The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, January 08, 1913, Image 1

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71th YEAR. NO. 3
PRICE 2 0E-? S
Bon Michaels Apprehended in Cnr
bondale Waived Hearing Tues
day Morning Held Under $200
Ball Was Second Offense.
Benjamin Michaels, of Honesdale,
was arrested In Carbondale Monday
Bight by Carbondale authorities on
Information received by them .from
Honesdale to the effect that Mich
aels had forged the name of Edward
Pierce, the contractor, to a check for
the amount of M0.75.
The check was cashed by Thos.
D. O'Connell who conducts a res
traunt here. The check was No.
1829 and was made payable on the
Wayne County Savings Bank. It
was dated January 4 and signed by
Ed. Pierce. It was Indorsed by Ben
Michaels. Benjamin Michaels had
worked for Edward Pierce In the
epring and some during the past
cummer and O'Connell evidently
thought that the check was good at
the time. Mr. O'Connell was told
eoon after that the check was a for
gery and his fears were confirmed
at the bank Monday afternoon. It
was then learned that Michaels 'had
left town and a search was instituted
for him with the result that he was
apprehended at Carbondale. Mich
aels had evidently walked out of
Honesdale as far as Waymart where
he boarded the 4:40 D. & H. tralu
for Carbondale.
County Detective N. B. Spencer
went to Carbondale as soon as Mich
aels was reported to have been
found and brought him to Honesdale
Tuesday morning on the 9:55 train.
Michaels was arrainged before
'Squire It. A. Smith In the court
house, where he pled "not guilty"
and waived a hearing. He was held
for court under $200 bond.
Three years ago Michaels was
tried and convicted of forgery before
Judge Searle In the Wayne county
courts on two offenses. One was the
forging of the name of John Kuh
bach to two checks of $15 and $18.
They were cashed by J. P. Dunn and
Michael Galvin, respectively.
On January 17, 1910, he was sen
tenced to the Eastern Peniten
tiary at Philadelphia for a term of
not less than one and one half years
or more than ten years for each of
fense. He was released on parole last
April, his sentence having been sus
pended on good behavior.
Detroit, Mich., Jan. .5. Eben
Smith Wheeler, chief United States
engineer in this district, .and chair
man of the Nicaraguan Canal com
mission, died at his home here to
day. He was seventy-four years old
and was horn in Wayne county, Pa.
Death was due to heart disease.
Mr. Wheeler was born Aug. 27,
1839. He was the son of Ransom
and Adeline Wheeler. In 18 G7 he
'graduated from the University of
Michigan -with the degree of civil
engineer. He received the degree of
Bachelor of Science In 1897.
Mr. Wheeler was married to Miss
Clara P. Fuller of Detroit, Mich., In
that city. He was engineer in
charge of the construction of the
Saut Ste. Marie locks and was chief
engineer of the Nicaragua Canal
Commission In 1897.
The Honesdale district Sunday
School convention will be held at the
Methodist Episcopal church, White
Mills, on Thursday, January lb
There will be three sessions, mora-
lng, afternoon and evening.
Miss Martha E. Robinson, of
Bloomsburg, one of the Sabbath
School State field workers, will bo in
attendance. She Is desirous of meet
ing all of the officers of the Wayne
County Sunday School Association
at that time.
The officers of the association is
anxious that delegates elected at
tend the convention, as a most In
teresting program is being prepared.
A special Invitation is extended to all
Sunday school workers to bo pres
ent. Death of Mnrtin Dymond.
Martin Dymond, formerly of Haw
ley, died at 1004 Simpson street,
New York City, at the residence of
.Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gaffney on Wed
nesday, Jan. 1, 1913. He is sur
vived by two sisters, Mary and Hel
en, of Scratnon. He was a nephew
of Mr. and Mrs. Gaffney of Hawley,
and for many years made his home
with them on the East Side. When
the family removed to New York he
accompanied them and has since re
sided at that palce. He was a young
man of excellent habits and was
highly regarded by those who knew
him here. The body was taken to
Scranton to the home of an aunt and
the funeral was hold from St. John's
Catholic church, South Side, Satur
day morning.
Columbian Cases to Bo Tried.
