The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 24, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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New Luster Gomes, as Years
Roll by, to Memory of
AS tlio years roll by new luster
& grows round n hallowed naino
nnd now appreciation comes
Into the hearts of the people
for their dead hero. It Is coining more
forcibly to bo known with each suc
ceeding anniversary of Jan. IS 13,
that William McKlulcy, the martyred
president, was a great and good man.
Thus, on the anniversary of his birth,
tho nation figuratively bows Its head
and does homage to the memory of
McKInley. Carnation day, as tho an
niversary is known from coast to coast
and lakes to gulf, is one of the most
solemn memorial days on the Ameri
can calendar.
In life President McKInley stood defi
nitely for certain economic and politi
cal beliefs which engendered opposi
tion by many othen big contempora
ries, but it is now known by nil, be
cause of the test that time has placed
upon most of tho public policies treat
ed by him, that President McKInley
was a clear thinking, big brained and
In every way really great executive.
Time, tho one sure appraiser, has
stamped the record of the martyred
president with the mark of highest ap
probation. Noted For Gentleness.
lie was, with his attributes of con
tempt for trivialities and capacity to
think strongly, nlso gentle and gener-
ous. It Is with tho memory of his gen
tleness that those who knew him per
sonally or heard him in public address
es most readily recall him.
Mr. McKInley was born in Niles, O.,
Jan. 29, 1813. Ho was shot down by
an assassin in tho Tcmplo of Music on
the Pan-American exposition grounds,
Buffalo, Sept. C, 1001. no died at tho
home of John G. Milburn, president of
tho exposition, on Sept. 14.
All over the country tribute to tho
memory of President McKInley has
been extended in the form of succes
sively erected monuments. Principal,
of course, Is tho splendid mausoleum
In which rests tho president's body at
Canton, O., In which city Mr. McKIn
ley made his homo during the last
years of his life. Second in impor
tance is the splendid shaft having tho
shape of an obelisk in Buffnlo. The
shaft, with Its simplicity of design as
to spire, typifies the lofty purposes of
tho president. Tho monster inarblo
Hons at Its base typify tho strong, big
hearted character of the man.
Bronze statues nnd busts and marble
images standing in scores of public
buildings testify to tho reverence held
for tho dead president.
Fitting ceremonies nro held in tho
shadow of theso lasting memorials ev
ery year, but principally tho day Is
marked by tho little act of reverence
by all men and women Individually
tho act of wearing a carnation.
Custom of Wearing Carnations.
It is 0110 of tho prettiest customs in
tho scheme of national affairs, tho cus
tom of carnation wearing. By this
act men throughout tho land give a
personal expression of their honor to
the one who is gone.
Itepeatedly tho big men of the suc
ceeding years who bad known and pos
sibly coped against President McKHn
ley In public affairs havo spoken trib
utes to him that provo ho was a big
president. In Hfo theso men probably
Would not havo conceded such trib
utes. Some of thorn at least had pur
poses and beliefs contrary to thoso of
tho executive. They therefore did not
in those days look upon him always
with tolerance.
From his clotwst associates tho high
est encomiums come. Tho lato Mar
cus A. Ilauna, who was President Mc
Klnley's confidential adviser and closo
personal friend, had this to say of the
president on tho day following tho tat
ter's deatli; "Ho was one of tUo most
Carnation Day, Marking His
Birth, Is One of Finest
Memorial Events.
adroit handlers of men I ever saw, and
those who accuse him of having been
led about by mo were mistaken. His
tact was perfect and his manner so
gracious thnt ho brought all those who
came in contact with him to his way
of thinking. He was led by nobody.
Ho was the leader of others."
A High Personal Tribute.
Likewise Frank A. Munsey speaks
of President McKlnley's character In
strong terms. Said Mr. Munsey:
"In William McKInley there was tho
most perfect binding of puro democra
cy nnd splendid dignity possible to
man. Ills democrncy was as pure and
true as the best example this country
has ever produced, whether on tho
farm, in tho professions or in tho af
fairs of business, nnd his dignity wns
of the finer kind, which sprang from
his own soul rather than that reflected
from exalted station. He was always
William McKInley alike in the army
as n common soldier, in congress and
in tho White House as tho chief mag
istrate of a great nation always tho
man nnd never tho official. Genius In
art, in wienco and in statesmanship
fascinntes us. Wo admire it and bow
down before it, but wo love where
there is love a heart that responds to
our hearts, warm and tender and
Mr. McKlnley's nncestors were Da
vid and Esther McKInley, who came
to this country from Ireland In 17-13.
no attended Union seminary, nt Po
land, O., until 1SG0. Later ho attended
Allegheny college, at Meadvillc, Pa.,
thou taught a district school and clerk
ed in a postolllco at Poland. In June,
1801, young McKInley, then eighteen
years old, enlisted in Company E,
Twenty-third Ohio volunteer infantry,
of which Rutherford B. Hayes was
lieutenant colonel. Promotions came
to him, and when ho was mustered
out ho hnd the rank of adjutant gen
eral on the staff of General Carroll.
