PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1912. PItOFKHS I ONATj GAUDS. Attorncvs-ot-Lnw. TT WILSON, XL. ATTOKNKY A C0UN8KL0K-AT-I.AW. onice iulnrent to Tost Qlllce in Dlmmlcl olllce. lloncsdalc, 1'n. WTM. 11. LKE, TT ATTORNEY A COUNHKI.On-AT-LAW. Office over post olllce. All legal ImMiiett promptly nuciuicu to. jumrsanie, I'n. 0. MUMFORD, !i. ATTOKNKY A COUNBEt.OIl-AT-LAW Office I.lliertr Hull liiiUilinc. opnostto tht i-osi uuice. iioncsiiaic. rn. HOMER GREENE. ATTOKNKY A COUNSEI.OK-AT-LAW Onico: Helf Building, Honesdale. CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTOKNKY A COUNSELOR IT-LAW Special niul prompt attention civen totbe collection 01 claims. Ofllco: Rolf Building, Honesdale. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW OHice in the Court House, Honesdale s EAULE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A C0UNSKL0R8-AT-LAW. Offices latclv occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COUNbELOR-AT-LAW Office adjacent to Post Office, Honesdale, Pa. Dentists. TvR. E. T. BROWN, X) DENTIST. Office First floor, old Savlnss flank build' Ins, Honesdale. Pa. D R. C. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, TA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' Phone. Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 1126 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, TA, Kyeand Ear a specialty. The ilttlnc of class' cs clven careful attention. F. G. RICKARD Prop PIRST-CLASS WAGONS, ItHLIAIlLE HOUSES. Special Attention Given to Transit Business. STOKE BARN CHURCH STREET. W. C. SPRY BEACIUjAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALEO ANYW1IEUK EV STATE. r Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. OVER 65 YEARS' PCRIENCE 4" itMuc ninnno fltroir no C0PYHIGHT3 &C. Anrono Rending n pketrh nnd description may quick)? ascertain our uptnioii free whether au Invention Is prohnbljr muntnbl. Coromunlcjv tlouBfttrictlrronutlcittlal. HANDBOOK onl'atenta vent free. Oldest auency for fiecuiinir patents. 1'atentfl taken thruuch Munn A Co. receive $peeUl notice, without charge. In the Scientific Jfmertcatt A handaomelr Hlnotrnted weoklr. T-anrest cir culation of any eclenttllo Journal. Terms, (3 a your: lour months, U Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN&Go.36'0' New York Branch Office. (35 F SU Washington, 1). C J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Ilavo mo and snvo money. AVI attend bales nnywlicro in State. Address WAYMART, PA.CR. D.3 JOSEPH N. WELCH ire nsuratnee The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. Ofllco: Second floor Masonic Build- Ins, over C. C. Jadwln's druir store. Honesdale. C We wlsli to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don't be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops IIVERY I 1 oil FIRST POSE ENDS INDIGESTION, HEAUTBUUN, Oil OAS ON STOMACH. The question as to 1iow long you are going to continue to suffer Irom Indigestion, dysponsla or out-or-or dor stomach is merely a matter of how soon you begin taking Bloodlno. If your stomach Is lacking in di gcstlvo power, why not help tho stomach to do lt3 work, not with drastic drugs, but as re-enforcement of digestive agents, such as are nat urally nt work In the Btomach. People with weak stomachs should tako n little Bloodlno occasionally, and there will bo no more indiges tion, no feeling llko a lump of lead in tho stomach, no heartburn, bout risings, gas on stomach, or belching of undigested flood, headaches, diz ziness or sick stomach: and helsdcs, what you eat will not ferment and poison your breath with nauseous odors. All these symptoms resulting from a sour, out-of-order stomach and dyspepsia aro generally relieved live minutes after taking a littlo Bloodlue. Go to your druggist and get a 50- cent bottle of Bloodlue now and you will always go to tho table with a hearty appetite, and what you eat will taste good, because your stom ach and Intestines will bo clean and fresh and you will know there are not going to be any more bad nights and miserable days for you. Blood lue will freshen you and mako you feel like life Is worth living. Bloodlue costs but 50 cents a bot tle. Mall ordors filled. Tho Blood lno Corporation, Boston, Mass. For sale by C. C. Jadwln. SHERIFF'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. -By virtue of process issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Wayne county, and State of Pennsylvania, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on and will expose to public sale, at the Court House in Honesdale, on FRIDAY, DEC. 27, lOJii, 2 1. M. All the defendant's right, title, and Interest in the following de scribed property viz: All that certain niece or parcel of land, together with tho improve ments thereon, situate on the West side of West street in the borough of Honesdale, bounded and describ ed as follows, to wit: Beginning at tho southeast corner of Levi H. Adams' lot and thenco at right angles with West street along said Adams line westerly one hunderd and twenty-live feet; thence souther ly along the line of E. Nelbauer forty-five feet and thence in an easterly direction along tho lino of Wm. T. Moore one hundred and twenty-five feet to West street and thence northerly along tho western lino of West street forty-five feet to the place of beginning. Being the same land which J. Adam Itelten auer and wife conveyed to Emma G. Secor by deed dated February 5. 