f3 THE CITIZEN. A Hwwley Department Every 'Thursday. Look Thcro for Haw loy Advertisements and News. Dovotcd to tlio Intf People of Wayne Honesdale. 71th YEAR. --NO. 17 HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1913. PRICE r u of Tim f r 3 pt. ' 2feNTS , fjf MADERO AND SUAREZ SHOT TO DEATH ON THEIR WAY TO JAIL GEN. IIUERTA'S STORY OF SLAVING IS DOUBTED DIPLOMATS ANGRYNEWS OF KILLING WITHHELD FOH SEVERAL HOURS INVESTIGATION IS COURTED. General Huerta Insists That Party ot Federal Sympathizers Attacked Oc cupants of Auto In Which Deposed President and Vice President Were Being Taken From Palace to Peni tentiary. City of Mexico, Feb. 24. Francisco I. Madero, Jr., and Jose Pino Sunrez, deposed president and vice president of Mexico, whose lives President Tuft endeavored to save, were killed in a street near the penitentiary. They were being conducted under the escort of a force of rurales to tho peni tentiary, ostensibly to be held in safety until the government of General Vie torlano Huerta could give them the fair and open trial which had been de manded by Ambassador Wilson In the name of the Washington government General Huerta and the members of his cabinet, Including Francisco L. do la Barra, unite In asserting that none of those In authority were responsible for the murders. The official version of the affair Is that the escort of the prisoners was attacked by a force of Maderlstas and thnt In the fighting Madero and Sunrez attempted to es cape and were shot down. Victims of Fugitive Law. A similar account was given of the death of Gustavo Madero when he was killed while being taken from the ar senal to the National palace the day nfter General Huerta had seized the government. In each case there was the application of "ley fuga," the law which excuses the killing of prisoners who attempt to escape, under which many Mexicans who were troublesome to the government have been put to death from time to time. Practically all accounts of the as sassination come from government sources. The men who were in com mand of the escort are under arrest and cannot be Interviewed, the ex planatlon being made that a strict in quiry Is being conducted by the mili tary pnd executive authorities. The men of the escort are under confine ment in barracks, where they cannot bo reached. Of the Maderistats who are supposed to have made the attack naturally none can be found, for they would not wish to reveal their .identity. S,uch spec tators as there may have beeu of the occurrence are keeping their own coun sel. The first news the correspondents had of the tragedy came from Presi dent Huerta himself. They were sum moned to the palace in the early morn ing hours and there told the govern ment's version. It was said that a plan had been arranged to move the prisoners with the utmost secrecy and that the hour near midnight had been chosen for this purpose, for then the streets would be quiet. Two automobiles were used, one a scout car and the Dther containing the prisoners, three officers and one soldier. Other rurales were with the machines. Auto Party Attacked. Apparently the plan of the govern ment had been learned by Madero sympathizers, for when tho party was two-thirds of the way to tho peniten tiary they were attacked by men who shot from a side street. The automo biles rushed on, but wece stopped by & larger number of assailants and a lharp engagement ensued. In the laidst of this, the government report lays, .viauero uuu ouurez aiterapteu to jscape and were shot. It was pointed out that the govern ment had endeavored to assure the safety of the prisoners by the elab orate and secret precautions taken In moving them. It had also appointed 1 military man to take charge of the penitentiary, 60 that nothing should be done to them while they were con- fined there. As an evidence that a fight had occurred the automobiles were shown, with many bullet marks scarring them, General Huerta, after receiving the report of (he commander of tho escort, called his cabinet In session. That body officially deplored the event, but It was said that the assassinations were comprehensible, in view of the Disturbed state of the city General Huerta afterward Issued a formal statement in which he repeat ed the account of the matter given above aid promised that a full ex amination Into the unhappy orlcum Btunccs would be made by a military court and also by tho department of Justice. A feature of the affair that is attract Inn comment among observers is the fact that the government had full warn lng of plots for tho rescue of the prls oners by tho Maderlstas. Ab early as Friday it had been announcod that the government Intended to have them re moved from the palace to the peniten tlary When that was not