The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 17, 1913, Image 1

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71th YEAR. --NO. 6
jji "jj jj
TCvonini? of Mnrli TCnlovnicnt Snout
in Singing and Dancing Banquet
O. A. McCarty Talks on Cus- I
toms of Order. I
The ninth anniversary of the re
organization of the Honesdale Maen
nerchor was held at their rooms In
the Odd Fellows Building on Seventh
street, on Wednesday evening, Jan.
15, 1913. About one hundred mem
bers and guests were present, and a
most enjoyable time was had by all,
who took part In the festivities. Mu-'
sic was furnished by Joseph Bodle
and Leon Katz on the piano and
violin and dancing was Indulged In I
until long after midnight. At 10
o'clock an elaborate supper was 'fur
nished by the wlve3 and daughters I
of the members, tables being set on j
the third floor. The male choir fur?
nlshed several beautiful selections
and solos.
After the supper was -partaken of,
Theodore Dryer, president of the so
ciety, Introduced Hon. Leopold
Fuerth who gave a splendid address
In the German language, congratu
lating the members upon their ar
rival at the ninth milestone of the
society's existence and gave a brief
history of the association, Its origin
and Its object. Mr. Fuerth's address
was enjoyed very much by all pres
ent, and ho was heartily applauded.
The next speaker, Charles A. Mc
Carty, was Introduced and spoke on
the benefits of social culture and
particularly that of music and song.
His address was In part as follows:
Recreation, relaxation, and amuse
ment are necessary to intersperse
among the more serious and practi
cal affairs of life. Your object and
aim have a still more Important mis
sion to perform, and the ordinary
and common place entertainment
and amusement to your members.
You have In mind the cultivation
of one of the highest and most lm-
port faculties, Inherent In our na
ture, that of music and song. Tnere
are faculties vastly more Important
and worthy of attention and careful
cultivation, than those which wo ap
ply to the practical affairs of life.
The sentimental part of our nature'
shoum be cultivated. Each 'country
has Its peculiar song and Its peculiar
music, characteristic of the race
that produces It. The music of Ire
land, while beautiful and harmoni
ous, has a phase which distinguishes
It from all other nations, that Is un
doubtedly due to the sadness of the
history of the Irish people occasion
ed 'by centuries of a struggle against
their oppressors.
The poetry of Scotland runs In a
lighter vein and Indicates a more
Joyous spirit among the people from
whom such music and song originat
ed. Loch Catherine and Ellons
Isle are forever Immortalized by the
poetry and music of Scotlsh writ
ers, and many of the scenes of the
early historic battles have become
famous more by the music which
was written regarding them than by
the deeds which were enacted there.
Dante, the great Italian poet, could
take some provincial criminal of
Florence, hold him up by the hair,
so the light of the Inferno could
shine upon his face, and his image
is forever stamped upon the memory
of mankind.
The gayety and lightness of French
life Is early discernable in her music
and in her song, while It charms the
listener, it lacks the soul which has
given to other nations its Immortal
ity in 'matchless and harmonious mu
sic. Martial music and martial song
have accomplished more In the des
tiny of nations than all the chivalry,
bravery and Indurance of the sold
iers on either side of the mighty con
flicts. From the very beginning of his
tory, we learn that men have been
led to battle at the sound of fife and
drum, and Inspired by martial airs
to press on in the cause, In which
they had enlisted and accomplish
greater results than could possibly
be expected under 'other circum
stances. It has been said and seriously
said, that confederacy -went down be
cause It lacked Inspiring music and
patriotic song to compete with Its
northern enemy.
Germany has 'given to the world
her full share of industry, persever
ance, economy and progress. She
has enriched the world with her
scientific and philosophical resource's,
she has supplied statesmen, scholars
and soldiers to other lands as well as
to her own, .but she has given to the
world more than this, she has given
harmonious music and sentimental
song; she has transplanted from the
Rhine the songs as well as the
scenes which have made Germany
famous among the nations of the
world. She has taught the Ameri
can people that there Is more In life
than a continuous strife for gold.
She has taught us that the sentimen
tal and the Ideal should 'be develop
ed and made useful as well as the
real and practical affairs of life.
She has impressed upon us the in
fluence of song upon the world, she
has taught us the Influence of the
melodious music and human voice
made beautiful by cultivation, and
she has most beautifully demon
" strated that nature's language is
still as sweet as when the morning
stars sang together.