1SS3, and recorded In Wayne County ueed UooK No. G9. at page 388. etc. The description above set forth is tho same as the description con tained in said deed. On tho abovo described premises there is a large two and one-half story frame dwelling. Seized and taken in execution as tho property of Emma G. Secor at the suit of J. P. Spencer and H. T. Wright, Exrs. No. 80 October Term, 1912. Judgment, $1,500, with interest from August 8, 1S99, less ?200 paid on said Interest. At torneys, Searle & Salmon. TAKE NOTICE All bids and costs must be paid on day of sale or deeds will not bo acknowledged. FRANK C. KIMBLE, Sheriff. Honesdale, Nov. 27, 1912. NOTICE OP ELECTION. Notice is hereby given that the an nual meeting of tho Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will bo held in tho office of the company In Honesdale on MONDAY, JANUARY fl, 1013, at ten o'clock a. m. for the transac tion of general business and that an election will be held at tho samo place of meeting between the hours of one and two o'clock p. m. of said day, for tho purpose of electing ten members of said company to act as directors for the ensuing year. Every person Insured in said com pany Is a member thereof and en titled to ono vote. PERRY A. CLARK, Sec. Honesdale, Dec. 4, 1912. 97w4 CHICHESTER S PILLS j-- THE DIAMOND Hit A Ml iiiiand iili.n. S rursknoirauDnt, Strut. AlinytRtlliblt SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE WE WILL MAIL YOU SI lot tick lull Ml of FiIm Tttlb or 50c tor V, ,tl farllil mi Id proportion. cub prlcei piU lor 01. Gold. Silver, Pliliinm, Dlimondnna Jiwelrr Seoi whit yon hive todir P111U. SMELTING & REFINING COMPANY ElTAUUIHI 20 YKAM 623 CHESTNUT 3T , PHILADELPHIA. PA ... puvuns mh.inci. GROWING WAYMART BIDS YOU WELCOME Tho hustling littlo borough of Waymart, located on tho Honcsdalo branch of tho Delawaro and Hudson railroad, at the base of tho Moosic mountains, is growing rapidly. Thero Is only ono house vacant in that village and it is ono of tho best built houses, there, too. It con tains eight rooms and Is a storo and dwelling combined. Can bo used for two families. Tho proporty is lo cated in tho center of tho town and is directly opposite tho postolllco. It -would mako an ideal place for al most any kind of business. Tho lot is GOxlGO feet and can be bought on easy terms of tho Huy-U-A-IIoino Realty Company, Honosdalo, Pa., Jadwln building. If you cannot come to Honesdale use tho telephone or write and further description will bo cneeriully given. VStr. Ladlr! Ail. your JruUt for iir'.Y ! J UrumiA I'llL In lUd tod Hold mruUlcNArV Klled with Blue RlUwn. VX Tale no otktr. II ur of Ton- V urn. .1.1- ivrn.4 Il.fir. COLOIiEL OF THE TENTH HUSSARS Why the Career of a Young Officer Was Cut Short. "Father, what's tho mutter? There In something on your mind." The daughter of Baron Balleustcln had just come In from a gallop on horseback over ditches and hedges and was bespattered with mud. Hcrcheekn were Hushed with exercise. A thick coll of hair had come unloosened and was resting on her shoulder. "I havo been nolilled, my dear, that I must be enrolled In the military serv ice and go out to light the king's bat tles. 1 am too old to do such duty, and we are too poor to provide a nub stltute. About all we havo left Is our title of nobility, and as you are all girls even that will puss from us nt my death." "Don't worry, father, dear; we'll find f-ome way out of tho trouble." A fow days later a youth, evidently about olghtecn. sallied forth from the baron's estato, walked briskly to the town and presented himself at a re cruiting station. Ho gave his name as Caspar, son of Baron llallenstelu of Ballcnstcln castle. Tho recnilllng of ficer rose at tho announcement. "I did not know the baron had a son," ho said. "I bare been long nway," replied tho youth. Caspar Ballcnstcln was enrolled In the cavalry and sent to u barracks for Instruction and drill. A son of tho house of Ballcnstcln could not be per mitted to remain In the ranks, and young Caspar was soon promoted to be a subaltern officer. Ho was rapidly advanced, and in tho first fight that occurred in which he took part most of tho field officers woro killed, and he was made major. This gavo him the command of his regiment while still n mero boy. Naturally ono so young in so high a position excited much attention In the army. It was especially remarked that the officer, though brave and dashing, was ono of those men who from some congenital cause are effeminate. His girlish expressions often excited mor llmont Instead of saying to a brother officer, "You're a