done It was explained that Maderlstas wore plan nlng to take them from the guards. In this General Zapata was believed to havo a hand, as ho had received a large sum of money from Madero a few days before the president was overthrown. From Friday night on tho most elab orate military precautions had been 1 A ft my 6 Photos by American Press Association. Sunrez (at Top) and Madero, Slnin on the Way to Prison. jatiOn ot'tlTe CitCu Distances connected with the killing of Madero and Sua rez. While Ambassador Wilson did not explain this decision of the diplomatic 'ody, It Is obvious to officials here hat the diplomats are not convinced 5f the truth of the statement, mado in behalf of the Huerta administration, i that tho killing was tho outcome of an nttack by persons not connected with the government. According to tho view taken here, the diplomats have at leaBt a suspi cion that the Huerta government had n hand In the assassination and feel that they do not care' to give recogni tion to such a government by attend ing nn official function unless It can bo shown that Madero and the former vice president met their deaths with out official connivance. MADERO AN IDEALIST. It tioh. Tfie troops of Generals 'Huerta, Blanquet and Diaz had been distrib uted through the streets, crowds had been prevented from gathering, and the nonulation was thoroughly in hand. It was said, however, that the govern ment feared that all the troops In the city could not be trusted. A special man was brought In by the government to escort the prisoners to the penitentiary Instead of having the task assigned to some of the soldiers who had fought under tho revolution ary leaders and who so far have beeu well in hand. The man summoned was Major Cardenas of the Seventh rurales. who has gained a reputation In cam paigns against lusnrrectos. So far as the official records of the government itself are concerned, how ever, they were cleared by official ac tion of the cabinet. A special meeting considered the cases of Madero and Sunrez and the diplomatic representa tions that had been made In their be half by Ambassador Wilson and others. was decided that charges made gainst them should be referred to the attorney general and meanwhile tho prisoners should be sent to the peniten tiary. It was also decided that a meet ing of the cabinet should be held to an swer the representations made on be half of President Taft Widow Not Admitted. Madero's wife, who, since the revolu tion, had pleaded with General Huerta for the life of her husband, heard of his death soon after It occurred. She had been expecting It, for she had been unable to get a pledge for his safety from the present ruler. On learning the news she went to the pal ace and asked General Huerta to order that the body be surrendered to her, He would not accede to the request, the explanation being made that an autopsy was to be performed In the course of the official inquiry. Mrs. Madero went to the penitentiary, to which tho body had been taken, but was not admitted. Dlplomnts learned of the assassina tions through secret channels soon after they had taken place, and It was not long before they had official confirma tion from Senor de la Barra, the for- llgn minister. Ambassador Wilson. who had exerted every pressuro possi ble on the government, pointing out that public opinion In the United States would be greatly stirred If Huerta did not show the same mercy to Madero that he had shown to Diaz and Reyes, was at first unable to believe that his Information was true. When it was confirmed by the government, he hastened to send a long dispatch to Wvhhlngton. DIPLOMATS AROUSED. Statesman, Rather Than Soldier, Did Not Retaliate on Opponents. City of Mexico, Feb. 24. Francisco I. Madero, one of thirteen children, would have been forty-two years old had he lived unti. Oct 18 next He was regarded more as an Idealist and statesman than a soldier. He had an aversion to carrying out the time hon ored custom In Mexico of putting to denth of all persons found Involved In traitorous conduct. This weakness, for such the Mexicans regarded it, was among the causes underlying his de thronement and resulting' in his death. His attltudt toward his enemies and hip failure to put his enemies to the sword led the public, after the Iron rule of absolutism by General Porfirlo Diaz, to regard him as "too easy." President Madero came from an in fluential, privileged class with abun dant wealth. He was born in the state of Coahuilo. While his .'arally was In Influentlal, few members of it held pub-.' He office. His grandfather was governor of the state of Coahuila until 1884. when he retired. Young Madero was educated in Paris and lu the Univer sity of California. Upon his return from his studies he showed great in terest In agriculture and In the min ing, ranching and other Industries in which the family was Interested. He was regarded as a model young man, ftudiouB, abstemious and deeply inter ested In the political future of his country. Sweeps Diaz From Power. Not until he was thirty did Mndero become a factor In the political life that within eleven yonrs put him at the head of a revolutionar?