The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 14, 1913, Image 1

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    Wo aro Equipped to Hnndlo All
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Bo Posted. , d Xlio Citizen
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Show Many Bn' as.
71th YEAR. --NO. 14
Dreadnoughts Ordered to Mexican
Coast Transports Heady What
Intervention Means.
City of Mexico, Feb. 13. Heedless of
the protests of diplomats representing
cations that have large colonics in the
city, the government troops and the re
bellious forces under General Felix
Diaz kept up their desperate battle for .
possession of the Mexican capital.
For hours the opposing artillery was
sweeping the streets In the center of
the city and smashing the principal j
buildings, which were occupied ns fort
resses. Although the casualties have been
fewer than on the other days of the
fighting, many noncombatants have i
been killed and wounded by shells and
The diplomats endeavored to get the
combatants to cease what was plainly
barbarous warfare, or at least to agree
on a neutral zone, in which foreigners
could be certain of their safety, but
their efforts were unavailing. The gov
ernment took the stand that the rebels
must surrender or they would be sub
dued without mercy.
President Madero said that he was
preparing to attack soon In strength
and with even heavier guns than had
been used heretofore nnd that the re
bellion would soon be ended. It is be
lieved that there will bo much blood
shed when this attack Is made.
Wilson Issues a Warning.
Ambassador Wilson said that for the
protection of Americaus and other for
eigners American marines would be
brought to the capital if the situation
did not soon improve, though he ex
plained that ho had not yet received In
structions to that effect from the gov
ernment nt Washington.
Fragments of a shell struck two
American women In a houso In the line
of Are. Mrs. II. W. Holmes was killed
and Mrs. Percy Griffiths is dying from
her injuries. The women had been pre
paring luncheon when the shell entered
the house. The Ited Cross took out Mrs.
Holmes' body and rescued Mrs. Grif
fiths. Foreigners are gathering in the vicin
ity of the legations nnd the American
embassy, particularly at the latter
place, where it Is believed that they
will be safe.
The streets generally were deserted.
All bars are closed. Business was nt a
Nothing was gained by either side in
the fighting, Iflit much damage was
done to buildings In the business dis
trict by the Are of artillery. The Mu
tual Life, cable and other structures in
which foreigners are interested suf
fered. Ambassador Wilson nnd Herr de
Hintz, the German minister, took the
lead lu the diplomatic negotiations and
tvere joined by the British and Span
ish ministers. They interviewed Presi
dent Madero and nrranged nn armis
tice until they could also consult Gen
eral Diaz. The state of the city was
shown by the fact that the man who
carried the message to General Dla
was fired on by government troops, al
though he was under the protection of
a white flag.
Refuse to Stop Fighting.
Neither of the chief men concerned
would agree to the proposals of the
diplomats. President Mudero endeav
ored to minimize the seriousness of the
situation. lie said that re-enforcements
had been delayed, but when
they came up he would be able to end
the rebellion quickly. He put the
blame on General Diaz for forcing the
fighting In the center of the city. Gen
iral Diaz, on the other hand, said that
ne was on the defensive and was com
pelled to return tEe' fire of"'fhe govern
ment artillery.
Many rumors about the plans of Pres
ident Madero nre about. One has It
that he will resign. Another is that he
is planning to remove the capital to
San Luis' PotosI In case he Is driven
from the National palace. The chiefs
of the government forces cannot be
seen except by diplomats nnd friends
with passes. It Is impossible to learn
the disposition of their troops because
any one on the streets is fired upon.
There nre reports that conditions in
the palace aro bad and that there have
been many desertions among the troops.
Re-enforcements for General Diaz un
der General do la O, a Zapatlst, have
arrived. They strengthened him, but
aggravated the situation, ns they nro
entirely without discipline.
The McCall Corporation has been
organized with a capital of $6,750,
000 to take over the business of the
McCall Company of New York City,
manufacturers of McCall's dress and
embroidery patterns and publishers
of McCall's Magazine and "McCall's
Quarterly Book of Fashion." Ed
ward A. Simmons, president and
owner of the Slmmons-Boardman
Publishing Company of New York
city, has been elected president of
the McCall Corporation.
