PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1913. i She Wanted 1 A Master! To Do Her Thinking and Decide For Her By F. A. MITCHEL I had been paying nttentlon to Julia Adams for some time. Indeed, I would have proposed to her bad I been reasonably sure of an acceptance. But Julia bad another suitor, Frank Dig by, and I fancied he was her first choice. To tell the truth, I was at a dlsad vnntaKe about that time, having, on being graduated from college, gone Into business, for which I was by no means fitted. I bad made n failure of it nml was casting about for some thing more to my taste. My poverty was the principal reason why I did not propose to Julia. The only talent 1 had ever shown was for sketching, and in thnt as a boy I showed considerable ability. When it was plain that I would ac complish nothing ns a business man I mnde some sketches, which I show ed to publishers and secured orders for illustrations to go with their pub lications. But I knew it would re quire some time to get this new hold, and while doing so I kept my own counsel from my friends and acquain tances. Julia tried to find out some thing about what I had in view, but I gave her no satisfaction. If I should fail in entering a new field I would 1)0 in n worse position than before. I put her off by pretending to bo in doubt ns to what I would do said 1 would not hurry in mnking up my mind, and all that. The result was what might havo been expected. Sho accepted Frank DIgby. Soon after I heard of her en gagement I had a talk with her bosom friend, Edith Martin, about her, who said: "Julia has been brought up with some one to do her thinking and make her decisions for her. Frank Dlgby has a strong will, and she can rely on him for guidance. He will take the lead in everything. There is nothing weak, nothing vacillating about him. I think it will be a very good match." "Quito likely." I replied, wincing un der what was yrobably not Intended, but what was a lecture to mo, holding up my shortcomings In contrast' with Dlgby's strong points. I made the best of my disappointment, but I confess to having been mean enough to hope that he would rule Julia with a rod of Iron since that seemed to be what she wanted. Miss Martin, besides being a bosom friend of Julia's, was n gabbler. It wasn't fllflicult to set her talking, and, since she was a sort of confessor for Julia, I received n good deal of infor mation simply by propounding leading questions. For instance, one day I said to her: "The more I think of It the more I believe that our mutual friend, Julia Adams, has a fine prospect before her with Frank Dlgby. Opposltes should mate. If the woman Is easy going the man should bo decided, and vice versa. I wouldn't mind getting a strong mind ed wife myself. I'd rather like to bo ruled by a woman." "Would you?" replied Edith, swal lowing the bait and the hook together. "Why don't you marry a window smashing, theater burning suffragette?" "Just what I'd like. I'm glad Julia got the kind of man sho wanted. When are they going to bo married?" "I don't know. Not at present any way. I wouldn't have you repeat it, but sometimes I think Frank is just a teeny weeny bit too decided for Julia. . You see, there are certain things wo girls like to have decided for us and certain things wo like o decide for ourselves." "For Instance?" "Well, last week Julia bought a hat. When Frank saw it ho said, 'Why didn't you buy a muff for your head and have done with it?' 'You wouldn't wish me to bo out of fashion, would you?' retorted Julia. 'Fashion!' said Frank sneeringly. 'Do you know what fashion is? It's a lot of men who sell you women things, giving you new de signs that are as different as possible from what you'vo been wearing so that you can't wear or mako over what you'vo got.' It wouldn't havo matter ed If he'd stopped here, for wo all know that, but ho had to go on nnd say. 'I have always hoped that when I got a wife she'd havo more independence than to submit to such nonsense.' 'But the fashion?' persisted Julia. 'We can't ignore tho fashion.' 'Fashion be hang- rl-Ui vmuik UUStVt'LUU, 1 WUU1U11 t WUIll. my wife to wear a hat like a grena dier or put n pot or n kettle on her head.' At this Julia swept out of tho room without deigning to notice him." "H'm!" I said. "That was on Wednesday. On Sun day morning Frank called to take Julia to church. Sho came down with n llt tlo prayer book and hymnal sho had re ceived at Christmas. 'You won't need those,' said Frank. 'Why not?' said Julia. 'I'm a member of tho Presby terlan church,' said Frank. 