The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 28, 1913, Image 1

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71th YEAR. --NO. 9
Legislature Askcil to' Set Aside
$00,000 For State Fnir lell)
Election To-day $54,000,000
Available For State Needs.
If Governor Tenor's own declara
tlon and the enthusiastic concerted
action of nearly a thousand repre
sentative farmers, fruit growers
livestock breeders and dairymen of
Pennsylvania has any significance,
the State fair for the Keystone is cer
tainly assured. In a brief speech
last Thursday evening before the
joint gatherings of the State Board
of Agriculture, the State Horticul
tural and Livestock Breeders' Asso
ciations and the Pennsylvania Dairy
Union, Governor Tener declared him
self "in hearty accord" with the
movement to establish a state fair in
Pennsylvania. When Secretary N.
B. 'Critchlield asked the assembled
delegates from all over the state who
favor the project to express their
approval by raising their hands
there was a prompt and general up
lifting of hands.
The state bodies closed their three
day session and among the import
ant resolutions adopted was the one
asking the legislature to provide an
appropriation of $500,000 for the
great exposition.
In many years Pennsylvania till
ers of the soil, tenders of orchards
and vineyards, cattle fanciers and
milk dealers and dairymen have not
held so enthusiastic a gathering as
that which nearly filled Chestnut
street auditorium last evening. It
had originally been intended to meet
In the Board of Trade, but the larger
auditorium was selected because of
its size.
IiCib Election To-dny.
an anticipation that the House
will be called upon to vote again for
the election of a resident clerk,
members of the three factions in the
chamber were busy Friday getting
into touch with their people in order
to fight out the question once more.
When the point of order that no
election had taken place was raised
by Samuel B. Scott that afternoon,
less than 12'5 members were in the
city, and every effort is being bent
to have things all ready to meet
whatever situation arises.
Speaker George B. Alter has been
studying the point of order made by
Scott, which bristles with all sorts of
possibilities, and Intends to go into
the whole subject thoroughly. Be
fore leaving for Pittsburg at an early
hour Thursday morning, Mr. Alter
looked into the situation and pre
cedents and will be back here on
Monday to take It up again. There
Is a disposition among members In
the city to uphold the Speaker, as
everyone seems to have confidence
In his fairness in dealing with the
$54,000,000 Availablo For State
According to Information from
official sources the Appropriation
Committees of the upper and lower
Houses of the General Assembly will
have at their disposal for the needs
of the State for the next two years
the vast sum of fifty-four or fifty
five million dollars. This sum Is
an official estimate of the probable
amount of revenue that the State will
get during the two fiscal years be
ginning with Juno of this year and
it is on the basis of such an estimate
that the Appropriation Committee
-will disburse the funds of the Com
monwealth. This revenue, large as It is and
made possible by increased corpora
tion taxes, would not suffice to en
able the committees to preparo as
big total appropriations as were au
thorized by the last General Assem
bly. The appropriations were ap
proximately J58.000.000, a sum said
by the State officials to have been
several million dollars larger than
any previous State general appropri
ation bill.
Senator Charles H. Kline, of Pitts
burgh, chairman of the Senate Ap
propriation Committee, and S. Tay
lor North, of Jefferson county,
chairman of the House Committee,
will hold a conference this week.
They hope to arrange for harmoni
ous co-operation of the two big com
mittees, Cihalrman North expects
to call a meeting of tho House Com
mittee next Tuesday, so that the
twenty-seven appropriation bills al
ready received and those received
today may be considered.
Vitally connected with this im
portant matter of the State's ex
penses Is the proposed reorganization
of the Auditor General's department
to the end that Increased taxes may
bo collected from the giant corpora
tions of Pennsylvania. This reor
ganization, originally planned and
urged by the present Auditor Gener
al, A. B. Sisson, again will be urged
upon tho General Assembly by tho
Incoming Auditor General, State
Senator A. W. Powell, who purposes
to Introduce Into tho Legislature,
of which he Is still a member, bills
which would enable him to set about
the reorganization. It is believed
hero by those In Powell's confidence
that his bills on the subject will bo
drafted along the lines of bills pre
pared for tho last Assembly by Gen
oral Sisson.
