The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 18, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Declares Lack of Hard Food to Chew
Is Taking Away Molars.
A comparatively toothless race as a
result of modern conditions Is predict
ed by a London doctor in an Interview
printed recently. lie says: "Biting is
becoming a lost art. Tho surest way
to save your teeth from oxtlnctlon Is to
bite hard substances. Growing young
people of today should have a diet of
hard biscuits and chop bones.
"Our jaws are considerably narrow
er than those of our ancestors, and un
less some great changes are made in
our mode of life evolution will breed a
race of men who aro practically tooth
less. Wo have only to compare the
skull of an ancient Britisher with that
of a man of the present day to see the
great difference In tho slws of tho Jaw.
"The jaw of tho average twentieth
century young man Is narrow, some
times almost pointed, and more often
than not recedes from the perpendicu
lar face Hue. Instead of being even
iiml well spaced the teeth arc crowded
and Irregular. Some of the molars
have not even room to protrude above
tiie gums. Nature's attempt to crowd
Into a much smaller space tho same
number of teeth as were provided for
our ancestors is bound to bo a failure.
But nature never has a failure for
long, and the inevitable result is that
the surplus teeth will gradually disap
pear. "The reason why onr jaws aro get
ting smaller and less powerful is sir.i-
ply that we do not cxorclso them suf- 1
ficicntly. Wo do not use our teeth to 1
crunch bones and other hard foods
lIUo tho early Britishers.
"Personally I think that it will b a 1
good thing for everybody's comfort
when the process of evolution has dl-
mlnlshed the number of our teeth.
Wisdom teeth are cut at all manner of
times nowadays owing to tho general 1
narrowness of the jaw. A man of '
fifty-two told me a few days ago that
be had just cut a wisdom tooth which,
owing to the removal of other molars,
bad at last been ablo to show itself
above the gum."
Man Is Oddly Summoned After Burg- j
lar's Call at Home. i
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Browers left
their homo at Fanny Bridge, N. J re
cently and went to Boonton, a mllo
and a half away, to see a moving pic
ture show. Soon after they had taken
their seats these words were flashed
on tho screen:
"Norman Browers wanted at home
at once." !
Hurrying to their home they learned
that Alma Ilanna, the sixteen-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Browers, had been j
attacked by a robber, who knocked
her insensible and iuado off with some 1
Jewelry and ?i"0 In cash. I
Alma was found by her grandfather,
John Vandorhoof, who telephoned to
the moving picture theater asking that
his son-in-law and daughter be re
quested to return horn. Tbo girl was
not badly injured.
Three Men Convicted of Mail Fraud
See Wealth In Wireless Invention,
Happy in the belief that before their
time is served they will be wealthy,
Archie Frederick Connors, Cameron
Specr and Charlio Vaughan, who were
sentenced to the federal prison on tho
charge of misusing the malls after a
trial in New York, recently began Hfo
In the Atlanta federal prison.
Archie Connors is the inventor of the
wireless telephone, which, he says, will
be a great boon 1o mankind and one
which will bring fortune to him and to
the two men who backed him in his
Connors brought with him a big sup
ply of techuical books and asked that
he bo allowed to study them while in
Bananas Via Parcel Post.
A branch of n banana stalk contain
ing a bunch of small bananas, sent by
parcel post from Florida, has been re
ceived by Adolf Buchmuller of 27 FIsk
avenue, Wlnfleld, N. Y. People In Win
field are now thinking about ordering
their fruit and vegetables shipped di
rect from tho south by parcel post.
Professor J. Jefferson lttch
ards of Boston says that If the
human race wishes to gain health
shoes must be discarded and a
return made to barefoot days.
"Do away with shoes and all
other kinds of coverings for the
feet," says Professor Richards,
"In rain or shine, winter and
summer, no matter If the streets
are sheets of lco or deep In
snow, or are fiery hot from tho
sun's burning rays. Wear noth
ing on your feet, except, perhaps,
"When wo realize the thou
sands who are suffering from
fallen arches, calloused feet and
other pedal ailments we stop to
consider what caused the trou
ble. It was never Intended that
n well developed foot should bo
pinched, distorted and punished
by being shut up In pieces of
sewed leather, where the skin
necessarily must bo chafed and
Chief of Gounani Free State
In London Forming Big
Piracy Plot,
UCCANEEfUNG with battle
ships is the latest form of pira
cy projected, so It is said by a
group of revolutionists In tho
heart of London. They propose to
equip an expedition that shall reach
Its goal upon armored ships and to
turn u treasure land, but little known
to the world, Into a nationality of pow
er and promise. This, according to the
London viewpoint, Is piracy up to date.
