The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 13, 1912, Page PAGE FIFTEEN, Image 15

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I I " a- 1
$6,000 Farm'for $4,500
If sold within a week
Ono of tho best farms in Wnyno
county, assessed at fG.OOP, will bo
com ior ,6uu. Farm contains 118
acres of land, 50 of which arc cleared
and balance In pasture land, except
ing 20 acres of good young growth
of hickory. Ideal placo for dairy
larni. Him station two miles from
place. Good farm house, two barns
On n. D. Route. Telophono con
nections. Located In Berlin town
ship on main road 3& miles from
Remember this farm Is assessed at
?C,000. If sold Immediately wo will
close tho deal at $4,500.
Buy-U-A-Hoino Realty Co.
Box 52
.Tad win Building Honesdale, Fa
Notice t hereby given that an
application will bo made by Martin
B. Allen, Edmund B. Hardenbergh,
William J. Ward, Fred V. Powell,
O. William Sell, Charles II. Dor
flinger, J. Samuel Brown, Leopold
Blumenthal, Frederick W. Kroltner,
Horace T Menner, Charles P.
Boarle, William J. Relfler, Robert
J. Murray, Frank G. Terwllllgor,
SIgmund Katz, to the Governor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
on Tuesday, January 7, A. D.,
f 1913, at 10 o clock a. m., under the
. provisions of an Act of Assembly
I entitled "An Act to provide for tho
incorporation and government of
Street Railway Companies In this
I Commonwealth" approved the 14th
kday of May A. D. 1889, and the
rsupplements thereto for tho charter
lof an intended corporation to be
leaned tho
1 rnvPAvv
tho character ana route of which
aro for tho purpose of constructing,
maintaining and operating a street
railway for public use in tho con
veyance of passengers and nronerty
I to be operated by any motive power
except steam; BEGINNING at a
point on Park street at the westerly
boundary line of the Borouch of
Honesdale, In the Township of Texas,
ruounty or Wayne and Com
Cmonwealth of Pennsylvania; thence
lover, along and upon Park street in
said Borough In a northeasterly di
rection to its intersection with
Main street; thence over, along and
upon Main street in said Borough,
fin a southerly direction to the
IGurney Electric Elevator Comnanv:
Pthence also from the intersection of
said Park street with Main street
tin said Borough, over, along and un
ion said Main street In a northerly
direction to the northerly Borough
aine 01 iionesuale in said County
jd Commonwealth; thence also from
re intersection of Main St. in the
3. or iionesuale, said county and
amonwealth with Eleventh
over, along and upon said
ith street to tho easterly
ldry line of the Borough of
lesdale; thence also from tho in-
ction of Main street In the
I ugh of Honesdale, said Coun
ld Commonwealth with Fourth
It, over, along and upon said
rth street to tho easterly bound-
fof said borough at a bridge
inlng tho Lackawaxen River;
see over, along and upon said
Lgo in the said Township of
is, Commonwealth, in an easterly
mon to its intersection with the
he road known as tho Old Plank
thence over, along and unon
public road known as the Old
Road in said Township of
in a southerly direction to a
in the same at or near Carley
.; or over, upon and across said
'lank Road near Its intersec-j
.'ith said bridge over tho Lack-I
ra River, to nrivato lands and
, formerly of the Delaware and
n Company, now of the Erie
ad Company and over, alone
Lion said private right of way,
10 anu parallel with said old
Road to Carley Brook;
over, along and un-
1 Canal lands formerly of the
Fro and Hudson Company now
trio ana Wyoming Va ov
Company in the TownshiDS
lis and Palmyra and tho Bor-
uawiey, in tho said County
ramonwoalth, to the County
i-iite county in tno common
er Pennsylvania; thence also
Some Famous People Who Fint
Saw the Light on or About
Dec. 25.
Thero is some uncertainty
about the year and dnte of tho
birth of CInrn Barton, founder
of the Red Cross and famous
philanthropist, who died this
year, more than ninety years
old, but It Is generally believed
that she was born on Christmas
day in ISM or 181il.
Lord John Morley, the cele
brated British author and states
man, Gladstone's Ilputrnnnt nnd
secretary of Btate for India in
the Asqnlth cabinet, was born
on Christmas eve, Dec. 24, 1S3S.
Seven years later to tho day
King George I. of Greece llrst
saw tho light.