- army, to the presidency and his death. In tho town of San Pedro, in the state of 'oahulla. he." tor the 'first time saw the Ion hand of President. Diaz crush po litical opposition Amazed he started then !n a small way a movement which within nine years swept tho "iron mas- tor of Mexico" out of the presidency and made him an exile. By 1010 Madero hnd n strong enough following to organize a convention to nominate an opponent to President Diaz for the office of chief executive. Although he didn't seek the nomina tion Madero was nominated. He be gan a bitter campaign against Diaz. At first he was tolerated notwithstand ing that his speeches were inflamma tory and never before permitted to pass unpunished by the Diaz regime. ne became so formidable that PresI dent Diaz threw him Into prison. He was charged with sedition. That charge collapsed, but others were trumped up. While at liberty under Vail Madero fled to San Antonio, Tex. Falls to Keep Pledges. He realized that the Iron grip of Diaz could be broken only by a revo lution. With his eight brothers and Ills father ho started the one which tarried him to the presidency in No vember, 1011, for a five year term. His administration Btarted auspicious ly. Discontent developed, however, when he failed to keep many of his pledges. About 150 of his relatives moved to tho City of Mexico from Coahuila to take office under him and favoritism gained full sway, ne show td what Mexicans regarded as "ex treme weakness" when ho failed to put to death General Diaz, the present revolutionary lender, when Diaz was captured after falling to take Vera Cruz last October. Diaz, a nephew of tho exiled president, languished In Jail until his recent rolcaso by force to bead the revolutionists. Madero's wife was devoted to him In all his struggles. Sho was a Spiritualist. So was the president. It has been stat ed that he wns guided greatly by tho viedlumlstlc abilities of Mrs. Madera CHAUTAUQUA MAY ORGANIZE TO-MORROW NIGHT .Meeting to bo Held in High School Dr, A. E. Turner AViU bo Pres ent All Business Men Aro Urged to Attend. There is a possibility that Hones dale will have Chautauqua meetings during this coming summer, that Is, If there is an enthusiastic meeting tomorrow night of the business men. The .State Chautauqua association is willing under certain conditions to establish an assembly here. This would mean that for one or possibly two weeks during the summer a large tent would be erected capable of seating at least two thousand people where afternoon and evening sessions ot the Chautauqua would -be held. Some of the greatest lectur ers! on educational and other prob lems would speak dally. Chautau qu4s have already been organized at Susquehanna, Montrose, Athens, To- wanda, TunkhannocK and Strouds burg. The plans and conditions of the movement will be explained at the High school tomorrow (Tuesday) evening by Dr. A. E. Turner, asso ciate director of the State Chautau qua Association. All business men and members of literary clubs are urged to attend aB well as all oth ers who are Interseted In a move ment that will be a big benefit to the town. ACTION TO RECOVER STARTED. $1,050 Ernest Miller, of Clinton Township, Through Attorneys, Starts Action In Assumpsit Against Sarah E. Miner. An action In assumpsit .was started Thursday afternoon by Searle & Sal mon, attorneys 'for Ernest Miner, plaintiff, against Sarah E. Miner, de fendant, to recover $1,650 with in terest from October 12, 1912. The papers were filed with Pro 'thonotary Barnes. Miner (claims that he had made a verbal agreement with his father whereby ho was to work for the latter, putting his earn ings back into the farm, and he was to have the farm In fee. After his father's death in 1910 the .property wag willed to his mother, Sarah Min er. He afterwards agreed to work under the same arrangements and he further alleges that his mother made a will bequeathing tho prop erty to him. On October 12, 1912, he alleges his mother refused to recognize the arrangement or allow him on the farm. He seeks to re cover wages of $50 per month dur ing the time he worked. Both parties in the action are residents of Clinton township. FUNERAL OF MRS. HEIjD TO-DAY. ARTHUR Bethany AVomnn Who Accidentally Burned to Death Last Thursday Laid to Rest Wns Born in Car bondnle. The funeral of Mrs. Joseph