PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1.1, 1913. HOW TO FIND OUT FITNESSOF MEN Efficiency Expert Tells of Abil ity Tests, TO ANALYZE MEN'S TALENTS Woman Explains How Blonds Differ From Brunettes and What Work Certain Types of Men Are Fitted For. Plan Would Make All Workers Suc cessful Four Qualities Needed. To fit the man to the job nnd the job to the mnn Is tlio aim of Dr. Katlierlno 51. II. Blackford of Laporte, Ind. In the philosophy of tho doctor there should be no failures among men and consequently none among firms. The right man In the right place solves the efficiency of organization. If the right man gets In tho wrong plnco shift him till he fits In tho groove to which he belongs. Dr. Ulaekford became known to New York when she nddrcssed the second annual meeting of the Efficiency so ciety. At Laporte she has the super vision of employment In a manufactur ing concern employing nearly 0,000 men. "Scientific Selection and Assignment of Men In tho Creation of An Organi zation" was the subject of Dr. Black ford's address, which opened with the following preamble: "When we can bring together a group of men so selected and assigned that every individual shall be fitted for his task, adapted to all other units of the group and attuned to tho community spirit, then we shall have the Ideal or ganization for efficiency." Man Must Hold Four of a Kind. "Four qualifications are necessary for every position," said Dr. Blackford to a Now York newspaper man. "They are health, Intelligence, Industry and honesty. Tho higher the position the greater the number of qualifications needed. Men must guide, direct, su pervise nnd train large numbers of oth er men. Men must earn, combine and administer funds. Men must devise, plan, schedule, perform and control op erations. "The cause of waste lies In Igno rance of human aptitude and the re quirements of different kinds of work. Tho remedy Is obvious. It lies In voca tional guidance of the child and In struction of parents. Tho number of .young boys and men who apply mere ly for a job without the slightest no tion what they want to do or ought to do Is simply appalling. These, having no definite aim In life, become drift ers, loafers, nnd sooner or later a largo number of them become unemployable through discouragement and bad hab its. Find Inherent Fitnsss. "While we cannot give every child competent vocational guidance and educato his parents to co-operate with hlin and us, wo can make and have made a profitable start In that direc tion by selecting and assigning men and women according to their Inherent fitness for the work they are to do, thus accomplishing three desirable re sultsmaking them more efficient and happier, Increasing tho profits of their employer nnd demonstrating the prac tical application of scientific selection. "This has been done through a prop erly equipped employment department, In charge of expert character analysts, who interview, select and assign men. Among tho functions of this depart ment are the following: "To procure for all positions the very best obtainable human material. "To find, analyze scientifically and recommend for employment In tho work to which they arc best adapted all tho workers needed. "Not only may a man who is a fail ure at one kind of work bo a success nt some other kind, but removing him from the influence of a foreman to that of one who Is more congenial may In crease his efficiency CO per cent. How to Analyze Men. "We determine tho difference be tween objects through comparison of size, color, form, proportion, texture, consistency and structure. Tho same law applies to human beings. Obvious ly the size of body fits or unfits a man for a given kind of work. Tho short, stout man will not bo fitted for work congenial to tho tall, thin man. Blonds and brunettes do not move in the same manner and Incline to different lines of work. Blonds, generally speaking, are speculative and optimistic, usually mild and good natured, often lnventlvo Thoy like to concolvo the plan or idea for somo ono else to work out. They naturally Incline to aggrcsslvo work, such as salesmanship, advertising and promotion. Brunettes lncllno to con servatism nnd aro often serious mind ed, sometimes inclined to gloominess. Thoy like to work out and perfect the plan conceived by somo other mind. "Everything about a man indicates Ills character. In order to understand htm wo first observe his body. The body is the expression of tho soul and roflects his character with absolute fidelity." "now long does It take to make these observations?" Dr. Blackford was asked. "About ono minute," was the reply. "Tho applicant Is not at all aware that ho Is being analyzed. His analy sis Is being mado while ho Is filling out his application." , CHEAPER KATES ON PARCEL TOST. Postmaster General Hitchcock Sug gests That Development of Scr vlco May Bring Them. 'Washington, D. C, Feb. G. Post master General Hitchcock's annual report, made nubile recently, tenta tively suggests reduction of some par cei post rates and increasing tlhe limit of weight beyond eleven pounds; recommends civil pensions for postal employes; an Increase in rates on second class mail which may pave the way for ono cent letter postage; tho consolidation of the third and fourth classes so books and pa.pors may bo forwarded by parcel post; and points out that during his administration, expense of operating tho postal service has been out done $45,000,000. In courso of a statement of tho condition of postal finances, Mr. Hitchcock says in his report: "The year preceding the present administration was marked by the largest postal deficit on record amounting to $17,'500,000. During the next two years the deficit was greatly reduced and later eliminated. When compared with tho financial showing of four years ago the reports of income and expense for subse quent years indicate an aggregate saving of about ?4'5,000,000. "The transformation of a deficit into a surplus has been accomplished not by curtailing the service, but by developing It along (profitable lines. While postal facilities have been greatly enlarged, extensions have not been made in a haphazard manner, but only when shown on investiga tion to be justified by conditions." The establishing of postal savings banks at presidential postofllces was completed early in the 'fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, the year cov ered by the report. Since then the system has been extended to 4,004 fourth dlass postofficcr, as well as to 045 branch offices and stations in the larger cities. There are now 12, 81'2 postal savings banks at which patrons may open accounts. The number of depositors Is approximate ly 300,000 and the deposits aggre gate about $28,000,000, not includ ing $1,314,140 withdrawn and in vested in postal savings bonds. MME, XORDICA TO MAKE WORLD CONCERT TOUR. Australia, China, India and South Africa to Hear American Singer. Seattle, Wash., Feb. G. Mme. Nordica opened 'her Pacific coast tour at the Moore theatre 'before an audi ence that filled every seat in the big auditorium and overflowed upon the stage. The prima donna was in ex cellent voice and spirits and respond ed graciously to the numerous en cores. Mme. 'Nordlca's Pacific tour will take her south to San Diego and through Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado eastward to Boston, where she will appear In conjunction with Mme. Schumann-Heink in some Wagnerian performances during March. Arrangements have just been com pleted by uMme. Nordlca for a world's tour. She leaves Chicago April 28 and will go through Canada to Van couver, where she will embark May 14 for Australia. She will open her Australian tour about June 10th at Sydney. After a series of about fifty concerts in Australia, Westralia and New Zealand Mme. Nordica will go I via Japan to China and India, arrlv ' ing at Colombo about Christmas. After two months' stay in India Mme. Nordica will proceed to South Africa, returning from there In time to appear in London during the sea I son of 1914. The personnel of Mme. Nordica's company has not as yet been decided, but as usual she will bo accompanied by Mr. E. II. Ro mayne Simmons. The entire tour wl'U bo under the direction of Mr. Frederick Shlpman. CUT POLES TO AVOID HIS TAX. Jersey City Man Has Odd Idea of Election Tax. An Indignant property holder entered the office of the tax receiver In Jersey City recently nnd said to Clarence Mil ler, n clerk: "You charged me $1 polo tax last year. Here you charge me ?1 for pole tax again this year. I have no poles in my yard. I chopped down the only pole I had in my yard last year. My wife hangs tho washing on the roof to keep from having poles In the yard." Mr. Miller explained that he was taxed on his poll and said: "That sort of tax bears the expense of tho elections. You go home arid tell your wife she can have all the clothes poles In her yard she needs and there won't bo a cent of tax on them." "Oh, this Eugllsh!" burst out tho tax payer, a German. "It's getting mo all mixed." EXHIBIT AND CONFERENCE ON MENTAL HYGIENE Citizens of Pennsylvnla who are interested In the organized efforts of tho State Public Charities Associa tion to reduce the alarming amount 1 of insanity in the State, will be given I an opportunity to inspect tho (Na- tlonal Exhibit on Mental Hygiene I which attracted world-wide attention ! last September at Its Initial appear- I - I 41 1 . A nr. f n UllUU in ma uuy UL VUS1UUIUU. Through the enterprise of a number of leading citizens of the state, ar rangements have been made to havo this exhibit presented at city hall, Philadelphia, between March 15 and 22 Inclusive. The executive commit tee which has charge of the exhibit and conference on Mental Hygiene met Monday at Philadelphia to mako arrangements for a 'local exhibition of Uhe Btatus of the insane and feeble-minded in this state as a part of the national exhibit. Pennsylvania is fortunate in being one of tho first states In the Union to receive this exhibit from tho nation al committee for Mental Hygiene. Thousands of people have already Inspected It In New York and Con necticut, and Pennsylvanlans should take advantage of their opportunity to see It during the conference at HE WOULD MAKE ALL INDIANS FREE Former Commissioner Thinks Rod i,:G!i Capable. URGES THEY BE CITIZENS. Export Declares Government Should Lift Its Hands Off Affairs of Aborig ines and Place Them on Equal Foot ing With White Men Would Give Them Local Government, Full citizenship for American Indians within the confines of United States territory is proposed by former Com missioner of Indian Affairs Robert G. Valentine in a report to Secretary of the Interior 'Fisher, just made public. He voices the hope that the day may be near when the United States will finally have lifted its hands from In dian affairs and all Indians in all re spects will stand on an equal footing with all their fellow Americans. "With nil the expedition compatible with the Indians' welfare," he added, "they should be made subject to the laws of their stntes and bo taught to look to their local government Instead of the national government. My con viction is that n0 possible obstacle should be placed in the way of the transformation of Indian affairs ad ministered by the United States Into the affairs of normal citizens under the ordinary jurisdiction of the states. "I do not suggest further authority for enlarging federal jurisdiction over minor offenses on reservations. Im portant questions of marriage and di vorce illustrate difficult points, of which the only proper solution appears to bo education of the Indians, whether or not they are citizens, to comply with tho laws of their states." Progress during tho year In teaching tho Indian to bo sober and Industrious, in educating him to be a better farmer and mechanic, and in imparting health principles, both as they apply individ ually and in tho home, was reported. Vocational Guidance Attempted. "Every Indian, like every white man," declared the commissioner, "is best fitted for some one thing. We are trying to find that thing. One of our newest activities is to make every ef fort, both In the schools and among tho adults on the reservations, in the direction of vocational guidance." Tho Indian service In all its parts showed increased activity during the year, the report stated, not in exten sion of jurisdiction, "but in grappling more deeply and more lntimntely with tho problems it has to solve." The campaign for good health and physical efficiency among the Indians continued with increased momentum, tho need for this work being shown by the fact that tho death rate among the In dians is GO per cent greater tlian that among other classes of people in the registration nrea of the United States, while the mortality from tuberculosis Is three and a half times ns great. Tho war against the sale of liquor to Indians was "waged with continuous vigor and successful results," the re port added, "and tho fight against gam bling is beginning to bear fruit." Tho home condition of the Indians is one of tho most unsatisfactory features of the Indian problem, said the com missioner, for which renson special at tention Is being given to the instruc tion of Indian girls. The greatest Investment tho Indian service has, continues the report, is in the so called return students who have been away at the larger schools and have returned to live at or near their home reservation. There nre about 35 000 of these Indians, who represent nn economic investment It is estimat ed, of about $50,000,000. The property Interests of the Indians constitute one of the greatest estates ever held in trust by nny organization, governmental or private, the report states. Including the lands, forests, water powers, minerals nnd funds held In tribal or individual ownership the in tribal or Individual ownership, the the Indians amounts to $750,000,000. and the interest nnd annual rentals produce a total of $12,000,000. Indian art nnd tho industries which produce It should be carefully preserv ed In tho opinion of the commissioner. Tho making of Navajo blankets, of the high grades of bendwork and basketry nnd of pottery should be fostered and preserved, Field Matrons' Work Arduous. No work Is nobler or more necessary or more trying in the Indian service than that of tho field matrons nnd women Industrial teachers, according to tho commissioner. The help given by these women varies from instruction in sanitation to tho supervision of ex penditures and the settlement of do mestic difficulties, and they save the lives of many children. Educational opportunities must be taken to thousands of Indian children cot yet In school; Industrial Impulse and opportunity must ho given to In dians who do not now valuo their pos sessions; a chanco has to be extended to thousands of Indian families for liv ing In sanitary homes, says the report. "Only in this way," it Is declared, "can the day of the Indians' emancipa tion from national guardianship be sped and the obligation that Is upon us of affording the Indians the samo opportunities, rights and privileges as, ttber Americans be discharged." GETTING A HOME AT THE PRICE OF RENT. Tho Way It is Dono In Lcstcrshlro nnd Endlcott Timo to ltulld Is When You Can Pay Rent. In Honcsdalo under tho modern plan of home 'building, rent money goes to pay for the house; so .that the time to build is when you are able to pay rent. The size and ele gance of your house will depend up on the amount of rent you are able to pay. Before you can actually begin to build of courso you must own your building lot free and clear, and to the extent of the cost of your lot you must havo savings. Beyond that you need only to be able to pay rent to transfer to your own pocket what you havo pervlously been pay ing to the landlord In order to own your own home. In short, the modern way to build a home Is to be come your own landlord, Tho plan Is like this: For any man who owns a building lot free and clear, a building and loan society, or a savings and loan society, as it is now called, will erect a home, tak ing as security for payment a first mortgage on tho house and lot. This mortgage tho home owner pays off by monthly payments of $10 on each thousand dollars of the loan. On a $1,000 house therefore your payments would be $10 a month, on a $2,000 house $20 a month, and so on. Half of this money goes to pay tho interest, half toward reducing the principal of the loan. In some thing more than 11 years the mort gage is paid off and the house be comes your own. Merely by paying rent to yourself you have acquired a home. Of course there will be additional expenses for taxes, water rent and repairs. These costs can be com puted approximately in advance and should be provided for In the yearly budget. Then, too, there will be a period during the actual construction of the house when you will be under the double expense of continuing to pay rental for your old homo and making payments on tho new. If your regular income is not sufficient to meet this double expense, then you will need savings to carry you over this period. Those who do not like the build ing and loan can often secure straight loans from banks or private lenders. Such loans have the disad vantage of being payable in a lump sum, and experience shows that it Is harder to pay off a mortgage in this way than by the building and loan plan. During the year 1913 Tho Citi zen will be better then ever. You should subscribe for it and thereby get all the latest county news. Only $1.50 will bring it to your door. Suffering Men it Women, HrUh uirtaith, (bo UtKlWAN TREATMENT li loo only lure Hclmtltle Combination ol th Allopalhlc.Homaco patblfl Fclttlle A Uounle Bybtvnii ol Utdlclae. amjaii uureaoiier utneri van. nervous, Heart, gtomarh, Llrar, Dlood, Siln, ltladder Jb all Cbroole A Lineal In. .ailments. Il-bllltv. Weak- nm, Catarrb, Throat, Note, Opan Caartr. Ilullda Cp tbe Ilroktn Down. Kaitoraa Tlror, Tim. llaltb. Successful HallTreuleaeat. OLD DR. THEEL. Int., 1710 SPRING GARDEN ST., l'Mla., !.. 47 Years 'raetlfle. H-nl for Monk, a Ilr-velntlon to lb Sick. Exposes Advcrtlsluc Quacks & Medicine Sharks WE WILL MAIL YOU SI lot tics loll it ol Filie Tests at Mc lot set rtrtltl icti is proeorrios. Highest csib prices I paid lot Old Gold. Silvet, Matloias, DlamoDss sad Jewelry Sesd wist jam hive todsr PHILA. SMELTING k REFINING CO MP ANT Establishes 20 Ykaks 823 CHEBTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. PA, .Je,.a a'a..a i BANK DEPOSITORS KNOW HONESDALE NATIONAL HONESDALE, PA. November 2, 1912. Cash $ 90,934.00 Reserve Agents (approved by U. S. Government) 159,692.52 Bonds ( Railroad, Government, etc.) 1,140,274.37 Demand Collateral Loans 218,573.50 Total quick assets T609474.39 Bills discounted 223,823.25 Total $ 1,833,297.64 DEPOSITS L $ 1,485,000.00 We lead in cash on hand. We lead in reserve. We lead in ratio of quick assets to quick liabilities. We lead in capitalization security to depositors. We lead in EXPERIENCE. For over three quarters of a century wo havo been recognized as ono of tho solid banks of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and to-day havo un excelled facilities for handling all kinds of legitimate banking. Wo .invito you to bocomo ono of tho many contented patrons of WAYNE COUNTY'S LEADING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION THE HONESDALE NATIONAL BANK, Honesdale, Pa. OFFICERS: Henry Z. Russell, President. Andrew Thompson, Vice-President. Lewis A. Howell, Cashier. Albert O. Lindsay, Asst. Cashier. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE, Estate of EDWARD STAPLES, Lato of Township of Lehigh. All persons lndobted to said es tate 'aro notified to mako Immediate payment to the undersigned; and those having claims against the said estate aro notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. ETNA B. STAPLES, Executrix. Sterling, Pa., Feb. 3, 1913. Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company has over $250,000 worth of Wayne county property listed, all of which is first-class, if you are: interested! inquire about the following Honesdale properties : Fourteen-room brick and stone dwelling, located on Main street, Is ono of the most aristocratic places in Honesdale. Rooms are spacious and spring water Is in the house. Garage on premises, beautiful lawn and shade trees. Ten-room two story framo dwell ing located on Court, west side of street between Eighth and Ninth streets. Modern throughout. Large lot, place for excellent garden. Building In first-class condition. Double dwelling on East street ex tension. Nine rooms In each apart ment. House well and substantial ly built. Rents for $34. Would make good Investment. Lot 100x175 feet. Room on premises for another building. Eight-room house, all Improve ments, located East street extension. All Improvements, hard wood floors, good dry cellar, large porch bay windows. Chicken house, capacity 50 birds. Lot 52x125 feet. Eight-room residence corner of Court and Eleventh streets. House in first-class condition. All modern Improvements, located on west side of Court street. Cash Bakery For Sale Cheap. Place enjoys an excellent trade. Well established lunch rooms in con nection with business. Books open to prospective purchaser. One of best paying stands in Honesdale. If sold now, a 'big bargain awaits hust ling young man. Good Building Lot Located In Texas No. 4, Green street, within 15 minutes' walk from Honesdale post office. Ground practically level. Size of lot 60x75 feet. Property commands beautiful view of land scape. Will be sold cheap. Rare bargain. Any of the above properties can Terms made easy to all purchasers. apply to office of uy-U-A-Hom Honesdale, Pa, Jadwin Building J J- j ej . J- J - J J- J ARE ENTITLED AT ALL TIMES TO WHAT SECURITY IS BEHIND THEIR DEPOSITS w Statement of "THE OLD RELIABLE" Henry Z. Russell, Homer Greene, Horace T. Menner, James C, Blrdsall, Louis J. Dorfllngor, E. B. Hardonbergh, Andrew Thompson, Philip R. Murray. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, ESTATE OF OAKLEY B. MEGARQEL, Late of Sterling, deceased. All persona Indebted to said estate are notified to make Immediate pay ment to the undersigned; and thoi having claims against said estata aro notified to present them, duly attest ed, for settlemnt. H.vR. MEGARGEL, Admr. Sterling, Pa., Jan. 14, 1913. 5w6 Two Good Lots Located on Fair avenue, 15 minutes' walk from Honesdale. Will be sold together or separately. On R. D. route. Fer tile ground. Lots have a frontage of about 600 feet and run from Dy berry river. Ideal place for party who desires small farm near town. Modern nouso In Honesdale Brick, contains steam heating plant, gas and other modern appointments. Lot 50x125 feet. Good garden, barn, and chicken house on prem ises. Property in first-class condi tion. Was recently improved. One of Honesdale's best properties. Building Lot In Honcsdalo Locat ed on Court street In one of prettiest residential sections of Honesdale. Size G3xl25 feet. Story and a half house on property. Property In good condition. Honesdale Two building lots and house on Sixteenth street. Size of property 100 x 100 feet. Situated in finest residential section of town. Modern dwelling in Honesdale contains nine rooms and is equipped with all appointments of an up-to-date house. Located on Main street In one of the nicest sections of the residential sections. House has g-.s. New furnace recently Installed. Lot 50x125 feet. Property In good condition. A bargain for a home seeker. Honesdale Ten-room houso on Main street. Lot 50x200 feet. One of nicest locations for residence. Will be sold cheap. Three-story brick building on West side of Main street between Sixth and Seventh streets. Building Is rented. Lot 23xG0 feet. Proper ty in good shape. Will mako 10 investment. be purchased at reasonable prices. For prices and further description: Both Phones aawaa.aa DIRECTORS: e Realty Co. Philadelphia. ' J-J.JJ..a41 .$w..fc.J4J..$Ja J-rfJaJwwI.-A-4