THE CITIZEN ft 71th YEAB.--NO. 4 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA', FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913. PRICE 2 CtlB ft GARBONDALE HAD $125,000 FIRE THIS MORNING Discovered in Green Brothers' Cloth ing Store nt 5:30 This Morning Four Old Buildings Consumed But Offered Much Resists nnco to Firo. Fire 'broke out at 5:30 this morn ing in Carbondale in the store occu pied by Oreen Brothers' Clothing house on the corner of Main street and Salem Avenue In that city. The cause of the blaze is unknown. The flro spread rapidly and had a good start before discovered and spread to the adjoining buildings which were soon a mass of flames. The Carbondale lire companies fought valiantly to check the spread of the Are and succeeded In confining It to four old buildings. The buildings were about fifty years old and the old timbers offered a great resist ance to the flames and made the fire as slow In advancing as if It were burning in a brick building. The cold weather was a big 'handicap to the firemen. It was pronounced un der control about ten thirty o'clock this morning although the lire was still burning fiercely, but was com pletely out at noon. The damage to the 'buildings, although they were partly Insured, was between $100, 000 and $125,000. From the Green Brothers' clothing store the fire spread to the drug store of Frank B. Dennis and from there to the next building occupied and owned by Mills' Brothers and who conduct a hardware store. It then spread on to the stationery store of R. B. and Newell Van Ber gen and from there to a one-story building occupied by the Van Ber gen brothers and Daniel Scurry Jointly, the latter being a jewelry store. All of the buildings were two stories except the last named. Frank E. Dennis, who sustained a heavy loss, is the father of Mrs. Silas M. McMullon of this place. The four buildings occupy about half a block and considering that the remaining half of the block and that most of the buildings on the opposite side of the street were frame structures, and also that the wind and cold were evident, the fire lighters of Carbondale must be com mended on their good work In con fining the fire to the four buildings and In getting it checked as soon as they did. The building occupied by Oreen Brothers was owned by the First National Bank of Carbondale and the store was known as the A, B & C Store. The store had been closed for more than a week after having been declared to be bankrupt by the court. It was hot known whether the watchman, who tends to the building was there this morning or not. It Is supposed that the fire was caused by a defective flue. The total loss caused by the fire will reach nearly ?125,000. The loss sustained by the First National Bank by the burning of their build ing will be between $8,000 and $10, 000. They carried about $4,500 In surance on the building. Van Ber gen Brothers' loss will reach $75, 000. Frank E. Dennis' loss was $25,000, about one-half covered by insurance. Mills Brothers' loss was $25,000, about half covered by in surance. All four of the .buildings W6fG comple' ly consumed by the flames. It is th largest lire Carbondale has experlen M for many years. GRAND JURY SITS OX MONDAY. Only Two Cnses Will Come Before Jury Both From Starrucca and For Larceny. District Attorney M. E. Simons states that there will be only two cases to come before the grand Jury of next week, namely: Commonwealth vs. Irving L. Buck, Starrucca, taking tools belonging to the Delaware and Hudson company. Commonwealth vs. A. F. Severson, Starrucca. Stealing horse from John McGInty and selling it. ALLEGHENY FLOODS LOWLANDS Property Loses Heavy on South Side of Pittsburg No Loss of Lifo I'coplo Given Wanting. (Special to The Citizen). Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 9. All prop erty in the lowlands of the -Allegheny Itlver on the south side of this city was flooded yesterday. There was no loss of life but the property loss is reported very heavy. Nearly all the property in the low lands was flooded and destroyed. Several big .mills were put out of business and thousands of workmen were Idle as a result of the closing of the mills. Thero are thousands of people live In the lowlands along the Allegheny River but they were given warning of the coming rush of waters and sought safety. SLMPSON MAN HELD UP. Threo Masked Men Kilter Clothing Storo nt Simpson and Take $10. (Special to The Citizen.) Simpson, Juno 9. Joseph Rosen bluth, who owns a clothing storo on Main street of this place was held up in his .place of business last night when three masked men came in and ordered him at the point of guns to open the cash register. He refused at flrst but was soon over powered and the men got away with $40 from the cash register. Ros enbluth'a wife and three small chil dren were in the store at the time. The county detective at Scranton was notified and has began a search for the robbers. About a year ago a similar holdup took place in Rosen bluth's store. Mrs. Joseph Stahl, who resides In the Baumann building, Main street, has diphtheria. MAN MISSING SINCE CHRISTMAS Terry Caffrey, of Preston, Last Seen at Poyntclle While on Way to AVork Fear Something Has Hnppcttcd to Him. Terry Caffrey, 'a resident of Pres ton township, about half way be tween Poyntelle and Lake Como, has been missing from his home since the Monday before Christmas and it is ifeared by the people of that neighborhood that the man has met with foul play or has been lost. He was last seen at Poyntelle while on his way to build a water trough on the place owned by Mr. P. J. McCufker who lives about a mile from Poyntelle. He did not reach his destination, however, and has not showed up again In the neighbor hood since that time. That was about December 23d when he disap peared so completely. After a rea sonable length of time had elapsed and he did not return the neighbors became anxious and decided to make a search for him. The men banded together and went In all directions over the surrounding country in the hope of locating the man alive or dead. Tuesday about fifty men searched over a territory comprising about one thousand acres tout in vain. Mr. Caffrey lived near the home of J. L. Sherwood. Ho was 63 years of age. His wife has been dead some years but has 'five sons and one daugh ter living. Two of the boys live in New York state and the others, all small, are at home. He was a car penter by trade and worked at many jobs In that neighborhood. There is no known reason why he should disappear willingly and If It should be that ho. has met with foul play the body will undoubtedly be re covered at an early date. It Is hop ed, however, that Mr. Caffrey will be found soon and be brought to his family of small children. COUNTY SEAT MORTALITY RATE ,91 Forty-Two Deaths and Forty-Six Births Occur in Year 1012 Heart Disease, Tuberculosis and Pneumonia Claim Many. During the past year, according to the Registrar of Vital Statistics, there has been one hundred and fifty seven births and one hundred and thirty-one deaths in the registra tion district comprising Honesdale, Prompton boroughs, Texas, Berlin and Oregon townships. These fig ures were taken from the annual re port of Dr. Li. B. Nellsen. Many facts of Interest were re vealed "In the report. Honesdale, the county seat of Wayne county, can boast of forty-six births, twenty boys and twenty-six girls, last year as against a death record of 'forty two or a mortality rate of .91. Honesdale Is supposed to have a population of about 3,000. In Tex as, 'last year, with a population of twice that of Honesdale, thero were sixty-seven deaths while there were ninety babies born In the township outside of Honesdale. Under the state law all births must be reported to the Registrar within ten days, and all deaths within a period of five days. , ;lh Orefeon township there were eight births recorded and five deaths, while Berlin is proud over the fact that there were fifteen bab ies' horn. There were six boys and nine girls. By districts the births were as follows: Male. Fern's Honesdale 20 23 Texas 38 '52 Berlin C 7 Oregon 14 4 In 1911 there were ono 'hundred and nine deaths and ono hundred and sixty births recorded In the same registration district. This compared to the one hundred and fifty-seven deaths and one hundred and thirty one births of 1912 shows an increase in the death rate and a decrease in the birth rate. In Honesdale, how ever, the number of births increased during the past year sixteen over 1911. In Texas township tho birth rate decreased by eighteen. In Ore gon township tho rate remained the same and in Berlin township there was a decrease of eight. Of tho one hundred and thirty one persons who died In this district during the past year, heart disease in Its various forms was responsible for the death of eighteen of the num ber. Eleven were claimed by tuber culosis and eight by cerebral hem orrhage. Four persons died of pneu monia, eight of Brlght's disease and six of apoplexy. There was one death by suicide and four deaths were the result of accident or burns, while two were caused by lightning stroke. Out of this number Hones dale claimed three from tuberculos is, three of pneumonia, and two from accident and one from burns and one from asphyxiation by gas. DIRECTORS' CONVENTION. The State School Directors' Asso ciation will hold its annual meeting at Harrlsburg February C and 7. The following directors were chos en as delegates for Wayne county: S. N. Cross, Sterling; B. F. Blake, Bethany; F. C. Schoell, Honesdale; J. J. Perhara, Mt. Pleasant; G. H. Knapp, Clinton. The County Association authoriz ed each delegate to select an alter native in case he can not attend the meeting himself. It is important that our county has a good represen tation at the coming session. RATS EAT POSTAGE STAMPS. Washington, D. C. Rats have eat en $370 worth of postage stamps in tho last twelve months. Postmaster General Hitchcock presented to the House an Itemized list of the losses. ALTER ELECTED SPEAKER ON FIFTH BALLOT Greatest Contest in General Assem bly In Years Brings Victory Gerbericlt Heads Senate Now Era in Law Making. HARRISBURG. Jan. 7. Law making in tho Pennsylvania legisla ture took on new life and a new purpose to-day. The senate and house of representatives both organ ized, the former by choosing Daniel P. Gerberlch, of Lebanon, and the house organizing with George E. Al ter, of Pittsburg, as speaker. Mr. Alter was chosen on the fifth bal lot after one of the most notewor thy contest In the history of the general assembly. Far more Important to the legis lators than the election of the speak er and president pro tern, were the decisions in both houses, reached unanimously to have the commit tees appointed by a committee se lected on the floor of hoth houses. In the senate are two Republican regulars and two Progressive Re publicans on tho committee with one Democrat. In the house the com mittee on committees Is made up of four Republican regulars, four Progressives and three Democrats. The rules of the house and senate are to be changed to make Impossi ble the throttling of legislation. Both houses received the .message of Governor John K. Tener, In which the governor recommended ad vanced laws. It was decided to send a brigade of the State Guard to the National capital to participate In the Inau guration of President-elect Woodrow Wilson March 4. Alter's Promise to People. George E. Alter, of Allegheny, tall, gaunt, ungainly, loose-jointed, but earnest, stood in the speaker's chair of the house of representatives this afternoon at the close of a six hour session of the house and said: " The people of Pennsylvania expect great things from this general as sembly. Let us see that their ex pectations are fulfilled. With God's help and by our utmost exertion and devotion to duty we will accomplish tho things that we have here to do." Mr. Alter was elected on the fifth ballot, after there had been a grad ual slipping away to his support of men who lined up on previous bal lots in favor of other candidates. The nomination of Mr. Alter was made unanimous and he was escort ed to the chair amid thunderous ap plause. Before the Speaker was elected the house appointed .a committee on committees In which' Northeastern Pennsylvania, was not represented. The house TUles are going to -be changed, however, so as to abolish the gag rulo and make possible the consideration of measures that in other days would have been buried in committee. Shorn of Primary Power. While the Progressives were or ganizing the house the organization men were in charge of the senate, revising rules however, and appoint ing a committee on committees In that house as well. Daniel P. Ger berlch, of Lebanon, was elected pres ident pro tern of the senate. The presiding officers of both houses were therefore shorn of their primary power, that of appointing committees and revised rules will make it impossible for the presiding officers to assign bills to a commit tee equipped with sleeping powders. One instance mentioned