PAGE FOURTEEN THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 191a. ttttMttMftflMMtM -M j SPENCER The Jeweler x would like to sec you If t you arc In the market for j JEWELRY, SILVER I WARE, WATCHES, CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, t :! AND NOVELTIES j '.l "GDRriuitM-d nrtlcles only sold." 4 4 4 mttur 1 ;x:i:jnm:::t:rtntftt:Hn:r. MARTIN CAUFIELD I Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works; 1036 MAIN ST. 1 HONESDALE, PA. APPLICATION' FOK CHAKTEH. plication will bo made to the Gov ernor 01 Pennsylvania on uucemum OA 1010 rtf nn r'r'rinr n m . V Cathollna Lambert, J. Wallace Lam bert and W. P. Suydam, Jr., under the Act of Assembly entitled an Act to provide lor tne incorporation aim .nii.lntlnn nt nnrtnn fnrnnrfitlnnR. icfjuiaciuu ji v . . . . - , approved April 29, 1S74, and sup plements thereto for the charter for Ull III LCilUCU vwii'wiiuiuii .w - "Realty Weaving and Spinning Com pany, tne cnaracier aim ouject ui which Is In manufacturing of all fab rics, uBlng, therefore, wool, cotton, silk or any other vegetable, animal - ntlnnnl filial flf TTlK'tlim tVlPrPnf. gilks, spinning, dyeing, printing and nnisning, anu ior iue puriiu&u ui au; nil 0110V1 rnw mntnrlnla .is mav bo necessary for the above mentlon- and maintenance of such buildings ana dwellings as may uo uei-uoi) i -v. iimi'n montinnpfl mnnufjip- lng business and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the ... . . , ,..M ., t 1. .. rlgnts, uenenis anu iinmusus ui mi.- said Act 01 Assemuiy aim hujiimu ments thereto. SEAHLB & SALMON, Solicitors. Honesdale, Pa., Dec. 3, 1912. 9Ccol3, NOTICE TO llON'DHOLDKHS OI THE MlLAXVIIiliE 1HUDGE CO The bondholders of the Mllanville Bridge Company will take notice that in pursuance of a resolution duly adopted by the Company, and in accordance with the provisions of tho mortgage dated January 1905, given by the Mllanville Uridgo Company to Homer Greene Trustee, one thousand dollars of the bonds secured by said mortgago have been drawn lor redemption, un presentation of said bonds to Homer Greene. Trustee, at his office in Honesdale. Pa., on or after January 1. 1913. they will bo paid at their par value, together with Interest thereon to January 1, 1913, on and after whish date interest thereupon will cease. Tho numbers of the bonds so drawn are as follows: GG 7 1314 1519 22 29 31 45 4C 53 80 94 99 113 140 150 158 107 170 175 184 185 195 197 214 231 244 249 257 259 2C5 2C7 209 270 282 289294. CHAS. E. BEACH Secretary of tho Mllanville Bridge Company. 95w4. E " " Kstato of JULIETTE ARNOLD, Lato of South Canaan, Pa. All persons Indebted to said es tato are notified to make immediate payment to tho undersigned; and those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them duly attested, for settlement. J. G. B RONS ON, Executor. So. Canaan, Nov. 20, 1912. HIS RISE TO POWER By Henry Russell Miller, Author of "The Man Higher Up" Copyright, 1911, by Mm Bobbi-Merrlll Company SYNOPSIS Senator Murclioll. leader of tho stnto machine, and Sheehan, local boss of New Chelsea, offer th nomination for district attorney to John Dunmeado. Dunmcado Is Independent In his political ldoaa. Dunmeade will nceeDt th aomlnatlnn. His father, a partisan judge, congratu lates him. Ills Aunt Roberta urges John to call on Kntlierlns Hampden, daughter of a capitalist. Kathcrlno Hampden U a worshiper of success. She and John are friends. Jere my Applcgate, a political dependant, cam- colons for John ad tbs state ticket. In'Nctf Cnclsea lives tVfrren Blake, a model young bank cashier, connected with Hampden in "high flnaaeo." They try without success for John's aid. The rottenness of politics In his state and party as revoaled In his campaign dls- - Jc: H calls upon Kathcrlno. Katherlno's peril in a runaway re veals to her and John their unspoken olvo. John publicly "turns down" the machine of his party. John will not compromise with his conscience even for the sake of win ning Kathorine, and the two part. gainst tho things l nave ana want, i shall And you lacking." He made no reply. lie, too, was vrondorlng. Oould alio mnko herself over? Could ho mnko her over? Ho Btood awkwnrdly boforo her for n mo ment, thon turned ns though to lenvc. "Arc you going to relinquish mo wholly?" Her volco was still steady, but In tho moonlight her face was very whlto. "Don't! I this summer tonight you have aroused In mo long- iib-j for something different Perhaps niny yet lx'coino big enough to bo hnppy with what you can give mo with you." Ho was trembling. He had to steel himself ngaln boforo he could reply. I can't lot myself hope Hint you will cotno. Htit if you come, it must no without persuasion from me." She wont a few steps up tho stairs toward I ho terrace. Then she stopped and faced him again. "Goodby. And ASK ANY HORSE ( Eureka Harness Oil I Sold by damlmrm awmrywborm Tht Atlantic Refining Company "Now that It's, nil over I can namire your refusing to mako thnt speech. It was splendid In a way. You see, I can nppreclate unsolflsbness in the ab stract or when It can't bo remedied." "I told you that wasn't unselfish. It was involuntary," he Insisted. "But I can add to tho evidence your kindly, even If mistaken, Interest In me and my future. And you mustn't sneer at yourself." he added gravely. Sho turned to look fairly Into his eyes. "Do you still think It necessary to lot mo down easily?" sho asked quietly. His body became rigid, nnils biting Into palms In tho effort not to take her In his arms. For, without reason lng, he know that to accept now what she unasked had offered would be to placo himself In her power. And thnt he dared not! For n long moment their eyes clung, then nt the samo instant they both looked hastily away. The silent minutes lengthened as the cob drew them slowly up tho face of Rast ridge. Behind them lay tho val ley, always Iwautiful, never so won drous as In tho pallor of night; but llicy looked steadfastly ahead. To his credit be It written John did not think carplngly of her boldness- let us use tho word he used, courage. nis longing was not lessened because sho had abandoned the woman's weap on of indirection for the man's frank ness. Yet his hold on himself did not relax It became even tho more secure, And ho wondered at the strength now revealed within him, able to resist the temptation of her. lie knew all that she was, and ho knew, too, that he de sired, would nlwnys desire, hor above all good things that life holds, yet be tween them Htood an Ideal that was still essential to him. And he bollovod that he had strength to put her the tompta Hon away from him. He put nsldo his self measuring, From what? What was he to do that made Imposslblo the taking of this girl by his side, his to take? lie had said In answer to her qnes lion, "I don't know. Lot theni beat me. I suppose." Ho suddenly know thnt was not true, ne must mako his light. A warm glow enveloped him, his blood quickened, ne spoko aloud. "I will light them." She turned to look nt him ngalu "You Iuto thought as far ahead as to morrow," she said steadily. "Further than that." When he hnd helped her to alight nt her homo both her hands were In his He did not release them, nor did she seek to disturb bis clasp. Sho met his gaze unfalteringly. "Listen!" he said gently. "I didn't know thnt you cared. I, too, care fa more than you will believe." "I know you enre," sho answered simply. "And why you won't take me." "I havo known It ever since ou ride," ho went on. "Thnt is why I huvo not seen you since, and a poor man has not tho right to do more than ask n wo man used to luxury to share his life he must not try to persuade. And he has not tho right to ask any woman, unless sho can sympathize with him, help him In his work. If sho couldn't It would bring her unhappluess nnd do etroy his work. You I wo nro not In sympathy. And a man's work, his i place in life, must como first" I "If I could only bo suro of myself!' she cried. "You are bo many things that I care for nnd you refuse to take so many things that I caro for." "Tho things that you caro for can bo had ouly nt tho expenso of tho ' things that nro that I hope arc indls tiensablo to me. I don't mean to bo priggish." "You aren't priggish," Bho answered quickly. Then sho went on: "I won der. can ono make oneself over? I wish now that 1 could. But then per haps that Is only bocauso It Is now, PcrhapiiJoiiip.rrow, when I Avolgh you "Thank you for not humiliating me." thnnk you for not humiliating mo, for saying that you cared." She said It without a quaver. "Goodby." no got Into tho trap and drove away without once looking back. "John, John!" sho whlspored. "why didn't you take mo In spite of my self I" Thon she went Into the house. In tho hall she found her father, rending. He looked at her sharply. "You look done up. it was a fool errand. What's Williams driving out ngaln for?" It wasn't Williams," sho answered. John Dunmeade came homo with me." "Humph!" he growled. "You'll be making a fool of yourself over that fellow yet If you're not careful." "No, I won't," she said wearily. "He won't let mo. He doesn't want me. I virtually proposed to him and he vir tually told me I am a selfish pig." "Eh? It's a good thing we're going away tomorrow. You go upstairs to bed. And when you say your prayers thank the Lord that I've brought you up to bo what you are nnd that you aren't going to be the wife of a one horse country lawyer." CHAPTER VIII. Across the Border. r p-r iiiis next morning at tno ureaK J. I fast table Judge Dunmeade sat In a frigid but eloquent 'silence. John began, hesi tatingly, "Father, last night" "It Is too late for regrets, sir." "I am not exactly regretting. But I felt an explanation" "Can you," tho judge Interrupted coldly, "explnln away tho fact that you havo betrayed tho party that hon ored you, cast discredit upon William Murchell, who has given you his friendship, upon me, who enn you ex plain that?" Ho rose. John shook his head. "I thought I could. But now I'm afraid not." Tho Judge's Hps parted, then closed firmly ns though ho could not trust himself to speak, no raised his hand In a gesturo in which grief and hope lessness wero blended nnd, turning, stalked slowly from tho room. John smiled uncertainly. "I'm afraid, Aunt Roberta, your bones wore a truo prophet" Sho sighed assentlngly. no went out to faco his neighbors nn ordeal. New Chelsea was rent In twain nny, Into mnny divisions by John's speech, Its honest but pnrtlsnn soul sorely troubled. Tho largest number, torn betwixt liking for their young neighbor nnd tho mental discomfort of thoso whoso traditions had been rudoly Jolted, with held judgment until they could see what befell. Among the farmers was no dissension. A sudden lifting of heads, n still half unbelieving rejoic ing that tho young fellow, who ns ho sweat with them In tho fields asked questions, had dared to volco their protest Tho Globe, stnnchly partisan, made no mention of John's part In the rally pave tho unconsciously humorous sen tence, "Attorney John Dunmcado also spoko." Later, not greatly uplifted by the doubtful honor of being n bono of con tention, John was alone In his olllcc, smoking furiously, brow wrinkled, feet propped on tho table. A heavy tread 1 In tho outer room announced the nr-! rival of n visitor. Without knocking the newcomer Hung open tho door and strodo Into tho olllce. Ills hat was pushed back on his head; an unllghted cigar stuck out at nn ncr'salvn nngl rrom tho cornor of his mouth, no nur vcyed John m mingled anger ana au gust John, not rising, sighted over laxy feet "Good morning, Shcchan," ho nald with n pleasantness thnt would haro carried a warning to a calmer otorvcr than tho boss. Without Invitation Shcohnn snt down. "Well," he growled, "you did It didn't you? When n young feller llko you thinks ho Is better than his party he's got a lot to learn." John considered this statemont for a moment. "I do not" ho concluded, "think 1 nm better than my party." Shoolmn caught the point. "Huh! Guess you don't know who tho party Is." "That's just what I'm trying to de cide. Perhaps you can cnllghtou me." "I can. A party," Sheehan spoko with lntenso conviction "a party Is thoso thnt control It" "Then In Bonton county you'ro the party?" "Eggsactly! Mo and Murchell." "Then, modestly, I do think I'm bet ter thnn tho party," John rospouded, still pleasantly. "And, ns you say, I've a lot to learn. Have you come to tench mo?" "Sny, hain't you no respect for my position In this county?" "For your position a great deal; for you none at all." Shcohnn grinned In spite of hlmsolf. "I llko your nerve. That's what makes mo sore," ho went on reproach fully. "I like you. I was glad to do you a favor. I gavo you a chanco to get in strong with ns. And you ro nnd beef It by throwln' down the- state ticket. What did you do It for?" "I'm nfrnid you won't understand. Sheehan. It's u question of Ideals." Hheehna snorted. "Ideals! I know nil about 'om. What's Ideals? Can you eat 'eui? Can you wear 'em? Can you stuff 'em into your pants' pocket llko this?" no lllustrnted uy drawing out a fnt roll of bills. "Will they get you votes? When 1 came to Plurnvllle fifteen years ago all I owned was the shirt on my buck. Now I can buy out any mnn in Benton county ox ceptln' Steve Hampden nnd Murchell. and when they wnnt nnythlng here they're glnd enough to como to me and make It worth my while to give It to 'em. I didn't get It by bavin' Ideals." How true, John thought. Judging from his narrow experience. Was It possible that the seats of the mighty were reserved only for the Murchells. (he Hampden1, tho Sheehnns? He thought disgustedly of the coarse brutish thing before him. Yet Sh-r linn could command his retinue of fol lowers. One of them entered John's mind Ho looked up suddenly. "Shee hati. iio Is Butch Mnley?" "Who's Butrh Mnley? Ho's tne Fourth precinct Fourth ward. Hint's what he Is. and It's the biggest precinct in the itty. ne's the whole works, voters nnd election board." "You menu he monkeys with tho count?" "1 mean." replied Sheehan signifi cantly, "that when wo need a few votes we can nlwnys get 'em from Butch's precinct." "I see. I've heard of those precincts, n-m-m! Sheehan, I don't think you're ns smnrt ns you think you are. What did you come to tench me?" "I come to give you another chnuce. You enn give an Interview sayln that you was misunderstood that you're for the stnte ticket strong nnd want all your friends to vote for It" "la that nn order or a request?" "Whichever you please," Sheehan answered shortly. "And If I don't do It?" "There's nnotlier man runnln' for district attorney." "Why, Sheehan!" John simulated reproachful surprise well. "Surely you wouldn't go bnck on your party! But I forget you're the party, aren't you? I suppose Slmcox belongs to the party too." Slmcox was John's opponent. "And if I do?" "Then you'll win." John cot leisurely to his feet, nis visitor nlso rose. "Sheehan, you're ly ing. You'll knife me In nny case. Well, I won't do It. So go nhead and beat mo if you can. I'd rather be beaten than bo beholden to you, you Do you know what you nrc, Sheehan? You'ro not smart, you'ro Just greedy and there's been nobody to thwart you. You'ro Just a big bully with a Bool aa fut as your body. Do you know you'ro getting awfully fat?" Uo began proddlug the other, none too gunny, about the ribs and stomach. Ills fingers found only soft yielding cush ions of fat "Don't get fresh, young feller." But Sheehan drew back, nevertheless. John followed him and contiuued his inspection. "If I'm elected, Sheehan, I'd advise you to buy a passage to Mexico or some place whero extradition laws don't hold. You needn't bother about n round trip ticket, either. In tho meantime, get out!" Sheehan assumed a blustering air. "It's shorter by tho window, but you may prefer tho door," continued John. no seemed to tho other Just then a very cnpablo young roan. Tho boss, after n moment's inward debate, choso discretion us the better part of valor. John went to tho window, threw It open nnd watched tho bulky figure pn6s out of sight around tho corner. IIo filled his lungs with the wol, clear autumn nlr. (Continued In Next Friday's Issue.) Tho Kind You Havo Always Bongbt, nnd -which lias been in uso for over 30 years, has homo tho filfrnatnro of and lins been mado under his pcr jC?7tr Bonal HiiporrLslon slnco its Infancy. WiOf7y, S-etCCAJM. jx no ono to decelro you in tldu. All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-as-cood" aro but Experiments thnt trlllo "with and endanger tho health of Infants nnd Children Experience njjnlust Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorln is n harmless substitutes for Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It is 1'lcasnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ngo Is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Fcverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Scars the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TUB CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY TRIET, NtW YORK CITY '"'X VL ' KRAFT & CONGER HONESDALE, PA. Rearesent Reliable Cnmoanies ONLY I Our GOLD TABLE IS if used promptly I will make short work of a cold. O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, k Honesdale, - Pa. S3 f I --,r-ll( W 1 , V. ili"J i," -l" H i H 1 H li 1 1 l l v- 1 1- .! 1 . 1 , 1 V 1 - Vl 1 1 V . ... . The Ideal Guardian ui inc caidica ui vuui u uinr i i. i . r tit." ren. it nas neverv oes ac i me fnr fhfi nrnfitahlp anri wirp. mpnt anri rp invRRtmpnt nf thR nrmni. pai ana accrued income -1 ne bcramon i rusi u olO nruco Sstrcct. In Effect Sopt. 20, 1912. CASTORIA For Infants ana Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought A.M. SUN K 30 ie oo 10 30 s 1.1 K OS l'.M S 40 5 SO 5 51 (i US H 11 K 17 fi lil 6 'Jfi H 32 115 K y 6 Ki H U 6 50 l'.M. SUN 2 15 7 10 H 00 A.M 8 43 K 65 H M l:' a ai a as 32 U 37 a 3a a 4i y 47 y go a 55 I'.M.U.M. A.M. 10 00 10 00 12 30 1 45 6 351 l'.M. 6 25 t 33 li 51 fi 57 7 03 7 V0 7 rj 7 lh 7 21 7 23 7 2a 7 32 7 36 A.M. 12 30 1 ia; KiT 2 05 2 15 2 19 2 31 2 37 2 43 2 40 2 52 2 57 2 50 3 OJ 3 07 3 10 3 15 l'.M. 4 30 6 15 A.M. 7 00 7 50! A.M. H 50 a oo a oi a 17: a 2.t' a 2a a 3i a 37 a 4.' a 44 a 4s a 62 a as 10 oo P.M.lA.M.lAr Albany .... Hlusliumton . I'liiltulelptila . .WIlkes-Hnrre. Scrantoti.... Ar Cnrnomlule .... ..Lincoln Avenue.. Whites Qulsley hurvlew , L'anaun ... Ijike Lodorts ... ... . Waynmrt , Ket-no , SteeiiH Proiniiton , l'ortenlii , Keelyvllle lloncailale .... l'.M. 2 00 12 40 4 00 A.M a 35 H 45 A.M. 8 05 7 51 7 60 7 39 7 33 7 25 7 18 7 17 7 12 7 oa 7 03 7 01 B 6H 6 55 I.vlA.M P.M. 11 00! 8 45 7 45 2 55 8 13 l'.M, I 35 1 25 1 21 1 oa 1 03 12 6HI 12 51 12 49 12 43 12 40 12 38 12 32 12 29 12 25 A M. 8 12i P.M. 7 25 ti SOI pTm, iP.M.i (SUN 11 00 v ooi 12 & . 12 a P.M. 5 60 6 40 5 34 5 24 6 li 5 II 5 00! 5 01 4 5.S; 4 53 4 51 1 47 4 44 4 40! 1 M Bears the Signature AD-VEKTISK. IF YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Sorvant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Want to Soli a Carrlago Want to Soil Town Proporty Want to Sell Your Groceries Want to Sell Your Hardware Advertise Hogularly in This Paper Advertising Is tlio Way to Success Advertising Brings Custopiors Advertising Keeps Customers Advertising Insures Success Advertising Shows Energy Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising is "Dla" iMUiuu is uuruuy kivoii u Company will ho hold in tl MONDAY, JANUARY 41, tlon of eonoral business an oloctlon will ho held at nlnrn ftf moAtlnc )lftWOOtl or ono and two o'clocic p. innmliorR nt snlil rnmnnilV directors for tlio ensi pany in u luuiuuur iiimi mind ito ono voto. PEIUtY A. CLA Honesdalo, Dec. 4, 13