THE CITIZEN jii 71th TEAR. --NO. 12 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1913. CENQS RUNS AWAY; NEXT DAY FOUND M. Leo Braman's Ilorso Driven By Norman Decker Ran Away Near Seelyvillo Tuesday Night Horso Found Next Day. Norman Decker, who is employed In M. Lee Braman's livery barn, had -a very narrow escape from serious injury Tuesday evening whon the 'horse he was driving ran away and dragged him along the road for a considerable distance. His compan ion succeeded In getting out of dan ger. He had been out for a sleigh ride with a friend and a little abovo Seelyvllle he tried to turn around In the road to drive back to Honesdale. It was while turning that the horse gave a sudden lunge and started to go toward Prompton. The young lady jumped out of the sleigh as it tipped toward her and escaped in jury, but Decker was thrown out and dragged along the road for a consid erable distance. He was bruised and scratched but suffered no serious injuries. After disposing of the oc cupants of the sleigh the horse con tinued In the direction of Prompton. That was the last seen of the horse or the sleigh. A piece of the harness and the robe were found a little later in the road. No one along the road remembered seeing the horse go by and It is supposed It went off the xoad Into the fields. The accident happened between eight and nine o'clock Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning about eleven o'clock the horse was found walking along the road by Mr. Ferguson at Seelyvllle and he put the animal in his barn and then notified Mr. Bra man. The horse was still attached to the sleigh and both were without a scratch. CHAUTAUQUA FOR HONESDALE. The Chautauqua Association of Pennsylvania has sent a representa tive to Honesdale to consider the ad visability of establishing a Chau tauqua In this community next sum mer. So far as our information goes, we do not know of any move ment which would bo of more sub stantial benefit to the community and would have a more lasting impression behind It. The program offers the very best talent In oratory, music and entertainment, and the prime consideration with the management in forming it is its beneficial effect upon the community which Is served. Any one who will take the trouble to investigate can convince himself that the Association is both reput able and reliable. It has the support of a largo number of the leading business men and financial leaders 'of Philadelphia and vicinity. It should be stated, however, that these' Chautauquas are not conducted for profit. The association Is chartered as a "iNo profit" stock organization and it seeks simply to 'provide a high grade program which shall be of real value to the community with the hope of covering the expenses only. This should appeal to our citizens as most of the organizations which seek to operate 'In our town desire to make as large profits as possible. Over a thousand Chautauqus were held throughout the West last sea son, but only a few of them were lo cated east of the Allegheny Moun tains. Most of them have carried out In spirit the purpose of the par ent Chatauqua In New York and the programs seek to combine In struction, entertainment and amuse ment. For next season the program In cludes such attractions as Frank Dixon, Newell Dwlght Hlllis, Reno B. Welbourne, William Sterling Bat tls, Rosanl, the juggler, The Floren tine Concert Band, The Common wealth Quartet, and more than twen ty other features, inoluding a speak er of national reputation in political life. Gov. Hadley of Missouri, is under engagement and each com munity will have the pleasure of lis tening to a man who Is widely known. The entertainments are held In a largo tent specially constructed for the purpose, with a maximum seat ing capacity of two thousand. It Is seated with folding chairs and all the arrangements are In charge of an experienced platform manager as sisted by a tent crew of college stu dents, who look after the comfort of the people In every way possible. Tickets for this superb course of entertanment are placed at the sur prisingly low figure of $2.00 arid they are transferable. No better in vestment of that amount of money could possibly be made and wo be lieve It would be easy to guarantee a sufficient number of these tickets to bring the attraction to Hones dale. Death of Mrs. J. S. Miller. Malvenla Stlckley, widow of the flato Jacob S. Miller, of this place, died at 111:15 o'clock Wednesday night at the home of her daughter, Mrs. E, A. Thompson, at McOraw, N. Y., after two weeks illness, Mrs. Miller was well and favorably known in Honesdale, having lived here since the ago of 1C years, when she came from Mast Hope, where she was born Soptembor 15, 1834. In 1855 she was united in marriage with Mr. Miller. Their 50th anniversary was celebrated July 4, 1905. Three children survive, namely, Mrs. E. A. Thompson, of McGraw, N. Y.; W. J. M. Miller. New Milford, and Robt. J. Miller of Honesdale; also four sis ters, Mrs. Jacob Elmore, of Whlto Mills; Mrs. William Chubb, of Wind sor, N. Y.; Mrs. John Bright and Mrs. Lyman T. Borchers, both of Warren. The remains will be brought to Honesdale today and the funeral ser vices will be held on Sunday at 1 p. in. at the house, Her. A. L. Whlttaker officiating. Interment will be made In Glen Dyberry cemetery. HORSE BELL EXCHANGE AT PLEASANT MOUNT. Number of Subscribers in Pleasant Mount and Surrounding Rural Districts Necessitated In stallation of Exchange. The Bell Telephone Company, for the past several weeks has been con structing lines and installing tele phones In Pleasant Mount and Vi cinity. The applications for Bell tele phone service In that section have been so numerous that it was neces sary to establish exchange In Pleas ant Mount to serve the different rural companies operating In the ru ral districts. The towns of Orson, Poyntelle, Lakewood and Lake Como will be served by the Progressive Telephone Company. This company is compos ed of the most prosperous and Influ ential citizens In 'Wayne county and Is capitalized at $5,000. The Progressive Telephone Com pany will connect with the Bell Tel ephone company at Pleasant Mount. Three trunk lines connecting with the Carbondale exchange have been completed which will give the sub scribers In Northern Wayne and Susquehanna counties tojll connec tion over the Bell system. CHURCH NOTES. Grace Episcopal dhurch, Friday, Feb. 7, the Rev. Eugene A. Helm, of New Milford will preach. Sunday, Feb. 9, services at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday school at 12 M. Tuesday, Feb. 11, service with ad dress for children, "The Coming of the King." During Lent there will be services each Tuesday and Thursday at 4il5 and each Wednesday and Friday at 7:30. At Christ church, Indian Orchard, Sunday, Feb. 9, at 2:30 p. m., Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold service and preach. Sunday sdhool every Sun day afternoon at 1:30. AS OTHERS SEE US Now Trio of Nnines Presented Today Dili You Guess Correctly Those Appearing In Tuesday's Paper? There appears to be considerable interest manifested In The Citizen's department "As Others See Us" if public expression is a criterion. Since this department has appeared It has caused no end of favorable comment and the paper is eagerly read and sought after. How many guessed Tuesday's pen sketches? Honest now. To No. 14 did you have L. A. Howell? If so that was right. Did you guess Miss Theresa Gerrity to No. 15? That was correct. Now for No. 16. We will help .you. out. It was a description of Fred M. Spencer, the druggist in Jadwin's. You did pretty good In answering the last sketches and now we present four others which will with out a doubt cause you to scratch your head before you answer cor rectly. Here they are: Fe'lter Wendell. Eighth Grade A Grammar. The subject of this sketch Is a medium sized man, with black hair, sprinkled with gray, and gray mus tache. He has dark complexion and a pleasant expression. Ho bears himself well and walks with a firm step. His manners are of the very best. He wears glasses and a black suit almost always When he Is seen on the street. His character is of the .purest and ho Is very pleasant at all times. He is generous and has great mental power. No. 17. Rinetta Dlrlam. Eighth Grade A Grammar. Tho subject of this sketch is a woman who is real tall and not very stout. Her face is long and she has high cheek bones. Her hair is'black, tinted with grey. She has clear dark eyes and wears glasses occasionally. She has a small mouth and a very pleasant expression. Her bearing and manners are .plain and modest and she dresses well. No. 18. Clyde Robblns. Eighth Grade A Grammar. The subject of this sketch is of a man of medium height although he Is stout; he Is good looking and al ways has a smile on his face. He wears glasses and his hair Is tinged with gray and ho has a thick grey mustache. He holds an office In the county and everybody likes him. He Is married and has a grown up daughter. Ills wife and his daughter as well as himself are Sun day school teachers. No. 19. Charles Crist. Eighth Grado A Grammar. This sketch Is of a short and med lum-slzed man, 'having a mustache and dark brown hair. He always walks quite fast, and if you don't get out of his way you may have a colli sion with him. He Is a very polite 'man, and on the coldest days you may see him tip his hat. He is a very Jolly man, and is always Interested In the welfare of the boys, and they all like and re spect him. No. 20. Death of Mrs. Mary Schmidt. Mrs. Mary Schmidt, widow of tho late Francis Schmidt, of Egypt, Pike county, died Thursday morning at i 4 o'clock, at Gumbles, Pike county, whore she resided with her son, Theodore. The funeral will take place Saturday at 1 p. m., and In terment wHl.Jio made In Egypt. Two children 'five her, Theodoro of Gumbler, and Miss Clara Schmidt, of Honesdale. I STATEMENT OF BOROUGH FINANCES FILED Auditors Fuller and Truscott File Account Wednesday Cost $23, OOO to Bun County Seat In 1012 $2,000 to Bepalr Streets. A financial statement of tho ac counts of the borough of Honesdale was filed in the office of 'Prothonotary Barnes Wednesday. The statement made out by borough treasurer G. W. Penwarden has been audited by T. M. Fuller and Frank Truscott. The amount of cash In the borough treasury at the close of the year 1912 was '$2,552.62. At the close of the year 19H1 the amount of cash In the treasury Was $1,079.26. The total amount of cash received during the year was $25,555.47. Among the items were: Licenses, $20; sale of postofflce articles $14; dog tax, $82.40; proceeds of notes on local banks, $5,895.80; license CO per cent., $2,280; newers and walks, $104.50; notes held by Indi viduals, $5,900; tax balance 1911, $000; tax 1912, $9,302.84. The ex penditures amounted to $25,555.47. Some of the largest items are, labor on walks and streets, $2,701.96; light, $3,072.19; water, $629.70; De groat, salary as police, $600; Caul van, salary as .police, $620.60; coal, $214.95; extra police service, $102; judgment In Menner case, $1,6'57.37; interest on notes and bonds, $511; Dime Bank note, $500; Farmers and Mechanics Bank note, $500; Wayne County Savings Bank note, $512.50; National Bank note, $500; Dime Bank note, $500; National Bank note, $800; Wayne County Savings Bank note, $800; 'Farmers and Me chanics Bank note, $800; John Lyons note and interest, $531.25; Farmers and Mechanics note, $800; decorat ing city hall during Old Home Week, $25; salary of burgess, $50. During the year 1912, $420 was expended for new hose and the new hose truck cost $192.44; John Lyons, engineer salary, $100; John Carroll, assistant engineer, salary, $'50; Chas. Truscott, stoker, salary $25; John Lyons, extra work, $51.70; drying hose, $29.55; C. A. McCarty on order of E. H. Cortright, $150. The establishing of the postofflce In the city hall also contributed to making the year's expenses heavier than last year. There Is a balance of $2,073 due on the new fixtures In stalled In the postofflce. The total cost of work, material and carting leaving out the cost of fixtures amounted to $2,093.97. Some of the other items of expense were: G. W. Penwarden, salary and stamps, $55; John Erk, salary and stamps, $52.60; W. J. Randall, stone, $101.'55; for use of roller to crush stone on Main street, $1516.90. The1 cost of labor and stone put on the. main street of Honesdale during the-year 1912 will exceed $2,000. The amount of the borough indebtedness at the close' of 1912. Is $26,650, of this amount $9,200 Is in notes and $17,450 is represented by outstanding bonds. SUFFRAGETTES WIN FIRST. House Adopts Resolution Submitting Proposed Amendment to Vote of People Now Goes to Senate. Harrisburg, Feb. 5. Woman's suf frage won its first battle to-day with ease, when the house by a vote of 130 to 70 went on record In favor of submitting the proposed amend ment giving to women equal rights of suffrage with men to the people of tho state. The bill now goes to the Senate. Narheastern (Pennsylvania mem bers voted as. follows: Ayes Davis, Alworth, Hobbs, Ehr hardt and Mannlon, of Lackawanna; E. E. Jones, of Susquehanna; Jack son of Wayne. Nayes Haggerty, of Lackawanna. WHITES VALLEY. Whites Valley, Feb. 6. Rev. W. F. Hunter, who has re covered from a severe attack of la grlppe, gave an able discourse in the M. E. church Sunday. G. N. Bonhom is suffering from a painful carbunkle on the right side of his face. Mrs. D. E. Hacker and Mrs. Henry Ollft returned Sunday after being en tertained several days by Scranton friends. Chas. Hauser recently visited his Ails son William Hauser at Forest City. 'Mrs. Jay Duell, daughter Estelle, Mrs. Martha Stark and Miss Thelma Horton returned to Prompton after spending a w-jk In this vicinity with relatives. Mrs. Henry Bartholomew was a guest of friends here last week. The first heavy fall of snow Feb. 3 brought a general and generous smile. Wedding; Gifts We have a line of Wedding gifts that's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT. Something for the particular buyer. WEDDING RINGS TOO ALSO--We call your attention to the Ring contest that Is displayed and explained in our window this Friday. ROWLAND The Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale. One Block up from Postofflco. CLOSED MOST SUCCESSFUL YEAR Gurney Electric Elevator Company Experienced Best Year in Busi ness To Double Capacity Or ders Coming In Officers Elected. The Gurney Electric Elevator com pany, of which H F. Gurney is presi dent and general manager, just clos ed a most successful and prosperous yenr. The output of high speed passenger elevators was the largest ever executed by this company and the business ran way ahead of any year since the company has been in existence. The new year Is starting In nicely and tho expectations are that the company will double their output of last year. Tho company expect to occupy Its new plant located at the foot of Main street from the first to the middle ot, March. The work is being pushed as rapidly as possible. On Tuesday morning of this week the stockholders elected the follow ing directors for the ensuing year: II. F. Gurney, F. S. Merrltt, William Commlskey, W. H. O'Connell, Dr. H. B. Ely, W. B. Holmes and L. J. Dor fllnger. The following are the officers of the company: President and general manager, H. F. Gurney. Vice-President, W. B. Holmes. Secretary and Treasurer, F. S. Merrltt. The Gurney Electric Elevator company Is Honesdale's largest and most substantial Industry. If the plant continues to grow within the next few years as it has In the past. President Gurney states that it will occupy that unoccupied piece of land extending from the present building to iFourth street at the intersection o Main street. It Is hoped that this may bo a true prophesy. SOLICITORS FOR LIBRARY FUND The following people have charge of raising the money to purchase books for the Free Library: Presi dent, W. B. Holmes; secretary, Clarence Callaway; treasurer, W. J. Ward; press agent, Marie Freund. Solicitors in the borough districts: West of the D. & H. railroad, Blanche Pearce. South of Centre of Fifth street, Etta Fourth. Centre of Fifth street to centre of Seventh street, Florence Brown. Centre of Seventh street to centre of Ninth street, Charlotte Lane. Centre of Ninth street to centre of Eleventh street, Mary Menner. Centre of Eleventh street to Lack awaxen River, Edith Swift. Lackawaxen River to centre of High street. Alice Gregory, ""entre of High street to centre of Fourteenth . street, Charlotte Bau nian: Contro of Fourteenth street to centre, of Sixteenth street, EIolso Krantz. Centre of Sixteenth street to bor ough line, Harriet Arnold. Districts outside of borough: East side of Lackawaxen and north of Farnham's bridge, Agnes Carr. Between Farnham's bridge and Union Stamp Shoe 'Factory, Clara Saunders. 'From shoe factory to centre of Young street, including Delaware street, Julia Storms. All south of centre of Young street, Bessie Dudley. North of borough line, Grace Reitenauer. East ot centre of Terrace street, Julia Schlmmell. 'West of centre of Terrace street to south of centre of Russell street, Mary Hlggins. North of centre of Russell street, Essie Kelly. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Alfred L. Schuller et ux., Mont clalr, N. J., and Clarence R. Calla way, Honesdale, to Sarah E. Calla way, Honesdale, property in Hones dale, $1. C D. Henderson, Damascus, to Bishop Hoban, Scranton, in trust for St. Joseph's Catlhollc church of Da mascus, land In that township, $1. J. W. Bodle, et ux., Promptlon, to Mary Olszefskl, same, land In Promp ton borough, $525. R. E. Randall et ux., Waymart, to W. E. Perham, Mt. Pleasant, land in Waymart, $1. Earl O. Barnes et ux., Damascus, to Thomas Dexter, same, land in same township, $200. Sarah E. Callaway to Wm. Daniel, land In Honesdale, $1. Thomas F. Mangan et ux. of Haw ley, to Joseph S. Pennell, same, prop erty in Hawley borough, $1. B. E. Hadaway and Mllle E. Had away of Buckingham, to O. O. iWar lleld of Manchester, land in latter township, $75. TEACHERS' LOCAL INSTITUTE SATURDAY. At the local Institute to bo held at tho Honesdale High school building next Saturday the following per sons will take part: Jennie Van Wert, of iBerlin; Hannah Harder, of Cherry Ridge; Anna Kllroe and Bes sie Kimble, of Dyberry; Florence Boyce, of Oregon; Arthur Hopkins, of Seelyvllle; Isabel Reilly, of Texas. Dr. Miller, the state expert on tuber culosis, will be present during the morning session and address the teachers. The sessions are from ten to twelve and from two to four. At two o'clock there will be a meeting of the AVayno County Teach ers' League. Music will