Warren, Knapp & O'Malley, attor
neys of Scranton, were reached by
'phone Tuesday morning, and say
that the cases against the Columbian
Protective Association will be tried
at the Wayne county January Term
of Court, notwithstanding any nc
tlon taken by any person to the con
trary. The four cases are on trial
against the Columbian Protective
Association on their contract of re
Insurance, and thero Is no way of
avoiding trial by either the Colum
iblan Protective Association or any of
their supporters.
Edward W, Schilling . . . .Honesdale
Ella M. Frey Beach Lake
Rupert Geary ........ Carbondale
Orra Bidwell Hawley
HAS .$4,700,000 INSURANCE IN
The Wayne County Farmers' Mut
ual Fdre Insurance company held Its
regular annual election at the offico
of the secretary, P. A. Clark, on
Monday afternoon. The following
directors were unanimously elected:
James Moylan, Waymart It. D.; H.
C. Jackson, Tyler Hill; E. T. Tif
fany, Pleasant Mount; Robt. Whlt
taker, South Sterling; S. R. Crane,
Uswlck; J. L. Noble, Arlington; J.
I. Bates, Dyberry; Perry A. Clark,
Honesdale; J. B. Meglvern, Cold
Spring; Walter Vetterleln, Paupack.
The directors then elected the of
ficers for the ensuing year as fol
lows: Pesident, Hon. H. C. Jackson;
vice-president, E. T. Tiffany; secre
tary, Perry A. Clark; treasurer, J.
I. Bates.
The Wayne County Farmers' Mut
ual Fire Insurance company was in
corporated August 27, 1890. Dur
ing the 23 years just closed Perry A.
Clark has efficiently filled the office
of secretary and was re-elected on
The company has over $4,700,000
Insurance In force and during the
last year has written over $200,000
of Insurance.
Spontaneous combustion in a bed
room of the home of John Ashby,
Kimble Place, resulted in a fire Sat
urday morning that did considerable
damage to the tenement house owned
by J. E. Richmond and Miss Char
lotte Baumann.
Mrs. Ashby was entertaining Mrs.
John Baumann Saturday morning
and during her conversation the visi
tor asked Mrs. Ashby If the children
were up stairs playing, that she
heard noises similar to that of a
child falling on the floor. Mrs. Ash
by told her neighbor that there was
nobody upstairs. Mrs. Baumann
then stepped to the door, looked up,
when she discovered flames on the
second floor. An alarm of fire was
sent in to which all the fire com
panies responded. At first two
streams were turned on the 'burning
building, which, however, was con
fined to one bedroom. Water was
secured from the hydrant at Indus
try point. The stream was soon
shut off as the conflagration was
small. A few of the firemen then
entered the room and threw out the
contents, which consisted chiefly of
small pieces of cloth, cotton rags,
clothing, bed quilts, etc.
Mr, Ashby's loss is about $50.
The building was damaged to the
extent of $200. Insurance covered
the 'loss.
David French, who since 1873 has
been a resident of Wayne county,
died Saturday at midnight at tile
home of his daughter, Mrs. Freder
ick Brooks, East Honesdale. Mr.
French was born In Mollington,
Eneland. December 1'5. 1832, and
was therefore 80 years old last
month. On coming to Honesdale he
received employment with the late
E. T. Beers. Later he went to m
dian Orchard, where toe lived over
30 years. During the past three
years he has lived at East- Hones
dale. Mr. Frencn was marnea in
England over a half century ago and
besides his faithful and devoted wife
with whom he has lived so many
years, Mr. French is survived by the
following sons ana aaugnters:
George, of Long Island City, N. Y.;
Henry, of Binghamton; Frank, Al
bert and John, of Ottawa, Canada;
William, of Indian Orchard; Reuben
and Mrs. Frederick Brooks, of East
Honesdale and Mrs. George Good-
Ulan, of East Cherry Ridge. The
funeral will be held Wednesday af
ternoon at 1 o'clock from the de
ceased's late home, Rev. Will H. hii-
ler officiating. Interment will be
made at Indian Orchard. For many
years Mr. French was a member of
the Honesdale Central Methodist
Enlsconal church and was a consist
ent Christian. He leaves a number
of relatives who have the sympathy
of the community in their bereave
ment. Mr. French was a highly re-
spected citizen. He will be missed
by a large circle of friends.
