The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 08, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Boml-'Wookly Founded 1008; Weekly Fonnded 184.
Published Wednesdays and Fridays by
Entorcd as second-class matter, at
Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re
m ied, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose.
8IX MONTHS 75 ONE MONTH .... . ..13c
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofllce Order or Registered
letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street,
Honesdale, Pa. , , ,. , .. -
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose or
making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only bo
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where a fee is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks,
En cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for
at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application.
The sentence to ten days in jail of
the publisher, managing editor
and a largo stockholder of the
Boies Capital News for contempt of
court in publishing a message from
ex-President Theodore Roosevelt,
criticising the court for its decision
In a political case, suggests the Inter
esting question: Would the Supreme
Court of Idaho have treated Colonel
Roosevelt the same as It treated
these three newspaper men if ho had
been within the jurisdiction of that
At a recent 'meeting of state edu
cators in Harrisburg, Dr. Schaeffer
stirred up considerable applause 'by
some tart remarks about detractors
of Pennsylvania in his address. He
was speaking of the part the associa
tion 'plays in State affairs and said
It ought to liave a comprehensive
plan to stop abuse of the state.
" Some people can see only carrion
and corruption like vultures and the
day ought to bo passed in Pennsyl
vania when an outsider can come in
to the state and from a teachers'
Institute platform or the platform of
any teachers' meeting, attack things
in Pennsylvania and win applause,"
said ho with great earnestness.
"Bo proud of your state and show
why people, like New Englanders,
for Instance come here to live. Let
us all try to Instill into the hearts of
our boys and girls a love for Penn
sylvania. He told the teachers that
they could get legislation by uniting
and discouraging "mud slinging."
As outlined by William T. Creasy,
master of the State Grange, the con
ference to he held in Harrisburg on
the 20th of this month for the pur
pose of discussing rural needs will
he complete and well balanced.
It will bo similar to a previous
meeting in Harrisburg which gave
rise to the Grangers' co-operative
association, but its scope will be
oven wider. Farmers, "back to the
land" agitators, bankers, railroad of
ficers, teachers, educators and con
servationists will gather to consider
every possible phase of country life
in its relation to the welfare of so
ciety at large.
There is significance and hope in
the fact that within the last few
years the city man has become al
most 'inqre desirous of advancing ag
ricultural interests throughout the
United States than is the 'farmer
This means a truer perception of
the importance and innate nobility of
agriculture. An early Roman tra
dition, attributed to Romulus, found
er of the Eternal City, declared that
warfare and agriculture were the
only honorable occupations 'for a
citizen, and historians attribute the
rise and fall of the empire to the
excellence and subsequent decay of
agricultural spirit and methods as
much as to any other causes.
America is Just emerging from a
period of industrial development,
during which it has paid too little at
tention to farming and too little
honor to the farmer.
The signs of the times are so num
erous as to permit of no doubt that
the public generally has perceived
the error of this attitude and that
our best efforts as a people are be
ing centered on the improvement
and advancement of rural condi
tions. That good roads would reduce the
cost of living Is an argument put up
In the Interest of better highways
by one of our Harrisburg contempor
"The men that buy up lago quan
titles of eggs and butter, put thorn
In cold storage and after a few
months sell them for twico tho pur
chasing price, 'buy them from farm
ers for much less than these de
mand in city and town markets," re
marks the Harrisburg Star-Independent.
"That is ono of the mystories
of the storage business. Why do
farmers sell eggs to the storage
people for twelve or fifteen cents a
dozen and inako local ultimate con
eumers pay them twice as much?
The agents of tho epeculators travel
long distances In buying eggs, and
the Cltlzon Publishing Company.
the postoffke, Honesdale, Pa.
JANUARY 8, 1013.
they purchase large quantities from
farmers who live far away from any
market. Many of them are 'glad to
sell to the speculators because they
cannot reach the ultimate consumer
easily. In that fact alone is found a
suggestion for the prevention of
price boosting. Let the people
build better roads so that the pro
ducers may be able to reach markets
easily and cheaply with the products
of their farms. The more accessible
the market the lower should :be the
The one great trouble with Hones
dale to-day is that it lias no market
for the farmers' produce, conse
quently the farmer goes where a
market is available and where he
can sell to best advantage. Just as
soon as Honesdale merchants realize
the fact that a market, where farm
produce of all kinds can be disposed
of at reasonable prices is needed,
then will they see the farmers flock
ing here, and not to Carbondale and
Scranton, to trade.