Soul and sentiment Immortalize
a land more than Its greatest his
tory; Carthago and Athens and
Rome may bo depopulated and de
serted but they would still retain
the Immortality which was given to
them by the sentiments which were
Interwoven with their early exist
ence. Among the British Isles,
Wales retains perhaps the greatest
love for song and music, and had
she no other claim to Immortality
she would live forever regardless of
the historic associations, interwoven
with her name.
Humor Connecting Poyntelle Man
With Mystery Exploded No Cluo
Found Yet Detective Spencer
on tlio Case.
County Detective N. B. Spencer re-'
turned. Tuesday evening from Poyn
telle where he was working on the
case of Terry Caffrey who has been
missing from his home near Lake
Como since the Monday before
Christmas. For a while suspicious
circumstances connected a man of
that locality with the man's disap
pearance but on Investigation the
detective learned to his satisfaction
that there was nothing In the rumor.
He could learn nothing further as
to the 'Whereabouts of 'Caffrey. The
man seems to have disappeared com
pletely. The story that he has wan
dered away Is now discredited as he
was well known In that section and
also by conductors and he could not
have gone far without someone see
ing him and reporting It to the au
thorities. Snow lies on the ground around
Poyntelle and Lake Como and In
some places the drifts are several
feet high. Despite the fact that
searching parties are out most of the
time scouring the surrounding hills
and country it could be possible that
the body lies beneath the snow
drifts. If this be true the mystery
can only be solved after the snow
goes off.
Detective Spencer returned to
Poyntelle Thursday to take up the
search where he left off Tuesday.
Caffrey was sixty-three years old
and disappeared soon after he left
home to build a water trough for a
neighbor living a mile from Poyn
telle. When he left ho wore a pair
of overalls and carried a saw and
hammer and several small carpenter
tools. He was lame In one foot.
White Mills Man Dies of Chronic
Valvular Heart Troubltj Talk
ed With Family Before Death.
William Compton, aged C5 years,
Whose funeral was held on Wednes
day afternoon was found dead In bed
at his homo in White Mills Sunday
morning. Death was due to chronic
valvular heart trouble.
Mr. Compton has been under the
physician's care during the past
eight months, 'but for three months
had resumed bis work at Dorfllng
er's plant. He worked all day Sat
urday and that night went fishing,
remaining out until late. He awoke
about 7 o'clock Sunday morning and
conversed with his family and they
advised him to remain In bed for a
little while longer. As Mr. Comp
ton did not reply after a few hours
Mrs. Compton went to his rom and
found that life was extinct.
Mr. Compton is survived by a
wife and three children.
nonesdnle Postofflco Did Big Busi
ness During 15-Day Test Deliv
eries tobo Made Following 10
rO'nfock D. & H. Mail.
At the close of the fifteen-day test
of the parcel, post system, ending on
Wednesday, January 15th, there
were 513 separate packages sent out
of Honesdale and C85 parcels re
ceived. The total sale of parcel post
stamps from the Honesdale office
totaled J67.34.
The above report was given a Citi
zen representative Thursday morn
ing by Deputy Postmaster C. J. Kel
ley. It is an excellent showing.
There Is a steady advance in the par
cel post business. This has been
demonstrated here during the past
week when the number of packages
more than doubled the first week's
business. The total receipts from
stamps during tho first seven days
was $31.34. These figures show a
decided increase of business over the
Carbondale postofilce, where sale of
parcel post stamps summed up
$25. 00.
The Honesdale postofflce force.
which consists of four clerks and the
deputy postmaster, has been rushed
with work since the installation of
the new system. Extra clerks have
been added a few hours each day
to deliver and take care of the pack
ages. Wednesday morning a large
wagon load was received. After the
distribution of the 10 o clock Dela
waro and Hudson mail parcel post
deliveries will bo made.
Parcel post has proven to be a
success. It has filled a long felt
want and Is the people s friend.
Work Now nos to Bo Sent Out of
Town Gurney Electric Elevator
Co. Does Not Make a Spec
ialty of Jobbing.
Honesdale Is In need of a jobbing
Numerous orders which could be
filled in this place are either sent out
of the county to other cities or exe
cuted at tho Gurney Electric Eleva
tor plant. Owing to their fast In
creasing business the latter com
pany is not advertising for this line
of trade, having all they can do to
look after their own interests.
A foundry that would take care
of and exclusively look after the In
terests of Its patrons would do a
good business. The field Is large
enough here for a good-sized plant.
The more complete it could be equip
ped tho better It would be for the
town and those who might be direct
ly interested.
Lot the matter be taken up with
the Greater Honesdale Board of
Hoped That Wayno County Will
Contribute Agricultural and In
dustrial Work to bo Shown at
The Department of Superintend
ents of the National Education As
sociation will meet In Philadelphia
during the last week in February.
In connection with this meeting
there will be an agricultural and in
dustrial exhibit, tho purpose of which
is to show how the varied agricul
tural and industrial needs are be
ing met in the different states and
to emphasize the value of- this work
in the public schools.
This will be especially Interesting
to Pennsylvania superintendents and
teachers as the various forms of
vocational education are about to
be extensively developed in this
state. "
The industrial work of the city
and borough elementary schools, and
tho agricultural work of the rural
schools will be 'Well represented.
Boys' agricultural clubs and girls'
cooking and sewing clubs are send
ing in material from all parts of the
country. The girls' canning clubs
of the southern states will have ex
Inasmuch as this meeting is to bo
held in Philadelphia In our own
state, It is expected that Pennsylva
nia's schools will be well repre
sented in the exhibit. It Is hoped
that many schools from Wayne coun
ty will contribute specimens of the
work of their pupils. In many cases
only one article will come from a
school but It will be as valuable as
though there were ten of them. All
communications concerning the ag
ricultural exhibits should be ad
dressed to L., H. Dennis, expert as
sistant in Agricultural Education,
Department of Public Instruction,
Harrisburg, Pa., and those referring
to the Industrial exhibits to M. 'B.
King, expert assistant in Industrial
Education, Department of Public
Instruction, Harrisburg, Pa.
The exhibits should be sent di
rect to Philadelphia by express or
parcels post and addressed to one of
the above named men.
They should reach Philadelphia by
February 18, 1913.
The big dam project which has
been going on at Hackledam, two
miles below Brldgeville, for the past
two years Is about tojbe culminated.
In the spring extensive operations
will 'begin and the work is ex
pected to be completed in at least
two years.
The 0ew York & New Jersey Pow
er company have purchased all the
adjoining property including rights
of way, etc., and will spend $2,000,-
000 in the extensive development of
electric power from this plant, which
will furnish power for all the vil
lages in this section.
The proposed dam will back the
water up about ten miles, or just a
short ways below Fallsburgh. They
will also bore through the mountains
at Westbrookvllle so as to have tho
station located at that point. The
highway at Brldgeville for quite a
distance will have to be changed and
a new bridge .built that will cost
$90,000. The town board met at
Brldgeville on Saturday and gave the
company the privileges desired pro
viding they would build the new road
and the bridge. A branch railroad
will also be built that will connect
with the O. & W. somewhere be
tween Montlcello and Valley Junc
tion to carry In supplies, etc., for the
Sirs. Thomas Thomas of Scranton
Wants Son Harry to Como to
Her Relatives Believe Son in
Vicinity of nonesdalo.
(Special to Tho Citizen.)
SCRANTON, Jan. 1C Mrs.
Thomas Thomas, of No. 8 Corbett
avenue, this city, Is dying. In her
delirium Mrs. Thomas calls for her
22-year-old son, Harry, who loft
home about live years ago. The son
went to 'LaPlume first and then stat
ed that he intended going to Hones
dale where he expected to get work
on a farm nearby.
Ed. The name of Harry Thomas
does not appear In the Honesdale
directory. Upon Inquiry from dif
ferent persons nearby no such party
is known In this vicinity. There Is a
party by the name of Walter Thomas
who resides above Bethany on the
Rlleyvllle road, however.
If they need attention it will surely pay
you to call and see us.
Since we have been in business we have fitted
over eight hundred people of Honesdale and vicinity
with glasses and they have all been satisfied. Our
books are open to any one to prove this assertion.
The Jeweler and Optician of Honesdale.
One block up from new postofilce.
Officers Elected for Dlmo Bank This
Afternoon Old Board of Direc
tors Elected in Every In- .
The stockholders of the national '
banks of Wayne county met Tuesday
and elected boards of directors for
the ensuing year. In almost. every
instance the old board of directors
were re-elected. Many other banks 1
also held elections this week. I
At one of the banks, the dlrec-1
torates got down to ibuslness at j
once by naming the officers who are i
to handle the affairs 'of the bank)
the coming twelve months. The,
National banks of Honesdale, Haw
ley and Lake Ariel will affect their
organizations on Monday of next
week. The Wayne County Savings
Bank will also reorganize Monday.;
The holder of bank stock were more
than pleased with the reports read
to them at their meeting Tuesda"y.
The year 1912 was a good business
year and dividends were declared.
The banks of Wayne county -which
had an election this week are the
Wayno County Savings Bnnk.a
William B. Holmes, A. T. Searle,
H. J. Conger, W. F. Suydam, J. W.
Farley, T. B. Clark, C. J. Smith, F.
P. Kimble, H. S. Salmon, E. W.
Gammell. At reorganization next
Monday the old officers will be elect
ed. Honcsilnlo National. ,
Tho Honesdale National Bank, on
Tuesday last, elected the following
directors for the ensuing year: H. Z.
Russell, Horace T. Menner, Louis J.
Dorfllnger, Andrew Thompson,
Homer Greene, James C. Birdsall,
Edmund B. Hardenbergh, Philip R.
Murray, Lewis A. Howell. The
board meets for organization on
Hnwley Nationnl.
Dr. Lewis P. Cooky-Fred C. White,
R. W. Murphy," V. A. Decker, J. S.
Walsh, H. J. Atkinson, E. L. Sch
lager, R. M. Ward, P. H. Kearney.
Officers will be chosen next Mon
day, with Dr. Cook, president, and
V. A. Decker, cashier.
Ariel National Bank.
At the meeting of the directors of
the First National Bank of Ariel on
Tuesday afternoon the following of
ficers were elected: Charles S. Shaf
fer, president; W. R. Shaffer, vice
president; M. J. Emory, cashier;
Howard Swingle, Charles Ramble, J.
W. Sandercock, George Bell, George
Glllepp, A. M. Patterson, Conrad
Swingle, J. W. Cook, A. M. Cook.
Honesdale Dlmo Bank.
At a -meeting of the directors of
the'JSoSMdale Dime Bank held on
Thursday afternoon, January 16, the
following officers were elected: E.
C. Mumford, president; W. F. Rlef
ler, vice-president; J. A. FIsch,
cashier; C. L. Wright, assistant
Six nundrcd Feet Gained in 30
Miles Between Tusten and
Spurrowbush Fewer Curves
Wnyno County Next.
Erie surveyors are working on a
new cut-off on the Main line of the
road between Sparrowbush and Tus
ten, a distance of thirty miles. Six
and eight degree curves will be cut
down to one degree and tho distance
will be shortened 600 feet. This
will necessitate the building of a
new piece of road between these two
places, whereas now the present road
follows the course of the Delaware
river. Tho work of surveying Is
about completed. The new road will
probably be built this spring.
This cut-off is without a doubt
the beginning of- a series of short
cuts which the Erie contemplates
making In Its eastern division be
tween New York and Buffalo. Tus
ten or Mast Hope is claimed to be
one of the starting points on the big
cut-off which In due time will bo
made through Wayno county.
In divorce case of Lillian M. Con
nor, Ubellant, vs. George W. Con
nor, respondent, W. H. Lee, Esq.,
was appointed master In divorce to
take evidenco and return the same
together with a report of the pro
ceedings before him and his opinion
in the case to the court. Herman
Harmes, formerly of Hawley, had
been appointed master on January
15, 1912, but did not perform his
duty as master In the case and has
now permanently left Wayne county.
W. H. Lee was appointed on the mo
tion of Searle & Salmon, attorneys
for tho Ubellant.
"Death Trap" Crossing on D. & II.
Holds Record of Nearly 100
(Special to The' Citizen.)
SCRANTON, Jan. 16. John
Flood, of South Side, Scranton, was
killed this morning on a Delaware
and Hudson crossing near the steel
works. This crossing Is known as
tho "Death Trap" on account of the
number of persons killed thereon.
Nearly 100 people have met death
at this point. Flood stepped out of
the way of one train and was run
down and terribly mangled by an
other train.
Wires Down nnd Information Con
cerning Particulars Uncon
firmed. (Special to The Citizen.)