Ar thur, who was accidentally burned to death last Thursday afternoon at her home two and a half miles north of Bethany, was held this morning at ten o'clock from St. John's Roman Catholic church dn Honesdale. Rev. Father John O'Toole conducted re quiem high mass. The funeral was largely attended by relatives and friends. Interment was made In St. John s cemetery. Mrs. Arthur was 73 years of age and was born at Welsh Hill, Carbondale. She had made her home in Dyberry township for many years, where she lived with her adopted son, Earl Ar thur. LOCAL OPTION FIGHT IN HOUSE Present Week in Hnrrlsburg Will be Marked by Disposition of Liquor Bills. Harrisburg, Feb. 24. The bien nial fight over local option will occur In the legislature this week. The JVokwfill bill makinc counties and municipalities oi iu,uuu population. the unit is the special order for sec ond reading at 11 o'clock on Tuesday morning in the House of Represen tatives and the fight may be made against it on that stage, as was done four years ago. If the bill passes second reading It will be a special order on Wednesday for third read ing, when the final struggle will take place. The Steele prohibition ameno ment. which would submit the pro hibltlon question to tho voters of the state, will also be on second reading on Tuesday. An amendment to the Steele reso lution for state-wide prohibition, to reimburse hotel and liquor imen for their property by the state If It should go "dry," will be offered in the house Tuesday morning by Rep resentative Thomas A. Steele, of Mc Keesport, the sponsor for the bill. That resolution comes up for first reading tomorrow night, and will be amended when It come3 up for sec ond reading. While Representative Steele wants to make Pennsylvania "dry," he believes that the liquor men should be reimbursed for the thousands of dollars they have ex pended in tho business. A PANORAMIC VIEW Bits of Scenery Unequalled Here abouts Vividly Described by High School Pupils. Quite a number guessed the "Old- Fashioned Homo" from the descrip tion which appeared In the last is sue of The Citizen. For the benefit of those who were unsuccessful we will print the answer. The house is located on Tenth street and is own ed by Mrs. Tillou and occupied by Chief of Police J. J. Canlvan and family. The "Building in Bethany" was a good description of the Beth any school house. To-day we pre sent our readers with a different line of descriptive matter, giving way to Nature. The subject of the follow ing description cannot be equalled In this section of the country. A Bit of Scenery. By Beulah Freeman. In summer, standing on the bridge facing the east, a person can see one of the most beautiful bits of scenery in Wayne county. Below Is the nar row Lackawaxen river placidly flow ing on its slow course, bordered on each side by verdant banks. Large willow trees standing on both sides droop over the water as if to see their reflection in the shining mirror. On the bosom of the river, near the bridge, is a small fountain which continually throws a slender spray of water In the air. Across the dam is the narrow road of a small town ship. From the dusty road one's gaze wanders to the cool, wooded hillside and still farther to the sum mit of historical Irving Cliff.. Many rocks and projecting ledges form a picturesque view. Above the cliff can be seen the lovely blue of the sky dotted here and there with fleecy white clouds. Ambassador Wilson With Others Re. fuse to Dine With Huerta. Washington, Feb. 24. While the killing of ex-President Madero and ex Vice President Suarez has not changed tho Mexican situation so far as the UnMed States government Is concern ed, the event bids fair to have very serious effect on the relations between the Huerta administration and the representatives of foreign nations in the City of Mexico, This Is mado plain by a dispatch re ceived by the state department from Henry Lane Wilson, the American am bassador, who stated that Francisco de la Barra, minister for foreign af fairs, had Invited all the foreign diplo mats in the City of Mexico to take luncheon with him and that the dlplo uats reaucsted him to postpone the taiten in tne capital oy we aummisiru' ,Yent untu there had been in inv.estl Y. M. O. A. FOR CARBONDALE. HOSE COMPANY TO HOLD CONCERT AND BALTj. At a meeting of Hose Co. No. 1, on Sunday, committees were ap pointed to arrange for the annual concert 'and 'ball to be held In the State Armory on Easter Monday night. As in tho past this affair will be the big event of the season. Those who will have charge of this year's ball are: Floor, decorating and programs: Joseph Katz, Chris Beurket, John Wasman, . Charles Markle, Eugene Freeman, J. L. Beur ket: tickets: Emanuel