The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 18, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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Supporters of These Bills Are
To Build Highways Government Would
Have to Spend Unlimited Amount of
Funds This Would Hurt Rivers and
Harbors Bill Advocates of Latter
Say Opponents Hit Army Engineers.
Washington. Feb. 17. Special. -
There Is a possibility of a contest In
the future between the rivers and har
bors men and the good roads advo
cates. There Is not the least doubt
that If the general government should
ever become committed to the building
of roads throughout the country there
Is no limit to the amount of money that
will be demanded every year. Such
appropriations will dwarf and possibly
drlvo out of congress the big river nnd
harbor bills.
When It comes down to actual facts
the number of congressmen who are
deeply Interested in river and harbor
appropriations Is comparatively small.
It Is because their state or some por
tlon of It Is benefited that Induces most
of them to support the various bills
which have been passed, together with
the fact that most men believe that
good navigation Is of great assistance
In regulating freight rates and thus
aiding the whole country. But the time
may come when the good roads appro
priations will swamp river and harbor
Reflecting on tho Engineers.
Advocates of river and harbor appro
priations Insist that the severe criti
cisms which have been made against
the various projects are really reflec
tions on tho engineers, that corps par
excellence of the army. As a general
rule criticism of tho army officers Is
limited to Individuals, and tho en
gineers are almost beyond reproach.
Ilowevcr. It matters not whether the
bills are criticised or not they will
continue to pass with large appropria
tions as long ns the country demands
better uavlgatlon facilities.
Could Reverse Himself.
Speaker Clark Is not a bit afraid of
reversing himself or of the charge of
Inconsistency. Not long ago the point
of no quorum was made, which was
evidently dilatory, and he so hold.
There was considerable argument on
the subject, and Anally Jim Mann
pointed out that a similar case arose
in a former congress when John Sharp
Williams was minority leader and that
"Williams led a filibuster which Clark
helped along for the remainder of the
"The gentleman who occupies the
chair Is right now and was wrong
then," sententlously remarked Champ.
Forest Reserve Protests.
As indicating opposition to tho pres
ent forest reservation policy of the
government Senator Bourne recently
presented a petition signed by 22G resi
dents of Oregon near the Sluslaw res
ervation in which they asserted that
the forest reservation was detrimental
to people in its vicinity, that It fa
vored tho man of means as against
the poor man, that It helped the big
lumber companies, that poor men
could not get benefits from It, that the
forest service was conducted by east
ern theorists who knew nothing about
tho west and that the forestry service
was conducting tho reserves so as to
continue and to create a wilderness In
stead of developing the country.
Many western men in congress have
made similar assertions, but the for
estry policy seems to have become a
fixture all the same.
Want Bailey's Speech.
There Is n great demand for the
speecli which Senator Bailey delivered
just before he resigned. Senator Mar
tin of Virginia wanted the speech
printed as a public document so that
It could be circulated to meet tho re
quests for copies, but tho watchful
Smoot interposed the objection that
such printing was not permitted. The
speech will hnve to be printed at pri
vate expense, but It can circulate free
In the malls.
The War Is Over.
When It Is proposed without much
opposition and general assent that a
Grant-Lee memorial bridge shall be
constructed to connect Washington
with Leo's old home, Arlington, and
that ultimately tho United States shall
Join In n memorial of somo kind to
Jefferson Davis, wo can really believe
the war Is over. And yet It was not
very long ago that rather strenuous op
position developed to placing Lee's
statue In memorial hall as a Virginia
contribution. Now Mississippi can
placo a statue ot Jefferson Davis in
that hall without provoking any se
rious criticism.
Defrauding the Readers.
Those senators who talk for hours in
1 xecutlvo -session In order to filibuster
vgalnst confirming President Taft's ap
pointments are defrauding the readers
of tho Congressional Record. John
Sharp Williams and Claude- A. Swan
son spent hours telling etorles and
delving into the forgotten past, using
lots of Information and aneedpto which
tho Record readers would have revel
ed In, but which, because they occurred
In executive session, ore lost to them
Over Hill nnd Dale Interestingly i
Told by Our Damascus Scribe. I
Damascus village is an unpre-l
tentlous riparian cluster of homes.