The Honesdale Consolidated Water
company elected officers Tuesday at
ternoon as follows: S. A. McMullen
president; J. D. Weston, vice-presi
dent; la. U. Mumrora, treasurer; j
J. Smith, secretary, a. a. jucjuui-
len. Jr.. was re-elected superintend'
ent. A number of improvements are
contemplated for the ensuing year,
The Wayne c 'uty commissioners
met on Tuesdr ...lihelr office In the
court house Kdypcrganlzed for the
ensuing yefjjpelectlng John Male,
president Srthe board; Thomas Y,
Boyd, clerk and Homer Greene so
The tax levy was fixed at four
mills, being the same as last year.
Death of Norrls Brown.
Norrls Brown, an aged and re
spected citizen of Preston township
died at his home at Poyntello on
Wednesday evening of last week
from pneumonia. The funeral was
held on Sunday at 11 o'clock, Rev
Lehman officiating. Interment
the Brooking cemetery. The Satur
day before he died he was In the vll
logo, seeming in the best of health.
walking from his home one mile ana
back. He leaves, 'beside his wife,
two sons and one daughter. Mrs.
C. K. Schoonover of this place, Is a
sister of the deceased.
Mrs. Edward, Hnttler Dies in nawley.
Mrs. Edward Hattler died on Fri
day last after a prolonged Illness in
Hawley. She Is survived by a hus
band and several children. The fun
eral was held on Sunday, Rev. Ru
dolf Lucas officiating.
Bnlnnco In Treasury $2,552.02
Taul McGrnnnghaii Asks Who Is
To Pay Opinion Given Street
Railway Asks Expression of
Council About Franchise.
The borough council met on
Thursday last at 8 p. m. All mem
bers were present Including Burgess
C. A. McCarty and Street Commis
sioner Lawrence Weidner. Presi
dent Martin Caufleld called the ses
sion to order and Secretary John
Erk read the 'minutes of the last
regular meeting which were ap
proved. The report of the treasurer, G. W.
Penwarden, was approved. It was
as follows:
Balance on hand last meet-
' ing $4,241.4C
Received from C. K. Schoon
Received from F. J. Var
coo Received from H. Schuer
holz 4.00
Total ; $4,548.80
Paid out $1,996.18
Balance $2,552. C2
Received from H. Schuerholz,
1910 $192.90
1911 249.05
1912 227.94
Total $669.89
William Dodge appeared before the
council and stated that there were
three private sewers north of the
town sewer on Main street. The
owners, he stated, would like to
connect with the borough line.
President Martin Caufleld told Mr.
Dodge that each property owner
could connect with the town sewer
by paying $40 for the privilege of
tapping. A committee of three was
appointed by President Caufleld to
take over the private sewer.
Paul McGranaghan was present
and asked the council If some defl-!
nite arrangements could not be
brought about or made for the pay
ment of the care, and maintenance
of the smallpox patient, also the in
convenience to his boarders and the
expense to his hotel while under
quarantine. A written opinion of the
borough solicitor was read by the
secretary as to the liability of the
borough for the expense incurred by
reason of the quarantine. In sub
stance: The 'borough of Honesdale
is not liable for any expense incurred
by reason of the quarantine, but if
liability exists at all the poor dis
trict of Honesdale and Texas town
ship is liable for the payment of all
the expenses of, the quarantine ex
cept the guards outside. They were
paid for by the town.
Postmaster M. B. Allen, repre
senting the Wayne -County Street
Railway company, presented a writ
ten request that the council give an
expression regarding the granting of
a franchise through the streets of
the borough of Honesdale for the
proposed street railway. No fran
chise was asked for but an expres
sion of the council towards the
granting of a franchise. After the
Incorporation of the company the
State requires such an expression In
order to have assurance that the
company would receive such a fran
chise after the granting of the char
ter. The following resolution was
then adopted by the council:
WHHHHAS, a communication has
been received from the Wayne Coun
ty Railway Company, stating that
the company is about to apply to the
State of Pennsylvania, for a charter
for the construction and mainten
ance of a Street Railway Company,
and requesting the Town Council of
the Borough of Honesdale to take
cognizance of samo by the adoption
of a resolution of approval of the
same by indicating that favorable
action will be taken when the peti
tion is presented before the Bor
ough Council for a franchise for the
said company.
