THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1913. PAGE FIVE FOR SALE. FOR, SAVE NINE ROOM HOUSE with all modern conveniences. In quire of R. Duslnberre, Berwick, Pa. 14eol4. FRESH CANDIES LOOSE AND IN boxes. Best In town at M. A. Igo's. FOR THE FINEST LINE OF sleighs at bottom prices call on E. T. Smith, Honesdale. 97elt CIGARS WE HAVE ALL THE choice brands. Try the "Con tract." M. A. Igo sells them. HAVING SOLE AGENCY . IN Wayne county for International Stock Food, stock owners, desiring same may secure It In any quanlty at F. G. Rlckard's livery, Honesdale, Pa. Valuable premiums with each purchase of 100 pounds. l'5eol4 MISCELLANEOUS. BRING YOUR OLD JEWELRY Cameos stones to be made Into artistic necklaces, pendants, barplns, etc. You will be pleased with re sult. C. Petersen. 14eol3t WANTED COMPETENT GIRL for general housework. Apply to Mrs. Fred W. Kreltner, 419 Four teenth street. 15t2. SKATING RINK FOR RENT FOR balls, parties, bazaars, fairs, etc. See N. B. Spencer, Manager, for terms. leoltf. DIRECTORY. Honesdale Free Library: Tuesday's 2 to 5, 7 to 9 P. M. Friday's 2 to 5, 7 to 9 P. M. Hours for Receiving Freight on Railroads: D. & H. Dally, to 10 A. M.; after noon, 3:00. Erie 10:30 A. M. Mall Closing Hours: A.M. P.M. Sun. P.M. D. & H. G:30 12 M.-4.15 G.45 Erie 8.00 2.25-5.30 R. D. Route 9.45 Star Routes, Stage, 2.50; Tyler Hill 2:25. Condensed Timetable. Leave Honesdale A.M. P.M. D. & H. G.55 12.25 4.40 Erie 8.22 2.53 COO Arrive A.M. P.M. D. & H. 10.00 3.15 7.3G Erie 1.30 3.50 C.55 Leavo Honesdale A.M. P.M. D. & H. 10.15 7.15 Erie 2.53 Arrive Sunday. D. & H. 9.55 G. 50 Erie 7.10 LOCAL NEWS A petition has been filed for the transfer of the hotel license of Frank J. Dennlson to Ambrose Alte mus of Hawley. The merchants enjoyed a good business day on Saturday. A large amount of the trade came from White Mills and Hawley. Saturday was the last day of sleighing in town. Wheeling is fine. Roads In the country are drifted in several places and Is neither sleigh ing nor good wheeling. Harry F. Weaver, architect of Honesdale, will locate in Strouds burg on April 1st, where he has been engaged to oversee the erection of a number of new buildings. Stroudsburg Press James O. Mumford, who recentr ly was admitted to the Wayne coun ty bar, has associated himself with his father for the extensive parctlce of the profession under the partner ship name of Mumford & Mumford. Rev. Thomas O'Malley, rector of St. Rose's church, Carbondale, and former assistant pastor of St. John's R. C. church of this place, will preach at the latter place Wed nesday evening at 7:30. All are In vited. The gymnasium of the Hones dale High school will be open Sat urday evenings instead of Friday as heretofore. This arrangement will continue during Lent. Professor Oday announces that there will be some special features Saturday night that will bo announced later. The special revival meetings at the Methodist church are drawing largo crowds. They will be con tinued throughout this week, ser vices being held every evening ex cept Saturday at 7:30 o'clock. Rev. A B. Richardson of Patcrson, N. J., will preach Thursday and Friday ovenings. Owing to an error In the court calendar in Lawrence county, that county remains in the "dry" column for at least another year. All the applications twenty-one for retail ing liquor and one for brewing were filed several days too late for the court to overcome the objections raised by those who opposed the granting of licenses. The funeral of the late Mrs. Jane Clark Lane was held from her late homo on Eighth street Satur day afternoon at three o'clock, Rev. W. H. Swift of the Presbyterian church ofllclating. Interment was made in Glen Dyberry cemetory. The pall-bearers were: Joseph N. Welsh, Joseph Bodlo, James Conger, H. Z. Russell, H. T. Menner and W. J. Ward. The Honesdale Free Library committeo wish to thank the soli citors for the hard work they did last week in the interest of the li brary and also tho public for Its generous response. Tho minimum amount, $500, has been raised, this sura having been secured In Hones dale proper. This Is exceedingly gratifying news. Honesdale now has the promise of having one of the best libraries in this section of tho State. Outside of tho committee Prof. H. A. Oday Is deserving of considerable credit as It was ho who was the instigator of the movement to Tebuild tho library. Joseph Katz has