To Borrow 10 For Coat. Instead of 7.
A bill is In for a convention to re
vise the State constitution, and a
resolution to amend It so as to per
mit municipalities, counties and
school districts to borrow 10 per
cent, of their property valuation In
stead of seven. Resolutions to rati
fy the proposed amendments to tho
.federal constitution providing for
popular election of United States
and the imposition of an Income tax,
also have heon presented.
Among the more Important bills
introduced are tho following, sub
stituting electrocution for hanging,
soldiers' pensions, mothers' pen
sions, commission government for
That Honesdale Is on tho map and
does things worth whllo and that
count for good Is proven by a letter
recently received from Moorhead,
Minn. The writer is a member of
tho Moorhead Civics club and con
sequently Is especially interested in
beautifying that town. At the sug
gestion of "Mrs. Allen Welch, of
Hock Island, 111., the writer cor
responded with Honesdale parties
claiming that she had heard that
Honesdale had done wonders In the
lino of civic pride.
Chnrgo Made That First Zone is
Only Thlrty-Fivo Miles Instead
of Fifty.
Dos Moines, Jan. 27. An alleged
error In the parcel post 'map issued
by tho government which gives the
first zone a radius of but thirty-five
miles when It should he fifty, has
been discovered, and experts say it
has lost thousands of dollars to
patrons of the government. Th(o
case has been called to the attention
of the postmaster general with the
request that the map be corrected.
The discovery was made when a
Janesville, Wis., firm refused to ac
cept parcel post maps designed for
commercial purposes prepared by a
local printer. The local firm com
pared its zono map with authentic
maps and found It correct. If the
error applies to other localities, and
it is said It does, the patrons of the
parcel post have been overcharged a
large sum of money.
" After all, how much Is there
in all this talk' about germs? Is not
the street child healthier than tho
child who is taught to bo cleanly?"
Every now and then questions like
this are asked. Visit the slums If
you want the most convincing an
swers. Find out how many babies
die before they reach five years of
age. See how few rosy cheeks there
are. Ask sanatoria and hospitals
where most of their sickness origi
nates. They will tell you from the
But the question is asked, " How
about the farmer's children? They
play in the dirt all day long. Are
they not healthy?"
They may be well, but the earth
they play In is not teeming with
germs as Is street dust. They have
sunshine and fresh air unsolled by
the germs of the city. They are not
crowded .beside their neighbors. The
country boy is well and healthy not
because his hands and face may be
dlrty,,but In spite of this fact. Were
he exposed to as many germs as the
city boy, he would be just as sickly.
Furthermore, If it is healthy to be
careless about germs, why are there
so many typhoid fever epidemics in
the country? Why is there so much
Stroudsburg, Pa., Jan. '27. Rog
ers L. Burnett, Esq., has announced
himself as a (Democratic candidate
for judge in the Monroe and Pike
district. The term of Judge Staples
will expire soon.
Binghamton ice dealers, discour
aged by the unfavorable outlook for
an ice crop, are reported to be ar
ranging with the northern ice com
panies to get their stock from the
lakes north of Cortland and from
the Adirondacks.
third class cities, small council for
Philadelphia, regulation of cold
storage, a ".blue sky" bill to stop sale
of worthless Btocks, prohibiting
benzoate of soda In foods, State su
pervision of hotel and dining car
kitchens, liquor licenses for social
clubs, antl-treatlng, removal of East
ern Penitentiary from Philadelphia
to tho county, increasing legislators'
pay. repeal of mercantile tax and re
turn of personal property tax to the
Local Option's Chances.
Local option as an Issue before
the present Legislature is to be push
ed to the foreground earlier than
usual, at a conference of legislators
to be held next Wednesday night in
the House caucus room under the
auspices of the Anti-Saloon League,
with the State Superintendent, Rev.
Dr. C. W. Carroll, and legislative su
perintendent, Dr. H. M. Chalfant, In
More than 80 members are openly
or secretly pledged to the measure
according to the promoters of tho
bill, while a dozen others are favor
able, and a majority of the House Is
claimed as likely to vote for It on
Its final passage.