Now, therefore, at a regular
meeting of the said Council of the
Borough of Honesdale, It was Re
solved, that the following resolution
regarding the matter 'be adopted,
The Town Council of the Borough
of Honesdale Is In full sympathy
with the Wayne County Railroad
Company, In its efforts to construct
and operate a street railway through
the streets of the borough of Hones
dale as now proposed by the said
company and the council wish to
give expression to its willingness to
grant a franchise for the same
through the borough at such time as
application may he made therefore
by the said company. Conditions
for the best Interests of the citizens
of the Borough helng favorably and
carefully guarded.
John Stapleton appeared before
the council with a petition asking for
the appointment of street commis
sioner for the ensuing year. Mr,
Stapleton was Informed by President
Caufleld that no such vacancy existed
as the organization last year was for
two years, expiring with the first
Monday in January, 1914.
The following bills were then or
dered paid:
Dr. H. B. Ely $ 4.55
Canlvan & McGlnnis ...... 12.30
Electric Light Co 373.74
Dr. L. B. Nellsen 3.90
Bell Telephono Co 3.40
Water Company 325.00
John Carroll
Chas. Truscott
Kraft & Conger 36.05
Consolidated Telephone Co. . 30.00
John Canlvan 60.00
Levi DeGroat 50.00
M. B. Allen 15.00
L. Weidner, Roadman 11.00
H. Knorr 5.84
L. Weidner (team) 14.38
L. Weidner (labor) 12.00
Fred Castile 5.84
Fred Mauer 5.84
W. J, Barnes , 15.20
John Glbbony 10,00
Was Head of St. Paul Railroad
Died in New York on Friday
. Has Three Sisters Living in
Roswell Miller, chairman of the
board of directors of the Chicago,
Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad,
was found dead In bed at his home,
19 East Sixty-second street, early
Friday morning.
He had suffered from apoplexy for
several years, and It is thought he
had a stroke in the night, dying
without being able to call for as
sistance. Mr. Miller has been In good health
lately. He spent the holidays In his
summer home at Mlllbrook, N. Y.,
and went to his office, 42 Broadway,
on Thursday last as usual.
Mr. Miller, who as chairman of
the board of directors of the St.
Paul took- a large part In raising
millions which that road required
for its Pacific coast extension, was
born in Harford, Pa., October 28,
1843. He was educated In the pub
lic schools and academy of that
town, and when he left school he en
tered the service of the Cairo and
Vlncennes Railroad. His rise was
rapid in that service, and he soon
became secretary. Then he was ap
pointed superintendent, and held
that position until 1882, when he
changed to the Chicago and Western
Indiana Railroad, becoming second
vice-president and treasurer.
The next year he became assistant
to the general manager of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail
road; a year later he became gener
al manager. In 1885 he was ap
pointed general manager, and held
this position for three years.
Then he was appointed president
and general manager of the St. Paul.
He did double duty for two years,
and In 1890 was relieved of the work
as manager. As president Mr. Mil
ler directed the affairs of the rail-
road for nine vears.
In 1899, he
became chairman of the board of di
rectors, 'being head of the New York
office, the duty of which Is to direct
.the finances of the road.
The growth of the St. Paul to Its
present importance occurred in the
years that Mr. Miller was connected
with it. The largest work which the
road undertook with him In charge
of the finances was the extension
from St. Paul to Seattle.
His wife, who was Miss Mary L.
Roberts, of Now York, whom he
married in 1893, survives him.
Mr. Miller is survived by three
sisters, all of whom live In Hones
dale, namely, Mrs. E. F. Torrey,
Mrs,, J. F. Edgar and Miss Sarah
Muter". '
Republicans Hold Caucus and Nomi
nate Scott, But Not a Mnjority
in Attendance Alter Likely
to bo Speaker.