The Independent, giving an al
leged editorial extract from the Pike
County Press, assailing the federal
judiciary, declares the Press to bo
the only Republican paper published
In Pike county.
Again the Independent is either
Ignorant or mistaken. The Press is
not a Republican paper. It and Its
genial and accomplished editor, Mr,
Van Etten, are staunch adherents of
the Bull Moose. No Republican pa
per, and we venture to say no Dem
ocratic paper, has gone to the length
of declaring that the federal judges
are owned by wealthy litigants and
decide cases to please them regard
less of the law, or that "the many
corrupt judges-constituting our fed
eral judiciary enable the malefactors
of great wealth to prey upon the
public at their will." Every one
who knows anything about our
courts knows that this is a gross
misstatement of fact which could not
emanate from a Republican journal.
It Is a strange and pathetic result of
the prevailing political delusion in
this state that otherwise sensible
men and able journals have had
their vision so distorted 'by gazing
on and chasing the Bull Moose will
o' the wisp, that they can see noth
ing but corruption In our courts,
nothing but feebleness and fraud in
our constitution and nothing hut
greed and rascality In our public
men. When time and circumstance
shall have cleared their vision, they
will doubtless again view our insti
tutions from the sensible American
standpoint. Until then it should be
distinctly understood that such sen
timents as we have above quoted aro
antagonistic to the principles and
policy of the Republican party.
It Is Interesting to see some of
Governor Wilson's earnest support
ers in the last campaign now taking
up the awkward burden of interpret
ing him. During the campaign they
were quiescent or acquiescent. They
gladly left it to The Tribune and
other antl-Diemocratic (newspapers
hero and to the newspapers of Lon
don to try to puzzle out just what a
candldato meant who kept saying
ono day that the protective system
was a curse to every man, woman
and child In tho United States per
sons engaged in tho protected indus
tries included and the next day
that there were as many Democrats
as Republicans In the protected in
dustries, and that the former could
not be expected to "commit suicide"
by voting in an administration
which would upset an industrial or
der based on protection. It was a
pretty hopeless task trying to rocon
cllo the Wilson of the Tariff Cham
ber of Horrors speech and tho Wil
son of tho perfected protection
speeches in Philadelphia and Pitts
Our Democratic contemporaries
were content at that time to let the
Governor go uninterpreted. Now
that they havo a President-elect on
their hands they feel compelled to
try to digest and explain his utter
ances. "Tho Evening Post" haB
been wrestling with the kernel of the
Governor's remarkable speech at
Staunton, Va which was:
The one thing that the 'busi
ness men of the United States
are now discovering, some of
them for themselves and some
by suggestion, Is that they are
not going to be allowed to make
any money except for a quid
pro quo; that they must render
a service or get nothing, and .
that In the regulation of busi
ness the government that is to
say, the moral judgments of the
majority must determine
whether what they are doing
Is a service or is not a service,
and that everything in 'business
and politics is going to be re
duced to this standard: "Are
you giving anything to society
when you want to take some
thing out of society?"
Of this The Post frankly says: "It
Is perfectly possible to interpret this
as indicating a system of govern
ment interference with everyday
business so extensive, so pervasive,
so over-shadowing, as to make Col.
Roosevelt's New Nationalism seem
an airy trifle." It Is not only possi
ble to draw that matter-of-fact con
clusion, but it Is very difficult not to
do so. Yet The Post Is unwilling to
draw it, and therefore attempts to
demonstrate that Mr. Wilson did not
mean what lie seemed to be saying,
but something far vaguer and radi
cally different. It may be that the
President-elect didn't mean what he
said or failed to say clearly what ho
meant. But If so, those of his
friends who are going to undertake
to straighten out his thoughts and
language will have an occupation
cut out for them for some time to
come. Being olilclal or seml-omcial
interpreter for Mr. Wilson will re
quire as fertile an imagination and
as subtle second sight as have been
employed by those who have cipher
ed out the conclusion that the real
Bard of Avon was Bacon, not
Shakespeare. New York Tribune.
