. h ;, 1 f o Help us Reach the 0,(- Mark In Circulation Always ii innnd Subscribe To-day. ' t Newspaper Advertising Pays -Let tho columns of tills paper bo your salesman. 71th YEAR. --NO. 15 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1913. PRICE 2 04 ITS 1 y, , rntTT? Ci T HP T T71 "TVT STRIKE REMAINS DEADLOCKED Jtailrouds and Firemen Not Able to Agree Judge Knapp's I'eaco Mission. New York, Fob. 17. A deadlock con tinues between the representatives of tho fifty-four eastern railroads and Uio committee of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Firemen nnd Engiuemen over the question of a strike. Action by either side, It Is understood, will be deferred until the arrival In this city of Judge Martin A. Knapp of the Unit ed States court, who has been acting us a mediator. Judge Knapp made u hurried trip to Washington. Much significance is attached to It. There is nn impression that Judge Knapp may have a new solution to propose for the ending of the differ ences when he returns. When he left for the capital Judge Knapp said he was leaving to attend to Important matters pending before the court The railroad officials and the men believe he was In consultation with some of the Washington otllclals on the im pending strike situation. Differ on Arbitration. The committee of the union, which represents 38.000 men, and the olii cials of the roads are willing to arbi trate, but each Insists on a different method. The committee wishes tc ar bitrate under the Erdman act which calls for, a board of three members, while' tho railroads are Insistent that six men be appointed to hear the grievances. W. S. Carter, the president of the brotherhood, said In his headquarters at tho Broadwny Central hotel that the men do not wish to strike, but that It looks as If he railroads want one. He declared further thut It looks as though they are going to get one un less they back down on the arbitra tion question. The men oppose the arbitration committee of six proposal because they do not believe It will bo a fair arrangement for them. There Is so much nt stake both for the men aud the railroads and also for tho public that on both sides It was admitted that the feeling prevails that some sort of a compromise will be reached that will eliminate the danger of a strike. A cessation of work by the firemen would virtually paralyze the business of this country tills side of the Missis sippi and seriously affect that on tho other side. It would result In tho greatest industrial tie-up in the his tory of the United States. BOY, FIFTEEN, SHOOTS .FATHER Jersey Youth Stole Parent's Horse and Escaped. Red Bank, N. J., Feb. 17. John Grey, forty-five years old, a farmer of Holm- del, was shot and is in n serious con dition nt his home. County Detective MInugh Is searching for Grey's son. Clamlo. Dfteen years old. The boy Is said to have gone away from homt some days ago without telling whore he was going, ne re turned, and his father struck him in the face. The boy then drew a re volver, members of the family say, nnd fired three shots. One of these hit the father In the face, making a seri ous wound, while another lodged in bis hip. ENDS LIFE WITH RAZOR. Edwin H. Clark of Philadelphia Found Dead In Home. Philadelphia. Feb. 17. Dr. Edwin H. Clark, a chemist and manufacturer, was found dead at his homo with his throat gashed nnd a razor In his hand. Mrs. Clark 1 ad been absent from tho city for several days, and when Dr. Clark met her at Broad street station he seemed cheerfu'. Besides being Interested In politics and tho board of education Dr. Clark was the manuincturer of a proprietary medicine. CHEAPER EGGS FOR EASTER. Hens Laying Daily and Chicago Own ers of Storage Stocks Los;. Chicago, rob. 17. Cheap eggs nre In prospect for Lent and Easter, nens are laying every day in tho west nnd southwest, nnd commission men nre having dlfllci.lty In finding space in which to store consignments. Prices have been breaking a little every dny. There Is also n largo stock of cold storage eggs left over. Storage eggs which cost 23 cents are offered now at 10 cents. S. Weir Mitchell Is Eighty-four. Philadelphia, Feb. 17.