Ctttm Fino Job Work Promptly Ex ecuted nt TJio Cltiini Office. Subscribe For Tho- acn The Tooplo's Family P ; 91.00 Per Year. ' ' 70th YBAR.--NO. 95 HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1912. PRICE CENTS W 'NICHOL RAPS BLANKENBURG ltUOW.V FOUND IN SCOTT TOWNSHIP. ' 1IM t 1 f 4 II.... UnspnrinR Attack o City A lnin"- cork A)ialn u,cr QanPant,I10 Hut This Time in Wayno OBSERVE HOME MISSION IN PORT JERVIS $1,000,000 GIVEN TO AID FARMERS tnitloii Startles Clover Club Din ers Predicts Tn Raise. A lirect and unsparing attack up on tlio Blankcnburg administration i... r. ..... . T T, Httln1.nt amazed tho diners at tlio ThanKsgiv- ing dinner or me Liovor uiuu last mt 1 ..1.-1.1 .1 r ...... I,. . ! 1 . - . . 1 n .. 1 t .. I bUilbULlull Ui n lltib uuu u:i;ii uuvibi pated as a political lovo feast. Sincerity ana pledge-keeping are the tests or parties as wen as 01 men." declared tho Republican lead er, while the raillery subsided In Te- them. Tho houso was (fumigated sponse to his evident earnestness. and quarantined and a guard placed we had a test of these qualities near it. It was deciueu to Keep County, Georgo Hrown, a smallpox pati ent of Hancock, N. Y., who broke quarantine at that placo several weeks ago, and escaped across tho river Into Wayno county, was lo cated In a house In Scott township Wednesday by County Health Olllcer N. B. Spencer of this placo, and S. IV Woodmanseo of Starrucca. Tho man was found In the cellar of -tho houso where ho was hiding from u-hnn nnr n.irtv was defeated ono year ago In this city. Wo Republi-i cans can well afford to glvo thanks to-night that we are not criticised as are those who won In that light. 'Consider what has happened. Philadelphia was branded and held up to national execration as a city that was wasting its money right and left; as a town reeking with graft and corporation. "What do wo llnd after a year ot reform administration? We ae told that the annual current receipts of ?2S,000,000 aro not enough for our rulers and that we are running In debt over that amount to the tune of $6,000,000. This proves either that tho new rulers are far more -wasteful than tho Republican ad ministration of tho past or that for mer Mayors administered the city's linances most economically. " Wo llnd further that no one permanent Improvement, not one big, constructive work, has been cither achieved or commenced In this reform administration. We llnd that the plans for great muni cipal works have been abandoned. "Let me make the prediction right here that the next eighteen months will bring upon the city a great ad dition to its taxation burdens, in those days, it will be the poor peo pie, those who can least afford to shoulder the heavier load, who will bo obliged to pay the piper for this sad dose of alleged reform "What is true of this city will be true also in the nation. We Repub llcans can well afford to await the prool of Democratic incapacity. want to make an appeal at this time to all Republicans, no matter what their recent dissensions may bave been. To Dull Moose, Keystone men and stalwarts, I say: watch the Democrats of this state "Flushed with victory in the na tion, they aro now reaching out hungry arms for tho spoils of office in Pennsylvania. It will be our fault If they shall succeed. Let us get together and we will return to the confidence of tho people when the sham of reform and the inca pacity of Democracy shall have been demonstrated, as both surely will be. A NEAR PANIC ON TRAIN Oil From Car Lamps Caused Women to Become Hysterical accessary to Stop I). & II. Train to Avert Disaster. The overboiling of burning oil from the lamps on the passenger train southbound from Mnevah to Carbondale on Thanksgiving Day caused tho passengers to become hysterical and a panic was averted by the stopping of the train. One or two of the lamps com menced to smoke and the brakeman turned them down. He then stepped Into another car to attend to other lamps, which were also smoking and when he returned to the first car all the lamps were "acting up." In some manner tho oil was forced out of the lamp and appeared to be boiling from tho bottom of th lamps. Tho oil had become ignited and groat drops of liquid fire wero falling to the car floor. Women commenced to scream and In order to prevent a panic it was necessary to pull tho cord to stop the train. Tho Incident occurred near Lanes-boro. Iter. Dr. Guild, Well Known la lloucsdnle, Delivers Kxccllent Sermon on tlio Subject. The following Is taken from tho Semi-Weekly Port Jervls Gazetto: Sunday was tho opening day ot what Is known as "homo mission week," and Rev. Dr. Guild at tbo First Presbyterian church gave a discourso on "Homo Mission Week. What It Means. What aro Its Prob lems." Homo 'mission week aims to im press on every man and woman of Harvester Company Is Preparing to Coinjiuto Willi tlio United States 1 ipartmcul of Agriculture. Chi ago. 111., Nov. 28. Tho Inter natlm.. 