PAGE TEN THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1912. IV' lit .11 H I It I ft I The Dry Land Life-Saver A hurriedly given number, a pause, a deep bass answer, a re assuring word, and the telephone 5 receiver is hung up. That is all before you know it the doctor s car is throbbing before the door. Yes at such times, accidents, sudden illness, and 5; such the Bell telephones value can no longer be S$ measured in dollars. Take this to heart yourself. How about your home? Residence rates are low. It would be wise to call up the Business Office right now. Use any Pub lie Telephone the message is free. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, W. A. DELLMORE, Agent Honesdale, Pa. I Mir Y I The New York Life's NEW POLICY WITH "WAIVER OF PREMIUM CLAUSE" relieves a man of tho bugaboo always staring him in tho face as to what will happen If ho becomes, through accident or disease, totally and per ananently disabled. Under this policy the company. In that event, relloves tho Insured from further premium payments, while his policy goes on participating in tho company's earnings, allowing him the privileges of cash loans, paid-up Insurance, etc., tho same as If tho premiums were paid by him as cash. Here is a contract that marks a stop ahead in Life Insurance. Issued to men and women on the same terms. Call on or address Chas. E. Dodge9 Honesdale, Pa. General Agent for Wayne and Pike Counties. TRY A CENT-A-WORD The Yuletide Gift A favorlto poem mndc into n booklet tnnkes n charming gift. A flnt leather penwiper for hta desk makes nn npproprlnto souvenir for the business man or woman, A bodklu case with three bodkins Is n useful Christmas gift for the needle woman. A liomcmndo booklet of a dorcn re liable chafing dish recipes will be prized by tho housewife. A blotter, tho upper side made of a picture postcard of yourself, Is a sim ple yet valued gift for an intimate friend. CHRISTMAS. ChrlstmnH comoa but once a yrmx. Let'a enjoy It whIU It's her. Et your turkey without tmnr. Never pause to shed a. ter. Should you feel a trine qur Aftcr wings or running pear. Nock and bUhop's nose y-fore. Take a pill a l'Altck Thwwitt, He who never darre to cot Wnffles, cakes or sausape meot, Nothing sour, nothing sweet; Lives n. week on shredded cora. Never smoked slnoo ho was lxm; Water's nil ho crer drinks; Llvlnc low, ho highly thinks. Christmas turkey, Christmas pie, Christmas pudding-. Christmas uleh! Merry Christmas! Merry wek! Happy New Year! Very meek! O -o PRETTY CHRISTMAS TABLE. An Old Fashioned Party For the Chil dren. Tho arrangement of a table at a rnletido party was quite unusual, in asmuch as It was an old fahtoned square one, lengthened to accommo date twelve children. It was pushed back against the wall, and at the back was the largest sized Yule log candy box, resting on a bed of holly and mis tletoe. On top of the log was a doll dressed as a Jester, called the "Lord of Mis rule," and attached to the front end of the log by red ribbons were six dolls dressed to represent the first six months of the year. Following after the log were six more figures dressed like the last six months. At oach plate were a hoUy paper covered born ami a wee tree lit with red wax tapers. The children were to blow out tho candles, making a wish for each one. If they go out with the very first puff the wish will come true. A white and red Christmas ribbon poo to each Plate., falEid .by a jprajr et hoUr- 'Then each child looks at tho dolls and says which one ho or she thinks rep resents the month in which they wero born. If there should 1hj two In tho same month tho one who is tho oldest gets tho doll for that month. As there Is one for ench guest, n satisfactory ad justment Is easily mode. Tho Yule log also contains small favors for each guest. English Plum Pudding, For those who want their plum pud dings homemade tho following recipe may prove useful: Take one-half pound of finely shred ded suet, one-half pound of wnslicd and dried currants, three-fourths of n pound of stoned raisins, four tablespoon fills of dried and sifted breadcrumbs, three tablespoonfuls of wnrm sifted Hour, five ounces of loaf sugar, three eggs, three ounces of shredded citron, ouc half nutmeg grated and n teaspoon ful of brandy. Mix these well togeth er, adding enough milk to make it of nice consistency, and boll for six or eight hours. Tills pudding keeps; admirably, nnd when It Is not to bo used for some time it should bo loiled, say, for six hours and then hung from a hook In the storeroom until about to be used, when it should again be placed In tho pan and boiled for an hour and a half or two hours longer. It may be boiled In a mold, a baulu or a cloth and must bo kept in which ever is chosen until ready to be served. ROWLAND Quality Jeweler has a store and window full of distinctive Ghristmas Gifts. Distinctive, because they are entirely different. The price is not cheap but very reasonable. WHY should a share of your Ghristmas gifts be purchased at Rowland's ? THE ANSWER A Mean Holiday Spirit. Do not gauge your Christmas giving. There Is nothing more despicable than to work off the back numbers or tho shabby, useless gifts on tho girl who "needs everything" and spend a small fortune on those who can spend on themselves. Christmas Eve. The hoar of time where tho frost's Bray rime In fantastic glamour lies; A sheen of Urht on the glcam'ng white That mirrors the spangled skies; A great cold star In the heavens afar And a moon trail on the hills; Tho earth Instilled with an awe fulfilled And tho night with music thrilled. The carolers sing as the church bells ring. Whllo up In the organ loft The sage owls croon as tho calm, sweet tune Comes swelling, but ever soft. The message flies through the changing skies By changing time and tongue. But ever the samo as the tale that came The shepherd men among. Where! the mlitletoe and the laurel bough And the holly nnd bay are twined. Where the hearth flro gleams as In an cient dreams. One age Is but In mind. As In modern dreams the hearth fire gleams, B, under the casement still. The carolers sing as the tower tongues swing Man's peace and God's good will. -Stephen Chalmers. Because : The bulk of Ghristmas gifts consists of Jewelry. Good Jewelry is very appropriate. Rowland has good Jewelry. He has plenty of it. His prices are right. Rowland guarantees every article he sells. He cheerfully exchanges goods not giving entire satisfaction. For your own decision. Are the above not facts? Among the suggestions I have in mind as acceptable Christmas gifts are : Diamonds, Fountain Pens, Watches, Rings, Gold Jewelry, Silverware, Rosaries, Clocks, Leather Novelties, Karnac Brass, Curio Bronze, Ray Hand Painted China. ROWLAND Quality Jeweler. The Store with a Magnetic Window. NOTE-On Saturday, this week, the Hth. we offer exceptional values In Hay China. It's worth your while, shoppers, to come In. Our store is replete with things for Christmas. Presents pretty or practical, pretentious ones and those less expensive. ALL OF THEM APPROPRIATE AND OF EXCELLENT VALUE. AT LEAST COME IN AND LOOK AROUND. WE ARE MENTIONING ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY APPROPRIATE GIFTS THAT ARE TO BE FOUND AT OUR STORE. ICY-HOT THERMO BOTTLES From $1.00 to $5.75; Icy-Hot Bottle Carriers, $1.75 to $3.00. Perfect Self Basting Roasters made in three sizes. Made in black, enamel and aluminum ware. Price 75c to $4.50. CASSEROLES AND SERVING DISHES. With copper and German Silver Frames. White and Brown China insets. A gift that will be more than appreciated. Prices, $1.50 to $7.00. "SHUR-EDGE POCKET KNIVES, pocket knives to be found in Honesdale. Every knife fully guaranteed. Each knife put up in a fancy Xmas box. Prices, 25c to $4.00. pupa-DC A vtt- cnTccnnp onDnivo u ovioouno, RAZORS A large assortment and of the highest quality. AH the leading makes of safety razors. Gem Jr., Embroidery Scissors, both fancy and plain, small, Claus6 Durham Duplex, Star, Auto-Strop and Gil medium and large. Warranteed Shears and Scis- lette. Prices $1.00, $3.50 and $5.00. Old style ra sors, soc to $1.00. Shears and Scissors (seconds) zors blades of the finest steel, plain and fancy 25 and 50 cents. handles. Every razor fully warranted $1.00 to $3.50. A fine line of razor strops from 65c to $1.75. ..Shaving Brushes from 10 cents to 60 cents. CARVING SETS. A nice line of good substantial three piece carv ing sets with plain, stag and horn handles. Two piece steak and game sets. All sets packed in nice boxes. Prices 75c to $7.50. O-CEDAR POLISH MOPS. This is a Xman gift that will please the ladies. PERCOLATORS AND COFFEE MACHINES Mops with handle $1.50.. In polished copper and nickle plate. A nice as- O-Cedar Polish in 25 and 50c bottles. sortment for you to select from. Sizes from 4 to 9 cups. Three different styles. From $2.50 to $6.50. NICKEL PLATED TEA POTS. With adjustable Tea Ball. This is something brand new in the Tea Pot line. Let us show it to you, you'll like it. 3 cup size $2.25. 4 cup size $2.75. CHAFING DISHES. In polished Copper and Nickel Plate. Priced from $5.00 to $6.00. Alcohol Flagons, polished copper with brass trimmings. $1.75 each. NICKEL PLATED COFFEE AND TEA POTS. We are showing the most varied and complete line of Nickel Plated coffee and tea pots that has ever been shown in Honesdale. See the new style coffee and tea pots, they're nice and you will like them. Priced from 70c to $3.00. POTTERY. Brown glazed, white lining, made to stand heat, Tea Pots, Casseroles, Bean Pots, Pudding basins, etc. From 15c up. TEA KETTLES. In Copper, Nickel Plated and Aluminum ware. Extra good quality. From $1.25 to $4.50. J MACHINES, ELECTRIC TOASTERS, GRILLS, WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR A COMPLE TE LINE OF ELECTRICAL COFFEE AND TEA Stoves, Etc.
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