chump!" he would say, "You ore very' disagreeable!" In stead of swearing at any bit of ill luck he would exclaim, "now provoking!" And, notwithstanding his leadership In bnttle, in camp ho was considered a lax disciplinarian. His men came to consider almost any tale of woe to tho major quite enough to excuse any neg lect or Infraction of duty. Nevertheless tho little major or colo nelfor be finally gained that rank was adored by Ills men, who would follow him right Into tho jaws of death. True, he was not an adept at tactics, nor did he havo much head for ma neuvering, but these ho did not need. General Sweotzer commanded tho brigado of which Ballensteln's regi ment formed a part. Sweetzer was one moment disgusted with the colonel of the Tenth hussars and at another delighted with him. The time came when he began to glvo orders to his subaltern gently. Ho excused those things in which tho colonel was defi cient. And at last it came to be no ticed that Instead of sending the Tenth to do necessary sacrificial work he was prone to choose some other corps. Bal lcnstein noticed this and pronounced it "real mean," of course drawing forth a burst of laughter that brought a tear to the boy colonel's eye. The truth l tho colonel suspected that Caspar Ballcnstcln was a woman, no had no doubt that his suspicion was correct, but ho could neither prove It to himself nor nny ono elso without what might outrago a woman's most sacred feelings, no thought of pri vately asking tho question of Ballen stcin, but In caso tho answer were In tho negative tho act would be au In BUlt that could only bo wiped out by blood. He finally determined that he could only discover If the young odl cer were a woman by placing him in a position whero ho would act accord ing to sex Instinct Ono day General Sweetzer Invited his regimental commandors to dlno with him. His headquarters were at tho tlmo in a house, and, of courso, tho dinner was set In tho dining room. All tho courses had been served, and cof fee and cigars woro being brought on. When tho door was opened to admit tho servant with the coffeo tho gen eral's striker lot In n tiny animal and immediately closed tho door. "A mouse, a mouse!" cried tho gen eral, rising. None of tho other otlieers moved except Ballensteln, who Jump ed upon his chair and from thero on to the tnble. Then tho general or dered the mouse driven out, and Colo nel Ballensteln descended from his perch. Nothing was said in tho command about the Incident, General Sweetzer having ordered tho secret Kept, but tho next morning It was announced that the colonel of tho Tenth hussars had resigned and his resignation had boon accepted. Tho colonel was not seen again in camp. A few hours after General Sweetzcr's dinner party had broken up a carrlago drovo to Ballen steln's tent, and a mullled figure enter ed and was driven away. This was tho only circumstance thnt became com mon talk with those who discussed the young officer's sudden resignation and disappearance. Simultaneously with this ntfatr a daughter of Baron Ballensteln who had been absout on a visit returned to FUN IN "FUTURES." Fortune Telling For tho Chriitmai Party. Anything In tho nature of fortune tolling is always popular, and, not withstanding denials, there Is a vein of superstition in every one's charac ter. No game is more honrtlly enter ed into thnn ono denllng ostensibly with fate or tho future. Be It Intri cate or simple, It Is fully enjoyed. In tho game of futures great fun is mire to ensue, because the futures can bo previously arranged to suit the con dlUons of certain people, although gen erally the ono In ehnrgo of the web of fate knows ns little of what will bo revealed as tho individual himself. From n given center cords of all colors and conditions, no two alike, extend In every direction upstairs, downstairs and almost in my lady's chamber, ncross each other hero and there, often being knotted together at these points of intersection. Each searcher winds up his cord ns ho proceeds, and many difficulties in tho way of knots to be untied and round and round windings to be unwound he encounters. When ho finally reaches his future it usually proves to be a coin, a toy, a book of nursery tales or some article of abso lute absurdity. This he takes back to tho Individual who started him in pur suit of his fate, who must bo clever enough to give him quite n little In formation ns to what will or will not happen, basing her remarks on the "future" he found nt the end of the cord. Ench "future" thus found is to be considered significant of other things. THE FIRST CHRISTMAS TREE. Custom Originated With Northmen. Hanging the Stockings, Across tho English channel, where tho Gauls and the Franks and the northmen observed the stern rites of tho severe religion of n strong hearted race, trees formed an important part in tho festal observances of tho feast days. The pine tree ever in all ages an object of deserved admiration was greatly revered by tho northern folk. At the time of the