-Dr. S. AVeir Mitchell, neurologist and nuthor of many works of science, celebrated his olghty-fourth birthday at his home here. He said ho was In splendid health. He still practices medicine is well ns literary nnd scientific work. Amateur Aviator Killed. Leipzig, Feb. 17, A telegraph opera tor of the name of Lenk while at tempting a volplnne from n height of 2,500 feet was Instantly killed when Us aeroplane Btruck tho ground. FORMER HONESDATjEAN BUYS ICE FOND. F. J. Herbst, the druggist, of Mll iord. fearful lest the supply1 here would not be sufficient, bought the ice on the pond on the farm of L. Harvey Myer In Milford township and has begun filling his large Ice bouse from that place. The ice is about 7 or 8 inches thick. LAKEAVOOD boasts of HAVING OLDEST RESIDENT. In Wayne County Mrs. Ursula Loomls Monroe Will bo 01) Years Old on July 27th Next. Lakewood boasts of being the home of Wayne county's oldest resi dent, Mrs. Ursula Loomls Monroe, who, If she lives until July 27th' next, will celebrate her ninety-ninth ' George Hayward, of West Side ave blrthday. In a picture which was nue, from Honesdale, on Thursday published In tho Scranton Tribune- Republican this morning, Mrs. Mon too was shown with her daughter, granddaughter and great-granddaughter, four generations. Mrs. Ursula Loomls Monroe was born In Tarrlngton, Litchfield coun ty, Conn., July 27, 1814. In the Spring of 1817 she removed to Penn sylvania with her parents, Aaron and Sophia Loomls. They settled In the southern part of Alt. 'Pleasant town ship, Wayne county, which was a wilderness of that time. In Septem ber, 1832, she married Nathan A. Monroe, also of Mt. 'Pleasant, and they settled In Preston township, where they spent their married life and reared seven children. In April 1888, her husband died and since then she has lived with her children, only two of whom are living at the present time, viz, Mrs. A. M. West gate and Miss Sabra A. Monroe, of Lakewood. She has several great- great grandchildren and It has been her privilege to hold one of them in her arms. She has been confined to her bed since January 29 of an acute attack of rheumatism. However, she still enjoys all the comforts and conven iences of life, including the dally papers and magazines. GETTYSBURG PROGRAM WAS WELL ATTENDED Given by Monitors of Junior Class of High School Fridny Evening Excellent Program. The junior class of the Honesdale High school gave an entertaining Gettysburg program In the auditor ium Friday evening, Feb. 14. The exercises were well attended. The. program was as follows: Orchestra. We're Tenting Tonight . . . Chorus Piano Solo .... Chopin Polllnalse Elsa Jacob. America High School Essay "Preliminary Events" Kathryn Penwarden Essay "Robert E. Leo" Maude Dalley. Essay "Lee's Invasion of Pennsyl vania Anna MacDonald Essay "The Day of Battle at Gettysburg" Louise Bishop Essay. ."Second Day's Engagement" Loretta Theobald Oration "Third Day's Battle" Frances Igo. Oration... "Results of the Battle" Forrest Blockberger Recitation. "Lincoln at Gettysburg" Helen Bayly. Essay "The Soldiers' National Monument" Lactea Hawken Recitation "Dedication Ode for Gettysburg National Cemetery" Isabel RIckert. HYMENEAL. Miss Ada Violet Hopkins daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Hopkins, of Aldenville, and Osborn E. Snedeker, of Clinton township, were united In marriage at 8:30 o'clock Thursday evening by the Rev. Mr. Knight, pastor of the Al denville Baptist church. The mar rlage was a quiet one and tho couplo were unattended. A wedding supper followed the ceremony. Frl day morning Mr. and Mrs. Snedeker left for a trip through New York state and Michigan. The couple are among Wayne county s most proml nent and popular young people. A wide circle of friends will extend congratulations and best wishes for their future happiness. The bride Is a charming and accomplished young lady. She Is a graduate of the Kutztown State Normal school. Fol lowing her graduation she taught a year In tho Atlantic City schools. She was then principal of the Alden ville High school for a year, and at tho Tequest of the Atlantic City school authorities returned there to teach the past two years. Mr, Snedeker, who is a former Forest City boy is interested with his fatk er in agricultural and lumbering pursuits. He is a clear headed and nrocresslve young business man I Upon returning from their wedding I journey the couple will reside with , Mr. Snedeker's parents In Forest City. Miss Margaret Roberts, one of the best known and popular young lw dies of West Scranton, was married Thursday evening at the homo o her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mar- chant, of 1920 Washburn street, to Allen Brooks, of Gravity, Wayne county. Rev. David Jones, pastor of the first Welsh Congregational church, officiated. 