THE CITIZEN 71th YEAR. --NO. 11 HONBSDALB, WAYNE 00., PA., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1913. F S'CE 2 CENTS AN ATTEMPHT BURGLARY Panel in Rear Door of Grand Union Tea Co. Storo Removed But En trance Was Not Gained. Sometime during Thursday night of last week unknown parties at tempted to burglarize the store of the Grand Union Tea company at this place by removing a panel of the rear door. The work was not that of a novice but showed evidence of one who had previous knowledge of this kind of work. Thursday night Julius Rlckert, a clerk, had occasion to enter the storo and when ho locked the front door, upon leaving the building, it being about 10 o'clock, he observed a suspicious looking character walk ing up and down the walk on the op posite side of the street. He did not think anything further concern ing it until he entered the store In the morning and observed the lower panel nearest the knob of the door had been removed. Before opening the door he no ticed that the lower bolt had been shoved back, but that the upper one was not disturbed. As ho opened the door the several pieces constitu ting the original panel lay upon the doorstep. There were nine separate pieces. Some were straight, while others were V-shaped. The panel had been removed very carefully by the aid of a chisel and sharp knife. There were several places where the imprint of a chisel was imbedded In the wood. The cuts were celan and very smooth, indicating that a sharp knife or chisel had been used. The dlffereit pieces were slightly splint ered and only a few chips were on the stone step. It Is evident that the burglar was under the Impression that the door was locked with a key and if he re moved the lower panel he might turn the key and gain entrance to the store. It is presumed that he was either frightened away or got cold feet. Nothing was disturbed or found missing, Indicating that he did not enter the building. It Is also thought that his statue prevented his squeezing through the door panel. Whoever the party or parties might have been, especially if they were of a local character, they better keep close watch as arrests may follow. A little detective work has been done regarding the matter which might prove some parties guilty. The would-be burglar probably was not aware of the fact that the Inner side of the door had been varnished and left the imprint of his thumb and fingers on tho wood. AS OTHERSJEE US Answers to Tuesday's. JJkctchcs-r-Try Again. It seems that with the last sketches published; many were more successful, but for the benefit of a few, we will print the names. 1. Dr. B. W. Burns; 2. Miss Harriet Ar nold; 3. John E. Richmond. Robert Rlefler. Eighth Grade A Grammar. The subject of this sketch Is a short, fat man of about middle age with light hair and blue eyes and very small feet. When going to work ho generally wears light grey suits and a dark overcoat and a soft velvet hat. His business hours are from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. One can al ways tell by his merry whistle when he is coming. He never seems to be in a hurry, and Is very polite to those with whom ho Is acquainted. No. 14. Antoinette Rlckert. Eighth Grade A Grammar. The subject of this sketch Is a very prominent young lady of Hones dale, especially in business affairs. She is quite short and slender and has chestnut brown hair and a prominent nose. She Is usually seen on Main street with an armfull of books or mall. She walks rather fast and takes large steps. Even though she Is generally In a hurry, she always has a pleasant word for those she meets, which of course gives one the impression that she is a very pleasant and congenial per son, which Is true. No. 15. Karl Wagner. Eighth Grade A Grammar. Tho subject of this sketch Is a man of medium height, not very thin and with an erect carriage. He has dark eyes and wears glasses. Ills hair was dark but Is now turning slightly gray. He is very quiet and has the appearance of a gentleman. He takes short steps In walking, and Is very courteous and talks very exact ly while at work, which Is In a pub lic place. Ho reads a great deal. He never dresses flashily, while ho al ways has a neat appearance. No. 1G. HOUSE THIEF THOUGHT TO BE ON WAY HERE. J. J. Canlvan received a message from Thomas Pender of Carbondale just bofore going to press to the ef fect that a horso thief