midwinter celebra Uon tho northmen hung gifts upon the tree for their gods. As Is readily seen, when the early fathers of the church came to this fierce people with their message of peace it was easy to change the idea of gifts proffered to heathen deities into n custom where offerings were mode to the Christian God. Thus from such humble beginnings began the cherished customs which are our heritage of today. Gift giving on the birthday of Christ may be logically traced to that observance prevalent in the middle ages of having Christmas boxes wherein offerings were placed for the priests. Christmns boxes grad ually became an institution in Chris tian families as well. Hanging up the stockings on Christ mas eve, as the Institution of good St. Nicholas, old Santa Claus, Is of purely Christian origin and started In Germany many hundred years ago. It has become one of the most cherished of the Christmas customs of the civi lized world. National Monthly. Tho Blessed Christmas Time. I walked In tho world today, dear Lord, Midst worth and wealth and fame. Clasped hands with power and beauty, Lord, With loveliness nnd name. I walked in tho world today, dear Lord, Midst perfumes rich and rare. Earth's choicest exotics poured costly breath Upon the heavy air. I walked In tho world today, my Lord, Through crowded hall and mart, Whero fruit or loom and press and brush Each vlo for glory's part. I havo coma apart from the world, dear Lord. Whero the mlchty rulo and shine, To find sweet Joy at thy blessed side, To feast on things divine. Oh, tho world Is poor! I am rich tonight As I walk In tho path of tho star's clear light. And I need no share In tho great world's famo. I am crowned In tho faith of tho 'star child's narao. Christian Work. Christmas Trees For Manila From Alps. Real Christmas trees with all their pristine freshness and with the fra grance of the balsam still clinging to them, ns green as when they were cut In the Alps, nrrlvo in Manila every Christmas season. By a special scientific process the trees when they nrrive to be placed on sale by the Manila merchants are still green and fresh, having been pre served in all their beauty and fra grance by a chemical bath which does not impair the trees iu any way and will preserve them for many years. Manila Times. Yuletida Common Sense. Cut out all presents given from cus tom. Many u girl Is bankrupt or over worked because she has not laid "tho ghosts of a Christmas past." Thero Is no sense In giviug a present to a girl becauso you started to exchange with her ten years back. If you have drift ed apart she will bo as glad to stop tho custom as you are. Greon Rldgo Is to havo another church, tho Pilgrim Congregational congregation having been organized and Rev. B. Wesley Roberts of Now York selected as pastor. It may bo BOtno tlmo hoforo tho Pilgrim Con- I gregatlonal church procures a now nunuing, but by procuring tho uso of tho lino church and Sunday school buildings, as well as tho rectory, now occupied by tho Church of tho Good Shephord. at Green Rldgo street and Monsey avenue, tho new congrega tion will not only presorvo an old church building which should, ro main, but provldo for themselves a splendid homo. I Tho Kind You Ilrtvo Always Bought, and which lias been In uso for over 30 years, has homo tho signature of - and lias heen mado under his pcr CCbTr,, Bonal supcrrlsion since its infancy. uxffy. S-CUtArtl juoxt no ono to accclvo you in tlds. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro hub Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health oC Infants and Children Expcrlcnco against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Fovcrlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TH CINTAU COMPANY. TT DUlluy BTHCCT. HCW TORK CITY. ABSOLUTE avin HONESDALE, PA., 871 41 YEARS BECAUSE we have been transacting a SUCCESSFUL banking business CONTIGUOUSLY since 1S71 and are prepared and qualified to renderVALU ABLE SERVICE to our customers. BECAUSE of our HONORABLE RECORD for FORTY ONE years. BECAUSE of SECURITY guaranteed by our LARGE CAPITAL and SURPLUS of $550,ouo i'0. BECAUSE of our TOTAL ASSETS of S3,l-00,0ort.0o. BECAUSE GOOD MANAGEMENT has mado us the LEADING FINANCIAL INSTITUTION of "Wayne county. BECAUSE of these reasons wo confidently ask you to become a depositor. COURTEOUS treatment to all CUSTOMERS whether their account is LARGE or SMALL. INTEREST allowed from the FIRST of ANY MONTH on Deposits made on or before tho TENTH of the month. OFFICERS : W. IJ. nOhMJES, PRESIDENT. II. S. SALMOX, Cashier. A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President. W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS : T. D. CLARK, E. W. GAMMELL W. P. SUYDAM, II. J. CONGER. W. D. HOLMES, C. J. SMITH. II, S. SALMON. "T Advertise in THE CITIZEN TRY A CENT-A-WORD .VVVVAV Signature of SECURITY. clink OF SUCCESS 1912 J. W. PARLEY, P. P. KIMBLE, A. T. SEARLE. KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Reoresont Reliable Cmiioaiiies ONLY BANlE