The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 06, 1912, Image 1

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Snbscrlbo For 7 jy4 Jltlzcn Tho
Pcoplo's Family .per; IJ1.50
Per Year.
Flno Job Work Promptly Ex
ecuted at Tho Citizen OfTlco.
70th YEAK.--NO. 97
Explains tlio Stale's Government to
Y. M. C. A. Outlines Public
Utilities, Child Labor, Old Ago
Pension anil Good Roads.
Governor Toner, addressing mem
bers of the Central Branch Y. M. C.
A., In Harrlsburg, outlined modern
legislation which ho desired placed
on the stntuto books of Pennsylva
nia This Included a public utilities
commission act, child labor, old ago
pensions, good roads, etc.
The mooting was held under the
-,onmno of f1,o QMinnl nf rnmnicron
.....,. . ,
inu Acrounis oi me i. .u. j. t. in
stitute and was presided over by
Franklin Spencer Edmonds, who re
versed tho usual order of things by
presenting the assemblage to the
While tho topic assigned 'the
speaker was tho public utilities
bill, he prefaced his remarks on this
subject by telling his audience
something of the way tho State was
served by Its officials In Harrlsburg,
and paid a social tribute to the head
of tho Stato Board of Health, whom
he named as "that splendid and effi
cient officer, your own Dr. Dlxori."
Ho mentioned tho work done a year
ago at the lime of the Austin dam
catastrophe, when the State depart
ments had "order brought out of
chaos" and every sanitary and hu
manitarian requirement men inside
of twelvo hours.
Commission Needs Power.
The Governor said In parti
" Much is being said nowadays
about tho proper exercise of tho po
lice power and tho necessity for the
enactment of a certain class of leg
islation which makes for tho health,
the safety, the convenience, the mor
als and the general welfare of the
people. And Pennsylvania to-day
has many such humane and pro
gressive laws upon her statute
books, and more In contemplation.
Many of the statutes may well be
amended and extended; or, in some
cases, repealed and a new statute
enacted, framed In tho light of our
present enlarged knowledge and ex
perience of the evils and the desired
This observation is especially ap
plicable to tho act approved in May,
1907, providing for the appointment
of a Railroad Commission and pre
scribing its powers and duties. In
point of fact the "powers" of this
Commission aro unworthy of the
name. They aro simply recom
mendatory. Public service corporations are tho
creatures of tho State. Tho Com
monwealth grants to such corpora
tions special rights, franchises and
privileges; and It Is no longer de
batable that 1n return for such
grant tho Commonwealth may Justly
require of such corporations tho per
formance of special duties, chief
among which aro that they shall
render and furnish to tho public
safe, adequate and sufficient ser
vice and facilities; and that they
shall charge for such service only
Just, reasonable and non-dlscrlmlna-
tory rates and fares.
To Prevent Financial Juggling.
Such a requirement would likely
end tho crying evil of overcapitali
zation and "watered stock," and In
sure tho practical enforcement of
the provision of the Constitution for
bidding the issuing of stocks and
bonds except for money, labor done
or money or property actually re
ceived, and making null and void
all uctltlous increaso of stock or
'indebtedness. If the commission ho
required to give its certlflcato of
valuation and approval beforo tho
issuanco of such stock and bonds,
the result win Do to give the Cora
monwealth's stamp of validity and
full value to all stock and bonds of
such corporations issued by Pennsyl
vania companies.
Manifestly, however, if tho regu
lation and supervision of such public
eorvlco companies Is to count, the
commission must bo invested with
full power and authority, after prop
or Investigation and hearing, to
make, not merely "recommenda
tions." but findings, Tullngs and or
dors which shall be binding upon the
corporation and all its officers and
AMOUNT TO 8itfN.50.
County CotiiiiiKsloticrH Pay Out
Tlint Sum For of Sheep
Killed by Dogs.
County Commissioners Novlllo
Holgate, John Male, and Earl Rock
wcll met at tho court liouse on Wed
nesday afternoon and transacted
tholr monthly business. Dills to the
amount of over $2,000 were order
ed paid. Tho balance on brldgo
contracts and other bills wero paid.
Among tho bills paid were twelve
sheep claims paid amounting to
$2S9.50. Three claims were pre
sented by Joseph Llccone, of Pal
myra, and ho collected $132 from
the county for the loss of ton sheep
killed by dogs nnd llftcen wounded.
v r-- "uiniiiu. ui ouiuiii, touwi-
it. t i i f r-.. t n
iod ?C for one sheep wounded.
Herbert D. Olver, of Derlln, col
lected $-15 'for four sheep killed.
C. J. Hartman collected flO.GO
for one sheep killed.
Amos Olver, of Derlln, collected
$10 for one killed.
Anthony Doland collected ?10 for
one killed.
W. II. Riley collected $44.50 for
three sheep killed and seven wound
ed. Thomas P. Leonard, of Bucking
ham, collected $12 for two killed,
and also $19.50 for threo killed.
This is tho season of 'the year
when claims of this character find
their way to tho court house. Some
times the owner's story is that dogs
owned by hunters come on his farm
and kill his sheep. The county is
not only called upon to pay for tho
sheep destroyed but it must also pay
fees of one dollar each to the two
township auditors who servo as ap
praisers; another ono dollar to the
'squire for making out the affidavits
and a half dollar to the man who
buries the carcass. Money for this
purpose comes from the dog fund,
the money received from the dog tax
from tho various townships.
Among the bills paid was also the
sum of $50 for tho burial of the
late John M. Ilobbs, of Starrucca.
The county is obliged to pay the cost
of burial of old soldiers.
Gouldsboro Organization Render De
lightful Program Mondny Even
ing. Tho first aid class at Gouldsboro
received their diplomas Monday
night when an appropriate program
was rendered. It was arranged by
the committee and Rev. J. Freder
ick Stolto, pastor of tho Lutheran
church at that place, acted as chair
man. '
After singlnera hymn the meeting
was opened with a prayer by Pastor
Robinson, of the Gouldsboro M. E.
church. Mr. Stolte then introduced
Mr. Warr, general secretary of tho
Scranton R. R. Y. M. C. A., who said
he found in the first aid class a con
crete demonstration of the world's
advance toward brotherly unity and
Christian friendship. Ho took his
audience back with him over the
pages of history, and showed that it
was but Christ alone, In His time,
who cared for either the bodies or
souls of men. And even to-day, it is
only where Christianity is that such
acts are to be 6een. When we,
therefore, see these works, caring for
those who have met accidents, it is
an evidence of the progress of tho
Gospel of Christ.
Mr. Warr was followed by a duet
sung by John Schelterle and Dennis
Shea, of tho car department, Goulds
boro. Dr. Walnwrlght, in a few
clear cut sentences, brought homo to
his class of "first aiders " and to the
pooplo present as well, tho object.
advantages and duties of a first aid
course. He promised to be with his
class again next year and pointed
out to them a broader field of labor,
Mr. Schelterle then rendered a musi
cal solo. T. E. Clarke, tho assistant
to tho president of tho Lackawanna,
was introduced and presented the
following with diplomas: John Alk-
en, Harry Aiken, A. F. Bonder, Ray
Crooks, John Schelterle. W. A. Tig
er, Ruben Biesecker, D. E. Foley,
Mr. Dean, J. J. Fahey, Willard Sur
plus, Dennis Shea, A. H. Flower, Mr.
Edler, and Bert Daggen.
To each of tho men a word of
cheer was spoken and congratula
tions extended. Mr. Clarke said:
Tho employer of today regards tho
employe as a brother, and that the
employer Is encouraged when tho
employe will help them to eliminate
misery and death. Whllo the LacK
awanna takes every precaution to
avoid accidents, yet when they do
occur, if their men can help until
skillful service can bo furnished, It Is
In this sphere that tho spirit o
brotherhood between employer and
employe can bo emphasized and it is
this field that tho "first aid" will
find room for work. It Is. therefore,
that tho Lackawanna extends Its
heartiest congratulations to thoso
who have put themselves In a posi
tion to relievo tho world of misery,
pain and death."
Throws Herself on Hugo Bonfiro In
Courtyard of Her Homo.
Constantinople Dec. B. Dishearten
ed by tho prolonged delays which pre
ceded the signing of tho pence proto
col and perhaps affected by tho long
series of Turkish defeats, tho Princess
'.ifkv. wifo of an officer of high rank.
burned herself to death, apparently de
In the courtyard of her homo near
Atn Hkoria she caused servants to
hniid n hnce bonfire, and before any ot
them could lnterforo sbo throw her
self. Into tho flamfs. ,
Properly Handled and Good When
Placed In Cold Klornge, Eggs
Will Keep Ten to Twelve
There Is a strong belief In many
localities that produce kept in cold
storago becomo tainted or unfit for
food. If it wero not for cold stor
age it would bo impossible for the
people of tho world to bo oven spar
ingly supplied with this samo food.
Tho habit of purchasing eggs for
storago during tho early spring
months Is of great benefit to the
producer of eggs. Tho reason for
selecting tho eggs laid at this time,
for storago is that, with the coming
of tho fresh growtli of herbage
which makes tho strongest and best
albumen that can bo in ado in eggs
and gives a tone and strength to the
egg that makes them better for that
'When tho eggs are carefully se
lected and candled and aro good
eggs when placed in storago they
will be equally good In ten or twelvo
months hence, providing the storage
is cool and dry. If tho temperature
is Irregular and tho air within the
storago house Is damp, tho eggs may
bo spoiled; otherwise, as has been
stated above, tho eggs will bo Just
as good When taken out of storage as
when placed there.
When eggs are candled and se
lected for storage, all unfit for this
purpose aro sold at option in tho
markets of the largo cities and un
fortunately many of these eggs are
puchased, re-packed and placed in
cheaper storago and these eggs be
ing far from fresh when placed in
storage, deteriorate and when they
aro sold aro condemned and bring
into disrepute, eggs that have been
properly stored.
If those who purchase eggs from
storage houses would placo them in
their store rooms without opening
tho cases for ten or twelve hours un
til tho eggs have becomo warmed
thoroughly, they could then bo -taken
out of the cases and placed on sale
without deterioration; but if those
samo eggs aro placed in a wagon and
carried through tho streets or In
moderately cold weather and taken
Into a warm storo and unpacked and
exposed In trays for sale, the heat
of tho room coming in contact with
tho shell that la cold, causes what
wo call "sweating," opens tho pores
of the eggs and as they dry off im
purities may soak into them and
thoso eggs that were perfectly good
twenty-four hours before may not
then bo savory for food.
Tho way to prevent tho greater
part of all these troubles Is to breed
fowls, that will lay eggs durlntr the
winter montns. it is tnougnt tnat
some of the hens that won honors in
the Storr's, Connecticut, egg-laying
contest will bo exhibited at the
Scranton show, during the week of
January 14, and thoso of us who are
anxious to find out tho kind of hens
that lay eggs during the winter
months should go there and examine
tho heavy egg-producers that will be
shown there.
'cBii.sjivaiiia Senator to Head Com
mittee on .Manufactures.
Washington, Dec. 5. Senator
George T. Oliver, of Pennsylvania.
win succoed to the chairmanship of
tho Committee on Manufactures left
acant by the death of Senator Wol-
don B. Heyburn, of Idaho. Mr. Oli
vers promotion has not yet been
formally announced, but tho move
has been definitely decided on by the
Republican Steering Committee, and
Mr. Oliver's secretary has moved his
belongings from tho private office to
tno rooms of the committee.
Mr. Oliver is already chairman of
tne committee on Canadian Rela
tions, which never holds a meeting,
and is a member of tho working com
mittees on Claims, Commerce, DIb
trict of Columbia, Industrial Expos
itions and Privileges and Eelctions,
Lucy Shuman of Honcsdale to
Sarah A. Spellman, samo place, land
in Texas township; consideration if 1
Edward M. Chambers of Texas, to
Sarah A. Spellman, of same, land In
Texas township; consideration 11
Joseph P. Chambers of Texas, to
Sarah A. Spellman, of samo, land in
Texas township; consideration $1.
Harry R. Townsend of Manchester
to John W. Blum, of same, land in
Manchester township; consideration
Clara L. Snedeker, of Canaan, to
Joseph C. Sncdoker, of same, land
in Canaan township; consideration,
William R. Sampson et ux. of Mat-
amoras, to Calvin D, Davis et ux.,
of Waymart, land in Waymart bor
ough; consideration $800.
It stormed enough to measuro on
six days with traces elevon othor
days. Total rainfall 2.39 Inches,
nearly tho samo as last year, and
over half-Inch less than November
average of 2.95 lnchos for 42 years;
from .75 inch in 1908, to 7.10 inches
In 1880.
Snow fell to measure on two days,
with traces eight other days; total
nine Inches. Last year four Inches;
averago G.7 Inches for 55 years, and
most 34 inches in November, 188G.
If it had been a fow degrees colder
24th and 25, that storm would havo
mado 14 Inches of snow.
Ten days wero clear, nlno fair and
eleven cloudy; average .4 5 per cent
of sunshine. Last year 33. Pro
vailing wlndB northwest
Dborry, Pa., Dec. 2, 1912.
accounting nnd under the general di
rection of the department of state.
President Starts With Discussion
I Intercourse and Peace.
nf Pnrolfrn RohHnnC T1, '"tilomacy of the present nd-
Ul rUlulgll ncmtlullOi ministration has sought to respond to
modern Ideas of commercial Inter-
course. This policy has been charac
U'flDY MINE QV nlDlflMATQ terized as substituting dollars for bul
UUnN UUilC Dl UlrLUIYlAIOi lets. It Is oue that appeals alike to
Recoijnlton of Merit System Has Been
Beneficial Suggestions Regarding
Changes In tho Tariff Laws Designed
to Aid Commerce Turkish War and
Troubles In China.
To the Senate and House, of Repre
sentatives: The foreign relations of tho United
States actually and potentlnlly affect
the state of tho Union to n degree uot
widely realized nnd hardly surpassed
by any other factor In tho welfare of
tho whole nation. The position of tho
United States in tho moral, Intellec
tual and material relations of tho fam
ily of nations should bo a matter of
vital Interest to every patriotic citi
zen. The national prosperity and
power impose upon us duties which
wo cannot shirk if wo arc to be true
to our ideals.
The tremendous growth of the ex
port trade of tho United States has
already mado that trade a very real
factor in the industrial and commer
cial prosperity of the country. With
the development of our Industries the
foreign commerce of tho United
States must rapidly become a still
more essential factor In its economic
Tho relations of tho United States
with all foreign powers remain upon
a sound basis of peace, harmony and
friendship. A greater insistence upon
Justice to American citizens or Inter
ests wherever it may have been denied
and a stronger emphnsls of the need of
mutuality In commercial and other re
lations have only served to strengthen
our friendship with foreign countries
by placing those friendships upon a
firm foundation of realities as well as
Reorganization of State Department.
At tho beginning of tho present ad
ministration the United States, having
fully entered .upon Its position n8 a
world power, with tho responsibilities
thrust upon It by the results of the
Spanish-American war nnd already en
gaged in laying tho groundwork of a
vast foreign trade upon which it
should one day become more and more
dependent, found itself without the
machinery for giving thorough atten
tion to and taking efroctlvo action
upon n mais of Intricate business vi
tal to American interests In every coun
try in the world.
Tho department of state was an
archaic and inadequate machine, lack
ing most of the attributes of the for
eign office of any great modern power.
With an appropriation made upon my
recommendation by the congress on
Aug. 5, 1009, tho department of state
was completely reorganized. There
were creatod divisions of Latin-American
affairs and of far eastern, noar
eastern and western European affairs.
The law offices of the department
were greatly strengthened. There were
added foreign trade advisers to co-op-crate
with the diplomatic and consular
bureaus and the politico-geographical
divisions in the Innumerable matters
where commercial diplomacy or con
sular work calls for such special
knowledge. The same officers, together
with tho rest of the new organization,
are able at all times to give to Ameri
can citizens accurate Information as to
conditions in foreign countries with
which thoy have business and Ukewiso
to co-oporato more effectively with the
congress and alio with tho other ex
ecutive departments.
Merit System In Consular and Diplo
matic Corps.
Export knowledge and professional
training must evidently bo the essenco
of this reorganization. Without a train
ed forolgn service there would not be
men available for the work in the reor
ganized department of state. President
Cleveland bad taken the first step to
ward introducing tbe merit system In
the foreign service. That had been fol
lowed by tbe application of the merit
principle, with excellent results to the
entire- consular branch. Almost noth
ing, however, bad been done in this di
rection with regard to the diplomatic
service. In this age of commercial dl
plomacy it was evidently of the first
Importance to train an adequate per
sonnel In that branch of tbe service.
Therefore, on Nov. 20, 1000, by an
executive order I placed tba diplomatic
service up to the grade of secretary of
embassy, Inclusive, upon exactly tho
same strict nonpartisan basis of the
taerit system, rigid examination for ap
pointment and promotion only for effi
ciency, as bad beon maintained with
Lamer Provision For Embassies and
Legations Recommended
In connection with legislation for tho
amelioration of the foreign service, I
wish to Invite attention to tbe advisa
bility of placing the salary anproprla-
Udh!t (ip'nr"if"f)ulfcr' bTisfjf. i believe
that tho best results would be obtained
by n moderate scale of snlarles. with
adequate funds for the expenses of ,
proper representation, based 111 each
case upon tho scale and cost of living
at oneh post, controlled by n system of
Idealistic humanitarian sentiments, to
tho dictates of sound policy and strat
egy nnd to legitimate commercial
films. It Is an effort frankly directed
to tho Increase of American trade upon
the axiomatic principle that the gov
ernment of the United States shall ex
tend ail proper support to every legltl
mato nnd beneficial Americnn enter
prise abroad. How great have been
the results of this diplomacy, coupled
with the maximum nnd minimum pro
vision of the tariff law, will ho seen
by some consideration of tho wondcr-
ful increase In the export trade of the
United States Because modern di
plomacy Is commercial there has been
a disposition In some quarters to at
tribute to It none but materialistic
aims. How strikingly erroneous la
such nn Impression may bo seen from
a study of the results by which the
diplomacy of tbe United Status can be
Successful Efforts In Promotion ot
The government of the United
States was thanked for Its influence
toward the restoration of amicable re
lations between the Argentine Republic
nnd Bollvlu. The diplomacy of the
United States Is active in seeking to
assuage tho remaining 111 feeling be-
tween this country and the republic of
Colombia. In the recent civil war in
China the United States successfully
Joined with the other Interested powers
In urging an early cessation of hostlll
ties. An agreement has been reached
between the governments of Chile and
Peru whereby the celebrated Tacua
Arlca dispute, which has so long em
bittered international relations on the
west coast of South America, has at
last been adjusted. Simultaneously
came the news that the boundary dis-
puto between Peru and Ecuador nau
entered upon a stage of nmlcable set-
Ip China tho policy of encouraging
financial Investment to enable that
country to help Itself has bad the result
of. givin? now Ufa and nractical JHjyii-
(Continued on Page Eight.)
United Americnn Mechanics From
Lackawanna and Wnyno Counties
Meet With Havviey Juniors.
Tho Junior Order United Ameri
can Mechanics from Scranton and
Honesdalo imet with Hawley council
No. 45G, Tuesday evening, In Odd
Fellows Hall, Hawley, Pa. Tne ae-
greo staff of Honesdalo Council, No.
980, In charge of degree captain
Duane Lohman, conferred the de-
grees on a class of several candi-
dates. Tho Honesdalo team did tho
work with much credit, they being the steel girders and columns ar
tho best in Wayne county. Tho mem- riVe.
bers of Honesdalo Council left their , ,4 .,h,rh.,hii
hall at 6:45 In a largo band wagon,
n.,lln. In Hnu-lov nt 0:3(1 nVlnck.
i. . . . i . r - " - " j - -
where they wero met by a delegation
or Haw ey uouncn anu esconeu 10
tho hall. The Scranton delegation
llr ?tJ3Z ,1"
groes the Wayne county past coun-
cilora held a business session, which
ganlzer M. E. Harvey of Scranton,
after which a chicken banquet was
served by tho members of the Haw-
ley council. Dr. Catterall acted as
toastmaster and he, in a few brief about one-half completed. In anoth
romarks. introduced Deputy Harvey nr week ho will have all of the un-
who spoko on tho history or tno or
innl7n(lnn Amnntr itho nthor after
acK.wHc, -
.llnnn. nnnnlrn.o MTfi.A 7 O tTnflnn
Hawley; Duano Lohman, James Or
chard. John Carmlcael, of Hones-
dale, and Fred Tyco or iiawiey.
Stricken With Apoplexy Sunday and
Unconscious Three Days Died
Wednesday Morning
Charles F. Utt. a farmer residing
near Lakovlllo. died suddenly or ap
his homo, aged sixty-'two yoars.
Whllo attending church Sunday
ho was strlckon with apoploxy and
did not Tegalr consciousness again
before ho died. Mr. Utt was born
near Lakovlllo on December 14,
.. n v n 1 1 ..I , . , . 1 1 I
lsuu. anu nau uvea must, ui uis mo
ln ln r,ali1linrhnni1 Ho urns wnl
, i i .. it,n .
anu -mvoruuiy kuuwu iu iuuk - um
munuy auu jub ucuui cuuiu on u
blow 10 ms many inuuun. iu u
a member of the I. O. 0 F. Lodge
or LiaKOViue anu aiso a mourner
tho M. B. church of that placo.
f ii Ttnrino
Ledcedale. and his aged mother
with whom ho mado his homo. Ho
J ol.n axn-lirn.l liv tlirnr filatnr!)
n m wohator. nf stnrllne! -Mrs.
i .. . , r.
funeral sorvlcos will be hold prob
ably Sunday at his lato homo near
Lakevlllo.. Rov. Treat of tho Lake-
vlllo M. E. church will conduct
Account of tho death of Michaol
McCu meutlon ot whlcU appearc(i
In our issue of Nov. 20, 1912:
Michael McCue, an old and highly
respected resident of Damascus, Pa.,
died at his homo Sunday, Nov. 17,
at 3 o'clock, after an illness of
eleven months.
Tho deceased was born in tho
county of Sllgo, Ireland, in tho year
Ho camo to this country when a
boy. For five years ho was employ
ed by tho late Edward Murray, who
ran a largo retail and wholesalo
business In Honcsdale, Pa.
Between tho years of 1853 and
1857 he was employed by tho Erlo
Railroad Co. Ho ran on both the
Eastern and Delaware divisions when
there was but ono track and wood
was used for fuel.
In 1867 ho was united in marriage
with Miss Anno Winter of Cochec
ton, N. Y. Tho first eight years of
wedded life were spent In Scranton,
Pa., during which time ho was em
ployed by tho Pennsylvania Railroad
In 18G5 they sold their homo at
this place and bought tho Lucans
farm at Tyler Hill, Pa. They lived
on this farm thirty-eight years
In 1D03 they moved to Damascus
and he has since lived a retired life.
He had been troubled with rheu
matism for a number of years and
during the past eleven months has
been a patient sufferer from a com
plication of diseases. Although ho
suffered a great deal, he was always
patient and cheerful and glad to see
his many friends who visited him
during his illness.
During tho two weeks preceding
his death, his wife and children wero
at his bedside day and night which
was a great consolation to him.
Besides his wife, ono son and threo
daughters survive him, namely,
James McCue, of Pittsburg; Ella,
wife of B. Connolly, of Jersey City,
N. J.; Anna, wife of M. C. Kane, and
Mary J., wife of William Dermody,
both of Cochecton, N. Y. Ho also
leaves eleven grandchildren.
rno iunerai services were neia.
Tuesday, November 19, at St. Lucy's
chcX'fco7hecton. of which the del
ceased was a faithful member and
attendant ever since the church was
built. He was also a member of th6
Sacred Heart League, St. Joseph's
Union and Our Lady ot Victory As
lmprTss,Ve, a requiem high mass' ib
lmr ceieurated by tho Rev. Father
mVrt f . i .i - n 1 pn.i na? li-nrn vnrv
Anthony, assisted by the choir from
St. Joseph s College, uaiiicoon. rno
eulogy pronounced by i atner An
thony. extolling tho many virtues
and good qualities of the deceased,
was appropriate and very consoling
to tha bereaved family.
Tho remains were Interred In the
family plot In Holy Cross cemetery.
Callicoon, N. Y.
The nallbearers were John McDer
mott, John Galliger, William Smith,
Thomas Scott, George Abraham and
Tobias Pethlck.
Tho first steel column at the new
Gurnov Electric Elevator plant was
erected on Tuesday. After a fow
columns had been set the urst ana
main truss in the shop proper was
swung Into place on Wednesday, it
i8 held in temporary position until
rivited. There is a large force of
steel workers on the site, getting tho
material located so as to place in
proper position when the balance ot
ereciea III luo Buoy juuyci l
' i . nr.nn, tthrt q , nm
r ...m i, ,1 i mij.
J---- : . Rtnl .
ng the bolts vv hero the steel is
VOO ton. of"wm
be used lii i the construe or i of the
M"""- l" .,7T,,7;
s. E. Morrison, who has tho con
tract to furnish tho plumbing and
heating, has his part of tho Job
- dorwork finished. Mr. Morrison.
- 1 n P!H-nn rnnrARpntatlvn that
I .U1U I. -W 1
I ...... . 1 1 n n tilun to I Ci Oil In hflll.l
- nng and plumbing.
Superintendent Hernno nas iuo
men, including uncmayers, carpeni-.
ers, steel workers and laborers, at
work on tne jod.
1 HO ilUUCBUUlU UUICI ..uiufwuj
completed Its length of pipe on Wed
nesday, making connections with the
plant from tho Main street lap.
1.11,111 1 V l.'.l' I. I Mi. Ill-.ll. ft.
1. Orchestra.
Essay "Italian Opera,"
Ollvo Rockwell.
3. Essay "Blograph of Vordl,"
Agnes smitn.
4. Orchestra.
-. ,, . , , Ti m ,
1 I w '"O" "
i lore.
- - - . frv TMytnn
u - , '
u. -
tains (From II Trovatoro),
ui miiuiou '"
ner Crossley.
nf II Trovatore). I
Dorothy Howell, Lisa Proscn.
8. Essay "Argument or Alda,
I lrnthrvn 'PflnwflTlfln.
- 10. Vocal Solo "Celestial Alda, ,
11. Declamation "Finding of
the Lyro,
Howard Hagaman.