PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1912, PKOF13SSIONAT, GAUDS. Attorncv"Ot-Lnw. H WILSON, . ATTOKNEY A COUNBELOIl-AT'LAW. Ollice ndlncent to Tost Oillco In Dlmralck otllcc, Honesdale, l'a. WAI. II. LEE, ATTOHNKY A COUNBELOIt-AT-LAW. Ofllccover post otllcc. All legal hualneai promptly attended to. Honesdale. 1'b. EC. MUMFORD, . ATTOKNEY A C00N8KLOR-AT-LAW . Otllcc Liberty Hnll building, opposite the Post Ollice. Honesdale. l'a. HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSEI.OU-AT-LAW. OIIIcd: Relf Bulldiug, Honesdalo. CHARLES A. McCAKTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW . Special and prompt attention given to tbe collection ot claims. Ofllco: Rolf Building, Honcsdalo. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Ollice in the Court Ilouee, llonesdale Pa. s EARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORP-AT-LAW. Otllces lntelv occupied by Judce Searle Origin of the Boars Head Feast CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, OOlcc adjacent to Post OQlce, Honesdale. l'a. Dentists. DR. E. T. BROWN, DENTIST. Ollice First floor, old Savlnss Hank build Inc. Honesdale. l'a. D R. 0. R. BRADY, DENTIST, HONESDALE, PA. 1011 MAIN ST. Citizens' I'bone. Physicians. Then was brought In th lusty brawn Ujr blue coutod serving mn; Then tho grim hour's hil frowned on high. Crested with bay nnd romary. Well can tho crecn surbtd ranker ttl How whon nd wher th monster foil, What does beforu hU dsath ho tore And all tho baiting of th boar. Scott EVERY Christmas tho BtudentB of Queen's college, Oxford, Eur laud, hold "a rlRht mcrrlo jouste of yo olden tymo," which Illustrates how fondly tho human heart and Imagination cllus to pretty mum meries ages after their origin and sig nificance havo been forgotten. There Is a notable gathering lu tho hall of rke college, with a notable feast In which not only the collage dignitaries and students partlclpato, but nlso a chosen circle of friends and arrangers who nro lucky enough to ecuro invitations. There are a banquet and merrymaking and singing, and at a supreme moment there Is enacted a spcctaclo whlrh for 501 years has warmed tho hearts and delighted tho eyes of tho denizens of tho venerable college. First comes a procession of tho provost nnd fellows In all the glory of their regalia. Then from without Is heard the warning call ot a trumpet, and following the pro- csslon come threo bearers bringing In tho historical boar's head. A monster head It is, one weighing sixty or sev enty pounds, "surmounted by a crown, wreathed with gilded sprays of laurel and bay, mistletoe and rosemary, with small banners surrounding." With the bearers comes the college precentor, who announces his presenco and pur pose by singing a carol, which is in one of its severnl forms as old ns tho col- reading hla Aristotle In Shotovor for Mt, four miles from Oxford. Sod Senly tlicro rushed uion him a wild ooar. Tnkon by surprise nnd having 10 other weapon, ho closed with tho furious beast ami thrust tho book iown Ita throat, exclaiming ns ho did 10, "It's Greokl" ("Graocum cstl") What with this terrifying formula and tho tomo clogging ids maw, tho Ixmr fielded his life without more ndo. Tho boar's hoad feast at Christmas was laid to have been Instituted to com mcmorato this event. Tho boar's head fenst and celebra tion came down to us like Christmas day ltsolf and nil Its amiable associa tions tho houses decked with yow ind mistletoe nnd holly, the merry making and tho gift giving from tho rule festival of our ancient ancestors. -New York Tribune. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 1126 MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, TA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting of class es clven careful attention. 1 VERY F. G. RICKARD Prop HHST-CLASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HOUSES. Especlnl Transit Attention Given to Business. STONE BURN CHURCH STREET. W. C. SPRY UISACHLAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE rs STATE. H. F. Weaver Architect and Mir it Plans & Estimates Furnished Residence, 1302 EastSt. OVER 66 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marko Designs Copyrights Ac'. Anyone fending nrkrtrh and dMcrlptlon may qnlcltlr ascertain our opinion free whether uu IttTcntlon Is probably patentable. Communica tion! MrtctlrconUdcntlul. HANDBOOK onl'atcuu tent free. Oldest auency for securing patcntB. Talents taken throuuli Munn & Co. receive tptcial notice, without cbargo. In tbe sciemmc jroiencam A handsomely lllntralf d weekly. Tret elr rulutioti of any rclenttuo Journal. Terun, t'i a year: four roonlui, J I. Sold by all newsdealer. MUNN SCo.3610'0111"4'' New York llranch UOlce. 35 V BU. Washluutou, 1). C. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Hnvo mo nnd snvo money. AVI attend bales anywhere In State. Address WAYMART.PAXR.D. 3: JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire Insurance The OLDEST Fire Insurance Agency in Wayne County. ' Ofllco: Second floor Masonic Build lng, over C. C. Jadwln'B drug store Honcsdalo. C We wlsli to secure a good correspondent in every town in Wayne county. Don t be afraid to write this office for paper and stamped envelops If I Were Santa Claus. If I wero Santa Claus nnd might distrib ute! thlnCH as I should plcaso I'd brlnff tho sorrowlnff delight and hang on nil tho ChrlstmnR trees That In my travols I Bhould find This little motto: "Just Ho Kind." I wero Santa Claus I'd bring tho pessi mist n hopeful heart. Bo thnt he might censo murmuring and manfully perform his part; I'd give to every lass and lad Tho wish to mnko somo othor glad. To her who coldly sneers at those who. having ptumbled, long to flee From where defiled walls round them close I'd kIvo a Ilttlo charity. For every slothful one I'd leavo Tho wish to labor and achieve. To them that nro tho slaves of greed I'd bring tho wish to turn from strife, Tho longing, when thoy've all they need, to lead tho peaceful, quiet life. I'd scatter chances o'er tho earth For all who Ions to provo their worth. If I were Bnnta Claus I'd bring tho gift of beauty for each maid And hopofut Eongs for them to sing who sit defeated and afraid, And each should havo In every land This little motto: "Lend a Hand." S. E. Kiser In Chicago Record-Herald. "THE BOAB'S HEAD IN HAND 1SEA11 I. lege ceremony, though It must be thousands of years younger than the precursors of the function which It en livens. After each stanza tho whole company Joins lustily in the Latin re fraln: Caput nprl defero, Reddens laudos Domino. After the feast tho ornaments which had decked tho boar's head are dlstrib uted among tho Invited guests. Tho melody of the "Boar's nead Carol" Is always the Bumo, but there nro several versions of tho words. At the present time the following version Is used: Tho boar's nead In hand bear I, Bedecked with bays and rosemary, And I pray you, my masters, bo merry Quot estls In convivlo. RCFRAIN. Caput nprl defero, Reddens lapdes Domino. Ths toar's head, as I understand, Is tho bravest dish In all the land. When thus bedecked with a gay garland Let us scrvlro cantico. Our steward hath provided this In honor of tho king of bliss, Which on this day to be served Is In regimens! atrlo. Thero nro two obviously older ver slons in manuscript collections. This from Italllol MSS. No. 3M: Tho borls lied In hondo I bryngo, With garlands gay nnd byrdo syngynge, I pray you all help mo to uyngo. Qui estls In convivlo. REFRAIN. Caput aprl deforo, Reddens laudes Domino. Tho borls lied, I understand, Ts chiefly slrved In this londe, Wher eo ever It may bo fondo. Ccrultcr cum elnaplo. Tho borls lied, I daro well Bay, Anon after tho xvth day Ho takcth hys love and goth away. Exlult do pair la. More undent than even this seems to be that found In a fifteenth century collection, known ns the Porklngton manuscripts, which begins ns follows: Hey, hoy, hey, hey, tho borryB node Is army a gaye; Tho bmrys licdo In bond I brynge, Tho hedo yo furst roes. Tho borrls hede, as I yow say. Ho takes his lefe and gothe his way, Oono after tho zlj twel fit day, with hoy. Tho reference to the departure of tho boar's head in, tho last stanzas of tho last two versions goes plainly to tho custom of continuing tho Christ mas revels till Twelfth Night. Now, wheno caino the custom which Queen'B collego has kept alive? Her sons treasure a legend that Is almost if not Quito as old as tho foundation which isrfimusing if indeforjslblo. Ac cordinf this legend, some time about student of Queen's was The Sadness of Christmas. Chrlstrans is usually regarded as n flay of rejoicing, nnd for the children It often is n dny of real pleasure. Hut even upon the child, if It bo a sensi tive child, the melaucholy begins to creep toward tho Into afternoon as the shadows of night draw close. Much more to tho adult is the day, one In which if there is pleasure it is tho pleasure of high comedy where tears tie very near the Joyous surface. The young man or young woman is bored or pained by the congregation of his relatives, old nnd chill, about the ta ble seeking for the amusement which escapes, nnd even if the day is spent about one's own immediate fireside thero are thoughts as tho members of the family gather together for dellb- rate Joy that some one once belonging Ihcre will Joy no more. So that the pensive man finds food for tho rcflec- ion that happiness comes, If at all, lot for the seeking nor, at any set time, out as an unconscious function of tho thoughtless soul engaged in the ordi nary occupations of the gray and com monplace day. WHEN MARY'S BABE WAS BORN Dear day, how glad wo greet thy glorious morn Whllo fleet winged thought speeds back to Nazareth town To picture how that Syrian sun smiled down That faroft dawn when Mary's babo was born! Think! In that Jewish homo on that day camo A wondrous man-child, strong of heart and limb. Tho purple blood ot princes pulsed In h m. Lovo gavo that babo a common Hebrew name. He grew beyond tho limits of his race. Boyond tho narrow vision or his time, Ho saw sun clear tho towering truth sublime Man Is tho Incarnation of God's grace; RUBBER MADE FROM WHISKY. Chemltto Claim Kaiser's Automobllo Tlrsa Are 80 Constructed. Emperor William of Germany rides in nn automobllo tho tires of which aro mado from whisky. Within n few years every automobllo owner may boast tho sntno distinction, if it bo one. Freakish as this statement may seem, it 1 truth of the pure, unadul terated vnriory, aver tho practical sci entists nttondlng tho eighth interna tional congress of applied chemistry at Chicago. Tho chomlsts sny that rubber may be made from whisky In fact, has been thus mado nnd thnt tho tires on ono of the German emperor's automo biles nro of synthetic rubber, with whisky ns an