The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 25, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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3 to Be Wonderful
rOTES for women!" will be tho
slogan heard on the streets of
Washington on March 3. It
will not only bo heard, but
seen.people along Pennsylvania avenue,
Seventeenth street and other thorough
fares traversed by tho suffragist pa
rade being given a .chance to, goo HtWe
else. It will bo the battlecry of the
marchers, will shine from banners,
transparencies nnd floats and will greet
the eyo and the ear In every way that
can be devised by the army of thou
sands of suffragists that will Invade
the capital from practically every state
In the Union. It Is designed oven to
go up In the air with It, a suffragist
aeroplane carrying the magic legend
above the heads of the marchers.
The parade will represent the prog
ress of women through tho ages, sec
tions of It being In the costumes of the
middle nges and others representing
successive centuries from that time to
the preseut. At one time It was de
Blgned to go back even farther and
garb some of the marchers ,ln the flow
ing robes of ancient Greece and Rome,
but the plan was abandoned when
those In charge reflected with a shiver
on the usual brand of weather pulled
off In Washington on Inauguration
days. The women workers will also
be represented. It Is asserted that
there are now 0,000,000' of these In tho
nation who have Invaded tho occupa
tions of men and are earning their own
living. Women lawyers, doctors, min
isters, teachers, actresses, newspaper
workers, stenographers, clerks, busi
ness women, mill workers and other
feminine tollers will bo represented.
Other sections of the parade will show
the number of countries that have
granted women tho voto in whole or In
part; also tho nine American states In
which 'suffrage has triumphed. It was
planned to have one float present in a
striking way to tho eyes of beholders
tho ones from whom tho voto is with
held a baby, an imbecile, a convict
and a woman.
The Hike to Washington.
One section of tho suffragist pageant
will be given up to "General" Rosalie
Jones and her fellow hikers from New
York to Washington. It was the in
trepid "General" Jones who led "Colo
nel" Ida Craft, "Surgeon General" Dock
and one or two others in tho march
from New Yprk to Albany to present a
suffrage petition to Governor Sulzer.
After this stunt was pulled off with
due publicity the grander design dawn
ed on tho mind of the dashing leader
that still wider publicity could be gain
ed by a hike to Washington to present
a similar petition to President Elect
It was on Lincoln's birthday, Feb.
12, that tho marchers got under way.
At the stnrt off there wero "General"
Jones, "Colonel" Craft, two captains
and eleven privates. One of tho fair
recruits had given up her Job to join
the glad procession. It being rather
damp marching across tho North river
nnd tho Jersey meadows, tho hikers
compromised by riding In a tube train
to Newark. Colonel Craft did not think
this was entirely right and tried to
ease her conscience by marching back
and forth through the train, much to
tho disgust of other passengers, who
shivered ns she opened tho doors. Colo
nel Craft concluded that, as she could
not march ns fast as the train ran,
even this method smacked of fraud,
jo she reluctantly subsided. Tho ac
tual march started at Newark, An
attempt Is being made to convert ev-
everybody en route; also to tako on re-
nrH iiiiii viirmiiM nimrvuiiiiiir luivuh iih
lonir me iino 01 iuurcu. uuu u uuy
'111IHH 1 lit V YVIIUlfl 111IL lini 1 . AL I IlllU'
join the procession, and at Baltimore a
whole company of suffragists are to
Will Represent History of
Woman's Progress Hike
Under Way.
fall in line and hike .across tho state
of Maryland.
The "Petticoat Cavalry."
About eight days after the departuro
of "Genernl" Rosalie Jones from New
York Mrs. Gus Ituhlm is to lead a body
of suffragists from the same town, but
these nre to go on horseback. In the
nilllfnnt terminology that tho suffra
gists are adopting this is to bo the cav
alry, the hikers constituting tho Infantry-
It Is not stated whether Mrs.
Ruhlln Is to be a general or only a
colonel, but anyway she will be tho
ft-ralnlne edition of the "man on horse
back." She will not follow tho same
route as General Jones, seeking to con
vert a different strip of territory.