1 ..IIV'0''"', "X" ' . The ceremony was performed in , tf" 7 YernsTnd cut Hewers, , Mlsa ipi0ronce Taylor was the brides- maid and Carl Schaeffer was the best man. Tho bridal party march ed Into tho parlor and took their .places In front of a bank of foliage and flowers as Miss Hazel Ferrel, organist of the Plymuth Congrega tional church, played the wedding march from Lohengrin. The bride 'was attired in a gown of white satin with pearl trimmings and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. Her travollng suit was dark; green broadcloth. The maid was attired in applique satin trimmed with ocru lace. The young people wero tendered congratulations by all present, after which a wedding sup per was served by Caterer Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks left Saturday for New York and other places of Interest after which they will re side in Gravity. "GOOD-BYE MOTHER, GOING AWAY." Note Left by George Hnyward to Broken Hearted Mother Went Away Without Giving Any Kcason. The sudden disappearance of last, has caused great anxiety on the part of his mother, who Is almost frantic with grief. His many friends have also become alarmed by his Btrange action. "Good-bye mother, I'm going away," was written on a piece of paper and placed where his mother kept her money, realizing perhaps that she would surely find It In that receptacle. This was Mrs. Hayward's first Intimation of his action. George purchased a one-trip tick et to New York last Thursday af ternoon and went as far as Lacka waxen with Conductor Charles Lord. Mr. Lord says ho did not notice whether young Hayward stayed at Lackawaxen, went to New York or took a Western train. 'Before leaving .he withdrew his earnings from the bank with the ex ception of a few dollars. He has been In tho employ of Blrdsall Bros., Seelyvllle, which company held him In highest esteem. His going away is one of the' greatest mysteries on local record and there Is not the slightest reason why George should leave homo. He had all there was to live for. A Christian mother and pleasant home, ideal young men and women as com panions and a bright future as ap parently before him. Notwithstand ing his sudden disappearance and brief message to his heart-broken mother she still keeps the latch- string open and hopes against hope that her son will return to her. It is indeed a lamentable case and one in which the mother is deserving of the sympathy of the entire commun ity. She is now left alone. During the past few weeks George has been the subject of melancholia for some reasons and this may account for his actions. He has al ways been active In church work and Is the last one that It would be sus pected of for doing such a thing. His friends are doing their best to locate him and endeavor if possi ble to get him to return to his en dearing mother who anxiously awaits his return. HON. W. T. GREASY ACCEPTS INVITATION Pomona Grange to bo Honored by A'isit of Master Granger Feb. 25. The grangers of Wayne county will be elated to learn that Hon. AV, T. Creasy, ma'ste'r granger of thfT State of Pennsylvania, will address the Pomona at Odd Fellows' hall on Tuesday evening, February 25th, during which time a corn and apple display w'lll be made by the grang ers. The 'meeting will not be for the public, which is regretted by many who would like to hear Hon. Mr. Creasy. It Is hoped, however, that tho grangers will be largely represented and listen to the feast that tho master granger will bring to them. ASYLU.AI PROBE REFERRED. Fight in House Results In Action on Kitlersvillc. Harrlsburg, Feb. 18. The House sent tho Bleloch resolution to in vestigate the Rittersville State Hos pital for the Insane to the Judiciary General Committee after half an hour's debate between Messrs. Mil ler, Lehigh; North, Jefferson, and Baldwin, Delaware, and Mr. Bleloch. The vote was ordered on a call of the previous question, and carried by 99 to 31. AVhen the Rittersville resolution had been referred Mr. Bleloch rose to a question of personal privilege, declaring that he had not been cor rectly referred to by Mr. North. The Philadelphlan then presented a reso lution that every standing committee should be required to give the in troducer of a bill notice of time of consideration of the measures. It was laid over for a day. APPLE BLOSSOMS IN JANUARY. A gentleman named Harrison, who lives In the house owned by Dr. Stearns on River street, plucked a sprig of blossoms from a sweet ap pie tree on the premises Jan. 31st. Unadllla Times. This Contesi is Positively FREE NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO GUESS Owing to this misunderstanding contest will be extended one more week. ROWLAND Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale $1,000,000 INDUSTRY WANTS TO LOCATE HERE Typewriter Company