1 Harvester Company Is pre paring to compcto with tho United States Department of Agriculture In tho work of raising Amurlcan stand ards c : agriculture, says tho Chicago Rccon-Hurald. Afir experimenting -with seed Itupruvomcnt for two years, tho com pany lias now voted ? 1,000,000 for Che i imcdiato use of a nation wide .MARK KOEHLER INJURED . HV SHOT GUN. I HONESDALE TO HAVE PARCELS POST S en Shots Entered Knro of Hoy- Two Enter Hand So Serious In- Jury, Hut Painful. ' New Service Expected to He In Oner- Mark Koehler. son of Suncrln-1 "" I'lrst ear no- Brown thero under quarantine until he was free from danger of giving the dlseaso to others and later ho may bo taken back to New York state to answer for tho offenso which Is a serious one. Ho will probably bo compelled to stand trial. The quarantine on the houso of H. H. Wood at Twin Lake, in Ber lin township, was raised to-day and the patient, .lames Ryder, was re leased. Tho place was fumigated. Two new cases of smallpox wero reported to County Medical Inspec tor Dr. II. 13. Ely this week being in Damascus township. The patients aro Misses Nellie and Vera Bush. George Smith of Scott township, was also reported as having the disease. Dr. Frlsbie, who has charge or tho smallpox situation in Scott and Buck ingham townships, reported that Bert Strauss, who lives above win- terdale, in Scott township, was down with the disease. Thero are no new developments in and near Honesdale so no one here need bo alarmed. County Med ical Inspector Ely received a tele gram from Dr. Dixon, State Health Commissioner, to have every person or persons exposed to the disease, quarantined at once. Dr. O. J. Mullen, or Hamlin, is assisting Dr. Ely in the state work. 1iuri1i nf nvnrv o vnni'nl If fll I OTgli UlZatlOII. rlnnotnlnntlnn In -Mi Ik fmilltrv tlio 1 It illSO has brought Professor P. rlnr'ii. noiucn, lows aiaio director 01 agrlcultiiro extension for ten years, THE SPIRIT OF SPUNK. People hesitate about going to a sanatorium because they think that they are gloomy places. They Imagine rows of wan, sadfaced con sumptives lying on rest chairs amid an atmosphere of melancholy. If you .feel this way and are ad vising consumptives not to go to a sanatorium, read "Spunk," a little magazine published by the patients at tho State Sanatorium at Mont Alto; or better yet, visit the Sana torium Itself. Were it not for tne occasional allusions to tuberculosis, you would think that "Spunk" was a boarding school or a college maga zine. It is full of Jokes and tales of Sanatorium life. Everything is goodhumored. Thero is no grumb ling. It is the healthiest, most cheerful magazine imaginable. Visit tho Sanatorium and you will understand why. There Is so much sunshine, tho buildings aro so at tractive, and tho nurses and doctors are so ready to enter into the life of the patients that no one can feel gloomy. The patients are fighting for their lives, and they know it. Do not mistake that. But they have the spirit of Spunk, and though often they aro facing death, they do it with a smile so that tho patients be side them will not lose courage. The Sanatorium is your best friend. It Is a good place to bo. Show the spirit of Spunk and go there if it 13 necessary. Karl de Schweinitz, Executive Secretary, Pennsylvania Society for tho Pre vention of Tuberculosis. LET'S GET BETTER ACQUAINTED Wayne county newspaper publish ers, Just a word with you: Don't you think It Is about time wo be came better acquainted? Don't you think wo should become known as Tho Wayno Press Association, or 60 mo other name of meaning and dignity? How about a "gathering of the clans" at Thanksgiving, or Christmas, or New Years? How about "eating salt" with each other, and incidentally discovering what a fine lot of fellows wo really are? Hands up, all you who want to "Jlne in " In our humblo opinion such a meeting WOULD PAY. The vVayno Countoan. RECEIVED UGLY FLESH WOUND. While attempting to Teach for some fruit, which was upon a shelf beyond her arm's length, Mrs. Ed ward Doney received an ugly flesh wound in her right arm Monday evening. Mrs. Doney was standing upon a box and In her effort to reach a can of fruit the box turned, which resulted In Mrs. Doney's arm coming in violent contact with a Bharp corner of the shelf. The flesh was torn a few Inches, which was closed by Dr. E. W. Burns taking five stitches. Mrs. Doney Is Improv ing nicely, but sho has a very sore arm. RED LETTER DAY COMING. Thero was reference In this col umn a few days ago to the fact that it is somewhat surprising that some thing definite has not been done to date. In the matter of providing a street car system that would em brace Hawley, Honesdale and oth er towns