The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 25, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Ing lot on Wood avenue, $400.
DORIN, the Real Estate Man.
with all modern conveniences. In
quire of It. Duslnberre, Berwick, Pa.
boxes. Best in town at M. A.
sleighs at bottom prices call on E.
T. Smith, Honesdale. 97eltf
choice brands. Try the "Con
tract." M. A. Igo sells them.
Wayne county for International
Stock Food, stock owners, desiring
same may secure It in any quanlty
at F. G. Rlckard's livery, Honesdale,
Pa. Valuable premiums with each
purchase of 100 pounds. 15eol4
to the Revival Meetings at the
Methodist Episcopal church. "What
shall It profit a man If he gain the
whole world and lose his own soul?"
al housework. Apply at 1114
Court street, Honesdale. 16ei4t
Cameos stones to be made into
artistic necklaces, pendants, barplns,
etc. You will be pleased with re
sult. C. Petersen. 14eol3t
for general housework. Apply to
Mrs. Fred W. Kreltner, 419 Four
teenth street. 15t2.
balls, parties, bazaars, fairs, etc.
See N. B. Spencer, Manager, for
terms. leoitf.
be in Honesdale again on Monday,
March 3.
Friend is Jesus Christ Come to
ithe revival meetings at the Metho
dist church and hear His Gospel.
Mrs. Charles Harder, of Cherry
Ridge, has a inew piano. It was
bought of Mclntyre.
The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ambrose Whalen died Monday morn
ing, aged four days old.
A fine bouquet of home grown
violets attracts the attention of the
public in Marvin's display window.
Frank Myers, proprietor of the
Myers shoe store of South Main
street, commenced cleaning out the
debris of his store on Monday morn
ing, the Insurance, having been sat
isfactorily adjusted last Saturday.
The Montrose Democrat of
Thursday last printed a phenomenal
picture for an ice harvesting scene.
The caption read "Ice harvesting at
Heart Lake," while the picture was
a summer scene with a man In a
Up to the present time there
has been no remonstrances filed
against the granting of a liquor li
cense. The last day for filing re
monstrances is Monday, March 10,
but persons who desire to file re
monstrances must make known their
Intention March 3.
" Current Topics " is the subject
of a well written and timely article
by Miss Margaret Charlesworth, a
member of the senior class of the
Honesdale High school. It is found
on page three of to-day's issue. It
should be read by every school
teacher In Wayne county.
'Rowland's ring contest closed
Saturday night and Miss Monica
Bracey was proclaimed the winner
and received as the prize a beautiful
Ruby ring. The contest has been
going on for two weeks, being con
ducted by Honesdale's popular jew
eler. Contestants for the prize wero
obliged to guess the number of
stones which were set in rings which
formed the name Rowland.
Twenty-oight deeds, conveying
small tracts of land from individu
als to the Ontario, Carbondale and
Scranton Railway Company, wore re
corded in Register and Recorder
Lesher's office Saturday morning.
Tho land transferred is along the
right of way of tho Ontario & West
ern which runs through Preston and
Buckingham townships in northern
Wayne. That railroad company ex
pects to build a double track be
tween Carbondale and Hancock, New
Elllng O. Weeks, of Scranton,
has been making flights In Bath, N.
Y In tho O. E. Williams biplane, Ho
Is now In tho hospital there suffering
from four broken ribs and a broken
ankle, as tho result of a fall while
flying in a Thomas aeroplane.
Weeks' ankle was broken In two
places. His escape from death was
almost miraculous. In the Thomas
biplane the aviator sits In front of
tho engine, while in the Williams ma
chine tho engine Is at the side of tho
driver. This Is given as the reason
for tho accident to Weeks.
Tho Honesdale borough council
held a special meeting in the city
hall Thursday evening to discuss the
terms of a franchise, which the
Wayne County Street Railway Com
pany asks for. The new borough so
licitor, Wm. H. Lee, was present.
The proposed franchise has been
drawn up and eaoh section will be
read and discussed and noted upon
separately. Several sections were
discussed at the meeting Thursday
night. Another meeting will he held,
soon to take up the matter further.
