The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 24, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Missives Written Mid Roar
Of Gannon in Bloody
Civil War.
L "
He Tells of Battles and of
Valor and High Ideals
of Warriors,
UNDER the secrecy preserving
cnptlon of "Tlio Lovo Letters
a Confederate General" a re
markable scries of communi
cations sent by a soldier to Ills beloved,
under the most dnngcrous and des
perato circumstances letters written
from tho thick of war, ringing of lovo
and of valor has been running In the
Pictorial Review. Tho letters have
stirred up a controversy that has run
with particular zest through the south
ern states, and now that the last of
them Is about to be printed the woman
to whom they wore written has con
sented that the anonymity bo destroy
ed. They were written by General
George Pickett to tho girl who was
Drst Lasallc Corbell, nfterward Mrs.
Pickett. 1
Mrs. Pickett Is now living In Wash
ington and has been the lender of the
southorn coterie there for many years.
Tho "little general" to whom the let
ters refer came In after years to be a
major In tho United States army and
died a year and a half ago, returning
from service in the Philippines. Ills
two little sons now live with their dis
tinguished grandmother in Washing
ton. Allegiance to the South.
In tho first one of the series Gen
eral Pickett tells why his allegiance
went to the Confederacy. Ho writes:
No, my child, I had no conception
of the Intensity of feeling, the bitterness
nnd hatred toward those who were bo
lately our friends and nre now our ene
mies. I, of course, have always strenu
ously opposed disunion, not as doubting
the right of secession, which was taught
in our textbooks at West Point, but as
Bravely questioning its expediency. I be
lieved that tho revolutionary spirit which
infected both north and south was but a
passing phase of fanaticism which would
perish under the rebuke of all good citi
zens, who would surely unite In upholding
the constitution, but when that great as
sembly, composed of ministers, lawyers,
Judges, chancellors, statesmen, mostly
white haired men of thought, met In South
Carolina, and when their districts were
called crept noiselessly to the table In the
center of tho room and afllxcd their sig
natures to tho parchment on which tho
ordinance of socesslon was Inscribed, and
when in deathly silence, In spite of the
gathered multitude, General Jamison arose
nnd without preamble read, "The ordi
nance of secession hns been signed nnd
ratified; I proclaim the state of South Car
olina an independent sovereignty," and,
lastly when my old boyhood friend called
for an invasion, It was evident that both
the advocates and opponents of secession
had read the portents aright.
, Tou know, my little lady, some of those
cross stitched mottoes on the cardboard
samplers which used to hang on my nurs
ery wall, such as "He who provides not
for his own household is worso than an
infidel," "Charity begins at home," etc.,
made lasting impression upon mo, and,
while I love my neighbor that Is, my
country I lovo my household that Is, my
state more, and I could not be an Infidel
and lift my sword against my own kith
and kin even though I do believe, my most
wise llttlo counselor and confidant, that
tho measure of American greatness can
be achieved only under ono flag, and I
fear, alas, thero can never ngaln reign for
either of us the true spirit of national
unity, whether divided and under two
flags or united under one.
The subject is pursued in a later let
ter, which runs:
1 Why, Chullta mla, all that wo ask is a
separation from people of contending In
terests, who love us as a nation as little
as wo love them: tho dissolution of a un
ion that hns lost Its holiness, to be let
alone and permitted to sit under our own
vine and fig tree and eat our figs peeled
or dried or fresh or pickled, just as we
choose. The enemy Is our enemy be
cause he neither knows nor understands
us and yet will not let us part In peace
nnd be neighbors, but Insists on fighting us
to make us one with him, forgetting that
both slavery and secession were his own
institutions. Tho north is fighting for the
Union and wo for homo and fireside. All
tho men I know and love In tho world
comrades and friends, both north and
south aro exposed to hardships and dan
gers and are fighting on one side or the
other and each for that which he knows
to be right.
Will you come, my darling, and have
some cofTeo with your soldier? It is some
we captured, and It is real coffee. Come!
The tin cup Is clean and shining, but the
corn bread Is greasy and smoked. And the
bacon that Is greasy, too, but It Is good
and tastes all right if it will only hold
out till our stars and bars wave over our
land of tho free and our homo of tho
bravo and we have our own home. Nev
ermore we'll hear of wars, but only love
and life with its eternal joys.
On the night before General Pickett
was wounded at Gaines' Mills he wrote
tho following note:
This was never contemplated in
earnest. I bellove that If cither the north
or the south had expected that Its dif
ferences would result in this obstinate,
cruel war tho cold blooded Puritan and
the cock hatted Huguenot nnd cavalier
would have made a compromise. Poor old
Virginia camo oftener than Noah's dove
with her olive branch. Though she de
sired to be loyal to the union of Btates,
she did not believe in the right of coer
cion, and when called upon to furnish
troops to restrain her sister states she re
fused and would not oven permit tho pas
saga of an armed forco through her do
main for that nurnose. With no thought
of cost, no consideration of disparity of
relative strength or condition, she rolled
up her sleeves, ready to risk all In defense
f a principle consecrated by the blood of
her fathers. And now, alas. It is too latel
We must carry through this Diner iasn
unto the end. May the end be soon.
Begged For Immediate Marriage.
In April, 1803, Genoral Pickett, bo
distraught with tho fear that death In
battlo would overtake him beforo ho
could make "Little Miss Ballio" his
wife, wrote her to come to him at onco
and bo married, If need be, by a road
side. In this lettor ho says:
This morning I awakened from a beau
tiful dream, and, while Its glory still over
shadows tho waking nnd fills my soul
with radiance, I write to make an earnest
request entreating, praying, that you will
grant It. You know, my darling, we have
no prophets In these days to tell us how
near or how far la the end of this awful
struggle. If the "battlo Is not to tho
strong" then we may win, but when all
our ports are closed and the world is
against us, when for us a man killed is
a man lost, while Grant may havo twenty-five
of every nation to replace ono of
his, It seems that the battlo Is to the
strong. So often already has hope been
dashed to tho winds.
As you know, It Is Imperative that I re
main at my post and absolutely impossi
ble for me to go to you. So you will
have to come to me. Will you, dear?
Will you como? Can't your beautiful
eyes see beyond the mist of my eagerness
and anxiety that In tho bewilderment of
my worship worshiping, as I do, ono bo
divinely right and feeling that my love is
returned how hard it is for mo to ask
you to overlook old time customs, remem
bering only that you aro to be a soldier's
wife? A week, a day, an hour, as your
husband would engulf In Its great Joy all
my past woes and ameliorate all futuro
So, my Chullta, don't let'.s wait. Send
mo a line by Jackerle Baying you will
come. Como at once, my darling, into
this valley of tho shadow of uncertainty
and make certain the comfort that if I
fall I shall fall as your husband; that you
will bear my name, vl'.l havo been my
wife and will have all the rights of a wlfo.
You know that I l"vo you with a devo
tion that envelops, absorbs all else a de
votion so divine that when in dreams I
seo you It Is as something too pure and
sacred for mortal touch. And if you only
knew tho heavenly llfo that thrills through
mo when I make it real to myself that
you lovo mo you would understand. Think,
my dear little one, of tho uncertainty and
dangers of oven a day of separation nnd
don't let tho tlmo como when either of us
will look back and say, "It might havo
If I am spared all my life shall bo de
voted to making you happy, to keeping
all that would hurt you far from you, to
making all thnt is good come near you.
Heaven will help mo to be over helpful
to you and will bless me to bless you. If
you knew how every hour I kneel at your
nltar, If you could hear tho prayers I of
fer to you and to our Heavenly Father
for you, If you knew the Incessant
thought and longing and desire to make
you blessed, you would know how much
your answer will mean to mo and how,
while I plead, I am held back by a rever
ence and a sensitive adoration for you,
for, Chullta mla, you are my goddess, and
I am only your doroted, loving
On Hoad to Gettysburg.
The following exquisitely lyrical and
spiritual passage was written on the
road to Gettysburg:
Our wholo army Is now In Pennsylvania,
north of the rlvor. There were rumors
that Richmond was threatened from all
Bides Dix from Old Point, Getty from
Hanover, Koyes from Bottom's Ridge, and
so on and that we might be recalled. It
turned out to be a Munchausen, and we
nre still to. march forward. Every tramp,
tramp, tramp Is a thought, thought,
thought of my darling, every halt a bless
ing invoked, every command a loving ca
ress, and the thought of you and prayer
for you maXo me strong, make me better,
givo mo courage, give mo faith. Now, my
Carlsstma, let my soul speak to yours.
Listen listen listen! You hear I am an
swered !
Tills was written the night before
tho chnrge of Gettysburg:
Well, my sweetheart, at 1 o'clock the
awful silence was broken by a cannon
shot and then another, and then more
than 100 guns shook the hills from crest to
base, answered by more than anothor 100
tho whole world a blazing volcano, tho )
whole of heaven a thunderbolt, then dark
ness and absolute silence, then the grim
and grewsome, low spoken commands,
then tho forming of the attacking col
umns, the hurrying of the men to the po
sition assigned to them. My brave Vir
ginians are to attack In front. Oh, may
God in mercy help me as he never helped
mo before!
I havo ridden up to report to old Peter.
I shall give him this letter to mail to you
nnd a package to glvo you If Oh, ray
darling, do you feel the love of my heart,
tho prayer, as I wrlto that fatal word
Now, my darling, I go, but remember
nlways that I love you with all my heart
and soul, with every fiber of my being;
that now and forever I am yours yours,
my beloved. It Is almost 3 o'clock. My
soul reaches out to yours my prayers.
The following Is part of tho dramatic
narrative of the battle of Gettysburg:
Ah, if I had only had my other two bri
gades a different story would have been
flashed to the world! Poor old Dick Gar
nett did not dismount, as did the others
of us, and he was killed instantly, falling
from his horse. Kemper was desperato
ly wounded, was brought from the field
and subsequently taken prisoner. Poor
old Lewis Armlstead God bless htm! was
mortally wounded at the head of his com
mand after planting the flag of Virginia
within the enemy's lines. Seven of my
colonels were killed, and one was mortal
ly wounded. Nine of my lieutenant colo
nels were wounded, nnd threo lieutenant
colonels wero killed. Only ono field officer
of my wholo command, Colonel Cabol, was
unhurt, and tho loss of my company offi
cers was In proportion.
I wonder, my dear, if in the light of tho
great eternity we shall any of us foel this
was for tho best and shall have learned
to say, "Thy will be done?" No castles
today, sweotheart. No; the bricks of hap
piness and the mortar of love must He un
touched in this lowering gloom. Pray,
dear, for the sorrowing ones.
Writes on Birth of Son.
This letter was written upon tho
pews to General Pickett of the birth of
Us son, "tho Llttlo General," as ho
was known In tho whole Confederate
God bless you, little mother of jjir boy
bless and keep youl Heaven in all its
glory shine upon youl Eden's flowers
bloom eternal for youl Almost with ev
ery breath since the message came rellev
Ing my anxiety and telling me that my
darling lived and that a little baby had
beon born to us I have been a baby my
self. Though I have known all these
months that from across love's enchanted
land this little child was on its way to
our twin souls, now that God's promise
la fulfilled and it has come f cant believe
It As I think of It I foci tho stir of para
dise in my senses, and my spirit goes up
in thankfulness to God for this, his high
est and boat, the one perfect flower in the
garden of llfo love.
Blinding tears rolled down my checks,
my sweethoart, as I road tho glad tid
ings, and a feeling so new, so strango,
camo over mo that I asked of tho angels
What it could be and whence came tho
strains of celestial music which filled my
soul, and what were the great, grand,
stirring hoeannas and the soft, tender,
sweet adagios that clrclo around and
nround, warmed my every vein, boat my
every pulse. And, O little mother of my
boy, the echoing answer camo, "A little
baby has boon born to you, and ho and
tho new made mother live."