Manatee, Florida,
December 28, 1012.
Editor The Citizen,
Dear Sir: Being a resident of
Preston, Wayne county, and a sub
scriber of The Citizen, I 'have 'been
asked by frinds to write and ask you
to publish in your paper something
in regard to my trip to Florida. I
came hero for my 'health and am re
siding at Manatee where I wish you
would send me The Citizen until
further notice, instead of sending it
to Orson. We left Orson December
2d with plenty of snow on tho
ground. We stopped in Scranton
over night and left there on the
morning of the third and have not
seen any snow since that date. We
stopped over in Washington about
six hours. Washington Is a very
nice city, the government buildings
there aro very line. We left Wash
ington at 9:45 p. ni. and arrived in
Jacksonville, Fla., at 8 o'clock p. m.
on the evening of December 4th,
with the temperature at seventy-one
degrees. It was a very busy city but
I was not favorably impressed with I
it. Through North and South Caro-j
Una and Georgia I did not like the
looks of the country land. It look
ed very poor with a great deal or
swamp, but saw some very nice pine
timber. After we left Jacksonville
on the east coast of Florida we be
gan to pass through orange and
grape groves. We went through
many fine towns. One in particular
that attracted our attention was
Sanford, this being a vast trucking
center. At this place there is Im
mense celery, lettuce and tomato
fields. We arrived at Tampa on the
evening of the 5th with the tempera
ture at eighty-three degrees. Wo
found ourselves in a nice city and a
very busy one. We stayed there one
week, making tours out around the
surrounding country. We took ono
ride of eighty miles In an automo
bile. We passed through many
beautiful orange groves loaded so
with fruit that many limbs laid on
tho ground. They are as fully loaded
with oranges as any of our apple
trees are with apples up north in a
good season. We visited St. Peters
burg, twenty-eight miles from
Tampa, where we saw many beauti
ful residences, among them tho home
of Mr. Albright where we saw an
unique fence of shells. The frame
work of the structure Is of Iron
meshing and on this Is plastered ce
ment, while the cement was still wet.
Every shell was carefully placed by
hand. Two hundred thousand shells
were used in the making of this pe
culiar fence and over forty varieties
were brought into use. Tho Idea is
an original one and tho result is ef
fective. The shells they get hero
along the coast are something won
derful to those that have never seen
them. Manatee is twenty-two miles
from St. Petersburg on the Manatee
river, a nice quiet town of about one
thousand Inhabitants. Bradentown,
ono mile away, Is three thousand In-
nauitants. xnis county has no Uq-
uor license. I have not seen any one
l.nrAn n llniina nlnAA
under the influence of liquor since
living here. In Pennsylvania we aro
told that a town without a license is
dead. I would like to have some of
tho 'high license standpatters visit
these towns and many others In this
county; they -will And them very
much alive. Am much pleased with
Manatee county. You will find here
growing bananas, pineapples and
abundance of citrus, and also im
mense truck farms. I am informed
that the orange- picking season will
last until May. Nearly all fruit here
Is sold through the Citrus exchange.
They keep track of tho conditions
of market and notify tho 'packing
houses. If the market Is dull they
shut down until the market is clean
ed out, and then commonce to pick
and pack again. Tho uncultivated
land does not look very desirable as
It is thick with -palametto and scrub
brush but the scenery after the land
is cleared is grand, the
pine and palm tree growing nearly .for distribution will bo lost,
everywhere. There are some groves' C. P. SEARLE,
of oranges here of over one hundred
acres each. It is wondeful to look
at. Tho weathir is fine Jiere, tho
air 'being very clear. We have had
three showers since twe came. I had
been a sufferer with the asthma for
years, 'but am not troubled with it
here. I -am taking long walks dally
and feeling fine.