of tho vicinity. Mention of some plan of that kind was con tained in a quotation from a Hones dale exchange. That borough has the ambition to get in touch by trolley with tho towns of the Delaware val ley, and secure tho advantage of their trade. From Wayne comes statement just now to the effect that tho parties Interested In tho pro posed lino between Hawley and Seelyvillo agreed to tako over tho rights and privileges of the Hawley and Honesdale Street Railway com pany. One of tho New York cap italists who visited Honesdale, is said to have remarked that If a sat isfactory arrangement of tho Inter ests of these two companies could bo made that work on the lino would possibly start in tho Spring. What a red letter day It will be for Hones dale and Hawley when such a trol ley service Is provided! Afternoon Echoes in Scranton Truth. supremo importance or caving through the established agencies or America for the kingdom of God, through tho established agencies of tho church. The problems of the church wero dealt with at some length separately, such as tho prob lem of tho Indian, who number 295,000; tho Negro, who In 1010, number over nine million; the Asia tics of whom there aro 142,000 In America; tho immigrants, who are coming to America at tho rate of a million a year; tho saloon and tem perauco reform and Mormonism. Such nro some of tho problems of to-day In America, which American churches aro facing. Dr. Guild affirmed that if the church of America cannot work out a solution to those problems, surely no human institution can. If the church does not boIvo these prob lems for America, surely no human institution will, but tho church of Christ can solve them. Tho church of Christ is the greatest factor in human history. It's tho power of God encompassing the globo to sanctify and enoblo everything it can touch. In America, there are today 22,000,000 church members; church adherents, 60,000,000; Sunday school enrollment, 10,000,000; or dained ministers, 102,000; church organizations 215,000; Church build ings 210,000; seating capacity, 60, 000,000; value ot church property, $1,00,000,000. Yes, the church of America is the mightiest army of America, and probably influences more or less directly the majority of the majority of the population of the country. "An Ideal America free from every ill and devoted to every good cause awaits the reign of Christ in every heart in America." The preacher concluded his dis course by three practical suggestions. First It is the duty and privilege of church members to thoroughly Inform themselves on tho entire subject, namely the power of the church and tho problem it faces.. Second To contribute In his mens uro to tho expenses Involved in tho work of evangelizing America. Third It is our privllego io pray for tho evangelization of our coun try The discourse was concluded with quotation of the order given by tho admiral to his fleet In Manila Bay. When the flagship signalled tho batteries of Cavlto have opened fire, ho commanded "Steam Ahead." The command was obeyed and Into tho heart of Manila Bay moved the American fleet flying tho Stars and Stripes, facing the frowning war ships and batteries of all sorts, the bands playing "The Star Spangled Banner." Tho conflict was on and the victory was won The Head of tho church of today Is Issuing his order to tho church of America, "Steam Ahead. Steam Ahead." Will sho obey tho com mand? The golden rulo of Christ will bring the golden day of Amer ica. MURRAY COMPANY AWARDED BIG CONTRACT. Tho enterprising hardware firm of Murray company, of this place, has .been awarded tho contract to fur nish a coupleto lino of Walter A. Wood farm machinery for tho Crim inal Insane hospital at Farvlew. Fart of the order has been 11. ed. DEAN HICKERT NUPTIAL. Margaret, only daughter of Mr and Mrs. John Dean, of Whito Mills, and Lewis RIckort, oldest son of Mr and Mrs. Anthony RIckort, or In dlan Orchard, were married at o'clock Wednesday afternoon by Rev. Dr. Balta In St. Mary Magda len's church. Tho young couple were attended by Miss Charlotta Austin and Julius RIckcrt, tho latter being a brother of tho bridegroom. Tho young married couple left Wednes day afternoon on tho 2:53 Erl train for a brief wedding tour. Thoy will go to housekeeping at Great Bend, where Mr. Rickert la employed by Demer Bros., cut glass manufac turora. Tho Citizen extends con gratulatlons. THEOBALD SWINGLE. At tho Lutheran parson ago by Rev. C. C. Miller on Thursday after noon at 3:30 o'clock, Fred W. Theo bald of Honesdale and M)ss Eunice P. Swingle of Steeno wero married. ,to Chicago to tako charge of the ser- "vlco bureau. Among the things tho Harvester company Intends to do aro these: To use its -12,000 agents through out the United States for the dis tribution of improved seed, scienti fic farming