Harrlsburg, Jan. 6. Fifty-seven
Republican members of the House
of Jtepresentatlves held a Republi
can caucus tonight or rather failed
at holding it. Fifty-six Democrats
did hold a caucus. Gathered In
the Republican caucus were the Al
legheny and Philadelphia County re
presentatlves and a few others, while
ninety-three Republicans and Wash
ingtonlans stayed away.
One hundred and 'four are required
to elect and It Is taken for granted
here that George E. Alter, of Alle
gheny county has the ninety-three
votes pledged. That number doesn't
represent his main strength however,
for Ave of the fifty-seven at the
"Regular caucus" voted for Mr. Al
ter after declaring that 'they would
not he bound by the caucus result
Four others, one of whom did not
vote and two of whom voted for G.
W. Allen, of Allegheny, and one for
John R. K. Scott, of Philadelphia
announced that they would not be
bound by the result of the caucus
That gives Alter 102 votes two short
of the number necessary to elect.
The only thing missing at the
caucus of the regulars was the votes,
John R. K. Scott was made the cau
cus nominee for speaker. He made
a speech and so did George Rich
ards, of Allegheny, who placed Mr,
Allen's name before the caucus and
W. H. Wilson, of Philadelphia, who
nominated Mr. Scott.
Tho five Lackawanna Republican
Washington members, and all of the
other Northeastern representatives
of that political faith stayed away
from the caucus. Although contrary
to expectations, although two cau
cuses were held, those who partlci
pated In the caucus will not organize
the house.
Death of Mrs. Laura Schenck.
Laura Dibble, relict of H. P,
Schenck, died at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Warren P. Schenck
Monday night, January 6, 1913, of
pneumonia. She was born in Gil
ford, Shire county, New York, on
March 14, 1828, and came to Wayne
county about thirty-eight years ago.
She was eighty-four years, ten
'months and nine days old at the time
of her death. She had been a resi
dent of Cherry Ridge for forty-six
years. She was a member of the
Cherry Ridge M. E. church, having
been a devout member of that faith
for sixty-six years. She Is survived
by an only child, Mrs. W. P. Schenck.
The funeral will bo held at the home
of her daughter Friday morning at
10:30 o'clock. The services will be
conducted by Rev. Will H. Hlller, as
sisted by Rev. Walker, of Cherry
Ridge. Interment will be made in
the Cherry Ridge cemetery.
F. C. Kimble 60.66
Dr. Griffin 35.75
Honesdale Water Co. ...... 54.03
Citizen's bill 12.00
Fred Pohle is on a 'business trip
to Now York.
H. F. Gurney spent Monday and
Tuesday in town,
Jacob Doetch spent Sunday with
relatives at Calllcoon.
Mrs. Michael F. Fritz is visiting
relatives in Mlddletown.
John Martin is confined to his
home with an attack of grip.
Frances Hafney spent last week
with her parents at Lake Como.
Wm. Mengel recently spent a few
days with his parents of Scranton.
Mrs. G. T. Rodman and four
daughters, of Hawley, are In Hones
dale. Miss Anna Abrams, of Scranton,
spent tho past week with Honesdale
Mrs. C. Pichel returned to New
York on Sunday after spending a few
days In town.
Miss Helen Oakes returned from
New York Sunday where she had
been visiting.
Mrs. Nicholas Lorls and daughter
Miss Margaret, were Honesdale visi
tors this week.
Clarence Helstern has returned
after spending a week with friends
in Binghamton.
Hon. F. P. Kimble is steadily Im
proving, much to the gratification of
his many friends.
Mrs. Elbert Lillle, of Clinton, Is
spending a few days with her sister,
Mrs. Geo. P. Ross.
Fred Reichenbaker of New York
city, spent last week renewing old
acquaintances here.
F. S. Merrltt returned on Satur
day after spending the holidays in
Boston and New York.
Miss Anna M. Ball, of West Pitts-
ton, Is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. J. D. Weston.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ewaln, of
Equinunk, were calling on friends
here Thursday of last week.
Miss Margaret Greene returned to
her studies at Wells College, Aurora,
N. Y on Monday of this week.
Mrs. Arthur B. Hull returned to
New York Tuesday after making a
short stay at her former home here.
Misses Anna and Clara Ripple
were recent guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. James, Carbon'
William Rlefler returned to Law'
renceville, N. J., Monday, after
spending a few days with relatives
Father Charles Canlvan, of Coney
Island, N. Y., is visiting his mother,
Mrs. Ann J. Canlvan, on Ridge
Mrs. G. W. Decker returned Sat
urday from a few days' stay with
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Coon at Clarks
Miss Eva Burkett 'has returned to
Mansfield State Normal, school after
spending the holidays with rela;
tlves here.
Mrs. Frank Evans and daughter,
Edith, returned from Wilkes-Barre
Saturday after spending two weeks
with her mother there.
Mrs. C. E. Sandercock and son,
Charles, have returned home after
a few days' sojourn at the home of
her father In Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis, of
Unlondale, entertained at dinner on
New Year's day about twenty-flve of
their friends at dinner.
Miss Addle Tucker, of Thompson,
and Fred Pickering, of Gibson, were
married on New Year's Day by Rev.
A. C. Olver, of Damascus
Miss Anna Frederic has returned
to her home in Newark, N. J., after
spending some months with her
brother, Paul Frederic, here,
Miss Amy E. Clark returned to
Paultz, N. Y., Monday, after spend
ing the past two weeks with her par
ents, Hon. and Mrs. P. A. Clark.
William Heft, Jr.. of Deposit, N,
Y., has returned homo after spend
lng several weeks at the home of his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H
Charles Gerry returned Saturday
to New York after spending a few
days with his mother, Mrs. John
Gerry, and brother, Chester, at this
Franklin, son of Rev. and Mrs
C. C. Miller, returned Monday after
spending the holidays with his
grandfather, F. B. Eberhardt, In Al
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson, o
Scranton, returned on Friday last
after a few days' visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. varcoo on Dy
berry Place.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hand and
Mrs. Pflume returned to their home
In Sag Harbor, N. Y., Tuesday after
spending a few days with relatives
In Honesdale.
Attorney and Mrs. Chester H. Gar
ratt returned home Monday night
from their wedding trip which In
cluded points of interest In and about
New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimble have
returned to Springfield, Mass., after
visiting at tho homes of their respec
tive parents at Carley Brook and In
Oregon township.
Misses Clair Simons, Elba Alt,
Clara Basley, Charley Curtis and Ar
thur Curtis, all of Hamlin, returned
to their duties at East Stroudsburg
Normal school Monday.
Mr. onjlrs. Homer Greene will
go to Njjpfbrk this week for a stay
of sepPir weeks. They will be at
thejlel Van Reusselaer, Eleventh
street, near Fifth Avenue.
Mrs. Arthur B. Hull and little
daughter, Elizabeth, returned to
their home In Rahway, N. J., to-day,
after spending some time with the
former's mother, Mrs. Robert Tor
rey. Otto W. Iloff returned home from
Syracuse University where he Is a
law student on Monday and will
spend several days at tho home of
his brother and sister-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. P. H. Iloff
Reuben Brown and Austin Lyons,
students of tho Michigan Law school
at Ann Arbor, returned the first of
tha week, to that Institution, after
spending the holiday season with
1 their respective parents here.
Slxty - Thrco Received From Norris-
town Asylum nnu Twcnty-Ono
From IJanville All Orderly and
The State Hospital for the Crim
inal Insane at Farvlew started on its
career as a nursery of the state's un
fortunates Friday when sixty-three
convicts were received by special
train from the Norrlstown asylum
for the Insane. The sixty-three came
under a guard of sixty-seven sheriffs,
deputy sheriffs and doctors, in two
Philadelphia and Reading coaches
and were received under formal com
mitment by Superintendent T. C.
A second delegation of twenty-one
more was received Friday night
from Danville and those with tho
sixty-three from Norrlstown and
William Smith, a Fayette county.
homicide, who was received fifteen
days ago, make a family of eighty
five for the Farvlew hospital to caro
for. The sixty-three and the twenty-one
on entering the asylum wore
escorted to one of the large day
rooms which later will become work
rooms, and remained orderly and
peaceful there until dinner was pre
pared In the large dining hall In the
basement. After the dinner the men
returned to the day room, where
they remained until assigned to
proper quarters.
Considering the rush of arrivals
all coming together the situation
was handled In exceptional style by
the superintendent and his attend
ants. After their long trip, the men
were tired and hungry, but In spite
of that fact they waited patiently un
til 3 o clock when a smoking hot
dinner of boiled potatoes, roast meat,
stewed fish, tomatoes, coffee and
bread was served In generous dishes.
There was no complaint of illness in
the party, which is a rare thing in
the transferring of Insane patients.
as no class of persons are more sus
ceptable to Illness through change
of environment than the insane.
Of tho sixty-four charges received
prior to the coming of the Danville
delegation, only about twelve were
confined to Individual rooms. Those
few are classified as "violents," and
will not be permitted to mingle with
the large body of patients, who as
soon as arrangements can be made
will he put to useful occupations at
the hospital. Among other occupa
tions, the Inmates will be put to work
at rag carpet weaving, 'basket weav
ing, mat weaving and broom mak
ing, and also at general housework.
Mrs. Elizabeth, Maine of Glovers-
vllle, N. Y., Is a guest at the home
of John Seltz.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill. Jr., of
Avoca have been guests at the home
or Mr. ana Mrs. P. A. Clark.
Miss Laura Bullock returned to
Syracuse University on Monday. Her
sister, Miss Charlotte, will leave for
Ossining-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., Wed
nesday afternoon.
Miss Harriet Arnold, supervisor of
music in the public schools, is pre
paring the children to give an oper
etta Friday evening, February 7, In
the High school auditorium.
Mrs. Kate Lunger returned to
Philadelphia Tuesday, where she ex
pects to remain until spring, when
she will again come to Honesdale.
Mrs. Lunger has been a guest In the
home of her brother, William Evans,
on Dyberry Place.
Miss Elizabeth Lowe, of Hones
dale, spent yesterday as the guest of
Misses Evelyn and Sadie Lane of
Seventh avenue. Miss Vanet
ta Schenk and children Raymond and
Edna, of Hawley, have returned
home after spending the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. DeRoy Bryant of
Archbald street. Carbondale Lead
er. Joseph Fox, the popular baggage
master on the Honesdale Delaware
and Hudson passenger train, enter
tained the crews and conductors of
the freight and local passenger trains
at a bachelor dinner In Hotel Harri
son In Carbondale on Sunday. Mr.
Fox announced to his friends that
on Wednesday he was going to join
the benedicts by becoming married
to Miss Adeline Relchenbacker.
Miss Flossie Bryant returned to
Smith College, on Monday. Miss
Olive Bryant returned to Mlddle
vllle, N. Y., where she Is engaged at
teaohing, on Saturday. Miss. Pearl
Bryant, a teacher in the Hawley
High school, returned to her duties
on Monday.
Born, In Scranton, a daughter,
to Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Price, of
"West street
Edward W. Schilling of Hones
dale and Miss Ella M. Frey, of Beach
Lake, were married at St. Mary Mag
dalen's parsonage by Rev. J. W.
Balta on Monday.
Clara Heine, nee Falk, beloved
wife of Aronld B. Heine, and mother
of Lulu Canilo, Benjamin and Ar
thur, died suddenly In New York
city on Monday, Jan. 6, 1913.
Tho crews of tho passenger and
freight trains of the Delaware and
Hudson road were In Carbondale on
Sunday to receive Instructions on
tests made on compressed air.
A good sized and appreciative
audience greeted Mrs. Frledewald on
Saturday, at her recital reading for
this season, before an Honesdale au
dlence. Mr. Oday has very kindly
and helpfully given the use of tho
library In the High school, with Its
atmosphere of books, and setting of
good light, and tho room in which
to hold these readings. Maurlco
Maeterlinck's subtle drama, "Sister
Beatrice," was analytically read by
Mrs. Frledewald, In her usual mas
terful wax. A resume of this
drama, and a few euggestlvo
thoughts on tho number marked
second on the program, "The Prom
ised Land," by Mary Antln, -will be
given In anothor Issue of The Citizen.