The council are taking every precau
tion to protect the borough and will
not act hastily In the matter. The
Ufa of the franchise as submitted Is
fifty years, which seems reasonable
and fair,
Soon be tlmo to make maple
It Is said that there will be,
many changes In Honesdale about
April 1st moving day.
A marriage license was Issued
Friday to Mefody iNasverchchuk and
Miss Martha Kellchow, both of South
The thunder storm of Saturday
night did considerable damage In
eastern Now York, New Jersey and
Damage suits aggregating $800,
000 have been filed against tho Bay
less Paper Co., whose large dam
broke and wiped out the town of Aus
tin a year ago last September.
Prof. James P. Wilson, former
ly principal of the Uniondale school
and now superintendent of public
schools of Dickson City, has filed suit
in divorce from his wife. Her par
ents are sued for $25,000 .for alleged
alienation of his wife's affections.
Miss Kate McK'anna has rented
the south half of the Cortright
building occupied by the Ready Pay
store and will move .her millinery es
tablishment there very shortly. The
building she now occupies will be
torn down In the spring and rebuilt.
A very Interesting Men's meet
ing was held In the Methodist
church Sunday afternoon. Rev. W.
H. Hiller spoke on interesting top
ics and there was a large number
of men present. A double quar
tette and an orchestra furnished mu
sic as well as the regular choir.
An unusual profit-sharing ar
rangement Is that in a new store In
West Berwick, in which the .priest
and members of the Greek Catholic
church have taken stock, with the
arrangement that the.profits of the
business are to be divided equally
between the members of the' com
pany and the church.
Rev. F. A. VanSclver and Rev.
Robert L. Roberts of Brooklyn, were
callers In towr Monday. Rev. Mr.
Roberts is planning a trip to his
former home in Wales, this Spring,
hoping the change will be beneficial
to his health which has been far
from good this winter. Montrose
Independent Republican.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Merton Dunn
of Tunkhannock, sailed from New
York for Berlin, on Saturday, where
Mr. Dunn expects to take the serum
treatment of Dr. Friedman, which
has been exploited much of late for
the cure of tuberculosis. Mr. Dunn
is Prothonotary of Wyoming county
and has been in poor health for some
The special Lenten preacher at
Grace Episcopal church Wednesday,
Feb. 2G, at 7:30 p. m., will be the
Rev. John Hall Griffith of Plymouth.
There will be service with address on
the Life of our Lord, Tuesday, Feb.
25, at 4:15 p. m. The service on
Thursday afternoon, Feb. 27, will be
omitted, as tho Rector will on that
day preach at Towanda.
Jamds Burnett, of South Ca
na'an, received a very cold ducking
Thursday of last week when he fell
into the icy waters of Lake Lodore.
Men were engaged in cutting ice off
the lake and Burnett was standing
on the ice watching them. He acci
dentally fell into the water w.hen his
feet slipped on the ice . As a result
Mr. Burnett is now very ill with
An Interesting fact in connec
tion with the Pensylvania legislature
is that it is just one hundred years
since the first, legislature of Pennsyl
vania met In Harrisburg. In April,
1812, in accordance with the acts of
1800 and 1811, tho State capltol was
moved to Harrisburg and on Dec. 1,
1812, a little over 100 years ago, the
general assembly convened in Har
risburg the first time.
Edward Murphy, of White Mills,
the popular outfielder of the Athle
tics, left his home Saturday .morning
on his way to San Antonio, Texas,
the Winter training quarters of the
Athletics. In order to keep Eddy's
friends here and in White Mills in
touch with tho camp while in tho
South, this paper, has made arrange
ments to have him send a weekly
letter while there.