had got away with a bay mare belonging to him and was thought to bo heading to ward Honesdale. Tho horso was about eight years old and was valued at $1000. THORPE HIRED BY GIANTS. Representatives of the Cincinnati, Chicago, Now York and Pittsburg National leaguo clubs were In Car lisle Friday to dicker with Thorpe. Cincinnati offered Thorpe $4,500 a season. The Giants' representative, however, outbid all others, and se cured tho Redskin. WARMEST JANUARY IN FIFTY YEARS. The average temperature for the month of January, 22.1 degrees, Is Temarkable says Theodore Day, It helng almost one degree higher than January average for nearly 60 years. SHOEMAKERS HOLD CONCERT AND DANCE. Annual Affair of Local Union Many Present Concert By Sonner's Or chestra and Jenkins' Chorus. The local Shoemakers' Union gave thejr annual concert and ball at tho Park street armory on Friday even ing. There was a large attendance despite the inclement weather and the affair was voted a success both socially and financially. Sonner's or chestra rendered a pleasing program. Jenkins chorus also rendered selec tions during the program. The numbers were: Overture by orches tra; chorus with orchestra, "Sold iers' Chorus"; male chorus, "Village Band"; "An Auto Ride"; Solos and choruses from popular composers. The members of the chorus were Misses Margaret Eberhardt, Jane Hagaman, Elolso Krantz, Ella Krantz, IFlorence Eldred, Lucille Rowland, Gertrude Krantz, Hattle Arnold, Mae Robinson, Mary Bodle and Elsa Prosch, Ray Dibble, Sum ner Crossley, eVlncent Carroll, Geo. Hayward, Elwin Butler, Joseph A. Bodle, Jr., Frank Jenkins; .Miss Jes sica Robinson, pianist. After tho concert dancing was indulged in un til a late hour. The armory was tastefully decorated for the occasion. TREES IN WINTER CAN BE HEELEB Montgomery County Fruit Grower Questions State Zoologist Cover Plenty of Trunk of Young Trees. An extensive fruit grower In 'Montgomery county wrote to State Zoologist H. A. Surface, at Harrls burg, stating that he has purchased a large number of fruit trees, hold ing them for early spring planting. Ho said, "I heeled them In nicely, and put the roots down fourteen In ches. The trees are In a slanting position, and about one foot and a half of the trunk is covered. The rest of them Is exposed, Some fruit growers told me that miy trees will all freeze because I did not cover them all. Now what will I do? Please give me advice as to what to do. The tops are too high from the level of the ground to cover them all up." To this Important and practical Inquiry Professor Surface replied as follows: "I can say that tho trees which you obtained this fall and have heeled In, are all right, and your treatment was correct. Do not worry about It. I carried 3,200 trees through tho winter last year that were heeled In almost exactly as you describe. They were not en tirely covered by earth, but the roots were well -covered. They came through all right, and grew well this summer. Among them were peach, pear and apple, and although the winter was unusually severe, I saw no evidence of Injury to any of them by freezing. "If you have covered the trunks to one and one-half feet, even tho weather should be so severe as to freeze them to the present surface of the earth, that would not cause seri ous Injury, because this Is about the distance at which you would cut them off anyhow in planting them. "Do not put straw or corn fodder or anything else over them, because If you do you will make a place of protection for the mice, and these will feed on your trees during the winter. This Is one of the great troubles with trees heeled In, If there are open spaces among the roots where the mice can live. At this time of year the grass, leaves, straw and other rubbish should be raked away from the ridge where the trees are heeled In, so that there are no places offering protection to the mice. Be sure that all cracks and holes leading down to the roots of the trees are filled. The only loss that wo had last winter was from mice feeding on the roots of some of the peach trees, where the earth was not fllled In entirely around and under all of them." MERGER IS APPROVED FOR POWER COMPANIES Harrlsburg, Feb. 1. The state department today approved the mer ger of the Wallenpaupack Power company and the Paupack Power company, of Scranton, under the name of tho New York, Pennsylva nia and New Jersey Power