THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. PAGE FIVE 1871 ABSOLUTE SECURITY 1912 WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK Honesdale, Pa The Leading Financial Institution in Wayne County 1 1 4 The RESPONSIBILITY Back of this bank is close to $600,000.00 There are no STRONGER banks than this, Small Accounts Encouraged Quo need not have a LARGE account with this bank in order to ENJOY tho PRIVILEGES it confers. Believing that banking co operation tends to develop the RESOURCES of the SMALL DEPOSI TOR, it is the policy of this bank to pivo APPRECIATIVE ATTENTION to all who bring their business bore regardless of the size of their transactions. Your Account is Invited Total Capitalization (Which is your security) Total Resources $572,862.00 390403000.00 We sell Drafts on all countries in Europe. DIRECTORS: OFFICERS: W. B. HOIvMES F. P. KIMBLE T. B. CLARK W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier A. T. SEARLE W. F. SUYDAM C. J. SMITH A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WAltD, Asst. Cashier. H- J- CONGER H. S. SALMON J. W. FARLEY E. W. GAMMELL vRLES P. SEARLE, son of 'resident Judge A. T. Searle, as born In Honesdale on '15, 18S4. and is a member of firm of Searle fc Salmon of Lice, lie received his preumi- lluc-atlon in the Honesdale whkh ho attended for a of years. After leaving the here lie entered the Mont- lllitary Academy at Montelalr, lie graduated from tins scnool lie class of luos and in tne ihat year he began a course of study at Amherst college, rnlch Institution ho gradu- ,1907 with the degree of A year previous to his gradu- passed tho preliminary ex n before the State Board of Laminers and after graduating t liege he entered tho law of hls father where he reglster- kstudent of law. Ho contin- pursuit of his law studies I he direction of his father, arle, who Is President Judge Ine county, for some years fci went to Scranton to com- tlme. He registered as a student of law with L. M Atkinson and after his death, with Victor A. Decker, MILKS V. SUA 1 1 M3. tudles in tho ofllces of barren & Knapp. Ho buc- passed tho examination of Board of Law examiners rber, 1909, and was ad- the bar of Wayne county Put 14. 1910. On that samo became associated in tho Fof law with R. Milton Sal- PLES S HOUCK, cashier of fie Hawley Bank of Hawloy, vas born in Scioto, Monroo hnty, on January 9, 1 SCO. Ho was jjcnted in the public schools of 1st Stroudsburg, Fairvlow Academy Broadheadsvillo, at West Chester Iito Normal and East Stroudsburg tto Normal. Ho graduated from s latter Institution with tho class 1895. Mr. Houck began teaching liool when ho was eighteen years of 13 and paid his tuition through liool in this way. While ho was Inclpal of tho schools at Mata- ras ho was offered a position m l First National Bank at Hawloy IJ while serving In that capacity jan tho study of law In his spare CHARLES S. HOl'CK. cashier of tho bank in which he worked He successfully passed the examination before the State Board of Law Examiners in December, 1910, and on recommendation of tho board he was admitted to the bar of tho Supremo Court of Pennsylvania on January 27, 1911. Upon the formation of tho Hawley Bank In 1910 ho was appointed Its cashier which position ho now holds. Mr. Houck does not practice. CHESTER A. GARRATT. the sub ject of this sketch, and one of the youngest members of the Way no County Bar, was born near White Mills on October 10, 1884. Ho was a son of Lyman and Sellna (Ham) Garratt, and his early llfo was spent on his father's farm. Ho attended the public sdiools near his home until fifteen years of ago, when lie came to Honesdale to en ter the high liool. walking six miles to and from Honesdale until four years' Latin in one year. In July of tho same year ho passed tho preliminary examination of tho State Board of Law Examiners and registered as a student of law in the offices of Judge Henry Wilson in Honesdale. In 190C he entered the Dickson School of Law at Carlisle, from which he graduated in June, 1909, with tho degree of Bachelor of Laws. He was admitted to the court of Common Pleas of Wayne county on February 10, 1910. On February 28th of the same year he was admitted to tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. He was re cently admitted to tho U. S. Circuit and District courts and tho Superior Court of this state. He is now as sociated in practice with his former preceptor, Hon. Henry Wilson, with ofllces In tho Dlmmick building on Ninth street. ALONZO T. SEARLE, President Judge of the twenty-second Judicial district, comprising Wayno county, was appointed by Governor Stuart on September 15, 1909, to fill the vacaucy caused by CHESTER A. (JAKKATT. ho graduated from that Institution in 1903. Ho taught school at Tor rey, Oregon township in 1903-1904. In Juno, 1905, ho graduated from the Perklomen Semluary, taking Jl'IKJH A. T. HKAHLK. tho death of Judgo Georgo S. Purdy. Ho served tho unexpired term as Judgo and in November, 1911, was elected to contlnuo in that capacity. Judgo Searlo was born in Now Marl boro, Mnss., September 13, 185C. After graduating with honors from St. Johnsbury Acadomy in 1873 and Amherst College in 1877, ho went to Philadelphia, whero ho taught In tho Cheltenham Academy, after going to Williamsport, whero ho studied law with Hon. B. S. Bentloy, brother of Q. F. Bentloy, of tho firm of Waller )& votw wuwr im j m RFIF'S Greetings ill-ill U l. (J BIG DISPLAY OF XMAS jfjvcr 1 y Xmas Greetings BIG DISPLAY OF XMAS GOODS A New and Up-to-date- Stock of Holiday Slippers for Men, Women and Children, in all styles, colors, and prices to suit EVERYBODY. JULIETS for Women and Chil dren in wine, brown, red, green, gray and black, Fur and Ribbon trimmed, Prices, 50c to $1.50 Women's Juliets at $1.00 Mens Tan Faust House Slippers, hand trimmed, Prices $1 oto $2.00 Women's Juliet at $1.50 Men's Everett House Slippers in black and tan Leather, and velvet embroidered. Prices from 50c to $2.00 Boudoir Slippers, red, blue, tan and black, 75c to $1.25 Men's Tan Faust REIF'S Red Stone Front Notice Our Windows Men's Everett & Bontloy, of Honesdalo. Ho ontor ed this law offlco on Octobor 2, 1882, and was admitted to tho Wayno county bar. Tho eamo day ho entered into a partnership with Georgo G. Waller under tho namo of Waller & Searlo. Tho partnership continued until 1888. Ho enjoyed a largo cllentago up to his appoint ment as Judgo of tho Wayno county courts. Judgo Searlo is a mombor of several fraternal and social or ganizations, a Grangor and always Interested In any project of in terest to his homo town aud county. U.VDICHTAKIXCi TOO MUCH. Do not go Into Christmas so hard thero Is no hopo of getting through. Curb your notions. Bottor glvo your friond a small centorpieco this year than Intend to glvo her' a dozen plate and tumbler doilies which may reach her in 1915.