THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1913. PAGE THREE JAMES R.KEENE'S PICTURESQUE LIFE Droll Anecdotes Are Told of Dead Financier. HE HAD WONDERFUL GENIUS Mr. Keene's Prodigious Winnings on Stock Exchange and Race Traok Es tablished Records He Used Fore sight and Generalship That Bewil dered Competitors. Jnmcs Robert Kccno, who died ro ccntly, was n highly vitalized combina tion of marvelous powers and contra dictory traits. A master speculator, one of the greatest tacticians which Wall street ever know, adamant when roused to resistance and implacable as a foe, be also bad hidden strains of simplicity and benevolence. The finan cial world knew him as the daring op erator, sonic, called him Ilobln Hood, and men who reared groat fortunes made use of him as thoy would an in strument of precision such confidence did thoy have In his powers of analy sis and his ability to carry out what ho had decided to do. It was the turf which found his heart. As a child ho loved horses; as a man be Idolized them. Ills greatest Joy in life was in rearing victors for his colors and in advancing the inter eat of the American sport of racing. His sardonic humor dropped from him as a mask when he breathed the air of the track. Had Record Winnings. From 189S to 1008 the remarkable turf winnings of Mr. Keeue (during which time his horses were trained by James Itowe) exceeded $2,000,000, and no other stable in the world has that record. At least a million dollars of thu large sum won in the period above named was earned by horses whose Immedi ate sires or dams were by Domino, and it was the purchase of this re nowned racer as a yearling In 1S92 for ?!1,000 which laid the foundation of his enormous successes. Paid Big Price For Information. "I can lay bare the one sole reason for my triumph with a word. The world is my spy. I pay the highest price for information." Some years ngo ouo of his friends asked James It. Keene to what he at tributed his great success In life, and thu financier replied in the words quot ed above. Certainly none of his friends and associates ever accused Mr. Keene of not knowing every detail of any thing In which ho was interested. To them bo always seemed to know ev erything that any one else knew and more besides. The story of the last thirty years of his life Is the story of moat of the sen sational deals put through in Wall street during that period and of the triumphs of famous race horses 011 the turf before the "sport of kings" was killed by the Hughes anti-racing law. Outside of his business Mr. Keene had but one hobby horse racing and ho Indulged in that to the limit. Domino, Peter Pan, Colin, Sysonby, Commando, Ballot, Colt, Sweep and a dozen other great racers "belonged to him. Keene was In the vortex of specula tion once when suddenly It wns notic ed that he began to lose Interest. He had foreseen the end and was unload ing his securities and stocks as fast as he could. Ills follow brokers called him crazy. At the top of the market he had emptied his strong boxes. Gold stocks that had been selling at $500 and $600 a sharo dropped like lead and contin ued to fall. Mr. Keene drew out of the market Vltli a fortune of $0,000,000, and soon after that the Bank of Cali fornia failed. The president of the In stitution In despair throw himself Into the Pacific. Here It was that James II Koene performed an important public service, for largely through him a guar antee fund of $8,000,000 was raised with which to pay depositors, and of this ho subscribed a million himself. When the ntmosphero cleared some what Mr. Keene, who was still in ill health, crossed the continent to Now York on his way to a long vacation In Europe Ho scented a bigger game hero than lie had over played. The street was a challengo to the audacity of the man trained In tho advonturons west. The lure of tho metropolis held him. Going After Gould. One of the stories told of Mr. Keone is that one day ho saw Jay Gould In Broadway. "I havo $4,000,000," ho said. "I guess I will go after that man's scalp." Tho conflict did not come then and there, as for a time he and Mr. Gould were on good terms and were allies In several operations. When tho clash came, years later, and disaster over took tho house of Keene one of Its choicest possessions, a picture by Rosa Bonheur, was sold in meeting a debt. Mr. Gould bought it, so tho sequel poes, and hung it in his houso at Fifth avenue and Forty-seventh street and over afterward designated it as "Jim Keene's Scalp." Tho break between tho men was duo to a little dispute In which Major J, It. Belover, a Keene follower, wound up with throwing Jay Gould down an nreaway. Mr. Gould, still smarting under the, indignity, went to his office and