company of Scranton, capitalized at $450,000. Tho merged companies were form ed by Scranton men and hold land and water rights along the Paupack river near Hawley. It Is tho inten tion of tho companies to supply elec tric current for light, heat and pow er to scores of towns In tho three states. Officers of tho company stated to day that tho merger doesn't indicate anything other than that both com panies, always owned by tho same parties, will now be under one con trol and management. The merger was made because of an apparent defect in one of the charters. Options have been secured on thousands of acres of watershed It was said and as tho options aro duo to expire, the land Is being acquii ed. It Is proposed to manufacture electricity by means of water power. Hugo dams' will bo built and tho power will bo carried many miles. It is doubtful at this time, howevor, If It will be commercially advantage ous to carry It to this city because of tho topography of tho territory through which It would necessarily over ismllar distances to this which do not present tho physical obstacles as bringing It here would. No definite plans could be an nounced on tho ground that the com pany was concerned now and for some time In tho future In prelimin ary work. Mrs. Crandall White, formerly of this placo, Is qulto 111 at her homo In Brooklyn, REVIVAL MEETINGS BRAWING CRQWBS Enthusiastic Services Being Held JXiglitly in Methodist Church Rev. C. A. Benjamin As sisting Pastor W. H. Hillcr. Evangelistic services were com menced In the Methodist church last Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. Will H. Hlller, will be assisted by Rov. Charles A. Benjamin, of Phila delphia. The latter occupied the pulpit, which he first preached from In Honesdale 20 years ago, both morning and evening. Two soul stirring sermons were delivered by Mr. Benjamin. In the morning he REV. CHARLES A. BENJAMIN. selected his text from 2nd Samuel, 23 chapter and 4th and 5th verses, the theme .being "Better Days," or the contrast between the old and the new In church life. "The Da mascus Road" was the subject of the evening sermon. Text, Gala tlons 1:23. A prayer and praise ser vice followed each service. Both meetings were largely attended. Many members of the church greet ed Former Pastor Benjamin and Mrs. Benjamin. The special meetings will bo held through the month of February and Rev. C. A. Benjamin will be present this week and help In tho services which will' be held every evening ,ex- ponf SnfnrilflV Thorp Is Tmlh intpr.. est being manlfestand that many' person's Will' lad -a better jllfe'.ls. the prayero'f pastprs'and -people, Sup cess to the revival meetings. Every body welcome. Come and bring a friend. CENTRAL METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, CORNER CHURCH AND ELEVENTH STREETS. TUBERCULOSIS DISPLAY IN CITY HALL. Tho people of Honesdale will havo an opportunity soon to see some thing of the work which the State Department of Health Is doing. On Feb. 4th to 7th the Tuberculosis Exhibit which State Health Com missioner Dr. Samuel G. Dixon has arranged as one of the educational features of the Department's war on tho great white plague will be open morning, afternoon and evening In tho city hall. This exhibit will vcontain some thing of interest for everyone and it will not only give an opportunity to follow tho steps and calculate the results of the tuberculosis work but will" offer an excellent oppor tunity to those who wish to gain an understanding of the Interesting methods used In tho Laboratory and field by this Department In its fight against preventable disease. Among the variety of Interesting features will bo a mammoth relief map of tho South Mountain Sana torium for tuberculosis at Mont Alto showing every detail of this institu tion where over 4,000 patients havo been admitted for treatment during tho past three years. Besides this model showing the location of the village of cottages and tho main buildings about which It centres there will be models showing in de tail the Interior of the cottages and the tents. Another section of tho exhibit is devoted to tho work of the Depart ment Laboratory which Is located In Philadelphia. Tho methods of mak ing tho bacteriological examinations will be described In full by Dr. W. O. Miller, who accompanies the exhibit on tour. The method of growing germs by Incubation and preparing