It Is conceded by all sides that the
bill has a better chance of passing
the present House than It has had In
years. It enjoys for the first time
tho advantage of ibelng heard by a
committee that Is apparently friend
ly. Alonzo A. Moulthrop, of Clear
field county, chairman of the Law
and Order Committee of the House,
to which tho bill will undoubtedly bo
referred, is being quoted by the Anti-Saloon
people to tho effect that
tho bill will certainly pass tho
House. He Is of tho opinion, it is
said, that the county will be mado
the unit, though that is a question.
There is considerable element of the
'Legislature which, while favorable to
some sort of a local option bill, will
not support a bill that Is based .on
such large units.
The Anti-Saloon League, which is
making the fight for local option,
has already sponsored four bills in
the House and Senato, namely: The
Judson-Scott bill, placing clubs on
tho same basis for license purposes
as hotel and saloons; the Ulorlch
bill, prohibiting solicitation of con
sumers' trade 'by brewery agonts, and
the Dunn bill against treating.
Twclvo Ladies Met nt Miss Rock
well's Thursday Evening and
Formal Organization Took Place
Officers Elected For
A Honesdale Chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution, was or
ganized at the home of Miss Har
riet Rockwell on Main street on
Thursday evening, when twelve la
dles who are members of the Na
tional D. A. R. met there for that
Miss Rockwell was appointed ovor
a year ago .by the state agent of the
society to work up a chapter In
Honesdale, but only recently suc
ceeded In securing the required
twelve. In order to establish a
chapter It was necessary to have
twelve ladles who were members of
the National D. A. R.. Now that the
Honesdale chapter has been organiz
ed any daughter may join who is eli
gible. To be eligible a person must
be a lineal descendant of a man or
woman -who assisted In
establishing independence for this
country in the war with Great Brit
ain. The officers elected at the meeting
Thursday evening are: Miss Harriet
Rockwell, regent; Mrs. F. B. Whit
ney vice-regent; Mrs. Harry Oday,
registrar; Mrs. Homer Greene, his
torian; Miss Charlotte iLane, record
ing secretary; Miss C. Lou Harden
bergh, corresponding secretary; Miss
Bertha 'Lane, treasurer. The officers
elected are to serve for one year.
The chapter is to be known as the
Anthony Wayne chapter of the D.
A. R.
The ohject of the chapter is to per
petuate the 'memory and spirit of tho
men and women who achieved na
tional independence and .to encour
age historical research. The board
of management are planning for a
very flourishing society here for re
search work and also as a social
function. The chapter now has
olghteen members.
A meeting has been called for
some evening this week by tho board
of management to provide for the
by-laws of the organization.
Substantial Building Successfully
Moved to New Site in Forty
A recent issue of the " Engineer
ing Record " describes the manner
In which a large three-story brick
building was raised 'bodily from Its
site, revolved through a right angle.
transported 300 'feet and deposited;.
on a new sue on the opposite side or
the road. The clearing operations
had to be carried out within forty
days to avoid a penalty of $100 per
day, for every day beyond that per
iod. Tho building weighed 2,550
tons, covered an area of GO feet by
105 feet, had falls 16 in. thick, and
was embellished with a tower 120
ft. high. At the outset, the entire
weight of the building was trans
ferred on to a series of beams sup
ported on five longitudinal sills.
Four hundred 10-ton jack screws
supported the sills and by means of
these the building, with the upper
part of tho tower removed, was rais
ed 2 ft. in about two weeks. A cast
iron hall-bearing pivot was disposed
'beneath the building at its centre of
gravity, and roller planks laid
around it. The weight of the build
ing was then transferred to 500 8-ln.
rollers 4 ft. long. Tackle and a
number of two-horsed capstans were
then employed to revolvo the build
ing. This process occupied another
two weeks. The roller planks were
then removed and longitudinal track
timbers set in their place. The roll
ers were again Inserted and tho
hullding steered across to Us new
Tamil Youth of 10 Does Wonderful
Problems AVith Ease.