literature, etc. To broaden tho corn belt and to raise tho avorago production per acre. To educate tho corn belt farmers to tho value ot alfalfa and to fur nish experts in its culture. To run seed corn specials, alfalfa specials and diversified .farming specials In every State of the Union. To go from county to county in au tomobiles, lecturing and demon strating wherecvor ten farmers sign a request for such service. To offer farmers the services of an organizer to build up social and farm Improvement societies. To demonstrate the advantages of consolidating schools in place of the small country schools, making it possible to teach scientific farm methods. To establish demonstration farms in addition to the three now in operation in tho South. To show boll weeviled cotton growers and ' wheated out North Dakotans how to get started with other farm crops. To help secure and maintain county crop experts to serve farmers. To organize dairy and testing as sociations. To furnish tested alfalfa, corn and other seed. "Tho first seed corn 'gospel train' was run in 1894," said Professor Holden. "At that time farmers laughed at scientific farming and at agricultural schools. But thoso who know of the results of this work In Iowa do not laugh now. "In tho last eight years wo have increased the average yield for the State three bushels an acre. The counties .average 100,000 acres in corn, which means for tho ninety nine counties an added crop yearly of 29,700,000, all due to better seed and better methods." The Harvester company, to quote one of its officials, intends " to give Professor Holden to the nation." Tho work in the past has been con fined to telling the farmers how Now it Is proposed to show them. During the last two years, under the direction of M. R. D. Owlngs and J. E. Wagner, the company has been circulating educational stere opticon slides and moving picture films, besides sending out tested seed and literature. tendent and Mrs. J. J. Koehler, of North Main street, iwho makes his homo In Seolyville, was accidentally shot in tho faco with a shot gun whllo hunting near Rinnlng's Pond In Cherry RIdgo township on Thurs day morning, but was not seriously Injured. Mark Koehler, with three other men, wore hunting with shot guns at Rinnlng's Pond that morning. As they wero walking along looking for game a pheasant arose from the ground suddenly and one of the men raised his gun and 11 red at it. Koehler was between tho pheasant and the man who shot, and receiv ed part of tho scattering load In his faco and right hand. Tho shots were No. 7 Mi- The boy was not ser iously Injured but the effect was vory painful. Tho shots wero imbedded In his face and ono went through tho cheek and into the mouth of tho boy. He was brought back to Honesdale where Dr. Powell attended him and dressed his in juries. Seven shot were found In tho boy's face and two shots wero found Imbedded in his right hand. The shots wero not removed. The boy luckily escaped serious injury and loss of sight for two of the small shots penetrated tho flesh bovo tho boy s eyes. MRS. CONCERNING POTATOES. A most discouraging feature of tho so-called bumper crops of the East this year has been the tre- imndous rot In potatoes. More or less of this late blight strikes our potatoes every year. However If the weathor Is dry tho spores can not develop and, therefore, little damage is caused. Thl3 year during tho period in which tho lato blight usually strikes us, tho weather was wet and hot and gavo Ideal condi tions for tho development of these little spores, and this accounts for tho prevalence of rot in the crop. It not only decreases tho yield but also decreases the confidence of the buyers In tho crop and so holds down prices. A regular and constant spraying would have partly, If not entirely, prevented this rot. Many farmers have raised tho objection that It Is hard to get on high land with a spraying machine becauso of the ex cessive moisture, and some have complained that It Is absolutely Im possible to get on muck land In the wet season, but some of our farmers have actually proven tho practical sldo of spraying this yoar by keeping at It consistently oven when tho weather was wot. Death of James W. Church. Tho remains of James W. Church, aged 02 years, who died on Novem ber 25th, at his homo at Lynn, Mass., wero taken to Honesdale Wednesday evening on tho C:55 Erie train. Tho funeral took place Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from tho Presbyterian church. Bethany. Mr. Pard Braman of Indian Orchard, was a brothor-In law of tho deceased. Services will bo as follows .In St. John's Lutheran church, Sunday, December 1st: 10:30 a. ra.. subject of sermon "Dor Festzug des Ad vents Koenlg": 11:45 Bible school; 2 n. m.. service at White Mills: 7:30 "Am I My Brother's Keepor." Tho old pipe