thorn for microscopic examinations and many other interesting things FARMER WAYNE GOUNTEAN BURNEB TO BEATH George Snedekcr Loses Llfo in Fire at Elkdalo Early Monday Morn ingWas Born In Clinton. Geo. Snedeker, who until two years ago lived In Aldenvllle, was burned to death In Elkdale early Monday morning. Mr. Snedeker was born In Clinton and' Is survived by a brother, Joseph, wh.o lives in Canaan, Wayne county. The following dispatch is dated from Elkdale: George Snede ker, aged fifty years, a farmer, was burned to death In a fire that de stroyed his home at 1 o'clock this morning. ,Hls wife and eight chil dren escaped from the house. An overheated stove Is said to havo caused the fire. Neighbors discovered tho blaze and notified the family. Mrs. Snede kor and her children left the house Immediately, but Mr. Snedeker tried to save the furniture and made sever al trjps.into the blazing house to carry out small articles of furniture and household goods. As the flames became greater neighbors tried to keep Snedeker from entering, but he refused. He did not come out soon and vain at tempts were made to rescue him. His body was found burned to a crisp some time after the fire. Mr. Sne deker has resided there for two years QUARTERLY CONFERENCE. Dr. Murdock will convene the last quarterly conference for Carley Brook charge at Smith Hill, Febru ary 14th, at 10:30, and preach at 2 o'clock. He requests all officials of the 'charge to be persent. A telegram received by Mrs. C. T. Bentley Monday morning stated that her brother-in-law, Loring Gale, is very ill of pleura-pneumonia. REV. WILL H. HILLER. In connection with the Laboratory work which laymen rarely have an opportunity to see will be explained by Dr. Miller's lectures which will be given at various times during the day and evening. In addition to the models, charts, laboratory and tu berculosls dispensary equipment which go to make up the exhibit, there will be several lectures on each of the three days, Illustrated by lantern slides, showing tho methods employed In a tuberculosis dlspon sary, all the features of tho dally llfo of Mont Alto s eight hundred patlonts, the work of tho visiting dis pensary nurses and various other features of the work of the Depart ment of Health throughout the State. This Is one of tho most olaborate exhibits of its kind and absolutely free. It is expected that there will bo an enormous attendance during its three days stay In Honesdalo. GOVERNMENT IS PROSPEROUS. Revenue Receipts Turn Deficit Into a Siirnlus of So, 11 1.O.'W. Washington, Feb. 3. Prosperity favored the Federal Government during January, large customs and Internal revenue receipts turning a deficit for the llscal year into a sur plus of $5,414, G35. At this tlmo a year ago a deficit of $22,357,799 fac ed the Government. January receipts reached the high total Of $G0,542,3G3, or $8,000,000 greater than January, 1912. Dis bursements were $53,G05,790, about tho same as a year ago. customs re ceipts Increased $5,000,000, and In tornal revenue receipts Increased $2,' 500,000, compared with January of last year. Tho number of National hanks was Increased during January to 7, 438, with circulation of banknotes amounting to $729,931,621. FEW APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSES FILED. Only Twenty-Two Filed To Dnto Out of Usual Number in Wnyno County. Since the opening of the time for filing applications for liquor licenses, there has 'been twenty-two applica tions filed with 'Prothonotary W. J. Barnes for 191.3. About sixty more are to come In to bring the number up to the usual annual quota. The low number so far filed Is not unusual. The lawyers will come flocking In with applications the last two or three days before the time closes. The time limit for filing them Is Monday, Feb. 17. Among the number of applications filed so far are fourteen hotel li censes, six for restaurants and one for wholesale. Three restaurants in Honesdale have filed applications for licenses, also four hotels and one wholesale establishment. Applica tions were also filed from twelve townships of this county. LIcenso court will be held In March. All notices with remon strances against licenses must bo filed the first Monday in March. MRS. FRIEBEWALB'S REABING WELL ATTENDED "The Servant in tho House," by Charles Rann Kennedy Well Re ceived. Tho third of this season's read ings by Mrs. Salo Frledewald took place In the High school auditorium on Saturday afternoon. A large at tendance greeted Mrs. Frledewald at this reading which can be said to be the best this season. "The Servant, in the House," by Charles Rann Kennedy, although familiar to many book-lovers present, presented many different thoughts and situations un der the spell of the reading. Mrs. Frledewald Is truly an artist when depicting to an audience the scenes laid out in a book and this is true with "The Servant In tho House," as she presented the different charac ters, and brought out the underlying thought In a way one would not havo gained by merely witnessing the play. She began by describing the characters and their respective places In the play. There was the vicar, Rev. William Smith, who stood for the best In life, but who began to think of material success and lost sight of the spiritual. He married an ambitious woman, who by her marriage to him, estranged her self from her family. Mary, the child of the play, was the drunkard's daughter, the vicar's niece. She symbolizes the child spirit and is first to recognize that something is wrong wjth the church sewers. Robert Smith, the wayward brother, Mary's father, Is the scaven ger who volunteers to clean out the church sewer. There are two bishops in the play one, the Bishop of Benares, who is the "Servant in the House," symbolizes the Christ spirit the other, the Bishop of Lanca shire, who symbolizes the man who Is dead, worldly and trespassing In sin. The scene of the play is laid in England but an oriental flavor is added by the personality of the new "Servant" from India. The "Ser vant" calls himself "Manson" and represents tho Christ spirit. Each character meets him with tho ques tion, "'Where have I seen you be fore?" He possesses great Influence over everyone and that Influence is for good. The "Servant" tells of building the "Church of the World," which cost millions hy sacrifice and of its being built on a sound founda tion, that of love and sacrifice and lighted with the divine light. The sewers of the vicar's church have caused much annoyance by tho odor so that people refused to at tend. It was through the determin ation of Robert that the sewer was cleaned. The point of this Is that the church was built on dead and de cayed traditions. The reading was very good and the audience was well paid for their at tendance. The next of Mrs. Frlede wald's readings will bo "The Terri ble Meek," by the same author, which will take .place on Saturday afternoon. Feb. 15. MAPLEWOOD. Maplewood, Feb. 1. The Harvest Grange Dramatic club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Keene to prepare for a mock trial last week. Twenty-five wore persent. Thursday night tho Red Men held an oyster but on account of tho weather only a few were present. E. S. Noble, of Plttston, Is visiting with 'F. S. Keene at present. (Lee Bell was home from Carbon dale over Sunday. A very Interesting lecturer's hour was held Saturday evening. Sub jects for discussion were: "How to Build Up Run Down Farms," "Why Are Our Young Folks Leaving the Farm?" Past Master G. C. Bell gave an Interesting talk on the value of lime and fertilizers when properly used. Miss Helen Forrls favored with a musical selection. Mrs. F. S. Keene was presiding officer. CARBONDALE TO HAVE CITY LEAGUE. Carbondalo will ho represented on tho diamond next season by what Is to ho known as a City Leaguo. An enthusiastic meeting was held last evening In the Burke hulldlng and tho league was formed. Tho leaguo Is to consist of four teams, as fol lows: West Sldo Athletics, Frank Moffllt, manager; Tho Romeos, John Scalza, manager; Tho Lackawanna, William Fltzpatrlck, manager; the Carbondale Tigers, Benjamin Cost, manager. In the selection of tho four teams the entire city is practi cally represented. m. j. mm abmitteb to THE BAR Successfully Passed Examinations AVhlch Entitled Him to Practice Law Partnership Formed with Hon. F. P. Kimble. Monday morning M. J. Hanlan, former Prothonotary of Wayne coun ty, was admitted to tho bar, having received notice that he had success fully passed the examination of tho State Board of Law Examiners. It was also announced this morning that a law .partnership had been en tered Into between Mr. Hanlan and Hon. F. P. Kimble to take effect at once. This gratifying news coming immediately following tho announce ment that Mr. 'Hanlan had passed the examination which entitled him to the name, attorney, was welcome news to his court house friends. During tho session of court Mon day morning Attorney C. A. Garratt presented Mr. Hanlan's petition to the court, along with his recommen dations, for admission to the bar. The petition was at onco granted and in doing so Judge Searle said that it gave him great pleasure to direct that Mr. Hanlan be sworn In as an attorney at the bar, saying that he, had served the county as a good Pro thonotary, a good student and a good citizen. He also said that Mr. Han lan would be an honor to the bar of Wayne county. Clerk of Court W. J. Barnes then read the oath to Mr. Hanlan and after It was all over ho received the hearty congratula tions of the other members of the bar who were present. Chester A. Garratt, who presented the petition was a former pupil of Mr. Hanlan's, when he taught school in White Mills. Mr. Hanlan Is a native of this county, having been born near White Mills, where he was principal of the school there for a time. Later he was elected Prothonotary and serv ed In that office three terms, making many friends, both in Honesdale and throughout the county by his oblig ing ways. He was one of the most popular Prothonotarles this county ever had. Mr. Hanlan's last term expired In January, 1912, when Mr. Barnes, the present 1 'Prothonotary, took the office. Mr. Hanlan studied law In the of fice of A. T. Searle about three years and in 1907 passed the preliminary examination of the State Board of Law Examiners. The partnership entered lrfto by Messrs. "Kimble and Hanlan will be a benefit to both concerned and Tho Citizen extends heartiest congratu lations to Mr. Hanlan and also wishes him much success In his new vocation. JANUARY COURT FINISHES Last Case Listed for Trial Settled After Evidenco of Plaintiff Was Offered. The January term of court finish ed up Saturday when the case of El win L. Thomas vs. M. Norton, execu ton against W. M. Norton, executor tor of tho last will and testament of Mary R. Thomas, was settled, the de fondant paying the plaintiff $300. The case was opened Friday after noon and tho testimony of the plaintiff's case was all presented when the attorneys on both sides agreed upon a settlment. Tho plain tiff claimed $3500 for services of a general kind rendered T. H. Thomas and Mary It. Thomas during their declining years, and for care and attendance. They also claimed a berach of a written contract. This was the last case listed for trial at this term. Court adjourned Satur day. Monday was tho regular day for reading the docket and any oth er court business that came up. In the case of C. A. Cortrlght & Son, against F. W. Kreltner and W. H. Kreltner, which occupied the at tention of tho court nearly all of last week, the plaintiff was given $325 by the jury who reported Sat urday morning. The jury was com posed of John W. Andrews, Ariel; Archie T. Thorn, Starlight; Henry Sebrlng, Gouldsboro; Morris Meag her, Mt. Pleasant; C. J. Styles, Clin ton; Amasa Koyes, Beachlake; Ru dolph Swartout, Dyberry; C. J. Lassley, Damascus; John A. Ed wards, Poyntollo; Ernest Holbert, Starlight; F. E. Carlton, Lakevllle; E. B. Ballaway, Honesdale. In the matter of lunacy of Henry W. Blockenberger, tho court ap pointed a commission Jan. 31st com posed of Dr. E. W. Burns, R. M. Stocker, and C. M. Betz to Inquire Into Mr. Blockberger's sanity. In Prolinto Court. Tho will of the late Laura D. Schenck was probated Saturday. In tho will Florence E. Schenck, daugh ter, was named as executrix. She was also made the beneficiary of all personal property, nlso a life Interest In all real cstato and upon her death the remainder of such real be given to a grandson, G. Earl Schenck. The will of Edward Staples, late of 'Lehigh township, was probated Friday. Etna B. Staples, wlfo of deceased, was named executrix. The will bequeathed to Etna B. Staples the house and lot located in Goulds boro, also al other property, real and personal. Letters of administration havo been granted to Maggie Compton In tho estate of Wm. S. Compton, de ceased. The following roads and bridges were acted upon Monday; Road In Damascus, confirmed ab solute. Road In Oregon, cpnflrmed nisi, order to bo vacated. Bridge In Dyberry township, con firmed absoluto. Bridge in Salem township, con firmed nisi. Bridge In Lebanon township, con firmed nisi.