Colombo, Ceylon, Jan. 25. A Ta
mil hoy, 1G years old, has for some
time past 'been astonishing the in
habitants of India and Cochin, China,
toy his wonderful calculating feats,
and has now submitted to a tost at
the hands of the Ceylon branch of
tho Royal Asiatic Society here.
He knows little English except the
names of the numerals and mathe
matical expressions. He Is abnor
mal not only in mind but also in
body, for he has six fingers on each
hand and six toes on each foot. His
own account of himself is that his
wonderful powers are the direct gltt
of the god Subramana, and he says
that when he was 8 years old he was
taken to the Karthigay festival at
Tiruparankundram and that in the
night he dreamed that tho god came.
to him and wrote the word "mathe
matics" on his tonguo and In the
morning ho had twelve fingers aud
twelve toes Instead of ten. At the
same time he found himself possess
ed suddenly of great calculating
Among some of the tests given
him at two recent public demonstra
tions, all of which are answered cor
rectly, were tho square root of 853,
77G, tho answer of which 924 was
given in an instant; tho cube root
of 274, G25 G5, which was given
just as quickly. When asked the re
sult of 982,347 multiplied by 231, in
about two seconds came tho answer.
In the case of one sum set him the
examiner had the wrong sum set
down In writing, but tho correct
answer was given by the boy.
Problems In compound Interest,
discount, exchange and other arlth
metlcal rules were sot htm and he
answered all tests correctly, using
considerably less time than the
problems could have heen worked
out on paper. The hoy, whose namo
Is Arumogan, comes from a working
class family and Is quite illiterate.
Four Cases Sure to bo Tried Prob
ably Two Others Two Cases
Listed Will Probably Bo
The second week of the January
term of court opened to-day with
Judge Searle on tho bench. The
week promises to be .'i short one and
will probably finish up Thursday, as
two of tho cases listed for trial are
ponding arbitration and two more
of the cases will probanly be dis
posed of after a decision id reached
in the first of the Cortright cases.
Out of tho thirteen cases listed for
this week it is probable that only
five of thorn will
Tho first case
rled this week
began this
after court
It Is a labor
convened at
case is in w
suit agains
Lawson brings
tzer to recover
?G0.30 whic
twenty days
'sents wages for
;0 cents per hour,
eared for the plain
M. E. Simons
tiff and Searle & Salmon were the
attorneys for the defendant.
The second case listed for trial this
week is the case of the Wayne
Concrete Supply and Construction
Company against Chauncey A. Cort
right and Eugene Cortright, trad
ing as C. A. Cortright & Son. Chas.
A. McCarty represented the plaintiff
and Homer Greene appeared for the
defendant concern. The action is
brought to recover $G48.75. The
claim Is that G.000 cubic feet of
bricks to the value of $900 were
taken from their premises in East
Honesdale for the construction of a
barn and also that 10,000 cubic feet
of concrete brick valued at $8 per
thousand were taken without their
consent. Payments were made to
the amount of ?350. Blocks to the
value of $18.75 were also taken.
The balance sued for- is $648.75.
The defendant admits contract and
delivery of 5,240 cubic feet of blocks
and G.000 bricks but denies taking
any without the consent of the
plaintiff. They also allege that
bricks and blocks were not fit for
Intended use and were negligently
made, causing barn in whose con
struction they were used, to collapse
causing a loss to them of $3,000
which they want to recover.
The first case listed for this week
was that of Ezra Solllck against
Frank De 'Bruen and Martin De
Bruen in which Attorney F. P. Kim
ble, appears as attorney for the
plaintiff, and on account of his ill
ness the case was continued.
The cases of Frederick Krelger
and Gertrude Krelger, his wife,
against the township of Salem and
Frederick Krelger. against the town
ship of Saletn 'ire-pending arbitration
arid will not come up for trial.
In .both these cases the plaintiff's
claim $1000 for personal Injuries to
wife and $500 for care and attention
by reason of a .fall from the high
way over a steep embankment
which the defendant township failed
to guard near Ledgedale In that
township on November 11, 1909.