organ which served the con gregatlon hitherto has been sold Tho Instrument has been removed to make room for tho now organ. IRISH WERE INVENTORS OF TELEGRAPHY, IS CLAIM Washington, Nov. 28. Tho Morse code, by which messages are flashed over tho vast network of wires throughout the civilized world, was not tho Invention of Samuel F. B Morse, but was of Irish origin, be ing the old Gaelic dot and dash al phabet in use as early as 1150. This declaration by Prof. James Money before tho Archaeological Society of Washington at its meeting in the National Museum has stirred up heated controversy. Prof. Money decalred that tho Gaelic alphabet, or the Ogcm system, as It was known was actually tho basis of the so called Morso code. Ho insisted his contention was fully carried out by tho records of tho ancient Irish peo pie as found In stone and wooden carvings. " Thero wore seventeen letters In tho Gaelic alphabet," ho declared " and they began with one dash went up to live dashes, then from live dashes down to one dash and then began tho dots very much the same as the Morso alphabet used In telegraphy." Death of Mrs. John Corbett. On Wednesday morning, Novem ber 27th, at hor homo In Seelyvllle occurred tho death of Mrs. John Corbett, aged soventy-threo years, Besides hor husband, she Is survived by threo daughters and two sons namely: Mrs. William Grove, Mrs John Cunningham, Miss Anna Cor bett, all of Honesdale, and Dennis Corbett, residing In Honesdalo, and Patrick Corbott of Avoca. Tho funeral took placo Friday morning at 10 o clock from St. John's Roman Catholic church. Interment was mado In St. John's cemetery. FRIEDEWALD'S LITERARY PROGRAM. is a matter of interest to former Honesdale patrons of Mrs. Salo rrledewald, we give space to the following program which Mrs. Friede wald arranged for, and is giving to the Literary Department ot the Scranton Century Club on Friday mornings. The readings embrace a study of the works of George Mere dith as follows: Tho Mcssago of Georgo Meredith October 10. 'Our life is but a little holding lent To do a mighty labor; we are one With heaven and the stars when It Is spent, To servo God's aim; else die we with the sun." Tho Shaving of Shngpat November 0. 'Lo of hundreds who aspire Eighties perish nineties tire They who bear up in spite of wrecks and wracka Were seasoned by celestial hail of thwacks. Discussion Present Day Shagpats. Richard Foverel November 20 "It is difficult for thoso who think very earnestly for their children to know when their children are think ing on their own accounts." Discussion Sir Austin's Failure. Evan Harrington. December !. The memoirs of a managed man have yet to be written; but If ho bo slncero ho will tell you that ho knew it all the time." Discussion Juliana and Rose. Snndra Bel Ion 1 December 18. May no dear woman I know over marry the first man sho loves." Discussion Emilln. Vlttoria. January 15. "Not to let her soul fly. out among the twisting chances. Discussion Artist and Idealist. Rhoda Flcmmlng. February 5. "A human act, once set In motion flows on forever to tho great account Our deathlessness Is In what wo do, not In what wo are." Discussion Rhoda. Tho Egoist. February 11). "In the gratification of tho egois tic instincts wo may so besot our selves as to deal a slaughtering wound upon Self, to whatever quar ter wo turn. Discussion Letltla Dale. Tho Tragic Comedians. March f. Lovo may bo celestial fire boforo It enters Into tho systems of mor tals It will then tako tho character of tho place of its abode." Discussion Ferdinand Lassallo. partmeiit Busy Working: Out Details. A new law adding the parcels post fcaturo to the postal service, was passed at the last session of con gress and was approved by Presi dent Taft. Just how the new ser vlco will affect the Honesdalo post office cannot bo stated Just now but It Is certain that Postmaster M. B. Allen will receive instructions any day now as to tho establishing of tho new delivery service the first of tho year. Under tho parcels post dollvery system persons can go to tho post office and receive and forward pack ages by mail instead of sending them by express. The weight of pack ages must not bo over eleven pounds however and must ho kept down to a certain size. The return card of tho sender must also bo placed In a conspicuous place on tho package. One of the features of tho new law Is that a special parcels post stamp must be used on the packages and If tho stamps now In use bo placed on them they will be held for post ago as the postofflce authorities In sist that the special stamp be used. Tho postal department at Wash ington will be busy from now until the first of the year in working out tho details of the new service and special equipment such as scales, tapes and stamp seals must be se cured and sent out to each of tho 