'And I'm an Episcopalian,' retorted Julia, 'All form and no fervor,' said Frank. That made Julia mad, and sho said, 'You can r disapprove of my hats, but you shan't run down my church.' " "Well?" I put in to help her on. "Frank went to his church, and Julia went to hers." "I thought sho wanted a man to f make her decisions for her." "As I told you, wo glrla want some of our decisions, mode for us; somo we want to make for ourselves." "I see. You don't wish to be inter fered with In tho matter of your hata or your religion." "Certainly not" "What things do you girls wish to have decided for you?" "Let mo see. There uro lota of them, but I can't think of one all of a sud den. One couldn't be expected to do that." "Of course not!" We, are all more or less dogs in tho manger, and I urn sorry to say that 1 was much pleased at this recital, if I couldn't have Julia I was not so un selfish ns to wish her happiness with another mnn. I dare say It would have been very noble In me to do so, but that's not my kind of nobility. On the contrary, I felt as if I would like to throw some bones of contention be tween the two myself. But this was out of tho question. I was Interested In the matter not only because 1 wanted Julia for my self, but on account of the fact that sho hud engaged herself to Digby be cause she wished to be bossed. She had intimated to mo that 1 wasn't a strong enough character to domineer over her, but I had my doubts about the woman of the present day needing an overseer. That might have occur red in the days of our grandmothers, when no one thought of leaving out the word "obey" in the marriage service, but now, when women nre ambitious for a voice in the government, It is different. The suffragette doesn't look llko a woman pining for a master, and nil women who earn their own living becomo moro or less independent. 1 therefore took Julia's deslro to set up a king for herself with a grain of salt If, however, it was sincere I hoped that sho would have the snmo experi ence as tho frogs that chose a stork for a ruler. Tho next time I met Edith Martin sho had great news for me. "Haven't you heard?" sho exclaimed excitedly. "No. What is it?" "It's perfectly awful!" "What's perfectly awful?" "But he deserved It every bit of it!" "Deserved what?" Somo time was required for her to express her opinion about it before sho could curb herself to tell mo what it was. This feminine trait, which seems to me nkln to spending a lot of time over the address of a letter to discover whom It is from, instead of breaking it open to look nt tho signa ture, having spent its force. Edith came down to facts and .told mo tho story. She had got it direct from Julia and had not troubled herself to inqulro into the man's side of the story. "Things had been going from bad to worse between them," said tho bosom friend, "when ono morning Frank called to see Julia for a better under standing. Instead of going in tho aft ernoon or evening he went about 11 o'clock in the morning. Ilo'd been used to running in on her informally, nnd, being told that she was in the pantry making a pie, he just went In there. Tvo come,' ho said, 'with the olive branch. I dare say I havo faults, but tho principal trouble between us is that occasionally I would like to havo my own way about some things.' " "You don't mean ho was as unrea sonable as that!" I exclaimed. "Unreasonable! Julia took it as an insult. 'That means,' sho said, 'that you consider mo a person who wants to have her own way about every thing; that I nm obstinate, mulish, plgish everything that is unreasona ble?' 'You aro putting those words into my mouth. ho replied. 'I have wanted a good, strong, noblo man for a husband, but I haven't wanted a ty rant. Our engagement is broken. So there!' Sho hnd a scoop filled with flour in her hand, nnd sho was so mad that sho threw it all over him." "You don't mean it!" I exclaimed. "How ho must have looked!" "Looked! He was white as a sheet in front and black behind. Julia ran through a door into tho kitchen, then upstairs and into her room, locking herself in. Frank dusted tho flour off his clothes ns best ho could with his handkerchief, then left tho house." "They'll mako it up," I suggested. "Never. Julia is one of those pliable, gentle creatures who, when they are goaded to desperation, will turn, and when they turn they will never crawl again." "Crawl?" "Yes. Julia gavo way to him till sho couldn't stand it any longer." "Poor girl!" Not long after that having proved that I could mako a good living as an illustrator and believing that Julia's engagement with Dlgby was not likely to be renewed, I called upon her. 1 think sho had had enough of being bossed and had demonstrated to her satisfaction that sho didn't need nn overseer. At any rate, sho didn't men tion such necessity, and when I told her that I had found success in n new field sho seemed interested. I think Edith Martin had told her that I was looking for a wife to boss me, for Ju lia gave evidence that sho would like tho Job. So I proposed and was ac cepted. Wo get on very well together. I havo a way of out-Herodlng nerod with her. When she wants her way a little bit 1 give her a bucketful of it all at once. This breaks her up. I have , tried yielding to her when her nets are j sure to lead to grief, hoping to teach j her by example. Hut this has been a I failure. She Invariably throws the fault on me. I never argue with her j tnd when I find it necessary to act on my own opinions do so without a word. I Tula plan works admirably. THE BREAK UP OF TURKEY. 