Tho cases of Theresa Gerety
against the Columbian Protective
Association and of Rcna Congdon
against the Columbian Protective
Association are not likely to be
tried on account of the plaintiffs' at
torney from Scranton not being able
to be here.
The other cases for trial are Er
win L. Thomas against W. M. Nor
ton, executor of the last will and
testament of Mary R. Thomas.
Bulletin Board This Editor's Med
ium of Circulation.
With a three-room hovel as an edi
torial sanctum, a tablet and a pen
cil for a printing press, two dogs
and a rabbit as co-workers, his own
fertile imagination and thoughts as
a news field, and a bulletin board as
his only medium of circulation, L.
C. Anderson of Buchanan county,
Mo., is publisher of the most unique
paper in the world.
'Years of seclusion, with no com
panions 'but his pet animals; life on
a 40-acro farm, which in reality Is
a seething wilderness of unpruned
apple trees, grape vines, berry
brambles, and weeds; family
troubles, to which Editor Anderson
will only allude in guarded whisp
ers; a reverse In a law suit in a St.
Joseph court, an alleged persecutions
on the part of some of his neigh
bors, have made Anderson the pub
lisher, owner, printer, editor, car
toonist and circulator of his novel
The circulation of tho Anderson
paper numbers only the farmers who
drive, ride, or walk by his place, and
of course all of these do not read
It. The enthused editor has nailed
a large board to the fence, which di
vides tho highway from his tangled
orchard, and on this board is space
for G sheets of tablet paper, each
sheet containing one editorial or ar
ticle, with headings and quite often
with small drawings at the top.
In order to glean the Ideas of the
paper the reader must dismount from
his buggy and walk up a narrow
path to the board, for Anderson Is
not particular whether or not any
one reads tho editorials. Ho "Just
sticks them out so if any one wants
to read he can," and for this reason
he did not build his bulletin board
far enough out In tho road for the
passersby to drive close to It. He
simply set tho board up at the most
convenient spot.
Anderson's paper is unnamed, it
has no politics, no religion, other
than the Edison motto: "Do unto
others as you would have them do
unto you," and has no set policy,
except to fight on organizations of
all sorts, whether labor unions, po
litical parties, lodges, or churches.
lAfter being free of the disease
for four days, the home of Dean Mc
Knight at Altoona was again quar
antined recently for smallpox. The
victim was McKnlght himself.
bo trj
Fleet to Carry Iron Ore From Chil
ean Mines.
Charles M. Schwab has purchased
I in conjunction with French bankers
and steel men iron oro property con
taining 100,000,000 tons of ore in
I sight at Coqulmbo, Chile, practically
I on the sea coast near the Bay of
uruz Grande, known as the Tofo Iron
Mines. Mr. Schwab describes the
oro as tho richest ho has discovered
in any part of the world and super
ior to tho Swedish oro, which up to
this time he has considered the best.
'It assays G7 per cent, of Iron and
contains very little phosphorus aud
The addition of this Chilean ore
to the Bethlehem company will la-
crease Its output, says Mr. Schwab,
about GO per cent., and to provide
ror it a program of additional con
struction to tho plant Involving $G,
000,000 has already been drawn up.
A fleet of steamers for transporta
tion of the ore to the Bethlehem
plant is to bo built, with not less
than ten to start with of from 15..
000 to 20,000 tons capacity. The
snips win use the Panama Canal.
"The Panama Canal is the key to
the whole situation," said Mr. Sch
wab, "and has made possible the
acquisition of this property by the
Bethlehem company. We hope ours
will be tho first steamers to use the
canal. Tho possession of this Chil
ean ore property puts the Bethlehem
Steel Company In a strong position
and will ibe much to Its advantago
for years to come."
The property Is under the jurisdic
tion of the government of Chile, but
French capitalists held concessions
on the property with the consent of
the French government. Associated
In the purchase with Mr. Schwab are
George S. Gandjean, president of the
Banque Francalse; Marquis Chas
seloup, Loubat, of the Rothschild;
A. Armond, director of the Creusot
Steel Company; Albert Enriquez, of
London and H. Grosdlder, of Paris.