Following tho failure of the peace
conference which preceded Genoral
Lee's surrender General Pickett wrote:
On every side gloom, dissatisfaction and
disappointment seem to have settled over
all, men and officers alike, because of the
unsuccessful termination of tho peace con
ference on board tho River Queen on the
fatal 3d. The anxious, deyiairlng faces I
see everywhere bespeak heavy hearts,
uur commissioners knew that wo were
gasping our last gasp and that tho peaco
conference was a forlorn hope. Bccauso
of the Informality of the conference and
my knowledge of Mr. Lincoln, his human
ity, his broad nature, his warm heart, I
did believe he would take advantage of
this very Informality and spring some
wise, superhuman surprise which would
somehow restore peace and In time lnsuro
unity. Now, heaven help us, it will bo
war to the knife with a knife no longer
keen, tho thrust of an arm no longer
strong, the certainty that when peace
comes it will follow tho tread of the con
queror. Again In the same strain ho writes:
Ah, Chullta mla, the triumphs of might
are transient, but the Bufferings and cru
cifixions for tho right can never be for
gotten. The sorrow and song of rny glo
ry crowned divisions nears Its doxology.
May Qod pity those who wait at home for
tho eoldlcr who has reported to the Great
Commander. God pity them as the days
go by and tho sad nights follow. The sol
dier Is done with tears and time, and to
him a thousand years are as one.
The End In Sight.
The final letter of the series was
written a few hours before tho surren
der of General Leo at Appomattox. It
follows In part:
Tomorrow, my darling, may see our flag
furled forever. Jackerle, our faithful old
mall carrier, sobs behind me as I write.
Ho bears tonight this hlB last message
,from mo as "Our Cupid." First he Is
commissioned with three orders, which I
know you will obey as fearlessly as tho
bravest of your brother soldiers. Keep up
a stout heart. Believe that I shall come
back to you and know thnt God reigns.
After tonight you will be my whole com
mand staff, field officers, men all. Tne
second commission Is only given as a pre
caution lest I should not return or lest for
some time I should not be with you. Leo's
surrender is imminent. It is finished.
Through the suggestion of their command
ing officers as many of tho men as desire
aro permitted to cut through and Join
Johnston's army.
It Is finished! Ah. my beloved division!
Thousands of men have gone to their
eternal home, having given up their lives
for the cause which they knew to be Just.
The others, alas, heartbroken, crushed in
spirit, are left to mourn Its loss! Well, it
is practically all over now. We have pour
ed our our blood and suffered untold hard
ships and privations, all in vnln. And
now well, I must not forget either that
God reigns. Life Is given us for the per
formance of duty, and duty performed Is
It Is finished the Buffering, the horrors,
tho anguish of these last hours of strug
gle, of these men, baptized In battle at
Bull Run, In tho lines at Yorktown, at
Williamsburg, where they, with tho Ala
bama brlgado of Wilcox, withstood the
advance of the whole of McClellan's army,
driving them back at Seven Pines, at
Gaines' Mill, Frazler's Farm, Second Ma
nassas, Boonsboro, Sharpsburg, Gettys
burg, and the engagements In front of
Bermuda Hundred, Fort Garrison, Five
Forks and Sailors' Creek.
The glorious gift of your love will help
me to bear the memory of these days. In
this midnight hour I feel the caressing
blessing of your pure spirit as it mingles
with mine. Peace Is born.
Colonel 6. W. Goethals Tells
. of Assistant.
Amnion abb year iff
yhl-chc-trfl Ultra o
j'liia la icca ana
botes, sealed wiOi
Take no tthr. I
Drnfffflftt. Atkforenil
veart known at Desk Safest. Alwiv Ritihi
Hold memilcwy
Blue Klbbon.
M.nfrira JppnMt
The now year has Ijcgun and
you Should subscrlbo at onco for Tho
Citizen. Only ?1.G0 per year.
Late of Sterling, deceased.
All persons Indebted to said estate
are notllled to make Immediate pay
ment to tho undersigned; and thoi
having claims against said estata aro
notllled to present thsm, duly attest
ed, for settlement.
H. It. MEGARGEL, Admr.
Storllng, Pa., Jan. 14, 1913. BwG
The Battle of Seven Pines.
There follows part of a vivid and
stirring description of the battle of
Seven Pines:
A violent storm was raging, flooding tho
level ground, as I wrote you last, followed
the next day by one of lira and blood the
battle of Seven Pines.
I pray that you accepted the invitation
of your mountain lassie chum and that
your beautiful eyes and loving, tender
heart havo been spared the horrors of war
which this battle must havo poured Into
sad Richmond, Three hundred and fifty
of your soldier's brigade, 1,700 strong, were
killed or wounded, and all fought as Vir
ginians should, fighting as they did for the
right, for love, honor, homo and state.
principles which they had been taught
from the mothers' knees, the schoolroom
and the pulpit.
Under orders from Old Peter (General
Longstreet) we marched at daylight and
reported to D. B. Hill, near Beven Pines.
Hill directed me to ride over and commu
nicate with Hood. I started at once with
Charlie and Archer of my staff to obey
this order, but had gone only a short dis
tance when we met a part of the Louisi
ana zouaves in panic. I managed to seize
and detain ono fellow mounted on a mule
that seemed to have imbibed his rider's
fear and haste. The man dropped his
plunder and, seizing his carbine, threat
ened to kill me unless I released him at
once, saying that the Yankees were upon
his heels.
Railroad Man of Danbury, Conn., I
Like Groundhog.
John Hart of Danbury, Conn., a rail
road man, has gone to bed to hibernate
for tho remainder of tho winter.
I.lUe somo animals, he believes the
winter should bo devoted to continu
ous rest. He will not leave his bed
until spring comes, and then whether he
gets up will bo guided by tho ground'
hog's eznmple.
Hart has followed the practlco for
live winters. Ho says It does him a
lot of good. When he arises In tho
iprlng he Is weak, but after a short
ime his strength returns.
"Would Be No Canal but For Harry F.
Hodges," Says Chief Engineer He
Invented New Design of Locks) Con'
ceived Idea of Arches In Approach
Walls May Get Promotion.
"Colonel Harry P. Hodges is tho
man who designed the canal. He Is
Its genius. Without him there would
have been no canal." That Is what
Colonel George W. Goetiials, engineer
in chief at tho Panama canal, has to
say of the technical expert in charge
of tho construction of the great water
way. The engineer in chief spoke his
praise in a recent Interview at Wash
ington. Colonel Goethals snys further:
"Colonel Hodges Is a man of detnil.
When he designed the canal he worked
out the designs In detail, never over
looking any small thing which made
for tho success of the canal. As the
work nears competition criticism of
tho project, technically or otherwise,
Is being refuted by tho project itself.
"It Is not generally known why the
approach walls of tho locks are arched.
The impression is that the arches were
put Into the walls to save concrete.
That question never was considered
by Colonel Hodges. The reason he de
signed the walls with arches was be
cause of the danger of the waters of
the lako washing up nnd Into tho locks.
"There is a mean wind which blows
down across Lake Gatun from the
northwest. Had the approach walls
been of solid concrete the wnters of
the lake, whipped by tho wind, would
have washed into the locks. As It is,
the wind may whip the waters of Lake
Gatun into a foam, but instead of pil
ing up on tho dam and Into the locks
tho waters will be driven through the
arches to the opposite side of the lake.
To Come Jp For Promotion.
"The foregoing is but one of tho
many details which Colonel Hodges
considered when he designed tho canal.
The mechanism for hinging tho great
gates was designed by Colonel nodges.
The typo of gate is of his design.
"Too much praise cannot be given
Colonel Hodges for his part in the
building of the canal. I reiterate that
but for Colonel Hodges there would
not have been a canal."
W. Because of his work and the credit
given him by Colonel Goethals, Colo
nel Hodges will come to President
Elect Wilson as tho leader among army
officers for promotion.
Colonel Hodges Is the one most to bo
credited for the present stage of com
pletion of the cnnal, a feat declared Im
possible by tho foremost engineers of
the world. He does the actual work
from the engineering standpoint- Dur
ing Colonel Goethals' absence he as
sumes charge of tho canal zone.
Is Unassuming and Direct.
Since granduatlng nmong the first Ave
of tho class of 1881 of the Military
academy ho has won the distinction of
being called one of tho greatest engi
neers of the day. For five years he di
rected tho work of river and harbor
fortifications, and In 1901 ho was made
chief engineer of the department of
Cuba. His work and repuatlon gained
by skillful handling of all sorts of navi
gation and engineering problems led to
his being selected as Colonel Goethals'
As a man ho is unassuming, quiet
and direct. Ho has tho respect of ev
ery man under his-supervision, and on
tho isthmus he Is considered a marvel.
After It had been decided to build the
Gatun dam it was necessary to deter
mine tho nmount of water it would
take to flU it to. tho spillway, the
amount of water required to raise
ships of a certain size, and then how
best to utilize each gallon of water.
In solving this problem he invented a
style of lock which has now become the
standard of tho world. He designed
locks so that ships of different lengths
may bo raised by using Just water
enough to lift it By a unique arrange
ment of culverts he so arranged the
double set of locks that tho water used
for lowering a ship in one set of locks
will be used for raising a ship in tho
other set.
The first largo ship will bo sent
through on Jan. 1, 1015, and will be
the historic battleship Oregon, -with its
commander during tho Spanish-Ameri
can war, Rear Admiral Clark, on the-bridge.
The Ideal Guardian !
of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It has the very best facilities
for the profitable and wise invest
ment and re investment of the princi
pal and accrued income, -The Scranton Trust Co.
510 Spruco Street.
Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly
will' make short work of a cold,
jj Honesdale, ... Pa.
I umri uiAviir I
I Ps-oprietoir
Wireless. Sent 4,400 Miles,
The wireless station at Nauen, near
Berlin, reports that It was In wireless
communication with New York recent
ly. This, it Is stated, la the first tlmo
dlroct wireless communication has been
established between Germany and
America. The distance from New York
to tho kaiser's capital Is approximately
V100 miles.
After in absence of two years
from Hotel Wayne, during which
time I lenecd tho building to other
parties, I now desiro to anaounco to
the public that I liavo again assumed
control of Hotel Wnyno where I will
bo plenscd to greet my former pa
trons. The hotel is being thoroughly
renovated nnd placed In flrst-class
condition for tho reception of guests.
Good tnblo accommodations. Special
attention given to transients. Stable
'in connection with hotel.
Eating of Canines Is Growing Practice
Among Teutons.
Tho uso of tho flesh of dogs as a food
for man Is becoming common in Ger
many. From necessity tho German working
man has long made horse meat n sub
stantial portion of his daily fare, but
while Saxony consumes thousands of
dogs nnnually tho practlco of eating
this meat has not until recently In
vaded Prussia.
Now tho overseers of tho Berlin cat
tle yards havo given their approval of
a proposal to erect a municipal slaugh
ter house for dogs at the yards, and it
Is expected that tho police president
will soon lssuo tho roqulred permit
M. 13. SIMONS President. O. A. EMERY, Cashier.
Corner of
Main & 1 0ih
Watch US
Reasons Why I
It represents more stockholders than any other bank
in Wayne county.
mark and is steadily growing with the people's confidence
and the bank's progressive yot conservative methods.
Its expense of management is limited to amount of
business; together with it's trust funds invested in bonds
and first mortgages on improved real estate assures its de
positors absolute security.
It treats its hundreds of small depositors with the
6ame courtesy as though their funds were deposited by one
or more persons.
This bank comes under tho strict requirements of tho
State banking laws as all savings banks and is frequently
visited by the Pennsylvania State bank examiner, besides
having a board of directors consisting of Bixteen of Wayne
county's reliable business men and farmers.
M. D. Allen,
W. H. Fowler,
George 0. Abraham, W. D. Gulnnlp,
J. Sam Brown,
Oscar E. Bunnell,
Wm. II. Dunn,
U. J. Hanlan,
John D. Krantz,
Fred W. Kreltner,
J. E. Tiffany.
John Weaver,
O. Wm. Sell,
IT. E. Simons, '
Fred Stephens,
George W. Tledoll,