J. K. Smith, district deputy
Supreme Archon, of Scranton, in
stalled the officers of Honesdale Con
clave, No. 210, Improved Order of
Heptasophs Wednesday night. The
following officers wero installed:
Grant Tallman, archon; secretary,
Fred J. Tolley; financier, H. W. Rey
bum; treasurer, Duano Reed; trus
tee, E. J. Tolley; inspector, Chaun
cey Bates; prolate, Fred Llbby; -warden,
John Allenbacher. The busi
ness session was followed by a ban
quet at which many toasts were
Acting for creditors whose
claims exceed twenty-five thousand
dollars, Attorney John S. Courtright,
of Montrose, has filed In the United
States Court a petition in involun
tary bankruptcy against Miller Allen,
the Susquehanna county attorney,
who so suddenly disappeared. The
petition also seeks to prevent a Sher
iff's sale of some of Allen's property
for the satisfaction of creditors who
first pressed their claims. One of
these Is R. I. Bush, who holds a judg
ment note for $500 against Allen.
Among the other creditors mention
ed are Mrs. Lillian Allen, tho Farm
ers' National Bank and J. J. Ryan
and Company, all of Montrose.
. That the Wayne Agricultural
Association will bo organized is now
an almost foregone conclusion. W.
H. Bullock Informed The Citizen on
Monday that farmers and other in
dividuals Interested 1n the develop
ment of Wayno county aro signing
the petitions In the hands of solici
tors. Tho association, Mr. Bullock
says, will be organized with about
100 members. This is encouraging
news. A horticultural association In
Wayne county would do an unlimit
ed amount of good and is an agency
that cannot be organized too soon
for the development of Wayne coun
ty. Every progressive farmer ought
to sign one of the petitions in cir
culation In tho county. We repro
duced the solicitors in our last Issue
owing to the fact that perhaps some
did not remember who they were.
In the vicinity of Waymart, Daniel
W. Hull; Cherry Ridge, Homer Bon
ear; Beachlake, W. J. B. Warwick;
Niagara, W. E. Perham; Dyberry,
W. H. Bullock, Honesdald, O. M.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George
Boyce, of Gouldsboro, on Friday,
February 21st, a daughter.
."Baby Mine" will be the next
attraction at tho Lyric theatre, com
ing here on Monday, March 24.
(Erio engine, No. 1527, dn charge
of Engineer John Hart, of Carbon
dale, with Joseph Schilling, also of
Carbondale, as fireman, running
south with a caboose attached, col
lided with the rear end of a Delaware
& Hudson coal train of eleven cars,
also running Bouth, below tho curve
south of the gas house In Scranton
Friday morning. The Delaware &
Hudson train was In charge of Con
ductor Hiram Hobbs of Wilkes-Bar-re,
with Engineer Fred Sherwood
and Fred Thomas, fireman, both of
Wllkes-Barre. The flagman was Ray
Flynn, also of Wllkes-Barre. Flynn
was tho only one Injured. He Is In
the State hospital. The cause of the
collision, it is said, was due to En
gineer Hart running against tho
block signals north of the Lackawan
na avenue bridge. It ds said he was'
going at thirty miles an hour when
he struck the Delaware Sr. Hudson
Mrs. Isaac Tlbbltts Is in Now York
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shirley are In
New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Birdsall are
in Atlantic City.
E. P. Keen is spending a few days
at Clarks Summit.
Mrs. Joseph Fryer and daughter,
Gertrude, were week-end visitors in
Mrs. Buel Dodge, who has been
quite .111 at her home in Waymart, is
George N., Propopoplsh, of Dun
more, was a business caller in Hones
dale on Monday.
Mrs. Reed Burns of Scranton at
tended the Martha Washington sup
per Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunning, of Wllkes
Barre, were guests here the latter
part of last .week.
Judge Henry Wilson is confined to
his bed with erysipelas. He is under
the care of a nurse.
Judge A. T. Searle is spending a
few days with his mother, Mrs.
Emily Searle, In Danvers, Mass.
Miss Anna Colopida, of iPrompton,
expects to leave for Endlcott, N. Y.,
Tuesday where she will spend some
Mrs. C. A. Emery, Sr., of Scran
ton, Is a .guest of her son, Cashier
C. A. Emery and family on West
Michael Crimmins ihas returned
home after spending three weeks in
New York City, Newark, N. J., and
Mrs. Edward Hulbert, of Scranton,
was a week-end guest of Mr. and
Mrs. C. E. Sandercock on East Street
M. J. Emery, cashier of the First
National Bank of Lake . Ariel, and
family spent the latter part of last
week in New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson
expect to leave this week for Flor
ence Villa, Florida, where they will
spend the remainder of the winter.