to-day In the houso by John R. Jones, of Schuylkill, was that of a bill he in troduced last session. The commit tee refused to support the measure, and was discharged from considera tion of It after the bill had been given in the safe keeping of a mem ber who managed to be absent when ever Mr. Jones asked about it. The day of burying bills Is past. A. F. Hobbs, of the Sixth Lacka wanna district, In seconding the nomination of Mr. Alter gave an original poem that struck the legis lators. The poem ended like this, " In our efforts we must not falter, till we've located Mr. Speaker Al ter." Mr. Alter made his campaign on a no caucus platform. He bad the backing of prominent state officials and the support of Republicans, Washington Party men or Progres sives and other independent mem bers. Both of his leading oppon ents were nominees of caucus meet ings. John R. K. Scott, of Phila delphia, his Republican opponent, was the choice of the party caucus and after Mr. Scott's selection by the caucus he had tho solid support of Congressman W. S. Varo, State Sen ators E. H. Varo and J. P. McNlch ols and other political lieutenants in Philadelphia; of United States Sen ator Penrose and of Mayor William Magee, of Pittsburg. Tho rivalries of Alter and Scott created a politi cal situation -unequalled In Pennsyl vania In the last decade. Charles A. Shaffer, Alter's Democratic op ponent, was the choice of the party caucus. Tho 'final vote for speaker was as follows: Alter, 107; Shaffer, 53; Scott, 47. The Ballot That Decided. The fifth ballot was as follows: For Alter Adams, Alworth, G. A. iBaldwln, R. J. Baldwin, Bergey, Bernthelsel, BIttles, W. A. Blair, Beloch, Brosius, Brownlee, C. M. C. Campbell, Carter, Cheeseman, Clay comb, Cleary, Currier, De Frees, Dickinson, Down, H. B. Dunn, Ehr hardt, Ely, Gibson, Glenn, Grant F. Gray, Heldlnger, Hemmlnger, Hess, Heyburn, HIbshman, Hobbs, Hoffman, J. Howard, G. C, Irwin, II. H. Irvln, Jackson, E. E. Jones, J. R. Jones, Kaufman, Keeport, Kenna, Kennedy, Kuhn, Latshaw, Lenker, Leslie, Light, Lohr, Lowers, Martin, (Continued on Page Eight) COSTS $55,784,90 TO RUN COUNTY IN 1912 Lackawaxen Bridge Likely Com missioners Closo Year's Business Big Business Done in Pro tliottotary and Register's Offices. The county commissioners met in their office in the court houso Tues day to transact business and close up all business .for the year 1912. Tho old officers were re-elected for the coming year John Male, president, of tho board; Thomas Y. Boyd, clerk and Homer Greene, Esq., was again chosen as deputy solicitor. Tho com missioners present were John Male, of Cherry Ridge; Earl Rockwell, of Ariel, and Neville Holgate, of Hones dale. All old business was finished up. The matter of the foot bridge to span Park Lake in the Lackawaxen river at the foot of Court street, was brought up and discussed. Viewers were appointed for this bridge on January 16, 1911, and the petition has heen confirmed absolute by the court. It only awaits the action of tho commissioners to have it erected. It was stated yesterday by the presi dent of the board of commissioners that it was possible that the brige would bo erected this coming year. After the imeetlng Tuesday after noon the commissioners went down to the site of the proposed bridge and viewed tho situation, and were very much Impressed by the neces sity of a bridge at this point as it would be a great convenience to many whose places of abode are on East street above the river and also to the many workmen In the Hones dale Footwear company's factory and also the Irving Cut Glass factory. Mr. Male stated to a Citizen man yesterday that they Intended writing to several bridge companies asking for specifications and plans and esti mates 'for the building of the bridge and that this spring some definite action will probably be taken hy them. A report of the expenses of run ning the county for the past twelve months" was -submitted to the com missioners 'by their clerk, T. Y. Boyd. The figures were taken 'from his books and' are subject to the correction of tho auditors. The items of expense are: Assessing", $2946.88; advertising, printing and stationery, $1452.92; appropria tions, $481.35; bridge and road view ing and Inspecting, $509.18; bridge building, $7541.05; bridge repairing $2363.06; burial of indigent soldiers, $600; insane asylums, $975.60; coroner's accounts, $234.48; county buJJsUvgs. $83,8. 95j clerk of courts, $737; court cqsts,""$5799;457 com monwealth costs, $1911.'53; election expenses, $2574.70; Insurance, $37; light, heat, water and telephone, $1243.72; miscellaneous, $1260.55; notes and Interest, $8206.66; non resident poor, $130; prisons and reformatories, $966.62; poor ac counts, $57.29; road accounts, $424. 91; registration of vital statistics, $242; refunds, $15.67; school ac counts, $727.52; sheriff's accounts, $1277.09; commissioners, $1860.77; clerks, $1,263; janitor, $56.50; dis trict attorney, $500; county solici tor, $300; auditors, $389.20; Jury commissioners, .$215.36; state ac counts, $5593.12; uniform primar ies, $1561.77; total, $55,784.90. The commissioners' accounts sub mitted last year totaled $63,757.44. The accounts this year showed a de crease of $7,9 72.64 over last year. During the past twelve months there was $1,422.10 paid out by the commissioners 'for sheep claims, dog tags and for the killing and as sessing of dogs. The amount paid out In 1911 for these same claims amounted to $2,462.85. W. J. Barnes, prothonotary, made out his first statement for the auditors yesterday. In It was set forth the number of judgment notes and concessions which amounted to $133.50. The fees of the ofllce amounted to $393.48. There were one hundred more judgment notes filed with him during the past year than during the preceding year. In the office of W. B. Lesher, Reg ister and Recorder, thero was a rec ord business during tho past year. The figures given below are subject to change by tho auditors. There were 680 deeds recorded during the year; 171 mortgages; 144 miscel laneous papers; 57 bonds and 93 wills were recorded. A. M. LEINE GETS FULL CLAIM Arbitrators File Award Allowing Him Face of Policies in Flro of Last May. A. M. Lelne, the Rexall druggist, received full claim of Insurance against five companies on Thursday whon Arbitrators W. B. Lesher, Geo. W. Taylor and Thomas Y. Boyd filed their award In favor of the plaintiff. Since the 'former suffered a loss by fire on the 21st of last May no settlement has been made with the five Insurance companies In which Mr. Lelne was insured. The ques tion of salvage was disputed hy the insurance adjustor. The arbitrators award favored the plaintiff, Mr. Lelne, In the 'following companies In sums stated, being full amount of the policy carried: Home insurance Company, $2,036.67. German Alllanco Insurance Com pany, $2,036.67. (Insurance Com pany of the State of Pennsylvania, $1,018.33. Fire Association of Pennsylvania, $1,425.67. Seva Fire and Life Insurance Company, $1, 018.33. B. C. Mumford represent ed tho plaintiff, while Searle & Sal mon was counsel for the defendants. No witnesses testified in the defend ants' behalf. THE D1TTRICH BANQUET. The annual banquet of the house attaches of the Lyric theatre of this place proves that Manager Benjamin H. Dlttrlch has far surpassed any of his previous efforts as host. The banquet was held at Taeubner's popu lar restaurant. That's enough. The menu: Saltlncs. Tomato Consumme Celery Hearts Ollyes Lobster Salad Roast Chicken Sliced Tomatoes Green Peas Mashed Potatoes Cold Sliced Ham Salt Tongue Home Made Pie "Cigars Coffee Cigarettes. After the Inner man had satisfied himself with the various viands, the party consisting of some twenty peo ple adjourned to the spacious music room where music and monologues were indulged in. Among the out or town guests was Chas. "Buck Faatz, who spoke on "The Advantage or Higher Education In Our Public Schools." His discourse was both intelligent and educating. When called upon for the toastmaster. Ted Armbruster responded with "What would we do without electric light and woolen sweaters." Some of the other toasts responded to were as follows: Manager Dlttrlch on "What to do with "punk" acts." Japanese uanamaster Dorin spoke on "The Destruction of God-given Harmony." Green exalted Ivory Thumper to King Dlttrlch. General Ticket Chopper Carroll, "The Value of Keeping on (or off) Key While Singing." "How to regulate the Appetite," by Master Hlsted. "Tho Value of Automobile Parts," by Claude Mitchell. "Drops and Borders," by Thos. Bracey. And then the party adjourned much too soon. Jos. Bodle who presided at the piano, rendered several Scotch and otherwise selections and soon found 'favor with the bunch. One of Them. ARCHBALD GROSS-EXAMINED BY JURIST Three Days Allowed for Arguments Judge Defends nis Conduct Testimony is All ncard. WASHINGTON, Jan. 7. The im propriety of a federal Judge's writ ing to an attorney on one side of a case that had been argued before him, for Information or argument to clear up doubtful points, became the point around which members of the senate to-day fired question after question at Judge Robert W. Arch bald, of the United States Commerce court, now undet trial by Impeach ment :for alleged violation of his fed eral oath. ' Cross-examination of the accused Jurist begun by Representative Ster ling, one of the Wuse managers who are conducting the prosecution, was virtually taken out of his hands when that charge was reached In volving Judge Archbald's corres pondence with Attorney Helm Bruce, of the Louisville and Nashville rail road. Members of the senate de manded of Judge Archbald time and again whether he did not think It Improper and unfair to the other parties in a suit to request of one at torney ah explanation or correction of evidence without giving like priv ileges to the other side. He insisted he thought there was nothing im proper In his conduct. Judge Archbald held tho witness stand for nearly four, hours. The end of all testimony in tho case came before the close of the day's proceedings. There remain now only the closing arguments and the vote of the .senate as to whether or not Judge Archbald Is guilty of any of the charges against him. The senate determined to give threo days to the arguments, the time to bo equally divided. It Is expected that at least five of the house managers will participate In the opening at one o'clock to-morrow. The Louisville and Nashville charge centered about Judge Arch bald's request of Attorney Bruce for Information as to a certain point in the so-called Montgomery rate cases, which had been argued before the commerce court. Judge Archbald said he had differed with tho bal ance of the court, and In writing a dissenting opinion, he asked Mr. Bruce to clear up a controverted question about whether or not cer tain rate changes violated the old "Cooley arbitration" agreement, that had long operated over tho south western rates. Ho declared. the correspondence be came of no consequence because lat er the other members of tne court except Judge Mack, took a view sim ilar to his own, and presiding Judge. Knapp finally wrote an opinion fav orable to the railroad. " Was It not due to the argu ments you got by writing Mr. Bruco that the court reversed its earlier position and gave a decision favor able to the Louisville and Nash ville?" asked Representative Sterl ing. "Absolutely not," said Judge Ar chbald. Senators Reed, Pomerene, Cul berson, Shlvely, Nelson, Hoke Smith and others plied him with questions as to his intent, and as the proprie ty of his act. "Why did you not give tho attor neys 'for the other side a chance to present their views?" asked Senator Reed. "The point amountod to so little that it did not affect tho decision of the case," replied Judge Archbald. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jacob F. Katz, Honesdale, to Katz Brothers Underwear Company, Honesdale, lots Nos. 1 and 2 on Sixth street and part of lot 17 on Second street In rear of lots on Sixth street; consideration, $1. Alice L. Haag et ux. of Dreher, to Maurice Haag, of same, land in Dre her township; consideration, $4300, PAVE PARAMOUNT QUESTION President Catiflcld Appointed Com mittee at Special Meeting Tuesday to Ascertain Cost and Durabil ity of Amicsite. At a special meeting of the town council held last Tuesday evening In the town hall, at which all mem bers were present with the exception of S. T. Ham, action was taken re garding the paving of Main street. In addition to the members of tho council and Solicitor C. A. McCarty, tho street and highway committee of the Greater Honesdalo Board of Trade was also In attendance. Tho committee was represented by its chairman, J. D. Weston, C. P. Searle and s. A. McMullen, Jr. The object of the meeting was to discuss the paving of Main street which the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade recommended In a special report to tho town council last April. The matter of paving Main street from the State bridge south to tho Gurney Electric Elevator plant was discussed at length. No definite action has been taken since last May when the council appoint ed Burgess C. A. McCarty and Coun cilman George W. Penwarden a com mittee to wait upon State Highway Commissioner Blgelow to ascertain what aid the State would give to ward paving or macadamizing Main street. The paving of Main street with brick from the State bridge to the elevator works, which Is about 13, 333 square yards, Is claimed to cost In tho neighborhood of $40,000. This amount does not include drainage nor curbing. It will "re quire 6,000 lineal .feet of curbing at about $1 per 'foot. At this point of the discussion, M. T. Coakley, rep resenting the General Crushed Stone company, of Easton, was Introduced to the council and Board of Trade committee. Mr. Coakley presented a new kind of road material, called "Amleslte." It Is crushed rock and is coated with a composition of fluid asphalt. Mr. Coakley demonstrated to the board tho many good feat--ures connected (with the material that is claimed to make It in great demand. The new composition, Is a waterproof pavement. It will stand wear, is free from dust and is not affected by heat or cold. It Is not slippery nor does the calks of horses' 'feet Indent It. Mr. Coakley told of several cities and towns where Amleslte Is In use. In Wil mington, Del., a strip has been laid for eight years. Three streets in WIlkes-Barre have 'been treated to the composition. Easton has sever al roads treated with. Amleslte, while a section of road near JJaltoh, If being ;buIlt-,wlihtf-AmleSI.ta All road's have proTOfito be highly sat Isfactory'and" where, once tried sev eral other yards of Jthe material have been laid in the same city. Amleslte Is considerable 'cheaper than brick and not as noisy or slippery. Chairman Weston claimed that he has heard several remarks made hy out-of-town people concerning tho condition of Main street. They speak in words of highest praise of Honesdale, but draw tho line when It comes to the muddy streets. "The mud Is a blot on the town," remarked Mr. Weston. Honesdale voted for mud or brick a few years ago and mud won out. To-day the feeling has entirely changed and tho sentiment is strong for paving or another road as substantial or dur able. It was expressed at the council meeting that all members favored Improving Main street, either hy paving or otherwise. The members realized that It will improve the town and as a result enhance the value of the abutting property own ers. The council want to do what It feels Is right and proper for the interest and betterment of Hones dale. President Caufleld was so em phatic In his assertions concerning paving that ho stated that If ho could afford It he would do it him self. Under a new law enacted al tho last session of the State Legis lature It gives the borough council power to pave Main street without obtaining a two-third vote of tho taxpayers of the town". In all prob ability the council will advance, un der this act, although It may not. It Is evident, however, that the only way to pave Main street Is to pave It. The council has tho power to act. President Caufleld appointed two members of the council on a special committee to ascertain the cost of brick and Amleslte pavo, their durability and receive the sentiment of the citizens of the towns In which they are used as to their wearing qualities, etc. The committee Is composed of C. A. McCarty, G. W. Penwarden and W. H. Kreltner. J. D. Weston of the Board of Trade was later added to work In conjunction with the committee. He was also asked to visit the several towns and cities where Amleslte Is In use. Amleslte consists of tho best grade of crushed stone obtainable. It Is coated, without heating, with an as phallc cement composed of natural and refined asphalt containing about 99 bitumen. nigh School Program, Friday. The following is the program for the exercises at the High School Au ditorium next Friday commencing at 3 p. m.: Music .... High School Orchestra Essay "Progression of China". Alice Sluman Music "Santa Lucia" High School Chorus Oration "Rohert's College" .... Fred Saunders Essay "Our National Forests",. Blanche Sluman Vocal Solo .... Mrs. Harry Rockwell uration "The Stourbridge Lion" Raymond Short Rocltatlon "Tho Fate of the Grumbler" Rose O'Neill i'4 l.U ,1. .... JllfiU vfuueoiltt
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