His Early Public life.
Mr. McKInley was admitted to the
Ohio bar in 1807. IIo settled soon
thereafter In Canton. IIo served In the
year 1870-1 as prosecuting nttorney.
In January of tho latter year he was
married to Ida Saxton of Canton. Mr.
McKlnley's career in public life began
when ho was elected as representative
to the Forty-fifth congress In 1877. lie
made his first speech for a high pro
tectivo tariff in 1882. By 1800 he had
established a reputation as an orator of
great force and ability.
I InJOO Mr. McKInley wns elected
governor 01 ins siuio iuiu mis ie-uit.-i.i-ed
In 1893. Ho was nominated for
president on the first ballot nt tho St.
Louis convention in 18D0. During tho
campaign that followed he remained In
Canton nnd received more than 750,000
visitors from all parts of the United
States. He made more than 300
speeches from tho piazza of his house.
In. his public speeches Mr. McKIn
ley ndvocated constantly America for
Americans, opposing with groat vigor
tho holding of lands within tho Union
by aliens, no opposed tho importation
af any foreign product duty free, wheth
er raw material or finished product,
so long as It competed with American
labor, no favored a systematic reci
procity between this country and Eng
land In trado affairs.
At ono time, after his death, a doubt
was raised as to whether Mr. McKIn
ley really was born on Jan. 20, 18-13, or
Fob. 20, 184-1, both of which dates ap
peared In tho congressional directories.
jeorgo a, uorieiyou, iormcny secre
tary to President McKInley, establish
ed tho first named date by research
and tho discovery of an lnsurnnco pol
How Carnation League Was Formed.
Tho dato became designated as car
nation day because of the fact that tho
carnation was Mr. McKlnley's favorite
flower, no acquired bis liking for tbe
flower in a picturesque way nnd vroro
it on all occasions thereafter, finding
in It the expression of purity, beauty
nnd simplicity.
When Mr. McKInley wns governor of
Ohio a bevy of girl students of Lake
Erlo college, at Palnesvlllo, made him
nn honorary member of their class and
pinned their class llower, tho carna
tion, to the Inpel of his coat, no after
ward evinced an Interest In tho class
and remembered tho girls nnd was re
membered lJy them on many occasions.
At each reunion of tho class a box of
carnntlons wns sent to him.
Tho idea of tho Carnation League of
America occurred to Lewis G. Reyn
olds of Dayton, O. On tho first anni
versary of tho president's dentil lio
hnppened to bo In Buffnlo, which was
in deep mourning. Knowing that the
carnation had been Mr. McKlnley's
favotke flower, Mr. Reynolds supplied
himself with one nnd woro It that day.
The Idea grow upon him, nnd a few
weeks later he brought it to the atten
tion of the McKInley National Memo
rial association. The lato Senator
Mark nannn, then president of tho
league, and other officers gave the plan
their Immediate approval, and the Car
nation League of America was found
ed. Through Its officers tho ministers
throughout the country were influenced
to devote special memorial sermons to
tho memorinl day, and tho newspapers
were readily enlisted nlso in tho move
ment. It had been suggested originally to
fix Sept. 14, the day of Mr. McKlnley's
death, as the anniversary to bo com
memorated, but this Idea gave way
soon before the general belief that It
was best to celebrate tho martyr's
His Last Home a Hospital.
The house In which Mr. McKInley
lived In Canton was converted Into a
hospital several years ago. Following
the death on- Mrs. McKInley In 1007
some discussion arose as to how the
property might bo used with fitting ef
fect. Tbe building wns announced for
sale In 100S. and a widow of wealth
and promluenco in Canton purchased
it. She had long nurtured the plan to
establish a hospital under tho direction
of tho Catholic church, and this pre
sented to her tho opportunity. The
dwelling proved inadequate as to size
and later was replaced by a fine edi
fice. It is known as Mercy hospital
and Is looked upon as one of the fine
institutions of tho state.
Anecdotes of McKinley.
Rutherford B. Hayes, then ex-presl-dont,
told a rather Interesting episode
of Mr. McKlnley's Hfo In tho army
when Mr. Hayes was Introducing Mr.
McKInley to an audience after his
nomination for governor in 1801.
Mr. Hayes declared that on the
bloodiest day of the wnr, the day In
which tho battlo of Antietam was at
Its height, Mr. McKInley, the young
man who had risen as quartermaster
under Hayes, distributed hot coffee
and meats to tho men with his own
hands. IIo had risked his Hfo under
fire to forage tho food so necessary to
tho famished and woniout soldiers.
Tho late Senator Hanua had a fa
vorite story, which lie took considerable
delight In telling, as relating to his
friend William McKInley. This is the
"Mr. McKInley nlways appenred nt
tho executive office in tho morning
with a cnrnntlon In his buttonhole, and
when It became necessary to turn down
an office seeker who had succeeded In
obtaining n personal Interview ho
would romovo tho llower from Ills own
lapel and place it in that of his visitor.