Some Guessed Right Others Wait
ed for Tho Citizen for a Till
Now Try It Again.
" As Others See Us " is a de
partment In The Citizen that Is
dally increasing in interest. When
'this paper is received In the home
among the 'first articles read are the
brief descriptive sketches written by
tho A grammar pupils of Eighth
grade. By many they are the first
read. There has been considerable
guessing since the appearance of last
Friday's characters and for the bene
fit of those who want a little assist
ance we will reproduce's
as follows: No. 8, R. M. Stocker;
'No. 9, Miss Margaret Grimn; No.
10, Uev. W. H.Hiller.
In the following descriptions you
cannot help but guess who tho per
sons are Intended for. We, how
ever, will leave It to you. Compare
them with the answers next Friday
and see how near right you are.
Hazel Irwin.
Eighth Grade A Grammar.
The subject of this sketch is a man
of medium height, not very stout
nor very thin. He has quite thick
hair and mustache which I would
call of a sandy color. His complex
ion is clear and he wears glasses.
His bearing and manners are plan
and modest. He always dresses
neatly and appears to be a gentle
man. He Is very prominent and the
position he holds is very helpful.
He is well educated and is known
by a great many people.
No. 11.
Nellie McCabe.
Eighth Grade A Grammar.
Tho subject of this sketch is a
young person. She is not very tall
but has a plump figure. She has a
round full face with a short, well
shaped nose and large blue eyes.
Her hair Is very light, .with a ray of
sunshine In it, and her teeth are
large pearls. She takes short steps
and walks quickly. Her bearing and
manner are plain and modest and
she has a fine clear voice. She .is a
person possessing a jolly disposition
and Is most always smiling, and she
never 'forgets to speak when she
meets one. She dresses neatly and
is altogether a charming person.
No. 12.
Elizabeth O'Hea. 4
Eighth Grade A Grammar.
The subject of this sketch is a
tall, thin man. He has long feat
ures, dark eyes, gray hair, gray
beard and wears glasses. This gen
tleman looks at every one very
sharply. He Is a very pleasant
talker and is at times inclined to be
humorous. He enjoys being out in
the fresh air and he Is very attentive
to his wife. He has a pet of which
(though It causes him Jots of
trouble) he Is very fond. He Is a
retired citizen, wears dark clothes,
and is very neat about his appear
ance and Is very much respected by
all who know him.
No. 13.
Moscow Christian Church nt AVar
With Members of Board of Trus
tees. Rev. J. D. Fry, pastor of the Mos
cow Christian church at Madisonville
the past thirteen months, through
his attorney, C. AV. Soper, Saturday
morning had warrants issued for the
trustees of that church, and also for
Ira Mitchell, constable of the Ninth
ward, Scranton. Tho warrants
charge them with forcible entry and
ejecting him and his wife and four
children from their home.
The names of tho trustees for
whom warrants were Issued are:
Isaac, Frank and Byron W. Be
secker, J. W. and E. E. Hornbaker,
Z. T. Swartz and Charles Hartneck.
There has been friction -between the
trustees and the pastor for some
time. Hcranton Times.
AVell Known Resident of Texas
Township Dies Suddenly Is Not
Discovered Until Sevcrul Honrs
Joseph Kerl was found lying dead
in the yard near his home on Lin-
wuua street iaio waiuruay nignt.
Death was probably due to apoplexy.
Mr. Kerl left the house after sup
per to visit a .friend. Ho left tho
place after staying a little while,
telling the members of tho house
that he would return shortly, that ho
wanted to go to the smokehouse,
which was on his property. His
son, John, was also at the place.
The father did not return and John
went home. When he arrived Mrs.
Kerl remarked to her son that father
had not come home. A search was
then started. The mother and son
did not have to look far, for within
15 feet from the home lay the form
of Mr. Kerl. His body was cold
when discovered, signifying that life
had been extinct several hours. He
was tenderly removed to his home.