, Sincerely yours,
Wlmt a Now York City Merchant is
Doing Raises Produco for Homo
Damascus, Pa., Jan. 7. Fourteen
years ago, Henry Helns, a Brooklyn,
N. Y., grocer, first became acquaint
ed with the writer. He subsequent
ly made several hunting trips to this
section. Later, through the in
fluence of the writer he became ac
quainted with Otto Rohland. He
liked this part of the country and for
a few years brought his family to
summer near Narrowsburg and at
Lava, which Is In the New York state
side of the Delaware. On Ills hunt
ing trips he saw a farm that was for
sale. It measured up to what he
thought he wanted. He found it
could be bought, and he lost no time
in making It his own property. The
property in question was owned by
the heirs of the late Charles Lippert.
Prior to this the property had pass
ed through three generations of
Sherwoods. Beginning with Albert
Sherwood, who carved the first fields
out of the unbroken forest, built the
primeval log structure of those days,
and felt a pride in his possessions.
These rude 'buildings were super
ceded by the more modern frame
buildings. Here 'ho reared a large
family of sons and daughters and
made many substantial improve
ments, some of these in the form of
stone walls many of which are in
perfect condition to-day. Old age
crept upon this couple and unfitted
them for such manual labor as farm
Ing calls for. One of the sons,
Wakeman, had In the meantime
built a home for himself and bride
on the same farm. Ho took the
property in charge, stuck to the plow
for a time, met with adverses, or as
some would term it, had bad luck
and In time handed the property over
to his only son, Charles. He, too,
let It pass from his possession a
few years later.
The property In question is situ
ated on tho ridge of hills between
Mllanville on the east and Boyds
Mills on the west and comprises
about 150 acres much of which is
red shale and the major part of It
is under cultivation.
Mr. Helns, the present owner,
bought the property merely to have
a place for a summer outing for him
self and family. He is a man just
in the prime of life as years count.
For the past three years ho has tak
en a different view and has been
"taking a hand at farming." Fruit
trees has been'his hobby and of these
ho has about 800 trees started and
intends to add more to the number
the coming spring. They are peach,
pear and apple, tho latter being In
the majority. Nearly all of the old
fruit trees unon the nlace he has
cut down and dynamited out tho
i stumps.
His season on the "rarm" com
' mences about May 1st to the close of
I tho farming season, but the family
I come up later and return to the city
I home earlier. You can find him In
j working hours with sleeves rolled
I above his elbows, arms and face as
i brown as a chestnut In the heat of
: all the work. He Is not obliged to
do this, but does so from choice.
Last spring he conceived the idea
that he ought to "do something," and
to this end started with planting 45
barrels of potatoes, a quantity of
pea-beans, and sowed a few acres of
buckwheat. Here is what he reports
harvested: 1,200 bushels of salable
tubers, besides the rotten ones and
those of underslze; 24 bushels of the
pea-beans and 108 'bushels of 'buck
wheat. What he raises on his farm
all goes into tho city consumer's
hands direct. He raises and ships
to his Brooklyn store, many crates
of string beans besides what is com
monly called garden truck. His
fruit also goes to the consumer In
the city from first hands. It Is his
Intention, when his children ihave
passed the school age, to spend the
entire time from early spring to late
fall at his country seat. He is what
people would call "well heeled," in
the city and has accumulated It all
by tho same dint that ho manifests
here on the farm. His family con
sists of a wife and four daughters.
The store Is in a residential part of
the city near St. Mark's avenue, tho
finest and wealthiest thoroughfare In
the whole "City of Churches." Mr.
Helns has the city agency for the
celebrated "King ATthur" flour.
About three years ago Mr. Helns
sold fifteen acres of land to a city
friend, Herman Haase, who came to
spend the summer at Helns Hill. Mr.
Haase has built a fine residence and
other out buildings upon this pur
chase, and besides has purchased the
Georgo H. Tyler property of over 1001
acres lying adjacent to his former
purchase. He, too, is a fruit fanatic
and has an orchard of 1500 young
apple trees of standard varieties
started. At his reldsence he had a
1 - ...
well drilled 150 feet and erected a
windmill for motive power to oper
ate the pump. Mr. Haase is also a
grocer in Brooklyn with a store near
Fort Green Park.
