The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, December 04, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Two Months' Job Made Neces
sary by Change oi Treasurer.
Democrats Once Caught Republicans
With 2 Cents Missing, but Individual
Employees Have Used Ingenious
Methods of Stealing.
Uncle Sam Is fining ntiout this count
ing of Ills money, Koiucthliig more than
$1,000,000,000, mill that It will not be
entirely "easy day work" may be judg
wl by the fact that it will cmiiloy
bout twenty husUy laborers, besides
n committee of treasury ollleers, for
probably more than two months.
This counj is made necessary otll
cially by the ehanpe of United States
Treasurer Lee Mi-Clung being succeed
ed by C'armi Thompson of Ohio. When
the formal transfer is made the new
treasurer will give a receipt to the
outgoing treasurer for more than fcl,
000.000,000 In gold and silver coin and
paper money.
All of the paper money is counted
piece by piece. Much of the gold is
counted In that way, but practically
nil the silver and some of the gold are
counted by weighing the sealed bags
containing them on scales that arc deli
cately poised so that the slightest va
riation from the ascertained weight of
a bag of colli would be accurately re
corded. The silver mid gold coin is
kept in sealed bags.
Tossing Around Money.
It requires some physical effort to
count these. They arc heavy, mid each
one must be handled separately. Taken
from the pile in which it is stacked by
n laborer, n bag is tossed to another
laborer, who passes it before the com
mittee of inspection. The committee
after weighing the bag passes it on to
other lnborers, who put it back in the
symmetrical pile until the next count
Is ordered.
Men have been permanently injured
by accidents in handling these bags of
coin. There are a number of men now
being carried on the rolls of the treas
ury who have suffered sprains or bro
ken limbs or been Injured internally
through being hit with money bags in
the course of the official count.
The committee which supervises the
count is usually composed of three per
sons, all ollleers of the treasury.
These counts, often as n change In
tlie treasurer's otllce has required them,
have almost invariably shown the
stock of Uncle Sam's money in the
treasury to be intact, but once there
was a shortage. It was in 1885, when
the Democratic party succeeded to
power iu the government after years
spent iu the politicnl wilderness.
There was also a frequent demand
from campaign orators that the books
of the treasury be opened nnd the cash
counted. So the country was not
Wholly unprepared to hear that the oIH
cial count of the billion or so in the
treasurer's oliice had disclosed a nhort
age. Shortage Caused Surprise.
There was really some surprise,
though, at the size of the deficit. It
was only 2 cents.
Republican throughout the country
rallied heroically to the relief of their
party. A perfect shower of two cent
Stamps fell upon the United States
treasurer, coming through the malls
from all sections of the country, but it
was not necessary to turn to private
subscriptions to make up the deficit.
Two days after the olllclal count ended
the missing 2 cents wero found as the
result of moving a desk.
So far as the memory of the present
officers of the treasurer's staff goes,
this is the only shortage that has ever
been disclosed by any count of treas
ory cash, although it Is possible that
there may havo been some others.
There have been losses and thefts from
time to time.
One United States treasurer In re
cent years made tlio discovered that
a thousand dollars was missing. The
sum was represented by a single bill,
lie made good tho loss, and congresa
later reimbursed him.
Several years ago a negro laborer
managed to make away with several
hundred dollars while engaged in the
work of handling bags of silver. lie
was detected mid punished.
He Invented a novel method of se
curing money and concealing the act.
He provided himself with slugs of lead
each of which weighed exactly the
samo as tho weight of a silver dollar.
Not infrequently In the progress of n
count these bags of silver coin fall
open or are found to bo untied. It is
an oasy matter for a skillful man to
tear them open by quickly removing
tho string.
This laborer from tlino to time whllo
working at the top of n huge heap of
sacks of coin would report to the coin
mittco below that sacks were open, and
ho would then bo directed to tlo tho
sacks. Probably ho was personally re
sponsible for tho sacks being open, but
ho seized this opportunity to extract
ono or more silver dollars from tho
bag and supplied lead slugs of equal
weight to take their place.
When tho bags were weighed later
they were found to be of proper weight,
and for a long time suspicion was
averted from the offender. Ho had
been a trusted employee, which aided
bis plan, but Anally ho was detected
md arrested.
$ Thrice Risen From the
Oppressed and the
Lowly Masses.
THE quick ascendancy of Bulgn--ria
Into the society of powerful
nations W the third evolution
which has elevated tho Hulgars
from among the oppressed and the low
ly masses. Twice before Bulgaria has
existed as a free and lmleiicndent na
tion, and each time she has known
tho glories of worldwide lullueiice. In
the pant her territory was far greater
than the present ltulgarla and perhaps
grea'er than will be the new Bulgaria
rivrc iteil from the tumbling ruins ofi
the (Unman empire.
Bulgarian traditions extend to A. D.
tlTil. when a tribe called Bulgarians ap
peared from the direction of tho Dan
ube, under the leadership of Asparuch.
They were not Slavs, and history has
not determined if they were Uralhans.
Finnish. Tartars or Turks.
Hut these Bulgarians who settled
south of the Danube were a powerful
tribe, and thrlr desire to conquer was
backed by a strong system of state or
ganization. Asparuch knew how to or
ganize his force into a government,
anil It was under him that tho first
semblance of government nppeared
among the Bulgarians. His people be
came military anil accustomed to dis
cipline and to ler.'.ershlp. Those fac
tors were absent from the Balkan Sla
vonic tribes and were necessary for the
single tribal, territorial and political
whole found In tho Bulgarians under
This state organization was effected
on tho ruins of numerous tribes which
had lived in the Balkan peninsula for
generations. History says the Slavs
reached and settled that country first
In the third century and that even
then they found the ruins of towns nnd
roads left by the Komans. But those
early occupants of the territory loft no
descendants, nnd the first traditions of
the land really sprang from the Bulga
rians under Asparuch.
Adoption of Christianity.
An epoch in the early career of the
Bulgars was marked when they and
the Slavs, in the reign of Boris, adopt
ed Christianity in 804. This faith was
adopted for purely political reasons,
and it had a great Influence internally
and externally.
Internally it brought nbout a close
union between the Bulgars nnd the
Slavs, and by means of n common lit
erature It placed on an equality tho
habltB, customs and language of both.
Externally Bulgaria appears ns nn
empire in the congress of nations. On
tho geographical maps of that day
Bulgaria is shown as an empire ex
tending across the Balkan peninsula
and down nearly to tho Bosporus.
Following the adoption of Christian
ity there 1b no mention in historical
records of tribal or racial division bo
tween tho Invaders and the conquer
ors. The conquerors contented them
selves with establishing a great Bul
garian state, and they adopted the
language of a mixed mass of people
and assimilated tho races.
Simeon tho Great, son of Boris, lie
came the first czar of Bulgaria, and
with him occurs the first mention of
such a title. At tho pamo time the
first Bulgarian archbishop was created
a patriarch, and there history records
the division between and co-operation
of the state and church. These titles,
however, were not recognized by the
Byzantine empire, then the greatest
on the earth, until tho reign of Petor,
son of Simeon.
Arrogant In Success.
During Peter's reign tho Bulgarians
prospered, but there was a weakness
In Its external affairs. It failed to
make allies. It became arrogant in
Its success, nnd In tho succeeding
reign of Boris II. it antagonized the
Byzantine empire, and the Greek gen
eral, John Tsymlch, took to Constantl-
American Artist's Deooratlve Scheme
For an Aeroplane Illusion.
Montfort Coolldge, a New York paint
er in Paris, has evolved a novel Idea
of room decoration for tho villa of
Count GabbI, a young and wealthy avi
ator at Itimini, Italy. The panels will
represent landscapes of southern Eu
rope ns seen from an aeroplane.
Tho celling of tho room will be col
ored to resemble the sky, whllo In the
middle of the floor will bo set n large
panel of glass. Somo dlstanco below
tho glass and lighted electrically from
the sides will bo fixed a painting re
sembling the Italian Alps seen from
nn lmmenso height
Tho illusion of flying In nn ncroplane
will thus bo given to tho occupants of
the room, which will be used for mu
sical entertainments. This remarkable
cheme has, it Is asserted, sound nrtls
tic principles. Mr. Coolldgo explains
that, tho paintings bolng below the
level of tho oyo, it can bo enjoyed in
comfort wbiio listening to tho music,
but a decorated celling is far too high
to bo properly appreciated In tbeso cir-cumstnnces.
Mr. Coolldge asserts that tills idea is
a development of tho methods of the
Romans, who adorned their floors, aa
well as their walls, with mosaics.
Famous French Etcher's Quest
Not Confined to Sochty.
Past Territory Greater i
Than New Bulgaria
nople the crown of the enemy of the
Byzantines, Boris II., and deprived
Damlan. the Bulgarian patriarch, of
his see.
Bulgaria at that time lacked farseo
Ing statesmen. She became a selfish
power within herself nnd against all
others. There was competition for
emolument within herself, and the By
zantines did not find great difficulty In
destroying this disorganized stjite.
In the year 101S the Emperor Basil
of Byzantium, known as "Slayer or the
Bulgarians," put an end to Bulgarian
existence, particularly In the west, to
ward the Adriatic. Tills war continu
ed fur twenty-eight years, mid then for
107 years Bulgaria and the Bulgarians
remained under the rule of the Byzan
tines. Weakness Develops.
Byzantium, however, wns weak In
herself. She did not continue in a po
sition to rope with dangerous nnd dllll-
'ult problems since her own rulers
were not firmly fixed upon their seats
and because of internal Jealousies and
llsenslous. Here It was said that
it.-aft weakened the Byzantines, Just as
it is said to have made their succes
sors, the Turks, weak in the present
war with the Balkan allies.
Hollars Asen and Peter, descendants
of tho first czars of Bulgaria, made a
successful revolution in Tlrnovo in the
early part of the twelfth century, ob
tained Independence of the Bulgars
and proclaimed the second Bulgarian
Asen I. nnd his successors, notably
Asen II., greatly Increased the powers
mil territory of the second Bulgaria,
waging victorious wars with the
Greeks' and the crusaders and extend
ing tho l)oundarles of the empire still
more widely than in the time of Boris
II. They annexed Mocsla, Thracia,
Macedonia and Albania ns far as Du-
razzo, which is now the Adriatic port
of contention between the Servians nnd
the Austrimis.
But the second Bulgarian empire wns
as weak as the first In lncklng any
definite state policy. Apparently Its
leaders were fighting for aggrandize
ment without knowing why. They
formed no alliances. There was no
higher inspiration than rehabilitation
and revenge which prompted their war
like moves. Therefore it was In the
position of being strong and aggressive
when the throne was held by a strong
and nggresslve czar and weak and in
effectual when tho ruler was Incapable.
Engaged In Many Wars.
The unstable lnternni condlUon of
the country was aggravated by tho
many wars nnd expeditions which were
carried on without dellnlto purpose.
These weakened It nnd prepared It for
catastrophe. These facts led to the
establishment of a stro'g Servian
kingdom, which made its capltnl at
Uskub, under the Servian Czar Dou-
shan, In the first half of the fourteenth
century. This division of power made
It easy for tho Turks to conquer Bul
garia and later the whole Balkan pen
Bulgaria then disappeared ns an In
dependent nation for flvo centuries un
til tho domination of the Turkish cm
plro was broken down by tho efforts
of tho Russians nnd tho Roumanians.
Then tho Berlin treaty gave Bulgaria
practical liberty, and in 100S Ferdi
nand declared tho absolute independ
ence of the Bulgarians and proclaimed
himself czar. Until then he had been
a prince. The title czar is clearly
traced through 1,800 years from Cae
sar. Ono form of It is kaiser.
For nearly 400 years tho Bulgarians
have been preparhig for tho war with
Turkey. The result of this training is
seen in tho third appearance of tho
great Bulgarian empire under Czar
Living's High Cost Reduced by It's
Efforts, Zoologist 8ays.
While tho importation of elk Into
Pennsylvania has caused hunters to
nwnken to the fact that there are no
Inws that prohibit tho killlug of these
animals, because thcro has not been for
many years an elk In tho state's for
ests, Economic Zoologist n. A. Surface
suggests that the game laws should bo
extended to provide protection for an
animal which to his mind Is even more
important. It Is the skunk.
"Thero Is no animal more valuablo
than tho skunk," said Dr. Surface.
"Tho economic aspect of tho utility
of the skunk wns well Illustrated this
year by the potato crop. If tho state
had enough skunks potatoes would be
selling at reasonnblo prices. The
Ekuuk, in a measure, will help solvo the
lilgh cost of living.
"Tho skunk likes white grubs, and
they never wero more plentiful than
this year. Tho grubs have dono much
damage. They are tho larvae of tho
May beetle, or June bug. These grubs
cat the roots off grass and attack the
roots of tho potatoes.
"Witt more skunks thcro would have
been fower grubs, nnd potatoes would
not bo selling at 00 cents a bushel."
Paul Holleu Cares Not From Which
Section of the Country They Come,
Be Thoy Humble or Exalted, bul
Thoy Must De a Delight to the Eye.
Paul Ilolleu, the famous French dry
paint etcher, who has received a mod
est fortune for each of the etchings he
has made of beautiful American so
ciety wo::u'ii, Is again iu this country,
this time 011 a beauty quest, pure mid
simple, In which the simple country
girl, the modestly dressed shopgirl and
the healthy, red blooded miss of the
ranch has Just as much chance of be
ing (-elected as the proudest society
maid or matron. And the master etch
er takes pains to emphasize the fact
that he Is not confining himself to New
York. In eight fair faces lie desires to
encompass the entire range of beauty
in America.
So if you are a young woman nnd
your friends are In the habit of raving
over your charms and your mirror
tells you you are an exquisite type of
American beauty, look out for n tall,
dark man with a pointed beard. He
may be after you.
M. Ilolleu Is looking for types. There
Is not room In his sketchbook for all
the types lie mny find, and lie only
wants eight. Last summer he made
for 'Illustration, the French weekly,
a series of eight sketches of the most
beautiful types of Parislennes and oth
ers thnt he could find at Deauvllle dur
ing the fashionable season, and now
the same paper lias commissioned him
to make eight sketches of the most
beautiful types he can find In America.
Commissions For Portraits.
Of course M. Helleu came over here
to carry out commissions to make por
traits of American women nnd chil
dren, which he engaged to do before
leaving home. When M. Helleu wns In
New York ten years ago he made pic
tures of almost every young society
woman of that time, nnd some of these
he has innde again almost every year
since then. His reputation was made
first in pastel work, and his work is fa
mous not only for Its beauty, but for
tho few lines he makes iu the execu
tion of a picture.
"I have nine portraits to make," said
he. "Somo of them are of children;
some are of women In society. I be
lieve I have made the portrait of al
most every society woman In New
York. My latest subject was Mrs.
Clarence Mackay. Here is the most
beautiful woman In Paris Just now,"
he snld, taking up an etching which
seemed little more than nn outline. "It
Is Mme. Meuier. Hero is n recent por
trait of tho Duchess of Marlborough,
and hero Is n late one of Mrs. Philip
Lydlg, whom I havo dono five or six
"I shall not raako my selections of
American types without careful study,"
said M. Helleu In answer to n question.
"They will by no means be limited to
society women. On the beach at Deau
vllle, ut the races, In the restaurant of
the Hotel de Paris at Trouvlllo and at
the casino last summer I searched long
before I eliminated those that I did not
consider to be the best types."
"Which nationality of women lends
Itself best to treatment In your style of
work?" he wns asked.
"That is a question which I do not
like to answer," was the reply, "but If
you were to ask an American woman
nnd she told you her mind her nnswer
would bo that the Frenchwoman Is
tho prettiest and tho most chic. Else
why do your American women come
over to Pnris for their frocks and their
hats, their thousand and one little
adornments of person In which Purls
sets tho standard? Not only does the
Frenchwoman dress better, but her
face nnd figuro nre prettier. The proof
of this Is that tho American women
copy tho French ns much as possible
even In tho figure.
Amerioan Woman a Spender.
"Of courso tho American spends a
great deal moro on her clothes poor
American husbandl but tho effect Is
difficult to achieve. A Frenchwoman
la by unturo economical. It Is inborn
in her to achieve very great results on
little expenditure of money. The
Frenchwoman has not tho money to
spcud on her clothes that tho Amcrl
cun woman has. Yet tako the women
of nny class you will seo on tho streets
of Paris. Consider tho llttlo mnn
nouln on tho Ruo do la Pais. She
makes wages that are infinitesimal,
but uotlco tho way she selects her hat,
how her poor little dress conforms to
the stylo of the moment, how the dalu-
j ty touch hore and thcro nbout her cos
tume manes ner n picture.
"Your American women nro extrava
gant In dress. Thoy aro gottlng more
luxurious all tho tlmo. It is a species
of folly. American women spend four
times us much on their frocks as Pa
rislennes. Of courso I will admit that
tho French and the American women
aro tho most stylish in the world.
"Beauty is not confined to nny 0110
set of women, and I shall not neces
sarily confine myself to drawing tho
eight most beautiful women I shall
see, becauso I do not wish to have two
of the samo type. My Idea Is to pic
ture the best I can seo of eight differ
ent tvna,"
Tho most cffoctlvo nnd harmless
way to euro backacho nnd regulate
out-of-ordor kidneys, or end bladder
trouble Is to tnko several doses of
Bloodlno Blood nnd Kidney Tablets.
You will distinctly feel that your
kidneys and urinary organs nro bo
lng cleaned, healed and vitalized nnd
nil tho miserablo symptoms such as
backhcad, headache, nervousness,
rheumatism and darting pains, In
flamed or swollen eyelids, Irritability
or suppressed, painful or frequent
urination (especially nt night) and
other distress, leaving after taking
tho first few doses.
Tho moment you suspect any kld
noy or urinary disorder, or rheuma
tism, begin taking this harmless
preparation as directed, with tho
knowledge that there is no other
medicine, nt any price, mnde any
whero olso In tho world which will
offect so thoroughly and prompt a
euro ns n fifty-cent box of Bloodlno
ail4 it Mi.
Ladlca! Ak jntirIruttclitror ,
nd Mrnnd
nil til Ittd tod UnUt metallic'
noies, teaiM iui uiuo Ribbon.
J jn Ml U A t k t or V I f . C I VE H-T E M
ijijif siw iiHAtiii iiL.L.r for sr
vein known & Dett. Safest. At v n iut,i
a Designer and Man- H
ufacturer of
Office and Works;
1036 MAIN ST.
Blood and Kidney Tablets, which
any druggist can supply you with.
Don't bo -miserablo or worried an
other moment with a larao back or
clogged, Inactlvo kidneys or bladder
misery. AH this goes after you start
taking Bloodlno Blood and Kidney
Tablets, nnd In n fow days you feel
and know that your kidneys, liver
and urinary sytsem aro healthy, clean
nnd normal and all dangor passed.
Accept only Bloodlno Blood and Kid
ney Tnblets fifty-cent treatment
from any drug store anywhero in
tho world. If your druggist will not
supply you, tho Bloodlno Corp., Bos
ton, Mass., will on receipt of price.
C. C. Jadwin sells this remedy in
Farmers and Me
chanics Bank,
nt tho close of business. Nov. 2.1312.
If you want fine Job printing
Just give Tho Citizen a trial order.
ltpscrve fund
Cash, specie and note. 12.HK1 00
Due from approved re-
servo accents.... 32.5H) 31
Nickels, cents anil fractional
Checks and other cnsli Items .
Due from banks and trust com
panies not reserve
Bills discounted : Upon one name
" " Upon two or .
moro names
Time loans with collateral
Iaiis on call with collateral
bonus on call upon two or more
Loans secured by bonds nnd mort-
Itonils. Stocks, etc.. Schedule D.
Mnrtgnefs nnd Judgments of rerord
oitlcc Itullillntr arm Lot
Furniture anil fixtures
Miscellaneous assets
-13,111 31
200 51
211 17
125 00
106.773 52
a-.Tis oo
29,812 81
29.S85 00
11.514 16
70. W0 21
HI. 153 5H
it.m oo
2,000 00
2-' 7H
7,325 05
$ 139.210 17
Capital Stock paid in $ 75.000 00
Surplus Fund 20.000 00
Undivided Profits, loss expenses
and taxes paid 4.2S8 13
deposits, subject to check H3
Individual deposits. Time 207.143 67-339.953 04
$139,216 17
Stnte ol Pennsylvania. County of Wayne es.
I. C. A Emery, Cnshlorof the above named I
compnnj do solemnly swear thnt the above!
statement Is true to the best of my knowledcel
anu oeuei.
C. A. KMEKY. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this I
Pth dnv of Nov.. 1912. I
My commission expires Jnn. 19. 19151
ju..--a a. r.DUErr r.
correct attest :
M. K. Simons. )
V. M. Howler. Directors.
G. Wm. Sell, I UOwl
Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly
make short work of a cold,
Honesdale, ... Pa.
Honesdale, Pa.
The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County
Wo load in CAPITAL STOCK ? 200,000.00
Wo lead in SURPLUS and UNDIV IDED PROFITS 372, 862. 0C
Wo lead In TOTAL CAPITALIZA TION 572,862.001
Wo lead In Deposits 2.463.34S.6C
Wo lead In TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040,099.21
This year completes tho FORTY FIRST since tho founding of the
MANY BANKS havo come and gon o during that period.
PATRONIZE ono that has wlthst ood tho TEST of TIME.
W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier.
Nov. 12, 1912.
In Effect Sept. 29, 1912.
8 30
10 00
10 30
8 16
i 05
fi 10
6 50
a m
6 11
6 17
6 23
a 26
6 32
6 35
0 X
2 15
7 10
8 00
8 15
8 55
8 ml
a 12
9 18
U 24
9 )
9 32
9 37
9 39
9 43
9 47
9 50
9 66
IS 00
10 00
12 30
4 45
6 35
6 25
6 35
6 39
6 51
6 87
7 03
7 09
7 12
7 18
7 21
7 25
7 29
7 32
12 30
1 19
2 05
2 15
2 19
2 31
2 37
2 43
2 49
2 62
1 67
2 50
3 03
3 07
S 10
3 16
4 30
6 15
7 00
7 60
8 60!
9 00
9 01
9 17
9 23
9 29
9 34
9 37
9 42
9 44
9 4ti
9 62
9 65
10 00
Albany ....
.... lilnchauiton
.... Wllkes-llarre....
. . .Cnrbondale ....
.Lincoln Avenue..
, Harvlew
... Lake Lodore ...
... . Wayumrt
, Steene
.... Honesdale ....
2 00
12 40
4 09
9 35
8 45
H 05
7 51
7 60
7 39
7 33
7 25
7 19
7 17
7 12
7 09
7 06
7 01
6 68
6 65
11 00
8 45
7 45
2 65
i 13
1 25
1 21
1 09
1 03
12 56
12 61
i2 y
12 43
12 40
12 36
12 32
12 29
12 25
8 12
7 25
6 30
6 40
6 34
6 24
-8 18
0 11
6 06
5 04
4 68
4 65
4 61
4 47
4 44
i 40
P.M, A.M
11 00
00 1
7 45 8 13
12 55 10 Ofl
12 05 iE
p.m. f.m
11 25 8 21
11 14 8 11
11 10 8 1.1
10 69 8 M
10 63 1 84
10 45 1 i
10 39 7 4
10 37 7 3d
10 32 7 Sj
10 29 7 3d
10 25 7 24
10 21 7 2-J
10 16 7 Id
10 16 jU
A.M. P.M