With Largo Capitalization nnd Employing From OOO to 1,000 Men Seeks New Home. The secretary of the Greater' Honesdale Board of Trade is In re ceipt of a communication relative to thn pstnhltshmpnt nf si lnrcA Inriun- try in Honesdale. The company is J capitalized at ?1, 000,000 and should they decide to come to Honesdale they will erect buildings which will give employment to from GOO to 1,000 skilled workmen. The pro posed Industry is a typewriter con cern and it is claimed to be one of tho best In the country. jX.he 'matter has been taken up by tne Greater Honesdale Board of Trade and the secretary has been In structed to communicate with the parties Interested and give them all the Information necessary. Honesdale can offer as good in ducements as any town or city and It is earnestly hoped that our Board of Trade will be instrumental in landing this largo and Important Industry in this vicinity. FOUU GENERATIONS PRESENT AT PLEASANT SURPRISE. A pleasant surprise was tendered Mrs. Ann Qulnney at the home of her daughter, Mrs. AV. F. Pierce, Rldge street, on AVednesday, Febru ary 12th, to commemorate her 80th birthday. The following persons were present: Mrs. William Holland, Thomas Holland, wife and children, of Maple avenue, Mrs. J. Koehler and son Homer, AV. B. Roadknlght, wife and son Morris, of Honesdale, Mrs. W. A. Qulnney, Hawley; Mrs. AV. H. Bullock and son Bayltes of Dyberry. Four generations, Mrs. Ann Qulnney, her oldest daughter, Mrs. W. H. Holland, the latter's son, Thomas, and his two children, Loren and Mildred, were present and all sat down to a sumptuous dinner that was provided for tho happy occasion. A very enjoyable time was spent, all wishing that the sainted mother might live to see many more happy birthdays. THE AGED COUPLE AVERE CONTENTED. An aged couple alighted from a Utlca division train at Blnghamton Friday of last week and Officer Don ahue, who was standing near, no ticed them, and realizing, perhaps, that they were strangers in the city, he inquired of their destination. The man, who said he was over 80 years of age, Informed tho officer that he and his wife were on their way to Buffalo, and Officer Donahue escort ed tho couple to one of the day coaches of the 'west-bound train. " AVe want to go in the smoklng- .Acar," said the aged woman. air. Donahue looked up astonished, but helped them to the smoker. Once inside the smoking car, the woman reached into the black bag she car ried and produced a corncob pipe. The man pulled the same style of pipe from one of his pockets. The pipes were tilled and lighted ana both old folks were puffing away contentedly as the train started. BULL MOOSE AND TAFT ADHERENTS DROP FIGHT. With practically all of the differ ences adjusted at meetings of com mittees by the leaders of the so-called "progressive" and "regular" 'factions Michigan Republicans recently in state convention nominated candl dates for justices of the Supreme Court and imlnor offices to be filled at the spring election and adopted a platform that contained every plank of the "progressive" delegates had asreed to Insist upon. "Harmony" proved the keynote of the convention. Allen H. Frazer of Detroit, the temporary chairman, urged It and so did the permanent chairman, Senator Frank James of Hancock. "Get together and fight the Democrats" was the appeal both men made to tho convention in their keynote speeches. Both urged the adoption of a platform containing "progressive" legislation. During the last presidential campaign Fraz er supported Taft while James urged tho election of Roosevelt. For use in the erection of what will be the largest concrete bridge In the world, tons of cement are being rushed to Nicholson by the Lacka wanna Railroad company. Abut ments and false work are now being placed In position, and it is expected that a start will soon be made on the concrete work. FORMER AVAYNE COUNTY WOMAN DEAD. In tho death of Mrs. Anna Nash, which occurred suddenly at her homo, 421 South Ninth avenue, Scranton, Thursday morning at 1:30 o'clock, West Scranton lost one of Its best known and most highly es teemed women. Mrs. Nash was soventv-flve years of age and had been a resident of that city for over fifty years. She ., ,m piusie " to the thlry city in the common- wealth, and could relate many Inter estlng reminiscences of the early days of tho metropolis of tho an thracite coal fields. Born in Liverpool, England, she came to this country when four years of age with her parents, who settled in AVayne county. Two or 'threo years ago she suffered strokes or paraiysiss, from wnion sne appar- ( ently recovered with the exception , of the use of her right hand. She was about the house as usual on Wednesday and was apparently In good 'health when she retired. Shortly after 1 o'clock she was heard coughing, and a member of the family going to her bedside found that she was very 111. She passed peacefully away about fifteen minutes later. Surviving are the following sons and daughters: Miss Helen M. Nash, Scranton; Mrs. A. B. Mayo, Scran ton; Mrs. William Bahr, Scranton; Arthur R. 