PAGE FOUR THE CITIZBN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY n, 1913. THE) CITIZEN SemMVcekly Founded 1008; Weekly Foundod 1844. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by Entered as second-class matter E. B. HARDENBERGH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS directors: II. WIL80K. C. II PORFLINaKR, M. B. AJ.LEN, Our friends who favor us icith contributions, and desire to have the same re fitted, should in every case enclose stamps for that jnajwse. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 7B ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofllce Order or Registered fetter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honcsdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making moDey or any items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notlcea or entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, iO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1913. THOUGHT FOK TO-DAY. I believe that the mind can be profaned by the habit of attending to trlval things, so that all our thoughts shall be tinged with triv iality. II. D. Thoreau. All hail to Representative Lewis of Schuylkill county, who, It Is claimed, will present a pure coal bill In the legislature this session. One of the provisions of the bill is that coal sold at retail must not contain more than five per cent. Impurities. The Legislature of the State of Washington, which went strongly for Roosevelt at the last election, 'has just rejected a bill providing for the recall of Judges next year, If the voters desire to do so. It Is becom ing dally more evident from such acts as this that there is a remark able, discrepancy between the vote cast for the Bull Moose candidate and the influence which his follow ers can exert in legislation, Our own State Legislature gives proof of this. Tho Judicial recall was one of the Colonel's pot Ideas, but It is making very slow progress, if any at all, throughout tho country. A number of recent events, such as the Impeachment of Judge Archibald and the conviction of Becker in New York, show that the Courts can be stirred by public sentiment to prompt action, and that an unfaith ful Judge can be brought to book without great delay. The vote of more than three-quarters of the States for an income tax amend ment to the Constitution is also vir iually a recall of the decision of the United States Supreme Court, which had held, by a vote of five to four, that such a law was unconstitution al. These aro more satisfactory methods of accomplishing results than the Colonel's quick-action schemes. WOMEN OF PENNSYLVANIA -MAY SOON BE AISLE TO VOTE. Woman's suffrage gained a very important point by tho passage on Wednesday of a woman's suffrage amendment by the legislature. There is not a state In the union so im portant to tho movement as Pennsyl vania. The rights of man were pro claimed from this state in 177G. Historically and sentimentally Penn sylvania should proclaim the rights of women. The very large vote by which tho bill was passed in tho assembly Is significant of the wide-spread agita tion throughout this state for an equalization of the suffrage. It has been felt that the women are en titled to suffrage as well as the men and that It should be given them. If they want to exercise it, all right. If not, thoy will not be committing any greater breach against citizenship than tho thous ands of men who after more than a century of suffrage for men aro still not educated to tho point of ap preciating the right of suffrage. From all indications Pennsylvania women will soon be able to vote. Two years more remain for agitation of the subject. This period will bo val uable for more thorough educatioh and certain it will ho that tho wom en will bo more qualified for exercis ing suffrage than the great mass of men were when granted suffrage. THE CHAUTAUQUA MOVEMENT. The Chautauqua Association of Pennsylvania has sent a representa tive to Honesdale to consider the ad visability of establishing a Chautau qua In this community next summer. So far as our information goes, wo do not know of any movement which would bo of more substantial bene fit to tho community and would leave a more lasting impression be hind it. Tho program offers tho very best talent In oratory, music and en tertainment, and the prime consider ation with the management in form ing it is Its beneficial effect upon tho community which ls served. Any one who will take tho trouble to investigate can convince himsolf that the Association ls both reputable and reliable. It has tho support of a large number of tho leading busi ness men and financial leaders of Philadelphia and vicinity. It should the Citizen Publishing Company. attho postofllce, Honcsdale, Pa. K. B. HAKDENBERQII W. W. WOOD bo stated, however, that these Chau tauquas are not conducted for profit. Tho Association is chartered as a "iNo Profit" stock organization and it seeks simply to provide .a high grade program which shall be of real value to the community with the 'hope of covering the expenses only. This should appeal to our citizens as most of the organizations which seek to operate In our town desire to make is large profits as possible. Dr. A. E. Turner, associate direc tor of the Chautauqua Association, spoke to a small number in the li brary room of the high school Fri day evening and his manner was convincing. It certainly would be a good thing for the town and Its cost would not exceed seven cents for each feature on the program. Little more than the price of a ticket to the moving pictures. Yet the citi zens of Honesdale would get everlast, ing benefit and bo privileged to hear great orators. Some of the noted men on the Chautauqua program are Governor Hadley of .Missouri; Pres ident Taft, William Jennings Bryan and others. This is an affair for which the business men as well as the citizens of Honesdale should strive to bring here for a week dur ing tho summer. It would bring in tho people from 'all parts of the country and advertise Honesdale as a good place to go at other times as well. Dr. Turner will come here again on Tuesday evenlnfl, Feb. 25, when a larger meeting Is hoped for. Come and help organize. HARRISBURG LETTER The Senate and House of Repre sentatives adjourned Thursdny to conveno again to-davi Tho Sunate adjourned after the) calendar had been cleared of first and second reading bills to meet again Monday Say a'fteTnoVn adjUrned ThUrS" ! Mercantile Tav Stavs ' MercantnT license repeal bills were turned down by the Commit- tee on Ways and Means of tho House 1 Thursday after a heated argument in executive session, by a vote of 11 to The claims of tho politicians to the many lucrative appraiserships in all parts of the State, especially Phlla- friend James Scudder, the same amount vo&tov$eT Weal to Snrah Anyhow Scudder, $5,000 to source of the opposition, and they ?ortlla Edith Hammond, his daugh threaten to carry the matter to the ra and $1 each to a number of lloor of the House, whero tho fight , nephews. How many of them there will be resumed and the political in- j are ho did not know, ns ho had not fiuenco against the bill Is to be dis- closed. I If the fight is made It will prob-1 ably be the first under the new rules, ( wnicn aim to mane li easier lor uma negatived by tho committee to bo placed upon the calendar and to bo considered by the house, regardless of committee action. It requires but GO votes to override the will of the committee and place bills on the cal endar, nnd the advocates of the mer cantile license repeal, well-organized In all parts of tho state, declaro that they will easily muster tho required number. Tho Incomo Tax Amendment to the Federal Constitution was report- from thirty-five other states, Secretary ed out of committee with a favorable of State Knox in nbout a week will recommendation. This amendment formally announce that tho amend Is already a part of the Constitution, lnent ls ln throughout tho Unit and Thursday s action is a more e(j states formality to put the Pennsylvania ' vi.1,,1,, nml wvomlnc whoso Legislature on record on the subject. I " .llJ onu N joining, wuoso It may yet meet objection on the cKlblatures acted favorably on tho floor. Bills For Social Justice. More " social and Industrial jus tice " bills came Into the House Thursday, Representative W. B, Heidlnger, of Philadelphia, being re sponsible for three of them, com pelling physicians to report occu pational diseases to the Bureau of Vital Statistics, as the basis for a study of the diseases and their pre vention; requiring employers to re port accidents of all kinds to the State Department of Factory Inspec tion, and requiring that working peo pie in stores and factories shall have Johnson, nged four, nnd his brother ono day of rest in seven. Walter, one year younger, died nt tho O'.Nelll, of Philadelphia, presented Delaware hospital as tho result of in to tho House another measure aim- juries received in a fire at tho homo of ing to give Philadelphia largo State tliclr parents near Greenville. Del. An aid for the development of the Del- other brothor Georgo Joiinson ngell aware River. Tho bill carries with ,. ,',,, i,,r.,,,i t ,intt. it an appropriation of $2,500,000 to fourteen months, burned to death at the Board of Commissioners of Nav- 11,0 tlme igation. Tho administration bill, I The victims aro all negroes. Thoy Introduced Into tho Senate by Sena- lived witli their parents in a house on tor Edwin II. Vare, asks for $12,000, tho farm of James Wilson, stnto high- 000, to bo handled by the Depart- ment of Wharves, Docks and Fer ries. Bleloch, of Philadelphia, is the author of a rather startling bill in troduced last week, providing for the sterilization of Idiots, imbeciles, f0himin,i.,i nonna ,n pi,,!,, Insane confined in State institutions, after a year's investigation of the conditions in each case by a compe tent physician or surgeon and after the approval of the board of trus tees of the institution and of tho Court of Common Pleas of the prop er county. North, or Jerferson, proposes to mako tho Job of road viowcr under tho now system even morfe desirable than at present by adding to the sal ary of $5000 all tho actual and necessary expenses involved in tho transaction of their business or tho course of their duties. For Industrial Relief. Seven proposed laws providing for workmen's compensation, employ ers' liability, liability insurance, pre vention of Industrial accdents, limit ing the hours of employment for women and minors, and 'proposing a constitutional amendment permitting the enactment of a compulsory com pensation act, all originating with the Governor's Commission on In dustrial Accidents, were introduced into the House by Representative Daniel J. Shern, of Philadelphia. The bills aro based on the princi ple of optional compensation, as pro vided In most of the States, the em ployer and employe being permitted to forego the stipulated compensa tion in the act, provided they defi nitely reach such an agreement, and file it with the State, but all the old defenses against employers' liability, such as the fellow-servant rule, the assumption of risk by the employe, or the negligence of the injured him self, short of drunkenness or reck less disregard of danger, are remov ed, practically forcing tho employers to come in under the law. Installment .compensation, paid weekly, and based on a percentage of the wages paid to the injured em ploye, is also adopted, in the place of lump payments. The act gives a schedule of compensations beginning with 25 per cent, of the weekly wa ges to the employe who leaves only a widow or widower or one depend ent, and ranging to GO per cent., ac cording to the number of depend ents remaining. Compensation for a child ends at 1G years of age. Tho compensation is reckoned on salaries ranging from a maximum of $20 a week down to $10. Bill Will Abolish Negligence Pica If the bill Introduced by Repre sentative Shern of Philadelphia, be come a law a defense setting up neg ligence of the victim as cause of an accident will rarely avail in damage suits. The hill was prepared by tho Industrial Accident Commission. Only where tho employe himself is intoxicated or recklessly indiffer ent will a defense of negligence bo allowed. The employer, by the Shern bill, is made liable for the negligence of all employes while they are employed. An elective system of compensa tion to be paid to the employe in the event of death or disability is provided. This contract made be tween employer and employe, if con taining a clause that the employe is not bound by the act, must be filed with the Bureau of Industrial Sta tistics. If such a contract is not filed the act is held in force. NEGRO SAVED $30,000. Worked Fifty Vears For One Employer and Could Not Read Nor Write. Mlneoln, N. Y Fob. 10. With tho flltnr. 1,1c. ,,.111 1,,. nrAf,fA If llft- came known that James Hammond, an 0yster Bny ncsro' wUo dIctl on ,Tan 17' estate estimated at $30,000. Hammond could not read or write. His will is signed with his innrk. no was upward of seventy years old and for fifty years had boon employed on tho Weeks estate. The will was made tho day before his death. It leaves . $2,000 to his heard from thorn In years, and they mny be all dead. Tho three who ro- celve direct bequests are the residuary legatees. NEW JERSEY'S. VOTE DECIDES. Income Tax Amendment Ratified Of ficially. Washington, Fob. 10. The state de partment received official notlco of tho ratification of tho income tax amend ment to the federal constitution by tho legislature of New Jersey. Notice of ratification having been received proposed amendments betoro New Jer se.v. have delayed filing tho official re turn, so thnt on tho state department records President Elect Wilson's stnto will have tho honor of being tho ono thnt completed tho necessary total of thirty-six states. THREE' BOYS DIE OF BURNS. Parents Were Away When Farmhouse Took Fire. Wilmington, Del., Feb. 10. Claronco way commissioner. Tho dwelling was destroyed. The parents wero absent nt tho time. The Flirt. A flirt Is like a dipper attached to a hydrant-every ono is at liberty to drink from it, but no ono desires to tarry it away.-N. P. Willis. ADR1AN0PLE HOLDING OUT. Terrifio Bombardment of Forts Con tinues Montenegro Needs Money. London, Fob. 10. Latest news from the war zone reports tho terrific bom bardment of Adriauoplo to bo inces sant, and the fighting thcro Is of the fiercest chnrncter. Tho allies.- so far ns can be learned, Imvo failed till now to pierco the strong outer works of the city, behind which nro still stronger forts guarding the city. King Ferdinand hns gone to the front to personally superintend tho troops. The Turkish retreat in Gallipoll is said to bo a rout. Meanwhile tho lack of money Is ham pering all the Balkan states In their war operations. Montenegro is badly in need of funds and has applied un nvailiugly to London financiers for n short term loan. Tho financiers in Lombard street, liowcver, frown upon such requests nnd hnvo refused to ad vance any aid while fighting contin ues. It Is said the great powers aro mak ing fresh suggestions concerning the Dardanelles, hoping to bring about mediation. CLARK HOME IS DEDICATED. Former Senator Endowed It In Memory of His Mother. Los Angeles. Cnl Feb. 10. Fully re covered from his recent illness, ex-Sen-ntor William A. Clark was able to at tend the dedication of tho Mary An drews Clark home, which ho built here for working girls in memory of his mother. The homo cost $250,000. It is Intended to shelter young women who work for wages ranging from $5 to $10 a week. Board and lodging will average $4 a week In addition to having individual rooms, tho girls will have tho free use of sewing machines nnd laundries. Under the deed of gift by which Mr. Clark gave the institution to the Young Women's Christian association tho home must be self sustaining. It has a largo library, a gymnasium and tenuis, handball nnd basketball courts. BUSY CUTTING THE TARIFF. House Committee Makes Progress In Framing New Revision Bill. Washington, Feb. 10. The framing of the new tariff revision bill, on which the date of the extra session of con gress binges, is progressing favorably in tho house ways and means commit tee. Tho Democrats of that body now are considering the flax, hemp nnd jute schedules. The majority members of the com mittee are devoting days and nights to conferences nnd a study of tho thou sands of paragraphs in the tariff. Tho whole tariff plan, it wns stated, will be ready to bring into the house by April l. BEACHES RETURN FROM AIKEN Husband Says He's Perfectly Satisfied With Trial's Result. New York, Feb. 10. Frederick O. Beach, who was acquitted by a jury at Aiken, S. C, of tho charge of assault ing his wife, arrived here with Mrs. Beach and a party of friends, who left Aiken with them. They got in over the Pennsylvania railroad at 3:50 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon nnd took a taxicab for their home. To n reporter in the station Mr. Beach said: "I am perfectly satisfied. Beyond thnt I have nothing to say." NATIONAL BANK REFORM. Bill Introduced to Permit Loans on Real Estate. Washington, Feb. 10. A chungo in existing law whereby national banks may be permitted to loan money on real estate wns proposed in tho form of a bill by Senator Smith of Georgia. Under the bill national banks would bp allowed to accept mortgages and deeds of trust conveying real estato ns security for loans. Tho change would enable national banks to loan money openly on mort gages and deeds of trust instead of under cover, ns it was understood to be often the euse. TOO CROWDED AT SING SING. Two Men In Cells Six Feet by Three, Commissioner Reports. Albany, N. Y Feb. 10. Crowding two men in a cell 3 by (1 feet, necessi tated by the Increasing population of Sing Sing prison, is a condition which Henry Solomon of the state prison commission says should not be permit ted to exist. Ho recommends tho erec tion of a now prison to take tho place of the present overcrowded institution. The prison population on the day Mr. Solomon Inspected the institution was 1,102. "There aro 1,200 cells, each measuring about a by 11 feet, which is not nearly large enough for ono occu pant," says the commissioner in n re port, "so one can easily imagine how terribly unhealthy they must be when there has to bo two lu n ceil, which must happen so long ns tho population is greater than the normal accommoda tions." Army Worm's Deadly March. The fall army worm ls doing great damage ln tho south. It is estimated that It has destroyed several million dollars' worth of corn nnd hay nnd is gradually working its way north. The Insect is present ln unprecedented numbers from Louisiana and Arkan sas eastward to tho Atlantic ocean, nnd ls destroying corn, cotton, sugar cane, rice and other crops. AMERICAN FRATERNAL POUGY HOLDERS MEET Resolutions of Settlement in Answer to the Query of tho Stnto Depart ment of Insurance Adopted. The policyholders of the American Fraternal Association .met In tho court house In Honesdale Friday af ternoon and drew up resolutions of settlement. There were about sixty policyholders present Including their attorney, P. H. Iloff. Chas. Mc Halo, of Hawley, acted as chairman and presided at tho meeting. Tho affairs of the American Fraternal Association were discussed and re ports read. The following resolu tions were adopted: BE IT RESOLVED and It is here by resolved that the certificate hold ers of the American Fraternal Asso ciation of Honesdale, Pennsylvania, this 7th day of February, 1913, in convention assembled, that M. J. Hanlan, C. M. Betz and A. W. Abrams be and are hereby appointed a committee to submit tho follow ing as a compromise settlement of the affairs of the American Frater nal Association in rpsnnnsA in n tp.n- tatlve proposition of settlement sub mitted by Carpenter and Fleltz, at torneys for Thomas P. Donaldson, Deputy Insurance Commissioner for tho State of Pennsylvania on the first day of February, 1913: First: That the sum of .$20,000 lawful money of the United States of America, together with Interest from January 1st, 1910, be .placed In the hands of the Insurance Com missioner of Pennsylvania on or .be fore May 1st, 1913. Second: That the fund thus creat ed be distributed pro rata to certi ficate holders of the said'American Fraternal Association ln good stand ing on January 10, 1910. Third: That distribution as afore said be made by the said Insurance Commissioner or his deputy on or before July 1st, 1913, without any deduction or expense to said certifi cate holders in good standing on January 10th, 1910. Fourth: That no deduction or al lowance for any expenses of 'any kind whatsoever be made or allowed for the collection of dues or assess ments collected and paid since Jan uary 10th, 1910, on certificates held by members of the American Frater nal Association in good standing on said date; but that tho deposit of lawful money as aforesaid sufficient lu lu cl till ut tuo CAiJgiiocia i ini; collection and disbursement of said to cover all of the expenses of the dues and assessments bo deposited with the said Commissioner of In surance for distribution pro rata to the certificates maturing or to ma ture subsequent to that date. Fifth: That the amount of all lapses for nonpayment of dues or otherwise since January 10th, 1910 shall form a part of said fund and be distributed as aforesaid or without cost or expense ' to said certificate holders. Sixth: That no deduction whatso ever shall be mado from said fund except for sick and accident benefits or death claims actually paid on cer tificates In force on January 10th, 1910. Seventh That distribution of tho fund last aforesaid shall bo mado within a reasonable time after the maturity of certificates as aforesaid. Eighth: That all of the costs and expenses incurred by the committee in bringing the suit filed to No. 1, October Term, 1912, in the Court of Common Pleas of Wayno county, and all of tho expenses and a rea sonable attorney fee for the prepar ation and conduct of the suit and an investigation of the affairs of the said American Fraternal Association bo paid to tho aforesaid committee on or before the first day of May 1913. The above $20,000 mentioned is said to be in trust in the Scranton Trust company, Scranton, for the .policyholders nnd will no doubt be distributed at an early date. TUBERCULOSIS CURE. It ls reported that President Charles Finley, of the Aetna Nation al bank, of New York, is very much disappointed that Dr. F. F. Frled mann, the Berlin scientist, has not started for this country to lay claim to Mr. Finloy's offer of $1,000,000 for a positive cure of tuberculosis. Mr. Finley has made the generous offer in order to demonstrate wheth er tho claims that Dr. Frledmann has a cure for tuberculosis are true. As ho states It, ono of two things is true; either Friedmann's cure is a cure or It ls a failure. Mr. Finley ls willing to spare no expense to get the German doctor hero and have the matter settled beyond a doubt. This effort to determlno whether thoro is a remedy that will check tho great whito plague other than tho slow open air methods that are bringing many back to health, is certainly ono of the most commend able undertakings of tho modern philanthropist. A euro that would work against tuberculosis as tho vaccine and serums have operated against smallpox and diphtherln, would be a boon of Immeasurable good. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ice C Best Quality, Big Variety, Lowest Prices. Murray Everything For tho Farm. ECZEMA? TRY ZEM0 Hns Cured Worst Coses and You Con Trovo it for Oaly 25 Cents. Yes, try Zemo. That's all you need do to get rid of the worst case of eczema. You tako no chance, It is no experiment. Zemo is posi tively guaranteed to stop itching, rash, raw, bleeding eczema, make a pimpled face smooth and clean. Zemo is a wonder and the minute applied it sinks In, vanishes, leaves no ovldcnce, doesn't stick, no grease, just a pure, clean, wonderful liquid and it cures. This is guaranteed Zemo ls put up by the E. W. Roso Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and sold by all druggists at $1 for the large bottle and at 25 cents for tho liberal size trial bottle. Tiy one 25 cent bottle and be convinced. Sold ln Honesdale by A. M. Lelne. SEELYVILLE TAKING ON REALTY BOOM. Several properties have been sold in Seelyvillo within the .past few months. Late transactions have been made as follows: Mrs. Henry Moulter, who for some time has lived ln tho Hawkey es tato house, has purchased the Erk homestead, Immediate possession given. Gustave Schmidt 'has bought of Walter Stocks the latter's house and two acres of land located on tho Bethany road. Advertisement. The Polley house, consisting of seven rooms, spring water in houso with one acre of land, located on Bethany road is for sale. Chicken house 12x48 feet and store houso 10xl'2 feet and fruit of all kinds is on the premises. Price, $1,300. See Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co., Jad win Building. REPORT OF STATE TREASURER. The statement of the State Treas urer for the month of January, and the first two months of tho fiscal year 1913, shows the receipts and expenditures to have been as fol lows: Receipts January 1 to 31, 1913, $1,081,G32.17. Disbursements January 1 to 31, 1913, $2,35, 150.73. Disbursements exceeded receipts by $1,2G3,518.5G. Receipts December 1 to January 31, 1913, $1,707,558.92 i , , , , Disbursements December 1 to Janu- ary 31, 1913, $4,021,445.84. Disbursements exceeded receipts by $2,913, 88G. 92. Balance in Treasury December 31, 1912, $S, 131, 482. 34. Balance in Treasury January 31, 1913, $G,SG7,9G3.78. Decrease in balance during the month, $1,2G3,518;5G. Balance In Treasury November 30, 1912, $9,7S1,850.70. Balance in Treasury, January 31, 1913, $G,8G7,9G3.78. Decrease in balanco since Decem ber 1, 1912, $2,913,88G,92. EDELLA. Lory Johnson spent a few days in Scranton last week. The funeral of Frank Johnson was held from 'his late residence Wed nesday, Jan. 29, at 11 o'clock. Rev. Thomas Baker, of Oakleys, officiat ed, and burial was made in Mt. Beth el cemetery. Olrs. M. C. Miller, who has been ill for some time, Is not Improving as fast as her many friends wish. Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, of Dimock, and Thomas Baker, of Oak leys, visited at A. M. Goodrich's re cently. i; WORDS FOR THE H SPELLING CONTEST ft h OF THE l j Wayne County SchooI. j a5j:t:::n:imnj:s::::::::2:a:j::j:n::n:jta:: LESSON 71. apostrophe chaplain corridors Carlisle dreadnoughts discern epoch graham grouso helm merely metropolitan percolator portlero panorama proclamation rational raspberry San Juan subtlo selzo tantalizo Vladivostok veracity weight Hyomei Inhaler FOR CATARRH? If You Own Ono. Then you ought to know that druggists everywhere will hand you a bottle of Booth's HYOMEI for only 50 cents. Pour a few drops of HYOMEI into the Inhaler and start this very day to breathe the healing Balsamic vapor and destroy the Ca tarrh germs. With every packago of Booth's HYOMEI comes a little booklet which explnins how easy It Is to end tho misery of Catarrh and Croup. It is mado of Australian Eucalyptus and contains no harmful drug. But best of all Peil, the druggist, is authorized to refund your money If you are dissatisfied. If you haven't tho HYOMEI Inhaler ask for tho complete outfit, $1.00. Just breathe it no stomach dosing. lifting Tools Company. Honesdale, Pa.