It was generally understood by thoso
In tho outer offices that when a caller
emerged with tho decoration upon him
It was all the latter had obtained."
Epithet Allowed In Switzerland.
It is lawful In Switzerland to call a
man an nss either In anger or other
wise, nccording to a decision given by
the cantonal tribunal at Zurich recent
ly. Tho court thereforo declined to
award damages In a suit arising out
of n quarrel between two citlzeus, both
locally prominent.
'Insurance Baby" Wins by Minute.
Tho first "Insurance baby" was born
at tbe Queen Charlotte Lying In hos
pital In London at ono minute nfter
midnight recently, Tho law by which
women rccelvo a maternity benefit of
57.C0 went into effect on that day.
Release of Young Valet Fixes
Limit on Penalty.
Governor Sulzer Attacks "Judicial In
justice" In Behalf of Man Who Con
fessed Burglary In Schiff Home He
Imposes Strict Conditions on Ex
Convict History of Brandt Case.
j Tho terms of the pardon granted
4 to Foulke E. Brandt provide:
X He must not appear upon the
X stage.
Ho must not wrlto a history or
his case.
He must not discuss ills experi
ences In public for pay.
He must not In any way mako
capital of tho notoriety he has
In the pardon of Foulke Englo
Brandt, a young man who had served
six years of a thirty year sentence for
burglary, Governor Sulzer of New York
established n precedent of great impor
tance in his state. Tho effect is to
mark off clearly the relative gravity of
a first offense and the degree of pun
ishment deserved for a certain sort of
In effect the pardon Is widely believ
ed to have purged New York's records
of a great judicial injustice which
would have given rise to possible fu
ture Injustices. The principle set for
ward was that tlilrty years Is an out
rageously excessive penalty for the
first offense of a young man like
Brandt In view of the fact that the
most hardened criminal with unending
felonies to his credit could not have
received a longer term.
Brandt was convicted of robbing the
homo of Mortimer L. Schiff, with
whom he had formerly been employed
as valet. In an early petitioii for ex
ecutive clemency ho protested inno
cence and uttered a scandalous story.
In his final petition tho young man
confessed guilt In the most abject man
ner, retracted his scandalous state
ments nnd merely pleaded that his
sentence was too long.
Senator Nelson a Benefactor.
Senator Knuto Nelson of Minnesota
had been enlisted to aid the young
convict's plea for pardon, agreed to
got Brandt a job among good people
in Minnesota, pay his expenses there
and see that ho had another start lit
life. Brandt left with tho senator,
earnestly promising to bo honest and
upright in future.
Foulke E. Brandt, or Lawrence do
Foulke, as ho sometimes called him
self, was employed by Mortimer L
Schiff, the son of Jacob Schiff, at his
country place nt Oyster Bay In the
summer of 1000. Ho was discharged
but was later re-engaged and remain
ed in Mr. Schiff's employ until Feb. 11,
1007, when ho was again discharged
on the ground that bo had written an
impudent letter to Mrs. Schiff.
About a mouth later ho entered the
Schiff homo, at 032 Fifth avenue, and
later was accused by Mr. Schiff of as
saulting him with a uluepln. After
parleying with his former servant Mr.
Schiff made an appointment with him
nt bis office. When Brandt wont there
two days later ho wns arrested. He
was charged with assault In tho first
degree and with burglary, It being
alleged that he had forced an entrance
into the house and stolen jewelry val
ued at $200.
Brandt was represented by Carl
FIscher-nansen, who was later con
victed of a crime, served a term In the
penltcntlnry and wns disbarred. How
ard Cans, a former assistant district
nttorney, was in charge of Mr. Schiff's
Brandt pleaded guilty to tho bur
glary charge and was sentenced by
Judge Rosalsky In tho court of general
sessions to servo thirty years, the
maximum sentence, in state prison.
IIo was twenty years old at that time.
His Efforts For Freedom.
Brandt went to Sing Sing nnd later
to Dannemorii, where In 1000 ho began
bis efforts to gnln his freedom. IIo
appealed first to Senator Nelson of
Minnesota, who requested the Swedish
consulate in Now York to take up the
matter. Other interests woro enlisted,
and an appeal was made to Governor
DIx In 1011, who finally appointed
Richard' Hand as commissioner to hold
hearings and report on tho appeal for
Brandt enjoyed a few weeks of lib
erty under n writ granted by Justice
Gerard and then spent several weeks
In the Tombs after tho order had been
reversed by the appellato division.
Tho case was carried up to tho court
of appeals, -which decided last Juno
that the court in -which Brandt was
tried had Jurisdiction.
1 Tho charge that Brandt had been tho
(Hetlin of a conspiracy and that there
bad been many improprieties in con
nection with his trial and conviction
was placed beforo tho grand Jury by
District Attorney Whitman. After an
inquiry that lasted nearly two months
the grand Jury fulled to find Indict
ments. Tho grand Jury did, uowover, write
a presentment in which it found that
Brandt was a thief, but not a burglar.
Judge T. O. T. Grain refused to accept
tho. nrAsontmant.
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