THE5 CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1912. PAGE THREE ERK BROS' STORE IS Santa's Gift Shop Our new mid commodious storo Is filled with n varied and complete lino f useful present. Wo sug gest Silver Knives nnd Forks, Tea mid Talilc Spoons, Nickel Ten and Coffeo Pots, Nickel Trays, Sleds. Hn zors, Lamps, Skates, Pocket Knives, Oil Healers, Scissors, Carving Set.s, Etc. RK BROS. HONESDALE. The Golden Staff of Life Bread is the staff of life and golden-brown electric toast is its most delicious and healthful form. There's no use trying to demonstrate or even to imagine that ordinary toast is as good as ELECTRIC TOAST. In making ordinary toast it is very difficult to avoid burning the bread, and burnt bread is something very different from the crisp and delicate toast made by the clean electric heat of the G-E TOASTER The electric toaster enables you to have perfect toast at any time without the fuss and bother of building fires and smoking up the house. There is nothing more suit able for an Electrical Christmas Gift. Get one from the HONESDALE CONSOLIDATED LIGHT, HEAT & POWER CO. le Ideal Guardian of the estates of your minor chil dren. It has the very best facilities for the profitable and wise invest mentand re investment of theprinci- pal and accrued income -The Scranton Trust Co. 510 Spruce Street. Th MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works; 1036 MAIN ST. HONESDALE, PA. g Let us show you a LOW COST policy in the Mutual Life Insurance Co.ofN.Y. OLDEST COMPANY IN AMERICA Paid the most to policy hold ers and beneficiaries. Pays the most in dividends to policy holders INSURE WITH BentleyBros. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Boiler Insurance Liberty Hull Jllds. Honi'sdnlc Consolidated Phone l'JI, SPENCER The Jeweler would like to sec you If 1 you are In the market for JEWELRY, SILVER- L TIT t 71 t nr n'TTT"r i VYAKl, WALL-11 IjJ. CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, i I AND NOVELTIES J 4 X "Guaranteed articles only sold." F T BURGLARS PARDON FOR 360 CONVICTS. Slashed With Razor In Bat tle With Intruder. SCREAMS AND FALLS FAINTING. Robbers, Thought to Be Negroes, Dis turbed In Looting Expedition, Turn on Wealthy Junk Dealer and Stab Him Severely. Philadelphia. Dec. 17. Waking to find two strange tui'ii in lila room, Julius ItelcKtein, who kees n Junk shop at "III! liulnbrtdge street nnd lives In the second story, sprang from his bed nnd tin-1: led the Intruders. In the light which followed his throat was slushed with a razor. The men became, fright ened iliul tied. Weeding profusely. Kelcstein stag gered down to the front door, scream i'd for help and then fell unconscious. McGurlty, a policeman of the Fourth and Iioinni'oy streets station, heard his eric and sent Kelcstein to the Penn s hnnla hospital. Ills condition Is se rious. The Intruders are believed to have been colored men, though Iielcsteln did not get a good look at them, as the room was dark. They gained entrance by forcing a rear window and had ran sacked the shop before venturing to the upper story. A Canndian twenty live cent piece and 13 cents In pennies was all the money in the till. This evi dently made the intruders angry, for it was common rumor in the neighbor hood that Kelcstein was rich and kept considerable money In the place. According to the wounded man, the burglars attacked him the moment he got his feet on the lloor, and he never had a chance In the struggle. Kelcstein has n house at S09 South Sixth street, where he spends part of his time. lie sleeps two or tliree nights a week at his store, however, and Is usually there on Sunday nights so ns to be ready to start bis men out early on Monday morning for junk collect ing. The police believe the burglars intended to torture Kelcstein to make him tell where his money was con- vealed. Gold, Kyan nnd Krelnts, special po licemen of the Second and Christian streets station, believe they have a fair Idea as to the Identity of the intruders. Arkansas Governor's Extraordinary Act Protest Against Lease System. Little Kock, Ark., Dec. 17.-A blow at the convict lease system, employed In Arkansas nnd other stntcs, will bo struck bcro when Governor George W. Donaghey will pardon and free 300 convicts from the stnte penitentiary. This action Is the direct result of sentiments expressed by Governor Do naghey In n speech before the confer ence of governors nt Richmond, Va., two weeks ago. Three convict camps In Arkansas will bo wiped out by the wholesale granting of pardons. These camps nro the ones where convicts nro leased to contract ors and do not Include the enmps whero convicts are employed In building state roads. The convicts Included In the list to be pardoned are serving sentences for minor felonies. Many of them, how ever, were sentenced for fifteen years and more. Governor Donaghey has prepared n lengthy explanation of his nctlon to be presented to the state leg islature In January. lie says: "I have constantly fought the con vict lease system since I have been In public olllce. In every public speech I have denounced It As a member of the penitentiary board I have opposed It In every instance where It was at Issue. Time after time I have pleaded with the legislature to abolish It. but in spite of all this no adequate relief has been given." Remains Within White Houso and Works on Message. Washington, Dec. 17. IJecause of a cold President Tnft canceled all ap pointments nt the executive ofllces nnd remained nt the White House, where he spent a few hours working leisurely on a message which he expects shortly to send to congress. The president's indisposition Is not regarded as serious, but the executive is taking no chances of It interfering with bis trip to Panama. The presi dent will lenve on Friday night. The death of Ambassador Keld will not in terfere with the trip plans. I HP V. OverandAboveihe Shopping Crowds your message wings through the storm-swept streets to the crowd ed, bustling shops. Before any of these tired, bedraggled shoppers have had time to get home on the crowded cars, your purchases are on the way. Through the telephone's ready aid, experience the pleasure of a day well spent complete in sat isfaction and accomplishment. Throw your shopping burdens on the Bell. ire iTiK I x1 THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, W. A. DELLFJORE, Agt., Honesdale, Pa. Special Sale All This Week. Gloves aud Rffliitiens for Xrnas WOMEN AUK IXTEKESTED IX ES- TAIIUSIIIXG LOWEK DEATH KATE AMONG TH Kilt SEX. It has recently been discovered that many women who bollovo thoy are suffering with diseases peculiar to their sex, have, nothing else but kidney trouble or the results of kid ney and bladder diseases. Thous ands of women suffer from kidney troublo and nover know it. When tho kidneys are not in a healthy condition, thoy often cause tho other organs to become diseased, and you become enrvous, lrrltablo and often despondent. When In 111 health you may suffer with bearing down feelings, back ache, and loss of ambition. Many thousands of nervous, lrrltablo and broken down women have restored their health and strength with nioodlno Ulood and Kidney Tablets, thoy make sick kidneys well. Free eamplo and booklet will bo sent by tho Bloodlno Corporation, Boston, Mass. Enclose stamp to pay post' ago. For sale by C, C. Jadwin, Hones' dale, Pa. CHARGED WITH EMBEZZLING. Former Treasurer of Gas Company Ac cused of Taking $187,000. Pittsburgh, Doc. 17. Charged with the embezzlement of $1S7,000, Elmer W. Moore, an nttorney and former treasurer of the Federal Oil and Gns company, whose hendquarters were In Philadelphia, was arrested on Dec. 2 by Oilieer Mc .loskey and was released on $.10.0110 ball last Thursday by Alder man Martin. The warrant charging Moore with embezzlement was sworn out by Unit ed States Marshal E. II. Porter, who Is an olllcer of the compnny. The greatest secrecy surrounded the case until the facts In tho matter leaked out. Tho Information on which the war rant was Issued was made by Porter on Nov. 29 and nlleges that Moore em bezzled $1S7,000 from the Federnl Oil and Gas company while nctlng ns treasurer of that concern. ASK AMY HORSE Sold by ifaalora ovorytvStcro The Atiantlo Refining Company (I All kinds of gentlemen's driving, dress or working gloves and mittens at special prices all this week. Q Each pair packed in fancy holiday box when desired for Xmas gift. G Eig line of Boys' and Children's Gloves and Mittens. ""Come in and look them over. unray Company. USDS Useful Christmas Gifts. Honesdale, Pa. MIMMSMMIMBIMMIUaiSMJlWIIiJlBLIS-JJIU-U LUJUfU 1MSL BIS 11 IS 1 WS HIIPMIIIIW IS1WHI Win I ; INTEREST & Per Cent. Per Cent ON SAV1 PAST0E ATTACKS TURKEY TROT Worse Than Dance of Salome, Says Dr. E. P. Pfatteicher. Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Denouncing the "turkey trot" ns immoral, the Kev. Dr. E. P. Pfatteicher, pastor of the Lutheran Church of tho Holy Com munion in this city, likened it to the danco which Salome performed before Herod. The only difference, he said. was that the "turkey trot" was a little the worse. Dr. Pfatteicher expressed horror that young people should bo encouraged to "dance conjointly" In the snnio fash ion as Salome danced singly. "Sa lome," ho said, "performed for a group of wnnton drunkards, nnd they who witness these affairs today nre little better." COMPOUNDED SEMI-ANNUALLY, ALLOWED BY THE FALL KILLS AGED MAN. Tumbles Down Attic Stairs and Re ceives Broken Neck. West Chester, Pa., Dec. 17. Abra ham Needier, nged eighty-live years, residing near Kocky Hill, was injured and died when ho fell down the nttlc stairway at his home, his neck being broken. An investigation showed the man's death to have been accidental. EGGS DROP IN PITTSBURGH. trictly Fresh" Selling at 38 Cents. Cold Storage at 20. Pittsburgh, Dec. 17. So many fresh eggs wero thrown on the market hero that cold storage eggs broke to 20 cents a dozen retail, and strictly fresh eggs went to IIS cents. A drop In butter Is also impending, local dealers say. Munna Heads Cornell's Eleven. Pittsburgh, Dec. 17. James J. Munns of this city, left guard on the Cornell football team for the past two years, Was elected captain of the Cornell football team for 101.1 by tho members f the team nt their animal banquet iu Itbaca. HONESDALE, PA. A Christmas Present that Lasts a Life Time Saving is a Habit. A Dollar Starts Foundation for a Future Competency and the free loan of one of our new, handsome oxidized Home Savings Banks. Our Checking' Department Affords all Conveniences, SAFEP0L1CSY.UR Depository for State, County and Borough Funds. 1