Whether she bears any traits or re-i
semblance .to her namesake In tho
Orient, we can only conjecture. We
find It to be one of ten hamlets nam
ed In honor of this ancient city. The
village Itself Is not compact but ex
tends from the shore or tho Dela
ware on an eastern Incline, along tho,
old Newburg and Great iBend turn
pike till It reaches a plateau on .the 1
first flight of the river spurs. Two
wings also run along the river front.
A post office, general store, harness
shop, smithy, furniture ana under
taking rooms, two churches and a
High school constitute some of the
prominent points of notice In tho
group of structures, we have chos
en for our pen trip a course along
the turnpike road. To noto every
point along the line of the trip
would occupy too much time and
space for this letter.
On the first terrace after leaving
tho Delaware stands an Imposing
structure at our right. At this spot
at one time lived Dr. Luther Appley,
whose only surviving son Is Luther
who resides on the Galilee road
about two miles from this village.
This particular spot has frequently
changed owners and bears no re
semblance now of Its former self
It looks as though some good fairy
had waved her wand and transform
ed chaos Into a paradise. Tho prop
erty Is now owned by T. A. Olver, a
great-grandson of Dr. Luther Ap
pley. The doctor married Mary E.
Effinger as a second wife. She was
a Philadelphia lady of Quaker ex
traction, and wealthy. Mrs. Appley
and also her only daughter, spent
the evening of her life In Hones
dale and the remains of both now
repose in Glen Dyberry.
On the western outskirts of the
village stands the dwelling of the
late Dr. Theron Appley, now the
home of his son, Amasa. This was
the first Gothic structure In these
parts. It was erected more than a
half century ago, the builder being
a Mr. 'Lane, uncle of the late C. J.
Lane, who also worked on the build
ing, having just attained his ma
jority. Standing a few rods from
this was where the old Damascus
Union Academy stood but has since
been modeled Into a High school.
In tho old Academy, the writer sat
at the feet of the late John Austin
McLaury whose Image he reverenced.
'Passing from here and leaving the
village behind, wo pass down a short
declivity, cross a level and begin an
other climb, when nearly at the top
of this we halt to look at where was
a famous hostelry 'presided over by
the Lukens. Here also stands one
of the stone mile-posts marking the
distance from the Hudson river.
Here tho old tally-ho stage coach
had a relay station. The smithy was
conducted by Richard Dickens, but
was familiarly termed "Big Dick."
It is said that when ho took up a
horse's foot It was held as though
in an Iron vice. He was Herculean
In strength and gigantic in stature.
Maybe some idea of this man's size
may be gained when we relate that
he was obliged to 'have a pair of
lasts turned especially for his own
use in order that his foot gear would
fit. We never saw the man but we
saw the lasts in the shoe shop of the
late James Lovelass whore his shoes
were made to order. These lasts
were marked XIV and measured 3
inches across the ball. Some of the
old buildings 'are yet giving good
service, but the tavern was destroy
ed by fire several years ago. The
present owner of the property is
Fred S. Price. Going a little farther
we see the farm of another Lukens
brother, now the property of H. B.
Lord. Just a few rods farther on
the other side of the road another
brother lived. This is now the home
of Joseph Abraham. Previous to the
present owner was Jolin O. Jackson
who claims he put Into use the first
silo In this section. A short distance
farther 'west stood one of the toll
houses and the spot Is still marked
by a clump of rose bushes and tansy
so commonly found around dwel
lings when doctors were scarce and
herb teas were In vogue. Continu
ing up another elevation we 'pass the
home of Hon. H. Clark Jackson who
Is directing so much attention at
himself at present. Up, up we go
till, at the top of this climb, we see
tho village of Tyler Hill spread be
fore us. You know a city upon a
hill cannot be hidden; neither can
this one.
Just as we enter the village from
the cast stands the manse of tho
late David Fortnam. This property
Is descended to the fourth generation
and is now In the possession of Clar
ence D, Fortnam. The farm Is nam
ed Farvlew Farm as from this loca
tion you can look eastward as far as
tho eyo can carry. Across the road
from this stands where formerly was
tho home of tho late M. F. Van Kirk
who at that time conducted a stick
factory on 'the stream just south of
the village. When men were dig
ging a well for Mr. Van Kirk a blast
had to be put In to get through a
rock. The force of the explosion
carried a large piece of rock high
Into tho air, and In Its descent
crashed 'through the roof of tho
house, but Injured no one. Tho late
owndr was L. D. Tyler.