16. A vreck occurred on the Grand
Trunk railroad at Dundaff, Ontario,
early this morning between a freight
train and a crowded immigrant train
In which, It is reported, 210 persons
were killed. The wires are down and
full details of tho catastrophe are
not obtainable at this time.
Before a fair-sized crowd of spec
tators, Jesse Carey of Wllkes-Barre,
raced, Cionl, the Italian world's one
mile champion, at the skating rink
on Tuesday night; time 6 minutes
and 32 seconds. The Tace -was
close, -being in doubt up to within
10 feet of the finish, when Carey
dashed In a winner by about a foot.
These two men are probably the
best skaters In the business today,
and were an attraction which de
served a capacity house. They have
recently been racing in all the large
cities, it being In Philadelphia two
weeks ago that Cionl beat the
world's record for one mile, his time
being two minutes and 58 seconds.
Carey is an old timer who holds
many records both jn Europe and
Letter From Former Mayor of Ba
tavia, N. Y. Thinks Aniicsito
Will Solve Paving Ques
tion. The Citizen has been presented
with a letter from Willis D. Sanford,
a former mayor of Batavia, N. Y.,
relative to using Amiesite as a pave
in place of brick. The letter was
written to P. H. Skelton, Jr., who
formerly resided in that city.
Amiesite was laid on State street,
Batavia, several hundred feet. It
was- put down under most unfavor
able conditions, just before tho an
nual fair, quoted Mr. Sanford. He
continues by writing that it looks
more than good to him and believes
that it has solved the Batavia pav
ing problem. In any event Amiesite
is cheaper than brick or 'asphalt and
costs from $1 to $1.50 per running
foot. This, Mr. Sanford claims, de
pends upon conditions and the size
of the contract. It is very easily
repaired, that being demonstrated
on State street, Batavia.
During his absence from Hones
dale J. D. Weston expects to go to
Wilmington, Del., and inspect tho
piece of Amiesite road that was laid
In that city eight years ago.
Fred Cottell et ux. of Oregon, to
John Claus Brill, of same, land in
Oregon township; consideration, $1.
Executor of John Page, late of Mt.
Pleasant to John P. Spencer, of
same, land in Pleasant Mount town
ship; consideration $150.
Frances A. Orchard and T. B. Or
chard of State of Washington, to W.
A. Van Sickle, of Salem, land In Sa
lem township; consideration, $1,
650. Administratrix of John B. Miller,
late of Dunmore, to Wlllard Ensllne
of Lake, land In Lake township;
consideration, $1000.
Mary Utt, of Paupack, to Leona
Harloe, of Salem, land In Paupack
township; consideration $1.
William Conley et ux. of Way
mart, to William Stanton, same, land
in Waymart borough; consideration,
Heirs of Jacob Everly, of Pau
pack, to Grace E. Kimble, of Scran
ton, land In Paupack township; con
sideration, $900.
Roiflers BTavo Millions of Feet In
AVoods Now Using Wqgons
Concern Contemplates Building
n Slx-Milo Train Road.
Relfler & Sons, Inc., of Tanners
Falls, manufacturers of wood alco
hol, acetate of lime and charcoal,
have over 8,000 cords of wood cut
and In piles. Largo quantities of it
are on skids, ready to bo drawn to
the factory. There are at present 18
teams hauling wood on wagons. As
soon as snow falls the force will be
Increased to 70 teams.
The Relfler company contemplates
building a slx-mlle tramway into
their lumber woods in the near fu
ture. This will bo operated by a
small, engine. The lumber that re
quires a large force of men to draw
by team in a week, can be taken care
of by a tram In one-half of tho time.
This Improvement will probably be
made the coming summer.
The Relfler acid factory Is one of
the largest industries of its kind in
this section of the country. It has a
capacity of 28 cords of wood per
day. From 8.500 to 9,000 cords
are required to operate this factory
In a year.
. Miss Ruth Lord will entertain
the members of the 500 club at her
, homo this evening (Thursday).
One Bill Ignored Ben Mlchcls Also
Indicted on Forgery Charge
Larceny, Burglary nnd For
gery Wero True Bills.
There were three true bills and
only one Ignored bill returned by
the grand Jury yesterday morning
when they came In the court room
and took their palces Jn the box.
Their foreman, George E. Moase,
handed the bills to the clerk of
courts and they wero dismissed from
further attendance. The true blllo
returned were: Commonwealth vs.
Benjamin Michels, first count, for
gery; second count, passing forged
check, E. D. Pearce, prosecutor.
Commonwealth vs. A. F. Severson,
first count, larceny; second count,
larceny by bailee, John J. McGlnty,
presocutor. . Seversoln is charged
with stealing a horse, goods and
chattels (belonging to McGlnty.
Com. vs. Timothy Rooney;
burglary; Charles N. Eade, prosecu
tor. Rooney was brought Into court
Wednesday morning when he pled
guilty to the charge In the indict
ment. He was questioned by Judge
Searle as to his age. Rooney an
swered that he was thirty years old.
He said he had lived In Pleasant
Mount three or four years. He had
.formerly lived In Avoca. He said It
was his first offense. Judge Searle
Instructed District Attorney M. E.
Simons to inquire about tho man,
saying that he wanted to know more
about Rooney before he pronounced
sentence upon him.
The bill Ignored was that of the
Commonwealth vs. Irving L. Buck,
charged with larceny. Shaughnessy,
D. & H. detective, prosecutor. He
was charged with appropriating
some tools to the value of $8 from
the section house of the Delaware
& Hudson company at Starrucca.
The report of the viewers of tho
county bridge over Five Mile Creek
In Salem township was approved.
The report of the viewers of the
county bridge in Lebanon township
was approved.
The grand jury Inspected the
county buildings Tuesday afternoon
and turned In the following report:
That the grand jury has inspected
the county buildings and find every
thing in good shape, and have no
xecommeyidations to tmaklo, except
that in their opinion there should
be an Improvement in the toilet room
on the first, floor of the court house.
They would recommend an enlarge
ment tit the room and a new or im
proved lavatory, another toilet and,
wash stand. All of which Is respect
fully reported:
L. Fuerth, Geo, E. Moase,
Secretary. . ' Foreman.'
Motions. ' -Chas.
A. McCarty was 'appointed
master to take evidence in the di
vorce case of Llbbie M. Blanchard,
Ubellant, vs. George W. Blanchard,
In re appointment of guardian of
Earl -and Violet, minor children of
Lorenzo Roberts, late of Bucking
ham township. G'eorge N. Myers
appointed guardian. Bonds im
proved. Petition for the appointment of
the poor master In iborough of Star
rucca to fill vacancy caused by the
death of John M. Hobbs. N. F.
Shults was appointed.
General Treatment Given to Suffer
ing Tuberculosis Patients Has
Helped Many State Ex
hibit Next Month.
The Honesdale dispensary for the
prevention of tuberculosis Is a free
Institution, being one of the several
places established by the Depart
ment of Health, under Dr. S. G. Dix
on, after he was appointed to this
Important office In 190C. The dis
pensary is under the local supervis
ion of Dr. L. B. Nielsen, county med
ical inspector. Miss Alle Chubb, of
Harrisburg, who also has thr" Car
bondale dispensary in charge, Is
special nurse for the Honesdale In
stitution. The local dispensary is open once
a week between the hours of 1 and
2 o'clock, the special day being
Tuesday. Persons who feel that they
have the least bit of trouble or fear
tuberculosis should at once apply to
the Honesdale dispensary for the
prevention of tuberculosis and re
ceive general treatment. To parties
who cannot afford it, free treatment
will be given. It Is a charitable
work and It Is not Intended to con
flict with the practicing physicians,
although it is admitted that they,
too, do a considerable amount of
work for charity.
When a patient Is received at tho
dispensary a chart Is made giving his
name, address, weight, date of entry
and discharge. The Institution fur
nishes supplies for suitable cases.
When too ill to prevent coming to
the dispensary for treatment, Miss
Chubb will call upon the patients at
their homes. At one tlmo Hones
dale's dispensary had quite a large
patronage. It Is the purpose of
County Medical Inspector Nielsen
and Miss Chubb to build up the dis
pensary and help all they can who
may be afflicted with this disease.
Miss Chubb told a Citizen represen
tative that one of the patients who
has been under treatment for the
past few months Is nearly well and
will soon be discharged from the
local dispensary.
On or about February 17th next
a state exhibit under the supervision
of Dr. W. C. Miller will be made in
Honesdale. The display occupies
nearly a car capacity and is claimed
to be most Interesting and Instruc
tive. The place for making the
demonstration has not been selected.