Mr. Kerl went to the barber shop
between 4:30 and 5 o'clock Satur
day night. Ho returned home short
ly afterwards, had his supper and
then went nut tn thn hnncn fni- n h
minutes. Mr. Kerl had been at
tending to nis duties as usual on
Saturday and was apparently In good
Joseph Kerl was born In Hones
dale, February '12, 1859, and 'there
fore would have been 54 years of
age the 12th of next month. For
many years he was in the employ of
W. W. AVeston and later worked for
G. Smith & Son. Mr. Kerl, besides
his wife, is survived by two chil
dren, John, at home, and George of
The funeral will bo held Wednes
day morning from the German Cath
olic church. TIrv. .T. W. Rnltn nm
The following accounts were con
firmed absolutely this afternoon.
First anil final nipnnnt nf TTVIot.,1
W. Osgood, administrator of estate
of David Brundago, late of Salem,
First and final account of fir.-im
B. Edsall, administratrix of estate of
Robert H. Edsall, late of Damascus,
First and final account of J. W.
Bodie. administrator nf William
Bodie, late of Dyberry, deceased.
First and 'final account of G. M.
Hempstead, administrator, of Fan
nie Hempstead, late of Buckingham,
First and final account nf nhnrlna
S. Houck, executor of Martha Klm-
mett, late or Hawley, deceased.
First, an'd final account of Julia
Lebarr. administratrix nf S. n t.p-
barr, late of Preston, deceased.
First and final account of George
M. AVilcox, administrator of Rebecca
L. Wilcox, late of Mt. Pleasant, de
ceased. First and iflnal acennnt. nf Andrew
Lauther. administrator nf .Tnnnl.
Jaerlko, late of Clinton, deceased.
First and final account of Lenna
Bergman, executrix of Alary Thomas,
late of Honesdale, deceased.
becond and partial account of
Wllhelmlna Smith, fiypmiTnr nf Tnhn
H. Smith, late of .Honesdale, de
ceased. First and final account, nf T. if!
Mumford, administrator of AVIlllam
AV. Tarbox, late of Scott, deceased.
Chrlstv Mnthowsnn. whn In wVinl-
lng away at a typewriter for a New
York newspaper, Is getting ready to
turn loose the details of a gigantic
trade that will shako the American
league to its very foundation. It Is
likely that the trade, If it's sure
enough in the air, will mean tho
strenetheninir nf thn Nnm Vnrlr Vnn.
kees. It wouldn't occasion a great
aeai or surprise if about five star
players were handed over to New
York bv other teams In thn lp.nrnn.
bringing about a general swap, in
which every team would have to con-
inuuie u snare, unaer ine lasn 01
President Ban Johnson.
Crawford. Carriirnn. TipnrlAr nnrl
Lajoio are players who .would look
gooa wun tne tuuitop crowd.
It has come to our notice that
there is a fakir making the rounds
in this vicinity purporting to sell
a new kind of lamp wick for which
he has been known to receive as
high aB 75 cents. AVe wish to warn
persons from patronizing him. Last
Friday he made the rounds In AVhlto
Mills and sold many of the wicks.
He received from 30 to 75 cents
a piece for them. Ho claimed that
they were a new kind of wick. The
fact of the matter Is that these wicks
were purchased in Honesdale for two
and one-half cents apiece. It Is al
ways safer to patronize tho home
William T.nPnlt niH 1.1 uaara
of AVhite Lake, Sullivan county, was
drowned while skating on that lako
Thursday evening. The boy with
several others was skating on tho
ice wmcn was aDout three inches
think. Thn inn pnvn wnv nnd Ti
went to the bottom.
The Pennsylvania Conservation
association will ask tho Legislature
tn nmvlrlA fnr n Cftlintrv Ufa nrttrimle-
slon to study the problems of tho
dwellers on the farms of this state.
ino measure provides that the gov
ernor shall appoint a commission ol
five to make a thorough investiga
tion into the conditions of farm llfo
In Pennsylvania, together with agri
cultural resources and to make rec
ommendations to the loglslaturo of
Up in Wyoming county they
have commenced the manufacture of
maple sugar. On tho other hand they
are wondering when they will get
their supply of lco for tho coming
summer's use. Not a bit baa been
gathered as yet.