Ingredient. The fiery liquid that makes noses red is not tho only thing thnt may bo tho mother of rubber, they assort For several years, it is said, hard rubber has been mado from ordinary field corn, and thero are scientists who claim It Is tho most natural thing In tho world to make it from Irish potatoes. Christmas Made Joyful by Useful Gifts from Menner & Co's Store ! in Table Linens and Napkins, Embroidered Squares and Lunch Cloths-Quality the best, patterns new. "Sandy Claws Is Coming Soon!" X TONDBOUB MAN-CHILD. Man Is the Eternal's finite counterpart, In essence through and through divine, Born In eternity to strlvo and ptno Until ho finds hla homo In God's great heart. So welcomo wo on evory Christmas morn Tho high and holy thought supreme Our sonshtp 1b sure truth, not idlo dream. We, too, like Mary's babe. In God aro born. Tea, with firm faith we hall that Christ Child's birth, The advent of the peerless Prince of reace. Our sin to cure, our sorrow to surcease, The holiest morn that over dawns on earth. Rnstnn Herald. Dress Goods and Trimmings One Piece Dresses Silk Waists New Brocaded Silks Separate Skirts Long Fur and Cloth Coats Suits tor Winter Wear Mutts and Collars in Real Furs Outing Flannel Pajamas, Night Gowns, Sacks New Styles in Combination Suits & Princess Robes Ladies' Under wear, all kinds and Sizes Intant's Cloaks, Capes and Caps OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT afways carries! the purest and best goods at the lowest prices foil the high grade qualities. None better in Christn mas kinds. Photo by American Press Association. That's what all the children BLESS THEIR IIEAKTSi-nrc saylns every day now. Don't Be Asleep At the Switch' Don't wait until every present has been handled and shopworn; don't wait until all the good things have been picked out; don't rush Into tho shops at the very last minute, out of breath and out of patience, nnd grab the flrst thing you see; don't get the Idea that Christmas giving properly done Is a hurry up, haphazard enter prise. KEXIEMI5EU tho big crowd that shops nt the last minute. KEMEMnEIWhow hard it is to lie waited on. REMEMBER how utterly impossible It is for even a well organized store to guarantee that your presents will be delivered on time when you your self delay your Christmas shopping until Dec. 24. Put on Your Coat and Hat and Do Your Christ nas Shopping at Once. Menner & Co's Department Stores ABSOLUTE SECURITY 171 FORTY-ONE YEARS OF SUCCESS 1912 REPORT OK TIIK CONDITION OK THE WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK HONESDALE, WAYHK CO.. PA. nt tho close of business. Nov. 2, 1912. 1IKS0UHCE8 Reserve fund Cash, specie unit notes, $51.345 85 Duo from approved re serve aL'cuts mssa i)l Legal securltlcsnt par... M.UUU .00-231 .CM 7C Nlckelsund cents 311 "U Checks and cuj.1i Items 3,113 OS Due from Hunks nnd Trust Co's. not reserve UJSS2 17 Securities pledged for Special deposits 5.0U0 OO Hills discounted : it.,.,,. ., ,,,.,u t rr, 490 nil I'poii two or more names :frtl,5l2 H-3l2,!wy 11 Tune loans with collateral "H.UCl 21 Uiunson cull Willi collateral ISO.ikVi K5 1,011113 on cull upon one mime 2.3U0 00 Loans on call upon two or more names KMCO 00 Loans secured by bonds nnd mortgages I7.1H7 K) Hoiuls. Stocks, etc.. Schedule 1.... 1,73X1X1 U Mortgages and Judgments ot rec- ord. Schedule I)-2 337,550 SO Oillc o iSullding and Lot 27,000 00 Other Real Estate ,O0O 00 Furniture nnd Klxture 2,000 00 Overdrafts IK) " Miscellaneous Abseta i00 JO WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BAN HonesdaSe3 Pa. The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne Count; 1 THE PROOF We lead in CAPITAL STOCK ? 200,000.00 We lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS 372,862.00 Wo lead In TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 572,862.00 (Our CAPITALIZATION is the DEPOSITORS SECURITY) Wo lead in Deposits 2,463,348.60 We lead In TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040,099.22 This year completes tho FORTY FIRST since tho founding of tho WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. MANY BANKS havo como and gone during that period. PATRONIZE ono that has withstood tho TEST of TIME. OFFICERS: W. B. HOLMES, President II. S. SALMON, Cashier A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. B. HOLMES F. P. KIMBLE A. T. SEARLB W. F. SUYDAM II. J. CONGER H. S. SALMON E. W. GAMMELL Nov. 12, 1912. T. B. CLARK C. J. SMITH J. W. FARLEY LUMLITIKB $3,010,00!) 22 Capital Stock, paid 111 $ 200,000 00 Surplus Fund 325.000 00 Undivided l'rollts, less expenses and tuxes paid 47.W2 52 Individual deposits sub ject to check $1KI.W)I CI Individual l)eposit.TIme2.200,2-J0 01 Time certlllcules of de posit 23S78 Deposits, Common wealth of I'ennsylvu'u 25,000 00 Deposits L". S. Postal Savings lUS(i2 Certllled Checks 35 00 Cashier's check outbt'g 3.050 05-2.163,223 CO Due to banks and Trust Cos. not re- herve 3.SH8 10 Dividends unpaid 120 00 $.1,010,00!) 22 Slate of Pennsylvania, County of Wuyne, ss: J, II, Scott Salmon, Cashier of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that tho ubovu statement Is true, to tho best of my knowledge und belief. (Signed) 11. 8. SALMON. Cushler. Subscribed and sworn to before mo this 7th duy of Nov. 1012. (Signed) itOHEHT A. SMITH. N. P. INotarlal Seal) Correct-AttiM: W. II, Holmes, 1 A. T. Skahlk, Directors. T. I). C'labk, I iOOOOOXXXX50CXOOOOCXJOO(XXXX5000000CKXXXXXXXXXCOOOtXKXM Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly make short work of a cold. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Honesdale, Pa. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCKOOCOOCOXOOOOOOOOOCX)CX)0000000000 D. & H. CO. TIHE TABLE HONESDALE BRANCH In Effect Sept. 29, 1912. A . M SUN 8 30 10 00 10 30 3 15 4 03 P.M. If you want fine Job printing just give Tho Citizen a trial order. 5 40 s SO Q 51 0 03 6 11 17 C 23 0 20 (i 32 33 B3!)! 6 13 H M aw, I'M. SUN 2 13 7 10 8 00 ,V.M 8 43 8 M 8 at 9 12 y 18 21 21) 32 9.'I7 9 X) 9 43 9 47 9 60 9 63 P.M.lA.M A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 4 43 5 33 l'.M 6 23 6 33 II 30 ti 51 6 57 7 03 7 0!) 7 12 7 18 7 21 7 25 7 20 7 32 7 30 A.M. 12 30 1 10 4 30 6 15 A.M 7 Ml 7 60, l'.M. 2 03 2 15 2 10 2 31 2 37 2 43 2 49 2 62 2 57 2 69 3 03 3 07 3 10 3 15 P.M.lP.M.lA.M.lAr l'.M. A.M. H 60 I) 00 9 01 9 1 9 23 9 29 9 31 9 37 9 42 9 41 9 4S 9 62 9 65 10 00 Albany .... . Illnghaniton Philadelphia. Wllkes-Harre. . ...Scranton.... I.v Ar ...Curbondale .Lincoln Avenue.. , Whites Qult'ley , Purview , Canaan .. Lake Lodore ... ... . Wuymurt Keene Steene Pronipton Fortenla Seelyvllle,...; Honesdale .... P. M.l 2 00 12 40 4 00 A..M 9 35 8 45 A.M 8 05 7 54 7 50 7 39 7 33 7 25 7 19 7 17 7 12 7 00 7 05 7 01 6 68 (163 LvlA.M P.M. 11 00 8 45 7 45 2 55 S 13 P.M. I 35 1 25 1 21 1 09 1 OJ 12 60 11! 51 12 40 12 43 12 40 12 30 12 32 12 29 12 25 ,.M. 8 12 . '.M.l. 7 251. 6 30 . P M 5 60 5 40 6 34 5 24 6 18 6 11 6 00 5 04 4 58 4 65 i 01 4 47 4 44 4 40 P.M.lP.M P.M.I SUN 11 00 9 00 .Ml sum 7 45' 12 65 12 05 P M. 11 25 11 14 11 10 10 60 10 5.1 10 45 10 311 10 37 10 32 10 20 10 25 10 21 10 18 10 16 8 II P. Ml 10 C Oil Y Ml 8 : 8 II 8 ll 8 11 7 ; 7 : 7:1 7 : 7 : 7 . 7 . A.M.IP.S