William Welsh, who has been
spending several weeks here ex
pects to leave Tuesday for Colorado
where he is living for his health.
Miss Evelyn Matthews, of Scran
ton, and Miss Emma Bone, of Dun
more, were guests of tho latter's sis
ter, Mrs. E. B. Callaway, on Satur
day. William Eldred, who is employed
on the Erie railroad in New Jersey,
returned Sunday after spending some
time with his mother, Mrs. Anna M.
Mrs. Herbert Williams and
daughter Elizabeth, 'of Dunmore, are
guests of the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Allenbacker, Sr., on
East street.
Miss Phebe Robblns returned on
Thursday night after a two weeks'
visit with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. George Arnold
at Waymart.
Mrs. A. R. Pennell, of Washing
tonvllle, 'N. J., returned to her home
Monday after spending a few days
with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Groner,
on Park street.
Howard Miller Is in New York
City. While there ho will make a
desperate effort to locate his cousin,
George Hayward, who left Honesdale
on the 13th Instant.
Mrs. E. C. Mills, of Brookline,
Mass., attended the Martha Wash
ington supper Friday night and is
visiting at the homo of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Valentine, of
New York City, attended the Mar
tha Washington supper last Friday.
Mr. Valentine returned Monday, but
Mrs. Valentine will remain here for
a few days.
Mrs. Thomas Atherton and Misses
Carrie and Anna Atherton, of Scran
ton, arrived hero Friday to attend
the Martha Washington supper.
They remained over Sunday at the
home of Mrs. W. W. Weston.
Miss Vera Coleman, of Nyack-on-the-Hudson,
attended the Martha
Washington supper and was the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. Wm. H. Haw
ken. She returned homo Monday.
Georgo Coleman, her brother, also
spent Saturday and Sunday In Hones
Wm. J. Rogers, of Orange, N. J.,
to Henry N. Hallock, Yonkers, N.
Y., land In Preston, $1.
S. F. Tayolr et ux. of New York,
to Henry IN, Hallock, Yonkers, N. Y
land In Texas, $1.
John Erk et ux. and Caroline A.
Erk, Honesdale, to Mary Moulter,
Texas, property In Seelyvllle, $1.
Joseph E. Cross et ux., Sterling,
to Samuel N. Cross, same, land in
Sterling, $1,
Wm. J. Burke, of Cherry Ridge,
to Geo. W. Dunn, Scranton, land In
Cherry Ridge; $300.
Hold In Presbyterlnn Clinpel Friday
Night Over Five Hundred Sup
pers Served Largest E-cr
The twenty-fifth annual Martha
Washington Supper of the Presby
terian church was held In the Chapel
Friday evening of last week. The
chapel was beautifully decorated with
artificial flowers and the balcony was
trimmed with popples. The booths
wore covered with branches of cherry
trees with artificial cherries hanging
thereon. At one side of the room
stood a cherry tree, Its branches
laden -with ripe fruit. The tables
were laid In the balcony In a half
Over five hundred suppers were
served .by the ladles In charge to
guests and one hundred suppers were
sent out. The fancy work and candy
booths on the first floor -received
much patronage. The candy booth
took in $95 and the fancy work
booth took in about $176. The sup
per was a success both financially and
socially. There were many out of
town guests present.
The members of the committees
in charge of the supper wero tho
Fancy Work Miss Cora Keene,
Mrs. P. B. Petersen, Mrs. F. S. Mer
rltt, Miss Isabelle Penwarden.
Candy Mrs. 'Powell, Hattle
Smith, Mary Penwarden, Louise
Fowler, Mary Bodie, Eloise Krantz.
Supper Mrs. J. E. Krantz, Mrs.
E. T. Smith.
Decorating Miss Harriet Rock
well, Mrs. Volgt, Miss Seaman, Miss
Clara Torrey, Miss Lee, Mrs. Chas.
Bassett, Mrs. J. S. Brown.
Table Mrs. E. C. Mumford, 'Mrs.