'Nash, Scranton; George E. Nash, Scranton; Herbert E. Nash, of Albany; Georgia and AV. L. Nash, Scranton. Funeral services were held at the residence Saturday even ing at 8 o'clock. On Sunday the body was taken via the Erie railroad to the deceased's former home at Salem Corners, Wayne county, where Interment will bo made. PIONEER OF WAYNE DIES IN SCRANTON Alpheus AA'oods Gates Passes Away, Aged Ninety-Two Years nnd Six Months. Alpheus AVoods Gates, father of Dr. L. M. Gates and Mrs. J. W. Browning, of Scranton, died at noon Friday following an illness of but a week s duration at the home of his daughter, 1704 Sanderson avenue. Had Mr. Gates lived until next Au gust he would have reached the age of ninety-three years, he having been born at Mt. Pleasant, AVayne county, Aug. 20, 1820. Mr. Gates came of New England stock, his parents having been among the pioneer settlers of Wayne county and the greater portion of his life was spent in Jackson, Pa., where he was imarrled to a daughter of Martin Hall, also a pioneer from England. Mrs. Gates lived to cele brate with him tho sixty-fourth an niversary of their marriage two years ago, dying a few months later in her eighty-eighth year. For for ty years Mr. and Mrs. Gates lived in Scott, AVayne county, developing a large farm and lumbering plant, later retiring to Thompson, where Mr. Thompson served as burgess and justice of the peace. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gates and the family circle was unbroken un til two years ago, when Mrs. Gates died. During his early years Mr. Gates was a school teacher and always took a deep 'Interest in education, contributing financially to colleges and serving, for a number of years as a trustee of Cayuga college. In religion he was a Baptist and for many years was a deacon of tho church. Politically he was a Whig, but upon tho birth of tho Republi can party he voted for Fremont In 185C and for every Republican can didate since then until last Fall, when his health would not permit him to attend the polls. He was a well Informed man and was a constant reader, spending all his time of late years since his ad vancing age made other occupation impossible for him in reading books, magazines and newspapers. Surviving him are two sons, Attor ney Q. A. Gates, of AVIlkes-Barre, and Dr. L. M. Gates, of Scranton, and one daughter, Mrs. J. A. Brown ing, also of Scranton. The funeral took placo Monday morning with services at Thompson at 11 o'clock. There was a brief service at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Brown ing, 1704 Sanderson avenue, Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock with Rev. A. K. Fuller, Dr-D., of the Green Rldge Baptist church in charge. THROWN INTO BARB WIRE FENCE Mrs. John Klein's Horso Ran A way Saturday and She AA'as Bndly Injured. AVhlle driving to Honesdale last Saturday morning, Mrs. John Klein, of Cherry Rldge, was thrown out of her wagon into a barb wire fence near tho Ezra Andrews place on tne Sandercock road. fii Mrs. Klein's faco was badly scratched by coming In contact with the sharp pointed prongs on the wire. Her shoulder was also Injur ed. Mrs. Klein Is nicely recovering from the accident. The wagon was demolished and the horso continued Its mad dash until it reached Honesdale, where Leo Compton caught the runaway steed and 'placed It In a barn. SONN BRUNE NUPTIALS. Ralim AVilllam Sonn of Seely vllle. and Evelyn Rebecca Brune, of I Honesdale, wero married on Satur day morning at 8 o clock by Rev, C. C. Miller In the parsonage of St John's Lutheran church. The groom Is emDloyed in T. B. Clark's glass cutting shop. The couple are well known In Honesdale and vicinity. JAMES SKELLY DIES I DDENLY -v. Dropped Dead on Walk on AA'oy to Church Fridny Evening Apo plexy tho Caus6. James Skelly, of East Honesdale, and well known throughout tho bor ough, died suddenly Friday evening Hls aeath Was caused either by apo pieXy or from tho bursting of a blood vessel. He was forty-three years of age, and was a glass blower ,by trade. ,Mr. Skelly lived with his mother Mrs. Edward Skelly, In East Hones dalo and