Lord Marcus Berosford, broth
er of tho famous British ad
mlrnl. wan a Christmas day
baby, as were also Lady Grcy
Ecerton and tho Countess of
Rotlh?s. ouo of tho survivors of
the wreck of the Titanic.
Among those who were born
on Dec. 20. "Just too late for
Christmas dinner," were Ad
miral George Dewey, tho Earl
of Leicester, Sir James LIuton,
the painter; Uie Duchess of
Leeds, Sir Jnmes Rankin, mem
ber of the British parliament,
nnd James D. Stephens, repre
sentative from California in the
American congress.
ANDLCBBERS that you aro, did you
ever reflect that there Is a world
where Christinas Is as meaning
less a day ns Uie 24th or 2Gth
of December? Did you ever think far
enough beyond the spicy vnpors of
your own plum pudding to realize Uuit
Uie seafaring folk were llTing their
Christmas day as if they knew naught
of Its fame? They do know what It
means, however, ns well as ever do
you, but winds lash and waves thump
on the 25th as on every other day, and
It's a foolish sallormnn who counts
on turkey or holly berries. The chances
are he'll see little of them.
Christmas is disobliging enough to
come in the very beginning of the mad
dest weather, and the weather never
gives way ono inch. The pllotboat
people and Uie life savers make pa
thetic little attempts at holding holi
day, but ten to one they will be noth
ing more Uian attempts. If the sea
chooses to make merry in its own
way the sea commands and must bo
The captains of the life saving sta
tions along the beach try each year to
celebrate with their men. A turkey is
always brought to the headquarters
and a good meal prepared nrouud It
as a star attracUon. But anywhere
from drumsUcks to nuts and raisins
may come the signal from the coast
guard. Perhaps a crab llshing boat
has capsized; perhaps It Is a big shin
going down the result Is tho same.
The Christmas turkey is left to grow
cold, the mince pie is forgotten, nnd
it's off to launch the lifeboat and Uien
to the oars and away. Night or day
tho summons may come. If at night
mere are a flashing of lights on tho
beach and a tight, man ngalnst storin,
in tho blackness of tho surf.
On the lightship provision Is made for
a good dinnor, but there the pleasure
ends. Day and night the ship rides at
anchor ten miles off shore. Always the
clanging of the fog bell is heard and
the lights nre watched, and break in
ho monotony thero Is none, save for a
etter bill of fare than usual and an
txtra glass of grog, then back to the
bell and tho light again, and men for
get -what Christmas celebrated or that
point in said Canal lands in I U.was celebrated at all.
1 Borough of Hawley oppo- 11 was during the caning of the last
a bridge, over tho Lacra- rarkey that tho bells rone flnrrplr. for
River at tho foot of Erie and a fog was driving in past the heads
streets in said Borough of und Hunts
over, along and upon tho Two new men were among the crew'
ldgo to said Church street; . nd thpv Rnrnm, -,m,,V1 iTll
over, along and upon said , tn,r,.'"":?r"""'.Vu"
street in tho Borough of 7 j.u.- Ulu tuuura assureu
in a northwesterly diree-l weai mat It was no trouble out of tho
LMain Avenuo in said Bor- ordinary, but they could not bo Indue
laenco over, along and upoa 1 ed. to como back to Uie dinner. They
m enuo in saia Borough or . aro blsso now and are laughing at
In a northerly direction to other now mon. nnir ,i
rienger station of tho Erlo I imr r,t ..
company; thenco also from i .1.... . ,":" 7 . luc.ul"-
lot ot intersection of Maw , . . .lUK) "sea uy gazing enud-
with River Street in said "enngiy into a winter fog nnd expect-
of Hawley, over, alnnz ani , ,nK the death of themselves or some
ta mver Street in a wester-
l.lon to Chestnut Avenue in
Jgh of Hawley: thenco
tog and upon said Chestnut
11 a southerly direction to
Attractively Made, They Will Delight
the Busy Woman.
This fancy apron will make a delight
ful gift for tho woman who Is devoted .
to her chafing dish or to the ono who
I- M . . ...
in joiiu 01 lancy wont xuc three little
pockets that can bo nppllcd on the
pointi will be convenient for skeins of
lllk or odd spools.
Fine lawn wns the materia used In
this case. It whs cut in a single pleco
wan uie three points below, a hand
some bending being run nround Uie out-
. . . .Located in Lake Township. .
urrlmrcl Koro 1)00 Bushels This
Fall and 500 Bushels of Apples J,ust
Season When Other Orchards In Vi
cinity Had Apparently No Fruit.
