The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 11, 1913, Image 1

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71th YEAR.--NO. 13
Early Morning Flro Does Much Dam
ago Started In Myers Shoo Store
Reilly Family Narrowly Es
cape Suffocation Property
Damaged by Water.
A disastrous 'fire occurred on
South Main street early Friday
morning of last week and resulted
In a total loss of about $10,000 for
the occupants of three buildings.
The lire started In the basement of
Frank J. Myers' shoe store a little be
fore two o'clock, but did not break
Into flames till some time later. Mrs.
Reilly, who occupies the second
floor of the adjoining building was
awakened by the dense smoke which
poured into her room. The Reilly '
family consists of the mother and
son William, and daughters, Olive
Anna and Isabelle, all who had a nar
row escape from suffocation. They
escaped from the building in Bcant
attire and one of the family aroused
Ben Loris, foreman of Hose Com
pany 'No. 1 who gave the alarm. Mrs.
'Iteilly had to be carried out of the
building by her son. She was taken
to the home of her son, M. J. Iteilly.
The Are was mainly In Myers'
store when the fire companies ar
rived on the scene and after several
streams were turned on and by the
use of chemicals, it was thought the
fire had been extinguished but very
soon it again broke out in the sec
ond floor of the Reilly building. The
second floor of the Myers building
Is unoccupied.
The Interior of the Myers building
was badly burned but the second
floor which was a mass of debris,
held. The roof was burned off. The
Kellly bu'lding was badly damaged
on the Interior of the second floor,
occupied by Mrs. Reilly and family.
They were unable to save any of
their effects.
The T. D. O'Connell building on
the north, used on the first floor by
Michael Galvin, wholesale liquor
dealer, and Harry A. Deck, plumber,
and on the second floor O'Con
nell's hall were considerably dam
aged by water and slightly by fire
as the latter only broke through
into the hall and was quickly ex
tinguished. Harry Deck suffered
considerable loss by water. Loss
covered by insurance.
South and adjoining the Reilly
building was Galvin & Theobald's
hardware store and over them the
rooms were occupied by Frank Was
man and family. The latter's goods
were damaged to some extent by
water. The water stood many feet
deep In the cellars of all the build
ings. At one time it looked as
though the whole block was doomed
to destruction as smoke could be
seen issuing from the eaves of all
the buildings. The thorough work
of all the fire companies undoubted
ly saved the entire block. About
three o'clock the fire was thought
to be under control but there was
.plenty of smoke. About this time
the flames again leaped up and It
was all the lire fighters could do to
check its rush upward and outward.
A second alarm was turned in just
before 3 o'clock. Taking Into con
sideration that the thermometer
hovered around zero all the time the
work of checking the flames was dif
ficult. Several streams were kept
constantly playing on the buildings
in front and rear until the Are was
at last under control. The recall
sounded a few seconds before six
o'clock Friday morning.
The origin of the lire is unknown.
There is a steam heating plant in the
basement of the Meyers building but
Mr. Myers says everything there was
In good condition when he left for
the night. He carried $3,000 Insur
ance on the building and $2,700 on
the stock and fixtures.
T. D. O'Connell's loss to his build
ing was covered by insurance.
Mrs. Reilly carried $1500 insur
ance on her building and furniture.
Galvin & Theobald carried $1500
insurance on stock and building.
Frank Wasman's loss was cover
ed by Insurance.
'Michael Galvin suffered some loss
by water. The Insurance adjusters
are expected to arrive to-day.
To Work for Free Urldges Improve
ment of Roads and Hotter Mail
Service and School Conditions
On Tuesday of last week the 20th
Century Club of Atco was formed,
when about seventeen persons met
there for that purpose. Officers were
elected as follows: George Heller,
president; H. C. Muller, secretary;
T. Barkley, treasurer. The purpose
of the club is to work for free
bridges, the improvement of roads,
better mail service and better school
A committee on by-laws was ap
pointed also a committee of investi
gation. Resolutions were adopted to peti
tion the representatives and senators
of this district to urge passage of
Free Bridge and State Road meas
ures in congress.
A committee from the Young Peo
ple's social club, were received and
given substantial aid In their en
deavor to secure money for their
flag fund. The meeting adjourned
until February 15, when all citizens
are 'urgently requested to attend on
that date, as -matters of great Im
portance will be discussed. Bring
your grievances for united work. We
can obtain results.
H. C. MULLER, Sec'y.
The Boy Scouts did good work at
the fire Friday morning. They were
out with hot coffee soon after the
firemen got to work and remained
until the fire was out. They were
called on to lend a hand hero and
there and as one fireman put It,
"were on the Job every minute."
This Is the third fire at Which
the Scouts have worked to advant
age. Their work Is definitely laid
out and constantly directed and su
pervised. Only as many Scouts as
are needed are put to work by the
Scout Master. Those present Friday
morning were Philip Sommer, Ray
mond Short, Sumner Crossley, Ed
ward Lelne. They were aided also
by Qulnton Murray and Edward
Street Railway Franchise To Do
Taken Up nt Adjourned Meeting
W. II. Leo Appointed Solicitor
Bills Paid.
The borough council met at their
regular monthly meeting Thursday
evening with the following council
men present: Martin Caufield, presi
dent; G. W. Penwarden, treasurer;
John Erk, secretary; C. II. Rettew,
S. T. Ham, Wm. Kreltner and Thos.
The minutes of the last meeting
and special meetings were read and
W. H. Lee, at a recent meet
ing was authorized to draw up an
ordinance to repeal the franchise
rights given to the 'Lackawaxen Val
ley Railway company, which was
later taken over by the Wayne Coun
ty Traction company. The ordinance
was drawn up and passed by the
council repealing all rights of the
above companies to the use of the
borough streets. An ordinance was
drawn up by Atty. Lee for the Wayne
County Railway company, the pres
ent venture, for the granting of a
franchise. The .matter was discuss
ed at length by the council but it
was finally deferred for two weeks
to bo taken up at an adjourned
meeting, at which time each article
In the proposed franchise will be
gone over and discussed.
It is likely that if the railway
company is given the franchise at the
next meeting of the council they will
be obliged to pave the street inside
the rails and two feet on each side
as the track is laid. If this is done
the borough will in all likelihood
pave the remainder of the main
street at the same time. A meeting
will be held some evening this week
to discuss the 'matter.
The report of the treasurer, G. W.
Penwarden, showed cash on hand at
last meeting, $2,552.02.
Received from B. H. Dlttrlch, li
cense for January, February and
March, $15.00.
Received from H. Schuerholz,
1909 duplicate; balance, $2,G19.45.
Paid out during month, $1,089.
79; balance on hand, $1,529.00.
A communication was received
from Dr. Balta for permission to
erect two street lights in front of St.
Mary Magdalen's church. The per
mission was granted.
The superintendent of the Electric
Light company was authorized to
put In a new whistle valve, the cost
not to exceed $58.15.
A contract was signed between
Protection Engine Company No. 3
and the Torrey estate whereby per
mission was granted by the latter
to place the hose cart building on
the lot at the corner of East Exten
sion and Seventeenth streets. The
secretary was authorized to attend
to the 'moving of the building at
G. W. Penwarden and John Lyons
reported that they had inspected all
the fire plugs in the borouch and
had found them all in good condi
Harry Rettew was authorized to
go to Scranton to consult with the
city engineer there In regard to how
rails of street railways are laid and
other matters pertaining to the
granting of a franchise,
W. H. Lee, Esq., was appointed
borough solicitor at the meeting
Thursday evening, his term of office
to begin January 1. 1913. at the
salary of $50 a year. The Burgess,
C. A. McCarty, has been doing the
work of solicitor for the borough for
some time but now finds that the
two offices conflict and for some
months the borough has been with
out a solicitor.
The Firemen's Relief Association
was paid $2'55, $G4 out of their fund
held by the borough.
It was decided to borrow $2,073
to pay for the fixtures used in the
new postofllce. It was also decided
i to have the borough statement pub
lished in the three papers of Hones-
The following bills were ordered
Kraft & Conger $ 40,70
Bell Telephone 3.40
j Electric Light Co. 27G.05
Window guards for postoffico 97.25
O. T. Chambers ' 1.00
Erk Bros., sewer pipe 235.08
F. W. Clauson 1.80
John Canlvan GO. 00
Levi DeGroat 50.000
L. Woldner, labor 24.21
L. Weidner, team work 8.54
L. Roegner, carting .50
John Caufield, moving safe 25.00
C. II. Rettew 27.85
Wm. F. Igo, painting flag pole 10.00
F. M. Fuller, auditing 2.00
Firemen's Relief 255.64
Postofllce fixtures 2,073.00
George Foster, salo 175.00
James O. Mumford Admitted to
Wayne County Bar Motions nnd
Other Business.
James O. Mumford, son of Attor
ney E. C. Mumford of Honesdale,
had his petition for admission to the
bar presented Friday in court. The
petition was granted. Mr. Mumford
passed the preliminary examination
of the state board of law examiners
at Harrisburg in July, 1908. Since
that time he has studied law under
the direction of his father. In De
cember last he took the final exam
ination and passed successfully. H.
Wilson and W. H. Lee composed the
county examining committee and ap
proved his credentials. This is the
second new member of the Wayne
county bar In less than a week.
An application was presented for
the appointment of a guardian for
the estate of Sarah L. Angle, a feeble
minded person. Wallace J. Barnes
was appointed guardian. His bond
was approved.
Fred A. Tiffany was appointed
guardian of Ralph Haynes and Mil
dred Haynes, minor children of Geo.
In re petition of Maggie Compton,
administratrix of William S. Comp
ton, deceased, to sell real estate.
Petition granted.
Lunacy commission composed of
E. W. Burns, M. D R. M. Stocker
and C. M. Betz, found Henry Wayne
Blockberger, a person of unsound
mind. Court directed Friday that he
be sent to Rittersville to the hospi
tal for the Insane.
Rule granted on petition of A. M.
Lelne to strike off appeal on de
fendant insurance companies to
show cause why appeal from the
award of arbitrators should not be
stricken off. Returnable March 3,
at 2 p. m.
The argument on Wassman de-!
murer which was to have been held
Saturday morning was continued un
til March 1 at 10 a. m. F. W.
Fleitz, attorney for Thomas P.
Donaldson, special deputy insurance
commissioner, being unable to be
present Saturday afternoon, court
was held in the Chambers.
A decree was handed down by the
Court Friday granting Mrs. Pierce
permission to keep Albert Toms,
son of Warren A. Toms and directing
that the latter pay to Mrs. Pierce
$2.50 a week, payable every two
Petition of James O. Mumford, ad
ministrator of James M. Howarth,
deceased, for sale of real estate
Healthy Balance in Treasury of S32,-1-10.70
Larger Than Last Year.
County Auditors W. C. Avery, F.
L. Gilpin and 'E. R. Bodle finished
their task Friday of last week and
filed their report with Prothonotary
Barnes Saturday, February 8. The
account shows that the claims in
favor of the county amount to $32,
185.70, while tho claims against the
county are $31,880.95. This leaves
a balance of $403.75 in favor of the
county. The disputed claims amount
to $6,344.04.
(On January G, tho close of tho
fiscal year 1912, the books of coun
ty treasurer W. W. Wood claimed a
balance of $22,14G.74 as against a
balance of $15,168.79 at the close
of 1911. This means that the of
ficers of the court house havo been
good managers during the year and
havo economized to the greatest ex
tent. During the year $481.35 was spent
in appropriations. $7,541.05 went
for building bridges. The court costs
for tho year were $5,799.45 and the
commonwealth costs were $1,911.53.
During the twelve months $975 was
paid to Insane asylums, while $600
went for the burial of indigent sold
iers. County buildings cost $828.95.
The election expenses for the year
were $2,574.70, while the uniform
primaries cost the county $1,561.77.
The full statement of the finances
of the county will be published in an
early Issue.
The twenty-fifth Martha Washing
ton Supper will be served In the
Presbyterian Chapel on Friday, Feb.
21st. All efforts are being made to
make this event one of great pleas
ure. The decorating committee are
sparing no pains In beautifying the
place and thus add pleasure to the
scene. You are all acquainted with
the quality of "Dan Brown's" tur
keys, four hundred and forty pounds
having been secured which needs no
other comment. Price of supper, 50
'Everybody should wear a AV. AV. W. Guaranteed Blrthstone
It doesn't make any difference what month you were born in, we
can show you an assortment of 'Blrthstone Rings representing
your month. ,
For yourself or for a gift we suggest a AV. AV. AV. B.IRTHSTONE
RING those wonderful rings "In AVhich the Stone3 Do Stay."
Our window contains an attractive display of Rings.
It also explains full particulars regarding the ring contest.
The Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale.
Captain James Ham Post Havo Dig
Time Friday Night Supper
Served by Ladles.
Captain James Ham Post No. 198,
Grand Army of the Republic held
their annual banquet and Installation
of officers in Freedom Hall Friday
evening. There were about two hun
dred guests present. Addresses
were made by Father John O'Toole,
Dr. J. W. Balta, Kev. A. L. Whit
taker, Attorney M. J. Hanlan, Reg
ister and Recorder W. B. Lesher. A
letter from Homer Greene was read,
i i ..I.. . i. . . i . i.
UU UUlUfi UUUU1B IU UU iUUSUUL ill uio i
installation, sonner s orcnesira ana
the Maple City Drum Corps furnish
ed the music. The Ladles' Circle
furnished a delightful supper to the
many guests and veterans. Tho fol
lowing olficers were installed by
Robert A. Brady, installing officer:
Henry Wilson, commander; Edward
Cook, senior vice commander; Isaac
Ball, junior vice commander; W. W.
Wood, officer of the day; Earl Sher
wood, adjutant; Graham Watts,
quartermaster; Peter Collum, chap
lain; Michael Webber, officer of the
guard; Henry Parish, outside guard.
The Ladles' Circle also installed
officers as follows: Mrs. George Bak
er, of Waymart, was the installing
ollicer: Mrs. Wm. Clark, president;
Mrs. Isaac Ball, senior vice com
mander; Mrs. Barnes, junior vice
commander; Mrs. David Mantle,
treasurer; Jennie M. Ball, secretary;
Mrs. Mary Thorpe, chaplain; Mrs.
U. G. Ridgeway, conductress; Miss
Nellie Cook, assistant conductress;
Mrs. Cyrus Wooden, guard; Mrs.
Clarence Bond, assistant guard.
Report States That Ho and His Par
ty Were Found Frozen to Death.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
London, Feb. 10. Tho Central
News Agency today published a dis
patch from Wellington, New Zea
land, said to be authentic, that Cap
tain Robert F. Scott, the antarctic
explorer, and all his party perished
in a blizzard near McMurdo Bay.
Scott did not die until after accom
plishing the object of his perilous
From records found with the bod
ies of the party it was shown that
Scott reached the South Pole on
January 18, 1912. The Central
News had a contract with Scott,
when he started out, for the exclu
sive publication of this account of
his expedition, and the agency.
therefore, was In close touch with
the relief expedition, which set out
December 14 from Christ Church In
the steamer Terra Nova to look for
Explorer's Record.
The explorer, 'from records found
at McMurdo's Bay, reached the
south pole on January 18, 1912, and
it was on the return to their base
of supplies that they -were overtaken
by a fierce blizzard and frozen to
.death before they could prepare suf
ficient shelter.
Captain Scott was an officer of the
Royal navy. He was born in Out
lands, Devonport, England, June 8,
1868, and entered the navy in 1882.
He was torpedo lieutenant of the
Majestic, flagship of the Channel
squadron, in 1898-1899; was made
commander in 1900 and captain in
1UU4. He commanded the British
Antarctic expedition in 1900-1904.
Polar Achievements.
Captain Scott's flrst antarctic ex
pedition sailed on the ship Discover
er in 1901. He established winter
quarters in the ice barrier and led
a sledge expedition to 82 degrees,
17 minutes, tho most southerly point
reached up to that time. He was
brought back by a relief expedition
on the steamship Morning, In Janu
ary, 1903.
Aside from tho usual routine busi
ness transacted at the regular month
ly meeting of the board of directors
of the Farvlew Hospital for tho
Criminal Insane Saturday morning,
arrangements were made for tho
erection of a workshop for the use
of the inmates. The building is to
be of brick, and an appropriation of
$5,000 will bo asked for its con
struction. Shoemaklng, carpet and
basket weaving will be three of the
Industries Inaugurated.
It was also announced that a visit
to the institution will be made dur
ing the flrst week In March by Gov.
Toner, and tho members of tho com
mittee on appropriations of both the
house and tho senate. With tho of
ficials In charge, they will go over
the amount needed for the mainten
ance of the asylum for the year.
The special revival meetings at
the Central Methodist Episcopal
church are .demonstrating that the
gospel of Christ is the power of God
unto Balvation and that an old time
revival is possible in Honesdale.
Last Friday evening Attorneys R.
M. Stocker and M. E. Simons In
masterly addresses held tho undivid
ed attention of tho audience and a
stirring altar service followed.
Sunday morning and evening Pas
tor Hiller preached to largo congre
gations and the meetings were mark
ed by the evident presence of Divine
power. Tho workers are confident
of "victory through Christ," and send
forth to all the people of Honesdale
an invitation to attend the meetings,
which are held every evening, ex
cept Saturday.
Honcsdalo Man a Member of Execu
tive Committee Many Present
Ofllcers Elected.
Many presidents, directors and
cashiers from the majority of the
banking houses in this part of the
state attended Thursday night as
delegates or guests the eighteenth
annual meeting and banquet of
Group 3, Pennsylvania Bankers' as
sociation, in Hotel Casey, Scranton.
There were 224 men at the banquet
and they represented Institutions
whose money resources approach
well toward the one hundred million
dollar mark. The affair was larger
than any previous annual dinner of
tho group, and was marked by the
cordiality and friendship between
the members and by the number of
distinguished banker guests. Fred
eric W. Fleitz? president of thfc An
thracite Trust company of Scranton,
presided as toastmaster.
The speakers were: Former
Judge Charles F. Moore, of New
York, general counsel for the AVest
AMrginia Pulp and Paper company
and editor of the trade journal, Pa
per; AVIllard F. Bunnell, vice-president
and trust officer of the An
thracite Trust company, and Robt.
D. Towne.
The following were elected mem
bers of executive committee: J. C.
Bell, cashier of the First National
bank of Freeland; Rodger Williams,
cashier of the South Side bank of
WIlkes-Barre; John F. AVenner,
cashier of the Allentown National
bank of Allentown; W. E. Lane,
cashier of tho First National bank of
Towanda; J. A. Flsch, cashier of the
Honesdale Dime bank of Honesdale;
J. U. Neumeyer, cashier of the
Northampton National bank of Eas
ton; member of the council of ad
ministration of the Pennsylvania
Bankers' association, D. G. Rom
bach, of Graham & Co., Scranton.
Among those present from AVayne
county were: C. A. Emery, cashier
of the Farmers & Mechanics bank,
Honesdale; J. A. Fisch, cashier of
the Honesdale Dime bank; H. Z.
Russell, president of the Honesdale
National bank; H. S. Salmon, cash
ier of the AVayne County Savings
bank: W. B. Holmes, president of
tho 'Wayne County Savings bank;
Lewis A. Howell, cashier of Hones
dale National bank; M. J. Emery,
cashier of the First National bank of
Ariel; Roy Howe, Ariel; R. W. Mur
phy, vice-president First National
bank of Hawley.
Dentil of Mrs. I. N. Shipman.
Mrs. I. N. Shipman died at her
homo on Church street, Montrose,
Tuesday morning, Feb. 4, 1913, at
about 4 o'clock a. m. She had been
an Invalid several years, failing rap
idly the last few months, being par
tially paralyzed. Mrs. Shipman was
beloved by all who knew her and
many mourn her death. She and her
husband, a superannuated Methodist
clergyman, have resided In Montrose
about two years. He was a former
pastor of tho Methodist church at
Montrose and also charges at Sus
quehanna, Hawley and Chenango
street church, Binghamton. Services
were held at the house Wedesday
evening at 8 o'clock, Rev. Carl Coun
cilman officiating. The body was
taken to New York city Thursday
mornlnct. leaving Montrose on the
8:30 Lackawanna train. Rov. and
Mrs. Shipman were at Hawley from
Denth of Mrs. Peter Pressor.
Mrs. Margaret Presser, wife of
Peter Presser, died at her home on
Ridgo street Thursday evening about
8 o'clock. She was sixty-eight years
of age. She suffered a stroke of
naralvsis about two months ago. She
is survived by her husband and eight
children, as follows: Catherine, Flor
ence and Dena, at homo; Mrs. Al
bert Schumaker, Mrs. Louis Hitter,
and Carl Presser of Schnectady, N.
Y.; Henry and Christopher, of To
ledo. Ohio.
Tho funeral services were held in
St. John's Lutheran church Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rov. C. C.
i Miller officiating. Interment was
made In the German Lutheran ceme.
At a 'meeting of the directors of
! the Herald Press Association, 'held
, on Saturday last, resolutions were
adopted changing the publication of
The .Herald from a semi-weekly to a
weekly? Friday was fixed as publi
cation day. The Herald for the past
few years has been a semi-weekly
coming out on Tuesdays and Fridays.
We will miss our sister paper at the
flrst of the week, but hope the edi
tor and nubllshor. bv using his com
bined efforts, will give the people of
Wayne county a rattling good week-
Interesting Talk By Dr. A. E. Turner
on tho Aims of the Chautauqua
Hope to Organize Here Later
Meeting to bo Held Feb. 25.
Dr. A. E. Turner, associate direc
tor of the Chautauqua Association
of Pennsylvania, came to Honcsdalo
last week to organize a Chautauqua
to be held here this summer. Ho
spoke to a s"mall number in the li
brary room of tho High school Fri
day night. Although the number
present was small the meeting was a
very Interesting and enthusiastic
one. Plans for a Chautauqua were
discussed, but no definite steps were
taken other than to appoint a time
for a later meeting at which It Is
hoped a larger and more representa
tive gathering will be present. Tho
date chosen for the meeting was
Tuesday evening, February 25th In
the High school. Dr. Turner has
consented to be present and address
tho meeting.
Notwithstanding the small attend
ance Dr. Turner was prevailed upon
to talk on the Chautauqua, Its meth
ods, aims and progress. He Is a
forceful talker and converted his au
dience at once. He named the six
reasons why Honesdale should have
a Chautauqua. They are given
The Chautauqua will confer
unique distinction upon the town.
It will advertise the town 'by giv
ing prominence to its best element
its intellectual, religious and moral
strength and progresslveness. No
dead town will have a Chautauqua.
Chautauqua will be held right In
the town, not in the country away
from it. It will, therefore, not dis
turb business, but will rather in
crease it, by bringing here people
form the country and nearby towns.
It will unify the best people and
the best Interests. It is the most
democratic Institution In America.
All workers for the common good,
however divided Into different
churches, groups, and organizations,
are united here under conditions In
suring a permanent Inspiration to
It is an efficient instrument for
arousing and directing public opin
ion along useful and definite lines.
The Chautauqua platform is unbiased
and non-sectarian. It affords stim
ulating discussion of all current,
questions of Importance. The great
problems of the day are N brought
home to the community.
'It does not destroy ideals nor lead
to waste of money, as almost every
other form of summer festival does.
It costs less than a good Fourth of
July celebration. There Is no
"morning after." It leaves behind a
lasting inspiration. Business men
feel the changed atmosphere and In
dorse It everywhere.
It Is a "no profit corporation."
Over a thousand Chautauquas
were held throughout the west last
year, but only a few of them were
located east of the Allegheny Moun
tains. Most of them have carried
out in spirit the purpose of the par
ent Chautauqua in New York and
the programs seek to combine in
struction, entertainment and amuse
ment. Out of the forty-one towns
where Chautauquas were held last
season forty have asked to havo
them repeated this year. This Is the
best argument for the Chautauqua.
Dr. Turner Interspersed his remarks
with witty phrases and told many
stories to illustrate his points.
For next season the program in
cludes such attractions as Frank
Dixon, Newell Dwight HUlis, Reno
B. AVolbourne, William Sterling
Battis, Rosani, th s juggler, The Flor
entine Concert Band, The Common
wealth Quartet, and more than twen
ty other features, including a speak
er of national reputation in politi
cal life. Gov. Hadley of Missouri is
under engagement and each com
munity will have the pleasure of lis
tening to a man who is widely
known. President Taft and AVlIliam
Jennings Bryan are on the list, tho
latter with the proviso that he is not
chosen Secretary of State.
The entertainments are held in a
largo tent specially constructed for
tho purpose, with a maximum seat
ing capacity of two thousand. It Is
seated with folding chairs and all
the arrangements are in charge of
an experienced platform manager as
sisted by a tent crew of college stu
dents, who look after the comfort
of the people in every way .possible.
"Tho Chautauqua towns," said Dr.
Turner, "are distinctive." A traveler
in the west comes to know a Chau
tauqua town as soon as ho gets Into
one. They have a different air an
atmosphere of community thinking
and community progress."
Tho Association is not In any
sense a money making concern. For
the permanency of tho work it is
hoped to make it self-sustaining
but there will be no such thing as
profits. If tho receipts exceed the
expenditures, tho excess will go back
1 1. -V In Ilia wnv rtf hftttnr
1IUO lliu wuin. in ""j
I and more extended programs for tho
Tho r.hautauaua circuit plan is op-
nlinrt to the smaller towns, in Which
high class entertainments or famous
lectures are ordinarily not heard. It
buys high class entertainment ana
pays famous lecturers wholesale, and
gives the benefit to the town by pre
senting them at wholesale prices.
There are over thirty features on
tho program for the proposed Chau
tauqua to bo held hero and it will
only cost about seven cents a feat
ure. Dr. Turner concluded by say
ing that Honesdale was an ldoal town
and In the lino of progress and he
hoped tho people would get together
at tho next meeting ana aeciae to
I havo one. )