1830 Greece, Independent; Servla, autonomous; Algeria occupied by France. 1362 Houmanla, autonomous. 1878 Houmanla, Servla and Monte negro, Independent; Bulgaria, autonomous; Dosnln-IIerzgovlna occupied by Austria-Hungary; Cyprus, by Great Urltaln. 18S1 Tunis, French protectorate. lSS2-Egypt occupied by Great Brit ain. 1885 Eastern Roumclla annexed to autonomous Bulgaria. 1S9S Crete autonomous under tho powers. IMS Bulgaria, Independent; Bosnia Herzegovina annexed to Austria-Hungary. 1911 Tripoli annexed to Italy. 1913, Jan. 1 Turkey agrees to cedo Balkan allies all of European Turkey proper, west and north of Adrianople. Jan. 6 Turltoy agrees to cede rights In Crete. Jan. 22 Turkey agrees to cede Adrlanoplo nnd Icavo JEglan Is lands to disposition by powers. FRENCHMAN DISCOVERS COLD ELECTRIC LIGHT. Scientist Able to Produce Powerful, Harmless Rays. M. Dussaud, n French scientist who has discovered a means for the produc tion of what ho terms "cold light" gave recently some details of his dis covery, which, it is thought may revo lutionize electric lighting. Starting on the prlnclplo that rest Is as essential to matter as to animal organism, he has constructed an elec tric lamp in which tho light is concen trated on a slnglo point by filaments working successively; thence the light Is projected through a lens magnifying a thousandfold. Thus he has succeed ed in concentrating a 2,000 candlepow er light on ono point and in passing thirty-two volts into an eight volt lamp, which with the ordinary light would burst Experiments with this lamp have es tablished that the new light is abso lutely without danger, as no heat is given off, and it requires only a one hundredth part of the current of the ordinary lnmp. It can be worked by a tiny battery, or sufficient motive power enn be obtained from a jet of water from an ordinary faucet or even a squirrel turning n cage. Tho light, it is said, offers great ad vantages In photography, as its pho togenic power is four times that of the magnesium flashlight. It has been tried with great success at the Biarritz lighthouse, and M. Dus saud is working on Its application to searchlights for the ministry of war. ASK AID IN BEHALF OF BIRDS Two Naturalists Make Appeal to School Children. John Burroughs and Ernest Thomp son Seton, naturalists, issued an appeal recently to the school children of this country asking them to urge their con gressmen and senators to help in tho passage of a bill now In congress tho purpose of which Is to place all migra tory birds under the protection of the government. "The destruction of bird life is cost ing American fanners millions of dol lars annually," part of tho appeal reads, "through the constantly In creased devastation of harmful insects on which tho birds feed. "We urge you to get your parents, teachers and friends to write to the congressman of your district and tho two senators of your state asking im mediate action on tho pending bird protection bill, that they may under stand how deep is the interest in it and how great is the need of It" SEE REMAINS OF NERO'S VILLA Fishermen Near Rome Discover Sub merged Columns. At Anzlo, a fishing town nnd bathing resort thirty miles from Home, In a clear, calm sea after the recent storms, fishermen discovered extensive re mains of Nero's villa submerged 200 yards from shore. They saw a lot of broken columns of statuary, some of which they recover ed, and also n colossal female head. Other submerged Roman buildings nnd temples were discerned nlong tho sea shore. Tho government's nrchneologlcal de partment intends to make explorations at tho points referred to. Sews With Metal Hands. Gilbert W. Pukhelser, a farmer of Salem, Ind who lost both arms, has metal hands, which ho manages so well that ho can shave, sew, write and catch or throw a ball. The Pirates. Old Blackboard and his buccaneers Who sailed tho Spanish main And grim Lafltte and Morgan, too, Have come to life again. They're cruising up and down Broadway In cabs and motorcars And wearing coats ot costly fur And smoking big cigars. They've hauled the Jolly Roger down The dollar mark to ply And armed themselves with worthless shares And dividends that lie. They strip a corporation bare, And wreck and sink a bank. And make, aB In the good old days, Tho victims walk the plank. Though some of them have studied law Or entered politics And some in gilded offices Pursue their wicked trloks, I know them for the savage souls That scattered blood and flame from Holyhead to Panama. They're pirates just the same. New York Americnv SLIDES ON CANAL CAM ALARM Officials on Big Diicli Deeply Concerned. HAD NOT EXPECTED TROUBLE What Will Happen When Water Is Let In and Banks Become' Wet Is Now the Question Engineers Believe Dredge Boats Will Be Able to Cope With Future Filling In. By ARTHUR W. DUNN. Washington, Feb. 20. Special. -Slides at the Panama canal have given Dfllclals Interested In tho big ditch moro soncern than they havo publicly ex pressed. In the first place these slides were not anticipated, as so often as sorted. If they had been anticipated or even thought possible, tho work of excavation would not havo been so con ducted as to allow them to overrun the tracks of tho working outfit The engineers went back as far ns they thought necessary In making the slope of the excavation and farther. One-third more than tho amount of excavating has been done than was first estimated as necessary. Effect of the Water. If there Is such a tendency for the earth to slldo when .dry, what will happen when tho wnter is turned in? Is a question often asked, for it Is pos sible that when the loose volcanic earth becomes saturated with water it will slough off to a greater extent than at present It Is expected by tho engineers that the canal will be kept deep enough by dredging, nnd the slides can bo taken care of with the dredge boats as well ns now handled by the steam shovels nnd dump cars. Altogether it seems lo be quite a problem which Uncle Sam has on hand, and there will be others after the canal is completed. Matter of Protection. Quite the most important matter after the canal is really in operation will be an adequate protection. Al ready fortifications are being construct ed, nnd arrangements have been taado for tho sending of several regiments of infantry. If they can be spared (even if not needed In Mexico) after nawall has been garrisoned. But even with Infantry and coast artillery on tho canal zone there is yet the ques tion of n navy squadron on either side. Tho canal will be a care after It is completed. Not a Solemn Occasion. When he began presiding over tho joint session of senate nnd house to count tho electoral vote Senator Bacon told his hearers that this was a sol emn occasion and that no manifesta tions of applause should bo shown. Of course he could not keep the exuberant Democrats from applauding. They al ways applaud when there is nn oppor tunity. But, more than that, tho occasion was not solemn, because tho members of tho house chattered, laughed and talk ed with each other, nnd the senators also did a good deal of talking back and forth. It was a perfunctory oc casion, and, though necessary to com plete the election of tho next president. It wns not much more solemn than an ordinary day in tho house. Against Conservation. Senator Bankhead made a vigorous attack upon tho conservationists, es pecially that small band who played tennis with Itoosevelt when ho wns president nnd who nre keeping up the fight for the Roosevelt conservation policies. The Alabama senator insist ed that they were retarding the prog ress of tho country and iustauced the veto of tho Coosa river dam project which they obtained. no said that the water power in Ala bama was still going to waste and tho company had gone to Canada to es tablish Its plant. Tho project wns in. tended to manufacture cheaply a fer tilizer much needed in the south, which now- comes from Chile, where nn export duty of 12 a ton is charged Bankhead has been very much against tho methods of many of tho conservn- tlonlsts. Practicing at the Bars. It Is too bad that Congressman Itucker of Colorado will be lost to the house after March 4. He always says something good. When tho Kenyou Webb nntl-liquor bill was considered In tho house Bucker supported it. "I wns a practitioner of the bars in the early days of my life." said Ituck er. "I haU occasion to go out many times and cuss tho court deciding tho caso aud very many times to go out from tho other bar and cuss tho pro prietor for serving such bad whisky. But I am In favor of this bill because It makes all of us, severally and Indi vidually, our own barkeepers, and since I am compelled to go back to ono or both of tbeso bars, I am going to go klong tho lines of least resistance and oto for this bill." A Man From Maine. When the tellers announced that the six votes of Maine had been cast for Woodrow Wilson for president very fow who heard the announcement knew that those returns had been brought to tho capital by a man eighty two years old. no performed tho same mission fifty-two years ago, the last llino before 1012, that Maine cast ber vote for the Democratic candidates, VIOLIN IS HERALDED AS A CURE FOR BALDNESS. Expert Declares Stringed Instrumental Muslo Is Decided Aid to Hair. "If you aro bald, learn the violin," is tho moral to bo drawn from a star tling statement made by M. Henri do Parvlllo in London recently. Accord ing to this authority, music exercises a manifest action upon tho nervous sys tem, which itself also affects tho nutri tion of tho bodily tissues; therefore It seems reasonable to conclude that in a general way music has nn lnflucnoo upon the physiological Individuality. Musicians, It nppcars, aro bald in the proportion of 11 per cent but among instrumentalists tho influence of musi cal vibrations tcAfces Itself felt in two opposite directions, according to tho class of instrument. Thus, while string instruments pre vent and arrest tho falling off of the hair, the brass Instruments exercise tho most deadly influence upon tho scalp. Tho piano and the violin, especially tho former, have an undeniably pre servative effect. Tho trombone, however, Is tho most deleterious of nil, for In five or six years the player has lost at least CO per cent of his hair. This disagree able result is known ns "fanfare bald ness" because the evil particularly pun ishes regimental musicians. THIS TOWN TO BE CATLESS. Policemen With Rifles War on Small pox Carriers. War to the death on all cats was de clared in Berkeley, Cal., recently by tho police department in the interest of public health. A theory that cats are responsible for spreading smallpox caused the campaign against them. The order has gone out that If it is possible to rid a town of cats Berkeley shall bo the first catless town In the country. Extermination began, and policemen armed with small rifles shot cats on sight without regard to pedigree or ownership. Cold Ham Made a Cold Heart. "Your honor, all I'd got to cat were delicatessen stuff, ham and beans, pickles, potato salad and sauerkraut. But instead of eating this stuff herself Bhe would go to her mother's to eat and leave tho cold food for me," said William Brown in tho Brooklyn court of domestic relntlons recently. His wife, Mnry, charged him with nonsup port. The case was adjourned. Wireless Whispers. . A Frenchman claims to send 200 words a minute by wireless telegraphy. Tests by European naval officers have Indicated thnt tho waves in wire less telegraphy travel at a rate of near ly 200.000 miles n second. Although mountains 20,000 feet high Intervene, Pern nnd Brazil heretofore Isolated from each other, have been linked by wireless telegraphy. Tho Largest Magazine in tho AVorld. To-day's Magazine is tho largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciates a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, Today's Magazine, Canton, Ohio. 14tf. t l SPENCER The Jeweler would like to see you If you are in the marketj t for J JEWELRY, SILVER- I WARE, WATCHES,: DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES "(Juarnnteed articles only sold." titmiT , atxixaxmmxittttttmtittitxtvm 0 MAR 1 in lAUrlELI) 8 8 I Designer and Man- ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. IHfflHillttTIMEHtllll VtHrTttyitWHtftttWtWI PKOFJEHBIONAIi CARDS. Attorneys-at-Lnw. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office in the Court House, Honesdale Pa. SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELOR8-AT-LAW. Offices latelv occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Ofllce-Dlmmlck Building. Honesdale, Fa. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A c5uNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office in Dlmmlck Bide. 9th St., Honesdalo WM. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office. Foster Bulldlne. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale. Pa. MUMFORD & MUMFORD, ATTORNEYS A COUNBELORS-AT-LAW, Office Liberty Hall building, Honesdale, HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office: Reif Building, Honesdale. CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention given to tho collection of claims. Office: Relf Building, Honesdale. Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 1120 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting ot glass es given careful attention. F. G. KICKARD Prop WRST-CXASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HORSES. Especial Attention Giren to Transit Business. : STONE BARN.CHURCHiSTREET. 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Terms, f 3 a yenr: lour montus, ft. Sold by all newsdealer. MUNIUCo.361Broadwa New York branch Offlce. B5 V BL. Washington, I). C J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Hnvo mo nnd snvo money, Wi attend sales anywhere In State. Address WAYMART.PAXR. D.3 JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwln's drug store, Honesdale. ( We wlsn to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops II VERY I 'Mi),