M. Lee Braman, Mrs. John Pohle,
Miss Erk, Miss Emma Tillou, Mrs.
George Whitney.
The supper this year was the
largest ever held.
Attondlng Church In New York When
Told of Slaying.
New York, Feb. 24. President Taft
was attending tho morning service at
St. Bartholomew's church In Mndlson
avenue yesterday when n newspaper
man conveyed the Intelligence of the
slaying of Mndero. The news reached
the president In tho middle of the ser
mon, nnd as he had already made ar
rangements to leave for Washington
immediately afterward he remained in
the church rather than to cause the dis
turbance which would have resulted
had he loft at that time.
Commenting on the situation imme
diately afterward, he said that he was
deeply grieved by tho news. While ad
mitting the added seriousness of the
situation In Mexico, tho president said
that ho would call no cabinet meeting
when he arrived in Washington and
added that the assassination in Itself
would not wnrrant any further move
on the part of tho United States gov
ernment A crowd of onlookers stood about the
church when tho president, accompa
nied by his military aid, Major Rhodes,
crossed tho sidewalk and entered a
waiting automobile. With a guard of
motorcycle policemen and an escort of
secret service men in a second automo
bile he went directly to the homo of his
brother, Henry W. Taft, at 30 West
Forty-eighth street, where ho has been
stopping during this visit to New York.
He had niready arranged to leave New
York for Washington from the Penn
sylvania station at a few minutes after
1 o'clock and so remained at his broth
er's house for the few minutes neces
sary to bid the family goodby.
From there he went to the Pennsyl
auvla station and hurried at once to bis
train, entering from one of the rear
gates and stopping only to shake hands
with the motorcycle policemen and bid
them goodby, saying, with a laugh, that
the next time they saw him he would
be a private citizen, ne was accompa
nied on the train by his secretary,
Charles E. Hllles, and his aid, Major
Rhodes. Mr. Hllles, who has had a
brief consultation with the president,
commented at some length on the crisis
precipitated In Mexico by the assassi
nation of Mndero and Suarez.
"If any connection is proved between
tho murder and the provisional govern
ment of General Iluerta," said Mr
Hllles, "the Iluerta government will o'
necessity lose caste uot ouly among the
Mexicans themselves, but with thp
United States and with all foreign
countries. As yet there Is no proof
that General Iluerta Is In any way re
sponsible for the assassination.
"There will be no special cabinet
meeting called to discuss the situation
It is niso unlikely that there will be a
special meeting for that purpose at any
tlmo In the immedlute future unless
there are unforeseen developments.
We have no way of judging such pos
sibilities or probabilities.
"Tho United States government's at
titude is clearly defined and will not
change solely on nccount of the assassi
nations." $30,000,000 LOAN TO MEXICO.
American Capitalists to Replenish New
Government's Treasury.
City of Mexico, Feb. 24. Tho Ameri
can embassy Is informed that Presi
dent Iluerta has arranged with cnpltal.
lsts In the United States to secure a
loan of 00,000,000 pesos ($30,000,000
gold). The terms of the loan nre said
to be favorable.
Madcro had attempted to borrow the
sum mentioned here, but was unable
to do so because American financiers
were told that his government was un
stable and corrupt and that it was
characterized by colossal grafting.
Officials of the new government say
that Huerta found the national treas
ury almost empty when ho took office
and that he had to borrow money from
private Individuals In order to pay his
Opening Postponed Bccnuso of Con
flicting With Date of "Billy"
Sunday Campaign.
Owing to tho "Billy" Sunday re
vival campaign which will bo under
.full swing at that time, tho annual
meeting of the Wyoming conference
will not be held In Wilkes-Barre be
ginning April 9, as scheduled. The
revival meetings will close on April
13, and the opening date of the con
ference has been changed to April
1 Cth.
The change was decided upon last
Friday by Bishop Joseph F. Berry .in
consultation with the district super
intendents of the conference. The
meeting was held In the residence of
the Rev. H. C. McDermott, D. D., su
perintendent of the Wilkes-Barro dis
trict. Others present besides Bishop
Berry and Dr. McDermott, were Rev.