This cavalry idea is to bo quite tho
thing in the parade. Mrs. Richard
Burleson of Texas, wife of a United
States army officer, who Is also n cou
sin of Representative A. S. Burleson,
is to be the grand marshal of tho pa
rade and is to be acompanled by a
cavalry squad of about fifty. At one
time it was reported that Mrs. Nicho
las Longworth, daughter of Colonel
Theodore Roosevelt, was to be one of
this fnir company. There will nlso be
cavalrymen beg pardon, cavalrywom
en from Virginin. The official an
nouncements of the affair call them
"petticoat cavalry."
One of tho humors of tho situation is
furnished by tho march stolen on the
regular Inaugural committees by tho
suffragists. It is tho custom to re
serve nil tho rooms at hotels and
boarding houses in advance for those
nttonding the Inauguration. This year
the women went about early reserving
all tho choice rooms in Washington for
their followers so that when the regu
lar inauguration committees began
their canvass no dcsirablo quarters
wero left.
The object of tho pageant Is boldly
nnnouneed. It is tho beginning of a
nation wide campaign for an amend
ment to the federal constitution assur
ing women the ballot throughout the
United States. Heretofore tho suffra
gists have confined their attention to
the states. Now they are going after
the nation. March 3 is chosen because
at that time Washington will bo full
of people attending the Inauguration,
and tho suffragists can thus Impress
the Incoming administration.
Noted Women Enlisted.
Advanco notices from suffragist
headquarters present soma glowing
promises for tho parade, from which
tho following points are taken:
In preparation for tho procession tho
suffragists for tho last few weeks
have been carrying on an active cam
paign which will bo gradually in
creased in excitement until the climax
of endeavor Is reached on March 3.
An average of six meetings a day, In
cluding at least one street meeting,
nro being held, with such well known
women as Mrs. John Rodgers, Jr., of
New York, sister-in-law of Secretary
of War Stlmson, doing tho speaking.
Thoso who are making tho nctivo
preparations Include some of tho best I
known women in tho country. Mrs.
Robert M. La Folletto, wife of the
progressive senator from Wisconsin,
has been actively at work, and her 1
aughter, Miss Fola La Folletto, is
chairman of the committee on nc- ;
tresses. Miss Flora Wilson, daughter 1
of tho secrotary of agriculture, Is
chairman of the commlttco on mu
sicians, and Mrs. F. T. Dubois, wife
of former Senator Dubois, Is In charge
of women's clubs.
Miss Alice Paul of Philadelphia la
In active charge of all plans, and Mrs. I
Jlnnnn Smith Ttnnin of Washington
and Miss Hazet MacKaye rtll direct
the pageant feature.
Nordica W11 Help.
Whllo the procession and pageant Is
marching along Pennsylvania avenuo
a scries of tableaux will be in progress
on tho treasury steps. Mme. Nordica,
impersonating Columbia, will bo the
.central figure of the tableaux, and with
her will bo Justice, Hope, Liberty,
Peace, Charity, the virtues with which
woman Is supposed to be endowed.
Florence Fleming Noyes, the classical
dancer, will take tho part of Liberty,
and equally well known women will
take the other parts. Scores of boys
nnd girls in fancy costumes will till
out tho scenes, and an orchestra will
accompany nil movements.
As Miss Inez Mlllholland of New
York, herald of tho procession, ap
proaches the treasury building riding
horsebnek and dressed in yellow tho
five Virtues will form a semicircle
about Columbia, with their attendants
back of them in wedge form, all mnk
lng Columbia's crown.
A giant mass meeting is to be held
at Memorial Continental hall, the home
of the D. A. R., at tho conclusion of
tho procession. Here Dr. Anna How
nrd Shaw, Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt
nnd equally well known women will
deliver addresses.
The suffrage speakers who have been
addressing meetings in Washington
have been having some difficulty nbout
their appeals, because In tho District
of Columbia neither men nor women
vote. Speakers from other sections,
not always realizing this fact, have
been unable to appeal directly to the
men for justice, for the men them
selves here have no more political
rights than the women.
Efforts on the part of men who want
suffrago In the District to confuse tho
Photo by American Press Association.
two issues have been met with the
diplomatic response that "wo wnnt
equal suffrage, and you have it."
From Baltimore will go a string of
golden chariots, drawn by milk white
steeds nnd driven by suffragists dress
ed In Roman costumes. The forty miles
from Baltimore to Washington are
to be covered in one day, and a squad
ron of petticoat cavalry Is to ride as an
escort of honor. Tho Baltimore char
lots have become famous in suffrage
processions in the east
Suffragist Pioneers Honored.
One section of the parade will repre
sent the early efforts for the cause in
America, beginning with the first con
vention In 1848. Descendants of Mi's.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others of
the early leaders are to participate,
dressed in the costumes of the period.
The workers In behalf of the pageant
have not had all clear sailing. At first
tho Washington society leaders were
cold, but when they discovered it was
all the rage they fell over each other
in the rush to secure prominent places
in the pageant. Perhaps tho squelch
ing of the inaugural ball also helped
tho suffragists, some of the modistes
and others enlisting In n spirit of re
venge nnd also with the idea of get
ting rid of some of their accumulated
millinery nnd dress fabrics.
Major Sylvester, chief of the Wash
ington police, nt first said that the fair
marchers "could not appear on Penn
sylvania avenuo, but after ducking tho
resultant storm the major sang small
and discreetly lost himself in the back
ground. The boys who threatened to
turn loose mice nnd rats along the
parade route have also been properly
Representative J. Thomas Heflln of
Alabama, who advised the women of
Virginia not to march In the proces
sion on the ground that woman suf
frage breaks up the home, brought
down the displeasure of the suffragist
leaders on his head. Mrs. Champ
Clark, wife of tho speaker of the house,
and Mrs. Helen n. Gardener, one of
the nctivo leaders in the procession
plans, Issued statements denying the
claims of tho gentleman from Alabama.
Mrs. Gardener called Mr. Heflln "the
Beau Brumrael of the house" nnd said
that thirty-three years before he was
born Abraham Lincoln wrote a letter
In which he said, "I go for all shnrlng
the prlvlllges of the government who
assist In bearing Its burdens, by no
means excluding women."
From all of which It doth appear that
woman lovely woman Is amply able
to take caro of herself: likewise that
If the American suffragette does not 1
break windows liko her English slater
she at least breaks Into print
Children's Bureau Active on
Big Task.
From Care of Cattle and Hogs Fed
eral Machinery Has Turned to Con
servation of Children House to
House Canvasses to Be Made Babies
In Poor Localities Dio Fast.
The federal government, which has
been for years providing for the wel
fare of cattle, bogs, potato giants and
sugar beets, is nt last actually coming
to the rescue of the babies.
Beginning Immediately after Christ
mas tho nowly created children's bu
reau of the department of commerce
and labor, of which Miss Julia La
throp of Chicago is the chief, began a
campaign to save tho lives of babies
under ono year of age.
This is tho first inquiry undertaken
by the bureau. Investigators will go
Into typical communities lu every sec
tion of tho country and niuke a bouse
to house canvass.
"The purpose of th Inquiry is to
find out why the babies live and why
they die," said Miss Lathrop.
"Of the 300,000 babies under one
year of ago dying yearly In the United
States, at least 150,000 could bo saved
by the application of methods with
which we are already as n people well
Death Rate of Babies.
"The death rate for the total. popula
tion Is slowly but surely declining;
adults are living on the average longer
lives, but tho death rate for babies less
than one year old is not declining. The
estimate of Dr. Cressy L. Wilbur, chief
statistician, that at least 300,000 babies
die annually in the United States means
that ono baby out of every eight dies
before it is n year old.
