PAGE EIGHT THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 19x2. The First Christmas Day In America THE flret Amcrlcim olwcrvnncn of Clirlatmns day wns fur from n merry 0110. It was spent by Columbus and bin thlp'H company nmoiiK hcciics of peril, disorder nnd cxcltomcnt cotiHcquenl upon tlio Krentest dlsastor whlcli bad befallen the expedition. On Christmas eve the admiral's llnpslilp, tile Santa Maria, which had so stout ly plowed unknown seas since that dis tant September day when she dropped nRtcrn tho outermost Canary Island, laid her clumsy Spanish bones to rest off tho coast of what is now Haiti. Her crew spent the following day, Christmas, partly on the Haitian shoro and partly on her consort, the tiny caravel Nina. Tho story of the disaster and the day may be told In this wise: Stilling from tho TortURan roadstead, the flagship squared nway for the coast of Ilnltl and entered upon her closing days. In tho morning watch of the 21th, tho day following their return, Colum bus gave orders that the expedition should start for (Suacanngari's capi tal. Tho yards of the two craft were triced away, and a start wns made in n light wlnu that blow almost dead ahead. A strong current was swooping the ship quickly along. Directly In her path was a sand bank, on which the breakers swept with a roar which open cars could have heard half a mile away, but which now sounded no warning to any on board. Suddenly the Santa Marin's keel grnted heavily for some moments 011 the submerged sand, nnd then she struck violently nnd lurched to one side with n strain which sprung her masts. All was confusion. Tho watch rush ed to the Ikiws and then jumped to the ropes. Columbus, rushing out from the cabin, took in the situation at first glance. ".lesu Maria!" ho exclaimed. "We have grounded!" Christinas morning dawned on n Fccne of singular Interest Our fancy tub? ka:sed X CROSS. Ukcs to range back through four shad owy centuries to the new world's first Christinas nnd that remote and other wise lnslgnlllcnnt sand spit In the Caribbean, to that forgotten picture in which the devout children of holy mother church nnd tho loyal subjects )f their most Catholic mnjesties of Castile, Aragon and Leon tolled in thankful fellowship with the generous savages whom they had regarded us beathen. To seaward of tho stranded ressel lay the caravel Nina nnd n small flotilla of canoes. Around llonted pars, casks, coops and general wreck ige. It had for some hours been ovl Jont that the ship wns doomed to lay or bones to rest in Davy Jones' lock ;r, and the admiral, wit tho coining it daylight, began to transfer to the fllna what was left of her provisions. In tills work tho cacique and Ills counger brother directly assisted him. Toward noon tho Spaniards discon tinued work. For almost eighteen lours they had labored with scarcely in intermission nnd nature could stand 10 more. Their Immediate prospects ivere ns bright as they could reason ibly hope for, ns tho more portable provisions and stores had been trans ported to tho Santa Maria's consort. They now determined to rest until the :ool of tho day, when they should re nunc work. On coming to this deci sion they rowed to the shoro nnd, In iccordanco with their custom, erected 1 cross on tho highest point within ronvenlent distance. Tills done, the fellow banner of the Spanish king loins, with Its castles and lions, was lisplaycd, and mass was celebrated In Donor of tho anniversary. Toward nightfall tho work of transferring was taken up, but bo great had been the moral nnd physical strain on tho crows that It was coon Judged best to await the ensuing morning, nnd after n ves per chant nil hands, savo a small watch, turned in, some on tho shore ind some aboard the Nina. Thus ended Columbus' Christmas In tho year of Uscovery, 1402. Bt. Loula Qlobo-Dem- CHRISTMAS EVE IN POVERTY ROW T WAS tho night before Chrlstmnu, nnd nil through tho street Swrpt the cold wintry blunt nnd tho fast falling Moot. No voice of kind erecting the grim silence broke. From rooftop nnd chimney there Issued no smoke. No window wns roil with tho fire's worm Klnro; No odor of garlnnds wan borno on tho nlr; No shop where tho splendor nnd blozo of the IlKht Shone out on tho doom of that chill win ter's night. Thcro was darkness nbove, there was darkness below, On the night before Christmas In Poverty row. For warmth, light nnd comfort, nlas, thcra wns not In tho shelterless homes of that desolate spot, Whore the