The village of Tyler Hill contains
a post office, general store, two
smithies and a public school build
ing. This little village In Its early
days bore the euphonious name of
Puddin Hill. This Is how It Is said
to have come by It. Alvah Noble on
his trips from -what Is now Calkin
followed a blazed path through tho
woods to the pike near this place
and when he reached the home of a
1 friend named Monlngton ho was
j given refreshments such as was most
I convenient In those days and this
was almost Invariably samp and
1 milk. Hence the sobriquet. But
the old man gave It tho name
"pudden" Instead of the broad term
of mush and milk. There were no
autos then, nor many -pleasure car
riages. A pair ot oxen and a wain
answered many purposes, and many
times provisions were "backed"
I home In a stout sack, the only road
I of travel being over a tortuous,
blazed trail through a tangled for
est with wild cats and "painters"
screachlng at the heels of the homo
goer. This was pioneer days In Da
mascus. We could furnish names
of men who were chased to their
own door by those savage beasts of
the forests. The advent of Israel
Tyler to this village started new
activities. 'For many years he was
the nucleus of Industries that, with
his exodus, Is, like the progenitor,
a thing of local history only. One
of those Industries was 'the making
of blocks for saddles, or saddle trees
as they were called. Thefse found
ready sale while the civil 'war last
ed. His substantial mansion Is now
owned by E. T. Olver and the farm
was transferred to Thomas Griffith.
Even before the establishment of a
postoffice, Tyler Hill, In honor of
the Tylers, was the chosen name of
the village. That neat little cottage
there Is the home of John S. Olver
once the leading house carpenter In
all this section, now retired, and
here at the foot of the hill was the
home of the late John Y. Tyler, a
direct descendent of a Revolution
ary soldier. The place is now oc
cupied by his son George.
'Now, If you have kept sharp
count you have found this the
second descent since we left the Del
aware, and three long steep ascents.
Over there on the hillside Is the
cider mill of N. B. Alfast and here
is his well-appointed home. Mr. Al
fast and family are now sojourning
in Los Angeles, Cal. Now for anoth
er of those long climbs, and here
we land on a table land 1300 feet
above the tide level. Turn and look
back toward the east. Is It not
grand? This Is the Laurel Lake
House and there Is beautiful Laurel
Lake. Nearly 100 acres of spring
water on the crest of a hill. Is It not
wonderful! You might call It one
monstrous spring of waters. It was
here that Colonel Wm. Doughty set
tled long ago on a Government
grant. Only a speck of the original
farm remains.
A scud over a half mile level and
we are at the home of the late John
Jackson, now owned by his son, Wil
liam, and worked by the latter's son
Thomas. Now look around you.
Perhaps no finer landscaplc view
may be had from any point of view
In Wayne county. To the right In
yonder depression Is another body
of spring water with about half the
area of the one just passed. Two
such 'magnificent lakes only a few
rods apart and at such an altitude!
We do not wonder that your eyes
are dilated. It certainly Is marvel
ous. All that Is needed to make It
vie with the Yellowstone 'National
Park Is a little hot hole and we
may be assured of that If we get lo
cal option.
That attractive bullldng at our
left Is the home of B. C. Ross, an
old Delaware river pilot. Rushing
onward over a rolling stretch of
road we pass the West Damascus
post office, up a short stiff grade and
wo are on an apex. Down we start
on a long western slope and we are
soon In a valley where flows the
North Branch of tho Calkin creek,
near. Its head waters. On a promi
nence In front Is the largo farm and
substantial buildings of L. G. Sth-
welghofer, and here Is the Wast Da
mascus public school. A quarter of
a mile farther we pass over a space
of level rock several rods long on
Cork Screw hill. From this we are
soon at the base of Four Story Hill.
'Now for our final climb. Here Is the
home of Otto Rutledge; that new
house Is the home of John Glllls and
up there as a grand final on
the peak of this gigantic eminence
stands the home of James Blair.
Surely he is the most elevated man
on our trip. Passing a few rods on
ward we are at the home of T. A.
Brooks and only a few rods farther
we halt on the dividing line between
Damascus and Lebanon townships.