The at the head of the enter
prise Is a Frenchman by birth, of tho
name of Adolpho Brezet, and his center
of activity has been in tho British cap
ital for a number of years. As chief
of tho government of the Counanl Free
Slate lie has been giving worry to Bra
zil. Every once in a while tie diplo
matic agents of Brazil become espe
cially anxious and make things un
pleasant for tho chief of the Counanlan
government by highly colored public
ity. This action is usunlly simultane
ous with a report that Brazil is about
to sell some of her battleships built or
building. It is a sort of feeler to make
more or less sure (lint she can part
without risk with a portion of her
navy. It was reported recently that
Russia wanted to buy the Brazilian
Dreadnought Itlo Janeiro, which is be
ing completed In England, and tills
probably explains the lntest news
anent the Counani movement.
The details of the latest proposed ex
pedition have it that Brezet has won to
his cause the support of naval and mil
itary men of tho British service and
that ho has also prospectively recruit
ed for service a goodly force of non
commissioned officers among the ex
seamen of other European fleets, espe
cially that of France. With this per
sonnel and a few second rate warships
a base is to bo established at the
mouth of the Amazon river, where
strategically it will be easiest to hold
tho approaches against a show of force
on the part of the Brazilian navy. It
is said that the Counanlans count upon
the spirit of unrest In the Brazilian
fleet and on the rumors often repented
that the offlcors and crews of the Bra
zilian battleships are quite lncapoblo
of taking their present Dreadnoughts
safely out to sea or of fighting these
Baron Calls Himself John Orth.
Efforts have been made to enlist
American capital and the moral sup
port of tho United States In behalf of
this contested region on the north
bank of the Amazon. About three
years ngo a special deputation or com
mission was sent here from London by
Brezet, but tho efforts of the commis
sioners were without results because
of dissension among themselves. The
head of the deputation was ill disposed i
to seek counsel and utterly opposed to
being led. This forceful individual
called himself Baron de Ott, and be
hind this Incognito he privately pro
claimed himself to be no less a per
sonage than the long missing John
Orth, once an Austrian archduke. The
story of John Orth's lowly marriage
In the face of tho anger of the Em
peror Franz Josef, his sailing away
to South America and the reported
wrecking of his ship with the loss of
all on board has been public property
for years, but In spite of this there has
persisted a belief that John Orth did
not die.
Baron de Ott appeared In London In
1010 and lost no time In Ingratiating
himself with Brezet. He gave out the
Impression that he hnd very strong of
ficial and social identifications in the
United States and finally asserted that
he had been a guest of Admiral Schley
upon the Brooklyn at the battle of
Upon arriving in New York tho baron
and his wife and suit established
themselves at a hotel, and there he
maintained all formalities of his pro
fessed position. He dressed in military
garb and displayed his various decora
tions. He sought the financial support
of a prosperous follower of Tammany
Hall. Somehow despite bis dollars
this American did not quite measure
up to the diplomatic exigencies of the
baron's mission, and after a couple of
months of fruitless efforts to win fa
vor In other directions tho baron pack
ed away his royal stage properties and
returned to London disgusted.
Imposture Is Disclosed.
Before tho baron's departure for the
English capital It was discovered that
ho had not been with Admiral Schley
at Santiago, in fact had not seen Ad
miral Schley since 1000 at Buenos
Aires. This little historical slip-up
somehow discredited the other stories
which the baron had told the chief of
the Counanlan government. As a result
I o was left to seek tho employment of
lis talents elsewhere.
The nationalizing and the develop
ment of Counanl Is not a mere filibus
tering project, as it has so often been
made to appear, but Instead a serious
determination on tho part of Its people
to exploit its natural resources and to
gain for themselves the position in the
eyes of the world to which they think
they aro fully entitled. The govern
ment organized by tho Counanlans has
been In force among themselves for
Would Establish New Nation
of Power In Treasure
Land of Amazon.
For Sale
Large Dairy and Hay
neveral decades, and It has persistently
prevailed against the various efforts of
Brazil to establish dominance within
the boundaries of tills little known ter
ritory north of the Amazon river. The
purpose of Brezet is to strengthen the
hold of the Counanlans by enlisting
foreign capital for commercial and ad
ministrative developments and not by
force of arms to occupy a region within
which another power is in controA"
The ambitions of the Counanlans are
described in a diplomatic paper called
red book No. 8, of which a copy is on
file In the department of state nt
Washington, and there Is much In that
little pamphlet to appeal to Americans.
Tho territory within tho contested re
gion of Counanl Involves a total area
of half a million square miles.
Eegion Known as El Dorado.
Legends have it thnt CounonI is the
ancient region known to tho people of
Europe as EI Dorado. Tho monks who
originally entered the region created
extensive agricultural centers up to
tho time of their expulsion and set the
natives to cultivating cacao, coffee, etc.
Tho territory has been claimed by both
France and Brazil, but has really nev
er been occupied or actually governed
by either of these claimants. It was
because of this unsettled condition that
the- nntlve Counanlans In 1874 pro
claimed their Independence and estab
lished a government of their own. The
first president, M. Clinton, was elected
by the people, ne drafted for them a
constitution which bears his name. M.
Chaton died in 1SS0. Taul Cartler
succeeded to the presidency.
In 18S5 a commission was dispatched
to Cayenne. This deputation was com
posed of Counanl leaders and was of
ficially received and entertained by the
governor of French Guiana. M. Car
tier was succeeded in 1880 by Jules
Gros, nnd under this executive the
primitive constitution of the country
was modified. During this time nei
ther the Counanlan declaration of In
dependence nor the internal acta of au
thority were in any way questioned
by the rival claimants. The Counanl
nns accepted tills silence as a recogni
tion of their rights.
Jules Gros died In 1801, and the elec
tion which followed in 1802' resulted In
Adolphe Brezet's being raised to the
presidency. M. Brezet had lived In
the Amazon district since 1870 and hiM
won the confidence of the Indian popu
lation. In 1804 M. Brezet resigned of
fice. His successor remained nt the
head of affairs for only a year. The
grand council did not appoint another
president, hut conferred virtually those
powers upon tho ranking officer of the
council, M. Frankcn.
"Mapa Incident."
This brings us down to the "Mapa
Incident" of May 15, 1805, due to the
discovery of the rich deposits of gold
and precious stones. As a consequence
of this conflict between the French and
the Brazilians, the claimants decided
to leave to arbitration the question of
their rights. Accordingly, the protocol
of April 10, 1807, wns signed, and this
later gave birth to the decree known
uner the name of the Bern arbitra
tion. In this adjustment of the ter
ritory of Counanl, the Counanlans were
not invited to participate, and they
therefore declined to be influenced by
the decree or to recognize any impair
ment of their independence and sov
ereignty over the land.
A general election was ordered in
Counanl in January, 1001, Just one
month after the decree of Bern, and on
Feb. 1, 1001, Brezet was re-elected chief
of the government of tho free state.
Agreeably to accepted custom, he
adopted an Indian name and Is there
known as Uayana Assu.
Without going into the particulars of
the subsequent history of Counanl it is
enough to say that tho various armed
expeditions havo been successfully re
pelled by tho natives of the free state,
and their government of themselves for
thirty-six years has been In full force
and effective. The Brazilians baTe
claimed dominance by occupancy of
tho territory of Arlcnry, but the Counn
nlnns declare that these officials have
exercised no real authority and have
therefore been without force or effect
in adding value to the Brazilian claim
of control. In opposition to this the
Counanlans affirm tho existence of a
national government, regularly estab
lished, which has been able to prevent
all efforts of Brazil toward occupancy
of the land.
I Forests Very Valuable.
The forest lands of Counanl aro very
rich in rubber trees, ebony and mahog
any, and the soil responds profusely to
cultivation. The lower part of the
Free State is said to be substantially
line immense alluvial deposit of gold,
silver, copper, nickel, chrome, iron and
coal abound. A large variety of pro
clous stones, such as diamonds, rubles,
emeralds, etc., have been found.
The region Is covered by a network
of waterways, and a great many of
theso aro extensively navigable. OS
tho mouth of the Amazon there is a
large bank and there, In the warm wa
ters of the Atlantic immense quanti
ties of tropical c?d abound.
Tho Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Com
pany has Just listed ono of the finest
and best-known farms In Wayne
county. It is Kwatwl in the heart of
the summer boarding business, In
Wayne's highlands. The property
consists of 325 acres and Is well
watered both by creeks and springs.
A most beautiful natural lake, con
sisting of 15 acres, is one of tho at
tractive sheets of water in Preston
township. Ideal for tho location of
summer cottages. The farm Is 2
miles from the Lakewood station on
the Ontario & Western railroad,
three miles from Poyntelle on the
same road and two miles from Como.
Of the 325 acres 275 are under good
state of cultivation, consisting of
meadows, plow ground and well-watered
pasture fields. The balance are
in maple, beech and birch timber.
This farm Is especially adapted to
raising hay and for dairying.
There are four dwellings and cot
tages upon the premises. Dwelling
No. 1 will accommodate from 40 to
50 guests. Near this house Is a never-falling
spring for domestic use.
The second cottage contains nine
rooms. Good water. Small barn
near house. Homo No. 3 is a very
good 6even-room cottage furnished
with water by ono of the best
springs In Wayne county. Cottage
No. 4 Is near beautiful natural
spring lake, which consists of about
15 acres. The above mentioned
places are located in an ideal sum
mer boarding district visited every
year by boarders from Philadelphia,
New York, Scr.anton and other cities.
Other cottages could be built on the
border of this lake.
Situated upon the premises Is a
laundry, coal and wood house com
bined, size 20xC0' feet. The second
floor is equipped for holding enter
tainments, etc.
The barns are as follows: Horse
barn 2Gx5G feet, with running water;
hay barn 2Gx3G, with two cow sheds
attached 20x50 feet. Ono building
with scales and wagon house with
underground stable for cows. One
good blacksmith and carriage shop,
with second story for storage.
Chicken houses, capacity for 200.
Barn No. 4 situated near House No.
3, size 30x40 feet, two sheds for cat
tle, with good spring water. Two
other hay barns, size 2Gx36 feet, and
18x20 feet.
There are three apple orchards on
the farm and a small fruit orchard.
The property will be sold for a
reasonable consideration and upon
easy terms.
Uuy-TJ-A-nomo Realty Co.,
Ro.v 52.
Jndwin Buildlnc, Honcsdale, Pn.
"New Way" Air-Cooled Gasoline
No Water to freeze. No pipes to burst.
No weather too cold.
No weather too hot.
Less Gasoline. More Power.
Have you seen our Reo delivery truck?
It's a dandy. Better look it over.
No better enrs mndo for anywhere near tho price. Plnco your
ordr right now.
Better times coming; help It along.
For sale nt bargain prices: Auto Car Runabout, Liberty Brush
Runabout and Maxwell Runabout.
Get in the swim and own a car.
E. W. Garninell
Saratoga Springs
s' excursion
Tho Largest Mngazino in tho World.
To-day's Magazine Is tho largest
and best edited magazine published
at 50c per year. Five cents per copy
at all newsdealers. Every lady who
appreciates a good magazine should
send for a free sample copy and
premium catalog. Address, Today's
Magazine, Canton, Ohio. 14tf.
laturday, August 2, 191
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.
Advertise in THE CITIZEN
Statement of
November 2, 1912.
Cash $ 90,934.00
Reserve Agents (approved by U. S. Government)
Bonds (Railroad, Government, etc.).
Demand Collateral Loans
Total quick assets.
Bills discounted
Total .....
$ 1,833,297.64
$ 1,485,000.00
We lead in cash on hand.
We lead in reserve.
We lead in ratio of quick assets to quick liabilities.
We lead in capitalization security to depositors.
We lead in EXPERIENCE.
For over threo quarters of a century wo havo been recognized as ono
of tho solid banks of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and to-day havo un
excelled facilities for handling all kinds of legitimate banking.
Wo invito you to become one of tho many contented patrons of
Honesdale, Pa.
Henry Z. Russell, President.
Andrew Thompson, Vice-President.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Albert C. Lindsay, Asst. Caahltr.
Henry Z. Russell, Homer Greene,
Horftte T. llenner, James C. Blrdsall,
Louli J. Dorfllnger, B. B. Hardenbereh,
Andrew Thompson, Philip R. Murray.
v.lJJw4-4,--I.' 4 J--I 4 4 ! jw.j-4-4 J"4WI' -44-4-4I,-4-I4-Hhl