00,000 postolllces In the United States. The new law provides for the re ceiving of parcels at all postoffices and branch offices and also such sta tions as the postofflce department shall designate. This means that the service will be In use in Honesdale. Tho steadily Increasing business at the Honesdale office long ago taxed the capacity of their old quarters In the Foster building so that they were obliged to removo to the City Hall where tho larger space greatly facilitates the handling of tho malls and so that when the par cels post service is established In Honesdale there will undoubtedly be pletny of room for its proper handling. HOW THANKSGIVING WAS OBSERVED. Honesdale Gives Thanks Union Services in Presbyterian Church Special Services in German Luth eran and German Catholic Churches. The people of Honesdale did their part in rendering thanks to tho Al mighty for the numerous blessings, both spiritual and material, that have been showered upon us the past year, and also for the bright pros pects of the future, for Honesdale certainly has a bright future ahead. In tho churches special services were held. Thero were Union Thanksgiving services In the Presby terian church and n forceful sermon was preached by Rev. Will II. HUler of the Methodist church. Four churches joined in tho union ser vices. They were the Baptist, Pres byterian, Methodist, Episcopal and the Grace Episcopal. Rev. Whltta ker of the latter denomination was unable to be present, being prevent ed by illness. Rev. Hiller took for his first text "What Shall I Render Unto tho Lord For All of His Benefits Toward Mo, 116 Psalm, 6th verse. His second text was "Thanks Bo to God For His Unspeakable Gifts," Second Corinthians, 9:15. Rev. Hiller began by citing the national blessings and the abundant harvests all over tho land as a great thing to bo thankful for. Ho spoke of tho gift of a homo and the lovo of Christ as being tho greatest bless ing of all to bo thankful for on that day. He closed his excellent sermon with an appeal to every ono to be. thankful for the blessings of Jesus Christ. In tho German Lutheran church Rev. Miller preached a splen did Thanksgiving sermon .at 10;30 In German. Ho took for his text. 'Bless the Lord, O My Soul, and Forget Not His Benefits," 103rd Psalm. There was a largo attend ance. A special mass was held in St. Mary Magdalen's church at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. There was a large attendance and Ur. J. W. Balta delivered a splendid sermon. Thero wero no special services In St. John's R. C. church yesterday. Father John O Toolo preached a Thanksgiving sermon last Sunday. Miss Ethel Leo returned hom Wednesday evening from a visit with ber sister, Miss E. Loulso Leo, ot Jersey City. Sho wns accompanied homo by tho latter, who 1b spending the Thanksgiving holidays with her parentss, Mr. and Mrs. Wra. H. Leo. Miss Botrlco Havey was a Scran ton caller on Thursday. Mrs. Archibald Fitch, of Wllkes Barro, was the guest of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Helen Ayers, tho first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and daughter, Bernlce, spent Thursday In Waymart. Diana of tho Crosswnys. March 11). "Wo aro warmer If wo travel on foot sunward but It Is a dlscovory that wo aro colder If wo tako to bal looning upward. Tho material good reverses Its benefits tho moro nearly we clasp It. All life Is a lesson that wo live to enjoy but In tho spirit." Discussion Diana. Tho Amazing Marriage. April 2. 'Waif of our funny heathen lives wo aro bent double to gather things wo havo tossed away." Discussion Cariuthla Jane. Lord Ormont and Ills Ainlnta. April 10. "Laws aro a necessary Instrument of the majority but when thoy grind the eano human being to dust for their maintenance, tholr enthrone ment is the rulo of the savages old deity sniffing blood sacrifice." Discussion Amlnta. MARRIAGE OF MARY DONNELLY Miss Mary Donnelly, formerly of Honesdale, but of lato residing in Scranton, was married Thanks giving to Michael A. Cook of that city at 9 o'clock by Father Patrick. Miss Ellzaboth Donnelly, a sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid, and James Meehan was tho grooms man. Tho bride wore a traveling suit of brown, a Galnsboro hat, and carried white chrysanthemums. Her maid wore a tallor-mado suit of blue, a Galnsboro hat, and carried yellow chrysanthemums. Following the ceremony a wed ding breakfast was served at the bride's homo and a reception waa held. Mr. and Mrs. Cook aftorward went to Now York on a honeymoon, trip. They will resido in West Scranton. Frank Epter, of Carbondale, will open a ladles' and -misses' coat and suit department in tho store building now occupied by Fred Gleher as a suit prosslng shop, on -December 1. He will handle all kinds of Ladles' and MIsosa' high grade apparel.