up to tho time of his de mise was apparently in the best of health. Ho came homo from work, members of the family state, about 4:30 and was In the best of spirits. He partook of the evening .meal at six o'clock and about five minutes to seven he left his home intending to go tho the evening services being held In St. John's R. C. church. Soon after he left home, his sister left for church. Skelly had not been gone over five minutes when he dropped dead on the walk in front or near the home of Mrs. Anna Kuhns. It was tshe who discovered the body and with assistance carried it Into her home. She summoned Dr. Griffin, .who pro nounced the man dead. Tho cause he stated was apoplexy. James Skelly was born In East Honesdale and lived his entlro life in that vicinity. He is survived by his 'mother, Mrs. Edward Skelly, of East Honesdale, and three sisters and four brothers, namely, Patrick H. Skelly, of East Honesdale; E. T. Skelly, of AVhite Mills; John Skelly of AVhite Mills; Francis, employed by International Fruit Co., of Phil adelphia; Mrs. Jos. McKane, of Cali fornia; Agnes and Mary, at home. The funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock, from St. John's R. C. church, Rev. Father John O'Toolo will officiate. Re quiem high mass will be celebrated. Interment will take place In St. John's cemetery. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS Are You More Observing Concerning Buildings Than Human Beings? Now For Two More. How are you at guessing buildings Instead of persons? There is a con siderable difference but structures that you pass every day ought not to be as hard to guess. No. 1 presented by Miss Crescentia O'Connell was an excellent descriptive sketch of the court house. Did you guess that right? No. 2 by Miss Jeanette Pohle, "A Honesdale 'Building," was the Union station. Did you guess aright? AVe are giving you two more to-day. Read them carefully. A Building in Honcsdnlo By Frances Caufield. Situated close to the side walk on Honesdale's most important street is a large red brick structure which faces, the rising sun. It Is extensive ly ornamented on the front with stone which forms an arched door way. The upper part of the build ing Is so Shaped that in the center is a small porch-like space across the front of which Is a stone railing. On one side is a large window, tho lower part of this being guarded on the Inside by iron grating. Looking toward tho lower side of tho build ing several oblong windows can bo seen. All these are entirely covered by an iron grating. Extensive im improvements have recently been made on the building for the conven ience of the public. The upper half Is used as a hall for one of the city's protectory Institutions. Very near this building Is situated one of Honesdale's largest manufacturing plants, as well as many other busi ness places. No. 3. A Houso in Town. By Jennie L. Barnes, About half way down one of our principal streets stands a large three-story brick house, painted stone gray, with a sloping, almost fiat roof, from which project four tall chimneys. In front of the .house Is a long porch, the roof of which is upheld by many curiously carved columns. The windows which look out upon this extend almost to the floor, and, like the other windows of the building, are protected by dark red blinds. Those of the third story, however, which is very low, are small and nearly round, and under tho eaves and In tho cornices of the house are the carved designs to match that on tho columns. At tho left of the building Is a porch similar to the one In front, but smaller. which overlooks a large, smooth lawn, in tho center of which a foun tain shoots up a silvery stream of water. Near this are several ever green trees which In tho winter brighten up the otherwise rather dull scenery. There is a secluded air to tho house, and Its apparent ace fills the imagination with strange stories of bygone days. No. 4. HIGHEST POINT IN AVEST VIR GINIA. West Virginia's highest mountain is located In Pendleton county and is known as Spruce Knob. Its alti tude, according to the United States Geological Sfirvey, Is 4,760 feet. The lowest point In the State is on Po tomac River 240 feet above sea level. Tho average elevation of the State Is about 1,500 feet. JOIN THE 100 CLUB. An effort is being made by Pastor Hlller of the Methodist church to bold a men's meeting next Sunday afternoon In the Methodist church. The Central Glee club will furnish special music. The meeting will I be held If the signatures of 100 men can be obtained.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers