The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, February 04, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Good Books to bo Purchased With
Help of Every One Classified
List Given Below.
In recent Issues of our county
newspapers the Honesdale Free Li
brary Association has stated briefly
their plan to increase the efficiency
of 'what is now a splendid nucleus
for a library. In a word it is to
raise at least ?500 with which to buy
those books which should be found
in all good libraries. Each and
every person, man, woman and child
will have an opportunity to enlarge
this -fund. This plan has met with
widespread approval and Is fully in
accord with present tendencies.
Before the actual and potential
results of this plan can be stated it
is well that tho public form some
idea as to tho nature and number
of books for which the fund may be
exchanged. Fiction Is not included
in tho following classified list as you
will And all the latest publications
on the two cent a day table.
Philosophy, 9 volumes, ?10.
Call, A. P., Power Thru Itepose;
Call, A. P., Freedom of Life; Shal
er, Mrs. S. P., Masters of Fate;
Durld, Power of tho Will; Ben
nett, E. A., How to- Live on 24
Hours a Day; Gerllch, L. H Effici
ent Life; Bryco, James, Hindrances
to Good Citizenship; Lane, It. N.,
The Great Illusion; Shaler, N. S. The
Citizen; Forbush, W. B., The Boy
Problem; Key, E. K. S., Century of
tho Child.
Religion, 13 volumes, $18.
Van Dyke, H., Counsels by the
Way; Adeney, W. T., How to Read
tho Bible; Watson, Wind of the
.Master; Abbott, Lyman, Life and
Letters of Paul the ApOstle; Dawson,
W. J., Life of Christ; Rowland, E.
H., The Right to Believe; Black,
Hugh, Friendship or Happiness or
Comfort; Bigble, H Twice Born
Man; Grenfeld, W. T., Aman's Help
ers; Grenfeld, W. T., Blue Book of
(Missions; Lambert, Robert E., Mis
sion and Modern History; Clarke, J.
F., Ten Great Religions.
Sociology, 21 volumes, ?2o.
Addams, Jane, Newer Ideals of
Peace; Roosevelt, American Ideals;
Steiner, J. C, On tho Trail of the
Immigrant; Addams, Jane, The Spir
it of Youth in the City Streets;
Brown, F. K., Through tho Mill;
Carlton, William, One Way Out;
Eliot, C. W., Future of Trade Union
ism and Capitalism In a Democracy;
Nearing, Scott, Solution of Child La
bor Problem; Richardson, Dorothy,
The Long Day; Hirst, F. W The
Stock Exchange; Spargo, John, Side
lights on Contemporary Socialism;
Cronan, Rudolf, Our Wasteful (Na
tion; 'Flynt, Josiah, Tramping With
Tramps; Wychoff, A Day With a
Tramp; Wellman, T. L., A Day in
Court; Robinson, Improvement of
Totfns and Cities; Divine, E. T.,
Principles of Reliefs; Fagan, J. O.,
Confessions of a Railroad Signal
Man; Campbell, (Women Wage
Earners; Terhune, Mrs. M. V Every
Day Etiquette; Schrlner, Olive,
Woman and Labor.
Philology, 2 volumes, $1.25.
Palmer, G. H., Self Cultivation In
English; Pradley, Henry, The Mak
ing of English Science; Ball, Earth's
Beginnings; Serviss, G. P., Astrono
my With the Naked Eye; Bunnan,
Robert K.. Snmt
of To-day; Philips, J. C, Romance
of Modern Chemistry; Heelprln, The
Earth and Its Story; Shaler, N. S.,
Man and the 'Earth; Hall, H. R.,
Days Before History; Sternburg, A.
H., The Life of a FoosfT Hunter;
Keeler, H. L., Our Garden Flowers;
Mathews, F. S Field Book of Amer
ica; Roberts, C. G. D., The Haunt
ers of the Silences or Watchers of
the Trails; Comstock, Insect Llfo;
Chapman, Bird Life; Bostock, Train
ing of Wild Animals; Hagenbeck, C,
Beasts and Men; Velvln, Ellen, Be
hind tho Scenes With Wild Animals;
Useful Arts, 20 vol.umes, $35;
Cochrane, Romance of Industry and
Invention; Hutchlngson, Woods, A
Hand Book of Health; Sadler, W. 6.,
The Science of Living; Williams,
Archibald, How It is Done; Wil
liams, Archibald, How It Works;
Huston, Electricity Mado Easy;
Sloane, Electricity Simplified; Hus
band, Joseph, A Year in a Coal
Mine; Richards, Mrs. T3. H., Sani
tation of Daily Life; Rotch, A. L.
Conquest of the Air; iBaily, L. H
The Training of Farmers; Great
house, C. H., Index to Farmer's Bul
letin, Nos., 1 to 250, Index to U. S.
Dept. of Agriculture; Saint Maur,
Mrs. K. V., A Self-Supporting Home;
Ingorsoll, Ernest, Animal Competi
tors; Gifford, John, Practical Fores
try; Bally, Principles of Vegetables
Gardening; Bennet, J. D., The Vege
table Garden; Lando, R. B., Story of
the New England Whalers; Camp
bell, Household Economies.
Library and Homo 'Economics, 13
Kennelly, A. E., 'Wireless Tele
graphy and Wireless Telephony;
Howden. J. R., Boys' Book of Steam
ships; Pratt, American Railways;
Stockwell, H. C Essential Elements
of Business Characters; Taylor, F.
W., Principles of Scientific Manage
ment; Rosenheim, Walter, Glass
Manufacture; Williams, Archbald,
How It Is Mado; Noyes, Wm., Hand
work In wood; Starbuck, R. M.,
Standard Practical Plumbing; King,
F. H Ventilation for Dwellings.
Arts, 11 volumes, $15.
Singleton, Esther, Historic Build
ings of America; Sturgis, Russel,
Tho Appreciation of Sculpture; San
rord, F. G., Art Crafts for Begin
nings; Caffln, C. H.. Child's Guide
for Pictures; Caflln, C. H., Riverside
Art Scenes; Caflln, C. H., Master
pieces in Color; Henderson, N. J.,
Story of Music; Tavignac, G. P.,
Music and Musicians; Upton, Albert.
Standard Operas; Singleton. Esther,
Guide to Modern Operas; Clark, E.
Ihl.i mlnlscences of an Athlete;
White, Camp and Trail; Whitlatch.
Marshall, Golf for Beginners and
Others; Roosevelt, Wilderness Hunt
er, 'Literature 14 volumes, $15.
Baldwin. C. S., Writing and
Speaking; Shuman, E. L., How to
Judge a Book; O'Neill, A. T. L., Rec
itations For Assembly and Class
room with Suggested Program;
Schauffler. R. H., Arbor Day; Sch
auffler, R. H., Christmas; Schauf
Ser'TrR' Memorlal Day; Schauffler
R. H., Thanksgiving; Schauffler, It.
II., Washington's Birthday; Field,
Eugene, Poems Complete; Rellly,
'Neighborly Poems; Van Dyke, Hen
ry, Poems complete; Gregory, Lady,
Seven Short Plays; Crlthers, Samuel,
Among Friends; Hllles, N. D Great
Books as Life Teachers.
Biography, C volumes, $7.
Keller, Helen, The World I Live
In; INIcolay, Short Life of Lincoln;
RIss, J. A., Making of an American;
Washington, Up From Slavery;
Frothingham, J. R Sea Fighters
From Drake to Farragut; Seawell,
M. E., Twelve Naval Captains.
Travels, 19 volumes, $25.
Bullen, F. T., Cruise of Cachalot;
O'Connor, W. D., Heroes of the
Storm; Robinson, E. V. D., Commer
cial Geography; Stockton, Bucca
neers and Pirates of Our Coast; Ab
bott, F. F., Tho Common People of
Ancient Rome; Guerber, H. A., How
to Prepare for Europe; Singleton,
Esther, Guide to Great of North
western Europe; Tynd, Robert,
Home Life In Ireland; Sid wick, Mrs.
C. N., Home Life in Germany; Won
dell, 'Barrett, The France of To-day;
Zimmern, Helen, Italy of the Ital
ians; Collier, Price, Tho West in the
East; Knox, G. W., Japanese Life in
Town and City; Churchill, W. T.,
My African Journey; Duncan, Nor
man, Dr. Crenfell's Parish; Abbott,
Lyman, America In the Making;
Brady, C. L., Border Fights and
Fighters; Bruce, W. S., Polar Ex
plorations. History, 30 volumes, $25.
Adams, B., Handbook of General
History; Duruy, History of France;
Green, J. R., Short History of Eng
land; Henderson, History of Ger
many; Morflll, History of Russn;
Grifils, Brave Little Holland; Doug
las, China; Murray, Story of Japan;
Frazer, British India; Abbott, W. J.,
American Ships and Sailors; Elson,
History of tho U. S.; Hart, Practical
Essays on America; Todge & Roose
velt, Hero Tales From American
History; McClure, Our Presidents
and How We Make Them; Pryor,
Mrs. R. A., Reminiscences of Peace
and War; Channlng, Ed., Story of
tho Great Lakes; 'Fisher, The Mak
ing of Peru.
A challenge to State Highway
Commissioner BIgelow to debate
questions of road building with Wil
liam T. Creasy, master of the State
Grange, was Issued recently by the
'legislative committee of the state
grange which was In session last
week, discussing its legislative pro
gram. The details and questions are
left to Messrs. BIgelow and Creasy to
The committee also recommended
tho following legislation to tho gen
eral assembly; Direct election of
United States senators, a senatorial
preference primary; equalization of
taxation by relieving real estate or
increase of state appropriations for
schools and roads; 'payment of the
minimum teachers' salary for the
minimum term by the state; full ap
propriation to townships for roads
up to $25 per mile per annum; equal
taxation of all classes of subjects:
'An honest initiative, referendum and
recall"; a larger appropriation to
State college; prohibition, of use of
any coloring matter In oleomargar
lno. Regarding liquor legislation tho
resolutions are as follows:
" Since all parties aro agreed on
the Initiative and referendum a local
option bill should be passed. We
heartily second tho approval by Gov.
Tener of a law requiring clubs that
wish to dispense liquor to take a li
cense tho same as hotels. And, fur
ther, we demand the passage of a
rigid anti-treating law. Peddling of
liquors should be prohibited as cov
ered by house bill (No. 6 and the
courts should fix the hours of open
ing and closing of bars.
Recommendations on national leg
islation were mado as follows
Perfection of the parcels post; re
moval of tariff on all articles con
trolled by monopolies; a graduated
income tax; physical valuation of
railroads; legislation to make manu
facture of denatured alcohol possi
ble; and conservation of timber and
mineral lands and water power. Op
position was voiced to central bank
legislation; ship subsidy, federal
charters and shipment of liquor into
dry territory.
At the Lyric on Wednesday, Feb.
5th, Jos. M. Gaites will present to
the theatregoers of Honesdale John
Hyams and Leila Mclntyre In the de
lightful musical play "The Girl
of My Dreams." This highly suc
cessful musical production which
had its Initial presentation in Chi
cago three seasons ago, enjoying a
twelve weeks' run, is said to be one
of the most delightful and refined
musical plays seen in years and a
worthy successor to Gaites famous
"Three Twins." It has also filled
highly successful engagements in all
the principal cities of the country
including 'Boston, Philadelphia and
New York City.
The story of the piece tells of a
bachelor's downfall before the
charms of a demure little Quaker
girl. These roles will be those of
the principals, John Hyams and
Leila Mclntyre. The bachelor Is
much of a club man and has the
cynical attitude of his class toward
the feminine sex. The piece is chuck
full of catchy musical numbers, "I'm
Ready to Quit and 'Be Good," effec
tively rendered by Mr. Hyams and
Miss Mclntyre's delightful "Doclter
Tinkle Tinker" being the most pop
ular. The supporting company
numbers among the principals Alice
Hills, Francis Galllard, Neil Burns,
Silvia Frankie, Delia Nlven, Irving
Brooks, Frank McEwen, Adele Bou
Iais and Joseph Harris together
with a splendid male chorus and the
original De Luxe Pony Ballet.. The
organization numbers seventy people
In all.
England annually imports 100,000,000
pounds of rags.
Only eight United States national
banks failed in 1012.
E. H. Harrlman's estate is now said
to be worth S129.000.000.
The United States' In the last year
has received 217,000 new settlers.
United States imports for 1012 will
exceed $1,800,000,000 in value; exports,
St. Lonis provldo3 a rest room in its
city hall for intoxicated persons picked
up by the police.
Over 1,000 flat dwellers in New York
have organized a "tenants' union" to
force lower rentals.
Owing to the popularity of automatic
cigarette lighters, 433,000,000 fewer
matches were used in France last year.
It is said more than 20,000 persons
work In fire trap "loft" factories in
Now York in spite of stringent flro
There has been an almost continuous
growth in Russia's output of the iron
and steel industries during the last five
Belgium has 600,000 laborers. Among
them are 85,000 women and 15,000 chil
dren, who work more than eleven
hours n day.
Great Britain owns slxty-flvo sub
marine naval vessels, Franco fifty
eight, the United States twenty and
Japan twelve.
An outdoor sleeping couch patented
by a Washington man folds ngalust tho
side of a house llko a sleeping car berth
when not in use.
Treating them with certain gases, n
French scientist has succeeded in keep
ing eggs fresh in ordinary tempera
tures for ten months.
It has been computed that 05,005,007
gallons of water were made use of last
year In tho washing and sprinkling of
tho streets of London.
In London more fires occur on Satur
day than on any other day of tho week
and more in August and December
than in any other months.
Rotterdam and Antwerp aro close
rivals for the position of second largest
port In Europe as far as, tonnage Is
concerned, Hamburg being the first.
A monument will bo erected in
Franco to the memory of Hubert La
tham, who was tho first aviator to con-
siaer tho idea or .crossing tno isng'ts--
A new machine, llttlo larger than n
stnndard typewriter, seals, stamps and
counts letters nt tho rate of 7,000 nil
hour, irrespective of their size, shape
or thickness.
The kuowlcdgo of English nmong the
native population of Smyrna is almost
entirely due to tho Increasing activi
ties of tho American colleges, where
over COO pupils are now being educated.
Dr. Leslie C. Coleman, director of
ngrlculturo in Mysore, India, now tour
ing the world, says that nowhere In
Canada or tho United States has he
found roads as good as they are now in
Germany, nccording to the religious
statistics of tho ompire, has an Increas
ing number or persons without any re
ligious profession. At least they are so
registered. Tho number has grown
from 17,000 in 100T to nearly 20C.O00.
A duplication of title has occurred
between nn American and an English
novel, each of them having been named
"Tho Upas Tree," and, perhaps still
more oddly, both were advertised hi
the same Issue of an American journal.
Tho deaths in Irish workhouses dur
ing the past year Included those of no
fewer than seventeen centenariniiK.
One of these persons was stated to be
110 years and another 108 years of age,
while two had reached 107 and three
100 years.
Among the communicants at the
Catholic church nt Elnsledeln, Switzer
land, on a recent Sunday were Ilerr
Benedict Knolln, his wife and their
twenty-four children, tho eldest of
whom is fifty and tho youngest ten
years of age.
In New York city plans are mnklnc
to celebrate tho three hundredth anni
versary of the settlement of Manhattan
Island by Dutch traders. The settle
ment took place in 1013, four years
after Henry Hudson discovered the
river that bears his name.
Constantinople's principal depart
ment stores are run on the same Hue
as stores In American cities. They do
a great deal of window dressing and
Interior decorating. Advertisements
are run in French, Turkish and Greek
newspapers; and there are special bnr
gain days.
Chile yields to no other country in
tho extent of her unbroken coast line,
which extends from Peru to Cape
Horn, a distance of about 4,000 miles.
The Chilean government is now en
gaged in making this great coast safe
for mariners by erecting lighthouse nt
dangerous points along its entire
During its 125 years of existence the
revenue cutter service has proved one
of the most valuablo adjuncts to the
government service of tho country.
Last year tho service saved the tax
payers of the United States $12,000,000.
It collected fines for infringement of
tho navigation laws amounting to more
than $2,000,000.
The official gazette of tho French
African colonies has announced that
the French officials of the West Africa
Ivory Coast hereafter will make all
their official Journeys In wheelbar
rows. The growing disinclination of
the nntives to carry either passengers
or baggage on their heads Is given as
the canse of the Innovation.
TARRH. From the Paterson, N. J., Guardian.
Ninety-four per cent, of all the
diseases with which tho human sys
tem Is afflicted, originate or turn In
to catarrh; assuring himself of this
fact, Dr. 'Barker gavo the matter of
catarrh his entire time and study,
and after several years of tho most
thorough research for a remedy
which would positively euro catarrh
In any form, he prepared a prescrip
tion which 'ho used in his private
practice without a single failure of
any case of catarrh he treated. Af
ter a considerable amount of persu
asion he consented to put the per
scriptlon up in convenient form, so
that sufferers from this terrible dis
ease could purchase the treatment at
a nominal cost. Tho prescription
will be found in most any drug store
in tho United States under the label
Bloodlne. In a recent introductory
sale in the city of Now York, more
than 20,000 bottles were sold in a
single week.
I am so confident that Bloodlne
will cure anyone afflicted with ca
tarrh that I will gladly supply It to
any patient on a positive guarantee
to cure, or money will be as cheer
fully refunded as it is taken. If
your druggist does not keep Bloodlne
you can be supplied by The Bloodino
Laboratories, Boston, Mass., at 50c
a bottle, or six bottles for $2.50.
C. C. Jadwln, Local Agent, Hones
dale, Pa.
Suffering Men A. Vomon, littiih it xtr sill, tb
UERhlAN . l-.'l-A 1 mtNl lMtBonljluro
a Hclrutltle Combination ol lh Allonathlc.Honioeo-
. patblr Etlrelte it ItoUnic 8jltnia ol Sltdlftne.
AI.OMK Curca nlitr Otlera tall, Nenoua.
I Heart, Sloinarh., lllood, SLIn, Hlariilrr A
I all Chronic A Llnst rloc Allmrnta. n.hllltr. Wf a. Calarrfa, Throat, Noir, Opvn Canrcr. IlnlMt Up tha
Ilrokm Mown, Br.torM Vlpor, Vim. Mtatth. Boeerislo!
HallTrralmrnt. OLD DR. TH EEL. Int.. I 7 I 9
SPRING GARDEN ST., I'hlln., 1'n.. 47 Trara
l'ra.tlce. Send for Hook, a KcTrlnf Inn to lb Slrk.
Exposes Adrertlslnir Quacks & llcdlclno Sharks
Piles, Eczema, salt Rheum, Old
Sores, Fever Sores, Itch and all skin
irritation, 50c a box, mailed by The
Bloodino Corporation, Boston, Mass.
Lato of Sterling, deceased.
All persons Indebted to eaid estate
are notified to make Immediate pay
ment to the undersigned; and those
having claims against said astate are
notified to present them, duly attest
ed, for settlement.
Sterling, Pa., Jan. 14, 1913. 5w6
The Thrice-A-Week Edition
Practically a Dally at tho Trlco of n
No Other Newspaper in tho World
Gives so Much at so Low a Price.
This Is a time of great events and
you will want tho news accurately
and promptly. Tho Democrats, for
tho first time in sixteen years, will
have tho Presidency and they will
also control both branches of Con
gress. The political news is sure to
be of tho most absorbing Interest.
There Is a great war in tho Old
World, and you may read of tho ex
tinction of tho, vast Turkish Empire
in Europe, just as a few years ago
you read how Spain lost her last
foot of soil in America, after hav
ing ruled the empire of half the
New World.
The World long since establish
ed a record for impartiality, and
anybody can afford its Thrice-a-Week
edition, which comes every
other day in the week, except Sun
day. It will bo of particular value
to you know. The Thrice-a-Weok
World, also abounds in other strong
features, serial stories, humor, mar
kets, cartoons, in fact, everything
that is to be found in a first class
regular subscription price Is only
$1.00 per year, and this pays for 15G
papers. We offer this unequalled
newspaper and The Citizen together
for one year for $2.00. The regular
subscription price of the two papers
is $2.50. Gt4.
The hustling little borough of
Waymart. located on the Honesdale
branch of tho Delaware and Hudson
railroad, at the base of the Mooslc
mountains, is growing rapidly.
Thero Is only one house vacant In
that village and It is one of the
best built nouses, there, too. It con
tains eight rooms and is a store and
dwelling combined. Can be used for
two families. The property Is lo
cated in the center of tho town and
is directly opposite the postofllce. It
would mak6 an ideal place for al
most any kind of business. The lot
is 60x160 feet and can be bought on
easy terms of the Buy-U-A-Honio
Realty Compnny, Honesdale, Pa.,
Jadwin building. If you cannot
come to Honesdale use the telephone
or write and further description will
be cheerfully given. 99tf.
Start The New Year Right
Provide the protection you should against
loss by FIRE and DEATH
Insurance and Bonding
Consolidated Phono 1-9-L.
!!!wa!w!! oao
Statement of
November 2, 1912.
Cash $ 90,934.00
Reserve Agents (approved by U. S. Government) 159,692.52
Bonds (Railroad, Government, etc.) 1,140,274.37
Demand Collateral Loans 218,573.50
Total quick assets 17609,474.39
Bills discounted 223,823.25
Total $ 1,833,297.64
DEPOSITS $ 1,485,000.00
We lead in cash on hand.
We lead in reserve.
We lead in ratio of quick assets to quick liabilities.
We lead in capitalization security to depositors.
We lead in EXPERIENCE.
For over three quarters of a century wo hnro been recognized as ono
of tho solid banks of Northeastern Pennsylvania, and to-day have un
excelled facilities for handling all kinds of legitimate banking.
Wo invito yon to become ono of the many contented patrons of
Honesdale, Pa.
Henry Z. Russell, President.
Andrew Thompson, Vice-President.
Lewis A. Howell, Cashier.
Albert C. Lindsay, Asst. Cashier.
Henry Z. Russell, Homer Greene,
Horace T. Menner, James C. Birdeall,
Louis 3. Dorfllnger, E. B. Hardenbereh,
Andrew Thompson, Philip R. Hurray.
'-JwJ--J..--JwJwI-.'.J.J. -aww4.-.J. -WJ.-Va.-!.-