B J. Bussman, contractor, of
Hancock, has charge of the construe
tlon work for a large acid factory
In western Pennsylvania.
Late of Preston township, deceased.
Tho undersigned an auditor ap
pointed to report distribution of said
estate, will attend to tho duties of
his appointment, on
MONDAY, FEB. 3, 1313, at 10 a. m.
at the office of Searle & Salmon
In the Borough of Hones
dale, at which time and place all
claims against said estate must be
' presented, or recourse to the fund
Honesdale, Pa., Jan.
G, 1913,
Wayne County Schools.
1. Apennines.
2. abacus.
3. batalllon.
4. 'beach.
5. leech.
14. gigantic
15. halibut
1C. havoc
17. Imperial
18. Igneous
19. Jerome
20. Jlnrlkisha
21. kilts
22. Kiel
23. languago
24 ledger
25. Legion
G. Carrara.
Estate of JAMES H. FIVES,
Late of Mt. Pleasant township, de
ceased. The undersigned, an auditor ap
pointed to report distribution of said
estate, will attend to the duties of
his appointment on
TUESDAY, FEB. 4. 1913. at 10 a. m.
at the office of Searle & Salmon In
tho borough of Honesdale, at which
time and place all claims against
said estate must be presented, or re
course to tho fund for distribution
will be lost.
39w3 Auditor,
Honesdale, Pa., Jan. 7, 1913.
Any Woman's Coat Suit or Dress
3313 PerCent.
Bess than Regular Prices.
You are missing ' dollars and cents if you
don't buy of us. 9 1 2 The!! BLcVCo.
MJicr, tl UWim Conner.!.
Blankets and Comfortables.
BirdsaH Bros. Wool blankets and Maish com
fortables filled with pure white cotton at liberal
en's O aide r wear and Sweaters
There is plenty of cold weather still in the calendar the future
months are rich in the promise of useful service.
Men's Natural wools and Camel hair Underwear
83c. each.
Men's heavy ribbed, fleece lined Underwear
42c. each
New Shawl Collar Sweater
Lot of Boys' and Girls' Sweaters,
Celebrated Bradly Mufflers
Katz Bros, i
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
January 9, 10 & 11th
Special Saturday Mntinco at 2:30.
BEN J, H. DITTRICH, Lessee and Manager.
Price & Butler Offer Their Favorite Company
Thursday Night
A Page from Life-A Dramatic Story of a Stolen Boy Complete Scenic Production
Friday Night
A Rural Comedy Drama. A Simple Tale of Honest People
Saturday Matinee
or The Maiden and The Prince,
New People-New Specialties-New Scenery
PRICES M 0, 20 and 30c. Matinee MO and 20c1
Seat Snlo at Uax Ofllco at 0 A. M. Thursday.
Then you ought to know that
druggists everywhero will furnish,
you with a bottlo of Booth's HYO
MEI for only 50c.
Pour a few drops of HYOMEI into
tho Inhaler and start this very day to
breathe the soothing, healing vapor
and destroy the Catarrh germs.
With every package of HYOMEI
come3 a. little booklet which ex
plains how easy it is to end the mis
ery of Catarrh, Croup, Sore Throat,
Bronchitis and Deafness caused by
But best of all G. W. Pell, tho
druggist, Is authorized to refund
your money if HYOMEI doesn't do
Just what it is advertised to do. If
you haven't the HYOMEI Inhaler ask
for the complete outfit, $1.00.
Meeting of the stockholders of tho
Honesdale National Bank will bo
held in the banking house of tho
said bank In the borough of Hones
1913, between the hours of 2 and 4
p. m., for the purpose of electing di
rectors and transacting any other bus
incss that may be brought before
the stockholders.
Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 1G, 1912.
Owing to the mild
weather we otter our
entire stock at prices
practically cut in half.
Children's Goats
and Dresses
Splendid values that
come once in a year.
All desirable models 1s
less than former price.
$3.98 each
49c. each
35c. each
Saturday Night
or The Missing Heiress-A Sensation
Fur Coats and
Separate Furs