"In certain unfavorable localities this
rate is much, greater. Babies in poor
neighborhoods in an American city, for
which figures are available, die at the
rate of 373 per 1,000 babies under one
year of ngo, while the corresponding
rate for babies In the good resldeuce
quarters of the same city is 150. The
New Zealand death rate for babies is
but sixty-eight per 1.000 births. The
great point about this Inquiry Is that it
begins with the birth record of the
child and follows It through Its first
year, instead of taking the mortality
record and working backward. Its
method will bo to secure a list of all the
children born within a given year in
the communities under consideration.
"The schedule has been carefully pre
pared to cover the question of housing,
feeding and care of the child, the milk
supply, Industrial nnd economic condi
tion of the parents and sanitary condi
tions of the neighborhood in fact, the
hygienic surroundings of the child.
Reserve Agents (approved by U. S. Government)
Bonds (Railroad, Government, etc.).
Demand Collateral Loans
Total quick assets.
Bills discounted
We lead in cash on hand.
We lead in reserve.
We lead in ratio of quick assets to quick liabilities.
We lead in capitalization security to depositors.
We lead in EXPERIENCE.
For over three quarters of a century wo have been recognized as one
of tho solid banks of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and to-day have un
excelled facilities for handling all kinds of legitimate banking.
AVe invite you to become ono of tho many contented patrons of
Honesdale, Pa.
Henry Z. Russell, President.
Andrew Thompson, Vice-President.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Albert C, Lindsay, Asst. CoahUr.
parents to He Visited.
"The method of this Inquiry will nec
essarily be that of vlslta to parents by
the womon experts of tho bureau. It
will be seen that this is an absolutely
democratic Inquiry, Involving, ns It
does, visits to evory mother of a bnb.v
born within a given period of time. It
seeks to discover the favorable condi
tions concerning children who survive,
nnd it is believed that Its whole pur
pose Is such as to enlist the good will
of the mothers of the country.
"All the cities In which this Inquiry
will be carried on have not yet been se
lected. It is certain, however, that t
present cities can only be studied
which nro in that portion of tho coun
try designated ns tho birth 'registration
area' that is, the New England States,
Pennsylvania nnd Michigan."
Mangled Body of Descendant of Count
von Bulow s Found.
With both hands cut off and his skull
fractured, Max von Bulow, said to bo
a descendant of Count von Bulow, the
famous German general, was picked
up on the railroad tracks near Reuo,
Nev., and died In tho railroad hospital
at Starks.
Von Bulow was a globo trotter and
soldier of fortune. Several years ngo
he married Miss Chrlstino Plumer. a
wealthy w.Qman ofPueblo, CoIq..'
Ten Days9
Saturday, August 2, 1913
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.
Statement of
November 2, 1912.
$ 90,934.00
Notice is hereby given that dur
ing the regular session of the Gen
eral! Assembly of the Commonwealth
of 'Pennsylvania to be held in the
year ono thousand nine hundred and
thirteen, there will bo Introduced a
bill entitled "An act to amend an
act approved tho eighth day of May
one thousand nine hundred and one,
entitled 'An act to incorporate tho
Mllanvllle Bridge ' Company, In
Wayne County, Pennsylvania.' "
The object of said amendment is
to change the annual date of meet
ing from tho first Monday of Janu
ary to tho second Monday of Janu
ary in each year.
Chas. E. Beach, Sec'y.
Feb. 7, 1913. ,13eol4
Located in Berlin township about
3 miles from Honesdale Is one
of tho best farms In that locality.
It consists of 108 acres, which Is all
Improved. Tho soil is eand loam and
red shale. It is well watered by
springs; orchard. Twelve-room
house, barn 37x47 feet with shed
22x90 feet. Part cash, balance on
easy terms. See
Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Co.
Jadwin Building, Box 52, Honesdale.
' Have The Citizen sent to you.
$ 1,833,297.64
$ 1,485,000.00
Henry Z. Russell, Homer Greene,
Hor T. Menner, James 0. Rlrdsall,
Louis J. Dorfllnger, E. B. Hardenbersh,
Andrew Thompson, Philip R. Hurray.