Freeman, Benj, Loris; supper: E. E. Williams, Lawrence Weniger; refreshments: John Theobald, Paul Fives, Fred Gelbert, A. W. Abrams; booths: John Rickert, John Stegner, Louis Marton; music: Leon Katz; check room: Eugene Babbitt; reception: Dr, W. T. McConvill; advertising: Edward D. Katz, Clarence Green, Richard J. Bracey. View From tho Bridge. By Jeannette Pohle. Standing on Honesdale's State bridge one beholds a view of the Lackawaxen river, with a fountain situated near the bridge and of equal distance from one side of the bank as from the other. On the left side Is a long row of willows that shade the park and the red shale walk be- ow. Here there are circular benches which surround the trees besidles the ones which stand near the edge of the river. On the right side is a smooth, green lawn with the same kind of trees that aro on the oppos ite bank. Looking farther down the river one will notice a small, white house that seems to bo sur rounded with so many trees that -it looks as if it were built in a mlnature forest. Keeping guard over this scene is Honesdale's watchful senti nel, Irving Cliff, famous for the name bestowed on it after Washing ton 'Irvlng's long-ago visit to Hones-dale. The Carbondale Leader says:- Hardly less startling than the news that a Carbondale family had given $10,000 toward a Young Men's Christian Association building a few weeks ago, comes the news now that tho Delaware and Hudson company will give the triangular lot on North Main street opposite the company's offices, up on which to erect an as sociation building. This pretty nearly assures us of a Young Men's Christian Association. NEW SUNDAY PAPER. Wilkes-Barre Is to havo a new Sunday newspaper., It will be known as the Sunday Journal and will bo issued by the World Publishing Co., a chartered corporation, John W. Chamberlain, ot Plains, and M. J. O'Toole, of Wllkes-Barre, are the two newspaper men who are active ly Interested in the venture. FORMER HONESDALE YOUNG WOMAN MARRIED. Miss Alice Colo, formerly of Honesdale, but "who has been living with Mrs, George .McAllister, ilb Franklin avenue, Scranton, was unit ed In marriage Friday afternoon to Frederick Ward, of Florida. The wedding ceremony was performed by Alderman W. S. Miller. The couple were attended by John Ward, 'brother of the bridegroom and Mis3 Anna Musler. The bride woro iblue broadcloth suit with a picture hat to match. For a time they will reside on Stafford avenue, West Scranton, but will eventually move to Florida, to take up their permanent residence, Scranton Times. The Erie Railroad company has recently settled an action brought against them by William W. Turner, of Port Jervis, by the payment of $7,200. Mr, Turner lost one of his legs while In the employ of the com pany. IAN TO PICK DAISY FOR STATE FLOWER Bill Introduced In the House by Rep resentative Jackson of Tyler Hill Wayno County. A State flower for Pennsylvania the daisy, and an annual celebration of what shall be "Daisy Day" are provided for in a bill Introduced In the House by Representative JacK- son. of Wayne county. Similar attempts have been made in the past to select a flower for the Keystone State, but Tlvalry among champions of different flowers has always resulted in the defeat of the measure singling out any particular flower as a favorite. Mr. Jackson, who has now under taken the task of meeting all objec tlons to the daisy, points out that In tho language of flowers the daisy stands for innocence and beauty ana says that In his opinion the women of the State If they had a chance to vote upon the question would favor his suggestion. Mr. Jackson's bill is short and to the point. It reads: The Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia Is one among the eight States' of the United States which have up to the present time failed or neglected to adopt some form of floral emblem or State flower and, Whereas, the adoption of some em blem as aforesaid would Inculcate patriotism In school children of the State. Therefore be it enacted. First, the daisy shall be the State floral emblem of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Second, the fourteenth day ot June In each year shall be known as "Daisy Day" and be celebrated accordingly. FOOTWEAR FACTUi TOTALLY DESTROYED Enrly Morning Firo Caused Loss of $75,000 Fire Wns Beyond Con trol President of Company Says They Will Rebuild. Flames destroyed tho large three story brlok factory of the Honesdale Footwear Company, a corporation, on Park street, and caused a loss esti mated at about $7-5,000 early Friday morning. The origin of tho fire is unknown and when discovered had gained considerable headway. Early In the evening residents of that part of town were annoyed by the odor of something burning. Tho fumes were heavy In the air but no fire could be seen at that time. Offi cer Degroat, who was walking his beat above the bridge, saw the flames but could not locate them. He turn ed in an alarm, however, and after wards found out that the flames were coming out of the Footwear factory. That "was about 2:40 o'clock. A second alarm was fumed in but by that 'time the flre was heginning to burst through the roof of the 'factory and when the first ot the flre com panies arrived the 'lire was beyond control. The flames are supposed to have started either in the stock room. which is on the third floor, or In tho office which is on the ground floor. Both the stook room and the office are In the rear or south end of the long building. The fire companies of Texas, Honesdale and Seelyville re sponded and soon had nine streams of water pouring on the flames. Protection Engine Company's steam er worked throughout, taking water from the Lackawaxen rliver. About an hour after the flre companies ar rived the rear half of the west wall collapsed, flinging the brick both in ward and outward. Three firemen who were manipulating a stream near the building at that -point bare ly escaped being killed, the wall fall ing only a few feet from them as they got out of the way. The factory Is situated at the fork: of the Lackawaxen and Dyberry riv ers and is bounded on the east side by the latter and on the rear end by tho former. For this reason the fire men were unable 'to put Into play streams on the rear of the building or on the east side. This handicapped them to a great extent. As the flre was beyond control In the rear end, the .firemen put their efforts to saving the front of the building, where the machinery, en gine and boiler were located. They succeeded In checking the flames he fore they did much damage to that part. The flre must have smouldered for several hours before breaking out into flames. Its origin will probably remain a mystery. It was, the larg est flre Honesdale has experienced jn many years "and for the , number of people it drew from their homes, it even exceeding the Rlef-Spettigue flre of a year ago. It was estimated that fifteen hundred people stood along the walks and near the build ing to witness the conflagration. There were no other Duiiuings m close proximity to the fire as the riv er separated the" factory from several residences on River street ana ,irom the frame structure occupied by Krantz & Smlith's Cut Glass factory. The fire raged furiously during the early hours of the morning and It was almost six o'clock before It was extinguished, the firemen hav ing labored three hours to stem its advance. The flames lighted oid the whole neighborhood and the burning leath er sent up showers of sparks and em bers. Krantz & Smith's factory across the river was for a time en dangered by the flying sparks. The factory is practically a toiai loss as the building ws totally dam aged. The walls remaining are in a bad condition. The rear and side walls are badly bulged and win probably be torn down. The front of the factory escaped tho ravages of the flames and the en gine room remains in good condition. The roof which is of timber covered with a coating of tar is completely destroyed from over half the entire length. Tho machinery used by the Hones dale Footwear Company is only par tially damaged and most of it can be rebuilt. This machinery was owned jointly by this company and the trust, from which most of It was leased. The stock room contained many thousands of dollars worth of finish ed goods which were being held for spring shipment. The company had an extensive trado In Cuba and South America and had orders aggre gating $25,000 waiting to be fllled. The company employed about 60 people who are now thrown out ot work. The loss Is about three fourths covered by insurance. The building, stock and fixtures were In sured for about $40,000. The building, which lis .practically new, was invoiced at about $15,000. Tho Honesdale Footwear Company was capitalized at $100,000, and ot this amount $51,000 was outstand ing. The reminder of the stock 'was owned by W. H. Krantz. Tho officers of the company are. William H. Krantz, president: It. F. Krantz, vice-president and treasurer, and Oscar E. Rurametsch, secretary. In an Interview Saturday Mr. Krantz stated that tho company would undoubtedly rebuild thq plant and hegin operations again as soon as possible. This Will be good news to Honesdale people as no one wants to try. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. 1 a I ,()(' K I I 1 1 11 1. II A. . rdliunun,! LU Dlantha Delong Mosher, same, land In Paupack, $800. H. W, Brown et ux. of Forest City to Forest city LumDer ana con struction company, property In Browndale, $1,500,