started soma tilings which made the major $20,000 poorer bofore .the day was dono. ENSIGN ORDERED TO ARCTIC. Navy Man to Help Survey Island Found by Peary. Ensign Fitzhugh Green, U. S. N.. has been detallod to accompany the Crocker Land expedition to the arctic which Bets out next July. Ho will act as to pographer and physiographer. This latest arctic enterprise purposes to establish tho existence and to sur vey a body of land commonly called Crocker island, which Peary reorted he had scon in 1000 from Cape Thomas Hubbard at a distance of about 100 miles across tho Ice. Adjoining terri tory will bo explored nnd mapped. Tho expedition will be a joint under taking undor tho auspices of tho Amer ican Museum of Natural History and the American Geographical society and i'ale university. It will be under the leadership of Donald McMillan, who was with Peary on the north pole trip In 1000. Pearls Girtsliina Wealth of "Ormuz ar.3 of Ind." IS BIGGEST EVEI1T OF KIND Eighteenth Century Affair Given by Mrs. W. F. Draper at Washington Proves Ono of Unrivaled Splendor. Guests Garbed In Costumes of Years Ago Women's Jewels Dazzle. A display of pearls that probably lit erally "outshone the wealth of Ormuz and of Ind" marked the eighteenth century ball piven by Mrs. William F. Draper In Washington. Famous as a hostess because of the splendid coming out ball for her daugh ter, Miss Margaret, and of many oth er entertainments that cost fortunes, Mrs. Draper surpassed herself In this affair. Although the announcements as well as tho Louis XV. costumes proclaimed Its name, it will go down in social his tory as the "jK-arl ball." Probably nev er in America were so many and such marvelous pearls assembled in a ball room at one time. Hostess a Scintillant Figure. Tho hostess, who possesses $500,000 worth of pearls, wore, nearly -all of them. Her hair, done in the Louis XV. fashion, was crowned by a tiara of pear shaped pearls, some of which were as largo as a small pear. Also she wore earrings and a collar of pearls, a four strand necklace and a long strand which hung from her shoulders nearly to the iloor. The same sort of jewels formed her corsage ornament, nnd a stomacher fashioned of them covered her waist and hips. The design of her costume was in representation of the dress of a lady of the court of Louis XV. Her gown was of white satin with broad stripes of black velvet. Miss Margaret Draper, dressed as a young woman of the court, wore the famous necklnce whoso separate Jewels have come from the four quarters of tho globe. Tho first jewel in tho neck lace was given to her by the dowager Queen Marghcrita of Italy, who was her godmother, for Miss Draper was born In Itomo whilo her father was Ameri can ambassador to Italy. She Is the wealthiest unmarried woman In Wash ington society. Other Magnificent Strands. Among other women who opened their jewel caskets to wear their pearls were Mrs. MacVcagh, wife of the sec rotary of the treasury, whose pearls, like her emeralds, have been carefully selectod by an export who travels all over tho world for tho purpose. Mrs. Joseph Leiter wore the gift of Mrs. Levi Z. Loiter, a companion strand to thoso of the Duchess of Suffolk, tho lato Lady Curzon and Mrs. Colin Camp bell of England, daughters of Mrs. Lei ter. Mrs. Peter Goelet Gerry, who made a personal canvass of Europe in search of the pearls for her strand; Mme. Hnuge, Mrs. Richardson Clover and Miss Budora Clover all added to the beauty of tho "pearl ball." Most of tho costumes were designed from paintings of tlie eighteenth cen tury. The ballroom was decorated in the fashion of tho French Yuletlde en tertainments of that period, although American Beauty roses were used In the place of tho red carnations of Franco. Tho minuet was danced, Miss Helen Taft and Mr. Robert Taft being among the dancers. Miss Margaret Draper and her houso guest, Miss Luvlna Fish of Now York, were the guests of honor at n dinner given before tho ball by Mrs. Richard Iteld Rogers and Miss Elizabeth Rog ers, Out of compliment to her guest of honor Mrs. Rogers transformed her house into an eighteenth century French garden nnd even costumed her sen-ants in tho fashion of that period. Wed Again Month After Annulment. Within a month of the annulment of their provlous marriage Peter W. Van tieneu and Marin Anderson, both of Newburg, N, Y., were married again. Vantlenen U nineteen years old. Ho and Miss Anderson were married se cretly In July. Tho youth's father had Judge Tompkins annul tho marriage. Meanviille young Vantlenen won his father's consent. 1IIHS 1 GEMS i AT LOUIS XV. BALL; UPTON HOPES TO WIN CUP IN 1914 Declares Wish to Enter Big Yacht Does Again WILL RAGE AT GOLDEN GATE Irish Baronet Announces Plan to Figure In Event on Opening of Panama Ca nal Gives High Praise to Yacht Club and Man Who Crossed Ocean In Launch. Sir Thomas Llpton entertains the hope that he will be able to race again for the America's cup off Sandy Hook in 191it under the universal or Euro pean rule. He doclares that tho Now York Yacht club haw always treated him very handsomely and that If it j has ever made any mistakes in its negotiations or dealings with him thoy havo always been in his favor. All of which he said at a dinner tendered to him at the New York Atliletic club re cently by the yachtsmen of tho greater city of New York and given Under tho auspices of the yachting commlttco of the athletic club, which includes yacht ing and in a considerable degree yacht racing in its activities. Two hundred men or more attended the dinner. Probably a third of tho number were members of tho Now York Athletic club. Among the other two-thirds were former Commodore Wilson Marshall, former Fleet Captain Morton AV. Smith, former Vice Com modore F. M. Hoyt, Clay M. Greene and several others of the Lachmont Yact club; Commodore J. tuart Black ton, Fleet Captain Ernest Malcolm and about twenty members of tho At lantic Yacht club; Commodore M. W. Houck and several others of tho New Rochello Yacht club; Commodore II. H. Melville, Fleet Captain John M. Shaw and others of tho Motorboat Club of America; n. A. Jackson, Jr., Commander Alfred Brooks Frey, C. S. King and J. A. Mahlstedt, athletic club men who are distinctly of the yachting contingent of that organization, and the members of nearly all tho yacht clubs on Long Island sound and Gravosend bay. Among thoso at the table of honor were Vice Commodore Edward A. Sum ner of tho ynchtlng department of the New York Athletic club, who acted as toastmastcr; Colonel Duncan F. D. Nelll of Sir Thomas LIptou's entourage, VIco President Ernest F. Ilaubold, Now York Atliletic club; Roy Allen, Senator Francis Atwater of Connecti cut; Brigadier General Tasker A. Bliss, U. S. A.; the Right Rev. Charles S. Burch, Ernest Birmingham, Charles Chapman, Charles Davis, Justice Dike of Brooklyn; Justice Donnelly, Captain Thomas Fleming Day, Hon. Henry A. Gildersleovo, non. David Lcventritt, Captain Thomas C. Meadows, Commo dore J. Blackbourno Miller, Dean An drew Phillips, Yale university; non. Thomas Ryerson, New Jersey; Don C. Seltz, Hon. George W. Schurman, Rear Admiral Charles D. Sigsbeo, U. S. N.; William Stone, Major Willinm S. Ter rlborry, M. C, N. G. N. Y and Hon. Henry A. Wise. It was distinctly an nssombly of the admirers of the Irish baronet, nnd, in a measure, ono repre sentative of tho great body of yachts men of tho United States. Sir Thomas was introduced as ono who had done moro to promote good fellowship between England and America than any other man who had over crossed tho ocean either way. He talked for twenty minutes or moro and devoted n considerable portion of his attention to the praise of Captain Thomas Fleming Day, because of his performance in crossing tho ocean in a thirty foot motorboat. Ho also told of his proposal made to tho yachtsmen of San Francisco, to race with them with n 23 meter boat off the Golden Goto in 1015, tho year of the opening of tho Panama canal, and of tho prompt acceptance of his proposition, and intimated that ho had reason to bellove that ono or moro boats would bo built by eastern yachts men to enter the contest no hinted further that former Commodoro Wil son Marshall, who won tho emperor's cup in a race across the Atlantic seven years ago, would bo represented in the event. Sir Thomas said that his pres ent Shamrock had started In eight races In German waters durlug tho past season nnd had won six first prizes nnd acknowledged that his suc cess was duo In part to the good offices of former Commodoro Robert E. Tod of the Atlantic Yacht club, who had sail ed on his yacht in all, or nearly all, of theso races. Don C. Seltz, who was tho second speaker, expressed regret that interest In tho automobile had superseded that in yachting In n considerable degree nnd that yacht racing was on tho de cline, and urged that yacht clubs tako up tho matter of racing with flying ma chines. Justlco Dike of Brooklyn, Ad miral Charles D. Slgsbee, TJ. S. N.J United States District Attorney Wise, Thomas Fleming Day and Commodoro Melvillo of the Motor Boat Club of America wore also among tho speakers. Progress on Cape Cod Canal. Tho Capo Cod canal is three-eighths completed ,in estimation of tho engl neers. They rcfuso to predict the dato of the opening of tho wnterway, which is designed to bo tho northern end of a system of inland courses along tho At lantic coast CHOOSING A HOBBY. Make rt One Thai Will Relieve the Tension of