THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, igia. PAGE ELEVEN CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. ' Qrat Skill Shown by the Coburg Qlasiblowers, From Coburg, Germany, a little rail way only twonty-flvo miles long leads Into tlio heart of the Thurlnglan forest ranges, terminating nt LatiKchn, whero Christmas ornaments are matlo. Near ly every houso and hut Is the homo of a glassblower, and tho smallest child that can use Its hands undcrstnudlngly has eoino part In tho work. Tho hlowors make all their work from glass tubes of variod dlnmctor and thickness, 'Which are cut to con venlent lengths by scratching them with a flic and breaking them at tho cleavago. A burner consisting of two, four or more flamos issuing from tiny ga Jets converged Its fires upon a metal plate, which usually supports a pleco of dry wood or chnrcoal whoso slow but flcrco combustion under tho bluo flnmo of tho blowpipes rapidly melts tho hanlost glass. Driving tho bollowB which supplies air to his blow pipes with his feet, tho operator turns out with deft swiftness balls, stars, pendants and larger ornaments of al most every conceivable shape nnd size. His good wlfo Is perhaps Injecting a spray of gilding or silvering solution Into a great basketful of the tiny balls, used to festoon windows and Christ mas trees, or, perhaps, with greater Skill is coloring with deft lingers tho interior of a larger ornament. The eldest. boy max hlmsnlf bo a skilled operator nnd perhaps excels Ms fathor in creating miniature reindeer, with great spreading nntlors, spirited horses, coursing hounds, fragile air ships and balloons nnd, most wonder ful of nil, roses, carnations, tulljw and other llowora, each of whose parts is mado of colored glass of the proper color nnd fuwxl in place with a deli cacy of touch that far oxecls ordinary painting. Bo light and fragllo nro these goods that they aro packed in cotton and cartons divided into compartments nnd to n very groat extent are shipped away from Lauscha by parcels ex press. So generally is this dono be tween tho mlddlo of November and Christmas week that tho postolllce force and a number of mall earn nro furnlshod to meet the dornnnd for par cels transportation. -National Maga zine. An Easy to Make Jacket. A combing Jacket Is something nny woman would appreciate, ospoclally If it Is as protty as some of thoso tho shops nro showing. Tho dainty things In tho big stores nro all but absolute ly shapcloa, two pcrfoctly straight breadths being used to form a sort of Jnunty kimono sack, with pointed back and front Tho two lengtlu havo the ends cut blus, this shnplng making tho front nnd rwir points, nnd tho sleeves aro mado by catching the breadth edgo to ihIju undur tho tiny- White flannel combing Jackets nro protty with bluo or pink satin ribbon blndlncs. SUB liilTnW H I 41 VI. ,:i ,U - I It I'll 1 ID rf-tj I I Light Your Home Properly Electric light in the home is no longer a luxury. It has really become cheap. Fostoria flazda Lamp lis made it so cheap that you now get three times the light of tho old Ipe lamp for the same current consumption a soft, white, brilliant l;ht by which you can rend for hours without hurting jour eyes. 1X0 other light can compnre in quality, convenience, safety nnd prncti- I economy with electric light nud no other lamp can compare with the tstorln Mnzriu. Also tho strong drawn wire filament of this Inmn re- Ics breakage to n minimum. fo would like to show you just how cheap electric light now is. call or telephono us to-clny? Let us demonstrate our guar anteed Electric Vacuum Gleaner, Flatiroris, Toasters, V etc., etc. Will L. Beurket 102 Seventh St. EXTRA SSViART ress Boots and Slippers FOR Men, Women and Children AT Deitzer3s. ilect Your Christmas Shoes and Slippers NOW ! ACCUSE PAYMASTER Assistant on Prairio Charged With Embezzlement. FACES COURT MARTIAL DEC 16 Offonso of Which Horry H. Palmer Is Charged Said to Hnve Been Com mitted Before nnd During Prai rie's Trip to Panama Last September. Philadelphia. Dee. 10. Charged with embezzlement, fraud, falsehood and submitting fulxe ruturntt to the hureHU of Hiippllpy of the navy department. Assistant 1'nymnntcr Harry II. rainier of the transport i'ruirle will face n court martial hero on Moiulny, Dec. ill. The bearing had beon net for yester day, hut was postponed to permit Pal mer time to cnfniffo counsel nud pre pare his case as well ns to Rive the members of the court time to nseinliio from their various stations alone the Atlantic coast Since the return to the navy of the Prairie Saturday fron Santo Domlnpo Palmer has been detained on the battle ship Maine under arrest. The offenses with which he is ehnrged are said to have been committed before and dur ing the trip of the transport to Panama last September. Since that time ho has been under close surveillance. Assistant Paymas ter Frederick ('. Powerflnd of the cruis er Chester has been detailed to rollvve Paymaster Palmer on the Prairie. The court which will try the accused man Is composed of Paymaster McOlll H. Goldsborouph, Paymaster Itobort II Orr, Past Assistant Paymaster John P O'Hara, Commander C. 1. Morgan, Commander E. It. Polllck, Commander C. P. Preston nnd I.lontennnt Coin mandcr Gilbert Chase. Paymaster Wil liam C. Flte is the judc advocate. ANOTHER RAILROAD VICTIM. Farmer Third One to Meet His Death Within Forty-eight Hours. York, Pa., Dec. 10. Jesse Gladfelter, n farmer, is the third victim in this county of a Northern Central railroad locomotive within the last forty-eight hours. Mr. Gladfelter, who was forty-three years old, while driving home from at tending a butchering, was struck by a northbound engine on the Northern Central at the Centerville crossing and Instantly killed. Tho engine hit the tail end of the buggy, nnd Mr. Gladfel ter was hurled seventy-five feet Into a meadow. There were no lacerations or bruises on his body when picked up, Tho buggy was wrecked, but the horse escaped Injury. Three men have been killed nnd a number injured at the Centerville cross ing in recent years. FORMER POLICE LEAVE JAIL. KCZKMA. kloso tho pores of tho skin It in. Persons afflicted kia, scrofula, psoriasis, ul- lea, etc., frequently havo strong astringent extor ts to dry up ana closo tho skin In order to get tom- forgottlng in their anx- so doing thoy aro forc- lonous germs back into reassert Itself a month lold disease area, or on Fiart of tho body, in a better to help tho blood throw off tho impurities which causo theso dis eases and got permanent relief. Wood is tho most Important con stituent of tho human body, and when impure Is tho underlying causo of most of our ailments, particular ly skin diseases. Take Iiloodlno to purify tho Dlood and apply Bloodlno Ointment to tho skin and you will euro tho causo of this most dreaded disease. Guaranteed to euro by your druggist. Mall orders tilled by tho Iiloodlno Corp., Boston, Mass. For salo by C. C, Jadwln, Hones- Four Bluecoats, Convicted of Theft, Served Four Years and Ten Months. Philadelphia, Dec. 10. John Kelly, Albert Sithens, John Straub and J. Luckenblll, all former members of the city's police force nnd nttached to the Fourth and Hace streets station, were released from the Eastern penitentiary nf tor serving four years and ten months each of a seven years' sentenco Im posed for burglary. The men were model prisoners, thus earning two years and two months' reduction of sentence. Members of their families met the men and hurried them to their homes. All refused to mnke nny statements ns to their plans. Seventeen men were involved In thefts from wholesale houses along Delaware avenue, for complicity in which the four bluecontH were convicted. SIX HAZERS ARE SUSPENDED. Dickinson College Faculty Acts In At tack on Freshman Smith. Carlisle. Pa., Dec. 10. The faculty of Dickinson college, which for two weeks has been investigating the haz ing attack on C. II. Smith, a popular freshman from Wllllamsport, Pa., whoso face was marked with a sup posedly indelible ncid, has laid the blame on six sophomores who have been suspended for an Indefinite period. The young men nro: Robert Davles of Lansdale, Pa.: Walcott Gooding. Wyoming, Del.; Harold Faslck, Car lisle, Pa.; T. M. It. Hicks, Jr., Wllllams port, Pa.; Gilbert Malcolm of New York city, and Lorraine McAnney of Car lisle, Pa. 14 HURT IN GRADE CRASH. Pennsylvania Railroad Train Hits Trolley Car at Wllllamsport. Wllllamsport, Pa Dec. 10. Fourteen Vmrsons, passengers on n trolley cur, were Injured when they were ruu down by u Pennsylvania railroad pas senger train, whllu the trolley was stalled on tho railroad tracks nt the Fourth street crossing, In this city. None of the injured are seriously hurt Tho train which left Philadelphia was not running rapidly, but tho loco motive carried tho trolley ear some distance up the tracks. The occupants of tho trnlu were slightly shaken up. Your Christmas Dinner wiSI not be com plete without a cup of Barrington Hall Coffee or a Loaf of Bread made from Occident Flour GIVE THEM A TRIAL Clark & Bullock 9 North Main Street. HONESDALE, Pa. Their Christmas Presents. I. Little Tcnelope Socrates, A Boston maid of four, Wldo opened her eyes on Christmas morn And looked the landscape o'er. "What Is't Inflates my bas de bleu?" She asked, with dignity. " "lis Ibsen In the original. Oh, Joy beyond degree!" II. Miss May Cadwallader Rlttenhouse Of Philadelphia town Awoko as much as they ever do there And watched the snow come down. "Well, I'm glad that Christmas has coma again," You might have heard her say, "For my family's one year older now Than It was last Christmas day." III. It was Christmas in giddy Gotham, And Miss Irene de Jones Awoke at noon and yawned and yawned And stretched her languid bones. "Well, I'm sorry that It's Christmas. Papa at homo will stay, For "change Is closed, and he won't make A single cent all day." IV. Oh, wlndlly dawned the Christmas In the city by the lake I And Miss Arabel Wabash Breezy Was Instantly awake. "Ah, what's that In my stocking? Well, In two Jiffs I'll know!" And she drew forth a grand piano From away down In tho toe. Let us show you a LOW COST policy in the Mutual Life Insurance Go.ofN.Y. OLDEST COMPANY IN AMERICA Paid the most to policy hold ers and beneficiaries. Pays the most in dividends to policy holders INSURE WITH BentleyBros. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Boiler Insurance Liberty Hiijl Klilf. Honesdale Consolidated Phono 1SI, Be an Uptodate Santa Claus e It's Easy if You Make Your Selections from Our Extensive Assortment! Have you seen our DOLLS ?Character Dolls and all kinds of Dolls. New Games, Mechanical Toys, Tree Ornaments, etc. Our line is Larger and Better than ever. China, Stationery, Notions and Fancy Goods. Christmas and New Year Postals at one cent. THE ECONOMY. C. W. SMITH & Co. Opp. Lyric Theatre. The Honesdale offers the best Christmas candies, high grade Chocolates, Fancy Boxes, ever offered in Honesdale 2 ; co CO CO fcxO o o - 5 co 2 u a 2 t ui 3 x Z X o CT3 CO For Your Christmas D inner We handle home-made ice cream of the best quality. A dish that will make that dinner one to be long remembered. Fancy frappe and hot drinks. ALL KINDS OF FRUITS AND MIXED NUTS. THE HONESDALE CANDY KITCHEN 541 MAIN STREET Useful Holiday Gifts At Special Prices. ItOOKKS' SIIjVKIUVAUK, Knives, forks, spoons, etc., at spec ial holiday prices for tho "week. OAKVIXCJ SHTS, Knife, fork ami steel with genulno stag handles, and shollleld steel blades, $2. DO per sot in fancy box. HAZOKS. Best quality every ono guaranteed; all stylos; regular pattern or tho Enders safety razor with six blades; choice ?1.00. l'OCKKT KXIVKS. 10c to ?2.00, each packed in fancy Xnias box. HANI) STjKDS of all shapos and kinds; got our prices. FOOT WA KM Kits, tho I2.G0 kind, special at ?1.75. SIMCCIAIj For Saturday Afternoon Only. 50 Flexible linnd Sleds tit day Gifts. Uonosdale, Pa. Murray Company. The Homo of tho Useful nolllday Gifts. Honesdale, Pa V lant form. How much dale, Pa,