On our trip we have made seven
ascensions, crossed seven streams,
made three descents and traveled
about nine 'miles of as hilly high
way as there Is In Damascus town
ship. It Is said this Newburgh
turnpike was laid out on the gin
system, that is, the surveyors were
offered a drink of gin on top of
of every hill, and that they built a
fire on top of a hill, at night and
blazed a streak to It. It certainly
takes the cake for Its number of
Beach Lake, Feb. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Davey of
Chestnut Lake spent Sunday with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Judson Davey.
The revival meetings began Sun
day night and we all .hope for a
sweeping revival.
Mrs. S. J, Garrett went to Brook
lyn Sunday. Her sister, Mrs. White,
and her daughter, Mrs. Hall, are
both very 111.
Horace Beemer of Laurella, was a
caller here Monday. '
Bernlce Dunn spent Sunday with
Henrietta Budd.
Ella Ebert spent Tuesday at
Henrietta Budd's.
Mrs. Hiram D. Wood Is quite 111
with the grippe at the present writ
ing. Bernlce Dunn spent Tuesday at
Sadie Wilson's.
Prower Budd has Just recovered
from an attack of the grippe and
now Mrs. Budd, his wife, lias It.
Frank Frey, Miss Bernlce Dunn,
Henrietta Budd and Grace Gregory
wero callers at Miss Bessie Decker's
There was a Valentino social at
the home of Jacob Hlller Friday
The Valentino social at Mr. Hll
ler's Friday night was a success.
There wero games and -merry-making
and the people repaired to their
homes about 12:30. All reported
having had a fine time. There were
105 present and the proceeds was
Wednesday evening Mrs. C. T.
Vangorder preached to the people,
and Thursday evening Mr. Vangor
der. The sermons were enjoyed by
all present. There are a few new
converts and wo hope for a great
many more.
News has been received here of
the death ot Lewis Ham,
Miss. Bernlce Dunn was a caller
at Lola Richard's Friday.
Thero were a number of people
Who attended the flag raising at the
Atco school Friday.
Mrs. Charles Budd 1s ill at the
present writing.
Mrs. Chas. Davoy has recovered
from tho effects of a. fall taken some
time ago.
Mrs. Prower Budd .has just recov
ered from an attack of the grippe.
Hamlin, Feb. 17.
The Booklovers' club met with
Mrs. D. W. Edwards on Feb. 12 th.
All the members were present, in
cluding .Miss D. 'P. Hamlin, who has
not been In attendance at any of
the previous meetings this year, hav
ing but recently returned" from an
extended visit with relatives In
Hackettstown and 'Philadelphia. It
being Lincoln's birthday the hostess
had prepared a program appropriate
to the occasion. This consisted of
an essay, "The Life of Lincoln," by
Florence Spangenberg. Reading of
tho Emancipation Proclamation by
Grace Franc. Mrs. Inez Curtis read
a selection entitled "Lincoln's Loves
and Marriage," and Mae Walker
read somo anecdotes illustrative of
the character of Lincoln. Lastly
Miss Buckingham conducted an oral
quiz which gave those present an op
portunity to display their knowledge
of Lincoln, his parentage, education,
character and life. After this a
couple of "heart" games were In
dulged 'In and later tempting re
freshments were served. After
these had been partaken of the
books were distributed and all de
parted homeward voting the after
noon an entire success.
Mrs. Marilla Clark, Hawley, has
returned to her home after a week's
visit with her sister, Mrs. 'C. AI. .Lor
ing. Stewart Peet is 111 at this writing.
The case Is .pronounced typhoid
fever. Mrs. Pett's mother is with
her to assist her in caring for him.
C. L. Simons and Otto Dolmetsch
spent Friday, 'Feb. 14, In Scranton.
Miss Sara Storm and Elsa Gantz
horn spent the week-end with Mrs.
Inez Curtis.
The men ot the town are all har
vesting Ice. Nearly all the Ice houses
in the vicinity were filled last week.
Mrs. B. F. Hamlin is making an
.extended- visit with her son, Dr. B.
G. Hamlin, Scranton.
Butler Hamlin spent a part of this
week In Scranton.