purchased a six-cylinder seven passenger Jackson touring car from Eugeno Dorfllnger. Miss Clara Torrey and Androw Thompson attended the funeral of the late Peter E. Farnum at Port Jervls Wednesday. A largo motor truck moving van was In Honesdale on Saturday. It came from Scranton and brought the household goods of a family from that city to this place. The Arlington Hotel, now the largest in BIngliamton, will soon commence to build two more stories, with a roof garden. It will add 235 more rooms to tho house and will cost between $55,000 and ?G0,000. There will bo an old-fashioned donation oyster supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Cole, Steene, on Thursday evening, Feb ruary 20th, for tho benefit of the pastor, Rev. Burch. Everybody in vited. State Fish Commissioner N. R. Buller is to make an address before the Paper and Pulp Manufacturers' Asosciation at the Waldorf In New York on February 20th on what Pennsylvania Intends to do to cleanse the streams. Miss Louise Kraft of this place will bo valedictorian of the class of 1913 of the Honesdale High school. Owing to a tie In marks the salu tatorlan honors will be divided be tween Sumner Cros3ley and John Lozo. Legrande Wells, an aged and respected resident of Elkdale, died at his home there Saturday, Feb. 15, 1913. He was G7 years of age. The funeral will bo held Tuesday after noon at 1 o'clock. Burial will be made in Elkdale. Dr. T. C. Fltzsimmons, superin tendent of the State Hospital for Criminal Insane at Farview, an nounces that commencing Sunday the days and 'hours for visitors will be on Wednesdays and Sundays from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. The following Wayne county men .have been drawn as jurors to serve in the February session of the United States court for the Middle district of Pennsylvania that con venes in Scranton, March 17: Hon. Leopold Fuerth, Honesdale; J. W. Andrews, Ariel. The charge against Harry Economous, proprietor of the cigar store and pool room, of maintaining a gambling resort, was withdrawn Thursday afternoon. He paid a fine of $25 and costs, In all amounting to $11 and was released from the coun ty jail where he was placed In de fault of bail. Several of Honesdalo's business men 'have sent post cards to Hon. Harvey Huffman, senator of this dis trict, asking him to support the Al ter bill against fradulent advertis ing. The bill passed the House of Representatives in general assembly and it Is now up to the Senite for its support. Tho bill is a good one and should become a law. Martin Caufield, proprietor of the steam monumental works on Main street, has Installed a track up on which a crane will be operated to convey large monuments and markers from tho manufacturing department to the display room In the front part of the building. Mr. Caufield now has one of the best equipped stone working plants In the State. On Monday last a coach team, valued at $2,500 and owned by Peter Gerry, were drowned in Lake Delaware, N. Y. The team had been driven on tho ice of tho lake and they broke through at a spot where Jt is supposed a spring bubbled up, as the ice at that point was only three inches in thickness. The water was 7 feet In depth. The bodies were re covered. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Atkinson of Hawley, left on Thursday for New York where, on Saturday they took a steamer for New Orleans, go inE to tho sniithf-rn rtv without n stop. From New Orleans they will go oy ran to Ban Antonio and El Paso, Texas, and then to Los An geles, where they will spend the greater part of their time. They will return by a northern routo and expect to be homo about April T5. A couple appeared at tho ofilco of the marriage license clerk In Pittsburg last week, and wanted a license to wed for one year. Skill ful questioning brought out the fact that the woman's "regular" husband had gone back to Europe for a year, and she needed a man until ho re turned. The license was refused. As tho Indignant couple turned to leave tho office tho lady fired this parting shot at tho clerk: "I sought dls wass free country. You go ." Great excitement prevails at Westbrookvllle, N. Y., owing to the rumors regarding tho great electric and power plant about to bo erected on the Jo'hn Brown property. Tho main dam to be on tho Neverslnk at Hackledam on the Horton Caso property. The water to bo conveyed from said dam to tho aforesaid pow er plant