L. C. Murdock, D. D., superintendent
of tho Scranton district; Rev. J. A.
Heii3ey, D. D., superintendent of the
Binghamton district, and Rev. O. L.
Severson, superintendent of the One
onta district. This year's meeting of
the Wyoming conference was sched
uled much later than in former
years. With the postponement, the
date is six weeks later than the be
ginning of lasi year's meeting
The revival meetings will continue
in the Methodist church throughout
this week. Meetings will be held
every night except Saturday. Dr. L.
C. Murdock, district superintendent,
of Scranton, will preach Wednesday
evening. The meeting of the fourth
quarterly conference will be held Im
mediately following the public meet
ing Wednesday night.
Rev. Father McHale, of Hawley,
will preaoh in St. John's R. C.
church Wednesday evening.
During Saturday night's thunder
storm, lightning struck the house
recently vacated by Susan Hirt at
White Mills. The lightning jumped
from the dining room of tho Hirt
house to the chimney on Barclay
Jones' kitchen and smashed it to
Miss Kate Minor was taken sud
denly ill on Sunday. She is now un
der the care of a professional nurse.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
BBBoagiw ti jit, iiii.aa
Baking Powder
is the greatest of modern
time helps to perfect cake
and biscuit making. Makes
home baking pleasant and
profitable. It renders the
food more digestible and
guarantees it safe from
alum and all adulterants.
ng Coats, Furs
ush and Cloth.
and Ladies9
Silk and Chiffon Shirt Waists.
Fur Muffs and Scarfs-Genuine Pelts.
Winter Coats for Children.
Infants9 Bear Cloth Coats.
January Closing Out Sale of Winter
Made-up Goods
Mrs. Evans Tnsscs Away.
The community was shocked Fri
day morning to learn of the sudden
death of Mrs. William P. Evans, of
Dyberry Place, which occurred at 3
o'clock that morning. Mrs. Evans
had been a sufferer from diabetes
for some time, but was confined to
her bed only three days before she
passed away. She was born in
Philadelphia September 29, 1861,
her maiden name 'being Elizabeth
Runkel Hill. On June 11, 1888, sho
was married to William 'Perry Evans
in Honesdale. Sho entered the home
of Mr. Evans after the death of his
first wife and cared for the five
small motherless children. Mrs.
Evans brought up tho children as
Jier own. She won their love and
admiration and her stepchildren re
verenced her as their own mother.
'Mrs. Evans was a loving wife and
neighbor and a Christian woman. She
was a member of the Honesdale Pres
byterian church for several years
and her late pastor, Rev. W. H.
Swift, D. D., will officiate at her
funeral which will be held this
(Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock
from her late home on Dyberry
.Besides her husband, Mrs. Evans
is survived by the following step
children: Harry Evans, of Auburn,
N. Y.; Mrs. William Sharp, of Leb
anon, N. J.; Mrs. Clarence Bayly, of
Elizabeth, N. J.; Mrs. Eugene V.
Coleman, and Mrs. Wyman W. Kim
ble, both of Honesdale. All children
are home for the funeral; also Clar
ence Bayly and son Willard, and
daughter, Olive. Mrs. Evans is sur
vived by two brothers, Francis, of
Brooklyn, and Edward, of San Fran
cisco, Cal.
Mrs. Jnmes Hensey.
The death of Mrs. James Hensey
occurred at her home near Bethany
Thursday afternoon at the age of
eighty-five years. She had 'been in
feeble health for a long time. She Is
survived by three sons, Thomas, of
Boston; John of White Mills; James,
of Bethany; two 'daughters, Eliza
ibeth, at home, and Mrs. Michael
Moran, of Honesdale. Mrs. Hensey
was a life-long resident of Bethany.
The funeral services were held at
St. John's R. C. church this morning
at 9 o'clock, Rev. John O'Toole offi
ciating. Interment was made in St.
John's cemetery.
'Nineteen cars of live poultry pass
ed through Goshen on the Erie from
the west Tuesday. This is the larg
est single shipment of poultry that
has passed through in Erie history as
local railroad men know it. Figur
ing 5,000 to the car, there were 95,
000 fowls In the shipment. Goshen