Tho remains of Mrs. Anna Evans
Nash, Scranton, were brought to
Hamlin for burial on Sunday after
noon, Feb. 10. Mrs. Nash spent her
girlhood days In Hamlin, residing in
the house now occupied by W. H.
Poyntelle, Feb. 1'5. John Simp
son, of Carbondale, has his Ice house
at Orson full, and Is now filling the
one at Poyntelle on Bone Lake. The
Consumers Ice company of Scranton
has its house on the Five-Mile Lake
nearly half full.
William Mulligan had the misfor
tune to cut his foot very badly on
Tuesday. He was using a spurring
bar when his coat got tangled with
the bar and the bar cut through his
rubber and on through his foot be
tween the second and third toes,
cutting a gash about two Inches long
His wound was dressed at the works
by Mr. Black.
Elmer Knapp, who is working for
Mr. Simpson, got a bad cut the
same day and had to be taken home.
Many of the men working on the Ice
are laid up with the grippe. William
Mulligan, Patrick Moran, Henry
Wolf and Earl .Dunning, of Pleasant
Mount, are working for the Con
sumers. A number of the men have tried
the temperature of the water lately,
but they seem to think that It Is
really not the right time of the year
to go in bathing. Even the boss
tried it.
Mr. O'Neill, the New York milk
dealer, was In town Monday making
all of his patrons look pleasant.
Waymart, Feb. 1'5.
The Merry Dozen Book club was
was delightfully entertained by Mrs.
R. Blayton Burch last Tuesday even
ing. Mrs. Z. J. Lord has returned from
a week's sojourn In Wilkes-Barre.
Albert Shafer, of Gravity, visited
relatives In town recently.
Frances Westgato, of Unlondale,
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. H.
P. Stanon.
Mrs. Charles Baker was in Hones
dale last week.
At the Lyric on Thursday, Feb. 20
Give Your Horse a Hair Gut
No. 1 Clipper
Wo have a full lino of parts of these clippers.
Knives and handles conipleto t $3.50
Top plates 1.00
Bottom Plates 1.50
Chain for Flexible Shaft, per ft 30
Wo grind your clipper knives, 50c per set.
Everything For tho Farm.
Russell Dymond, of Scranton, was
a recent guest of IiIb uncle, J. B. Dy
mond. Mr. and Mrs. James Moore, of Al
denvllle, have moved Into Dr. No
bles' house and the doctor will
board with them.
Lookout, Feb. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Flynn and
daughter, Margaret, attended the
funeral of Mrs. Flynn's mother, Mrs.
Dermody, at Cochecton on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. William Egler and
Lulu Swendson spent Sunday with
Mrs. Egler's sister, Mrs. Walter
Drum who has been very sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Llnas Malm of Union
were guests of 'Fred Brannlng and
wife on Sunday last.
There Is a large force of men busy
putting in Ice for the creamery at
this place. William Hofer Is over
seeing tho work.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sdhwelgho
fer, of West Damascus, attended
church at this placo on Sunday last.
Mrs. J. R. Maudsley is visiting
her son, Henry, and wife, at Blng
hamton, N. Y.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Tract of 640 Acres
contains 390009000 ft.
of Saw Timber.
roofing and balance in IVIapBe,
Hemlock, and some Beech
and Birch.
15 per cent, of lumber is Hemlock
In center of tract Is a pond. By building a small dam an over
flow ot 50 acres can be obtained.
About ICO ot the C40 acres Is Improved. Tract Is good land to
farm and lumber. Excellent water on place. Eight-room house
and barn 50xC0 feet; .Located on highway between Lakewood
and 'Equlnunk. The tract lsflve 'miles from Lakewood on the
Ontario & Western railroad or two miles from Stockport on the
'Erie. Property Is one of the hest In Wayno county. 'Big bar
gain for quick buyer.
Enquire of
Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co.
Honesdale, Pa.
Jadwin Bldg. Both Phones
1 f
No. 1902
Honesdale, Pa,
The Polley house, consisting of
seven rooms, spring water In house
with one acre of land, located on
Bethany road Is for sale. Chicken
house 12x48 feet and store house
10x12 feet and fruit of all kinds
Is on the premises. Price, $1,300.
See Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co., Jad
wln 'Building.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonial- sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. NIAGARA FALLS.
directly opposite the Falls. Rates
are reasonable.
miBSion feet of mine