by means of an acqueduct 12 feet in diameter. Same Is reported to furnlsli at least 50 thousand horse power. If such Is tho case tho pro ject completed' will mean that Pine Kill fishing will bo no more and that the valley from Westbrookvllle to Cuddebackvllle will be one lako unless dredged.' MIddletown Mer cury. Following custom of leading ho tels Ambrose Altemus has announc ed a formal opening of his hotel In Hawley on Thursday, Feb. 20, at which time the public is invited to visit and Inspect the building. The hostelery will hereafter bo known as the Hawley Inn. From basement to attic, the entire building has been remodeled and newly furnished. Every room lias been thoroughly re novated and re-decorated. In fact, no expense has been spared to make Hawley Inn one of tho most attrac tive hostelrles in this portion of Pennsylvania. Mr. Altemus 13 a host with wide experience, and he has associated with him In this en terprise some of the leading hotel men In the northeastern section of the state. With his experience and ebllity, ho will undoubtedly make the service match up to the new dress of the hotel. -While Nelson Scott of, Mllford, Otsego county, was excavating the earth under his house for the pur pose of enlarging his cellar recently he found a solid silver teaspoon of an ancient style nearly two feet he low the surface. The words "Clin ton Country Market" wero engraVed upon the handle. How and when it got there Is a mystery which prob ably no one will be able to solve. Tho funeral of David Wilbur Manning, well known pioneer and lumberman, was hold from his late home In Bethany on Sunday morn ing at half-past ten. The funeral was largely attended. Rev. Prltch- ard of the 'Bethany Presbyterian church officiated, assisted by Rev.- E S. Bierly of the M. E. church of that place. The pall-bearers wero R. E Bryant, Charles Webb, I. J. Many, Emerson W. Gammell, and A. O. Blake. Interment was made in the Bethany cemetery. Col. F. W. Stlllwell. of tho Thlr teenth regiment, has received notice that Company 'I, of Easton, attached to the Tcglment whose headquarters are in Scranton, has heen assigned a place In the provisional brigade which will represent tho Pennsylva nia National Guard in the Inaugural parade at 'Washington, D. C, on March 4. Company I Is captained by Frank M. Bradley, of Easton. This company together with Com pany A, engineers, of Scranton, will represent this section of the state. Both these 'companies, together with Company E, of York, attached to the Eighth regiment, will be assigned to a place with tho Fourth regiment in the parade. The regiments of the N. G. P. will appear In the inaugural parade the First, Fourth and Tenth. Each will be composed of ten companies, with full quota Company I was chosen to accompany the Fourth Teglment because of the convenience as to distance, the Fourth s headquarters being at Al lentowrr. A pamphlet of forty-five pages and thirty-one illustrations just is sued at Albany by tho New York State Water Supply Commission calls attention to the large amount of undeveloped small water power in that state and the uses to which it can be put on the farm. It out lines briefly the amount of work which can be done by a small water power plant of average capacity, and mentions several successful examples and the details and cost of construc tion of each. A general method of procedure and an outline of the prime requisites in planning and constructing small water power plants for use In farm work are giv en under the heads of maximum and minimum stream flow, tributary drainage area, water storing, avail able head, concentration of head, lo cation and construction of dam and power house, types of water wheels and connections, dynamo and stor age batteries, transmission, motors and connections and efficiency deter mination. Consular Report. Items1 Miss Mildred Holgate is critically ill of pneumonia. William Miller is clerking for Pell, tho druggist. Mrs. Mary Pell recently spent a few days In Carbondale. Miss Mamo Smith, of White Mills, has a severe attack of quinsy. iPhlllp Ryan Is confined to his home by an attack of the grip. C. M. Harris is spending a few days in New York city on business. W. W. Wood was a business pas senger to Hawley and Ariel Monday. Judge A. T. Searlo was holding court in Scranton tho latter part of last week. Hon. E. B. Hardenbergli Is In Philadelphia, where he expects to spend a