SUtes, Canada and
Great Britain. Then Is a different Rciall
Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill
each especially designed for tha particular 111
for which it is recommended.
Tha Raxall Storaa ara America's Creataat
Drug- Storaa
Have -rue Citizen sent to you.
nt close of business, Feb. 4, 1013.
Loans and Discounts 1165.307 72
Overdrafts, secured nnd unsecured IS 00
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation. . 60.000 00
Premiums on U. U. Bonds 742 92
Bonds, Securities, etc 41.902 68
Banking bouse, furniture, futures 10.(69 07
Due from National Banks (not re
serve agents) 7,139 69
Due from approved reserve agents 20,764 88
becks and otber Casb Items 21 60
Notes or otber National Banks 125 00
Fractional paper currency, nick
els, and cents 143 61
Lawfulmonbvukheuve iniiank,
Legal-tender notes 724 65
Hpecle 11.87V 00 12,603 65
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer (G per cent of circulation). 2.600 00
TOTAI, t 8H,!K9 89
Capital stock paid lu
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less exponses
and taxes paid
National Bank Notes outstanding
Due to State and Private Banks
and Hankers
Individual deposits subject to
Time Certificated o( Deposit
Certified checks
Cashier's checks outstanding
60,000 oo
6.000 00
2.095 71
49,000 00
251 60
81,027 83
176.448 77
. 104 99
1,411 09
Total ...till.339 89
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss
I, M, 3 . Emery, Cashier of the above named
bank, do hereby solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true to the best of my
Knowieage ana nenei,
M. J. Kmebt. Cashier,
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
4th day oi FeD.. ivis. tt.u. uobtuee.n. 1'.
Oorreot Attest:
J. W. Oook. )
J. W. Bandeboooe, Directors.
Late of Sterling, deceased.
All persons indebted to Bald estate
are notified to make immediate pay
ment to the undersigned; and those
having claims against said estate are
notified to present them, duly attest
ed, for settlement.
Sterling, Pa., Jan. 14, 1913. Bw6
for tacb full ict f Ftlie Tttth or 5tc for ml
Partial sets la proportion. Hlthctt ch pricw
paid for OU Cold, Sllrcr, PUtUan, Diamond! Kan
Jewelry. fitad what tm lift today
Establishes 20 Ykaks.
Bring your difficult job work to
this office. Wo can do it.
Ten Days9
Saratoga Springe -
I and
Saturday. Augus
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.
For Sale
Tract of 640 Acres
contains 3,000,000 ft.
of Saw Timber.
Two million feet of mine
roofing and balance in Maple,
Hemlock, and some Beech
and Birch.
1 5 per cent, of lumber is Hemlock
In center of tract is a pond. By building a small dam an over
flow of 50 acres can be obtained.
About ICO of the G40 acres Is Improved. Tract Is good land to
farm and lumber. Excellent water on place. Eight-room house
and barn BOxCO feet. Located on highway between Lakewood
and Equinunk. Tho tract is five miles -from Lakewood on the
Ontario & Western railroad or two miles from Stockport on the
'Erie. Property Is one of tho best In Wayne county. Big bar
gain for quick buyer.
Inquire of
Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co.
Honesdale, Pa.
Jadwin Bldg. Both Phones
Located in Berlin township about
3 miles from Honesdalo Is ono
of the best farms In that locality.
It consists of 108 acres, which Is all
Improved. The soli is eand loam and
red shale. It Is well watered by
springs; orchard. Twelve-room
house, barn 37x47 feet with shed
22x90 feet. Part cash, balance on
easy terms. See
Buy-U-A-Hoino Itcnlty Co.
Jadtvin Building, Ho 52, Honesdalo.
Ladleal Aik your llninlit for A
Chl.chea.ter'a Diamond IlrandtVV
IMlIaio Ited tod Clold mettlllcY
Take no otber. Hot of yon r
pon, seaiea wiui hiuq KfbDoa.
yein known ai Dest. Safest, Always RcllabU