Orchard Is Overseen by State Or
ilmnllst.s. Farm Is Ijocitcd on High Ground
nnd commands Beautiful View of
Moosir Mountains.
Is One-Half Mllo From Gravity
Station on Krio Railroad. District
School nnd Church Adjoins Fnnn.
High School nt Ariel, Ono Mllo Dis
Tho dwelling houso and other
buildings aro in excellent condition.
Tho house, which contains seven
rooms, is equipped with steam and
has telephone connections. It is lo
cated on Gravity R. D. Route No. 2
and in tho village of Gravity. Sltn-
sido. The top was slightly gathered to at0 l'0" 611 'd premises is a barn
chapiho dish ArnoN.
chicken houso 12x32 feet sided and
plastered; wagon houso 20x30 feet,
now roof and Ico houso 14x1 C feet
12 feet high; wood houso 10x14
feet. Three living springs aro upon
tho rami and an excellent well near
tho house. Tho model orchard, con
sisting of 100 npplo trees is also In
closo proximity to tho farm house.
There is nnother orchard of four
acres consisting of peach, pear, apple
and other trees. All trees are prun
ed nnl sprayed every year and aro In
llrst-class bearing condition. The
owner harvested 900 bushels of se
lect apples from his model orchard
this year. The farm, which is near
ly 40 ncrcs, Is mostly level and fer
tile, being hardwood land. There
ro uuuui lour acres or woodland
and a small sugar bush. Tho tim
ber is first and second growth and is
chiefly ash. Other woods aro
maple, basswood, homlock, and a
few beech. The placo would mako
an excellent dairy farm. Owner
could mako a comfortablo living
from fruit nlone. The BUY-U-A-HOME
Realty company considers It
one of tho best farniB It hns listed.
Being under the supervision of the
State, prospective farm seekers will
realizo its value.
van county, Now York, ono mllo
north of Eldred and between Eld
red and Ulan. Contains 130 acres,
30 of which aro cleared and balanco
In timber. Elevation 1,500 feet. On
proposed Stato road. Eight-room
house, good barn and chlckon house.
Water nenr house. Good fruit on
promises. Placo occupied, but in
case of sale Immediate possession
will bo given. Rare bargain. One
half down, balance terms to suit
In Texas Township Lies
Sandercock and Murray
the waist bund. Tho lower part of the
apron wna cut out of heavy net and
finishod with a beading and a lace frill,
Tho band that goes about the wnlst
was made of a bending bordered with
rows of narrow Ince insertion. Orna
ments shaped out of Uio material and
shaied bands of It were applied to tho
An apron work bac mnv also !
Property In Heart of Slimmer;
roads. Contains 180 acres, 125 of
wnicn aro llrst and second growth
timber. Part of farm extends into
Cajaw Lake. Forty acres In pasture,
balanco well cultivated. Six-room
house and barn 30x40 feet on prem
ises. All kinds of fruit, berries, etc.
Good water. Good dairy farm. Lo
cated within a mile of Honesdale.
One half down, balance on easy
J-x42 feot In excollent condition; Boarding District Located In Sulll-
Doublo House In White Mills
Located In village. Twelve rooms
and arranged for two families. In
good condition, Acre of ground,
fruit, and small barn. Terms easy.
Would make good investment for
young man.
Three Smart Bargains
Cash Bakery For Snlo CIi
Placo enjoys an excollent trnrlo.
made of pluln or flowered muslin, with We!! established lunch rooms in con-
plnk or blue ribbons, if destined as a ?0CtJr0nBn openf
irlft for n hh or f .in, ch i to prospective purchaser. Ono of
V 7 "V, Pesl Paying stands in Honesdale. If
ivi mi Ullu;i i.iuy. soia now, a 'big barca n await hiiat.
.me npron tics rounu tne waist by nng young man
means of a ribbon, while Uie bottom
Of If f rtrtllVllrul lirt in frkym m .1 . 1
iivuitifiii ipiii.,. mi
with ribbon run round tho slot nt the . " ' "
top of it, so that when the wearer c?"slstins of 23 acres of sood' tU1'
stands up suddenly anv needlework. aol so11' nas Deen Placed in our
Fcissors or cottons lying in her lap slldo agency. Irving Cliff stands 300 feet
into uie bag instead of falling on to aoovo wonosaaie, just east of tho
the ground. town proper. Two rivers, the Lack-
Ihls makes it a specially useful gift awaxen and Dyberry. flow at Its
for any one who has any nursing, base. The view from the summit of
Poultry Farm One mile from
Beach Lake and 4 miles from
Narrowsburg, near the Erie railroad.