few days. Prof. H. A. Oday attended a dis trict school teachers' 'meeting in Hawley on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jones, of Askam, were Sunday guests at the Methodist parsonage. Miss S. Louise Hardenbergli spent the week-end in New York city, re turning Sunday night. Dr. F. W. Powell and E. W. Gam mell returned with Henry Bennett from Scranton on Monday afternoon. Miss Elizabeth Barberl of the Citi zen ofilco is spending a few days with relatives and friends in New York City. Charles Schoonover and family of Carbondale, aro occupying rooms in the Sell tenement house on Main street. Mrs. Francis Crago, who had been spenldng the week with Scran ton friends, returned home Sunday evening. George Grlswold, of Factoryville, tho champion checker player of Pennsylvania, is stopping at the Ho tel Wayne. Assistant Superintendent Anthony R. Llttlo of tho Gurney Electric Ele vator Works, was in New York on Saturday. r Edward Hacker, of East Cherry Ridge, Is confined to his homo by an attack of the grip. Mr. Hacker is 87 years of age. Mrs. Edward G. Jenkins enter tained for her mother, Mrs. Eben Clark on Monday afternoon In honor of the latter's birthday. John O'Connell who has been In the ofilco of the Gurney Electric Elevator company, has been trans ferred to the New York ofilce. Charles T. Bentloy is In Philadel phia where he Is attending to duties pertaining to the estate of his brother-in-law, the late L. R. Gale. Mr. and Mrs. Georgo French, of Long Island City, N. Y., former residents of this place are visiting with Honesdale and Hawley friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lesher and two daughters spent Sunday with relatives at Sterling. It was frosty Saturday morning when they depart ed and the little three-year-old daughter Temarked "I can't under stand what makes my feet so cold.'1 Mrs. T. E. Callaway and son, C. R. Callaway, removed their house hold effects from Dyberry 'Place to No. G Durland brick block on Sat urday. Attorney Homer Greene, who has been In New York City the .past two weeks, Is home for a few days, ex pecting to return to the metropolis again this week. County Superintendent of Schools J. J. Koehler and Prof. H. A. Oday were in Hawley on Saturday and took part In tho district teachers' Institute at that place. Mr. Valentine, of Philadelphia, succeeds Androw Nattress as chief engineer for Day & Zimmerman at the new Gurnoy Electric Elevator works, which is nearlng completion. (Mrs. Georgo S. Purdy, accom panied by her brother, Judge Ad doms, sailed from New York City on Monday. They will take the Medlterrean trip, expedtlng to be absent about threo months. Mr. and Mrs. William Bone, of Blnghamton, N. Y., announce the marriage of their daughter 'Nellie to Walter Addison Smith of that city which occurred on Saturday, Febru ary 15. The bride Is a niece of Mrs. F. C. Bunnell of this place. ASK DETAILS OF SCOTT'S DEATH English Public Demands Explanation of Several Entries In Explorer's Diary. London, Feb. 17. In view of disquiet ing rumors concerning the Scott nut urctlc party a general demnnd Is being made for the fullest Inquiry Into tho death of Captain Scott nnd his .four companions. Tho public wants several entries In the diary of Captain Scott explained, especially his reference to the shrinkage of his fuel supply. Tho refusal of any of tho survivors to throw any light on this lias caused the de mand for further light on the subject Much chagrin is being expressed in many quarters nt the slow response of the British public for funds for u me morial to Captain Scott and his com panions. Despite the urgent appeals of the press for subscriptions for the fund, the public has given only about $4,000. The failure of a prompt response by the public In honor of the dead heroes Is attributed to some extent to the many different agencies of collection, some of which overlap. Commander Evans, now in charge ot tho party aboard the Terra Nova, Is to remain in New Zealand to meet Mrs. Scott. She is now on the Pnclflc, un aware that tho husband she expects to meet Is dead. She Is expected to arrive In New Zealand on Fob. 27. DEATH ENDS HONEYMOON. W. Rigby of Hackcnsack, Who Wedded His Housekeeper, Killed. Hackeusack, N. J.. Feb. 17. William Rigby, sixty years old, who on Thurs day evening of last week was married to his housekeeper, Mrs. J.. A. Van Horn, a widow of tho uame age. was struck by a Susquehanna and West ern railroad passenger train at the Main street crossing here and received Injuries from which he died in the nackensack hospital. Ho had walked in front of an approaching train, ap parently unconscious of his dnnger. Two weeks ago Mr. Rigby was found in East One Hundred nnd Twenty sixth street. New York, and was cared for by the police. He had teen robbed and could not even tell his name. A bank book in one of his pockets led to his Identification, nnd Chief Dunn of nackensack went to New York and brought him home. Tho next day ho nnd Mrs. Van norr appeared before Registrar E. II. Johnson and took out a mnrriage license. COLD ROBS HIM OF SPEECH. Boy Stealing Ride Home on Train Found Semiconscious. Trenton, N. J., Feb. 17. When a Phil adelphia bound freight trnin from Jer sey City reached hero Clarence Clem ments, fifteen years old, was taken Into custody by Special Olllcer Michael Mur phy of the Pennsylvania railroad for safe keeping. Tho youngster was semi conscious from the cold nnd could not speak as ho was carried from an empty car. Later ho said ho had run away from his home In Memphis, Tenn., nnd had gone to Maine, but wns now returning couth because of the severe weather, he will be kept by the police here until ills parents are notified. Tales of Cities. Denver is planning to hold a world's fair six er eight years liunce. St. Louis claims to lead all United States cities in dealings In horses and hogs. St. Louis Is nald to profit $5.M).IX)0 annually by the partial abatement ot the smoke nuisance. .New York's municipal debt now ex ceeds $l,O37.O0O,OO()-several millions of dollnrs more tlmn the national debt. Town Topics. Olio exninple of doing n perfectly Useless thing is giving a smoWcr In Pittsburgh. Clevelnnd Leader Only three persons were arrested for intoxication In Cleveland last year. soya a paper of that city. But how many ought to have been V Detroit Free Press. They are still bunting In New York lor that elusive Individual, the man higher up Indications are that he will eventually bo reached only by an airship - Haltltuorc American. During these cold winter days and nights Tho Citizen will make you a good companion. $1,50 tho year. OBITUARY. Death of J)r. It. J. Kny. Dr. Robert J. Kay, of'Uniondale, a Civil war veteran, died-at his home Friday afternoon after a brief Ill ness. He was seventy-five years of age. Previous to taking up his resi dence in Unlondale two years ago he was a resident of Poyntelle. Besides his wife he is survived by two sons, Charles H. Robert J. Kay, of East Orange, N. J.; two sis ters, Mrs. Samantha Slocum, of 'Port land, Ore., and Mrs. Lydla Dunn, of Montgomery, Pa. Tho funeral took place Monday morning. Death of Louis Hani. The remains of the late Louis Ham, who died last Wednesday morning in the hospital at Rltters vllle, iPn were brought to Hones dale Sunday morning. They were taken to Indian Orchard, where, that afternoon services .were held In Christ's church. Rev. D. S. McKel lar, of Hawley, officiated. Mr. Ham was 37 years of age. He is sur vived by two brothers and two sis ters, namely: Earl C, of Indian Or chard and Georgo H of the same place; Mrs. Ray Bailey, of Hones dale and Mrs. Chas. Budd, of Beachlake. Ho is also survived by his mother, Mrs. Isabell Ham, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Bailey, hero. Death of Michael Murran. Michael Murrin, an aged and re spected resident of Honesdale, died at his late homo in East Honesale, Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock, death being caused by a cancer growth. He was between 70 and 80 years of age. Mr. Murran was born in Sligo, Ireland, and came to this country at an early age locating In Beach lake. He remained in that place only a short time however, when to came to Honesdale and has made his home here ever since. He is sur vived by three sons and three daughters, namely, John C, of Scranton; Michael E., of Wllkes Barre; Georgo A., of Chicago; Mrs. T. D.McGra'.th, Honesdale; Jennie, at home. He is also survived by ten grandchildren. Tho funeral will be held In St. John's R. C. church Wednesday morning ai ten o'clock. Requiem high mass will be cele brated. Hessling & Son 'had charge of the remains. Dcnth of Mrs. William Utt. Eleanor A. Bennett, widow of Wil liam L. Utt, died at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. M. H. Harloe, at Uswlck, on Friday, Feb. 7, 1913. She was SS years