Business. Writing on ttvt advantage and enjoy ment that a busy man will derive from a hobby, Arnold Bennett says In tho Metropolitan: "la choosing a distraction that is to say, in choosing a rival to his buslnoss he should select soma pursuit whoso nature differs as much as possible from to nature of his business, and which will bring Into activity another side of his character, if his business Is monotonous, demanding caro and solicitude rather than Irregular, In tense efforts of the brain, then let his distraction be such as will mako a powerful call upon his brain. But if on the other hand the course of his business runs In crises that string up the brain to its tightest strain, thon let his distraction be a foolish and merry one. "Many men fall into the error of as uumliig that their bobbles must be as dignified and sorlous as their voca tions, though surely the example of the great ut philosophers ought to tin vt taught them bettorl Thoy seom to Imagine that they should continu ally be Improving themselves In either body ur mind If they take up a sport. It W becniiMv the sport may Improvo thulr health. And If the hobby Is in. tcllectual It must nei'ds he employed to Improve their brain "Thu fact Is that their conception of self Improvement U too narrow In their restricted Kense of the phraso they possibly don't need Improvlug, they possibly are already improved to the point of being a nulsancr to their fellow creatures; possibly what they need Is worsening. In the broad and full sense of the phrase self Improve ment, a course of self worsening might Improve them. "I have known men and everybody has known them who would approach nearer to perfection If they could only acquire a little carelessness, a little absentmlndedness, a little tllogical ness. a little Irrotional nnd Infantile gaiety, a little unscrupulousness In the matter of the time of day. These con siderations should be weighed before certain hobbles are dismissed as being unworthy of a plain man's notice." PICTURESQUE HAVANA. A Foreign City In Every Sense, With Its Own Odd Charm. Americans driving to their hotel through Havana's narrow, noisy streets Invariably exclaim that it seems to them "as If they were abroad." The question to borrow a phraso from the widely traveled but unemotional Mr Baeaeker "need not detain them long." They nre abroad. Havana is not mere ly "like a foreign town;" It is a foreign town. It has its own odd look, its spe cial plcturesqucncss, its own tumultu ous life. It abounds In unknown dishes and vitrange fruits, nnd upon the hot tropic uight it pours out half barbaric music and queer melancholy songs. The long traditions of the Spanish dominion of the two Americas still cling about Havana's fortresses and the palaces, churches and monasteries of her ancient streets. She was a proud, rich city, tho entrepot of the west, when our northerntnninlnnd was a wilderness. And now In the Cuban twentieth century she Is a crowded, thriving, gay metropolis, with her own pride, her own tropic airs and graces, her own wholly un-American individu ality. She may bo crowded In the brief winter season with American tourists, may contain (as indeed sho always has contained) a considerable American business colony nnd may be a refuge for derelicts and vagabonds straight from the pagos of O. Henry, Richard Harding Davis and other Klpllngs of Spanish America. Still, she Is always the old Havana, the Cuban capital of Cuba. Harrison Rhodes In Metropolitan-Sir Humphry Davy. Sir Humphry Davy married a wid ow as peculiar as himself. His pet uf fectatlon was a lack of time. He was always In a hurry. He pretended that he bad no leisure to dress himself, and when a chango of linen became neces sary he simply put one shirt over an other until he was known to have on five or six shirts at a time. Of course he could not wear this amount of ap parel without appreciably increasing his size, and his friends not in the se cret were somotlmes surprised to see him fall off In apparent weight twenty pounds in a day. His wife's great anx iety was to keep him "fit for company," but as he did not care a fig for com pany she bad no easy task, and domes tic discord was a common thing The Light That Failed. It was by an accident that Mr. Kip ling got his famous title, "The Light That Failed." Ho had almost decided to call the novel "The Failure," al though he was dissatisfied with this. Ono evening as he was sitting In his study reading by lamplight tho light went suddenly down almost failed, in fact in a second Kipling Jumped up. exclaiming excitedly, "By Jove, I've got It!" Pplntlng to tho lamp, bo said. "The Light That Failed." As an Offset. "That girl has been promoted twice to my once. She has all the luck In this office." "Well, I notice that she also has most of the work on her shoulders. So 1 guess she's entitled to the luck." Washington Herald. Made Her Laugh. Tom Did Miss Roxley entertain your proposal? Jack On tho contrary, my proposal seemed to entertain her -Uoaton Transcript MANY A CITIZEN FINDS THE STRUGGLE HARD WITH A BACK CONSTANTLY ACHING WITH DISTRESSING URINARY DISORDERS, DAILY EXISTENCE IS BUT A STRUGGLE NO NEED TO KEEP IT UP. BLOODINE BLOOD AND KIDNEY TABLETS WILL CURE YOU. THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE EN DORSE THIS CLAIM. MANY ARE CURED WITH A SIN GLE 50c TREATMENT. Tho Bloodlne Corporation, Boston, Mass. Gentlemen: Kindly send me six boxes of Bloodlne Blood and Kidney Tablets. They Tiave helped me moro than any remedy I havo ever taken. I am old, ruptured, and I suffer much from Kidney and Bladder trouble. I have only a few oses left of the sample box you sent me, so kindly send tablets promptly. Yours truly, THOMAS TAYLOR, Adams, 111. Mail orders filled by the Bloodlne Corporation, Boston, Mass. For sale by C. C. Jadwin. APPRAISEMENTS Notice Is giv en that appraisement of $300 to tho widows of the following nam ed decedents have been filed In the Orphans' Court of Wayne county, and will bo presented for approval on Monday, January 20, 1913 viz: Geo. J. Bergmann, Texas: Per sonal. Geo. W. Butterworth, Sterling: Personal. W. J. BARNES, Clerk. OOOOOOOOGOOOOCOOOOOOOCKOOOOCOOOOOOOOCOGOOSOOCXKGOOC Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly will make short work of a cold. PHARMACIST, Honesdale, 300000000CCt3CCOOCOOOCOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOCCCOOOCOOOOOOOOOO Will conduct Ladses3 Long Goasg Fur3 Astra- 9 Plush and GEotfo. Busts, Junior, Swisses and Ladies9 separate Skirts, fewest cuts. Silk and Chiffon Shirt Waists. Fur Muffs and Scarfs-Genuine Pelts. infants9 Bear Cloth Coats. MENNER & CO. January Closing Out Sale of Winter Made-up goods WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Honesdale, Pa. The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County ! THE PROOF Wo lead In CAPITAL STOCK $ 200,000.00 We lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS 372,862.00 Wo lead in TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 572,802.00 (Our CAPITALIZATION is the DEPOSITORS SECURITY) Wo lead In Deposits 2,403,348,60 We lead in TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040,099.22 This year completes the FORTY FIRST eince tho founding of tho WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. MANY BANKS have come and gone during that period. PATRONIZE ono that has withstood tho TEST of TIME. OFFICERS: W. B. HOLMES, President A. T. SBARLT3. Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier, DIRECTORS: W. B. HOLMES F. P. KIMBLE T. SEARLB W. F, SUYDAM H. J. CONGER H. S. SALMON B. W. GAMMELL WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK ELECTION. The annual jneotlng of the stock holders of the Wayne County Sav ings Bank for tho election of direc tors, will be held at the banking office on Tuesday, January 1-1, 1013, between the hours of throo and fou,r o'clock p. m. H. S. SALMON, Cashier. Honesdale, Pa Dec. 24, 1912. COURT PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Judge of the Beveral Courts of the County of Wnyne has Issued his precept for holding a Court o( Quarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer, and General Jnll Delivery In and for said County, at the Court House, to becin on MONDAY, JAN 20. 1913. and to continue two weeks: And directing that a Grand Jury for the Courts ot Quarter Sessions and Oyer and Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday, Jnn.13.1913, at 2 p. m. Notice is therefore hereby clven to the Coroner and Justices of tlio Peace, and Con stables ot the County ot Wayne, that they be then and there In their proper persons, at said Court House, at 2 o clock In the after noon ot said lath day of Jan., 1913. with their records, lnqulsttions.examlnatlons andother remembrances, to do those thlncs which to tbclr ofilccs appertain to be done, and those who are bound by rccoenizance or otherwise to prosecute the prisoners who are or shall be In the Jail of Wayne County, bo then and there to prosecute against tbem as shall bo Just. Given under my hand, at Honesdale, this 24th day of Dec, 1912, and In the 136th year of tho Independence ot the United States FHANK C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofllce I Honesdale. Dec. 21. 1912. I 102w4 If you want fine Job printing Just give Tho Citizen a trial order. We can do GOOD work. Pa. during January ABSOLUTE SECURITY FORTY-ONE YEARS OF SUCCESS 1912 II. S. SALMON, Cashier T. B. CLARK C. J. SMITH J. W. FARLEY Nov. 12, 1912.