storm nnd the wind might en ter nnd roar Through broken down window or half fallen doorl No children who lived In that poor, wretched place Could you And with n bright nnd n sun shiny fnco. No stockings were hung there; no glad ness or mirth Could bo found on the eve of the good Saviour's birth. No carols wero sung In that region of woe On tho night before Christmas In Poverty row. "NO STOCKINGS WERE HUNG THKHK." In tho fancy of childhood what image to bright As fur trimmed St. Nick, tho good genius of night. With his broad, ruddy face nnd kind, lov ing eye, As bright as tho sunshine of midsummer's sky; With his jolly red cap and tho big lnden pack. Which he merrily bears on his broad, sturdy back! Can It be that St. Nick has forgotten the poor Or tho homes that are barren and drear as the moor? Has he gifts for young Croesus and none for poor Joe On tho night before Christmas In Poverty row? Ah, St. Nick, there's a sptrlt-tho spirit of sleep That comes to the child who but wakens to weep When In dreams ho beholdB a great tree all bcdlght. And from its fir boughs seems to come a great light! Then the voice of tho Master is heard to decree, "Thou shalt suffer the children to come unto me." Ah, If we but follow his precept, I woon. We would all bo St Nicks and send well laden teams With presents and gifts that would banlijh all woe And mako happy the Christmas In Pov erty row. John Ilevat. ROYALTY AND CHRISTMAS. The Emperor and Empress of Germany Bestow Raro Gifts. In tho German royal household each member has his or her own Individual Chrlstmns tree. Tho gift of the em press to her Imperial spouse Is usually some souvenir from n famous battle. Throughout the yenr she has her agents scouring tho earth for rare trophies and spares no expenso in procuring the one that strikes her fancy. Tills is placed at tho foot of tho emperor's tree. In tills way nnd by other means ho has gathered a flno musouin of wnr relics. One Christmas the present ho received wns a pistol used by General Jackson nt tho battle of New Orleans. The empress also makes presents to Indigent clergymen. Tho package to each of tlieso consists of an outfit of clothing, n Christmas card and a cake baked by her own hands. Tho kaiser's gift to his wife is usually n fine Jewel or some article mado by his own hands. In England the celebration of Christ inns lapsed nfter tho time of Crom well and the Puritans, who regarded it as too much of n pagan festival. Its rovivnl came nbout through tho writ ings of Churlcs Dickens nnd the royal observance of tho day by tho prince con sort and Queen VIctorln. After Prince Albert's death tho queen modified her observance of tho day for n few years. Santa's Gifts. Tha niwi that Santa, had left (wo gift Inspired Ms broarfosC jlrini, But hia grinning stoppad And he nearly drop ped Whan ha learnt d tha (wo ware (wins I Preparing For Christmas. "There was a man sent from Ood." riio English of it could not 1k more ilmplc or direct. One sees ns In 11 vision the man of the wilderness, clothed In a garment of camel's hair, faco that of nn nscetic, spnro of frame tho mnn who fed on locusts and wild honey. And then wo stop there. "There wns a man sent from God" that Is all. Some of us perhaps who know his story follow him n little further In our mental vision as he went nbout pro clnlmlng his tidings. Some of us per haps wonder what tho next picture will bo. Some of us 'say over, "There was n man sent from God," with eon ildernblc accent on the smallest word, and mcutnlly remark, "What of it?" But does it not occur to you that moro than 0110 has been "sent" thnt for some reason or other every living soul has a mission here nnd therefore that you nnd 1 have one, too, nnd, If wo were sent, why? Not for the mere sending, ns we like to believe. If we were sent there wns 11 purpose in it. Thcro nro "tidings" for our spread ing, Just 11s there were in those dnys of long ago, and a work for us to do. Are wo doing It, or are we so occu pied witli our own lives nnd hopes nnd .imbltlons and pleasures thnt we have lulto forgotten life was given us for something besides eating nnd drinking, sleeping nnd working and genernl en joyment? If this is what we have been doing there Is 110 better season In all the year (or starting nfresh on a right basis to Jo the work and carry the messages of happiness to others, for which we were sent. Somehow Christ mas, with all its po- jtry, lias n most practical side. There Is so much work to bo done. Are we preparing our Christmas gifts selfishly, giving only to those from whom we expect gifts In return, or are wo planning to do n bit of the work for which we were sent plan ning to make Christmas a happy time for some of the less favored ones of sarth? And nro you doing your utmost? Are we giving what wo can in our Christ mas gifts, or are wo giving for the Christ's sake whatever happens to bo loft over after we have bought expen sive gifts for our friends which they Jo not need, luxuries for ourselves that we could do without, leaving for him tlio leftover nickels nnd pennies? No matter what Christmas has been to us in past years, let us this year irfvo for tlio sake of tho giving, for the sake of those who need it, for the sake of the reason for which we wero sent." No matter how small the offering If It bo our best. No matter how poor It seems nor how Insignificant, It Is yours to tell your Christmas tidings, yours to bring Christmas happlnoss to some one. Lot us prcparo our gifts in tho right spirit a spirit to prove that we wnnt to do our pnrt and enjoy doing It, In spreading far nnd wide tho joy and tho happiness which Christmas day typi fies Joy nnd hnppiness which we have been sent to make real to some heart that perhaps knows, but does not feel becauso of its suffering or bitterness sr poverty. Boston Traveler. Christmas Bella. Ring the glad tidings, the Saviour Is born! Ring It, ye bells, on this glorious morn! And perched on tho branch of my Christ mas tree A motley assemblage of maidens see. Know you what tale to ttwlr ear Were tells. four loud merry clanging, ye Christmas bells? rhen list I To proud Maud looking ten derly down On Jewels that flash on her silken gown, ro long braided Gretchen, content with her share Df chains, though not gold, yet of sau sages rare. Four chiming woaves sweetest and fairest of spells. Bears whispers prophetic of "wedding bells." Ml BWiftly as out rings your warning tonguo ills sweetheart gets ready the tea for Ah Lung, And ebony Chloo of Fifth nvenuo-Bouth tn welcoming smiles spreads her generous mouth. far different to them Is the trcnt It foro tells four meaning, prosaic. Just "dinner bells." Dlanca in tune shakes her gay tambou rine. and lightly to church trips demuro Angc llne, Bestowing no look to the left nor tha right. rtiough noting full woll tho admirer In sight. Out soon n sweet smile all his doubting dispels, Knt gayly your chiming betokens "sleigh bells." The children run out longed for gifts to receive, kni nil tho world full is of Joy, I bellove. For northward and southward, to east nnd to west, Tho bells peal out plainly what each one likes best. riien ring yo and swing ye, ye gay Christ mag bells. four chiming tho fairest of messages tells, Etelka Fashion Album. A Chriitmaa' Song. Walts' Carol. Jo resto ye welle, kynde gentlemen; So rcBte yo welle tonight, fe moon shynea In an azuro sky; l'e eastern star has rls'n on high; So rests ye wello tonight. io sleepe yo swoete, fayro gentle maids; So Blecpo ye sweete tonight, re snowe lies whyte, ye wynds doe moane. Fe nlghto fiyes on, ye candle's blown, So sleepo ye sweete tonight. So resto ye alle, kynde gentle folk; So reste yo alio tonight. Hay In your hearts the Christ Child's faoa Pynde love for alio and give you grace. 80 rests ye welle tonight. TtAAhMl W"tnn nntlar THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS RANK Gorner of Main and Tenth Streets, Wishes All its Patrons a "Merry Christmas" "Happy We desire to thank it possible tor We desire particularly to call your attention to this bank's com parative growth of its deposits : June 1st, 1907 May 1st, 1908 -May 1st, 1909 at k J aBaaaaMlj af May 1st, 1911 Mav 3d. 1912 Nov. 2d, OFFICERS: M. E. Simons, Pres. J. E. Tiffany, V, Pres. C. A, Emery, Cashier. (j!) DIRECTORS: (fQ M. B. Allen, W. H. Fowler, John Weaver, AVI gv Qeorgo C. Abraham, W. B. Guinnlp, U. Wm. Sell, J. Sam Brown, M. J. Hanlan, M. E. Simons, BHH Oscar E. Bunnell. John E. ICrantz, Fred Stephens, H rS$ Wm. H. Dunn, Fred W. Kreltner, George W. TIsdell, JH J. E. Tiffany. ss 0pi3nsAiixiiniiEiniAYis sssB Built By MARTIN CAUPIELD. VH 1 and a New Year." you for your liberal patronage, which has made 0 the bank's rapid and conservative growth. 1912 - Globe of Polished Quincy Granite, 40 inches in Diameter, fliflfl Rrf in "Rrnnlr RJr?f fVmtpn Pnrhnnrlnlp .Pn. HbSHbSbBH c a C c, a $ 24,398.54 $ 109,896.20 $ 161,077.58 $ 241,843.67 $ 272,500.68 $ 304,915.97 $ 339,958.04 fjaH