old, having been born Jan. 23, 1825, at Purdyvllle, and' had lived in that vicinity during her entire life. Her parents, Rufus and Amanda Van LHet Bennett, were among the pioneer settlers in Wayne county. When only 14 years old, deceased joined the church and since that time, when strength permitted, she was an enthusiastic church worker. She was distinguished for her benevolence and generous hospi tality. She Is survived by one sis ter, Mrs. Ellen Utt, of Jermyn, Pa., a brother, Aretas Bennett, of Doug las, Mich., and by the following daughters: Mrs. C. E. Webster, of Sterling; Mrs. R. W. Murphy, of Hawley, and Mrs. F. E. Baisley of Scranton. Several grandchildren also survive. The funeral was held from her late home on Monday, the Rev. Mr. Treat officiating. Interment was made In Purdyvllle cemetery. Death of William Arthur. William H. Arthur, a well known and esteemed resident of Scranton, sis fisi hot Gk&Sg, mssde wiih ROYAL Bkmg Poweles and Balance Monthly BUYS TWO TENEMENT HOUSES At the base of Irving Cliff, on River street. This Property is a 10 per cent Investment ee BUY-U-A-HOME Realty Co. Jadwin Building, died at his home, No. 42 Blrkett street, at 5:30 o'clock Friday even ing following a long illness. He had been In the employ of the Delaware and Hudson company for the past twenty-eight years. Mr. Brthur was born In Bethany, Wayno county, April 30, 1854, and had been a resident of Scranton for the past thirty years. He was a mem ber of the First Methodist church and also of the Carpenters' and Joiners' local, which organization will attend tho funeral in a body. Besides his wife ho Is survived by three daughters, Mrs. A. H. Lampe, Mrs. W. E. Grltman and Mrs. V. R. Crandall, all of Blrkett street, that city, and two grandchildren, Arthur Grltman and Marion Crandall, also the 'following brothers and sisters, James Arthur, of Forest City; John and Daniel, of Bethany; George, of Vandllng; Mrs. Frank Toms, of Equi nunk; Mrs. John K, Bodie, of Cher ry Ridge and Mrs. L. C. Rowley, ot Wayne street, Scranton. Death of Frcrt Gaylord. The death of Frederick Gaylord occurred Friday afternoon at his home on the old Lackawaxen turn pike near Aldenvllle. He was about 70 years of age and was born near where he died, having lived all his life in Wayne county. He was well known throughout the county, hav ing been in former years a runner on the old Pennsylvania Coal Com pany's coal train which ran between Dunmore and Hawley. He is survived by one son and .one daughter, G. G. Gaylord, of Alden vllle, and Mrs. Remsen, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; also by threo brothers, W. A. Gaylord, Honesdale; R. M. Gaylord, Prompton; Louis Gaylord, of Cort land, N. Y.; one sister, Mrs. Ella E. Curtis, Honesdale. The funeral services were held Monday afternoon, Feb. 17, at half past one o'clock In the Aldenvllle Baptist church, Rev. A. A. Knight officiating. The remains were laid to rest In Aldenvllle cemetery. MKS. FUTHDEWALD HEADS, "THE TERKIIJLE MEEK." A one-act play entitled "Tho Terriblo Meek," by Charles Rann Kennedy, was the subject of Mrs. Salo FMedewald's reading in the High school auditorium Saturday af ternoon. The usual large attend ance greeted Mrs. Friedowald at this reading which proved very Interest ing to all lovers of good literature present. Tho book has caused much comment and criticism owing to the fact that tho soldiers in the play are made by Mr. Kennedy, to use a cockney dialect throughout their parts, although they are supposed to be Roman soldiers. There are three characters in the play the Captain and a prlvato and Mary, Mother of Christ. Tho scene of the play Is laid just following the crucifixion of Christ and the first three acts are produced on a darkened stage. This is to portray the darkness which fol lowed the crucifixion. In the last act, however, the stage Is lightened, showing tho three figures on the crosses. The Captain is brought to a partial acknowledgement of the wrong he has committed. This Is by tho same author as "The Servant in the House." Tho next reading will be on "Marlowe," the author of which is Josephine 'Preston Peabody. Fred Chase, ex-county commis sioner of Wyoming county, is spend ing several days in Honesdale. Mr. Chase says that Honesdale is one of the most beautiful places he ever visited. SBsiiy ma(e. tho on Easy Payments Honesdale, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers