The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 08, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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For the Children
Juliana, Holland Prlnoaaa,
Wha Want a Playmnte.
PrinceM Juliana, heiress apparent to
the throne of tho Netherlands (or king
dom of Holland), is getting to bo a big
girl now. Sho will be fonr years old
next April. Lately she surprised uor
mother. Queen Wllholralnn, by nuking
for a baby brother to pluy with.
Tho little Princess Juliana is the
pride of the Dutch people, for she is
the ouly child of the queen and there
fore la now the nearest heir to the
throne of tho Netherlands. She llkos
to play like other little glrlf, nnd to
help her be happy her mother bouzht a
pony for hor. That may seem to be
nothing specially strance. since there
are plenty of other little girls who hnvo
ponies. But this Is a npcclnl kind of
pony. It is the smallest pony that was
exhibited at a recent great horse show
In England. It stands Just thirty inch
es high, and it is brown and us woolly
as a colllo dog. A carriage has been
made to fit the pony's size, and the lit
tle princess is now able to go driving
In the park.
Disappearing Pile of Coins.
A number of coins are shown lying
on a plate, piled up, taken In tho left
band where they aro seen, and the
hand is closed over them. A handker
chief is thrown over the hand, and
when remored tho coins have disap
peared. Show a quantity of loose coins on a
plate. Pile them up and while bo do
ing palm a dummy "stack" in tho
left hand. Pretend to pass loose coins
to the left hand, palming and dropping
them in a box of bran, so that they
will sink slowly and without noise.
Borrow a handkerchief, show the
dummy, grasp the handkerchief by the
center of ono side and then spread It
out orcr the left hand and while so
doing throw tho dummy into the right,
the handkerchief hiding its flight.
Pick up the wand, in the act of which
drop the dummy on the table, touch
tho handkerchief with it, plnce it un
der your arm and draw off tho hand
kerchief and show it and the hands
Ufa Langths of Lowly Things.
It has Juiit been computed that the
day fly llvoa 24 hours, the May fly 0
weeks, the butterfly two months, the
ant, the cricket and the beo a year
each, the hare and sheep 0 to 10 yean,
the wolf 12 to 10 years, tho canary
bird 15 to 20 years and the nightingale
12 years.
The dog lives 15 to 25 years, cattle
25 years, tho horse 25 to SO years, tho
eagle SO years, tho stag 85 to 40 years,
heron, Hon and boar 50 years each, the
raven 80 years, elephant, turtle, parrot,
pike and carp 100 years each.
Tho ivy outlives 200 years, tho elm
300 to 350 years, tho linden 500 to 1.000
years, the locust tree and tho oak 400
years and the flr 700 to 1,200 years.
Why Wo Can See Smoke.
Smoko is not composed of gases only,
but of solid or perhaps partly liquid
particles which aro mixed with the
gases and carried along by them. It
Is thojo particles of matter that are
visible to the ejAj and not the gases
themselves. St Nicholas.
Winter Quarters,
Where's the crawllne caterpUlarT
Sound aaleep In his cocoon.
WherVi th baa bo brlsht and biurT
Dreaming- in the hive of June.
WhrVs the anall, and Where's the turtle!
Barely burled in the ground.
Where's the woodchuckT Where's the
In their burrows thoy are found.
Where's the thniih, and Where's tho rob
In? Singing- 'ncath the southern sky.
Where's tho boar, and Where's the squir
rel? In their hollow tree they lie.
Where's the ant, that careful worker?
In her underground abode.
"Where's the elchtr-er4 spinning; spider?
In a ererlee anutljr stowed.
Where's the bat that ran sod at midnight?
He la In Mi winter's sleep
In his care ha hangs head downward,
And he never takes a peep.
Theee aad many other creatures
Illde or trowse the winter throuch,
But wham soring- has onoa awakened
Ther ars up asd stirring" too.
"ana Journal.
Sandansky's Grim Humor.
Of course tbey ure nccuslng San
dansky of blowing up 320 Turkish
prisoners in Snloulkl. Maybe he did
It. Sandnusky is the big, bold Bul
garian brlguud who captured Miss Kl
len Stone, the American missionary.
Sandnusky doesn't call himself a brig
and, but n patriot. His specialty for
years has been leading Bulgarian
bands in Macedonia in guerrilla wnr
faro ngalnst the Turks. He has killed
many Turks, but ns he had to be care
ful not to kill or injure Miss Stone nnd
thus destroy her ransom value be was
defenseless against her reproaches in
his own tongue. After about two days
ho used to say: "Here, boys, guard the
camp. I have some bcoutlng to do."
Thus be would dodge a scolding. Sau
dansky never could understand why
Miss Stone cherished any resentment
against him. To an English lady who
kuows him well he once said: "Why
does sho complain about our captur
ing her? Didn't she come over here
to help us Christians? Well, she did
help us. The $07,000 we got for her
bought us n lot of rifles and cartridges.
What's sho kicking about?" New York
Spend All You Earn!
That Idea about putting something
away for a rainy day Is all wrong.
Professor Simon N. Patteu of tho
University of Pennsylvania says so,
and he ought to know. He said It right
out loud recently and started no end
of argument throughout the country.
Not content with putting the rainy day
theory out of business, he said the ouly
way to live was to spend all you earn,
borrow all you can and then spend
that. Thousands of persons in this
city who were following his ndvlce be
fore he gave it would be grateful If
tho professor would forward the names
of a few persons who might stand for
a touch.
"Forget about old age," Is the sub
stance of his doctrine. "When you get
too old to work and too weak to bor
row make the community take care ot
No getting away from tho fact that
the professor's platform sounds at
tractive. Go ahead and drag out the
old stocking and take your money on
n sightseeing trip. But before you do
so It might be well to reserve n place
in tho bread line. New York Ilprald.
A Very Cute Faker.
Enormous business has been done at
a French fair by a man selling a rat
powder, sure death to rodents, but
harmless to human beings. In order to
convince the skeptical, the man first of
all powdered a slice of bread with the
stuff and ate a piece. The remainder
ho put under a glass case, in which a
rat was kept in captivity. The rat went
to eat tho bread and instantly fell dead.
At 10 cents a box the powder sold at a
furious rate, and the man was in a fair
way to make his fortune when the po
lice pounced on him. The powder was
found to be ordinary sugar, and they
also discovered that the case was con
nected with a powerful electric bat
tery and that the moment the rat
touched the bread the current was
turned on, and it was thus his death
was brought about. The ingenious
faker was given a month In Jail, and
the business came to a stop.
She Wasn't Pretty Enough.
The crown princess of Germany
takes the greatest interest In women
nnd their work, apropos of which
there is a story that she once applied
In person on behalf of a protege of hers
to n leading firm of dressmakers for
the post of a model.
"I camo," she said, "because I saw
your advertisement, and I thought"
Tho manager laid his hand on her
"My dear girl," he said, "I am sorry,
but it Is no use. You arc not quite
good looking enough. Still, you have a
pleasant face, nnd I'll tell you what
I'll do. Come again In a month's time
nnd then I will see If I can fix you up
as a Junior saleswoman."
His consternation was only equaled
by tho tact of the crown princess in
making him forget his discomfiture
when he discovered her Identity. Ber
lin Cor. New York Sun.
Photography as a Sculptor,
A scientist of Florence has invented
a process for producing bas reliefs by
photography. The basis of tho inven
tion is the property possessed by n
film of chronlum gelatin of swelling
in proportion to the Intensity of the
light falling upon It. The swelling Is
greater with low than with high In
tensity, so that the light passing
through a photographic negative pro
duces upon a chronlum gelatin plate a
positive hi distinct relief. The trans
parency of an ordinary negative, how
ever, is not truly proportional to the
relief of the original model, but by an
Ingenious automatic device Involving
a double exposure this difficulty Is
nvolded, and a negative Is obtained
having Its lights and shades correctly
graded to produce tho effect of relief.
Chicago Becord-nerald.
The Largest Dome.
St Sophia, at Constantinople, which
Umo and earthquakes are threatening
with ruin, has a dome of wonderful and
striking effect Yet It is not so large
as appears, and In London we can beat
It Its diametrical measurement Is 107
feet, and that Is about the same as the
dome of St Paul's. The dome of tho
British museum, however, Is 140 feet
In diameter, being only two feet short
of tho biggest dome In the world, the
Itoman pantheon. London Chronicle.
The Nenllgee Has Long
Gleevee This Winter.
The trim lines of this pink flannelette
room gown and tho long coat sleeves
give It a smart up to date appearance.
Pink sateen hinds the edges, and a
pink cord finishes a practical and pret
ty negligee.
It Is Most Convenient For Carrying
The camera apron was devised for
the convenient carrying of camera
paraphemnliu on out of door trips. A
ynrd and a quarter of gray denim were
used. The body of the apron was a
straight piece twenty-six inches long,
with a strip eleven inches deep across
the bottom for pockets. Tho remain
ing eight Inch strip of denim was cut
Into three pockets, two of which were
placed above and one as a patch pocket
over the middle of the lower row.
Tape was used for finishing the raw
edges of the three pockets and served
also for dividing the eleven inch strip
I into three more pockets. All raw edges
I were finished with wide white tape
1 stitched twice. A facing of thinner
cloth was sewed on top, and draw
, strings were run through.
Tho pockets held plate holders, focus
cloth, chamois skin, record book, etc.
Ono upper pocket was lined with
chamois skin for the shutter, with bulb
and tubing which needed special pro
tection. All pockets closed with a
snap nt the top, and the whole was
folded completely when not in use.
For a man this might bo made with
out drawstrings at the top, and It could
bo folded and carried by shawl straps.
What Man Understands Woman?
The query, "What woman under
stand man?" Is not proving half so
popular as Hughes le Itoux's query,
"Qui est l'homme qui comprehend les
femmos?" ("Who la tho man who un
derstands women?"), tho answers to
which aro filling the columns of Le
Matin of Paris.
Says one wise woman, "A man may
understand any woman except tho ono
whom hi loves at the age of eighteen."
Mme. Balnt-Malo says, "The man
who understands us Is the man who
can admire everything In a woman,
even hor defects."
Another well known authoress as
serts, "Tho man who can understand
us is th man who can bo our con
fessor." Ono who signs herself Emllic, says:
The man who understands us Is the
simpleton. Ho la the man who will
recite poetry in our salons and not
know how ridiculous ho makes him
self." New Peacock Tall Embroidery.
Peacock embroidery has come much
to the fore of late, and with some de
signers it is almost a fetish to Intro-
duce the "eyo" of a peacock's tail
feather into every scheme. There are
attractive cushion covers In coarse
boll and crash, tho peacock's tail de
sign being worked In green, blue and
gold, which Is most effective, while ob
; longs and squares of this embroidery
1 make charming trays, tho bottom be
1 ing covered with glass. Instead of in
I vesting a special tray for this purpose,
I in Itself a usunlly expensive item, an
' excellent plan Is that of fitting the em
broidery like a photograph Into an
ordinary plain, molded picture frame
and fixing two handles on either side,
while the back Is finished with Japa
nese silk.
Cooking Hints.
Orange peel dried nnd grated makes
a very flno yellow powder that is deli
cious flavoring for cakes and puddings.
neat a lemon thoroughly before
queering it nnd you will, obtain nearly
double the quantity of Juico that would
be obtained If It were not hoatod.
IUc boiled In milk Instead of water
has a much richer taste. It must be
watebed eloaoly while cooking, as it
traraa qakker when cooked in the milk.
If yon rinse a plato with cold water
befer breaking the eggs on it, add to
tUam a piwh of salt and then stand
the a wnaro there la a strong cur
rant f air yon will hava no difficulty
In bettttf them to a froth.
November 2, 1912.
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I- -I I I I I I -I I i
Just the
By a special arrangement with P.
F. Collier & Son, we aro able to of
fer any ono of the following books
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Citizen. One year's subscription to
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gang Leather.
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