Plant equipped with modern and
complete contrivances for conduct
ing farm on large scale. Raro bar
gain. Easy terms.
Good Building Lot Located in.
Texas No. 4, Green street, within 15
minutes' walk from Honesdale post
office. Ground practically level.
Size of lot 60x75 feet. Property
commands beautiful view of land
scape. Will bo sold cheap. Raro
waiting on older people or looking aft
er small children to do.
tho cliff is beyond description. In
tho distance the Moosic mountains
paint the picture on tho western sky,
while to tho north is Lake Bun
nell and historic Bethany. The south
portrays nature's hills dotted with
pretty homes and in tho immediate
foreground Honesdale, with its arch
ed maple streets, beautiful parks, ar
tistic homes and wide thoroughfares.
Can the prospective buyer -picture a
prettier or tnoro restful placo to
satin ribbon is used for the lining. The , laJg0 u?eT ana winter
rr r w .ii.i L '' boarding house? If you anticipate
Charmmg Tokens For the Christmaa
Gift Maker.
uresaen rtbuon daintily tinted is
used in making this sachet handker
chief case. The tipper part of the case
is open so that the folded handker
chiefs may be slipped inside. A plain
row of tiny satin ribbon roses wreath
ed around the edge of the heart and
the big plain satin ribbon bow at the
left are charming embellishments.
A specially pretty nnd novel hand
kerchief sachet Is very easily made
rrom a twenty-two inch square of
flowered silk, interlined with a layer
going into tho summer boarding
business, why not enter upon a
largo scale? Now is tho time to de
cide and also buy. Consult us and
got additional lnformatlonconcerning
this valuable and heautlful piece of
property. We will mako It worth
your while.
Training Track for High Bred
Horses located on farm about one
mile from Honesdale. Placo would
mako an ideal stock farm. Contains
96 acres. The land is also very pro
ductive and has an elegant southern
exposure which would grow luclous
strawberries. Well watered; barns
In good condition. Six-room house.
Will sell stock, machinery and farm
Implements. Buyer gets a big bar
gain. Property in A-l condition.
Valuable Blue Stone Qunrries, lo
cated on main lino of Erlo railroad,
for sale. Best building stone on
market. Can be easily quarried. On
same placo Is a dandy growth ot
timber. Thero Is enough on proper
ty, that In a few years would pay for
the farm, which Is an estate of 520
acres. Eighty acres cleared. Water
power also on premises. An eigh-teen-room
summer boarding houso
on place. Property borders the beau
tiful Delaware river for a mile. A
good investment for a hustler.
Very Pretty Cottage Eight acres
of land, largo lawns and plenty of
fruit. Would make an ideal summer
homo. Will sell furnished or un
furnished. Newly papered and paint
ed. Outside in excellent ropalr.
Located at Callicoon, N. Y.
Sixty Acres of Beautiful Beach
Lake is for sale. That portion the
owner wishes to dispose of extends
north and south from what Is known
as the "Point," near the center of
the lake; thence In an easterly direc
tion to the shore line. If purchaser
desires, owner will sell 20 acres
boarderlng along said lake shore,
which can be cut Into Ave desirable
lots for summer cottages. Owner
desires to sell his farm, which con
sists of 100 acres, 50 being improv
ed, balance second growth timber, In
connection with the lake. Purchaser
will enjoy all lake privileges, Includ
ing Ice, boating, bathing and fishing
If lake and farm are purchased to
gether. The lake is stocked with
rock, white and black bass, lake
trout, wall-eyed pike, pickerel, perch
and other fish. Elevation, 1,350
feet. Upon said property is a good
eight-room houso with excellent
basement. All walls are cement
Frontage of house SO feet. On main
road. Porperty In Beach Lake vill
age. Two churches, school, postof
fico, stores and best paying summer
boarding resort In Wayne county.
Six miles to Narrowsburg on main
line Erie railroad. Only one-fourth
down, balanco will bo made easy.
of flannelette, lined with Japanese silk productive,
ana eaged ull round with a cord chosen
to match tho lining.
After the materials have been placed
together and ono cord sewed on Uie
four oorners of tho square should be
Two Good Lots Located on Fair
avenue, 15 minutes walk from
Honesdale. Will be sold together or
separately. On R. D. route. Fer
tile ground. Lots have a frontage
of about COO feet and run from Dy
berry river. Ideal placo for party
who desires small farm near town.
Powell Throe-Story Brick build
ing, located C33 Main street, Is one
uf the recent properties listed with
us. Building in first-class condition.
Rare bargain for so valuable a
property. Situated In business cen
ter of Honesdale. Building now oc
Sixty-Acro Farm Located with
in two miles of Honesdale. Will sell
whole or a few acres of same to
party wanting small farm. Very
House and barn and
well watered. Another good bar
Modern Houso in Honesdale
Brick, contains steam heating plant,
gas and other modern appointments.
Lot 50x125 feet. Good garden,
. . 1 .. 1 . . . . I . .
miui-u w mm in iUe unuaie, envelope barn, and chicken houso on prem-
lasnion, wuno rour inches from each ises. Property in first-class condl
point sew a wee bow of ribbon o catch Hon. Was recently Improved. Ono
the sides togethor. of Honesdale's best properties
The four points should then bo turn-
eu uucj. ui nm us rar as inc rour rib- Modern dwolllng in Honesdalo
oou oowB, allowing nmple room for contains nine rooms and is equipped
goiung nanuiiercmers m and out.
The effect of tho turned back cor
ners, particularly if the lining lias been
chosen in ifume pretty contrasUng col
or, la very attractive.
ror a largo sachet, truitablo for a
Building Lot in Honesdale Locat
ed on Court street in one of prettiest
residential sections of Honesdale.
Size 63x125 feet. Story and a half
house on property. Property in
good condition.
Honofcdnlo Ten-room house on
Main street. Lot 50x200 feet. Ono
of nicest locations for residence
Will bo sold cheap.
Honcsdale Two building lots and
house on Sixteenth street. Size of
property 100 x 100 feet. Situated
in ilnest residential section of town.
Forty-Aero Farm Will sell or ex
change for property In Honesdale.
Largo ten-room houso in good re
pair. Barn and outbuildings; good
orchard. Located threo miles from
Callicoon and as many miles from
Cochecton, N. Y., one-half mile from
Delaware river. Rare bargain for
fall seeker. Apply Buy-U-A-Home
Realty company office, Jadwln build
ing, Honesdale.
Hotel at Milford Licensed. En
Joys good summer and transient
trade. Ideal place. Produce for
table raised on property. Good wa
ter and excellent roads. Popular
house. Easy terms. Rare bargain.
Small Farm In Proniptou Good
property. Houso contains 12 rooms.
Barn Is 20x36 feet. Acre and one
half of ground. Ideal place for
small chicken farm. Close to D. & H.
station. Bargain for fall buyer.
Five Lots Bordering Beach Lnko
with boating, bathing and Ice privi
leges. Elegant chance for summer
cottage sites.
with all appointments ot an up-to
dato houso. Located on Main street
In ono of tho nicest sections of tho
residential sections. Houso has
gas. New furnaco rocently Installed.
Lot 50x125 foot. Property in good
conaitlon. A bargain for a homo
nhjhtdrww, a yard of silk measuring seekor,
not mre than twenty-two inches wido Excollent farm, consisting of 184
in somo pretty shade is required, to- acres, 44 of which Is water, 60 acres
gether with a yard of soft white silk under cultivation and tho balanco
for Mnw pasture land. On farm is a good
Th twi, vnrds of iik n niA ,n. dwelling, barn, wagon, spring, chlck-
gethcr sUtched round threo sidos nnd
en and Ice houses. Good
summer boarding houso.
site for
hes and latteral exten-
jay becomo necessary or
licdlent for public neces-
lvenienco. and for those
to have, possess and en-
rlghts, benefits an
by said Act of Assembly
wppiomenxa thereto con-
Dec. 11, 1912.
one else every moment,
Christmas Is a lottery to tho pilots.
No man of them knows when his turn
Is coming to guide a sIiId into
street- thln ovTniVnS I B,)1I'3 ,nst bo guided when it is their t!',n verod on the Inside with n awaits purchaser.
said Keystone Street in an I cuI'laln 8 w1"- Borne of tie pilots may lmcl a 01 wuauinj;. II it is the or- Deslrublo Farm Located at
llrectlon In said Borough i "avo a Bnatch of tho day at homo In ajIlary snoei wauuing use three layers. Miianvuie liu acres, 75 cleared,
to Main Avenuo: thenco the midst of Santa Claus l'orsIo n,i I "18 wadding loosely to tho sol- namnco wen covereu witn timber.
by tho samo route to tha 1 tin horns nnd Htnmi oMri. ' Taro of tha silk. Tho case then Is .lwo:Btory dwolllng, barn, and other
"egiuuiiiK. wun sucu sia-iever the other Di ots mav iu ihrr nm nirnea ncm aiue out ana tno lonmi
on tho water with a good dinner atow- ,13e ""Ptltcbcd. Tho yard strip is
ed away awalUng Its opportunity, dlTM'a 4010 three, nnd two-thirds nre
which may or may not como. If a B'w1 nP together on cither sldo to
ship is suddenly sighted, then never toem
mind the dinner. I remaining third of the strip In
Tho life on tho great steamers nnd thtu UP mewhere about its con-
tailing vessels is more systcmaUe, and wlUl r"1 or rtDer more of
It is worth whllo to prepare for an rtbbon 10 mutch tha colored silk
much merriment aa the homealekneej c or' ,f 11 ,8 not vosel-
of empty sea view will permit. There rood match, with a dou-
may bo a Ohristmna tree and music rt oC th ,,k ,tself tltcaed to-
nnd dancing; but, bo you a seadog or ' tvrta a ribbon,
a landlubber, It's all the same you UP P6 of scbet Is
would rather ba it home over a table to nied ovar, ao that tha white
that doea not roll and ipond a good tIk nd b n the front
Christian Christmas with all its tru- mtbt, and tha opening is left
dlUonal nonsenee.-Sau Francisco Call. e4v M Stdresa In.
en wants a good, llvo-
lint In every village In
Will you ho oneT
buildings. Living spring on farm,
brook flows through premises. Ele
vation 1,200 feot. Ono of healthiest
Places In Wayne county. Ideal place
for summer boarding house. Excel
lent view over picturesque Delaware
rlvor. Threo quarters of a mile
from Erlo station and milk depot.
Eleven roads centor at place. Easy
terms to purchaser.
Farm at Ariel In flrst-clasa con
dition containing 50 acres, 30 of
which aro under cultivation and
the balance In pasture and wood
land. Fruits of all kinds, orchard
and cultivated berries. Seven-room
dwelling, bailment barn, good poul
try house and outbuildings. Never
falling spring near house and several
springs in pasture. Located 1&
miles from Arlol station on Erlo
railroad. Graded school and
churches in vicinity. Rural Deliv
ery, telephone connection and first
class road. Tho farm Is located In
a valley and Is warm In winter.
Road does not drift. A bargain for
fall purchaser. Must bo sold before
A No. 1 Farm Contains 104
acres, 70 cleared. No stonos and
ground very productive. Ideal
placo for truck farm. Located at
Indian Orchard on Main road be
twoen Honesdale and Hawley. Well
built farm house and barns. Young
and old applo orchards; also quan
tlty of butternut trees on promisee.
Well watered, brook runs through
farm. Most of land on flats. Will
sell stock If purchaser desires. One
half cash, balance on easy terms.
Eight-Aero Farm In Berlin town
ship for salo cheap. Three acres
cleared, balanco In woodland. House
and barn on promises. Good spring
and fruit on farm. On main road
between Bunnelltown and Beach
Lake, Farm about three miles from
Honesdalo. Owner, poor woman
that needs the monoy. Bargain for
fall purchaser.
Ideal Dairy Farm Located In
Chorry Rldgo township about ono
mile from the Hoadleys station on
tho Erie road on tho Wyoming di
vision. Two 6oparato parcels of
land with only public highway as
a division. First known as Isaac R.
Schonck farm, contains 123 acres,
50 of which aro improved and the
balance second growth of timber.
Brook runs through property, which
1b also well watered. Good farm
houso and barns. Tho socond tract
or what Is known as tho Apollas D.
Schenck farm contains 101 acres,
51 improved and balance Vn fine
young growth of hickory. This Is a
vnluablo asset to tho farm. This
farm cornors In tho Bonear farm
lake. It Is well watered. Good
fruit orchards on both farms. Termi
easy. Bargain for fall buyer.
Buy-U-A-HOME Realty Co.
Jadwin Building
Ifflco for particular.
Honesdale, Pa.