be furnished by tho pu pils of the Honesdale High school. Addresses by Honesdale Lawyers at Revival Meetings. The revival meetings at the Meth odist church Increase in interest and already the people are rejoicing In the conversions of souls. To-night (Thursday) Rev. Will II. Hiller speaks on "Self Injury." This Fri day evening the meeting will be ad dressed by two of Honesdale's lead ing lawyers, District Attorney M. E. Simons will give a "Lawyer's View of the Gospel" and Attorney R. M. Stocker will speak on "Tho Spiritual Conditions and Needs of Honesdale." Services at the usual hour, Sunday and every evening next week except Saturday evening. In St. John's Lutheran church, Sunday, February 9th, services will be as follows: 10:30, subject of ser mon, "Im Vorhofe der Passion," 7:30, "Tho Warning Given at Beth any." LAST TRIP UF 41 YEARS UN THE ERIE Conductor Henry Strader, of Port Jervis, Reaches 70th Milestone and Retires. After a Derlod of 41 Years' un broken service on the Erie Railroad, ! Passenger Conductor Henry Strader, of No. 8 Ferguson avenue, Port Jer vis, went out at five o'clock Monday afternoon on train 27, the west bound Mountain Express, to make 'his last trip between Port Jervis and BInghamton, 127 miles, returning on Tuesday morning, he having reached the age limit of 70 years. Mr. Stra der was in charge of trains 27 and 30 between Port Jervis and BIng hamton for 20 years, a portion of which time the run included a trip from Lackawaxen to Honesdale. Mr. Strader was born in Warren county, N. J., on February '5th, 1843, and was tho son of Mr. and Mrs. John Strader.1 He came with his par ents to Port Jervis in 184,8. While passing through Waterloof'Sessex county, N. J., he saw several soldiers wiho had returned from the Mexican War. In 1853, when he was 10 years old, he secured employment as a wa ter boy on the Erie passenger trains at $15 per month, doing this work after school hours. For 1C months, during 1862 and 1863, he served in the Civil War as a member of the 56th Regiment, New York State Vol unteers. On Thursday, February 6th, Mr. and Mrs. Strader will leave Port. Jervis for New Orleans, and thence across the southwest to Los Angeles, California, and a trip of five months on the Pacific Coast, visiting Mount Rainier and going as far north as Vancouver, British Columbia, return Ig east by way of the Canadian Pa cific Railroad to Fort Erie, Provl ince of Ontario, Canada, near Buf falo, where they will visit their daughter. Their household goods were shipped on Saturday to Buffalo for storage. POMONA DISPLAY FEBRUARY 25. W. T. Creasy, Head Granger Will in All Probability Bo Present and Address tho Grangers. That William T. Creasy, Master Grange worker, will be In Honesdale Tuesday, February 25, is now be lieved to be certain. E. E. Kinsman has been in communication with Mr. Creasy and he has received very en couraging news concerning his com ing when the apple and corn display will be made in Honesdale. It Is hoped that the grangers will respond cheerfully and make tho display of the 25th one that will be tho talk of the town and county for time to come. A SUMMER PARADISE. Delaware & Hudson Co. Asks Co operation of Resort Owners. Announcement is made by Mr. A. A. Heard, general passenger agent of the Delaware & Hudson Co., that for tho purpose of making them of more value to the various owners and managers of hotels and of camps and cottages to let and for sale listed therein, tho summer books of the Delaware & Hudson Co. are being prepared for printing with all possi ble speed, that they may no piacea before the public at the time when vacation plans are in the maKing. February l'5th has been fixed as the final date upon which advertis ing copy will be received and this date applies alike to all advertising notices, whether paid or free, new or old, intended for the Delaware & Hudson books. Death of Ralph DcWltt. Tho remains of Ralph DeWltt. late of Brooklyn, N. Y., were brought to Hawley on Tuesday for burial. The deceased was a son of Joshua De Witt, who for many years was con stable of the borough of Hawley. Rev. Mr. Fuller of the Baptist church conducted services at Walnut Grove cemetery. Ralph - was 36 years old and is survived by two brothers and two sisters. AUDITORS CiEST SHERIFF'S ' JjlLL Chief Executlvo Wn's Appointed Last Summer to Protect Working Gloss Cutters Commissioners Cannot Agree; Now Up to tho Court to Decide. County Auditors Gilpin, Avery and Bodle have finished auditing the accounts of Wayne coun ty. The bills were found to bo O. K. with the single exception of one presented to the county commis sioners for patrol duty by the sheriff and two deputies at the time of the disturbance last summer. Tho sheriff's total bill which he presented to the county commission ers for payment amounted to $249. 'For 49 days' service at $3 per day his personal bill outside of his depu ties was $147. J. J. Canivan was deputized 46 days at $2 per day and Levi De Groat five days at $2 per day. The commissioners question tho payment of the sheriff's bill on the ground of its legality. Homer Greene, county solicitor, was called to the rescue by the commissioners. He quoted the law as regarding tho sheriff being a conservator of the peace, etc., going considerably into detail In tho matter. Being unable to come to an agree ment as regarding Its legality after the opinion was handed down the county commissioners, auditors, the latter's attorney, M. E. Simons', and Sheriff Kimble held a joint meeting Wednesday morning to discuss the matter. The auditors' attorney fi nally made a motion that the bill bo presented before the court for a de cision. It was carried. The secretary of the board of trade was present at an adjourned meeting of the commissioners an3 auditors Wednesday morning. He read letters to the county officers re ceived from State authorities au thorizing the Board of Trade to act and deputize as many citizens as necessary to meet the emergency. The situation was one that need ed Immediate attention. Tho trouble at the time Sheriff Kimble was en gaged occurred In Texas township and out, of the jurisdiction of the town authorities therefore Hones dale's police could not act. It wa3 then necessary to look to other pow er In authority, consequently, on recommendation of tho Department of State 'Police, Sheriff Kimble was engaged to preserve peace and or der. All of Wayne county's Indus tries, either In Honesdale, Texas township or some other place pay taxes and the money goes toward the maintenance of the county. They all help the county directly or indi rectly and any time when there may be a disturbance the men employed therein are worthy and deserving of protection, ---; - . - JANUARY 1013 A MILD WINTER MONTIT. Snow enough to measure on five days, with traces four other days, making nearly five inches for the month; and total on my record for this winter to the 'first of 'February, 18.5 Inches, but no sleighing. Total rainfall for the month meas ured on twelve days, with traces three other days 3.78 inches, which Is 2.47 Inches more than In January last year, and .09 Inch more than January average of 3.09 Inches for 43 years; from a half inch in 1872, to G.20 inches In January, 1910. January Temperature Highest ranged from 55 degrees third, to 22 degrees ninth; average 39 degrees, 19 hlgfaer than last year. Highest on my records In January for 48 years was 64 degrees, 21st, 1906. Lowest temperature varied from 37 degrees, down to six degrees ninth and 13th; average 22.1 degrees, which is remarkable for being almost on6 degree higher than January av erage for nearly fifty years. Great est dally range thirty degrees 26th, and least two degrees fourth and 24th; average 17 degrees nearjy tho same as last year. Warmest day 18th; mean 45 degrees; and last year warmest day was 23d, mean 34 degrees. Coldest day ninth; mean 14 degrees, last year coldest day in January was 14th, 26 degrees colder was registered here for that day's average. Dally mean for tflie month 30.6 degrees, Is nearly 19 degrees warmer than January last year, and 9.4 degrees abovo January average of 21.2 degrees for 48 years; from 11.7 degrees in 1912; to 31.6 degrees in 1890; and 30.6 degrees this year. Nine days were clear, eight fair and 14 cloudy; average 42 per cent, of sunshine, and for January last year 41 per cent. Prevailing wind northwest. THEODORE DAY. Dyberry, Pa., Feb. 1, 1913. iP. S. January average snow is 14.7 Inches for 53 years, and most 35 Inches in 1882. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. The mid-year examinations aro be ing held this week In the High school and grades of the sohool. Tho new school term commences on Monday in the grades and on Friday for the High school. All next week is Library week for Honesdale's Free library, In Mont roso $867.81 was raised for the pub lic library, more than half ot which was secured on Library Day. Sure ly Honesdale will do as good as this. Help- mako the Honesdale Free Li brary the best in northeastern Penn sylvania. LICENSED TO WED. The following marriage licenses have been issued In the office of Protohnotary W, J. 'Barnes: Walter Glosslnger Honesdale Agnes Cooney Honesdale Howard Williams , Klmblea Maude Hannes , Baoba John F, White .... New York City Margaret Muller Hawley
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers