PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1913. UnUOV I CTTCD CDMI QlVt HtWoY Lb tri rnUIYl olMJ Postofflco Abandoned IIJrIi AVlnd Doinollshcd Bur Shed Homo Threatened by Klro. Slko postofflco Is no more. Its former patrons now get their mall from the Dyberry postofflco by the (hand of the same carrier aB former ly, P. O'Neill. Much damage was done here by the terrific wind on Friday after noon and evening. The 72x18 feet shed adjoining the barn belonging to L. W. Nelson was blown complete ly off and away from Its foundation and demolished. Ohas. Schwelghofer came near losing his house by fire. The chim ney burned out with a vengeance, but the house was saved. Prof. Elna L. Nelson, of Dickin son Seminary, Wllllamsport, has re turned to his duties at that place after spending the holidays with his parents at this place. The January meeting of the Pleas ant Valley W. C. T. U. was held at Mrs. W. tf. Ogden's on New Year's Day and was followed by their an nual oyster dinner which was well attended. Mrs. Elizabeth 'Barnes, county president, was present and gave a helpful talk. Other en couraging talks 'were given by Rev. and Mrs. Boyce of Carloy Brook, and Rev. Prltchard of Bethany. The excellent singing by Rev. and Mrs. Prltchard was highly appreciated. Tho Union wishes to thank all who so cheerfully helped to make 'the meeting and dinner a success. Everett Pln'tler's child Injured a finger very badly by having It caught In the cogs or a wasning macnine last Thursday. J. W. Rldd and wife entertained friends at dinner on New Year's day. Chas. Pintler Is busily engaged In grinding bones and carcasses Into chicken 'feed. The Pulls house, now owned by O. M. Baker, is again vacant, u. Johnson and family having removed to Tanners Falls. It is reported that the children of Elwln Smith have the whooping COUEh. Mrs. Carrie Robinson entertained her Sunday school class, "The CreS' cents," at her home on Thursday evening. Jan. 2. A fine social time with delicious refreshments was en joyed hy all 'present. Mrs. Augusta Seely Is suffering with salt rheum in her hands. No name has yet been found good enough for the fine baby boy that arrived at Mr. and Mrs. Harry vai oner's, December 23. Anna Bolkcom of Scranton, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Bolkcom. Maud and Leila Rldd, of HoneS' dale, are visiting their parents. INDIAN ORCHARD. Indian Orchard, Jan. 6. Mrs. J. G. Swartz and children of Red Ridge farm, who have been tho guests of Scranton friends, have re turned home. Samuel Saunders Is making his ihome -for the present.-wlth his daugh ter, Mrs. William Pregnall or East Honesdale. Mrs. Floyd Bayly and son, Leonard of the Dunedin House, Beachlake, are spending several weeks at Sunny- side farm. John H. Penwarden, of East Honesdale, called on friends here on Tuesday last. Ella Frey, of East Beachlake, was the guest of Mrs. J. W. Spry on New Year s day. A. H. Gibbs lost a valuable horse on Monday last. W. H. Marshall spent New Year's day at the home of Charles O. Blake of Bethany and the following day with ex-commissioner G. W. Taylor of Honesdale. W. D. Buckingham received word on January 1st that his cousin, Clair Short, of Carbondale, had met with sudden death, caused by a fall 'from a delivery wagon. The Guild held at Mrs. Chas Wagner's on Thursday last was well attended. More members were ad' ded to the roll. This society is pre' paring to serve a supper In tho base ment of Christ church on the 24th Inst. A cordial invitation Is extend ed to all. Kathryno Wagner, of Honesdale, Is spending several days with her parents nere. Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Crosby were guests of their son, Minor, on Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Garrett, who witnessed the marriage of their son, Chester, to Miss Wilson of Hones dale, which took place at Dallas on tho 1st Inst, returned home on Thursday. J. I. Henshaw, who for the past week 'has been the guest of his par cnts at the Twin Ash farm, return ed to Lafayette College on Tuesday last. Ward Maloney, of Scranton, Is spending the holidays at Honesdale and Laurella. Mabel Gray, of Honesdale, called at her old home here on Wednesday last. Decatur Holbert was a business caller at the home of Howard Decker of Seelyville recently. Mr. Schilling of Honesdale, spent Now Year's day