Rev. Will H. Hlller, pastor of tho
Central Methodist Episcopal church
of this place received a telegram on
Thursday from Rev. A. B. Richard
eon, a former pastor ot this place,
stating that he would preach on
Thursday and Friday evenings of
next week, February 20 and 21.
Artillery battle being fought In
Moxlco City.
Belem prison thrown opon opd
criminals released.
British legation under heavy fire.
Six United States Dreadnoughts
ordered to Mexico's eastern coast
Ten thousand troops held In read
iness to embark If Intervention be
comes necessary.
Five thousand five hundred troops.
Including ,00 marines, equipped
for Vern Crur landing.
Fourteenth Infantry, guarding
Isthmus, ready to embark for Vera
American consulate at Mexico
City, riddled by bullets, Is aban
doned. Two American women hit by
shells. One Is dead, the other dy
Descriptions Fiiraishcd by Pupils in
English II in Honcsdnlo High
School Try nnd Guess Them.
Tho Citizen's popular guessing
contest of Honesdale's many promi
nent and well-known people has
branched out into another phase,
that of public buildings and descrip
tive scenery in and near Honesdale.
We reproduce two sketches Which
we ask for assistance in telling us
what they are. If you cannot guess
what they represent why we will
tell you.
A Descriptivo Sketch
By Crescentla O'Connell.
Facing the west is an imposing
two-story red brick building doco-
rated with white sandstone, and In
front the roof has sort of tower on
top of it. This building is quite a
distance from the street, surrounded
by a large lawn which Is very green
In the summer. The steps Which
approach the main entrance are of
sandstone to match the decorations
of the building, and the roof over
the landing Is supported by six large
pillars. The doors at tho entrance
are of oak, and are very large and
heavy. The two doors which are at
either side of the building are of oak
and the steps leading to the doors
are of sandstone like the main en
trance only there are no roofs cov
ering the landings at the side en
trances as there is in the main.
There are many large windows in
this building which are decorated at
the top with sandstone. During the
day this place is a scene of great
No. 1.
A Honesdale Building.
By Jeannette Pohle.
This building, situated on Main
street, facing the rising sun, with Its
height and width greatly dlspropor
tloned to Its extreme length, is con
structed of red brick. The roof,
which Is low and slanting, Is made
of slate. In the -front there are four
large-sized windows and a double
door which is very heavy. At one
side of this there is a smaller door
leading to another room. From the
main entrance a concrete walk with
gravel on either side, runs out as
far as the street. Surrounding this
structure is a board walk and on
both sides of it there is a large lawn
which is enclosed by an Iron chain.
A long, narrow conspicuous sign
which is blue with white letters in
scribed on it hangs over the main
door. During the day, and at even
ing also, thls-ls one of the busiest
places of the town.
iNo. 2.
Gum chewing, like munching pea
nuts at a circus, may be all right in
its place, but its place is not in Judge
Searle's court. The judge made this
plain yesterday when he whispered a
request to Sam Lebert, a constable,
to cease it, which Lebert did on the
Mr. Lebert went on the stand as a
witness in the Stark-Krause-Miller
conspiracy case, and, throwing one
leg across the other, sat back in the
witness chair to await the start of
his examination.
Assistant District Attorney T. A
Donohoe was to cross-examine him
Mr. Lebert, during the wait, kept the
crossed leg swinging limply, his jaws
wagging away at the luscious pepsin
flavored wax. Mr. Donohoe finally
asked a question which Mr. Lebert
ground into the gum as he answered
Leaning from the bench toward
the witness stand, Judge Searlo
quietly asked the constable to re
move the gum. This Mr. Lebert did
with a nod of acquiesence. Judge
Searle, Tuesday, also asked a witness
j to cease gum chewing, the two in
cidents coming so close togetnor mat
court attendants whispered among
themselves: "He won't stand for this
gum thing." Scranton Tribune-Republican.
The dally average amount of milk
furnished by the 45,000 farms en
gaged in supplying New York city
milk market is about u0 quarts each.
The 5,473 dairies that supply the
Philadelphia market do a little bet
, ter by contributing 70 quarts each.
But tho 42 farms that keep tho Mld
, dletown milk dealers busy beat the
record with a daily output of 190
quarts each.
Niagara Falls, N. Y., Feb. 13.
Owing to the formation of an ice
dam above Goat Island in tho Niag
ara River, the American falls were
practically dry yesterday. A tre
mendous Increase In the amount ot
water pouring over tho Canadian or
Horse Shoe Falls was noted. A
similar phenomenon occurred In
Wns First Dascninn for Archbald
Team Took Acid by Mistake
lieaves Wife and Nino Children.
John Gaughan, whom all baso ball
fans will remember as the big first
baseman for Honesdale's old rivals,
the Archbald team, drank a quantity
of carbolic acid on Sunday night,
mistaking it for medicine, and died
one half hour Inter
Gaughan, who had been treating
himself for a sickness, went to a cup
board about eleven o'clock Sunday
night, and after drinking the acid,
fell to the floor In his agony, where
he was found by ihls wife who heard
his groans but it was too late to help
He has been coming to Honesdale
with the Archbald base ball team for
the last ten or twelve years and was
always a credit to the game. He
leaves a wife and nine children.
A gang of men are engaged In the
work of installing an automatic elec
tric block signal system on the Dela
ware Division of the Erie Railroad.
A similar system is In successful op
eration on the Susquehanna Division.
Battery wells, made of concrete,
shaped like a bottle, 'largo enough
for two men to work In while install
ing the batteries, are placed in the
ground one mile apart. The men are
working toward Port Jervls from
Susquehanna, and are now some dis
tance east of Hancock. When com
pleted many of the towers along the
division will be abandoned.
OOO Men, Women and Children Pro
(Special to The Citizen.)
Mexico City, Thursday afternoon.
The largest battle fought In this
territory Is expected to take place In
a suburb near here this afternoon
between the Mexicans and revolu
tionists. Six hundred men, women
and children have been taken to the
American ambassador's headquarters
during this expected big battle.
By AV. II. Bullock, State Demonstra
tor nnd Orchard Inspector.
Those who have peach trees should
watch them carefully from now on.
Last winter they were badly frozen
and as a result we had no peaches
but this is not all, the trees have not
recovered the severe injury which
can bo readily seen at any time by
cutting a branch. You will see dark
streaks or rings in the wood which
is plain proof of the Injury received
by the hard freezing last winter.
Tils has weakened tho-'wood, causing
it to bo more .brittle an'd- should wo
be fortunate enough to have a good
crop of peaches the Coming season
there will be many broken branches
and' some trees unless the fruit Is
thinned. This should bo done In
every case where the trees are heav
ily loaded with fruit. Thin, say to
four or six inches. This will look
thin at thinning time but when the
fruit Is matured it will look very
different. Some pruning should be
done this spring but the grower
should be governed by the growth of
new wood the trees made last sum
mer. Practical fruit growers tell us
to cut back about one-third of last
season's growth but no hard and fast
rule can be laid down as conditions
from various causes alter Cases.
Last winter, for instance, was ex
ceedingly cold and nearly every fruit
bud on the peach trees in Wayne
and adjoining counties were killed.
Last spring would have been the
proper time to do very severe prun
ing of peach trees as there was no
fruit to lose, consequently one
could have cut back all or nearly so
of tho previous season's growth
which would have strengthened the
trees this year. In extreme cases If
the trees were high one could cut
back even much more severely which
in some cases would be a decided im
provement and benefit to the tree
and also to the grower.
Please bear In mind when prun
ing peach trees, cut back to an outer
branch, or In some cases It might be
necessary to cut to a bud. This rule
will generally apply to all fruit trees.
This will have a strong tendency to
spread your trees outward Instead of
allowing them to run up slender and
high in the air, which is so undesir
able to the modern fruit grower and
also inconvenient to spray and pick
the fruit.
Your Grandfather Walked
and In -his pocket was a big heavy
watch. Maybe you are wearing that
watch today for sentimental reasons.
Tho same sentiment doesn't lead you
to ohoose a flight of stairs in pre
ference to an elevator, does It?
Don't take the chance of losing a
valued heirloom. Put it where it
belongs In a safe place. Tho re
pair charges you will pay on it in thv
next few years will buy you a fine
modern watch now.
We Offer a Splendid Watch at $30 for Men.
Handsome filled gold case, distinct, easily read dial, adjusted to
temperature an position changes. It is an Elgin "G. M. Wheeler"
Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale.
Mexican War Is Uarbnrous Ameri
can Women Hit; One Dead, Anoth
er Dying Shot nnd Shell Bazo
Washington. Fob. 13. While the bat
tle raged In the streets of tho City of
Mexico hurried preparations were made
here to send an "expeditionary force"
of 3.000 American troops to Vera Cruz
at short uotlee when It should be deem
ed necessnry to protect American lives
and property.
Orders were Issued in Washington
placing the First brigade of the First
division, composing troops now sta
tioned at Governors Island, Plattsburg,
Buffalo and Fort Niagara in readiness
for embarkation on board four trans
ports nt Newport News for Vera Cruz.
Steps were taken to dispatch 2,500
marines from the Atlantic fleet and
Guantanamo station to Vera Cruz, nnd
two more battleships, making four in
nil, were ordered to hasten to Mexican
ports on the gulf of Mexico, while two
other warships were hurrying to points
on the western coast
The battleship Nebraska, one of the
two warships ordered to Mexican ports
from Cuba, steamed from Calmnnera,
Cuba, nt half past 10 o'clock yester
day. President and War Secretary Confer.
Mr. Stlmson. the secretary of war.
held a conference with President Tuft
on the Mexican situation nnd udvised
the president of the army's prepared
ness to move toward Mexico when the
order comes.
United States Senator Culloni, chair
mnn of the senate committee on for
eign relations, said that he did not be
lieve tho time for Intervention by the
United States In Mexico had yet ar
rived, and President Taft remained op
posed to Intervention so long ns possi
ble to avoid it.
Major General T. H. Barry, com
mander of the First division, at Gover
nors Island, received orders to have tho
Third Infantry at Madison barracks,
the Fifth infantry at Plattsburg and
the Twenty-ninth Infantry, one battal
ion of which la at Governors island,
! mother nt Buffalo and n third at Fort
Niagara, prepared for "expeditionary
j service."
I Messrs. Knox nnd Stlmson, heads of
the departments of state aud war, went
into conference further with President
Taft after luncheon at the White
House, it was announced that Mr.
Stlmson. who had arranged to accom
pany the president to Philadelphia,
would remain In Washington so as to
i bt In close touch with the situation
an( keep the nresident Informed.
United States Not Prepared to Go to
War With Mexico.
Washington, Feb. 13. Events of the
last forty-eight hours in the City of
Mexico have sobered all Washington
to a realization that Intervention In
Mexico means war with Mexico. The
term which has been used so loosely
by persons outside the group of du
ctals of the state, war and navy depart
ments Is just beginning to be under
stood In all Its consequences.
Intervention, applying tho term to
the actual condition In Mexico, means
one of two things. It means either the
Intervening of the United States be
tween the two warring factions, which
is impossible without taking sides In
favor of President Madero's govern-
' ment or the forces led by General
Felix Diaz, or else it means action by
the United States to compel both sides
to stop their fighting. The latter kind
of intervention in Mexico would Inev
itably result, as all other similar inter
ventions have resulted, in both sides
nbandonlng their quarrel with each
other and uniting in attacking the third
party. The sending of expeditionary
forces to Mexico, however, for the pur
pose of providing a means of exit and
a safeguard for Americans nnd other
foreigners desiring to flee from Mexico,
would not bo intervention.
President Taft hns already said he
will not seek to intervene in Mexico
upon his own responsibility alone and
that ho will place tho matter before
congress in case he feels that the Mex
ican situation requires such action by
Washington, Feb. 13. Most sen
ators declined to discuss tho sit
uation In Mexico.
A notable exception was found In
Senator Tillman. He said:
"I think President Taft ought to
be very, very cautious how he In
volves this country In, war Just at
the close of his administration.
"I know of no greater misfortune
that could happen to us right now
than to have such a war forced on
the country. The situation Is a
very fine Illustration of 'you will bo
damned If you do and you will be
damned If you don't,' especially If
you do.
"Let us do what Is necessary to
protect the honor of our country,
and no more, and If we have to go
there let us get away as soon as
the United States. Upon congress then
would fall not only tho necessity of
making a decision for or against cer
tain war, but also the task of provid
ing money for carrying out Its decision
In ense intervention were decided
upon. Following such action by con
gress the responsibility would again re
turn to tho president, who ns comman
der in chief of the nrmy nnd navy is
charged with the direction of all mili
tary operations of tho United States.
Army and Navy Ready.
The United States army and navy
have for many months been prepared
to move against Mexico on behalf of
the lives and property of Americans
and other foreigners in the stricken
republic. The entire Atlantic fleet,
with the exception of the ships now on
their way to Mexico and a few others
undergoing repairs and In reserve, is
now at Guantanamo bay, Cuba, en
gaged in the annual winter practice.
Besides nearly a score of battleships
and cruisers, together with destroyers,
colliers and other auxiliaries, the
American forces at Guantanamo in
clude nearly 2.000 marines available
for landing parties on the Mexican
coast. These, with bluejackets who
could be spared from the fleet, would
make a total force of nearly 10.000
men. These forc-es could be landed in
Mexico within a few days, far lu ad
vance of the minimum of time required
for the army to get any of Its men into
The nrmy now has on the Mexican
Vorder nbout B.OOO men. Brigadier Gen
eral E. Z. Steever is in command of all
the border forces, with headquarters at
El Puso, and his troops include cavalry,
infantry and artillery, cavalry being In
the preponderance. The remaining
forces within tho United States, num
bering 01,000 men, will be called on- to
furnish tho bulk of the forces neces
sary for any armed nction in Mexico.
Tho militia organizations cannot be
ent out of the United States, though a
bill is now pending In congress which
would remove this limitation upon tho
federal control over Jhe state troops.
Since the Mexican trouble began the
War college has had In hand complete
orders to commanders throughout the
United States the filing of which on the
telegraph wires would be nil that Is
necessary to bring the entire army Into
action along the Mexican border or
elsewhcro. Though tho detnlls of tho
plans of the War college arc kept a
close secret, It Is known that Mexico
would be entered nt two points Vera
Cruz and along tho Texas border.
For the movemont ugalnst Vera Cruz
the navy would be called on to take the
first steps. Battleships carrying nil
the available marines and bluejackets
would be sent to Vera Cruz to take over
that city and seize the railroads nnd
I rolling stock. Thence this advnnce ex
pedition would make its way as close to
, the City of Mexico as might be deemed
, advisable and devote itself to the task
of seizing and maintaining all lines of
lommunlcatlon between Vera Cruz nnd
the City of Mexico. It is likely that an
additional force would be sent to Turn
plco, also a railroad terminus on the
gulf coast, to perform the same service.
These forces would bo rolled upon to
keep things clear for the coming of the
mobile forces of the army to which
would be given the tnsk of proceeding
to and taking the City of Mexico.
I On the north tho first steps would bo
to seize the railroad termini nnd roll
' lug stock of the several railroads Join
j lng Mexico nnd the United States
across the Texas, New Mexico and Ari
zona frontiers. This done, cavalry ex
peditions would be sent ahead to seize
communications nnd keep them open
Just ns tar Into Mexico as might be
practicable. Like the expeditionary
forces which would be sent to the gulf
coasts, these troops would bo relied on
to maintain communication and open
the way for the coming of the army
division from the states north of the
To Selzo Important Ports.
i Tho army plans also cull for the seiz
ure of the Important ports on the west
const of Mexico. For this tho ships of
the Pacific fleet, two of which, tho Col
orado nnd South Dakota, nre already
on their way to Mexico, would be
brought into service. The task before
the United States then would bo a
closing in upon the Mexican capital
and the reduction of the country as the
several divisions proceeded toward the
For Intervention in Mexico it is ad
mitted that the United States is not
prepared. It is recognized by military
authorities that the task of actual In
terventlon with exercise of supremo
control over the country would be a
tremendous task, taxing heavily the
present available military forces.
Built Houso Destroyed by Flro nt
Caiman Comers Was Old Land
mark Sketch By Mrs. E. T.
Ames of Wnymnrt.
The following article was taken
from the Carbondale Leader of Feb.
l'2th and will be of interest to many
Wayne county people:
In the destruction by fire of tho
John William property at Canaan
Corners last Thursday afternoon,
February G, tho community also sus
tains a loss in a interesting land
mark. This house was built by Har
vey E. 'Perkins who came hero from
Wallingford, Conn., In 1821. The
following year, he married Charlotte
Fobes, daughter of Squire Fobes, of
Old Canaan Corners. In 1823 ho
built this house and moved into it,
residing there his lifetime. In tho
construction ho used 23,000 'feet of
panel pine lumber.
Mr. Perkins was one of the most
skillful artificers in Wayne county.
He learned his trade in Connecticut
under the old apprentice system of
seven years.
It Is to be regretted that this old
landmark which was a fine example'
of the New England colonial style of
architecture and the last one remain
ing in Canaan township of his work
manship, should be destroyed. The
farm houses of Charles Cortrlght and
Henry Ames, built by him, having
also been consumed by fire. There
are a few houses yet remaining in
Way mart village notably: the hotel
and residence of Mr. and Mrs. L. G.
Dimock and the one occupied by his
son, George E. Perkins, all construct
ed by this old-time architect and
finished workman. The Leonard
Starkweather 'hotel on the present
sight of the Patterson 'house, one
of the largest structures built by
him in our village was also destroy
ed by fire many years ago.
It Is only recently that the old
Alex. McMullen homestead at Far
view, a fine large structure erected
by Mr. Perkins, was torn down on
account of its obstructing the view
of the new hospital for criminal ln
asno, and being an encumbrance to
the State grounds.
The type of houses of which we
are speaking, represent a far differ
ent kind of workmanship compared
to the style of the present day. All
of the work of construction was dono
by hand, even to the doors, windows
and blinds. Too much praise cannot
bo given to the honest and painstak
ing skill of these mechanics of tho
old school. Any of these structures,
with tmely use of paint and occas
ional repairs would last for centur
ies. It Is to be hoped that the struct
ures remaining will escape the flames
for each one is in a way a monument
to its builder and contains' In it
self enduring evidence of conscient
ious workmashlp.
His only surviving 'son, George E.
Perkins, Is an esteemod and repre
sentative resident of Waymart.
Harvey E. Perkins built the old
Methodist Episcopal church In
Honesdale; also the first frame
house and a hotel on tho Altken
corner in Carbondale.
It seems fitting, at this time to
pay tribute to the father-in-law of
our subject: John Fobes, Esq., cam
to this county also from Connecticut
In 1808 and settled at Old Canaan
Corners. He filled the office of Jus
tice of the Peace for thirty-seven
years. He owned tho present Albert
Weed farm together with 500 acres
which he bought from Lord and Lady
Putnam and paid three dollars and
fifty cents .per acre, in Its wild state.
Squire Fobes built one mile of
tho Belmont and Eastern turnpike
and three miles of the Milford and
Owego turnpike.
Post Commnnder E. E. Williams In
stalliiiK Ofilccr Ladles of Mucca
bees Served Supper.
The installation exercises of Tent
No. 250, Knights of tho Maccabees
were held Wednesday evening. Post
Commander E. E. Williams installed
tho following ofllcers: Commander,
Frank F. Schuller; lieutenant com
mander, F. S. Evans; record keeper,
W. H. Varcoe; finance keeper, W. L.
Lemnltzer; chaplain, Chas. S. Prag
nell; sergeant, Bert Daln; master at
arms, Eugene Miller; first master of
guards, Ed. P. Varcoe; second mas
ter of guards, H. V. Tuman; sentinel,
Chas. E. Knapp; picket, George W.
Searles. After the Installation the
following program was rendered:
Piano solo, Miss Grace Hanlan.
Vocal solo, Miss J. M. Archer.
Address, M. J. Hanlan, Esq.
Solo, Miss Sarah Synar.
ITho Sir Knights and their families
I then went to tho dining room where
, the Ladles of the Maccabees had pre
, pared a banquet which was thor
oughly enjoyed by all. The Macca
bees Is one of the strongest organi
zations In Honesdale, having a mem
bership ot about 130.
Tho Ico races which were held at
Lake Huntington on Saturday were
very largely attended. Charles Gould
of Long Eddy, won first In the free-for-all
and Harry Schute, of North
Branch, took first In the green race,
The Milanvlllo creamery has had
50 teams drawing ice from Laurel
Lake. It was eight inches thick and
they paid six cents per cake for
hauling. One man who owned two
teams made $18 In one day.
Letters remaining uncalled for at
this office week ending Feb. 10.
1913: Elmer Halloran, Oliver M,
Hover, William Mengle, Joe Smith.
Persons calling for above will say