with friends In this vicinity. Misses Bertha and Irma Ham of Honesdale, kept house for Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Garratt while tho latter were at Dallas, Jacob Swltzer has lost one of his team horses. PRESTON. Preston, Jan. C. The South Preston grange 'boys have organized an orchestra with R. F. Mumford as Instructor. Go to it boys, we wish you all kinds or good luck. Frank Doyle purchased an Indian motor cycle this fall. Frank took it out one day recently and tried to run through a snow bank. The blamed thing threw him off, kicked him, ran over him several times and then quietly laid down qn Us aide. Frank then put It In the barn and decided to wait until next spring to break his neck. Tho farmers in and around Pres ton have been loading their apples on cars at Poyntelle. They wero bought by a Scranton anan. Seven- ty-four cents per hundred was all Ithat was paid or good fruit, and that is considered a very small j price, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haag, of Star light, spent Sunday with the latter's father, J. S. Davall of this place. Mrs. Ira Stone, S. E. Brooking, also Clarence Spencer spent part of last week in Carbondale. C.-'H. Spencer purchased a Ford touring car recently. Gee, but the farmers around hero are getting high toned, and still our city cousins continue to call us seedy. Agnes Tulley Is visiting friends In Starrucca. J. S. Davall and wife are In Honesdale for a few days. James Caffrey, of Walton, N. Y., called on old friends here last week. BEACH LAKE. Beach Lake, Jan. G. Wo are starting another new year. So let us hope each one has made good resolutions and will keep them during the entire year and so make 1913 a better year than 1912 proved to be. The cantata rendered In the M. E. church was greatly enjoyed by all. Tho box party Wednesday even ing at W. P. Downlng's was a great success, realizing nearly ?U7.uo which is to apply on the preacher's salary. Miss Lola Richards was given a pleasant surprise on her birthday, Monday. She was greeted by about forty young people and -was present ed with a handsome bracelet. Mrs. Richard Decker's daughter has been visiting here. The W. C. T. U. meeting which was to bo held on Friday at the par sonage 'was postponed owing to the Inclement weather. John Downing Is home from school on account of being sick. Frances Downing visited home during Christmas vacation. A few of A. N. Henshaw s old ac quaintances and friends went from around here to a surprise given him on Tuesday evenlns. Schools began again Monday af ter a vacation since Christmas day. News has been received that Mr. Carpenterwlll not return as he has secured a position In the city. Mrs. Charles Budd and daughter 6pent last Saturday with Earl Ham at Indian Orchard. In the evening they attended the grange. Mrs. Chas. Spry has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Beemer, of Smith Hill. The young people are skating on the lake. Miss Lottie Olver has been visiting Carbondale friends. Mrs. W. J. Davey has been visit ing her mother at Hawley. Mr. Davey's parents are keeping house until her return. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Margaret Crosby Is convalescing. She has had an attack of the grip. The writer has just received a letter from Lewis Penwarden of Pasadena, California. He has had the misfortune to break two bones in his arm and displace others -while cranking his auto. John Gregory, Jr., has returned to his work after a vacation spent at his home. Miss Edna Olver visited her home lately; also Miss Ina Mitchell and Edith Marshall. Miss Jennie Van Wert recently spent a few days at Peckvllle. Nat Mitchell and brother spent a few days with Romaine Crosby. NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland, Jan. 7. Mrs. Emll Walter Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry Meyers, of New York. John Moersch, F. A. Ehrhardt and G. L. Waltz are on tho sick list. Mrs. George Sommer and daughter Violet, are visiting relatives and friends in Bethlehem. Harold Simons, son of Otto Si mons, who has been suffering with an abscess In his head, is able to be out again. George Connelly, of Philadelphia, is visiting his father, A. J. Connel ly. Henry Oppelt, who has been jani tor of the Moravian church for a number of years, has resigned and Emil Huguemln will take his place. Elizabeth Beehn, who has been 111 with typhoid fever, Is convalescing. Edna Bldwell and Helen Gilpin of Hub, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting 'friends In this vicinity. Miss Edna Bldwell Is attending the Mansfield Normal school and Miss Helen Gilpin Wyoming Seminary. Mrs. Henry Green is visiting her son, Harvey, at Jermyn. Mrs. Joseph Hauso has returned from Scranton. Tho Bible classes of the Moravian Sunday school held a social in the Sunday school -room on Thursday evening. The New Year's eve services wore well attended and enjoyed by every one present. Miss Lavlna Trieble attended tho funeral of Mrs. MIcksch In Bethle hem. Henry Salathe of this place, who makes his homo with Wm. Salathe, East StToudsburg, has been very 111. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Madden are spending several weeks with their son, Harry, Hotel Nash, Scranton. Mrs. A. J. Simons, who was visit ing relatives and friends In Philadel phia, has returned. DAMASCUS. Damascus, Jan. 6. Prof. Petbick Is still with his father, H. Pethlck. Anita Sklllhorn, who was home for Christmas vacation, has returned to her school at West Chester. Frances Larkln, of Jersey City, Is spending the holidays with Mrs. J. Burke. The Damascus High school opened Monday, January 6. All are glad to have it open. Mrs. Peter White Is 111. Tho sleighing Is nearly gone and people are again using wagons. There Is no skating yet. Patrons' Day was recently observ ed at tho Damascus High school. There was a fine program given. There was a great deal of Interest shown hy the parents.- Dr. Tyler and wife are spending a few days In New York. Clarence Fortnam and wlfo have returned home. GOULDSBORO. Gouldsboro, Jan. G. A largo congregation filled the M. E. church Tuesday evening at the watch night services. The pastor, Rev. G. F. Robinson, had arranged an unique program for the occasion, something entirely different from any previous services held here. The first on the program was Prof. Howard D. Slop, principal of the high school. Prof. Siep gave a sketch of the principal events that have happened in tho world at large throughout the year, taking the dif ferent countries. His discourse showed much reading and study and was very Interesting. Harold Ed wards, a student at Bucknell, took up tho United States and in a clear, concise manner placed the events of each month before tho congregation. He was followed by Miss Emma Bates whose article was full of In terest the State of Pennsylvania for 1912. Mrs. G. A. Kerllng gave the history of Gouldsboro for the year, Miss Helen Smith told of the work done by the Woman's Relief Corps Miss Mary Schiterlie, of the Grange. Mrs. John Hawk, president of the Ladles' Aid society, showed to what a large extent the ladies bad helped in meeting the church expenses of the last year. It showed that the Aid had had a very prosperous year. E. F. Sebrlng, superintendent of the M. E. Sunday school, gave a sketch of the Sunday school for the year, showing a great growth in the school and that it Is In a good condition "Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot," by Miss Mollie McAree, tell ing where many old neighbors are now living and how occupied, was of much Interest, especially to the older residents. Miss McAree also read a poem written by Byron Phil lips especially for the occasion. Gus Matthews had a recitation. Mr. Robinson gave a very fine talk at the end of the program. Songs, old and new, were interspersed throughout the program. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Major, of Scranton, who have bertj visiting Mrs. s. A. Adams at Hiiicrest, re turned home on Thursday. Mrs. M. E. Smith was the guest of Moscow friends on New Year's day, Miss Edna Hyde, of Prince Ru port, B. C, a student at Lasell Semi nary, Auburndale, Mass., is spending a three weeks' vacation with her cousins, Mrs. S. A. Adams and .R W. Balcom at Hlllcrest. The Wide Awake club gave a Leap Year dance in Solomon's hall New Year s eve. Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Morgan entertained at dinner Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Major and Miss Marcia Major of Scranton, Miss Edna Hyde of Prince Ruport, B. C. and Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Kerllng. Miss Florence Adams, who has been spending several days with her parents, has returned. Her sister, Miss Bessie Adams came back with her and is spending a fow days with her at her grandfather's, E. ,N. Adams. Miss Margaret McAndrew, of Scranton, spent the holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. Margaret Mc Andrew. Harold Edwards of Bucknell, Ger aldine Kelley of the State Normal Stroudsburg, and Ina Surplus, of Bloomsburg State Normal, spent the holidays with their parents. Mrs J. M. Smeltzer and son Luth er, of Lebanon, and Miss Mollie Ha ger, of Rozelle, N. J., have returned home after a visit with their moth' er, Mrs. S. S. Hager. Mrs. Hager and Miss Hager spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Eilenberger at Sunnycrest. Mrs. C. W. Garagan and Miss Emily are-spending a 'few weeks at Atlantic City, Old Point Comfort and other points. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Mar shall Tuesday, Dec. 31, a daughter. Ralph Adams, of BInghamton, has been visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Ira Adams. Mrs. Amanda Latham and Miss Benjamin, of Nicholson, are spend ing some time with Mrs. David Ell enberger. Mrs. Eilenberger and children visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Latham at BInghamton for a few days. Herbert Lerose was called to Scranton on New Year's by the death or nis mother. At tho annual business meeting o the Ladies' Aid society held at the homo of the president, Mrs. John HawK, Thursday afternoon, the fol lowing officers wero elected to serve for the coming year: Mrs. John Hawk; vice-president, Mrs. A. L, Rhodes; secretary, Mrs. S. D. Adams treasurer, Mrs. E. F. Sebrlng; as slstant secretary, Mrs. Joseph Mat tnews; organist, Mrs. G. F. Robin son. After the meeting dainty re' Treshments were served by Mrs Hawk, assisted by her daughters Misses Mabel and Lillian Hawk TRESLARVILLE. . Treslarvllle, Jan. 4. The New Year was begun In Treslarvllle by a number of people attending prayer meeting in tho Evangelical church Mrs. Andrew Van Luvan Is still In disposed. Elmer Pugh Is ill of pneumonia Florence Edwards and lady friend spent New Year s In Scranton. Miss Densie Swingle and brother Mark, celebrated New Year's Day by vsiting menus in Cortez. The New Year starts out full of business. It Is hoped that It will continue to be prosperous. LOOKOUT. Lookout, Jan. G Mr. and Mrs. Harris Hill, made a trip to Equlnunk on Wednesday. Earl Mogrldge Is working for E, Teeple. Mr. and Mrs. George Knapp, Jr, of Norwich, N. Y., passed Christmas at the home of the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. urant Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Stalker, o Canton, Pa., spent Christmas with Mrs. Stalker s parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. J. Rutledge. Mrs. John R. Maudsley recently entertained her brother. Mr. Rodes, Mr, and Mrs. E. Teeple visited their daughter, Mrs. F. W. Clauspn at Honesdale Wednesday and ThurS' day of last week. Tho Ladles' Aid met at the parson age. on New Year's day. All report a Yory pleasant time. Among the visitors wore: Mr, and Mrs, Rubon Stalker and son Arnold, Mrs. David Stalker, Mrs. John Schnakenberg, Mrs. White, Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Lewis, all of Stalker. Mrs. George Kellam returned from Hawley on Tuesday whero she has been to help care for her grand son, Claud Blum, who has been very sick. Sophia Blum, of East Stroudsburg State Normal school, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blum. Ella Dodenberg Is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Ford Daley, at Tanners Falls this week. Harry Roberts has gone to Tan ners Falls to work. Frank Lester has sawed 550 cords of wood for his neighbors this fall. BETHANY. Mrs. Harry Many spent Christmas In Honesdale. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blake en tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blake and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gammell for Christmas dinner. A party to see the old year out and the new year In was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Gummoe Tuesday evening. Rev. and Mrs. Prltchard and baby spent New Year's Day at the W. C. T. U. meeting at Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ogden's, Pleasant Valley. David W. Manning is maKlng a rapid recovery from his recent attack of bronchitis. His son, Charles, of Newberg, spent Sunday with him. Mrs. Kate Clemo, of Honesdale, is visiting her son, Ezra and family Mrs. Charles Pethlck and cousin, Miss Anna Ross, are visiting relatives In New York. During the week the remains of William A. Pethlck, who has been dead over ten years, were removed to tho new part of the cemetery here by the side of his wife, who died last March. Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom, of Hones dale, was a holiday visitor here with relatives. Dinner will be served at the home of Nat Sargent, Thursday, Jan. 9, for the benefit of the M. E. church. ORSON. Orson, Jan. 7. Mrs. Percy Lehman presented the first package at the postofflce under the new parcels post law which went Into effect January 1, 1913. Under the old law the package weighing two pounds would have cost 32 cents to send but under the new In the 2d zone It only cost 10 cents. The revival meetings held In the M. E. church for several weeks past, have now closed after having been quite well attended and several hav ing manifested a desire to begin a better life. Cottage prayer meetings will be held at the different homes Tuesday evenings of each week dur ing the winter. All are invited to attend. Orson people entertained their usual number of holiday visitors, among whom were Reba Hino and Rose Smith of Stroudsburg State Normal School; Myra Belknap and I. W. Hine of BInghamton; Mrs. El vira Box of Lakewood; Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Evans and son Spencer of Ed wardsvllle; Royal Hine of Carbon dale; Jessie Temperton, of Lester- shire, N. Y.; Chester Hine, of Ro chester, N, Y.; Ralph Lee of Lester shire, and Mrs. Howard Palmer and children of Jermyn; also Mrs. Fred Wadin and daughters of the same place, who have all returned to their several homes. D. J. Hine is visiting in Scranton. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Dant Bene dict, a daughter. Stanley Hine is 111 at his home. The many 'friends of Ralph Spen cer, formerly of South Preston, who some time ago went to Denver, Col., for his health, will regret to learn that he Is now confined to his bed. Alfred Whipple, who has been ser iously 111, is somewhat better at this writing. His nurse, Mrs. David Benedict, of Thompson, has returned to her home. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mosher Is very seri ously ill. A trained nurse from Scranton is in attendance. Arch C. Hine and H. B. Hall were business callers in Honesdale last week. S. Jay will be on the grand Jury tho coming term of court. Rov. Harkness of Ariel, was a business caller in town this week. All news Items left at the postof flce for the correspondent, Mrs. Stan ley Hine, will receive prompt atten tion. Miss Margaret Smith has been of fered'a school at Waymart as soon as her term is ended here which will be in about two weeks. EQUINUNK. Equlnunk, Jan. 7. Tho M. E. Sunday school held Its annual election of officers and teach ers Sunday evening In tho Sunday school room. The following were elected: Superintendent, Mrs. Chas. Warren; assistant superintendent, Chas. De Lackner; treasurer, Miss Hornbeck; secretary, Blanche Fria ble; organist, Mrs. Erie Lord; teach ers. Rev. S. J. Tolley, Mrs. C. 13. Woodmansee, Mrs. Erie Lord, Miss Hornbeck, Mrs. I. Ludwlg, Mrs. S. Myers. Augusta Southwell Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Farley. Mrs. Hall has returned to her school work at Lordvllle after an en forced vacation of three weeks ow1 Ing to several families at that place having smallpox. Rosabelle Pine, who Is teaching at Mlllses, N. Y., spent Xmas week with her parents, J. Pine andwlfe. C. E. Woodmansee and son, Louis, visited at F. M. Woodmanseo's homo at Lake Como recently. Wm. Bleck was a visitor at Hones dale Monday. Florence Cuddlhe, of Port Jervls, was home for a few days during Xmas week. Millard Lord and family spent New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Phillips at Galilee. Mr. and Mrs. John Ewaln were business visitors at Honesdale Thurs day. Louis Woodmansee, who has spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, C. E. Woodmansee, return ed Monday to Pennington Seminary, Pennington, N, J, Mrs. William Emrlch and eons spent -part of the past week -with her parents at Fremont Center, N. 1 Y. I Mrs. Lulu Lorunser and children returned to her home In Mount Ver non, N. Y., Saturday. They have been spending the past two weeks at the home of Henry Knight and wife. Mrs. nietlcr, who has been quite 111 for a couplo of weeks, is able to attend to her home now. Her sis ters, Mrs. Wm. Kellam, of Hancock, and Mrs. Thomas, cared for her dur ing her sickness. Mrs. S. Coddlngton and daughter, Delphla, visited friends at South Branch New Year's day. Granville Frlsblo sprained his wrist while coasting on Grocery Hill Saturday. F, S. Watson speni Sunday with his parents, J. S. Watson and wife. The following pupils of the Man chester school were In attendance every day of the past school month: Edna Woodrow, Emma Campbell, Dorothy Chapman, Thelma Hadda way, Freda Joy and Walter Bran nlng. Ralph Glllow took charge of the funeral of Mazy Lawrence at Look out Monday as Mr. Knapp, our un dertaker, was not able to go. WM. G. PRICE, COMEDIAN, With Prico & Butler Co.. Price & Butler's opening bill at the Lyric theatre Thursday, Jan. 9, is "The Cry Baby," one of the re cent successes just released for stock use. George Butler will appear as "Babe," a cow boy, nicknamed by his friends on the ranch. The story concerns the efforts of "Babe," who was stolen when a child to find his mother. The entire production Is carried and all of the scenery used Is from the- studios of Gustave Schell, Columbus, Ohio. The 'first act Is the garden at Mrs. Sturtlvant's home, the second act her library. The third act Is the main street In Hell's Neck, Texas, and the last act Crow's Cross, Texas, a lonely spot In the moun tains. Specialists will be Introduced by George Butler, Billy Dunne, " The Man From Ireland," Charles LeLand, "The Eccentric Dancer," Wm. Price and Eleanor Butler, come dienne. Popular prices for the at- traction, 10, 20 and 30 cents. Spec ial 15 cent ticket for ladies for the opening night. Sale limited. SOUTH STERLING. South Sterling, Jan. 7. The sick are improving. New Year's Day was celebrated by a fine parade. The oyster supper in the evening was a fine success, the proceeds being J82.50. The Wash ington Camp Band furnished the music which was enjoyed by all. Geo. I. Barnes returned to Perklo men Seminary Monday. W. H. Osborn attended the funer al of his aunt In Carbondale Thurs day last. Mrs. Wm. H. Osborn and son, Lewis, have gone to Scranton to see her brother-in-law, James Price, who Is very sick. Miss Ellen Long, who has been visiting relatives here for the last year, has returned to her sister's home, Mrs. M. P. Barnes, in Iowa. Harry Burke spent New Year's day with his mother at tho home of Geo. H. Lancaster. Miss Lydla Gilpin returned to school in Baltimore to-day; also Miss Catherine Gilpin returned to Wyo ming Seminary. Miss Leola Smith and Stephen Dunning spent tho holidays at Phila delphia. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of NEWFOUNDLAND. Newfoundland, Jan. 7. Tho O. A. B. C. of the Moravian church held a business meeting Thursday evening and many points were discussed and an oyster supper 'followed. About 70 men and women were present. Richard Bartleson has secured a position as barn boss at Tobyhanna. Mrs. Searle Is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Searle. She will stay with her son the remainder of the winter. Miss Mae Heffley was a caller In Scranton last week. Miss Lavlna Triloly spent tho hol idays at Nazareth. STALKER AND B RAMAN.' Stalker and Braman, Jan. 6. We are having very little snow and cold weather and some aro wishing for sleighing. New Year's day the Ladles' Aid of Lookout met at the parsonage and was attended by Mrs. D. M. Stalker, Mrs. John Schnackenburg, Mrs. H. Thomas, Mrs. Mary White, Mrs. Chance Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Stalker, son Arnold and Emma Stalk er. They can boast of having the youngest member In their society, Irene North, about four years ot age. Molvln Crawford spent Sunday and Monday with Telatlyes at Abrams vllle. There was twenty-seven present at the L. A. S held at Mrs. Louis Rauner's last Thursday, Jan. 2 Russell Stalker, of Peckvllle, aUy- ed last Wednesday night at D. M. Stalker's. Mrs. Reta Caffrey visited Emma Kelly last Tuesday. Frank Lawson attended lodge at Long Eddy last Monday night. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Honesdale Consoli dated Electric Light, Heat and Power Company will bo held at tho office of the company on Monday, January 20, 1913, beween the hours of three and four o'clock p. m for the purpose of electing directors for the ensuing year, and tho transac tion of any other business that may come before the meeting. M. B. ALLEN, Secretary. Honesdale, Pa., Jan. 3, 1913. 2w3 BEWARE OF OINTMJSNTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MEtt OUUY. as mercury will surely destroy tho sense of smell and completely de range tho whole system when enter ing it through the mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. HARRISBURG'S BEST NEWSPAPER. The Harrisburg PATRIOT Is the only newspaper in Central Pennsyl vania that is notcontroled In politics by party alliances or political adver tising. It is a clean, bright, Inde pendent and newsy paper, carrying the Associated Press Teports and special features which aro unmatched by any paper In the territory which it reaches. It is issued every week day In year and is the paper for the home. THE PATRIOT is the only dally newspaper published at Har risburg which reaches Its mail and rural free delivery subscribers on the same day It is issued. 3w3 GROWING WAYMART BIDS YOU WELCOME The hustling little borough of Waymart, located on the Honesdale branch of tho Delaware and Hudson railroad, at the base of the Mooslc mountains, is growing rapidly. There is only one house vacant In that village and It Is one of the best built houses, there, too. It con tains eight rooms and Is a store and dwelling combined. Can be used for two families. The property Is lo cated In the center of tho town and Is directly opposite the postofflce. It would make an Ideal place for al most any kind of business. The lot is GOxlGO feet and can be bought on easy terms of tho Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company, Honesdale, Pa., Jadwin building. If you cannot come to Honesdale use tho telephone or write and further description will be cheerfully given. 99tf. REVISION AND APPEALS. Notice Is hereby given, pursuant to the provisions of the Act of As sembly, entitled "An Act to provide for the ordinary expenses of the government, payment of the Interest of the state debt, receiving propos als for the sale of public works and for other purposes," approved the 27th day of July, 1842, that the as sessors of the several townships and boroughs of Wayne county have made their returns of their assess ments for the year 1913, and that the 'following is a statement of the aggregate values and assessments made by said assessors of the several subjects of taxation enumerated in the 11th section of said Act of July 27, 1842, anil in the several Acts supplementary thereto, and of the whole amount of county taxes as as sessed in said townships and boroughs. STATEMENT. Notice Is also given pursuant to Act of Assembly aforesaid, that the following days and dates appointed for the appeals from the assessments for the several boroughs and town ships,' have also been appointed by tho Commissioners of said county for finally determining whether any of the valuations of the assessors have been made below a just rato ac cording to tho meaning and intention ot said Act. The Commissioners of Wayne county sitting as a Board of Revis ion have appointed the following days and dates respectively for hear ing final appeals 'from the Triennial assessment of 1913 at the Commis sioners' office, Honesdale, Pa., be ginning at 8 a. m. Monday, Feb. .3, 1913, and closing at 2:30 p. m. Fri day, Feb. 7, 1913: Monday, Fob. 3 Honesdale and Texas. Tuesday, Feb. 4.- Berlin, Damas cus; Manchester, Buckingham, Leb anon and Oregon. Wednesday, Feb. 5 Scott, Star rucca, Preston, Mt. Pleasant, Cherry Ridge, Dyberry and Bethany. Thursday, Feb, 6 Clinton, Can aan, South Canaan, Prompton, Waymart, Lehigh and Dreher. Friday, Feb. 7. Salem, Sterling, Lake, Hawley, Palmyra, Paupack, Persons having a grievance should try to adjust It with the assessor be fore the appeals, If this cannot bo done, and It is not convenient to at tend the appeals, write the grievance and mall it to the Commissioners' office and It will receive attention. County levy for 1913 Is 4 mills. JOHN MALE, EARL ROCKWELL, NEVILLE HOLQATE. County Commlsslonera. Attest: T. Y, Boyd, Clerk Honesdale, Pa, 3eoI3
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